Melt-phase nylon 612 polycondensation kinetics: effects of sodium hypophosphite catalyst.
Zheng, Wei ; McAuley, Kim B. ; Marchildon, E. Keith 等
During the manufacture of nylons, a variety of catalysts are used
to reduce the reaction time required for high molecular weight products
to be produced. Reducing the length of time that molten nylon is held at
high temperatures increases reactor throughput and decreases the amount
of undesirable thermal degradation that occurs in commercial
polymerization processes (Schaffer et al., 2000). Some catalysts also
serve as additives to improve product properties. Catalytic additives
are used to reduce the colour of products (Cottle and Yong, 1955;
Burrows and Hepworth, 1976), to make nylon more thermally stable
(Stamatoff, 1955; Furukawa and Isukamoto, 1975; Burrows and Hepworth,
1976) and to inhibit branching reactions, keeping more of the molecules
linear for better fibre spinning (Flory, 1941; Walker, 1951; Cocci,
1960; Sum, 1965; Aharoni et al., 1983; Coffey et al., 1984; Hofmann et
al., 1984; Buzinkai et al., 1992; Cramer et al., 1995). Most catalysts
for polyamidation reactions are phosphorus compounds (Genas, 1951; Sum,
1965; Wujciak, 1968; Burrows and Hepworth, 1976; Tomek, 1976; Aharoni et
al., 1983; Coffey et al., 1984; Hofmann et al., 1984; Curatolo et al.,
1985; Wheland, 1990; Wheland and Miller, 1990; Buzinkai et al., 1992;
Wheland, 1992; You et al., 1994). This study examines the catalytic
effect of sodium hypophosphite (SHP). SHP is added to polyamides
because, in addition to its catalytic properties, SHP acts as a
whitening agent (Lysek and Ables, 2001), as well as a thermal stabilizer
and antioxidant (Agouri and Muller, 1968; Kelmchuk, 1972; Kazuhiko et
al., 1995), which gives desirable end-use properties to nylon fi bres
and moulded products.
SHP catalyzes a variety of esterification and amidation reactions.
For example, Fourier Transform Infrared (FTIR) and High-Performance
Liquid Chromatography (HPLC) studies have confirmed that: SHP catalyzes
the formation of anhydrides and water from polycarboxylic acids (Yang et
al., 1996; Schramm and Rinderer, 2004), an important intermediate step
in the formation of ester linkages between polycarboxylic acids and
cellulose; SHP catalyzes esterification reactions between anhydrides and
hydroxyl groups on cellulose (Kazayawoko et al., 1997; Ibrahim and
ElZawawy, 2004); and SHP catalyzes amidation reactions between carboxyl groups on citric acid cross-linker and amine groups on polyacrylamide
(Save et al., 2002).
Solid-Phase Polymerization (SPP) rate experiments have shown that
SHP is an effective catalyst for polyamidation, but only when the water
concentration in the polymer particles is low (Dujari et al., 1998). For
example, when nylon particles were contacted with moist nitrogen (a
nitrogen/water vapour mixture with a dew point temperature of 50
[degrees]C, as is commonly used in SPP reactors) for 2 h at 200
[degrees]C, polymer particles containing 20 ppm SHP had similar
polyamidation rates as uncatalyzed particles. However, when the same
particles were contacted with dry nitrogen (a nitrogen/water vapour
mixture with a dew point temperature of only -40 [degrees]C),
polyamidation rates in the particles containing SHP catalyst were
approximately three times higher than polyamidation rates in the
uncatalyzed nylon particles. Unfortunately, there is no information in
the literature concerning how SHP catalyst and water interact to
influence the rate of polyamidation.
In the present work, experiments are performed using nylon 612 to
develop quantitative knowledge of the joint effects of SHP and water on
the melt-phase kinetics of the polyamidation reaction at high
temperature and low water content. The experimental results are used to
build a semi-empirical dynamic mathematical model that predicts the
effects of catalyst concentration, temperature, moisture level and time
on the concentrations of unreacted carboxyl and amine end groups. This
type of information is important for reactor design and for optimization
of operating conditions in commercial reactors. The current kinetic
study and modelling work build on previous studies of uncatalyzed nylon
612 polyamidation kinetics (Schaffer et al., 2003a; Zheng et al., 2005).
