The influence of the electromagnetic field on the Romanian seaside area.
Samoilescu, Gheorghe ; Sotir, Alexandru ; Constantinescu, Mircea 等
Abstract: The paper analyzes the influence of the electromagnetic
field and its implications on the seaside area. It also shows details
about the construction of the screens and the materials used to protect
against the propagation of the fields. The authors have taken a closer
look at the screening of the static, quasi-stationary and non-stationary
fields along the shore area of the Black Sea. The paper studies the
penetration of the electromagnetic fields within insulating materials,
semiconductors and conductors.
Keywords: electromagnetic pollution, electromagnetic field,
screening, protection, di-electrics.
The paper aims at shaping a strategy of intervention at a regional
level, choosing an optimal intervention technology against the
electromagnetic field, which pollutes the environment leading to the
apparition of certain diseases. Reaching this goal implies an
interdisciplinary participation on the part of several specialists,
taking into account that the explanation of certain phenomena is of a
physical-chemical nature. The communication network form the seaside
area represents the main source of electromagnetic field. The special
complexity and the heterogeneous nature of the actual transmission
systems, generated among others by the great diversity of the
transmission devices currently in use, requires an ample analysis of the
interoperation possibilities of the latter. The combined usage of wire
transmissions, radio, radio-relay, troposphere, cosmic require an
accurate software, technical compatibility necessary to acquire quality
connections, with minimal errors. The main issues regarding the
polluting influence of the electromagnetic field are : a). the
prevailing technical-organizational procedure is the radio network with
a great number of correspondents which leads to a great emission time, a
reduced traffic density per subscriber, high vulnerability, and high
likeness of interference; b) reduced reliability of the radio wires and
radio-relay due to low operating probabilities of the previous
generation means; c) great differences in the characteristics of certain
means which regulate an optimal compatibility: the frequency range,
operating mode, non-adjustable power, omni directional antennae; d)
constructive incompatibilities of some radio electronic means; e) lack
in measurement and control gear in order to determine field values,
harmonics and interferences and to set risk boundaries around the
antennae and the radio electronic means etc.
2.1 General Aspects Regarding the Propagation of the
Electromagnetic Field
In the case of a homogenous, isotropic medium--as a physical
structure, immobile, non-polarized, deprived of hereditary properties,
linear and without electrical charges, Maxwell's equations have the
form :
rot[bar.E] = -[mu][partial derivative][bar.H]/[partial
derivative]t; rot[bar.H] = [sigma][bar.E] + [sigma] [partial
derivative][bar.E]/[partial derivative]t (1)
div[bar.B] = 0; div[bar.D] = 0 (2)
These are completed with the material equations:
[bar.B] = [mu][bar.H]; [bar.D] = [epsilon][bar.E]; [bar.J] =
[sigma][bar.E] (3)
In general, the field has a harmonic variation:
[??](x,y,z,t) = [bar.E](x,y,z) x [e.sup.j[omega]t] (4)
[??](x,y,z,t) = [bar.H](x,y,z) x [e.sup.j[omega]t] (5)
The equations (1) become within the complex:
rot[??] = - j[omega][mu][??]; rot[??] = ([sigma] +
j[omega][epsilon])[??] (6)
The relations (1) and (2) are valid for the open air (charge
deprived) as well as for metals, such as screens. Consequently, applying
the rotor operator to the relation (6) and taking into account that
rot(rot[bar.A]) = gard(div[bar.A]) - [DELTA]A (7)
it results that:
[DELTA][bar.E] = j[omega][mu]([sigma] + j[omega][mu])[bar.E];
[DELTA][bar.H] = j[omega][mu]([sigma] + j[omega][sigma])[bar.H] (8)
The equations (8) represent the propagation equations of the field
in a medium with constitutive parameters [sigma],[mu],[epsilon]. We will
note with [GAMMA] the propagation constant:
[[GAMMA].sup.2] = j[omega][mu]([sigma] + j[omega][epsilon]) (9)
[[GAMMA].sup.2] may be separated into a real part and an imaginary
[GAMMA] = [alpha] + j[beta] = [alpha] + j[[GAMMA].sup.o] = [alpha]
+ j[k.sub.o] (10)
where: [alpha]--attenuation constant; [beta],([[GAMMA].sup.o],
[k.sub.o])--the phase constant (wave number).
As a result, the propagation equations, also callers
Helmholtz's equations, become:
[DELTA][bar.E] = [[GAMMA].sup.2][bar.E]; [DELTA][bar.H] =
[[GAMMA].sup.2][bar.H] (11)
The way to solve the screening problems reside in solving the
vectorial equation devised by Helmholtz inside, outside and within the
screen wall, given the limitation conditions, and in determining the
screening factor and the attenuation under these circumstances. In order
to simplify this path leading to the solution we have opted for
numerical methods.
