Entrainment rate of coarse particles at different temperatures in gas fluidized beds.
Choi, Jeong-Hoo ; Kim, Sang Done ; Grace, John R. 等
Particles with terminal velocities greater than the superficial gas
velocity commonly appear among the particles captured by cyclones
downstream of gas-fluidized bed reactors. There is evidence that the
entrainment of these coarse particles is caused by the fine particles.
Geldart et al. (1979) and Geldart and Pope (1983) reported that the
presence of fine particles greatly enhances entrainment of coarse
particles from a fluidized bed containing binary mixtures of fine and
coarse particles. Geldart et al. (1979) proposed a correlation
considering the effect of the fines. Their results were correlated in
terms of an effective gas density based only on the particles actually
carried out of the column. Geldart and Pope (1983) found that the
correlation of Geldart et al. (1979) was oversimplified. Kwauk (1992)
reported an analytical study of polydisperse systems, showing that the
upward motion of fine particles caused coarse particles to be entrained.
Choi et al. (2001) investigated the effect of fine particles on the
carryover of coarse sand particles from a gas-fluidized bed of sand at
room temperature as bed material. The entrainment rate of the coarse
particles increased with the superficial gas velocity and the proportion
of fines in the bed. It was nearly proportional to the upward momentum
of the fine particles based on the composition of bed particles at a
specified gas velocity. The effect of the fines on the entrainment of
the coarse particles decreased as the gas velocity increased. The
influence of the particle size distribution in the bed on the
elutriation rate of fine particles was negligible. An improved
correlation to determine the entrainment rate of the coarse particles
was proposed for sand particles at room temperature.
The effect of gas properties is important, affecting the
hydrodynamics and performance of gas-fluidized bed reactors. However,
few studies have been carried out with gases other than air at
atmospheric temperature and pressure, and these have generally covered
limited experimental ranges, as discussed by Choi et al. (1997a, 1998,
1999). Romanova et al. (1980) and Milne et al. (1993) reported that
particle entrainment increased with temperature. However, they did not
isolate the effect of temperature since their results included the
effect of gas velocity, which increased with temperature. For the
temperature range between 27 and 172[degrees]C, George and Grace (1981)
found that the effect of temperature on the entrainment rate was small.
In fluidized-bed combustors (Merrick and Highley, 1974; Choi et al.,
1989; Lee et al., 1990; Park et al., 1990; Lee et al., 1992), the
particle entrainment rate decreased with increasing temperature.
According to Wouters and Geldart (1998), the entrainment rate of FCC particles decreased with an increase in temperature up to 400[degrees]C.
However, in their case the particles were so small (7 to 48 [micro]m)
that interparticle forces were important.
Choi et al. (1997a, 1998) investigated the qualitative effect of
temperature on particle entrainment at the exit of a gas-fluidized bed.
Their results indicated an increase in particle entrainment rate, after
an initial decrease, as temperature increased. Hence, a minimum
entrainment rate occurred at a certain temperature. At constant gas
velocity, nearly the same trend with temperature appeared for all
particle sizes considered. However, they focused on the elutriation of
fine particles. They explained the trend as resulting from decreasing
gas density and increasing gas viscosity, with interparticle effects
neglected. Over the experimental range investigated, the variation of
entrainment rate with temperature was very similar to the variation of
the particle size at which the terminal velocity was equal to the
superficial gas velocity.
Chan and Knowlton (1984) found that the entrainment rate was
linearly proportional to gas density in a pressurized fluidized bed.
Knowlton (1992) and Knowlton et al. (1990) reported that entrainment was
augmented by increasing gas viscosity or gas density, corresponding to a
decreased particle terminal settling velocity. Chan and Knowlton (1984),
Knowlton (1992) and Knowlton et al. (1990) all considered the effect of
gas properties.
