Testing the accuracy of ATOS[TM] 3d optical scanner measuring volumes.
Brajlih, Tomaz ; Valentan, Bogdan ; Drstevenser, Igor 等
Abstract: Non-contact optical three-dimensional measuring, scanning
and digitising are increasingly present in quality assurance systems.
Simple scanning procedures, high density of data acquired in a single
scan, possibility of integrated reverse engineering and inspection are
all advantages of optical scanning compared to conventional coordinate
measuring. However, the accuracy of most optical scanners is still not
up to the level of coordinate measuring machines. This paper presents
the accuracy testing of three different measuring volumes of the
ATOS[TM] mark II optical scanner. For this purpose, the scanned and
digitized data of the test piece was compared to the measuring data
collected by the ZEISS UMC 850[TM] coordinate measuring machine.
Key words: Optical scanning, 3d digitising, coordinate measuring,
reverse engineering
The ATOS[TM] system is based on the triangulation principle: The
sensor unit projects different fringe patterns onto the object to be
measured which are then recorded by two cameras (Figure 1). Each single
measurement generates up to 4 million data points. In order to digitize
an object completely, several individual measurements are required from
different angles. Based on reference points (circular markers), which
are applied to the object directly or to the measuring plate or a
fixture, ATOS transforms these individual measurements fully
automatically into a common global coordinate system (GOM 2007).
ATOS[TM] II three-dimensional scanner is equipped with three
different projector and camera lenses setups that enable the scanning to
be performed inside three different measuring volumes (135, 350 and
1200mm envelope). Using the larger measuring volume quickens the
scanning of large parts by reducing the number of required consequent
scans. However, the accuracy of scans falls with an increased volume
envelope size. The purpose of this test was to establish the difference
in dimensional accuracy of scans taken in individual volumes. The part
measured was a standard demo-part for coordinate measuring machines. For
a reference CAD model that was used to inspect the scanned data the
demo-part was reverse-engineered directly from the measuring data
acquired with ZEISS UMC 850 coordinate measuring machine (Acko, 1999).
This model was later imported into ATOS[TM] 3d scanner software where
comparison and inspection of the scanned data was made.
The test part was scanned inside all three measuring volumes
separately. Because scanner only record points that are seen by both
cameras in individual scans, it is not possible to scan the entire part
with a single scan. Therefore, the whole part was digitised with several
scans from different directions and subsequent scans were aligned by the
reference points that were applied to the part. The preliminary result
of a three-dimensional digitising is a point-cloud file that is not well
suited for further analysis. Therefore, point-clouds taken in each
volume were polygonised into three-dimensional polygonal models for
further data processing (Pogacar 2007).
In order to inspect digitised data the CMM analysis between the
polygonal scanned models and previously reverse engineered CAD model was
made inside ATOS[TM] GOM software package. The first step is importing
the reference CAD model and the registration (mutual alignment) with the
scanned model (Figure 2).
The registration is made in two phases. Firstly, the approximate
manual registration is made by selecting four coincident points on each
model. Finer alignment is made automatically by the software with best
fit registration in the second phase.
In order to verify the alignment and roughly evaluate the scanning
accuracy the colour coded mesh deviation between scanned and CAD model
for each measuring volume was generated (Figure 3).
For precise analysis the CMM inspection of several primitives (well
defined geometrical elements) of both models was made. For the purpose
of this test circle diameters from cylindrical elements and the
distances between circle centres were defined as CMM elements (Figure
After the definition and linking of corresponding elements between
both models ATOS[TM] software automatically generates the CMM inspection
report that includes data of the scanned and imported CAD element and
deviation between both. Similar digitising in inspection procedure was
made for each of the measuring volumes. For each volume a total of 36
individual elements were inspected.
For comparison of measuring volume deviations the average absolute
deviations (for circle diameters and centre distances) were taken
(Figure 5, 6).
The results show the expected difference in accuracy between
measuring volumes. Somewhat surprising is the accuracy difference of
circle diameter and centre distances deviations in the same measuring
volume. Deviations of diameters are 2 to 3 times bigger then deviation
of centre distances. This can be seen as a consequence of optical
scanning limitations in digitising holes, pockets and similar features.
Also, bigger measuring volumes have problem scanning smaller details due
to their smaller resolution. Because the scanner software enables the
combination of different measuring volumes in a single project, the
future research will be conducted in optimizing various measuring volume
layouts, regarding to the scanned objects properties.
Acko, B. (1999). Industrial Measuring, Faculty of Mechanical
Engineering Maribor, ISBN: 86-435-0261-8, Maribor
Pogacar, V. (2007). Integrated renaissance of design, Proceedings
of 1st DAAAM Int. Spec. Conf, Drstvensek; I., Katalinic, B. (Ed.), pp.
9-12, ISBN: 3-901509-61-5, Slovenia, 4/2007, Celje
Drstvensek, I., Strojnik, T., Brajlih, T., Valentan, B. (2007).
Rapid Technologies supporting surgical operation case study, Proceedings
of 1st DAAAM Int. Spec. Conf, Drstvensek; I., Katalinic, B. (Ed.), pp.
53-56, ISBN: 3901509-61-5, Slovenia, 4/2007, Celje
Quality control of injection moulded parts, Available from:
http://www.gom.com/EN/B0C.html Accessed: 2007-31-05