Temperature research during processing with ceramic plates in turning.
Salihu, Avdi ; Bunjaku, Avdyl ; Zeqiri, Hakif 等
Abstract: In this paper are introduced research results of the
temperature using the thermocouple method during the turning. The
research is done in numerical control lathe GILDEMESTER MD 5S on
material C 45 (according to DIN) with cutter plates MC2 of the HERTEL
Company. The processing is implemented by changing various independent
sizes: cutting velocity (v), feed (s), cutting depth (a) and nose radius
(r) using the plan with four first row factors (4 2 4 +).
Key words:.temperature, turning, cutting plates, thermocouple
During the cutting process, as a result of energetic
transformations a large amount of heat is released in the cutting zone.
In the cutting process appear three heat sources in the zone of cutting
as follows:
--in the plastic deformation zone of the cut layer (on the cutting
--in the meeting surface of chip couple--the front surface and
--in the meeting surface of the couple, the processed surface the
back surface.
According to the research results 99,5 % of the spent force for
implementing the cutting process (force for plastic deformation, force
for defeating the friction force) turns into heat energy.
Regarding to the average temperature during cutting, many
scientific studies are published. Researches have been conducted in
order to establish the influence of processing parameters in temperature
distribution, in the processing part and the cutting edge. In these
publications, mathematical models were obtained, that describe the
change of the average temperature and the distribution of the
temperature on the front surface of the cutting edge (Aleksander 1976).
Former researches for temperature measurement are done by Savin (1909), Brokenberg Mayer (1911), that have measured temperature using
the caliometric method during the cutting process. Usachev in 1915
applied the thermocouple which he placed on a tool and measured the
temperature directly. At the same time, Shore (1924) in the USA, Getwin
(1925) in Germany and Herbert (1925) in England, have developed
temperature measurement through natural thermocouple that is made up
from the instrument and the processing part.
In this paper are introduced the research and experimental results
of temperature measurement through the method of thermocouple.
Material: Steel C 45 is used (according to DIN) product of foundry
Ravne from Koroshka's Ravne, Republic of Slovenia. Machine: The
experiment for measuring the average temperature is done in numerical
control lathe type GILDEMEISTER M5S P= 1.85 - 25 KW number of rotations
n=100-4000 [min.sup.-1] and feed s= 0.001-39.99 mm/rot. Metal cutting
tool: Ceramic cutting plates MC2 are used 120712-120716-120720 product
of HERTEL. It is used the holder IK.KS2NR-064 25x25 mm made by
KENNAMETAL Company (original [chi]=85[degrees] turned 10[degrees]) with
the following geometry: [chi]=75[degrees], [[chi].sub.1] = 15[degrees],
[gamma] = -6[degrees], [lambda] = -6[degrees], [r.sub.[epsilon]] 1.2 -
1.6mm, [[gamma].sub.f] = -20[degrees], [b.sub.f] = 0.2mm, VB=0.00 mm.
Cutting plate holder is adjusted to the conditions for transporting
thermo-electrical signal from the cutting plate. fig. 2.1. The equipment
for registration of signals from the working material: HOTINGER'S
Head (Salihu 2001)
Installation for the calibration of natural thermocouple C45-MC2,
based on results, is obtained dependence between temperature and thermo
voltage, as a fifth-order polynomial. Research apparatus: In order to
set the average temperature during the cutting process, it is used the
measuring apparatus.
Rings: They are made of the following dimensions [??] 170 x 80 x 25
mm. The processing was executed by changing the various independent
sizes: cutting velocity (v), feed (s), cutting depth (a) and the nose
radius (r) as shown on table 2.1, by using the first row four factors
plan ([2.sup.4] + 4) (Salihu 2001).