The Wen and Chen (1980) correlation obtained from data on fluidized
beds at room temperature predicts that particle entrainment from the bed
surface should decrease with increasing temperature. However, the
validity of their correlation at different temperatures and pressures
has not been tested. Choi et al. (1997a, 1998) showed that existing
correlations were unable to represent the effect of temperature on the
particle entrainment rate because they were based on experiments
conducted at room temperature, or over very narrow temperature ranges.
Choi et al. (1999) developed an empirical equation based on
comprehensive experimental data, including variations of column size,
gas velocity, temperature, particle size, and particle density. Their
correlation mainly focused on the elutriation of fine particles and does
not include the effect of fine particles on the entrainment of coarse
The goal of this paper is to present a comprehensive correlation to
predict the entrainment of relatively coarse particles from
gas-fluidized beds, accounting for the effects of the fine particles,
temperature, particle size and density, gas velocity, and column size.
Particle entrainment is so complicated that no generalized model is
yet able to give reliable predictions over wide ranges of particle and
gas properties and operating conditions, even though extensive
experimental and theoretical studies have been carried out. As a result,
empirical or semi-empirical correlations are usually applied over
limited ranges to predict the particle entrainment rate.
In the freeboard region solid particles either rise or fall
depending on their size, density, gas properties, gas velocity and
interaction with other particles. Particles can be divided into two
groups on the basis of the reference particle diameter [d.sub.crit],
defined as the particle diameter at which the terminal settling velocity
is equal to the superficial gas velocity. For particles larger than
[d.sub.crit] ([U.sub.t]>U), Geldart (1985) called the particles
coarse, whereas particles whose terminal settling velocities are less
than U (i.e., [d.sub.p]<[d.sub.crit]) are referred to as fines. This
study investigates the entrainment of coarse particles, defined in this
Experimental entrainment rates of coarse particles measured in
relatively cold fluidized beds by George and Grace (1981) and Choi et
al. (1989, 1997b, 2001) and at elevated temperature by Choi et al.
(1997a, 1998) are used to develop an empirical relationship. These
experiments were carried out in bubbling and turbulent fluidized beds
for ranges of column size, gas velocity, temperature, particle size,
particle density, and particle size distribution. The experimental
conditions are summarized in Table 1. In order to provide consistency,
data are included only for cases where there was an abrupt exit from the
bed and a steady-state recirculation system, as described by Kunii and
Levenspiel (1991). As mentioned by Choi et al. (1997a, b, 1998, 2001),
changes of bed particle size distribution were minimized by controlling
the sampling time and by including changes of particle size distribution
in the bed in determining the entrainment rate constant.
The correlation of Choi et al. (2001) was first applied to the data
in Table 1 excluding their own data. The correlation coefficient ([r.sup.2]) was 0.735 and the correlation, did not express the effect of
gas velocity properly, because the exponent on the gas velocity is
nearly fixed in the correlation, whereas the exponent on gas velocity
decreases with increasing gas velocity in reality. When the same
parameters as in the correlation of Choi et al. (2001) are applied to
the complete range of data, including the data obtained in that study, a
correlation that fits the [K.sub.i.sup.*] of coarse particles ([d.sub.p]
> [d.sub.crit]), was obtained:
[K.sub.i.sup.*]/[C.sub.d][[rho].sub.g]U = 1.25 x
[10.sup.-2]P.sup.0.575][F.sub.d.sup.5.03]/[F.sub.g.sup.0.892] (1)
[F.sub.g] = 2g[d.sub.p]([[rho].sub.p]-[[rho].sub.g])/3, [F.sub.d] =
[C.sub.d][[rho].sub.g][U.sup.2]/2, P = [SIGMA](U-[U.sub.t]) for all
[d.sub.p] < [d.sub.crit] (SI units throughout) (2)
[C.sub.d] = 24/[Re.sub.p] for [Re.sub.p] [less than or equal to]
[C.sub.d] = 10/[Re.sub.p.sup.0.5] for 5.8 < [Re.sub.p] [less
than or equal to] 540, [C.sub.d] = 0.43 for 540 < [Re.sub.p] (3)
[Re.sub.p] = [d.sub.p]U[[rho].sub.g]/[micro] (4)
Here [F.sub.g] and [F.sub.d] are the gravity force minus buoyancy force per projected area of the particles, and the drag force acting on
the particle divided by the projected area, respectively. The regression
coefficient for the above correlation ([r.sup.2]) is 0.792.
