Overview and some issues related to co-firing biomass and coal.
Dai, Jianjun ; Sokhansanj, Shahab ; Grace, John R. 等
Partial substitution of coal by biomass feedstocks or other
materials (e.g. waste) in coal-fired power plants requires cofiring
(Fernando, 2005). Co-firing also occurs when biomass feedstocks (or
other materials) are partially replaced by coal (Leckner, 2006). In most
instances, co-firing of biomass in existing coal-fired boilers provides
an attractive approach to nearly every aspect of the development of
biomass-to-energy capacity, especially in the presence of economic
incentives to replace coal.
Low heating values (LHV), varying chemical compositions (Table 1),
peculiar physical properties (e.g. wide range of particle size, high
moisture content (MC), irregular shapes, low bulk densities), as well as
high investment costs and insecurity of feedstock supply, are major
concerns when stand-alone biomass plants are built. Large biomass units
(>300 MWe) may be economically impractical based on present economic
criteria (Fernando, 2005). Coal can mitigate the effects of variations
in biomass feedstock quality and buffer the system when there is
insufficient biomass feedstock (Rickets, 2002; Viewls, 2005), whereas
biomass brings environmental and social benefits to coal plants. When
co-firing occurs in large units with high thermal efficiency, specific
operation costs are likely to be lower than in small-scale systems
(Rickets, 2002; Viewls, 2005), and the costs of adapting existing coal
power plants should be lower than building new dedicated biomass systems
(Fernando, 2005). Recent reviews of co-firing identified over 100
successful field demonstrations in 16 countries, utilizing many types of
biomass in combination with various types of coals and boilers (Baxter,
2005) (Table 2). There have also been extensive studies concerning the
co-firing of coal and biomass for energy generation (Leckner and
Karlsson, 1993; Armesto et al., 1997, 2003; Desroches-Ducarne et al.,
1998; Hein and Bemtgen, 1998; Dayton et al., 1999; Amand et al., 2001;
Sami et al., 2001; Laursen and Grace, 2002; Ross et al., 2002; Skodras
et al., 2002; Gayan et al., 2004; Hupa, 2005; Huang et al., 2006;
Zulfigar et al., 2006; Nevalainen et al., 2007).
Three basic types of technological configurations can be identified
for biomass co-firing in power plants (Zuwala and Sciazko, 2005): direct
co-firing (Figures 1 to 4), parallel co-firing and indirect co-firing
(Figure 5). Currently the most common option is direct co-firing, where
biomass and coal are utilized together in the same boiler, mainly due to
relatively low capital cost required to convert an existing coal-fired
power plant into a co-firing operation. For direct co-firing of biomass,
two methods have been developed: (a) blending the biomass and coal in
the fuel handling system, with the blended fuel then being fed; and (b)
separate fuel handling and separate burners for the biomass, thereby
avoiding impact on the conventional coal delivery system (Brem, 2005).
Parallel co-firing units (where biomass and coal are fed into separate
boilers, jointly producing steam for power generation) are also popular,
especially in the pulp and paper industry. The indirect option is
expensive and involves a separate biomass gasifier. Hence this option is
rarely adopted (Maciejewska et al., 2006). However, some researchers
regard indirect co-firing as the most effective method of introducing
large quantities of biomass with coal (BDC, 2007).
There are many successful co-firing systems with different reactors
(fixed bed, fluidized bed and entrained flow). Several different types
of biomass can be co-fired with coal, including wood, residues from
forestry and related industries, agricultural residues, and biomass in
refined form, such as pellets. Energy crops are also potential
candidates for co-firing (IEA, 2005; Maciejewska et al., 2006). Clean
wood waste, especially when pelletized, is an excellent fuel with low
ash and alkali concentrations, and several commercial-scale co-firing
demonstration tests have been completed without deposition problems with
up to 10% biomass on an energy basis (Tillman, 2000; Savolainen, 2003;
Baxter, 2005). Danish tests with up to 20% on an energy basis indicate
that straw can be co-fired with coal without severe deposition or
corrosion problems (Frandsez, 2005). There is also one large
coal-burning CHP plant in Sweden which successfully converted to 100%
wood pellets (Melin, 2007).
In recent years, some groups (Sjostrum et al., 1994; Kurkela et
al., 1994; Madsen and Christensen, 1994; Reinoso et al., 1994; Brage et
al., 1995; Chen et al., 1995; de Jong et al., 1998; Collot et al., 1999;
Sjostrum et al., 1999; Brown et al., 2000; Pan et al., 2000; Xie et al.,
2001; Chmielniak and Sciazko, 2003; McLendon et al., 2004) have reported
co-gasification of biomass and coal. Co-gasification brings
environmental benefits (e.g. reduced C[O.sub.2] emissions, decreased
sulphur and nitrogen oxide emissions), while also reducing problems that
occur in biomass operations associated with the production of tar.
Air-steam gasification facilitates high conversion of solid feedstocks
such as biomass and coal into gas (Hanaoka et al., 2005). However, there
have been few reports on co-gasification of woody biomass and coal with
air and steam from the viewpoint of the supply of syngas for synthesis
of liquid fuels (de Jong and Hein, 1999; Pinto et al., 2003). There have
also been few reports on co-gasification where the relative proportions
of biomass and coal have varied over wide ranges (Kumabe et al., 2007).
Research is needed on pre-treating biomass to facilitate co-feeding and
dosing to the gasifier. The ash, slagging, fouling and corrosion
behaviour of typical biomass minerals have to be assessed (Boerrigter et
al., 2006).
This paper highlights the technical difficulties related to
co-firing of biomass and coal based on previous experience. Calculation
and analysis are also provided to deepen understanding of co-firing
issues and problems, especially for direct co-firing.
Coal/Biomass Combustion
Information on biomass co-combustion with coal can be found in
several articles that have summarized the state-of-the-art in this field
(Sami et al., 2002; Demirbas, 2005). In general, three types of
combustion systems can be identified (Table 3):
(1) Packed bed combustion systems use grate-fired furnaces and
underfeed stokers. Different types of grate furnaces (up to 20 MWa,) are
available: fixed, moving, travelling, rotating, and vibrating (van Loo and Koppejan, 2004). Underfeed stokers are used in small- and
medium-scale systems up to a nominal boiler capacity of 6 MWa, (van Loo
and Koppejan, 2004). Packed bed boilers are generally not good
candidates for direct co-firing compared to fluidized beds, although
they can be a component of more advanced modes, for example for parallel
or in-direct co-firing (Maciejewska et al., 2006). Some studies of
packed bed direct co-firing of biomass and coal have also been conducted
(Sampson et al., 1991; Brouwer et al., 1995).
(2) Flnidized bed combustion (FBC) (Figure 6) has been reported to
be most efficient and suitable for converting agricultural and wood
residues into energy, as well as for co-firing (Elanchezian and Antonio,
1993; van den Broek et al., 1996; Philippek and Werther, 1997;
Bhattacharya, 1998; Werther et al., 2000; Tsai et al., 2002; Backreedy
et al., 2005). There are two major types of FBC systems: bubbling
fluidized beds (BFB) and circulating fluidized beds (CFB). Hupa (2005)
reviewed interactions of various fuels in various FBCs and found that
factors such as flue gas emissions, fouling, and bed-sintering seldom
depend in a simple linear manner on the composition of the fuel mixture;
instead, non-linear relationships tend to be the norm (Wan et al.,
2007). Hot, inert, and granular material (usually silica sand and
limestone or dolomite) provide thermal inertia and can stabilize the
combustion process (also capturing sulphur), constituting 90-98 % of the
total in-bed mixture by mass, the balance being fuel particles (van Loo
and Koppejan, 2004).
