Specific features and functionalities of ERP software package and data base for technological resources management in FMC.
Popescu, Stefan Eugen ; Nicolescu, Adrian Florin ; Minciu, Constantin 等
Abstract: Using the specific features and functionalities of a
built ERP software system adjacent with a FMC system, increases the
efficiency in production programming. It was developed a new software
system composed from an ERP web application for technological resource
management and the database. In description of the new software system
were considered in a practical way the specific features and
functionalities together with the modules interfaces.
Key words: software system, ERP, management.
The paper comes to present the specific features and
functionalities of ERP software package and data base for technological
resources management in FMC. In the paper is presented the practical way
for managing the data about a complex machining part production in the
composed referential FMC. The practical work-flow in the ERP application
enable the increasing of manufacturing efficiency integrated with
technological resources management.
Observing a need for automation and centralization in the
activities of production planning, it was built an ERP software system
for management of technological resources from FMC systems. The
developed ERP software was tested by administrating the data about
manufacturing a complex designed part with revolution surfaces in the
referential FMC. Using the ERP software system it become possible to
keep centralized the data about technological resources of referential
FMC (machines, robot, parts, tools ...). Also it is possible to compose
the part manufacturing technology, to plan the production, to keep the
functional status of the machines and to generate specific reports for
starting/ preparing the manufacturing at the FMC level.
2.1 Part production in the ERP software system
Starting from the Production Basis module of the ERP software
system is possible to manage the data about shape and dimensions of
every part possible to be manufactured in the FMC technological system.
In the interface of the Production Basis module is available a hyperlink
to the manufacturing drawing for part and a hyperlink to the part
manufacturing technology. The file containing the manufacturing drawing
for part is managed in the interface and can be updated with a newer
version at any time. The part manufacturing technology is selected from
the existing part manufacturing technologies composed in the specific
module with the same name. In the same interface is possible to generate
an Excel report containing the data of the parts manufactured in the
FMC. After the parts data are introduced in the informatics system the
user proceed to compose the part manufacturing technology. In the
Part's manufacturing technology module are introduced the
preliminary data of the technology consisting of an identifying code,
the starting bar piece and the part to be manufactured.
In the data table from the interface is available a hyperlink
pointing to the interface for introduction of each step of machining by
selecting from the existing data in the system introduced in the
Production Basis module. In each line of data are contained the details
of machining as the Tool Center, the tools, the machining type and the
functional parameters. The parameters data are managed in a distinct
interface accessible by a hyperlink from the interface containing the
steps of the part's manufacturing technology. In the parameters
setting interface is possible to manage all the data about a machining
step and also the image containing the representation of part and the
tools in working position. Once the parameters, steps and the entire
part manufacturing technology is sated the user can verify the
availability of the machines from the FMC, in the next future, in the
Machine Status module of the ERP software system. When the availability
of the machines is sated, the user can proceed to production planning of
the part.
In Fig.3 is presented the functional interface of the parts
manufacturing technology module, showing the tables and controls
corresponding to the steps of machining contained in the part
technology. It can be observed the hyperlink corresponding to each step,
pointing to the interface shown in Fig.4 where are sated the machining
parameters and the image of the machining with tools and dimensions. In
Fig.5 is presented the image of Part's production planning using
Gantt chart in Project application, the file being accessed and managed
in the ERP for technological resources management.
In Fig.6 is presented the interface containing the overall
production planning with the Gantt chart preview and the control for
introduction of the total number of part manufactured at the moment of
completion. Once the planning is performed the personnel from FMC level
generate the appropriate reports accessing the ERP application with an
intranet/ internet terminal. Based on the reports is started the
production. After the production is started, an operator complete daily
the total number of parts manufactured at the completion time. The
production is tracked/ monitored by checking/ listing the report
containing the production ratio with all parts manufactured at the time.
For each part is possible the tracking of production evolution in time.
Following the steps presented above is complete the practical way of
data management in the ERP for technological resources planning.
There were presented the specific features and functionalities of
ERP software package with data base for technological resources
management in FMC. It was presented the practical way for managing the
data about a complex machining part production in the composed
referential FMC. Overall there were made original contributions by
forming the referential FMC and building the software system made from
ERP application and database. The contributions are conducting to an
increasing of the efficiency of work in planning, organizing, managing
and tracking/ monitoring the production in FMC for machining. Next is
intended the development of the entire software system in an assembly of
modular software product useful to different industrial partners.
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