As shown in Equation (1), [K.sub.i.sup.*] of the coarse particles
increases with increasing upward momentum of fine particles (P)
calculated on the basis of bed composition for different temperatures,
particle densities and column sizes. In Equation (1), the exponent of
the gravitational force term is less than half of that in the
correlation of Choi et al. (2001). Since Choi et al. (2001) used only
sand particles Equation (1) seems to be more realistic. However,
Equation (1) also cannot express the effect of gas velocity on
entrainment rate properly because the exponent of gas velocity in the
experimental data decreased with increasing gas velocity.
As a result of trial and error, we found that the best method of
predicting entrainment of the coarse particles is to add terms to an
existing correlation to account for the effect of the fines. Improved
prediction of the entrainment rate of coarse particles was achieved by
beginning with the correlation of Choi et al. (1999), which well
describes effects of other variables, including temperature, in spite of
its complicated form. In this relationship, the entrainment flux,
[K.sub.i.sup.*], of particles of size [d.sub.p] at the exit considers a
cluster flux ([K.sub.ih.sup.*]) and a dispersed non-cluster flux
([K.sub.i[infinity].sup.*]), as proposed by Hazlett and Bergougnou
(1992). The cluster flux is assumed to decrease exponentially with
height in the freeboard. On the other hand, the dispersed non-cluster
flux remains constant over the freeboard height, corresponding to the
elutriation flux above the transport disengaging height. The decay
constant of the cluster flux is assumed to be equal to that of the axial solid holdup profile. The influence of the exit configuration is assumed
to be minor. The correlation of Choi et al. (1999) was able to predict
the particle entrainment rates at the exit for particle diameters from
0.021 to 0.710 mm, particle densities from 2400 to 6200 kg/[m.sup.3],
gas velocities from 0.15 to 2.8 m/s, temperatures from 12 to
600[degrees]C, pressures from 101 to 3200 kPa, column diameters or
hydraulic diameters from 0.1 to 0.91 m and column heights from 2.0 to
9.1 m. However, this correlation did not account for the influence of
fine particles on the entrainment of coarse particles.
The following correlation was found to provide the best fit to the
experimental data of Choi et al. (1989, 1997a, b, 1998, 2001) and George
and Grace (1981) for [d.sub.p] > [d.sub.crit], with a better
correlation coefficient ([r.sup.2]) of 0.86.
[K.sub.i.sup.*] = 15.9 ([K.sub.ih.sup.*] +
[P.sup.0.724][F.sub.d.sup.-1.19][F.sub.g.sup.-0.234] (5a)
Kih*dp/ = CdRep exp(-9.12-0.0153a(Ht-Hb)) (5b)
[K.sb.i[infinity].sup.*] [d.sub.p]/[micro] = [Ar.sup.0.5]
exp(6.92-2.39[F.sub.g.sup.0.303]-13.1/[F.sub.d.sup.0.902] (5c)
Ar = g[d.sub.p.sup.,3][[rho].sub.g]([[rho].sub.p]-[[rho].sub.g])/[[[micro].sup.2] (6)
As shown in Equation (5c), gas velocity has a positive effect in
the final -13.1[F.sub.d.sup.-0.902] term. In the present correlation,
the effect of gas velocity is also included in the [P.sup.0.724] term.
The net effect of gas velocity is positive in spite of the
[F.sub.d.sup.-1.19] term. However, because of the
-13.1[F.sub.d.sup.-0.902] term, the net exponent on gas velocity
decreases with increasing gas velocity.