Given their good mixing, fluidized beds can accept various fuels
(e.g. wood and straw), but require close control of fuel particle size
(BFB < 80 mm, CFB < 40 mm) (van Loo and Koppejan, 2004). Particle
segregation in bubbling fluidized beds is primarily caused by
differences in particle density of the two species, so this can be a
problem when coal and biomass are present. The combustion temperature
has to be kept below about 900[degrees]C to prevent ash sintering, which
could cause de-fluidization (van Loo and Koppejan, 2004). Hence,
fluidized bed combustion is better suited for woody biomass (ash melting
point > 1000[degrees]C) than for herbaceous biomaterial (e.g. straw,
ash melting point <700[degrees]C) (Maciejewska et al., 2006). The
potential significant drawback, especially in CFB, is incomplete
combustion of fuels in the bed. This occurs because the unburned carbon,
often appearing as soot, is very light and may not be captured by
cyclones (Maciejewska et al., 2006). Among the three basic types of
combustion systems, fluidized bed combustion seems to have the highest
fuel flexibility with respect to MC, heating value and ash content,
enabling the use of fuel mixes and increasing the range of fuels which
can be fed or co-fed in existing power plants (van den Broek et al.,
1996; Bhattacharya, 1998; Werther et al., 2000).
(3) Pulverized fuel or dust combustion systems (Figure 7) are fed
pneumatically. Fuels include coal, sawdust, and fine shavings (van Loo
and Koppejan, 2004). Fuel quality in dust combus tion needs to be
maintained, with a maximum fuel particle size of 10-20 mm and MC of no
more than 20 wt% (wb) (van Loo and Koppejan, 2004).
Coal/Biomass Gasification
Gasification is an important process related to indirect co-firing
(Maciejewska et al., 2006). Gasifiers are used in various applications
(Hotchkiss et al., 2002). There are two major types of gasification:
direct and indirect gasification.
Fixed bed, fluidized bed and entrained flow gasifiers constitute
the three basic types of gasifiers. Fixed bed gasifiers can be
subdivided into updraft and downdraft gasifiers. Both require
mechanically stable fuel particles of limited size (e.g. [less than or
equal to] 10-30 mm) to facilitate passage of gas through the bed.
Therefore the biomass can be preferred as pellets or briquettes. The
scaling-up of fixed bed gasifiers, tar generation and NO, emissions are
major concerns affecting the relative merits of different configurations
(Maciejewska et al., 2006).
Two types of fluidized bed gasifiers can again be identified
(Figure 6): BFB and CFB. Both have favourable fuel flexibility, being
able to treat fuels of different origins (Belgiorno et al., 2003). Ash
sintering and bed agglomeration are of concern when biomass is the fuel
(Heinrich and Weirich, 2002). The efficient performance of fluidized bed
gasifiers requires relatively small fuel particles to ensure good
contact with bed material, as in fluidized bed combustion.
Entrained flow gasifiers (EFG) convert mixtures of fuel and oxygen
into a syngas at high temperatures (significantly >1200[degrees]C,
even as high as 2000[degrees]C) in very short periods of time (a few
seconds) and at high pressures (~50 bar). The typical oxidizing agent is
oxygen, in order to reduce the nitrogen content in the gas and resulting
NO, emissions. The production of pure oxygen and the high pressure
result in high costs (Heinrich and Weirich, 2002). In order to achieve
reliable feeding and high conversion of the feedstock, particles should
be smaller than 1 mm, or liquid (e.g. pyrolysis oil) feedstock can be
used (Maciejewska et al., 2006). Producing sufficiently fine powders
from biomass for entrained flow gasifiers is also expensive. Slurry
feeding can reduce the overall cost of solid fuel feeding at
high-pressures, but it cannot
be applied to biomass because of the low energy density and the
high moisture capacity of biomass (Maciejewska et al., 2006). There are
several commercial pneumatic feeding designs available for coal
(GE/ChevTex, Conoco E-gas, Shell), but these do not work with more than
10-15 % biomass on an energy basis in a coal blend (Maciejewska et al.,
2006). Entrained-flow gasification is a mature/commercial technology for
petroleum residues and coal. However, experience is (very) limited with
biomass. Not every biomass type is appropriate in any case due to
difficulties with ash melting (Maciejewska et al., 2006). Emery Energy
hinted at using an entrained flow concept for biomass, but details are
not publicly available (Maciejewska et al., 2006). Supercritical water
gasification operates at temperatures of 500-700[degrees]C and pressures
of 200-400 bar. The process is suitable for wet feedstocks, but, as it
is a relatively new concept, experience is restricted to laboratory and
pilot scale experiments (Tuurna, 2003). Commercialization of
supercritical water gasification also faces challenges in both economic
and technical aspects, depending on specific conditions.
Combustion of biomass differs from coal combustion due to
differences in chemical compositions and physical properties (Figures 8
and 9). Chao et al. (2008) conducted thermogravimetric analysis (TGA)
and differential thermal analysis (DTA) of coal, rice husk, and bamboo
at a heating rate of 5[degrees]C/min in air. High volatile matter (VM)
contents and low activation energies of rice husk and bamboo made the
pyrolysis and subsequent volatile oxidation start earlier than for coal.
The higher VM content of biomass led to two distinct stages of weight
losses, with gas phase oxidation at the beginning and char oxidation in
the second stage, whereas the latter dominated the entire process for
coal. The TG/DTA results indicated that a substantial fraction of the
energy from the biomass combustion came from VM reaction, whereas almost
all of the energy for coal came from char oxidation (Table 4). The time
scales of the VM gas-phase reactions are much less than that of the char
oxidation reaction of the residual carbon in the solid phase. The latter
depends on the diffusion of oxygen to the surface of the carbon
residues, followed by surface chemistry. This difference in time scale
is crucial in explaining combustion performance and pollutant emissions
(Chao et al., 2008) (Figure 9). Hence, the mechanisms of biomass and
coal combustion differ somewhat, although biomass follows the same
sequence of pyrolysis, devolatilization and combustion as for combustion
of low-rank coal (Sami et al., 2001). Biomass can burn more intensively
and may give rise to higher local peak temperatures due to its higher
reactivity than coal. The combustion rate of biomass char is slightly
higher because of a more disordered carbon structure (Backreedy et al.,
2005), while biomass char burning rates are comparable to burning rates
of high-VM bituminous coal chars (Sami et al., 2001). In fact, the
reactions of the major components of wood, hemicellulose, cellulose, and
lignin, are interconnected at high temperatures, with the wood reacting
at one composite rate. Wood containing a high proportion of lignin, for
example in knots, reacts more slowly (Backreedy et al., 2005). Lignin
does not burn completely, especially if >0.5 mm in diameter.
Biomass particles are large and physically complex, influencing
heat and mass transfer. Particle shape and size affect char burnout because biomass does not melt, and irregular shapes are maintained
during combustion. Larger particles of a given mass burn faster when
they are non-spherical. Kinetics of the major steps in biomass
combustion are not fully understood (Backreedy et al., 2005). Pyrolysis,
ignition, and combustion of coal and biomass particles (Sami et al.,
2001; Backreedy et al., 2005) are compared in Table 4.
Combustion modelling for coal/biomass blends is complex due to gas
and two particulate phases, as well as chemical reactions. Two
chemically different fuels are involved, with biomass much more reactive
and having higher VM and MC than coal. Most reactor models contain
sub-models for fluid-mechanics, particle dispersion, fuel
devolatilization, gaseous combustion, heterogeneous char reaction and
pollutant formation. Combustion models based on coal need to be modified
to account for the effects of biomass co-firing on the overall
combustion behaviour (Gayan et al., 2004). The suitability of the
sub-models for biomass combustion is a key factor in selecting an
appropriate code, including CFD models (Backreedy et al., 2005).
Similarity between the coal and biomass sub-models can be assumed,
despite differences in mechanisms and kinetics (Backreedy et al., 2005).
Sami et al. (2001) revised the modelling of co-firing based on models
for pulverized or swirls burners. Saastamoinen et al. (2005) presented a
burning regimes model covering the combustion of coal, wood chips and
their mixtures. The model assumes that a burning fuel particle initially
loses mass due to drying and devolatilization, causing its average
density to decrease, while its diameter remains approximately constant.
