The mathematical model and data acquisition of an underwater explosion.
Badara, Nicolae ; Dobref, Vasile ; Tarabuta, Octavian 等
Abstract: This report presents the triangulation of the underwater
explosion source.
The analysis is based on the time-delay measurement the underwater
acoustic wave, deriving the range and the direction to the underwater
source of explosion. The mathematical model is simulated for different
values of the time-delay at three sensors. It was built a practical
demonstrator, which gave the possibility to verify in real environment
the mathematical model.
Keywords: Underwater explosion, triangulation, data acquisition.
The hydro-acoustic sensors are placed in the A, B, C points, at
[d.sub.0] range; the event takes place in O point. We trace a
perpendicular in P point.
The wave will cover the range FB in the time [T.sub.b], which is
[T.sub.B] = [t.sub.2] - [t.sub.1], where [t.sub.2] is the time when the
wave came in the B point, so FB = [T.sub.B x v, where v is the speed of
waave in the water, speed known either from the hydro-acoustic prognosis
or approximated at 1450m/s.
The wave will cover the range EC in the time [T.sub.C], which is
[T.sub.C] = [t.sub.3] - [t.sub.1], where [t.sub.3].
Is the time when the wave came in the point C, so [E.sub.C] =
[T.sub.C] x v.
We can write the following relations:
[(OP).sup.2] = [(OA).sup.2] - [(PA).sup.2] [(OP).sup.2] = [(OF +
FB).sup.2] - [(AB + PA).sup.2] (1) [(OP).sup.2] = [(OE + EC).sup.2] -
[(AB + BC + PA).sup.2] (2)
The unknown of the system are: OP, OA, PA.
Knowing the sides, in OPA triangle, sin A = OP/OA So the range and
the direction are determinates. We observe that if the event is in the
left of the hydro-acoustic sensors line, the wave came firstly in point
In this case:
[(OP).sup.2] = [(OC).sup.2] - [(PC).sup.2](3) [(OP).sup.2] = [(OF +
FB).sup.2] - [(CB + PC).sup.2] (4) [(OP).sup.2] = [(OE + EC).sup.2] -
[(CB + BC + PC).sup.2](5)
The unknown of the system are: OP, OC, PC. Knowing the sides, in
OPC triangle, sin C = OP/OC. Result PA:
PA = |[(FB).sup.2] + 2| x OA x |FB - [(AB).sup.2]|/2 x AB (6)
OA = 2 x [(FB).sup.2] + 2 x [(AB).sup.2] - [(EC).sup.2]/2 x EC - 4
x FB
Where AB is the range between the sensors, AB = [T.sub.B] x v, EC =
[T.sub.C] x v, with [T.sub.B] = [t.sub.2] - [t.sub.1] and [T.sub.C] =
[t.sub.3] - [t.sub.1], [t.sub.1], is the time when the signal was
received by the sensor from the A point, [t.sub.2] is the time when the
wave came in the B point, [t.sub.3] is the time when the wave came in
the C point.
The results of the simulation are presented down. The source
programs are given in the table 1.
2.1. The underwater module
The underwater unit is realized in the following composition:
1. The hydro-acoustic module, containing a number of three
identical subassemblies
2. The concentration data and serial transmission module
This module contains three serial cards and one command card. The
connection between hydro-acoustic modules and the concentration data
module is realized through a submarine special cable which assures the
transmission of energy supply from the concentration data module to the
sensors and of the received signal by the sensors to the concentration
and serialization transmission module.
The general structure of the piezo-ceramic low frequency
hydro-acoustic transducer (flex tensional) with symmetric circular
section is presented in figure nr. 3. The low frequency hydro-acoustic
transducer (flex tensional) is realized in the following structure:
1--The body of the transducer, made by a case from dielectric
material which allows the assemblage of the bimorph elements and of the
electrodes, adequate connected. The piezo-ceramic element is realized
from a composition of zirconium oxides, titan and lead, as basic
elements, obtained by pressing and synthesize. The element is polarized
at 30 kV c.c. /cm voltage.
2--The bimorph element, made by two piezoelectric discs of circular
section, of high frequency, mechanic joined; the flex tensional
transducer includes two bimorph transducers;
3--The join electrodes, which assure the electric connection of the
bimorph elements with the electric circuit;
4--The external connection band.
3. The low frequency amplifier
The low level signal in the passing band of the hydro-acoustic
sensor is amplified in an adequate amplifier physical realized on a
structure of two electronic modules joined between, as a sandwich.
4. The digitizing and serializing card
The data from the three hydro-acoustic modules are transmitted as
an analogical signal to the concentration and serializing module. This
module contains three serializing data cards and a command and control
card. The command and control orders are received from an adequate card
which orders all the electronic conversion and serializing modules.
Specific is the fact that the serial data from the card are
introduced at the IDATA entrance of the other card, so at the entrance
in line it will be only a data source, but which came from three
hydro-acoustic sensors.
2.2 The serializing command and control card
The digitizing and serializing card command and control orders are
received from the command and control card by the transmission of
adequate signals presented in figure nr. 7.
The role of this card is to produce the command signals at the
proper moment, which should assure:
--The synchronize and reset of the CAN;
--The command of loading the data from the CAN in the
parallel-series registers;
--The clock the parallel-series moving.
The experiment was verified in the basin of the Naval Academy from
Constanta (Romania). Experimental recorders have presented in figure 4.
1. In all records it appears a fundamental of low frequency at 300
2. The wave form presents two maximum amplitude areas created by
the sensors saturation.
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Security Program of Romanian Space Agency, Monitorising System of
underwater explosions, No. 43/2005.11.10, Bucharest, Romania.