The mathematical model of the cutting threads kinematic axis without reversing the main movement.
Ciupan, Cornel
Abstract: The following paper presents the achievement of cutting
thread kinematic axis without reversing the main axis. This axis was
conceived for lathe and other cutting thread machines. The novelty of
the solution consists of introducing reversing gear with timing within
the axis. This paper shows research of the behaviour of this axis.
Key words: thread, lathe, kinematic, axis.
For cutting thread on lathe it is used the reversing of the advance
movement method through the main movement. The disadvantage of the
method consists of reversing the main movement (the rotation movement of
the piece) because of the high inertia of the main kinematic axis
(Galis, et al., 1994). This disadvantage leads to the usage of low
revolution for the cutting thread. The cutting thread that consists of
more passes assumes the existence of an active stroke followed by a
retreat race. In the case of known solutions, the retreat stroke has
higher speed of about 15-20% than the active stroke. The statements
above lead to low productivity (Nzumbe-Mesape, 2005) (Popescu, et al.,
1995). Although this field was less researched in the past years (Vanin,
2004), the author of this paper has patented a new solution that allows
the cutting of the thread without reversing the main movement (Ciupan,
1993). The return of the cutting tool at the beginning of the cutting
thread is made with fast advancing.
The author has conceived and developed a new method of threading
lathes. The solution, patented by the author--RO 105781, is shown in
figure 1. The novelty of this solution consists of a supplementary
reverser Is in the advancing axis Z. The return of the cutting tool in
achieved only by reversing the advance axis from the reverser Is. The
reverser Is is made out of a differential mechanism D, a coupling Cd and
a break B. The necessary stages for the cutting thread are presented in
table 1.
A feed reversing system FR commands the stages of the cutting
thread, manually or automatically.
In the case of classical cutting thread kinematic axis, the
reversing of the movement is realized by lamellar coupling witch
attenuates the shocks. The kinematic axis without reversing the main
movement uses, for self-synchronizing, a shifting-jay clutch coupling.
This coupling produces a shock at the beginning of every cutting pass.
The shock occurs because of the dynamic load.
Considering the big inertia of the main kinematic axis of the mechanisms and the fact that the reversing of the advancing movement
takes place only in the kinematic axis of advance, the influence of the
dynamic load on the modification of the angle speed U0i of the engine M
is negligible. Even if U0i is modified, it does not influence the thread
A big influence on the process of cutting thread and its precision
can be made by the elastically deformation of the transmitting elements.
Considering constant the speed of the part, due to the elastic
deformation of the transmission elements it will produce an oscillation
of the pitch thread around the fixed value.
The simplifying diagram from figure 2 was used for studying the
dynamic of the coupling process of the advance kinematic axis.
Taking into account the forces that act upon the mass M and based
on figure 2, the dynamic equation of movement could be obtained:
In relation (1), we have:
[[beta].sub.m]--the tilt angle of the medium helix of the leader
screw; [phi]--the friction angle; [k.sub.S]--the constant of the spring;
d--the medium diameter of the screw; [i.sub.1], [i.sub.2]--kinematic
transfer rate; z--displacement of tool.
Applying to the differential equation (1) the Laplace transformed
formula, we obtain:
M[s.sup.2]z(s) + f s z(s) + [C.sub.1][k.sub.S] [theta](s) (2)
[C.sub.1] = 4[pi] / [P.sub.S][d.sub.S][t.sub.g]([[beta].sub.m]] +
[phi]) (3)
From relation (2) we get the transfer function of the system:
H(s) = [C.sub.2][k.sub.S] / M[s.sup.2] + f s + [C.sub.1][k.sub.S].
A = f / 2M; [omega] = 1 / 2M [square root of
(4M[C.sub.1][k.sub.S]-[f.sup.2]] (5)
Using the notations (5), the next form of the transfer function
could be obtained:
H(s) = [C.sub.2][k.sub.S] / [(s - a).sup.2] + [[omega].sup.2] (6)
The beginning of the pitch of the thread screw suffers a
declination, damped around to the fixed value PE:
A programme was developed which helped determine the answer of the
system for step input signal following relations (6) and (7). The
program contains specific data for the lathe SN 560x1000, because on
this machine took place the experimentation of the invention and the
experimental research.
The data studied were the stability of the system depending on the
transmission's mechanical characteristics and the influence of the
coupling shock on the pitch of the thread.
The elasticity of the transmission ks has a direct effect on the
behaviour of the system. The different values of the constants were
introduced in the program as a j parameter for obtaining the diagrams
from only one pass. Thus, the output signal is dependent of two
parameters t and j.
The system behaviour for a unit step input signal is shown in the
next two figures. Figure 3 presents the evolution of the tool movement
along the advance axis Z, considering the amortization factor a=12,5 x
j. The influence of the ks upon the axis behaviour is shown in figure 4.
The transitory regime produced by coupling the cutting thread faze,
produces a declination of the tool from the helicoidally trajectory,
phenomenon that modifies the pitch of the tread.
For studying this phenomenon the program was run with four values
of the pitch thread, pj=2xj mm; j=1 ... 4, as shown in figure 5.
Analysing the graphics presented in figures 3, 4 and 5, the
following have been established:
- the system is stable and the output signal is delayed related to
the input signal for all the studied cases;
- the beginning of the helicoidally trajectory is strongly
affected, but, due to the low transitory regime, (0,2 seconds), the tool
enters again on the helicoidally trajectory before beginning to cut;
- the performance of the system can be increased by redesigning the
transmission elements.
Ciupan. C. (1993) Kinematic chain of thread. Patent RO 105781
Galis M. & all. (1994). Machine tools design. Transilvania
Press, ISBN 973-95-635-4-3, Cluj-Napoca
Nzumbe-Mesape N. (2005). Design and manufacture of screw threads.
The International Journal of Mechanical Engineering Education. Vol. 33,
No. 3, (July 2005) page numbers (208-214), ISSN 0306-4190
Popescu S. & all. (1995). Special machine tools. Casa Cartii de
Stiinta, ISBN 973-9204-15-5, Cluj-Napoca
Vanin, V. A. (2004). Kinematic structure of machines for cutting
screw with a variable pitch. Chemical and Petroleum Engineering, Vol.
39, No. 3-4, (March 2003) page numbers (244-248), ISSN 1573-8329
Table 1. The phases of the cutting thread
Phase Cd B Transfer rate
Cutting 1 0 i = 1
Return 0 1 i = [z.sub.1] / [z.sub.3]
Stop 0 0 i = 0