In practice, wood particles may shrink in size, whereas some coals swell
(Nevalainen et al., 2007). CFB models for burning coal (Adanez et al.,
1995) and biomass (de Diego et al., 2002; Adanez et al., 2003) and
blended biomass and coal (Gayan et al., 2004) have been developed in the
past decade with a focus on predicting combustion efficiency, fouling,
and emission of pollutants for different fuels and their mixtures in
commercial-scale fluidized bed combustors.
When a small amount of biomass is added to a coal flame, the
reaction environment is primarily determined by the combustion of the
coal rather than by the biomass kinetics. Biomass additions have led to
a slight delay in the ignition of the blended fuels, although biomass
has a lower ignition temperature (Demirbas, 2004; Goh, 2005; Lu et al.,
2007). This is attributed to the larger particle sizes and higher MC of
the biomass. Premixing biomass and coal can enhance the combustion of
the two fuels, whereas poorly mixed biomass and coal tend to burn
independently at different rates (Lu et al., 2007). Test results have
suggested that, due to the varying physical and chemical properties of
the biomass fuels, their additions have a significant impact on the
characteristics of the flame, particularly the flame front and
brightness. However, flame stability has been found to be little
affected by the amount of biomass added in all cases studied, provided
that the addition is less than 20% by mass (Lu et al., 2007).
McIlveen-Wright et al. (2007) analyzed 25 biomass processes in CFBC systems based on actual power plants. It was shown that CFBC power
plants of different sizes could operate effectively and efficiently with
a range of biomass types and loadings in co-firing applications, with
lower net COZ emissions (compared to cases where coal is the sole fuel),
and improved compliance with NO, and S[O.sub.x], emission limits.
CFB hydrodynamic characteristics have been analyzed and modelled
(e.g. Johnsson et al., 1992; Johnsson and Leckner, 1995; Pallares and
Johnsson, 2000; Gayan et al., 2004). The riser was divided into three
zones: a bottom zone, characterized by a dense bed, similar to a
bubbling bed; a splash zone with predominantly homogeneous particle
clustering flow; and a transport zone with a core-annulus structure. In
the splash and transport zones, the vertical distribution of solids was
characterized by an exponential decay model, with the solid
concentration assumed to be the sum of contributions from a cluster
phase and a dispersed phase. The hydrodynamic model can predict mean
voidage, annulus and core voidages, core radius, upward solids flow in
the core, downward solids flow in the annulus and external circulation
solid flux, all as functions of height (Gayan et al., 2004). For more
information about fluidized bed hydrodynamics and reactor modelling, see
Grace et al. (2003).
Hydrodynamic analysis is also important for both blended feeding
and separate feeding in order to estimate the hydrodynamic regimes for
different particles and to optimize their physical properties (e.g.
size, MC, density) for blended fuels. Mixtures of biomass and coal can
be well fluidized only when the biomass constitutes less than 50 % by
volume. Minimum fluidization velocity of particle blends can be
calculated by the Ergun equation with reasonable accuracy (Bi, 2005). A
sample calculation is given in Table 5 for different fuels, including
coal and various biomass feedstocks. It is commonly assumed that the
density and shape of biomass particles do not change and that no
fragmentation occurs (Nevalainen et al., 2007). Non-spherical shapes may
affect the drag coefficients and require the use of shape factors (Clift
et al., 1978; Backreedy et al., 2005). Biomass particles differ in
density, size and shape from coal particles, and this can cause
different trajectories and reaction locations in the furnace.
Ganser (1993) introduced two shape factors [K.sup.1] and [K.sup.2]
applicable in the Stokes and Newton's regimes for the estimation of
drag coefficient, [C.sub.d]:
(Re[K.sub.1][K.sub.2])sup.0.6567] + 0.4305/1+3305/Re[K.sub.1][K.sub.2]
where Re is the particle Reynolds number based on the volume
equivalent diameter, [d.sub.v]; [K.sub.1] = [([d.sub.n]/3[d.sub.v] +
(2/3) [[psi].sup.0.5].sup.-1]; [K.sub.2] = [10.sup.1.8148 (-log
[psi]).sup.0.5743]; [d.sub.n] is the projected-area-equivalent J
diameter; and [psi] is the sphericity.
The terminal velocity, [u.sub.t], can then be estimated from: ~
4gdv (pp - pf)
[u.sub.t] =[square root of
(4g[d.sub.v]([rho].sub.P]-[[rho].sub.f)]/3[[rho].sub.i][C.sub.d] (2)
where [[rho].sub.P] is the particle density, and pt is the fluid
density. The Ergun equation (Ergun, 1952):
can be used to estimate the minimum fluidization velocity (Nemec
and Levec, 2005; Keyser et al., 2006). Here [[DELTA].sub.P] is the
pressure drop, A is the Blake-Kozeny-Carman constant, B is the
Burke-Plummer constant, [H.sub.b] is the bed height, [U.sub.mf] is the
minimum fluidization velocity, [[micro].sub.f] is the dynamic viscosity of fluid, and [[epsilon].sub.mf] is the void fraction at minimum
fluidization. For spherical particles, A = 150 and B = 1.75. For
cylindrical particles (including disks), Nemec and Levec (2005)
A=150/[[psi]sub.3/2], B= 1.75/[[psi]sub.4/3]
Since cylinders are reasonably similar in shape to cuboids, these
relations are also give reasonable predictions for cuboidal particles
(e.g. ground wood pellets in Table 5). Calculated minimum fluidization
velocities calculations for different types of particles, including
50:50 blends of biomass and coal, are shown in Table 5. Biomass
particles are not easy to fluidize due to their large size and irregular
shapes. Wood pellets can be better suited to fluidization after
Constraints related to co-firing can include fuel preparation,
handling, storage, milling and feeding problems (e.g. high MC, low bulk
density, hydrophilic, non-friable character, biodegradability),
different combustion behaviour, possible decreases in overall efficiency
(e.g. relatively low calorific value, high MC), deposit formation
(slagging and fouling), agglomeration, corrosion and/or erosion (e.g.
low ash melting point, chemical composition with potentially high
alkaline metals and chlorine content) and ash utilization (e.g. high
alkaline metals and chlorine content). Most of these issues are related
to fuel properties (Figures 8 to 11, and Tables 1 and 6). With proper
combinations of these elements, a number of power plants practice
co-firing without major problems (Figure 11) (Tillman, 2000; Aho and
Ferrer, 2005; Aho et al., 2005; Baxter, 2005; Ferrer et al., 2005).
Ash, Slagging, Fouling, and Corrosion Problems
In indirect co-firing, as well as parallel co-firing, the ash
produced in the process is kept separate. In direct co-firing, coal and
biomass ash are mixed together. Mixed ash is not easy to utilize in the
same applications as coal ash (e.g. in the construction industry). The
degree of difficulty depends on the quality and percentage of biomass in
the fuel blend, type of combustion and/or gasification, co-firing
configuration, and coal properties. Therefore, when analyzing the
environmental impacts of cofiring, the options for ash utilization must
be assessed, especially for high biomass/coal ratios.
The major mechanisms and rates of ash deposition are related to the
inorganic material (e.g. chlorine, sulphur, aluminium, and alkaline) in
the fuel and to the combustion conditions (EUBION, 2003). Deposits may
be caused by light sintering, or complete fusion due to the lower ash
melting-point of biomass ash. The degree of fouling and slagging varies
throughout the boiler, depending on local gas and tube temperatures,
tube orientation, gas velocity and fuel composition (EC, 2000; Jensen et
al., 2001; EUBION, 2003; Benetto et al., 2004). Deposits tend to cause
deterioration in the heat transfer to tubes, reducing combustion
efficiency (EUBION, 2003). Although slagging and fouling may occur
quickly, corrosion may progress slowly over a long period, with or
without associated slagging or fouling (EUBION, 2003). Chlorine-rich
deposits (NaCl and KCI) induce hot corrosion of heat transfer surfaces,
but high-risk chlorine compounds can react with sulphur and aluminum
silicate compounds, releasing HCI, which is less harmful (EUBION, 2003).