Equation (7) represents the bed expansion of fluidized beds (Choi
et al., 1999). [H.sub.t], [H.sub.b] and [H.sub.mf] are the column height
from the distributor plate to the gas exit in the freeboard, the
expanded height of the dense bed, and the bed height at minimum
fluidization, respectively. Equation (7) covers a range of particle
diameters from 0.096 to 1.147 mm, particle densities from 1400 to 6200
kg/[m.sup.3], minimum fluidizing velocity of 0.0043-0.50 m/s, gas
velocity from 0.015 to 1.4 m/s, and bed voidage from 0.45 to 0.78,
including both the bubbling and turbulent fluidization flow regimes.
The decay constant, a, is obtained from Choi et al. (1997c):
where [U.sub.mf] is the minimum fluidizing velocity of the bed
based on the specific surface mean diameter of bed particles, and dp is
the particle diameter for which [K.sub.i.sup.* is determined, not the
mean diameter of bed particles (Choi et al., 1999). Choi et al. (1997c)
determined particle diameter by sieving. Equation (8) is based on column
diameters from 0.05 to 0.4 m, particle diameters from 46 to 720
[micro]m, particle densities from 930 to 3050 kg/[m.sup.3], superficial
gas velocities from 0.3 to 6.2 m/s and temperatures from 24 to
600[degrees]C. The above equations do not consider effects of
interparticle adhesion forces and therefore are not intended for use
when these forces are significant compared with gravitational and
hydrodynamic forces.
Predictions from the above new correlation are compared with
experimental entrainment rates (Choi et al., 2001) of coarse particles
having different mass fractions of these particles in the bed
([x.sub.i]), gas velocities, and particle diameters in Figure 1. These
results are for room temperature with sand as the bed material.
[U.sub.t] is the terminal settling velocity of particles of diameter
[d.sub.p] in the figure. All superficial gas velocities were lower than
the terminal velocity of the bottom size (0.3 mm) for the 0.363 mm size
fraction. [K.sub.i.sup.*] decreases for [d.sub.p] = 0.363 mm with
increasing [x.sub.i] in the range of gas velocity covered, as shown in
Figure 1(a). At this condition, the proportion of fines decreased with
increasing proportion of 0.363 mm size fraction in their bed particles
(Choi et al., 2001). This trend means that [K.sub.i.sup.*] for the
coarse particles ([d.sub.p]>[d.sub.crit]) increases with increasing
mass fraction of fine particles ([d.sub.p]< [d.sub.crit]) in the bed,
as noted by Choi et al. (2001). This indicates that the entrainment of
coarse particles is promoted by transfer of momentum from the fine
particles (Geldart et al., 1979; Geldart and Pope, 1983; Kwauk, 1992;
Choi et al., 2001). It is also seen that the effect of the fines on the
entrainment of the coarse particles decreased as the gas velocity
increased. This occurred because the proportion of momentum gained from
the fine particles decreased relative to that from the gas phase as U
increased (Choi et al., 2001).
For the conditions of Figure 1b, the proportion of fines decreased
with increasing the proportion of 0.256 mm size fraction in their bed
particles. However, for the conditions of Figure 1c, the proportion of
fines increased with increasing proportion of the 0.181 mm size fraction
in their bed particles (Choi et al., 2001). Therefore, for the 0.256 mm
and 0.181 mm size fractions, the trend of [K.sub.i.sup.*] shown in
Figures 1b and 1c was practically the same as the trend showing
[K.sub.i.sup.*] of coarse particles ([d.sub.p]> [d.sub.crit])
increasing with the proportion of fines ([d.sub.p]< [d.sub.crit]), as
noted by Choi et al. (2001). The present correlation fits the measured
entrainment rate of coarse particles well, increasing with more fines in
the bed, while also giving a good representation of the influence of
superficial gas velocity.