Figure 1 shows a schematic diagram of the batch reactor system. The
reactor itself is based on the design of high-viscosity finisher
reactors described in several patents (Pinney, 1973; Iwasyk, 1978;
Kendall et al., 1982; Livingston, 1983). Detailed information about the
reactor system and operating procedures (including agitation, gas
sparging, temperature control, and sample removal) has been presented by
Schaffer et al. (2001), Zheng (2004) and Zheng et al. (2005).
At the start of each experimental run, approximately 2270 g of
pre-weighed additive-free polymer pellets, supplied by DuPont Canada,
were charged to the reactor. The vessel was sealed and thoroughly purged
with nitrogen to remove residual oxygen. After the temperature reached
the desired value (290 [degrees]C), a solution of SHP in water was added
to the reactor to obtain the desired level of catalyst in the molten
nylon, resulting in catalyst concentrations of 33, 112 and 249 ppm,
respectively, for the three different runs. During the catalyst addition
procedure, the melt temperature dropped as low as 240 [degrees]C due to
evaporation of water from the added solution.
After the melt temperature returned to 290 [degrees]C, the sparge gas composition was switched to pure steam. Figure 2 shows step changes
in the water content of the sparge gas during a typical dynamic
experimental run. After the first sample was taken (time zero on the
plots), one or two hours were allowed to elapse so that the polymer
could reach equilibrium under steam. Several polymer samples were then
taken to permit verification of equilibrium conditions by subsequent
amine and carboxyl end-group concentration measurements. The
concentration of water in the sparge gas was then reduced to 20 mol.% by
introducing nitrogen into the sparge stream and lowering the water
pumping rate. The polymer was then allowed to re-equilibrate while more
polymer samples were taken. Pure steam conditions were then
re-established and the polymer was allowed to equilibrate a third time.
The concentration of water in the sparge gas was then reduced again by
the addition of nitrogen (5 mol.% steam/95 mol.% [N.sub.2]) and the
polymer was allowed to re-equilibrate once more. As a result, each
experimental run contained four equilibrium conditions where end-group
concentrations and moisture concentration remained constant, and three
dynamic segments where concentrations were changing. Polymer samples
were taken more frequently immediately after each change in sparge-gas
composition because concentration variables changed rapidly during these
time periods.
Three experimental runs were performed at 290 [degrees]C with
different SHP catalyst concentrations (33, 113 and 249 ppm by mass). To
determine the SHP content of the molten polymer in each run, polymer
samples were hydrolyzed, by heating in a sealed tube with concentrated
hydrochloric acid for one hour at 175 [degrees]C. The phosphorous content of the resulting hydrolysate was determined using Inductive
Coupled Plasma Analysis (ICP).
Experimental end-group data are plotted versus reaction time in
Figures 3 to 5 for runs conducted using the three different catalyst
concentrations. In these figures, lower precision in the carboxyl
end-group concentration measurements is reflected by the greater degree
of scatter in these data than in the amine end-group concentration data
(Schaffer et al., 2003a; Zheng et l., 2005). In the initial stage of
each experimental run, equilibrium was established under a steam
atmosphere. When the water partial pressure, [P.sub.w], decreased, the
water concentration in the melt decreased rapidly, causing the
polycondensation reaction rate to become faster than the hydrolysis reaction rate, and the equilibrium shown below to shift toward the
---COOH + ---[H.sub.]2N [??] ---CONH--- + [H.sub.2]O
Hence, the concentrations of both the carboxyl and amine decreased
as amide linkages were formed. Equilibrium was re-established at these
conditions of lower water concentration. Next [P.sub.w] was increased
and the water concentration in the melt increased back to its original
level. Under these higher-water conditions, the hydrolysis reaction rate
became faster than the polycondensation reaction rate, leading to a net
hydrolysis of amide linkages, and an increase in the end-group
concentrations until equilibrium was re-established under conditions
similar to those at the beginning of the experimental run. Finally,
[P.sub.w] was decreased and the water concentration decreased again to a
lower level, causing the end-group concentrations to decrease as amide
linkages were formed. Equilibrium was re-established at these
Data from the above experiments were fitted using the following
second-order kinetic model developed by Schaffer et al. (2003a):
d[A]/dt = d[C]/dt = [-k.sub.p] ([C][A] - [L][W]/[k.sub.a] (1)
d[W]/dt = [k.sub.p] ([C][A] - [L][W]/[K.sub.a]) - [K.sub.m] ([W] -
[W.sub.leq]) (2)
Equations (1) and (2) are dynamic material balances on amine end
groups (A), carboxyl end groups (C) and water (W) in the molten polymer
phase. For nylon 612, [L], the concentration of amide links, can be
computed from:
[L] = [10.sup.6] - 115.15[C] 58.10[A] 18.02[W]/ 155.23 (3)
Note that the typical concentration units used in the nylon
polymerization industry are mole equivalents per 106 g of polymer.