CORIDS (2005) reported that suitable materials and additives can reduce
corrosion in boilers burning biomass, even at temperatures as high as
550[degrees]C. Ammonium sulphate may be injected into the flue gas after
combustion to convert gaseous potassium chloride into potassium sulphate
(a much less corrosive compound), resulting in reductions in corrosion
and deposition rates by 50%. The corrosion issues in co-firing or
biomass systems can also be addressed by pretreatment of biomass by
leaching with water, thereby reducing the content of alkalis, sulphur,
and chlorine in the feedstock (Jenkins et al., 1996; Jensen et al.,
2001; Davidsson et al., 2002). More information on biomass pre-treatment
through washing (both biomass washing and char washing) and its benefits
for co-firing systems was provided by Maciejewska et al. (2006).
Biomass-related deposit formation and corrosion are linked (EUBION,
2003); erosion and corrosion also interact (Stack and Jana, 2004).
Therefore it is difficult to address these issues separately.
Baxter (1993) concluded that the ash deposition rate in biomass
combustion peaks at early times and then decreases monotonically. The
tenacity and strength of biomass combustion deposits tend to be higher
than for deposits from coal combustion, with smooth deposit surfaces and
low porosity. This means that the deposits from biomass combustion tend
to be difficult to remove, requiring additional cleaning effort.
Pollutant Emissions
Blending coal and biomass can lead to reductions in pollutant
emissions (Leckner and Karlsson, 1993; Nordin, 1995; Armesto et al.,
1997, 2003; Gulyurtu et al., 1997; Desroches-Ducarne et al., 1998; Hein
and Bemtgen, 1998; Dayton et al., 1999; Werther et al., 2000; Amand et
al., 2001; Laursen and Grace, 2002; Ross et al., 2002), with the levels
of pollutants decreasing as the proportion of biomass increases. Dayton
et al. (1999) investigated the interactions between co-fed biomass and
coal during combustion. The results revealed the synergetic effects of
co-firing for HCI, KCI, and NaCl. The amounts of NO, and S[O.sub.2]
detected suggested that any decrease resulted from dilution of N and S
in the fuel blend, although alkaline ash from biomass may capture some
S[O.sub.2] generated during combustion. The fuel nitrogen content of
biomass is mainly converted to ammonia during combustion, contributing
to reduced NO, for co-firing (Gayan et al., 2004). Hydrocarbons from
biomass can also react with NO., producing molecular [N.sub.2] Hence,
biomass has the potential to be an effective additional fuel when coal
is the primary fuel. In addition, NH3 found in the biomass (e.g. animal
wastes) or formed during combustion of biomass may contribute to the
catalytic reduction of N[O.sub.x], (Sami et al., 2001).
Circulating fluidized bed (CFB) technology has been used to burn
coal and biomass because of its ability to handle low-quality,
high-sulphur fuels. Leckner and Karlsson (1993) measured experimental
emissions of NO, [N.sub.2]O, S[O.sub.2], and CO from combustion of
mixtures of bituminous coal and wood in a CFB. They concluded that
emissions from the combustion of mixtures are related to the mass
fractions of the fuels and to their properties. Nordin (1995) optimized
sulphur retention during co-combustion of coal and biomass fuels in a
fluidized bed using statistical experimental designs for operating
variables. When Van Doorn et al. (1996) and Sami et al. (2001) fired
blended coal, wood, straw, and municipal sewage sludge into a fluidized
bed combustor, they found wood to be the most favourable co-firing fuel
in terms of ease of combustion and reduced emissions of N[O.sub.x], and
S[O.sub.2]. No particle agglomeration was observed. Emissions of
S[O.sub.2], CO and N[O.sub.x], decreased with increasing wood-to-coal
ratio. Similar effects were observed when co-firing straw, but the HCI
concentration increased with larger straw-to-coal ratios due to its
relatively high chlorine content. Huang et al. (2006) reported that
co-firing wood chips resulted in lower N[O.sub.x] emissions, whereas
co-firing straw or sewage sludge slightly increased N[O.sub.x] in
pressurized fluidized bed combustors (PFBC). N[O.sub.x] may decrease or
increase when co-firing coal and straw (or other biomass feedstocks)
depending on the blending ratio, fuel properties, and combustion
Hein and Bemtgen (1998) studied the co-combustion of different
biomass materials with coal in a range of pilot plants and large-scale
power stations. They found that CFBs could be designed to handle the
size of wood chips and that biomass addition suppressed SOZ emissions
significantly for all FB facilities. Higher excess air for co-combustion
of biomass and coal relative to pure coal combustion in a CFB was
recommended by Werther et al. (2000) and Amand et al. (2001). Armesto et
al. (2003) combusted a blend of coal and olive-oil-industry residue in a
bubbling fluidized bed pilot plant to study the effect of operating
conditions on the emissions and combustion efficiencies. They found that
the share of residue in the mixture (10-25% on a mass basis) did not
affect the combustion efficiency, although there was a significant
influence on SOZ emissions due to the calcium and potassium content of
the biomass. Generally the flue gas passes to an electrostatic
precipitator or bag filter to have particulate matter removed. Sulphur
can be removed using flue gas desulphurization, whereas oxides of
nitrogen can be controlled by modifications to the burners. Clean-up
systems for N[O.sub.x] such as selective catalytic reduction (SCR) and
selective non-catalytic reduction (SNCR) can also be adopted. Each of
these technologies can be used in co-firing systems with little or no
Large portions of Cl-rich biomass (meat and bone meal (MBM) and
refuse-derived fuel (RDF)) have been co-fired with selected coals
without operational problems (Aho et al., 2008). As mentioned above, the
sulphur and aluminosilicates present in coal can capture alkalis from
alkali chlorides and release HCI, preventing Cl from condensing on
superheaters as alkali chlorides. HCI does not bring chlorine to the
deposits. The key reactions are sulphation and alkali aluminum silicate
formation (Aho et al., 2008). Increased kaolinite (A[1.sub.2][Si.sub.2][O.sub.5] [(OH).sub.4]) and decreased alkali
contents in the coals improved alkali capture, allowing larger contents
of Cl-rich biomass in co-firing without Cl deposition (Ferrer et al.,
2005). Ca/S ratios >3 can provide effective S[O.sub.2] capture. High
S/Cl ratios (>4) can facilitate sulphation (Salmenoja et al., 1996;
Fernandez, 1998). High Al/Cl ratios can lead to effective alkali
aluminum silicate formation if a significant portion of the aluminum is
present as active kaolinite (Fernandez and Curt, 2004; Aho and Ferrer,
2005; Ferrer and Aho, 2005). (Na + K)/Cl > 1 indicates an excess of
alkalis for formation of alkali chlorides (Aho et al., 2008). Chlorine
concentration in some fuels, such as straw, can be reduced by fuel
pre-treatment with water. This can also have a beneficial effect on ash
fusion temperatures (Jenkins et al., 1998).
Dioxins that might be expected appear to be destroyed within the
furnace when temperatures are >1000[degrees]C, but may be formed in
the cooling region downstream by de novo synthesis. The fate of certain
trace elements in biomass and wastes has not been fully established.
Most heavy metals appear to be trapped within the ash. Although further
tests are needed in this area, co-firing appears to be advantageous in
many respects.
Handling and Feeding of Biomass
Different chemical compositions and peculiar physical properties
(e.g. low bulk density and high MC) can significantly influence the
design and operation of handling and feeding systems. A separate feeding
system is frequently provided for the biomass component of the fuel.
