The Department of Mechatronics at UPT. Present and perspectives in research, development and innovation.
Maniu, Inocentiu ; Ciupe, Valentin
Abstract: At the Department of Mechatronics from
"Politehnica" University of Timisoara the concept of research,
development and innovation is taken one step further into the future by
means of acquiring and integrating new robotic equipments and new
flexible manufacturing cells. Also space is provided for the virtual
reality laboratory which has new modelling and simulation tools, usable
in both research and training areas.
Key words: mechatronics, robotics, training, simulation, modelling
At the Department of Mechatronics from "Politehnica"
University of Timisoara (UPT) the concept of research, development and
innovation is taken one step further by means of acquiring and setting
up new robotic equipments, flexible manufacturing cells and modelling
and simulation tools. All these are meant to integrate and interact in
order to help developing new concepts in robotics, conducting efficient
and oriented training and maintaining the traditional research,
development and innovation (RDI) directions. The paper presents the main
laboratories and equipments, exposing their capabilities and uses along
with the main threads opened in the field of robotics, training and
The first flexible manufacturing system used in the department is
the CIM Pilot Station (figure 1). It is a scaled FMS, used for training
in cell workflow programming, CNC manufacturing, robotized storage and
manipulation, PLC programming, and vision-based shape recognition. The
system is equipped with Intelitek (former Eshed-Robotec) components and
comprises of 3 work stations:
--the automated storage, having a rotary indexed storage space and
being serviced by de ER-VII robot;
--the numerically controlled mill EMCO F1 CNC, fed by the ER-V
--the automated assembly and testing station, serviced by the SCORA ER-14 robot;
--the interconnecting conveyor.
Another training equipment is the FESTO MPS (figure 2), a scaled
Flexible Modular Production System for training in Mechatronics and
Robotics. It is designed to be used for line-assembly programming and
optimization, PLC programming and electro-pneumatic actuation
(Grigorescu et al., 2005). The system has four stations:
--distribution, which extracts pieces from a vertical storage and
by making use of a swing arm and a suction cup moves those pieces to the
next station;
--testing, its role being that of piece height measurement and
comparison; it also features an inclined slide with air cushion for
piece transportation to the next station;
--processing, this station simulates milling of a groove in the
piece (cylinder end cap) and also features a rotary indexed table with
presence and piece orientation sensors;
--manipulation with insertion, it is essentially a two axes
Cartesian robot that collects pieces from the previous station and sorts
them on different criteria in two inclined storages; it also features
fibre-optic sensors for piece presence confirmation. The Festo MPS is
extendable by chaining more stations (up to 9) to simulate an entire
assembly and testing production line.
As the necessity of renewing the robotics park in the department,
the KUKA Technological Transfer and Training Centre was founded (figure
3). It is formed by two cells with last generation, high performance
industrial robots. The system is used for programming different
applications in manipulation, path planning and robot cooperation
operations and it comprises two cells:
--one cell is fitted with the Kuka KR-15 robot;
--the other with the Kuka KR-125 robot;
--both robots are electrically actuated with pneumatic grippers
having large payloads, high speed and acceleration.
The beneficiaries trained on this robotized cells report increasing
productivity and production flexibility by implementing and
production-wise programming their own flexible robotic cells.
Because industrial robots mean more than manipulation, a CLOOS
robotized cell was assembled (figure 4). This is built around a CLOOS
Rotrol II industrial robot that is used for welding and plasma cutting,
robot programming and spatial path planning techniques (Diaconu &
Maniu, 2006).
The cell was founded from an Excellence Research Contract (CEEX),
entitled "Researches Regarding the Possibility of Using Robotic
Systems to Increase the Technical-economical Competitiveness of the
Romanian Industry" (Maniu, et al., 2005).
Another piece of equipment found at the department is
Dynalog's CompuGauge[TM] Robot Measurement and Performance Analysis
System (figure 5). This is a high precision opto-mechanical device,
attached to a robot's flange used to measure its positioning
performance and repeatability. The system's software allows for
on-line measurement, off-line visualization and data analysis.
Following the tendencies in the field of robotic design, the
Virtual Reality Laboratory was built up. It is used for modelling,
simulation and 3D visualization of robotic systems and comprises of:
--6 DOF and force feedback haptic device, type Phantom Desktop;
--virtual helmet type 5 DTHMD 800 and also the required software
--virtual hand glove (16 sensors) type 5DT, with head tracker;
--three-dimensional 23" TFT monitor with 3x26[degrees] viewing
--3D DLP video-projector and 10 pairs of 3D wireless glasses;
--graphic station type Silicon Graphics Prism[TM] Deskside;
In order for the above stated equipments to integrate seamlessly
and to work efficiently the DELMIA Resource Modelling & Simulation
Tools was acquired (figure 6), containing the following module packs:
--Delmia IGRIP, which is a physics-based, scalable robotic
simulation solution for modelling and off-line programming of complex
multi-device robotic work cells;
--DELMIA VIRTUAL NC, being the complete digital manufacturing
solution for rapidly emulating, validating and optimizing NC machine
--DELMIA QUEST, acting as a complete 3D digital factory environment
for process flow simulation and analysis.
All the equipments present in the Robotics Laboratory dictate the
main directions in research, development and innovation at the
Department of Mechatronics, directions that can be summarised as
--training in robotics and mechatronics;
--maintaining the traditional research directions;
--developing adaptive robot control based on sensorial information;
--work on robotized flexible manufacturing systems synthesis;
Also new research paths will be opened in the mobile robots and
general robotics field of interest:
--teleoperating installations;
--artificial intelligence elements used in robotic systems
(artificial vision, modelling/simulation, fuzzy logic, artificial neural
--robotic devices for interacting with virtual reality and
virtualized reality.
A well defined research path for the department consists in the
conception in virtual reality of a virtual factory (using Delmia
software) and experimenting the results obtained on real flexible
robotized systems (Kuka and Cloos cells).
As part of RDI present activities, the Mechatronics Department is
partner alongside other 7 research institutions, renowned universities
and companies among which is found S.C. Robcon S.R.L., in the European
FP6 project, no. 017146/14.03.2005, "Skill-based Inspection and
Assembly for Reconfigurable Automation Systems", acronym SIARAS
(SIARAS, 2005). This project is coordinated by IPA Stuttgart and has as
main objective insuring simple and dynamical reconfiguration of complex
production systems, so that they meet the economical efficiency and
reliability criteria required by consumers.
Diaconu, A. & Maniu, I. (2006). Research and training in
robotized welding. Buletinul Institutului Politehnic din Iasi, Fasc. 7A,
9/2006, pp.195-200, ISSN 1011-2855
Grigorescu, S. et al. (2005). Simulation of Festo Modular
Production System. Academic Journal of Manufacturing Engineering, Vol.
3, No. 2/2005, pp.53-58, ISSN 1583-7904
Maniu, I. et al. (2005). Researches Regarding the Possibility of
Using Robotic Systems to Increase the Technical-economical
Competitiveness of the Romanian Industry. Available from:, Accessed: 2007-05-15
SIARAS (2005). The SIARAS FP6 Program, Available from:, Accessed: 2007-05-20