Equation (3) uses the molar masses of carboxyl ends, amine ends, water,
and amide links (which are 115.15, 58.10, 18.02 and 155.23 g mol-1,
respectively) to compute [L], which is the number of moles of amide
links in 106 g of polymer.
The amine and carboxyl end-group concentrations on the polymer
molecules are very important, because they influence the rate of
polyamidation, and because they can be used to determine the average
molecular weight of the polymer that is produced using this step-growth
polymerization process. Since each linear polymer chain has two ends,
the number-average molar mass of the polymer can be computed from:
[M.sub.n] = mass of polymer/moles of polymer molecules = 115.15[C]
+ 58.10[C] + 155.23[L]/0.5([A] + [C]) (4)
[k.sub.[rho]] in Equations (1) and (2) is the forward rate constant
for the polyamidation reaction. Large values of [k.sub.[rho]], which can
be obtained using a good catalyst, result in fast polyamidation, and
hence in the production of high-molecular-weight nylon in a short period
of time.
[K.sub.a] in Equations (1) and (2) is the apparent equilibrium
constant, which is equal to [k.sub.[rho]] divided by the rate constant
for the reverse reaction. This apparent equilibrium constant is related
to the true thermodynamic equilibrium constant, [K.sub.t], via the
activity coefficients for the various species present in the molten
[K.sub.a] = [[L].sub.eq][[W].sub.eq]/[[C].sub.eq][[A].sub.eq] =
[gamma]C[gamma]A/[gamma]L[gamma]W (5)
Giori and Hayes (1970) showed that the moisture content of molten
nylons has a significant influence on the apparent equilibrium constant
for polyamidation. Schaffer et al. (2003a) and Zheng et al. (2005)
developed the following semi-empirical expression that accounts for the
influence of moisture level and temperature on the ratio of the activity
[K.sub.a0] is the value of the apparent equilibrium rate constant
at a reference temperature, [T.sub.o], under low-moisture conditions
where [[W].sub.eq] [right arrow] 0, and [[gamma].sub.W0] is the activity
coefficient for water in the molten nylon under these same low-moisture
conditions. For nylon 612, [[W].sub.eq], the polymer-phase water
concentration at equilibrium, can be estimated from the temperature and
water content of the gas phase using a correlation based on
Flory-Huggins theory (Schaffer et al., 2003b):
[[W].sub.eq] = 5.55 x [10.sup.4] ([P.sub.w]/[P.sup.sat].sub.w]) exp
(-9.624 + 3613/T) (7)
in which [[P.sup.sat].sub.w], the vapour pressure of pure water at
the temperature of molten polymer, can be calculated from the Wagner
equation (Poling et al., 2001):
ln [P.sup.sat].sub.w]/[P.sub.c] = (8)
-7.77224 (1 - T/[T.sub.c]) + 1.45684 [(T/[T.sub.c]).sup.1.5]
-2.71492 [(1 - T/[T.sub.c]).sup.3] - -1 41336
Values for the mass-transfer coefficient, [k.sub.m], in Equation
(2) and equilibrium-constant parameters [alpha], [beta],
[[gamma].sub.0,] [K.sub.a0] and [DELTA]H in Equation (6) are listed in
Table 1. The large value of [k.sub.m], which results from vigorous
mixing and sparging within the vessel, is consistent with the mass
transfer of water between the gas and liquid phases being fast compared
with the reaction kinetics. A reference temperature of [T.sub.0] =
549.15 K was used because it is in the middle of the temperature range
in Schaffer's et al. (2003a) study of the effects of temperature on
polyamidation kinetics.