Drying, size reduction, storage, transportation, feeding, and handling
of biomass fuels present problems in achieving stable conditions. Large
particle size, high MC, irregular shapes and low bulk density tend to
promote feed rate irregularities. Co-feeding of blended fuels, for
example coal and biomass, presents more problems than separate feeding.
Although direct co-firing affects combustion behaviour and ash
handling, if the proportion of biomass in the coal is small (e.g.
<10% on an energy basis), the effect of biomass addition has been
found to be insignificant (Table 2) for packed bed, fluidized bed, and
entrained flow reactors, with significant economic and environmental
benefits (Sami et al., 2001). Feeding of blend fuels is not
straightforward. For example, pre-mixing of some biomass feedstocks
(e.g. straw) and coal was not feasible due to segregation of the two
materials. In addition, slightly higher MC of the biomass can cause
feeding of blend fuels to be unstable or to fluctuate (Dai, 2007).
Separate feeding mitigates the feeding and ash problems for co-firing of
biomass and coal at the expense of higher investment costs. In many
co-firing plants, biofuels are pre-mixed with coal (or other materials)
before feeding into the boiler (Granada et al., 2006). If the limestone
is fed with the coal for capture of sulphur, the limestone may also be
pre-mixed with the coal and biomass.
Various measures can be applied to avoid or reduce problems in
biomass or blend feeding. Densified biomass (pellets and briquettes) is
one option. Pellets are appropriate for coalfired plants (Bergman et
al., 2005; Maciejewska et al., 2006) because modification of biomass
properties addresses the source of the problems, rather than their
consequences. The high costs of pelletization can be justified by better
operability of the fuel (handling, transportation, storage, and
feeding), resulting in improved boiler and combustion performance. The
importance of pre-treatment is likely to increase with the tendency to
utilize low-quality biomass. Another interesting option, especially for
herbaceous biomass (currently rarely considered for co-firing) might be
a pre-treatment process combining torrefaction and pelletization to
allow co-utilization of high ratios of low-quality biomass with coal in
existing coal systems without major modifications. This pre-treatment
option has not yet been commercialized, so that environmental impacts,
large-scale performance and economics are currently unknown (Maciejewska
et al., 2006).
Bulk material handling and feeding are widely described in the
literature. Various options such as hoppers or lock hoppers, screw
feeders (Dai, 2007), conveyor belts (Abbas et al., 1994), and pneumatic
feeding systems (Tmej and Haselbacher, 2000; Sami et al., 2001; Dai,
2007), have proved to be suitable for different kinds of biomass. The
feeding system should be designed to handle the specific fuel flow
properties. The most common feeding system for pellet stoves is a screw
auger driven by a slow-moving high-torque motor fed from a hopper
(Granada et al., 2006). Screw feeders may cause fuel flow fluctuations
and segregation of pellet and forest residues when fed by the same
screw. Because of segregation during storage and different feeding
behaviour of pellet and forest residue, different chambers are needed in
a hopper to obtain steady flow and to control mixing (Granada et al.,
2006). Pelletized biomass (dried during processing to a low MC) can be
successfully processed by coal mills, but this route is expensive
(Segrest et al., 1997). More research is required for blend feeding.
(1) Both biomass and coal can benefit from co-firing. Co-firing in
coal plants can strongly increase biomass use and reduce the emissions
of greenhouse gases and other pollutants at low capital and operational
cost (compared to dedicated biomass plants).
(2) Direct co-firing is the most popular current option for biomass
and coal co-firing, with modest investment cost to turn existing coal
power plants into co-firing plants. Direct co-firing of biomass and coal
takes advantage of the high efficiencies obtainable in large coal-fired
power plants and improves combustion due to the higher volatile content
of the biomass. The cost of parallel co-firing is significantly higher
than the direct option, but may assist in optimizing the combustion
process and in utilizing difficult fuels with high alkali and chlorine
contents. Indirect co-firing can keep the biomass ashes separate from
the coal ashes, while allowing very high co-firing ratios. However,
indirect co-firing requires relatively high unit investment costs.
(3) Although more research is needed, there is already a wealth of
practical experience for different conditions. For direct cofiring, the
physical characteristics and chemical composition of the fuel entering
the combustors or gasifiers are critical to their operation. Any biomass
mixed with coal needs to have acceptable physical properties. For low
co-firing ratios (< 10 thermal), there appears to be no irresolvable issues. Higher capital costs of advanced co-firing configurations may be
justifiable due to better operability and flexibility of the system. For
higher co-firing ratios, additional research is needed. The trend in
co-firing is to increase the ratio of biomass/coal, and to utilize a
wider range of biomass fuels.
(4) Combining torrefaction and pelletization, with leaching
biomass, and combining biomass pyrolysis with char washing are
interesting options for pre-treatment processes, especially for
herbaceous biomass (which currently is not often considered for
(5) Chemical composition and particle physical properties affect
reactor performance (e.g. fouling, agglomeration, and quality of
fluidization). Trouble-free feeding is crucial for the success of
(6) More research is needed on co-firing biomass and coal including
work on: preparation, handling, storage, and feeding of biomass
feedstocks (e.g. drying, torrefaction, pelletization); co-firing
mechanisms; hydrodynamic analysis of co-firing combustors and gasifiers;
boiler/gasifier capacity, slagging, fouling, corrosion, efficiency,
reliability, fuel flexibility; lower emissions and gas cleaning;
catalyst poisoning; investment and operating costs.
(7) In all the co-utilization technologies considered, there are
technical problems and limitations that have not yet been fully
resolved. However, none of the perceived technical issues appears to be
A Blake-Kozeny-Carman constant
B Burke-Plummer constant
[C.sub.d] drag coefficient
[d.sub.n] projected area diameter (m)
[d.sub.v] volume-equivalent diameter (m)
[H.sub.b] bed height (m)
[K.sub.1] = [(dn/3[d.sub.v]) + (2/3)[[psi]sup.-o.s].sup.-1]
[K.sup.2] = [10.sup.1.8148(-log[psi])sup.O.5743]
Re particle Reynolds number
[U.sub.mf] minimum fluidization velocity (m/s)
[u.sub.t] terminal settling velocity (m/s)
Greek Symbols
[DELTA]P pressure drop (Pa)
[[epsilon].sub.mf] void fraction at minimum fluidization
[[micro].sup.f] dynamic viscosity of fluid (Pa s)
[rho] density (kg/m3)
[[rho].sub.f] fluid density (kg/m3)
[[rho].sub.P] particle density (kg/m3)
[psi] sphericity
ar as received
b-dRDF binder-enhanced densified refuse-derived fuel
BFBC bubbling fluidized bed combustion
CFBC circulating fluidized bed combustion
daf dry ash-free
db dry basis
DTA differential thermal analysis
EFG entrained flow gasification
FBC fluidized bed combustion
HC hydrocarbons
HHV higher heating value
LHV lower heating value
MBM meat and bone meal
MC moisture content
PFBC pressurized fluidized bed combustion
SCR selective catalytic reduction
SNCR selective non-catalytic reduction
TGA thermogravimetric analysis
VM volatile matter
wb wet basis
wt weight
ave average
b bulk density
mf minimum fluidization velocity
p particle
v volume
Mannscript received December 24, 2007; revised Mannscript received
February 15, 2008; accepted for publication February 21, 2008.
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Jianjun Dai, * Shahab Sokhansanj, John R. Grace, Xiaotao Bi, C. Jim
Lim and Staffan Melin
Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering, University of
British Columbia, 2360 East Mall, Vancouver, BC, Canada V6T I Z3
* Author to whom correspondence may be addressed.
E-mail address: djianjan0a chml.abc.ca Can. J. Chem. Eng.
