Platform for collaborative product and processes development.
Draghici, George ; Savii, George ; Draghici, Anca 等
Abstract: New and efficient paradigms for web-based collaborative
product design in a global economy will be driven by increased
outsourcing, increased competition, and pressures to reduce product
development time. The paper presents the prototype of the collaborative
platform for integrated product and processes development in association
with product life-cycle stages. The platform implementation is related
to a Romanian virtual research network INPRO in the context of the joint
research activities. Based on the existing web and video-conferencing
facilities, in association with a product life-cycle stages tree
representation, we have defined the platform architecture using the
IDEFO language. A key contribution of this work is a flexible
architecture that joint together: activities, processes, methods, tools,
case studies and researchers' competencies, in a modular feature,
easy to develop and manage.
Key words: Collaborative Product Design, Product Life-Cycle, IDEFO,
Web-site, Video-conference
There have been tremendous changes in product development processes
in recent years. A significant increase in the outsourcing of components
necessitates increased coordination and collaboration within and across
enterprises. Balakrishnan et al. (1999) define collaboration as the
process of interaction among multiple participants with inter-linked but
distinct roles and specializations working together on interrelated
activities towards a common goal.
Collaborative product design based information systems are slowly
becoming a reality due to the advent of the Information and
Communication Technologies (ICT) development. However, collaboration for
product design requires considerably broader capabilities than are
provided by most of the other simple collaborative applications
available today. The current systems demand high bandwidth, high-end
software and hardware resources at the client-side. Consequently, true
Internet-based collaborative product design systems are not yet
Our research prototype provides a platform to support collaborative
product and processes design based on the product life-cycle stages in
the Romanian virtual research network INPRO. Internet and the
video-conference system are the main facilities that contribute to the
platform development and use. The goal of this prototype is to develop
the framework of collaborative design system that will join and share
the knowledge and facilities (methods and tools for design,
communication, and training/negotiation equipment) for product
The platform employs a three-tier architecture that partitions the
overall system into a server-side, a client-side, and a database. A
master copy of the product development model is kept at the server and
each client has a local copy of this master. The clients are capable of
creating, modifying, and deleting the master product model using the
collaboration platform.
All of the product modeling and constraint solving operations are
performed at the server-side in order to have thin clients. The purpose
of the paper is to demonstrate the ability of our thin-client
architecture to collaborate. Ability to perform the following functions,
which are not done by any research prototype or commercial system,
demonstrates the uniqueness of the architecture: (1) Creating and modify
a product design in a collaborative mode; (2) Having a thin-client model
by performing the computation intensive operations based on the product
life-cycle stages and, also using the video-conferencing system. (3)
Maintaining the product development history in the database on the
server-side. This information could be retrieved for reviewing when
The most collaborative platforms support data exchange,
collaborative viewing and mark-up, and share 2D and 3D product models.
CollIDE (Nam and Wright, 1998) and CyberEye (Zhuang, Chen and
Venter, 2000) are 3D shared workspaces that can be accessed by multiple
users, but they lack the capability to perform collaborative creation,
deletion, or the manipulation of geometry. Kao and Lin (1998) proposed a
collaborative CAD/CAM system (COCADCAM) that includes surface modeling,
tool path simulation and post-processing, and CAD geometry co-editing,
but no solid modeling. Collaborative Solid Modeling (Chan, Wong and Ng,
1999) allows sharing and editing of a solid model over the web
synchronously, but requires a solid modeler at each client. WebSPIFF
(Bidarra et. al., 2001) is a collaborative feature based modeler that
allows simultaneous creation, deletion, and modification of features by
many users.
Teledesign (Shu and Flowers, 1992) examines groupware interface
issues with collaborative 3D modeling environments. MUG (Foster et. al.,
2001) is a multi-user environment for collaborative conceptual shape
design capable of modeling NURBS one at a time. NetVP (Lee, 2001) is a
distributed design environment for network-centric virtual prototyping.
NetVP is capable of geometry creation using features but not using
sketching. Important contribution to a Computer Aided Distributed Design
and Collaboration are described by Agrawal et. al. (2002). They have
developed and implement a collaborative shape design system with a
server-based geometry Kernel. Also, the same authors make a relevant
overview upon the commercial systems also available. Webscope[TM],
OneSpace Designer[TM], DIVISION[TM], Alibre Design[TM], Alventive[TM],
GS-Design[TM], IX SpeeD[TM] and 3G.Web.Decisions[TM].
Important conclusions were formulated: most of the collaborative
platforms are dedicated for product shape conceptualization (most 3D
models) and modeling; they support web synchronously collaboration for
CAD/CAM (for the fields design and manufacturing); most of them support
all type documents' share but they do not have special application
for training or negotiation (design argumentation).
The main common research activity in the INPRO network is to
develop a common knowledge base to support collaborative work. The
methods and tools that will be used focused on the inventory of the
actual resources of the partners and a database creation, which will be
available to all partners on INPRO's web page. The basic
conceptualization of the knowledge-based system or knowledge-level agent
in the case of the collaborative platform is related to the following
product life-cycle stages: (1) require analysis; (2) design; (3)
manufacturing; (4) end-of-life (recycling). These categories are
detailed described using the IDEFO language and the iGrafx software
facilities (process and detail diagrams). These diagrams are related to
specific knowledge-bases with: methods, tools, procedures and
researchers competencies (the ontology). This basic structure is
displayed on INPRO's web page, but the access is allowed for the
members only for the development of the future collaboration with
industrial partners.
Figure 1 shows the architecture of the proposed collaborative
platform. It is build around a central server, hosting the database
system and the file system (documents) (Savii, 2002).
The INPRO network decided very early to lean the joint work of the
members and a part of the work dissemination on a video-conference (VC)
system. This will allowed the easy relation with all the partners and
the link with other global virtual teams. The VC system consists of four
remote VC of the INPRO network sites across the country, established in
each research pole. A collaborative usage of the system for: training
and common research activities; collaborative work (working group,
application sharing, PhD. Thesis presentations etc.); management of the
network; INPRO network activity archiving and streaming; work jointly
with industrialist and other virtual global team. The meaning that the
system must support: IP or ISDN communication; an international service;
interactive multi-sessions for the partners; high quality and service.
The first result of our research is the basic representation of the
collaborative platform and its disposal on Internet. After discussions
between the researchers, this primary form of the platform will be
optimized and then will be filled and defined the knowledge data-bases.
In this paper, a collaborative platform for product and processes
development is presented. The web based collaborative platform is linked
with a VC system for training and design decision support. In our
platform concept, the whole product life-cycle stages are considered and
sustained by specific knowledge bases. It is expected that the research
results and the well definition of the collaborative platform will play
a crucial role in expanding distributed the work related to integrated
product and processes development for the whole product life-cycle
(Draghici, 2007)
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