Regression and decision tree analysis of profitability of Croatian banks.
Pejic-Bach, M. ; Simicevic, V. ; Dabic, M. 等
Abstract: Profitability of banks is influenced by many factors like
size, costs structure, income structure, and macroeconomic conditions.
Profitability is measured net interest margin. Regression analysis of
profitability of Croatian banks is conducted with the goal to
investigate to what extents different banks' characteristics and
macroeconomic conditions influence profitability of Croatian banks.
Unconventional methods like decision trees could also be used in order
to estimate the factors of banks' profitability. CR&T decision
tree method was applied in order to compare the results of the
econometric analysis. Both methods implicated that in short term with
stable macroeconomic conditions better profitability is accomplished by
well-capitalized banks with bigger market share that are also very
efficient in operating costs management. These banks are also very
successful in transferring costs of non-income assets to their clients.
Key words: regression analysis, banks' profitability,
forecasting, regression analysis, decision trees
Bank is primarily the firm that needs to bring results in profit.
However, the profitability of the bank is not important only for
directly interested parties (shareholders, management, employees), but
also for whole economy. After the transition period, bank sector in
Croatia should be competent in efficiency in fulfillment of main
resources allocation role in economy.
The aim of the paper is to establish determinants of profitability
in Croatian bank sector, with special emphasis on facts--and on specific
factors for certain bank. Profitability determinants of banks in Croatia
will be analyzed with the regression method and 'decision
tree' method. The paper is organized following the next pattern.
After the introduction, some recent research works on profitability
in bank sector are described. In third section, we describe measures
used to determine bank profitability. In fourth section the analysis of
profitability of Croatian banks is conducted by the regression method
and 'decision tree' method. The last section of the paper
consists of conclusion discussion.
The research papers that analyze bank profitability are mainly
focused on American banking system (esc. Berger, 1995. Angbazo, 1997.)
Demirguc-Kunt and Levine (2001) measured influence of few independent
variables on profitability of banks on large sample of countries and
bank institutions.
There are few research papers that analyze profitability of the
bank sector, but from different points of view. Kraft and Tirtiroglu
(1998) analyze the efficiency of bank institutions in Croatia and in
2004. Kraft with Hofler and Payne conducts similar investigation, but
from aspects of privatization and entering of foreign banks on Croatian
financial market, where the emphasis rests on cost efficiency of banks.
The Bank Scope database was used as data resource, from which data
on Croatian bank business conduct, were extracted in period from 1999.
till 2003. The data on banks was not completed for observed period, as
only 30 banks had complete data, and those data were used for analysis.
In result estimation of this paper it is necessary to consider the fact,
that the used data, was only available complete data on banks that had
all needed variables for certain year. In following investigation the
exchange algorithms for missing variables should be examined and it
should be estimated which of those algorithms is the most convenient one
for following analysis. In that case the longer time series could be
used, what would increase the reliability of research results, and that
could be an improvement in credibility and influence of macroeconomic
variables on bank profitability.
The efficiency of banks in this paper is measured by net interest
margin-NIM, which is calculated as the difference between passive and
active interest rate. In table 1 there are values of the net interest
margin from the sample banks described, and it is shown that the first
net interest margin is starting to decrease in 2000., as it had the
lowest value in 2002., and started to increase again in 2003.
The factors of bank profitability can be divided in two basic
groups: characteristics of the specific bank and environmental factors.
Specific characteristics of the certain bank are following: market
share, capital / assets ratio, credit / assets ratio, operative costs
/assets ratio, non-profit assets / total assets ratio and short-term
credits / assets ratio. Those factors will be used in regression
analysis and 'decision tree' analysis.
4.1 Regression analysis
Regression model is simplified picture of relations of observed
indications. Regression model is stochastic because it consists
deviation variable (accident component). The model of simple linear
regression is applied if the movement of dependent variable is observed
in dependence of movement of one independent variable and if the form of
relation is linear. Multiple regression models are applied if the
movement of dependent variable is observed in dependence of movement of
two or more independent variables is observed and if the relation
between them is linear. The parameters of multiple regression models
were estimated through net profit margin as dependent variable, during
which the Statistica software was used. Results are shown in table 2.
Estimated values of regression parameters were shown in table, along
with p-values which resulted from parameter value hypothesis testing.
Model of net profit margin has satisfying adjusted R", what
means that connection between independent variables and net profit
margin is strong enough. (Brooks, 2002.). The value of Durbin--Watson
factor shows that there is no correlation of model residual.
Net profit margin is under the influence of three variables--credit
/assets ratio (statistically significant with 1%), operative costs /
assets ratio ( 1% significance) and growth rate of GDP (statistically
significant with 5%). Estimated values of regression parameters that
represent credit /assets ratio and operative costs / assets ratio are
positive, which means that between those two variables and net profit
margin exists positive connection. However, regression parameter that
represents GDP is negative, which means that with the growth of GDP, the
spectra of values between active and passive interest rate decreases,
what is a well known fact.
By the expectations the connection between net interest margin and
credit /assets ratio is positive. Operative costs / assets ratio has
positive influence on net interest margin,, which means that operative
costs increase due to enlarged mass of business, which results in
interest income. GDP growth rate is in negative connection to net
interest margin, what shows us that faster the economy grows, the less
we can expect net interest margin to increase, from which it can be
supposed that fast GDP growth was not financed from bank credit lines
but from various other resources. Demirguc-Kunt and Levine (2001) found
on enlarged sample from more countries that net profit margin was
connected to capital / assets ratio of the bank, non-profit assets /
total assets of the bank, to short-term credits / assets ratio and to
all macroeconomic conditions.
4.2 'Decision trees'
Decision tree can be used for classification and regression
problems, in difference to neuron nets, decision tree generates model
that can explain in form of the rules the relation of the incoming and
out -coming variables. Decision tree is classification algorithm that
has structure of the tree. (McLachlan, 1992). There are two types of
knots that are connected with branches: terminal node (leaf node) and
the node which is final for certain branch on the tree (decision node),
which defines certain condition in the form of certain attribute. It
creates itself through algorithm which finds regularities between data,
and the most famous algorithms are CHAID, EXHAUSTIVE CHAID, C&RT.
During creation of 'decision tree' using the net profit
margin as dependent variable, it was shown that the best method is CHAID
method. Again, in decision tree making appeared similar variables that
were detected by regression method: operative costs / assets ratio and
GDP per capita.
Empirical results of the regression model show that net profit
margin of Croatian banks primarily depends on characteristics that are
specific for every bank itself, but also on GDP growth rate. Decision
tree method as well as regression analysis showed that the operative
costs / assets ratio and short-term credits / assets ratio were
variables that had the biggest influence on net profit margin.
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Table 1: Net interest margin 1999-2003, Resource: Bank Scope
1999 2000 2001 2002 2003
6,30 6,23 5,22 4,64 5,43
Table 2. Results of the multiple regression model * 1% ** 5%
Capital / assets ratio 0,23738
Credit / assets ratio 0,401382 *
Short-term credits / assets -0,128683
Non-profit assets / total assets 0,007182
GDP per capita 0,233865
Operative costs /assets ratio 0,603245 *
Market share 0,002746
GDP growth rate -0,494913 **
Average currency -0,115189
Inflation rate 0,144947
F-test 5,819985 *
ADJ R2 0,60046439
Durbin-Watson 1,858,731