The rod for collector brushes with higher electrical and thermal conductivity.
Ungur, Petru ; Pop, Adrian Petru ; Gordan, Mircea 等
Abstract: The paper has presented a composite material with matrix
and metallic reinforcing, with higher electrical and thermal
conductivity. It has created by processing from liquid form by
infiltration of vertical and descending capillary with binary eutectoid alloy-Ag72Cu, of reinforcing from bidimensional and bidirectional twisting cupper wire under roll forming multiple capillary spaces in 3D,
located within cylindrical cavity of cupper tube. The composite material
process is consisted from certain phases: initial moistening,
infiltration of eutectoid alloy and matrix solidifying.
Key words: binary, composite, eutectoid, multiple capillary.
The paper is presented a composite material (CM) with matrix and
metallic reinforcing, with higher electrical and thermal conductivity,
withstand of worn and its fabrication by processing from liquid form by
infiltration of vertical and descending capillary of binary eutectoid
alloy-Ag72Cu, from bi-dimensional and bidirectional cupper wire in 3D,
with multiple capillary spaces. The process was been extended at
reinforcing textures wire of soft Iron (Fea), ARMCO, Ni, Co.
It has well known CM with ferrous or non-ferrous matrix, in which
is lied at least one material under particle forms, fibers, layers,
foils, that assured mechanical and physics-chemicals properties. The
metallic matrix are compound from binary eutectoid metallic matrix, and
its reinforcing from metallic wires (Ti, W, Mo, Cu, Al) or alloys, being
constructed in a variety dimensional scale with diameter between
(10-150)[micro]m and each greater.
The fabrication method is processing from liquid form allowing
pre-arrangement reinforcing in a desired configuration with liquid
metallic matrix, both by infiltration from immersion following by a
pressing and diffusion, or a vertical descendent capillary infiltration
and next diffusion. These infiltrations had disadvantage that fibers
reinforcing must be orientated and maintained in desired position in
such a way to keep orientation during infiltration, required a final
calibration phase, assembly and diffusion with multiple process phases
which are expensive.
The goal is determination of CM with metallic reinforcing from
binary eutectoid alloy-Ag72Cu and a reinforcing with texture of
bi-dimensional and bi-orientation cupper wire in 3D, with higher
electrical and thermal conductivity, having enhanced performance and
lower costs.
At CM with matrix and metallic reinforcing is required a
combatively between them. Common crystalline structure of metallic
reinforced are: face-centered cubic, body-centered cubic and hexagonal close-packed [Rufe,2002]. The alloys are created in a variety
compositions, the arranged is done by setting of metal elements (Tab.1)
in four groups: [T.sub.1]-strong electro-positive, [T.sub.2]-transition
elements (3d,4d,5d,1f,5f), B1soft metallic elements, and
[B.sub.2]-elements with lower metallic character.
The most usually alloys are binary alloys, which can be impaired
in: mechanic mixtures, in which the compounds didn't dissolve
reciprocal; solid solutions, in which the compounds are dissolved
partial or total; inter-metallic compounds. The alloys of solid
solutions are widely used at matrix of CM, ones of them are binary
eutectic alloy-Ag72Cu, with face-centered cubic structure, and its
balance diagram is showing in fig.1.
This alloy is suffered transformations in solid form accompanied by
chemical reactions [Carp,Ungur,2003; Constantin,1997]. The brazing of Cu
in hydrogen medium with eutectic alloy-Ag72Cu [Million,1975], assuring
the base of fabrication of CM with matrix of metallic reinforced by
nonconventional methods. The brazing tests with eutectoid alloyAg72Cu of
cupper with higher purity-CuOFHC and ARMCOiron, in reducer hydrogen
medium had been realized at Oradea University [Roman,1997; Maghiar,2000;
Ungur,2003], allow creating of CM with matrix of Ag72Cu and reinforcing
wires of Cu, Ni, Fe for electrical collector brushes. Infiltration of
CuOFHC reinforcing has assured by vertical descendent capillarity (fig.2), and relation gives capillary force-P:
P = 2T cos [alpha]/s (1)
Where: T [g/cm] -is superficial stress of matrix material, a-is
contact angle, s [cm]-kerf width.
Specifically this infiltration is that self-weight of eutectoid
alloy-G, acting in same direction with capillary force:
P + G 2T cos [alpha]/s + [gamma]h (2)
Where: a-is specific weight of matrix material, h-height of
capillary reinforcing. At infiltration of multi-capillary reinforcing of
cupper with Ag72Cu are realized solid solutions between Cu-Ag, and
Ag-Cu. During moistening of base reinforcing material with matrix is
starting an atomic diffusion process. The intimate contact between Cu
matrix and Ag-Cu matrix has supported by reducer hydrogen gas, which
reducing cupper's oxides:
CuO + [H.sub.2] [??] Cu + [H.sub.2]O [Cu.sub.2]O + [H.sub.2] [??]