86:367-386, 2008 [c] 2008 Canadian Society for Chemical Engineering DOI 10.1002/cjce.20052
Table 1. Properties of different biomass fuels compared with coal (a)
Fuel LHV Volatile Ash Ultimate analysis
(daf) matter content % w/w (daf)
MJ/kg % w/w % w/w
(daf) (dry) C H O N S
Straw 18.2 81.3 6.6 49 6 44 0.8 0.2
Wood 18.7 83 1.8 50.5 6.1 43 0.3 0.1
Bark 16.2 76 7 50.5 5.8 43.2 0.4 0.1
Rape oil 35.8 100 0 77 12 10.9 0.1 0
Peat 19 74.2 2.7 52.6 5.8 40.6 0.9 0.1
Bituminous 31.8 34.7 8.3 82.4 5.1 10.3 1.4 0.8
(a) Chmielniak and Sciazko (2003).
Table 2. Examples of co-firing projects
System description Fuel type and heating Blend parameters and
value HHV (kJ/kg) feeding methods
Grate-fired boiler Coal/wood chips blends. 10-20% (energy basis)
(electricity or Wood: birch, aspen, wood; blend feeding,
steam generation) spruce. spreader stokers with
HH[V.sub.coal] = 22 605; travelling grates; fly
HH[V.sub.wood] = 17 742 ash re-injection
system; 35-41% moisture
for blend fuel
Spreader Coal and refuse-derived Blend feeding and
stoker-fired fuel (softwood waste) separate feeding; for
boiler (140-300 kW the pulverized coal
(fuel)) and a facility, blend
pulverized coal feeding, and separate
boiler (38 kW feeding with biomass as
(fuel)) a reburn fuel after the
recirculation zone
Multi-circulating Coal/straw/wood chips 18-49% biomass (mass
fluidized bed blends; heating values basis); blend feeding
combustor (MCFBC) not available and separate feeding
(power generation,
20 MWe)
Pressurized FBC Blend of straw with coal Blend feeding
(1.6 M[W.sub.th])
Fluidized bed Coal and wood, straw, Blend feeding;
combustor and municipal sewage emissions of
sludge S[O.sub.2], CO, and
N[O.sub.x] decreased
with increasing
wood/coal ratio
CFBC combustion Federal coal, straw, and
systems (250 MWe sewage sludge
CFBC at Gardanne)
CFB boiler Milled peat, wood fuels Blend feeding and
(295 M[W.sub.th]) (sawdust, bark, cutter separate feeding
(Rauhalahti chips, forest chips)
Municipal CHP (20%, heat basis) and
Plant, Finland) coal. MC (wt%, wb): 45%
(peat); 45-50% (wood
fuels); LHV (daf,
MJ/kg): 10 (peat); 7-9
(wood fuels)
BFB boiler Wood waste (35%), coal Blend feeding; the fuel
(42 MWe) (Steam (50%) and RDF (15%, heat mix is fed to the FBCs
plant #2, Tacoma, basis) overbed, while
Washington) limestone is added
directly to the beds
for S[O.sub.2]
CFB boiler Coal (59%, energy Direct co-firing, not
(132 M[W.sub.th]) basis), recycled pulping available for blend or
chemicals (35%), bark separate feeding
and wood waste (5%), and
oil (1%)
CFBC boiler (35 Coal (60%, heat basis) Direct co-firing, not
MWe) (Slough Heat and a densified RDF available for blend or
and Power Ltd.) material (40%). HHV separate feeding
(daf, MJ/kg): 18 (RDF)
CFBC boiler Wood chips, bark, Direct co-firing, not
(55 M[W.sub.th]) sawdust and rejects from available for blend or
cardboard production. separate feeding
MC(wt%, wb): 10% (coal)
and 46% (biofuels). LHV
(daf, MJ/kg): 24.5
(coal) and 8.2
CFBC Coal and straw (50% Separate feeding. The
(88 M[W.sub.th]) energy basis) shredded straw was fed
(Elsam, Denmark) pneumatically through
air locks to the boiler
injection loop seals
CFBC boiler Coal, RDF, wood waste, Blend and separate
(110 M[W.sub.th]) sewage sludge, and a feeding; fuels of lower
(Austria Energy range of specific bulk density that are
and LLB Lurgi, industrial wastes RDF, wood waste, and
Lenzing, Austria) specific industrial
wastes are injected
pneumatically into the
combustion chamber.
Coal and sewage sludge
were fed into the
return leg from the
seal pot
Front wall-fired, Bituminous coal and Direct co-firing, blend
pulverized coal sawdust (5% mass basis); feeding
boilers (182 MWe) about 95% of the
screened material was
<1/8" and 67% was <1/16"
in size
Wall--fired Coal and sawdust (<12% Separate injection
pulverized coal heat basis)
boiler (32 MWe)
(Seward Station)
Wall-fired boiler Coal/switchgrass blends. 15% co-firing (mass
Burners HH[V.sub.coal] = 25 500; basis); blend feeding;
(50 MW (fuel)) HH[V.sub.switchgrassl] = 12 wt% (wb) moisture
15 997 in biomass
Wall-fired boiler Coal/straw/cereal 0-100% biomass firing
Burners blends. Heating values (heat basis); fuel with
(500 kW (fuel)) not available higher nitrogen content
should be injected in
fuel rich zone to
reduce N[O.sub.x];
Optimum co-firing ratio
60%; blend and separate
Wall-fired dual Coal/sawdust blends. Coal and sawdust fed
fuel burner HH[V.sub.coal] = 32 260; separately. Coal: 74%
(500 kW (fuel)) HH[V.sub.sawdust] = <90 [micro]m, sawdust:
18 140 75% <1.4 mm
Tangentially fired 5% wood derived biofuel Blend feeding
and wall-fired PC (heat basis) was
boilers (Kingston co-fired
and Colbert power
Laboratory-scale Pulverized coal, rice Fuel mixture supplied
pulverized fuel husk, and bamboo; by a variable speed
combustion testing Coal size: 75-106; screw conveyor from
facility Biomass: 100-300 storage bin; pulverized
[micro]m, coal and biomass were
MC: 8-16 wt% (wb); transported by primary
HH[V.sub.coal] = 27 463. air. Biomass blending
HH[V.sub.rice husk] = ratio 0%, 20%, 30%,
16 054. 40%, 50%, and 100% on
HH[V.sub.bamboo] = mass basis
17 296
Cyclone coal Coal and crossties (<25 Blend feeding, wood
boiler (175 MWe) wt%). Crossties size: blended with coal by a
(manufactured by <1 mm coal yard scraper and
Babcock & Wilcox) dozer to measure and
mix the materials in
the coal yard prior to
pushing the blend to
the reclaim hoppers.
Blend was then loaded
on conveyor belt prior
to crusher house
Cyclone coal Bituminous coal and Blend of coal and paper
boiler (165 MWe) paper pellets (5 wt%) pellets was bunkered on
(Gannon Generating a 24-h basis during the
Station) 21 d. No control over
the blend once it was
introduced to the
Cyclone-fired Coal/b-dRDF blends. 12% co-firing (mass
Combustor (440 MWe HH[V.sub.coal] = 14 388; basis), blend feeding;
Power generation) HH[V.sub.RDFl] = 12 955 19 wt% (wb) moisture in
Down-fired Coal/manure blends 100 g/min blend feed
concentric swirl HH[V.sub.coal] = 26 535; rate; 20% manure (mass
burner HH[V.sub.manure] = 8650 basis)
(35.4 kW (fuel))
Supercritical PF Coal and straw (20% on Separate burners
coal-fired power energy basis); coal and
station (600 MWe sewage sludge (20% on
Amer 9 power energy basis)
System description Technical difficulties Reference
Grate-fired boiler Difficult blend mixing; Sampson
(electricity or Stoker capacity problems et al. (1991)
steam generation)
Spreader Brouwer
stoker-fired et al. (1995)
boiler (140-300 kW
(fuel)) and a
pulverized coal
boiler (38 kW
Multi-circulating Coal and wood injected Hansen et al.
fluidized bed at bottom, straw (1995)
combustor (MCFBC) injected with secondary
(power generation, air; no steady output of
20 MWe) gaseous alkali metals
Pressurized FBC Co-firing reduced the Andries et al.