The obtained results out of the experiment realization are
presented on table 3.1 and based on the data processing, the
mathematical model 3.1 is obtained (Salihu 2001). The graphical
interpretation of the model 3.1. is presented in fig 3.1 By analyzing
the mathematical model and the graphic interpretations we can conclude
as follows:
--the highest temperature will be at the chip's contact zone
with the front surface because the largest amount of heat is
concentrated here as a result of deformation and friction
T = 364.194 x [v.sup.0.188] x [s.sup.0.102] x [a.sup.0.0341] x
[r.sup.-0.0865] 3.1
--in the cutting temperature influences except the cutting speed,
that has a greater influence, also the feed. If the feed increases, the
chip pressure on the tool will increase; along with it will increase the
work too which is necessary for deformation. But as it is known, the
coefficient of chip contraction decreases, and therefore the required
work for deforming a 1 mm3 chip decreases. On the other hand, the
friction of the back surface with the work piece does not change.
Consequently, the cutting temperature increases when the cutting feed is
increased but at a slower rate than to the velocity.
--when the cutting feed is increased, the contact of chip with the
front face is improved the heating decline.
--it can be stated that the increase of the average temperature is
a result of the increase of temperature on the back surface of the tool
because of the increased friction between the processed surface and the
tool's back surface.
--the cutting depth influences in the cutting temperature and this
is seen from mathematical models and their graphical interpretation,
because the pressure on the cutting edge length unit does not change.
With the increase of the cutting depth the length of the edge that takes
part in the cutting process is increased, and thereby the heat removes
from the cutting zone.
--the geometry of tool influences on the cutting temperature, with
the increase of the cutting angle the cutting forces increase and
consequently the quantity of heat that is created at the cutting zone
increases - that is the temperature increases.
--tool's material influences on the cutting temperature by
starting off from two directions; first--the coefficient of its friction
with the work piece and second from thermal conductivity (Aleksander
Out of the mathematical models analysis and graphical
interpretations we can conclude:
--the change of the average temperature during the cutting process
in the function of cutting parameters can be presented through gradual
--the largest influence on average temperature has the cutting
velocity and cutting feed where during the research the maximal temperature value was 1102.75 0 C.
--the influence of cutting depth is lower in temperature during the
cutting process.
--when the nose radius of the top cutting plate is increased, the
temperature is decreased.
Salihu, A. (2001), Research of machinability of cutting material
with increased speed (Hulumtimi i peerpunueshmerise se materialit me
prerje me shpejtesi te rritura), doctoral dissertation, Faculty of
mechanical Engineering, Prishtine.
Stankov, J. (1982),Measurement technical basic, methods and
experiments planification (Osnove merne tehnike,metode planiranja
eksperimenata), Faculty of mechanical Engineering, Novi Sad..
Miltton C.Shav, (2005), Metal cutting principles, Arizona State
University, Oxford New York.
Aleksander B,. (1976), Mechanical technology, volume I (Teknologjia
mekanike, volumi I), Faculty of mechanical Engineering, Tirane.
Table 2.1. Factors levels during the investigation
Nr Note Code Maximal 1 Average 0 Minimal -1
1 v (m/min) X1 700,000 458,258 300,000
2 s (mm/rrot) X2 0.320 0,226 0,160
3 a (mm) X3 1,600 0,894 0,500
4 r (mm) X4 2,000 1,549 1.2
Table 3.1. Results of the investigation
v s a r T
Nr (m/min) (mm/rrot) (mm) (mm) ([degrees]C)
1 300.000 0.160 0.500 1.200 850.600
2 700.000 0.160 0.500 1.200 1020.700
3 300.000 0.320 0.500 1.200 905.600
4 700.000 0.320 0.500 1.200 1050.900
5 300.000 0.160 1.600 1.200 890.600
6 700.000 0.160 1.600 1.200 1070.800
7 300.000 0.320 1.600 1.200 942.300
8 700.000 0.320 1.600 1.200 1102.750
9 300.000 0.160 0.500 2.000 805.600
10 700.000 0.160 0.500 2.000 940.010
11 300.000 0.320 0.500 2.000 890.600
12 700.000 0.320 0.500 2.000 1050.400
13 300.000 0.160 1.600 2.000 840.700
14 700.000 0.160 1.600 2.000 980.400
15 300.000 0.320 1.600 2.000 930.010
16 700.000 0.320 1.600 2.000 1058.600
17 458.258 0.226 0.894 1.549 940.800
18 458,258 0.226 0.894 1.549 930.300
19 458.258 0.226 0.894 1.549 945.700
20 458.258 0.226 0.894 1.549 927.200