In an exploratory study of the influence of reactor operating
conditions on [k.sub.p], weighted non-linear least-squares estimation
was used to estimate different values of [k.sub.p] (using amine and
carboxyl end-group data from Figures 3 to 5 and Equation (1))
corresponding to each catalyst level and equilibrium water concentration
studied in the experiments. Weighting factors used in the least-squares
objective function for parameter estimation (Zheng et al., 2005)
reflected the different levels of precision of the carboxyl and
amine-end group measurements:
The resulting estimates of [k.sub.p], which are reported in Table 2
along with their 95% confidence intervals, provide information about the
influence of catalyst concentration and moisture level on the
polyamidation rate. During this exploratory study, we assumed that the
moisture level in the molten polymer attained its new equilibrium
concentration instantaneously after each change in sparge gas
composition. Because of this assumption, [W] = [[W].sub.eq] could be
calculated using Equation (7), and Equation (2) did not need to be
solved to determine [W]. Note that the assumption of instantaneous
vapour-liquid equilibrium was later relaxed when the fi nal parameter
estimates (shown in Tables 3 and 4) were estimated using the full model
(using km in Equation (2) to account for the rate of moisture transport
to and from the polymer phase).
The [k.sub.p] estimates and confidence intervals in Table 2
indicate that [W] and [SHP] jointly influence the rate of polyamidation.
For example, [k.sub.p] = 0.0389 Mg [mol.sup.-1] [h.sup.-1], which was
obtained using 249 ppm of SHP and the low-moisture-content sparge gas,
is 1.5 times higher than [k.sub.p] = 0.0260 Mg [mol.sup.-1] [h.sup.-1]
obtained using the same catalyst concentration with steam as the sparge
gas. This result, which is consistent with the findings of Dujari et al.
(1998) for solid-phase polymerization of nylon 66, is important because
it confirms that SHP is a more effective catalyst when the melt-phase
moisture concentration is low. Therefore, removal of water from
melt-phase and solid-phase reactors that use SHP catalyst benefits the
polyamidation rate in two ways: low water concentrations reduce the rate
of the reverse (hydrolysis) reaction, which would be the case even if
[k.sub.p] did not depend on [W]; low water concentrations increase the
effectiveness of SHP catalyst, resulting in a significant increase in
the forward (polyamidation) reaction rate. Mathematical models that
account for the joint effects of SHP and water on [k.sub.p] can be used
to select economically desirable catalyst concentrations and reactor
operating conditions that can achieve the desired polymer molecular
weight using a reduced reactor residence time.
To further illustrate and explore the influence of SHP and water on
[k.sub.p], plots of [k.sub.p] vs. water mole fraction in the gas phase
are shown in Figure 6 for the three different levels of SHP
investigated. These plots confirm that [k.sub.p] decreases with
increasing water content, so that as the water content increases, SHP
catalyst becomes less effective at increasing the polyamidation rate.
The relationship between [k.sub.p] and [W] is not linear. At low water
content, [k.sub.p] increases substantially with increasing catalyst
From Figure 7, it appears that [k.sub.p] increases linearly with
increasing [SHP], over the water content and SHP concentration ranges
studied. It also appears that [k.sub.p] vs. [SHP] curves for the three
different water content levels may have converge to the same value when
[SHP] = 0, indicating that [k.sub.p] is not influenced by water
concentration when no catalyst is present. The validity of this
assumption was tested by estimating parameters in an empirical
expression of the form:
[[k.sup.*].sub.p0] is the rate constant at the reference
temperature, [T.sub.0], when [SHP] = 0 and [W] [right arrow] 0, E is the
activation energy and a, b, c and d are empirical parameters to account
for the effects of catalyst and water on the rate of polyamidation. The
semi-empirical expression in Equation (9) was selected after
considerable thought. Note that Equation (10) collapses to a regular
Arrhenius expression when [SHP] = [W] = 0. Equation (6) results in a
linear effect of [SHP] on [k.sub.p] when [W] [right arrow] 0. If b is
negative, the influence of SHP on [k.sub.p] becomes negligible as [W]
becomes large. The c exp(d[W]) term is only important if [W], by itself
with no catalyst present, has a significant influence on [k.sub.p]. If c
= 0, then water content does not influence [k.sub.p], except by
interaction with SHP.