(1.6 M[W.sub.th]) CO, N[O.sub.x], and (1997)
concentrations in the
Fluidized bed Wood is the most Van Doorn
combustor favourable co-firing et al. (1996)
fuel in terms of ease of
combustion and reduced
emissions of N[O.sub.x]
and S[O.sub.2]. For
co-firing straw, HCl
concentration increased
with larger straw/coal
ratios; co-firing sewage
sludge with coal caused
CFBC combustion Jacquet et al.
systems (250 MWe (1994),
CFBC at Gardanne) Rajaram (1999),
et al. (2007)
CFB boiler Melting of ash did not Rauhalahti
(295 M[W.sub.th]) occur. However, deposits (2005)
(Rauhalahti formed on superheaters
Municipal CHP when the combustion of
Plant, Finland) fresh forest chips
BFB boiler Bed temperatures are Tacoma
(42 MWe) (Steam maintained at (2005)
plant #2, Tacoma, ~840[degrees]C to
Washington) minimize ash
agglomeration and
maximize sulphur capture
CFB boiler Spring
(132 M[W.sub.th]) (2005)
CFBC boiler (35 Slough
MWe) (Slough Heat (2005)
and Power Ltd.)
CFBC boiler Stora (2005)
(55 M[W.sub.th])
CFBC Several short-duration Grena (2005)
(88 M[W.sub.th]) failures occurred due to
(Elsam, Denmark) excessive cutter wear
and compacted bales with
wet intrusions. Dry
comminuted and/or
pelletized biomass fuels
were used with separate
storage and supply
CFBC boiler Lenzing
(110 M[W.sub.th]) (2005)
(Austria Energy
and LLB Lurgi,
Lenzing, Austria)
Front wall-fired, Mixing and handling Colbert
pulverized coal problems; moisture (2005)
boilers (182 MWe) content variation (the
blends were mixed by the
natural path through the
transfer points and the
bunker and pulverizers)
Wall--fired Boiler efficiency loss Seward
pulverized coal was ~0.5%; slight impact (2005)
boiler (32 MWe) on unburnt carbon; CO
(Seward Station) emissions always were
<20 ppmv, indicating no
problem with combustion
completeness. Favourable
impact on S[O.sub.2],
NO, and C[O.sub.2]
Wall-fired boiler No slagging, normal unit Aerts et al.
Burners operation, N[O.sub.x] (1997)
(50 MW (fuel)) decreased by 20%; some
traces of partially
burned switchgrass in
Wall-fired boiler Three different burner Siegel et al.
Burners configurations studied (1996)
(500 kW (fuel)) (burner efficiency and
Wall-fired dual 81-90% burnout; Abbas et al.
fuel burner N[O.sub.x] reduced, (1994)
(500 kW (fuel)) optimum co-firing ratio:
30% (mass basis) for
maximum burnout and
minimum N[O.sub.x]; fuel
injection mode depends
on reactivity and
[N.sub.2] in biomass
Tangentially fired Due to pulverizer Sami et al.
and wall-fired PC performance and fuel (2001)
boilers (Kingston particle size, 5% (heat
and Colbert power basis) co-firing was
plants) found to be the
limiting case
Laboratory-scale VM and MC very Chao et al.
pulverized fuel important in affecting (2008)
combustion testing combustion time,
facility particle, and PAH
emissions. Particle size
did not significantly
affect combustion
Cyclone coal Blending wood with coal Thomas
boiler (175 MWe) with further reduction (2005)
(manufactured by of wood particle size
Babcock & Wilcox) worked well; S[O.sub.2]
emissions decreased by
7%; particulate
emissions decreased by
12%; N[O.sub.x]
emissions increased 8%.
No significant handling
problems during testing
Cyclone coal Biggest problem in Gannon
boiler (165 MWe) co-firing was pluggage (2005)
(Gannon Generating in the conveyor feeder;
Station) there was no impact on
unburned carbon in the
flyash; problem
experienced for low and
high feed rates was
variability in the
steaming rate of the
boiler due to the
variations in heat input
from the varying blend
going to the boiler
Cyclone-fired N[O.sub.x] reduction of Ohlsson
Combustor (440 MWe 2-3%, S[O.sub.2] (1994)
Power generation) reduction 17%,
concentration (heat
basis) increased by
about 50%
Down-fired Crushing manure to same Frazzitta
concentric swirl size as coal difficult; et al. (1999)
burner S[O.sub.x] and
(35.4 kW (fuel)) N[O.sub.x] decreased
with blend combustion,
easy ignition with blend
Supercritical PF Flue gas Breihofer
coal-fired power desulphurization (FGD) et al. (1991),
station (600 MWe Gramelt (1994),
Amer 9 power McIlveen-Wright
station) et al. (2007)
Table 3. Comparison of different combustion technologies (a)
Reactor Advantages Disadvantages
Packed bed Low investment costs for Mixtures of wood fuels
combustion plants <20 [MW.sub.th] and can be used, but mixtures
(grate low operating costs (van combustion behaviour and
furnaces) Loo and Koppejan, 2004); of fuels with different
can use almost any type ash melting points (e.g.
of wood (Veijonen et al., blends of wood with straw
2003); appropriate for or grass) are not
biomass fuels with possible (van Loo
high moisture content (10-60 and Koppejan, 2004);
wt% wb) (Tuurna, 2003; van increase of temperature
Loo and Koppejan, 2004). may cause ash melting
Suitable for fuels with high and corrosion (Tuurna,
ash content and varying 2003)
particle sizes (with a
limitation regarding the
amount of fine particles)
(van Loo and Koppejan, 2004)
Fluidized Large fuel flexibility in Despite the flexibility
bed calorific value, moisture with regard to fuel
combustion content, and ash content, specifications, it is not
enabling fuel always possible to use the
diversification and existing feeding system
increasing the scope of for biomass by premixing
fuels in existing power the fuels (the cheapest
plants; combustion option). In cases where
temperature in bed is low, the feeding characteristics
resulting in low [NO.sub.x] of the co-fired fuels vary
emissions (EC, 2000; van too much from the primary
Loo and Koppejan, 2004); fuel, a separate feeder
provides an option to needs to be installed;
directly inject limestone slagging and fouling on
to remove sulphur boiler walls and tubes
cost-effectively (instead when burning fuels with
of FGD equipment), high alkali content; Bed
maximized combustion agglomeration when burning
efficiency even with fuels of high alkaline and/
low-grade fuels; or aluminum content;
environmental performance of Cl-corrosion on heat
FBC installations is good, transfer surfaces (e.g.
with low emissions of superheater tubes) (EC,
CO (<50 mg/[Nm.sup.3]), 2000); high investment
[NO.sub.x] (<70 mg/MJ, after costs, interesting only
the boiler, eventually for plants >20 [MW.sub.th]
reduced to less than 10 mg/ for BFB and >39
MJ when using SCR) and high [MW.sub.th] for CFB, low
boiler efficiencies (about flexibility in particle
90%) (EC, 2000); Fluidized size, high dust load in
bed technology can be the flue gas, loss of bed
converted from coal to material with the ash
biomass/coal co-combustion (van Loo and Koppejan,
with relatively little 2004); incomplete
investment (Veijonen et combustion of fuels and
al., 2003) high unburned carbon
content in the ash,
especially in CFB
(Maciejewska et al.,
Pulverized Increased efficiency due to Particle size of biomass
fuel or low excess oxygen, high is limited to <10-20 mm
dust [NO.sub.x] reduction (van Loo and Koppejan,
combustion possible when appropriate 2004). Low moisture content
burners used (van Loo and required (typically <15
Koppejan, 2004) wt%, wb) for pneumatic
feeding and decreased
efficiency for
high-moisture fuels
(a) Maciejewska et al. (2006).
