Minimization of flow time and tardiness by swapping of dispatching rules.
Singh, A. ; Mehta, N.K. ; Jain, P.K. 等
Abstract: This paper uses multi criteria algorithm for swapping of
dispatching rules for implementing several criteria simultaneously in a
shop of dynamic nature. Mean flow time, maximum flow time, mean
tardiness and maximum tardiness performance measures are considered for
performance evaluation. In order to find the processing sequence,
dispatching rules have been applied and the performance of the system
has been monitored continuously. Swapping of dispatching rules is
allowed only when the performance index deviates from the pre-defined
limit. The selection of dispatching rules is made by identifying the
worst performing criterion. A rule which can improve system performance
for the worst performing criterion is selected to dispatch the part
under consideration.
Key words: Swapping, Dispatching rules, multi-criteria scheduling,
Priority index, performance improvement.
Scheduling is an important function during part manufacturing.
Scheduling may be defined as the allocation of limited number of
resources (machine, tool, fixture, operator, material handling
equipment) to each task of a job over time. Scheduling may be static or
dynamic. The nature of job arrivals provides the distinction between
static and dynamic scheduling. In static scheduling a certain number of
jobs arrive and become available simultaneously in a shop. However, in
dynamic scheduling, jobs arrive intermittently, at times that are
predictable in a statistical sense, and arrivals continue indefinitely
into the future. Hence, entirely different methods are required to solve
the problem of scheduling in these two cases. The main objective of the
scheduling problem is to optimize various performance measures, singly
or jointly. A solution that is optimal for a given criterion may not be
optimal for some other criterion. In many practical situations, it would
be thus desirable to achieve a solution that is best with respect to a
number of different criteria simultaneously. The research on bi-criteria
and multi-criteria scheduling can be categorized in four different types
of models, viz. single machine-bi-criteria scheduling, single
machine-multiple criteria scheduling, multiple machine-bi-criteria
scheduling and multiple machine-multi criteria scheduling. Most of the
research done so far on multiple criteria scheduling involves only a
single machine or two-machine flow shop (Gupta et al. 2000, Lio et al.
1997 and Rajendran, 1992). Multiple machines and multi-criteria
scheduling represent the most general class of scheduling problems as
most shop floors employ more than one machine. Hence, multiple machine
scheduling models have extensive practical applications. Literature
review revealed that there is a scarcity of research in this direction,
apparently due to the complex nature of scheduling problem. The present
work is an attempt in this direction by using a multi criteria algorithm
proposed by the authors in their previous work (Singh et al. 2004). Mean
flow time, maximum flow time, mean tardiness and maximum tardiness
performance measures have been considered simultaneously for performance
evaluation. The features of the algorithm are given in the subsequent
Consideration of more than one performance measure during
scheduling is an important aspect in the scheduling problems. In dynamic
scheduling problems generally dispatching rules are used to find the
solution of the problems. In literature it has been found that a rule
that is best for a given performance measure may give poor performance
for others. Hence, it is necessary to select the dispatching rules in
such a way that the system gives better performance with respect to
multiple performance measures. This issue is considered in the present
work by using an algorithm that is developed by the authors in their
previous work to minimize / maximize several performance measures
simultaneously. The readers can refer Singh et al. (2004) for the
details of the algorithm. The salient features of the algorithm are as
* The algorithm considers several dispatching rules simultaneously.
* It continuously monitors the attained value of the performance
* The selection of dispatching rule is made by identifying the
worst performance measure.
* A dispatching rule which improves system performance for the
worst performance measure is selected.
* This algorithm improves one performance measure at the cost of
others such that the gain from improvement in one measure is more than
the deterioration in the performance of the other measure.
* Again, the worst performance measure is identified and the steps
are iteratively repeated till the end of the simulation period.
In the present simulation study three system types have been
considered with varying job to machine (J/M) ratio (i. e. J/M > 1,
J/M = 1, J/M < 1) for evaluation of the effectiveness of the proposed
methodology. The number of operations for each job type is assumed to be
uniformly distributed in the range of (1-9) with uniformly distributed
processing times in the range of (1-99). Job arrival in the system is
assumed to follow exponential distribution with mean inter-arrival time
between parts based on shop utilization. As the performance of multi
criteria methodology is evaluated in the presence of machine breakdowns,
down time of individual machines has been incorporated irrespective of whether it occurs due to tool breakage, tool adjustment, machine
breakdown etc. However, breakdowns, such as those due to power failure,
that affect the whole system are not considered. Mean time between
failure (MTBF) and mean time to repair (MTTR) are assumed to follow
Gamma distribution. In the present study, busy time approach has been
chosen for generating the breakdown times (i. e. a machine can fail only
while performing an operation on a job). Law and Kelton (2000) suggested
that in the absence of real time data busy time distribution is most
likely to be a Gamma distribution with a shape parameter of 0.7. They
also suggested that Gamma distribution with a shape parameter of 1.4 is
appropriate for generating the repair time. Thus the busy time between
two successive failures (i.e. inter-breakdown time) is assumed to follow
a Gamma distribution with [alpha] = 0.7 and [beta] = MTTR x e/ (1-e) x
0.7 and the duration of each breakdown (which is also known as repair
time) is also assumed to follow a Gamma distribution with [alpha] = 1.4
and [beta] = MTTR/1.4. Where,
e = MTBF/(MTBF + MTTR) (1)
In the present work, simulation models have been developed in
PROMODEL simulation software. Each simulation model has been run for
2000 completed jobs after attaining a steady state.