Since the effects of [[k.sup.*].sub.p0], a and c in Equation (10)
are highly correlated, they cannot easily be estimated at the same time.
To address this problem, parameters were separated into two groups
([[k.sup.*].sub.p0], c, d, E) and (a, b). The first group of parameters
was estimated using data from six uncatalyzed runs reported by Schaffer
et al. (2003a) and Zheng at al. (2005) using the objective function in
Equation (9) and the complete mathematical model (Equations (1) to (3),
(5) to (7), (9)). Then the remaining parameters were estimated using the
new data shown in Figures 3 to 5. To estimate the first parameter group,
Equation (10) was simplified to Equation (11) by letting [a.sub.1] =
[[k.sup.*].sub.p0] c and [a.sub.2] = d. The parameter estimation results
are in Table 3.
Based on the parameter estimation results in Table 3, the term
involving [a.sub.1] and [a.sub.2] can be removed from the model because
of the large confidence intervals that contain zero. Therefore, water
content does not influence the apparent rate constant significantly when
there is no SHP catalyst in the reaction system, and Equation (10) can
be simplified to:
When no SHP catalyst is present, the model equations simplify to
the uncatalyzed polyamidation model of Zheng et al. (2005), which is
able to simulate a wide variety of dynamic polymerization experiments.
Using data from uncatalyzed experiments, Zheng et al. (2005) estimated
[[k.sup.*].sub.p0] = 1.91 E-02 Mg [mol.sup.-1] [h.sup.-1] and E = 45.09
kJ [mol.sup.-1], along with some of the parameters listed in Table 1.
The new parameters, [[theta].sub.1] and [[theta].sub.2], which account
for the effect of the SHP catalyst, were estimated using the complete
set of model equations (Equations (1) to (3), (5) to (7), (9)) and the
data in Figures 3 to 5, with all of the other kinetic and equilibrium
parameters were held at their previous estimates (Schaffer et al.,
2003a; Zheng et al., 2005). The resulting estimates of [[theta].sub.1]
and [[theta].sub.2] and their 95% confidence intervals are listed in
Table 4. Note that the estimates for both parameters are significantly
different from zero. Simulation results using the full model and these
parameter estimates, which are shown in Figures 3 to 5, indicate that
the model fits the experimental data very well.
The joint effects of sodium hypophosphite (SHP) catalyst and water
content on the reaction kinetics of nylon 612 polyamidation were
investigated in the high-temperature and low-water-concentration regime
that is encountered in the fi nal stages of industrial melt-phase
polyamidation processes. Within the range of concentrations studied,
sodium SHP catalyst caused a significant increase in the polyamidation
rate constant, [k.sub.p]. For each steady-state moisture level studied,
[k.sub.p], increased linearly with the SHP concentration. The
effectiveness of the SHP catalyst decreased with increasing water
concentration, with the catalyst having no significant effect at the
highest water concentration studied (~0.055 mass % in the molten
polymer). At the lowest water concentration studied (~0.0025 mass %) and
highest SHP concentration (249 ppm by weight), the catalyst resulted in
approximately a 50% increase in the polyamidation rate constant. A
semi-empirical mathematical model was developed to describe the joint
effects of SHP and water. This model, which simplifies to the model of
Zheng et al. (2005) when no catalyst is present, can simulate the
experimental data very well.