The present correlation predicts a lower entrainment rate of coarse
sand particles than that measured by Geldart et al. (1979) (Figure 2)
who employed sand-alumina mixtures of different relative proportions as
bed materials at room temperature (solid density: 2650 kg/[m.sup.3] for
sand, 1830 kg/[m.sup.3] for alumina; 98.7% by mass in the size range
125-355 m for sand, all less than 125 [micro]m for alumina). The
deviation may result from the density difference between the alumina and
the sand. Segregation tests with binary particle mixtures of different
densities (Rowe and Nienow, 1976) show that lower-density particles tend
to be enriched at the bed surface relative to the overall mean
composition. The present correlation is not completely able to account
for segregated beds of particles of different densities.
Figures 2 and 3 compare the present correlation and the entrainment
rates measured by George and Grace (1981) and Choi et al. (1989) for
columns of 0.25 m x 0.43 m x 3.0 m tall and 0.38 m i. d. x 9.1 m tall,
respectively at room temperature, with sand as the bed material. Figure
3 covers a wide range of particle sizes (0.090-1.06 mm). The present
correlation is seen to be in reasonably good agreement with the
entrainment rate of coarse particles for different column sizes and a
wide range of particle sizes. However, the effect of column diameter and
height could not be shown in this study because the size distribution of
bed particles, column diameter and column height all differed in the
studies considered.
Figure 4 shows the effect of superficial gas velocity on the
entrainment of coarse particles for different particle densities and
diameters at three temperatures, as measured by Choi et al. (1997a,
1998). The experimental data are compared with predictions from the
correlation. As the gas velocity increases, the entrainment rate
increases due to increased drag on the particles, but the slope
decreases. The present correlation is seen to describe the gas velocity
effect reasonably well in both the cold and higher temperature fluidized
beds for various particle sizes and densities.
Figure 5 depicts the effect of temperature on the particle
entrainment rate for different particle sizes and densities at different
superficial gas velocities as reported by Choi et al. (1997a, 1998). In
previous studies (Choi et al., 1997a, 1998), the measured entrainment
rate increased after an initial decrease as temperature increased. This
is believed to be caused by decreasing gas density and increasing gas
viscosity with increasing temperature. As shown in Figure 5, the present
correlation is able to describe the temperature effect on the
entrainment rate of coarse particles reasonably well. However, it shows
some deviation from the measured value at 500 and 600[degrees]C for
0.256 and 0.363 mm particles because the minimum entrainment rate is
predicted at a higher temperature than measured. Considering the
limitation of previous studies, more experimental data are needed to
enable a better correlation at high temperatures.
In summary, for negligible interparticle forces, the present
correlation give good predictions of the entrainment rate of coarse
particles at the exit of gas-fluidized beds over a wide experimental
range: particle diameter 0.090-1.1 mm, particle density 2500-6200
kg/[m.sup.3], superficial gas velocity 0.38-2.44 m/s, temperature
12-600[degrees]C, column diameter 0.1-0.38 m and column height 1.97-9.1
m. Given the considerable scatter in entrainment rates measured by
different groups and the wide deviations between commonly used
correlations and experimental data, our new equation appears to be
promising as a mean of predicting the entrainment of coarse particles.
A comprehensive correlation to predict the entrainment rate of
coarse particles at the exit of dense fluidized beds is developed based
on extensive available experimental data. The correlation successfully
includes the effects of gas velocity, temperature, particle density,
particle size distribution, column diameter and height. The entrainment
rate of coarse particles increases with increasing gas velocity and
proportion of fine particles in the bed. The effect of the fine
particles is expressed in terms of the upward momentum of fine particles
per unit mass at a specified gas velocity. Fines play a lesser role on
the entrainment of coarse particles as the gas velocity increases. The
proposed correlation correctly predicts that the entrainment rate of
coarse particles increases after initially decreasing with increasing
This work was supported by Konkuk University, Korea.