Because [[epsilon].sub.o] = 1/36[pi] x [10.sup.9] F/m; [[mu].sub.o]
= 4[pi] x [10.sup.-7] H/m and in Metals [sigma] = [10.sup.5] /
[10.sup.8] S/m for every interest wavelength we may approximate in the
screen wall:
[sigma] >>[omega][epsilon] (12)
Which means that in metals we may neglect the displacement current
as compared to the conduction one. As a result, we may approximate that:
[[GAMMA].sup.2] = j[omega][sigma][mu] (13).
When increasing the frequency, due to the pellicle effect there is
no regular reapparition of the current density within the conductor. The
distance within the conductor for which the field applied on the surface
decreases "e" times (e=2,71 is the basis of natural
logarithms), is called penetration depth and is noted [delta]:
[delta] = [square root of 2/[omega][sigma][mu]][m] (14).
It results that:
[GAMMA] = [square root of j[omega][sigma][mu]] = [square root of
2]j/[delta] = 1 + j/[delta] = [alpha] + j[alpha] (15)
In a dielectric medium (air) [sigma] = 0 (medium with no losses):
[[GAMMA].sup.2] = j[omega][mu]([sigma] + j[omega][epsilon]) =
[j.sup.2][[omega].sup.2][epsilon][mu]; [GAMMA] = j[omega] [square root
of [epsilon][mu]] = j [omega]/v = j 2[pi]/[lambda] (16)
Noting [k.sup.2.sub.o] = [[omega].sup.2][epsilon][mu], the wave
equations become, in a free space:
[DELTA][bar.H] = -[k.sup.2.sub.o][bar.H]; [DELTA][bar.E] =
-[k.sup.2.sub.o][bar.E] (17)
In a non-stationary regime (high frequency) the displacement
current cannot be neglected any more and [GAMMA] will be given by the
relation (16). In the case of homogenous plane waves (uniform and
regular)--the phase planes are still planes of constant amplitude. Yet,
the field sources have finite dimensions. Still, at a great distance
from the source, a small portion from the wave layer may be considered
plane. Such waves may exist only in finite, homogenous mediums, being
produced by sources placed at the infinite.
Having a variable magnetic field, in the case of metallic screening
shelter, which produce a "shading" effect, there is great
necessity of grounding (it is more a galvanic by-pass--to the
ground--rather than a real screen). Avoiding interstitials is also
important (it reduces the induced currents).
The attenuation increases with the value of the induced currents,
respectively with the screen conductivity. Together with the increase in
frequency, the attenuation tends to the infinity and using
non-ferromagnetic metals is more advantageous, always bearing in mind
that these materials have no screening effect for the magneto-static
fields (f = 0), which do not induce currents.
In the case of a perfect conductor ([sigma] = [infinity]) and
infinite frequency (f [right arrow] [infinity]), the attenuation factor
of the screen for tangential fields tends to the infinite: [a.sub.t] =
[H.sub.t2]/[H.sub.t1] = [infinity] where [H.sub.t2] = [J.sub.s] is a
density of a surface current (A/[m.sup.2]) in the dielectric neighboring
the screen (due to the pellicle effect of the induced currents);
[H.sub.t1] = 0 is the magnetic field tangential to the screen material.
When there is increase in frequency, the quasi-stationary regime is no
longer valid because there appear displacement currents whose magnetic
field cannot be neglected any more. In this case, the screens are in the
remote fields of the sources, in which the electric and the magnetic
fields are coupled together.
The seaside area is the most exposed to electromagnetic fields due
to navigation and the social-economical development. Each field type
must be studied and various ways of reducing their effects must be
designed and forwarded.
a). the electrostatic fields are easily screened with the help of
metallic carcasses with grounding or not. Grounding is recommended for
the protection of personnel when touching screens, as well as for the
case of plane, shield-like screens. Similarly, the screens made of thick
walls with high permissiveness have a certain screening effect as to the
fields (dielectric materials)
b). magneto static fields may be screened through ferromagnetic coatings with high magnetic permissiveness, having thick walls (the
copper screen of the coaxial cables has no screening effect on the
magneto static fields)
c). the electric field of low frequency is easily screened,
reflection being the main attenuation mechanism
d). the magnetic field of low frequency is painfully screened by
reflection (low [Z.sub.s], low [Z.sub.uH], a low difference [Z.sub.uH] -
[Z.sub.s], good adaptation, insignificant reflection).
In exchange, the magnetic field is attenuated by absorption at
these frequencies, absorption becoming the main attenuation mechanism in
this case.
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