Table 4. Comparison of coal and biomass combustion (a)
Items Biomass Coal
Particle size Relatively large and Relatively small
wide range and narrow range
Particle size Wide Narrow
Particle shape Irregular Relatively regular
Moisture content High Low
Reactivity Higher Lower
Volatile matter Higher Lower
Devolatilization Lower temperature Higher temperature
Pyrolysis (b) Earlier Later
Specific heating Lower Higher
value of volatiles
Fractional heat ~50-70% (Chao et ~30%
contribution by al., 2008)
Char More oxygen Less oxygen
Combustion rate Slightly higher Slightly lower
of char
Ash More alkaline, Less alkaline
(a) Sami et al. (2002) and Demirbas (2005).
(b) Temperature at which pyrolysis occurs depends on fuel type
and heating rate.
Table 5. Sample calculations for coal and some biomass feedstocks
American Wood wood
Federal pellets pellets-1
Fuel types Coal (a) (a,b) (a,b)
Water (wt%, ar) 6.3 5.43 5.43
Ash (wt%, ar) 6.22 2.55 2.55
Volatiles 87.48 79.16 79.16
(wt%, ar) (daf) (daf)
Fixed carbon 47.91 47.91
(wt%, ar) (daf) (daf)
Ultimate analysis
(wt%, daf)
Carbon 84 51 51
Hydrogen 5.7 6 6
Oxygen 6.06 42.9 42.9
Nitrogen 1.5 0.05 0.05
Sulphur 2.6 0.05 0.05
Chlorine 0.14 0 0
HHV (MJ/kg daf) 35.64 18.71 18.71
LHV (MJ/kg daf)
Average size 0.5 9.8 4
(mm) (d)
Shape (e) Spheroid Cylinder Cuboid
([PHI] ([PHI]
6.5 x 15) 3.2 x 3.2
x 3.2)
Sphericity 1 0.82 0.81
Particle 1500 1200 1200
Bulk density 810 630 485
Voidage 0.46 0.48 0.6
Calculations (f)
(1) Sole coal
or biomass
Power (HHV, 60 60 60
Fuel flow rate 1.68 3.21 3.21
(kg/s, daf)
Fuel flow rate 1.92 3.48 3.48
(kg/s, wb)
Oxygen molar 130 150 150
flow rate
Air mass flow 17.8 20.59 20.59
rate (kg/s)
Air volumetric 43.88 50.75 50.75
flow rate
Bed radius 0.9 0.9 0.9
(or side
Superficial 17.24 19.94 19.94
gas velocity
in reactor
Min. 0.12 3.4 2.76
(m/s) (g)
Min. 0.09 2.98 2.32
(m/s) (h)
Drag 2.93 1.13 1.08
[C.sub.d] (i)
Terminal 2.8 17.86 11.71
(m/s) (j)
(2) 50 wt%
biomass in
Average 709 607
blend bulk
density (kg/
Average 1333 1333
density (kg/
Average 0.47 0.54
voidage of
blend fuel
Average 0.9 0.89
Average 5.67 2.44
size (mm)
Average 2.41 1.52
(m/s) (p)
Wheat Switch-
straw grass
Fuel types (a,c) (a)
Water (wt%, ar) 10.6 7.17
Ash (wt%, ar) 4.07 4.62
Volatiles 85.33 88.21
(wt%, ar)
Fixed carbon
(wt%, ar)
Ultimate analysis
(wt%, daf)
Carbon 48.84 43.58
Hydrogen 7.08 5.83
Oxygen 42.36 5.02
Nitrogen 1.28 4.00
Sulphur 0.16 0.00
Chlorine 0.28 0
HHV (MJ/kg daf) 19.9 21.61
LHV (MJ/kg daf) 18.2
Average size 0.91 0.91
(mm) (d)
Shape (e) Disk Disk
([PHI] ([PHI]
1 x 0.5) 1 x 0.5)
Sphericity 0.83 0.83
Particle 500 500
Bulk density 160 160
Voidage 0.68 0.68
Calculations (f)
(1) Sole coal
or biomass
Power (HHV, 60 60
Fuel flow rate 3.02 2.78
(kg/s, daf)
Fuel flow rate 3.53 3.15
(kg/s, wb)
Oxygen molar 135 111
flow rate
Air mass flow 18.54 15.23
rate (kg/s)
Air volumetric 45.69 37.54
flow rate
Bed radius 0.9 0.9
(or side
Superficial 19.59 16.09
gas velocity
in reactor
Min. 0.37 0.37
(m/s) (g)
Min. 0.27 0.27
(m/s) (h)
Drag 3.62 3.62
[C.sub.d] (i)
Terminal 1.96 1.96
(m/s) (j)
(2) 50 wt%
biomass in
Average 267 267
blend bulk
density (kg/
Average 750 750
density (kg/
Average 0.64 0.64
voidage of
blend fuel
Average 0.87 0.87
Average 0.81 0.81
size (mm)
Average 0.29 0.29
(m/s) (p)
(a) Huang et al. (2006).
(b) Lu et al. (2007).
(c) McIlveen-Wright et al. (2007).
(d) Equivalent volume diameter.
(e) Assumed particle shape.
(f) Based on 830[degrees]C, 1 atm and 10% excess air, bed materials
(e.g. silica sand and dolomite) are not considered.
(g) Based on [Re.sub.mf] = [square root of ([C.sup.2.sub.1] +
[C.sub.2][A.sub.[tau]] - [C.sub.1])] with consideration of sphericity
and voidage of particles.
(h) Based on modified Ergun equation.
(i) Based on modified drag coefficient for irregular single
particle without wall effects.
(j) Based on [u.sub.t] = [square root of ([4gd.sub.v] ([[rho].sub.p] -
[[rho].sub.f])/(3[[rho].sub.f][C.sub.D]) for single particle without
wall effects.
(k) [[rho].suub.b,ave] = ([m.sub.coal] + [m.sub.biomass])/
([m.sub.coal]/[[rho].sub.b,coal] + [m.sub.biomass]/
(l) [[rho].sub.p,ave] = ([m.sub.coal] + [m.sub.biomass])/
([m.sub.coal]/[[rho].sub.p,coal] + [m.sub.biomass]/
(m) [[epsilon].sub.ave] = (1 - [[rho].sub.b,ave]/[[rho].sub.p,ave]).
(n) Calculated and averaged according to particle volume fraction
of each type of particle in the blend.
(o) Calculated and averaged according to particle volume fraction
of each type of particle in the blend.
(p) Based on modified Ergun equation.
Table 6. Physical and chemical characteristics of biomass feedstocks
and their effects on co-firing (a)
Properties Effects
Physical Moisture content Storage durability
properties Dry-matter losses
Self ignition
Bulk density Fuel logistics (storage,
transport, handling) costs;
storage and feeding problems
(e.g. bridging and
Ash content Dust, particulate emissions,
ash utilization problems,
disposal costs
Particle size, size determines fuel feeding
distribution, and shape system, Determines combustion
technology, drying properties,
dust formation, operational
safety during fuel conveying
Chemical Carbon (C) HHV (position)
composition Hydrogen (H) HHV (positive)
Oxygen (O) HHV (negative)
Chlorine (Cl) Corrosion
Nitrogen (N) [NO.sub.x], [N.sub.2]O, HCN
Sulphur (S) [SO.sub.x] emission, corrosion
Fluorine (F) HF emissions, corrosions
Potassium (K) Corrosion (heat exchangers,
superheaters), lowering of
ash melting temperatures,
aerosol formation, ash
Sodium (Na) Corrosion (heat exchangers,
superheaters), lowering ash
melting temperature, aerosol
Magnesium (Mg) Increase of ash melting
temperature, ash utilization
Calcium (Ca) Increase of ash melting
temperature, ash utilization
Phosphorus (P) Increase of ash melting
point, ash utilization
Heavy metals Emissions of pollutants, ash
utilization and disposal
issues, aerosol formation
(a) EBA (2000), van Loo and Koppejan (2004) and Maciejewska
et al. (2006).