2Cu + [h.sub.2]O (3)
By removing of oxides is encouraged fast diffusion process, which
due to infiltration during some tens seconds, resulting diffusion layers
with 1im width. In fig.3 is depicted the diagram of control
solidification process of Ag72Cu by vertical descendent capillarity with
multiple reinforcing.
The CM with metallic matrix of binary eutectic alloyAg72Cu with
higher conductivity has a higher molten temperature-7800C and metallic
reinforcing from texture of cupper wire, soft iron-Fea, Ni or Co,
obtaining a minimum process phases, best quality and lower costs.
The metallic matrix is building up from texture of bidirectional
and bi-dimensional cupper wire with diameter greater that 100im. It has
pre-formed by rolling in roll shaped like this forming multiple wrist
layers in 3D with multiple capillary spaces, which enable easy
infiltration by vertical capillarity of alloy-Ag72Cu in liquid form, in
reducer hydrogen medium within of electrical oven at temperature of
(830-850)[degrees]C. The process phases of this new CM are:
* cut off of cupper wire texture at desire size, following by
mechanical-chemical cleaner;
* obtaining of multi-capillary structure by wrapping in roll
* compacting by get in of pre-formed into an inner cylindrical
cavity of cupper tube, having inner diameter greater that exterior
diameter of pre-formed and its length greater with 1/3;
* light clamped by radial mechanical pressing;
* locking the loading of matrix material from alloy-Ag-Cu has
determined by tests in superior zone of cupper tube;
* get in of pre-formed in vertical position within of warm electric
oven in a reducer hydrogen medium;
* molting, priming, infiltration, locking and solidification of
eutectoid alloy Ag-Cu, having parameters: heating
speed-[v.sub.h]=80[degrees]C/h, at molten
* and maintain time-[tau]=60-90min, cool
speed-[v.sub.c]=50[degrees]C/h, in same time with oven;
* trimming of semi-finished by cutting off of blank end of cupper
tube due to a metallic composite material CuAg72Cu-Cu.
The infiltration process is doing in reducer hydrogen process,
which assured higher superficial stress of alloy-Ag72Cu, lower
viscosity, a maximal fluidity a greater moistening rate of
multi-capillary pre-formed, and temperature of process is going under
1063[degrees]C due to avoid brittle of cupper.
The proceeding has been extended for other composite materials with
matrix of Ag72Cu, with reinforcing of soft iron (Fea), ARMCO, Ni, Co,
had obtained enhance performance.
The composite metallic materials of Ag72Cu-Cu, Ag72CuFea, and
Ag72Cu-Ni had presented structural and functional properties for contact
brushes, electrical contactors and materials with higher electrical
An adequate choice of matrix-reinforcing combination due to a very
well behavior at higher temperatures, good worn withstand, higher
electrical-thermal conductivity, enhance toughness and transversal
The manufacturing process by infiltration from liquid form
assimilated by descendent capillary brazing in reducer hydrogen medium
is simple, easy adaptable due to materials with lower costs.
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& Pedagogical Editor, Bucharest
Constantin, G.; Stefanescu, M. (1997). Handbook of Metals.
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Maghiar, T.; Ungur, P. & al. (2000). Magnetron. Elements of
Theory, Construction, Technology, Oradea University Editor, Oradea,
Million, A; Million, C. (1975). Soldering and Alloys of Soldering,
Vol. I-II, Technical Editor, Bucharest
Roman, S. (1997), Research and Self-Contributions at Realizing the
Generators of Microwaves Type Magnetron, PhD Thesis, Oradea University.
Rufe, P. (2002). Fundamentals of Manufacturing, Society of
Manufacturing Engineers Editor, ISBN-087263524-4, Dearborn, Michigan,
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Table 1. Classification of metallic elements by properties alloy
Metals Elements of B group
[T.sub.1] [T.sub.2] [B.sub.2] [B.sub.2]
Li Be
Na Mg Al Si S
K Ca Sc Ti V Cr Mn Fe Co Ni Cu Zn Ga Ge As Se
Rb Sr Y Zr Nb Mo Tc Ru Rh Pd Ad Cd In Sn Sb Te
Cs Ba La Hf Ta W Re Os Ir Pt Au Hg T1 Pb Bi Po