The improvement in the system performance by using the
multicriteria methodology is calculated by using the following
Percentage improvement = ([PI.sub.i] - [PI.sub.0])/ [PI.sub.0] x
100 (2)
Where [PI.sub.i] is the performance index of the system by swapping
of dispatching rules and [PI.sub.0] is the minimum performance index
obtained by using the individual dispatching rules.
A manufacturing system is defined by two sets of parameters: system
operating parameters and system configuration parameters. The system
operating parameters are breakdown level (BL) and mean time to repair
(MTTR), while the system configuration parameters are job to machine
(J/M) ratio, part complexity (PC) and part mix (PM). In the present work
five breakdown levels i.e. 0%, 2.5%, 5%, 7.5% and 10%, five mean time to
repair levels i. e. p, 2.5p, 5p, 7.5p and 10p, three part complexity
(PC) levels i. e. 4, 5 and 6, three job to machine (J/M) ratio levels i.
e. J/M > 1, J/M = 1 and J/M < 1 and three part mix (PM) levels
have been considered. In the first part mix(PM1), it is assumed that all
part types have equal volume of production. The second (PM2) and third
(PM3) part mix have been generated by considering the industrial data
given by Muhlema (1982). Here, part complexity is defined by the average
number of operations needed to complete the processing of a job.
The system performance has been investigated for two environments
viz. by varying system operating parameters with constant system
configuration parameters (VOP-CSCP) and varying system configuration
parameters with constant system operating parameters (VSCP-COP). The
dispatching rules considered while investigating the (VOP-CSCP) and
(VSCPCOP) environments are described below.
In the present work, seventeen dispatching rules viz. SPT, EDD,
and (WTIS)max have been considered and simulation has been carried out
by taking one rule at a time. Where, ODD = operational Due Date, AT =
arrival time, RPT = remaining processing time, FDD = flow due date, PT =
process time, PW = process wait, WTIS =Waiting time in system. After
each simulation run the values of mean flow time, maximum flow time,
mean tardiness and maximum tardiness have been collected. In the final
simulation run all the rules have been considered in the minimization of
above performance measures simultaneously and the rules are switched
over from one to another on the basis of deterioration in the
performance measures. The results are presented in terms of percentage
improvement obtained by applying the multi criteria algorithm in
comparison with the best performing individual dispatching rule. Table 1
shows the performance improvement at several levels of part
complexities, J/M ratio and part mix. Performance improvement of 20.93%
and 16.19% has been observed when J/M>1 and J/M<1 respectively.
This trend indicates that an increase in J/M ratio increases the
percentage improvement in the performance. Results also show that the
performance improvement at higher values of part complexities is more in
comparison to lower values of part complexities. The results of Table 2
indicate that as the breakdown level increases improvement in the
performance decreases. In all the taken cases, the multi-criteria
methodology improves the performance in the range of 12.17% to 28.73%.
The present work uses the multi-criteria methodology and minimizes
flow time based and tardiness based performance measures simultaneously.
The performance of the multi criteria methodology has been studied by
considering several values of job to machine ratio, breakdown
parameters, part complexity and part mix. It has been demonstrated that
under different conditions the system performance improves between
12.17--28.73% by swapping the dispatching rules when the deterioration
in the worst performing measure reaches a predefined limit.
Gupta, JND.; Ho, Jc. & Webster, S. (2000). Bi criteria
optimization of the make span and mean flow time on two identical
parallel machine, Journal of Operational Research Society, Vol.51,
No.11, pp. 1330-1339.
Lio, C. J.; Yu, W. C. & Joe, C. B. (1997). Bi-criteria
scheduling in the two machine flow shop, International Journal of
Production Research, Vol.53, No.9, pp. 1004- 1015.
Rajendran, C. (1992). Two-stage flow shop scheduling problems with
bi-criteria, Journal of Operational Research Society, Vol.43, No.9, pp.
Conway Richard, W.; Maxwell William, L. & Miller Louis, W.
(1967). Theory of scheduling, Addition-Werley publishing company.
Singh, A.; Mehta N. K. & Jain P. K. " A multicriterion
approach for dynamic scheduling" The 15th INTERNATIONAL DAAAM
SYMPOSIUM, 3-6 November 2004, Vienna, Austria, pp. 419-420.
Table 1 Percentage improvement in (VSCP-COP) environment
in comparison to the best performing individual dispatching rule
Part mix Part Percentage improvement
complexity J/M>1 J/M=1 J/M<1
PM1 4 20.93 17.26 19.18
5 27.54 20.16 25.00
6 28.73 25.83 25.45
PM2 4 20.17 12.17 16.92
5 27.30 13.16 17.51
6 28.53 14.17 19.11
PM3 4 16.19 14.36 14.31
5 18.54 14.59 14.52
6 19.26 17.05 14.33
Table 2 Percentage improvement in (VOP-CSCP) environment
in comparison to the best performing individual dispatching rule
MTTR Breakdown level (BL)
0% 2.5% 5% 7.5% 10%
2.5p 28.56 27.85 26.77 26.19 16.11
5p 28.56 26.19 23.43 18.77 14.52
7.5p 28.56 21.04 23.71 20.21 16.32
10p 28.56 20.86 24.59 21.03 16.56