a decay constant ([m.sup.-1])
Ar Archimedes number, [gd.sub.p.sup.3][[rho].sub.g]
([[rho].sub.p]-[[rho].sub.g])/[[micro].sup.2] (-)
[C.sub.d] drag coefficient based on superficial gas velocity (-)
[d.sub.crit] [d.sub.p] of particle with terminal velocity equal to
U (m)
[d.sub.p] particle diameter (m)
[D.sub.t] column diameter (m)
[F.sub.d] drag force on particle per projected area (Pa)
[F.sub.g] (gravity minus buoyancy force) per projected area of
particle (Pa)
g gravitational acceleration (9.8 m/[s.sup.2])
[H.sub.b] bed height (m)
[H.sub.mf] bed height at minimum fluidization (m)
[H.sub.t] column height (m)
[K.sub.i] entrainment rate of particles of size dp
[K.sub.ih] * cluster flux of entrained particles of size
[d.sub.p] (kg/[m.sup.2]s)
[K.sub.ih]* dispersed non-cluster flux of entrained particles of
size [d.sub.p] or elutriation rate constant of
particles of size [d.sub.p] above TDH (kg/[m.sup.2]s)
P upward momentum of fine particles per unit mass of
entire bed material (m/s)
[Re.sub.p] particle Reynolds number, [d.sub.p]U [[rho].sub.g]/
T temperature ([degrees]C)
TDH transport disengaging height, distance above bed
surface beyond which entrainment rate is virtually
constant (m)
U superficial gas velocity (m/s)
[U.sub.mf] minimum fluidization velocity of bed particles (m/s)
[U.sub.t] particle terminal velocity (m/s)
x mass fraction of a size-cut of fine particles
([d.sub.p] < [d.sub.crit]) in the bed (-)
[x.sub.i] mass fraction of a size-cut of coarse particles
([d.sub.p]>[d.sub.crit]) in the bed (-)
Greek Symbols
[micro] gas viscosity (Pa s)
[[rho].sub.g] gas density (kg/[m.sup.3])
[[rho].sub.p] particle density (kg/[m.sup.3])
Manuscript received June 5, 2006; revised manuscript received
September 4, 2006; accepted for publication January 5, 2007.
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* Author to whom correspondence may be addressed. E-mail address:
Jeong-Hoo Choi [1] *, Sang Done Kim [2] and John R. Grace [3]
[1.] Department of Chemical Engineering, Konkuk University, Seoul
143-701, Korea
[2.] Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering, KAIST,
Daejeon 305-701, Korea
[3.] Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering, The
University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC, Canada V6T 1Z3
Table 1. Summary of previous studies used for present correlation for
[K.sub.i] *
Authors Particles [rho].sub.p] [d.p[rho] [mm]
George and Sand 2630 0.030-
Grace (1981) 0.272 x0.43
Choi et al. Sand 2630 0.053-
(1989) 1.06
Choi et al. Sand 2598 0.075-
(1997b) 0.425
Choi et al. Sand 2509 0.075-
(1997a, 1998) 0.425
Emery 3981 0.075-
Cast 6158 0.075-
iron 0.425
Choi et al. Sand 2465-2562 0.075-
2001 0.6
Authors Column size [H.sub.t] [U.sub.mf] U [ms/s]
[m] [m] [m/s]
George and 0.25 3.0 0.015 0.2-1.2
Grace (1981)
Choi et al. 0.38 i.d. 9.1 0.11 0.38-2.01
(1989) 0.086 0.95-2.44
Choi et al. 0.1 i.d. 2.25 0.09 0.81-2.8
Choi et al. 0.1 i.d. 1.97 0.009- 0.65-2.3
(1997a, 1998) 0.093
0.1 i.d. 1.97 0.032- 0.8-2.2
0.1 i.d. 1.97 0.039- 0.8-2.2
Choi et al. 0.1 i.d. 1.97 0.0182- 0.8-2.2
2001 0.0745
Authors T [[degrees]C]
George and 27, 162, 172
Grace (1981)
Choi et al. 30, 45
Choi et al. 29
Choi et al. 20-600
(1997a, 1998)
Choi et al. 20-26