a, b, c, d empirical parameters in Equation (10)
accounting for the effects of water and
SHP on the polyamidation rate constant
[a.sub.1], [a.sub.2] empirical parameters in Equation (11)
accounting for the effects of water on the
polyamidation rate constant
[A] concentration of amine end groups, mol Mg-1
[C] concentration of carboxylic acid end groups,
mol Mg-1 E activation energy, kJ mol-1
[DELTA]H apparent enthalpy of polyamidation, kJ mol-1
J objective function for weighted least-squares
parameter estimation
[K.sub.a] apparent polyamidation equilibrium constant
[K.sub.a0] apparent polyamidation equilibrium constant
at T0 (276 [degrees]C) and [W].0
[K.sub.m] volumetric liquid-phase mass-transfer
coefficient for nylon/water system, h-1
[K.sub.p] polyamidation rate constant, Mg mol-1 h-1
[k.sub.p0] polyamidation rate constant at reference
temperature T0 (276 [degrees]C)
[[k.sup.*].sub.p0] polyamidation rate constant at reference
temperature T0 (276[degrees]C) and [W].0
[K.sub.t] true thermodynamic equilibrium constant
for polyamidation, which is independent of
the end-group and water concentrations
[L] concentration of amide links, mol Mg-1
[n.sub.A], [n.sub.c] number of amine end group and carboxyl
end-group measurements used to fit the model
[P.sub.c] critical pressure of water, 22 050 kPa
[P.sub.w] partial pressure of water in the gas phase,
[[P.sup.sat].sub.w] vapour pressure of pure liquid water, kPa
R ideal gas constant, kJ mol-1- K-1
[SHP] concentration of SHP catalyst, ppm by weight
t time (h)
T temperature, K
[T.sub.0] reference temperature, 549.15 K
[T.sub.c] critical temperature of water, 647.3 K
[W] concentration of water in the molten polymer,
mol [Mg.sup.-1]
[[W].sub.eq] concentration of water in the molten polymer
in equilibrium with the gas phase, mol
Greek Symbols
[alpha] parameter in Equation (6) accounting for the
effect of T on the apparent equilibrium
constant, exp([alpha]) in Mg [mol.sup.-1]
[beta] parameter in Equation (6) accounting for the
effect of T and [W]eq on the apparent
equilibrium constant, exp(T/T) in Mg mol-1
[[gamma].sub.i] activity coefficient of species i in the
molten polymer phase
[[gamma].sub.w] activity coefficient for water dissolved in
molten polymer at reactor temperature
[[gamma].sub.w0] activity coefficient for water dissolved in
molten polymer at reference temperature
[[theta].sub.1] empirical parameter in Equation (12)
accounting for the effect of SHP and water
on the polyamidation rate constant, ppm-1
[[theta].sub.2] empirical parameter in Equation (12)
accounting for the effect of water and SHP
on polyamidation rate constant, Mg
[[[sigma].sup.2] variances of amine end and carboxyl end
.sub.A], measurements , respectively, [mol.sup.2]
[[[sigma].sup.2] [Mg.sup.-2]
eq equilibrium concentrations (mol [Mg.sup.-1])
The authors are grateful for the financial support provided by
NSERC, DuPont Canada and Queen's University, and for the end-group
analyses that were conducted by DuPont Canada.
Manuscript received December 23, 2005; revised manuscript received
June 27, 2006; accepted for publication September 13, 2006.
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Wei Zheng (4), Kim B. McAuley (1) *, E. Keith Marchildon (2) and K.
Zhen Yao (3)
(1.) Department of Chemical Engineering, Queen's University,
Kingston, ON, Canada K7L 3N6
(2.) Current address: E.I. DuPont Canada Company, Research,
Engineering and Business Development, Kingston, On, Canada K7L 5A5
(3.) Current address: Institute of Polymerization Reaction
Engineering, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, China 310027
(4.) Iogen Corporation, 310 Hunt Club Road East, Ottawa, ON, Canada
K1V 1C1
* Author to whom correspondence may be addressed. E-mail address:
Table 1. Reaction equilibrium and mass-transfer parameters used in
the model
Parameter Units Value Source
A exp([alpha]) in Mg/mol 22.6039 Zheng et al., 2005
B K -1.45E+04 Zheng et al., 2005
[K.sub.a0] dimensionless 53.7841 Zheng et al., 2005
[DELTA]H kJ/mol -85.752 Zheng et al., 2005
[GAMMA]. 20.97 Schaffer et al.,
sub.w0] 2003b
[k.sub.m] [h.sup.-1] 24.3 Schaffer et al.,
Note: [K.sub.a0], [DELTA]H and [[GAMMA].sub.w0] are shown for the
reference temperature, [T.sub.0]=549 K.
Table 2. Apparent amidation rate constant (with SHP)
[SHP], T, [N.sub.2]/Steam (mol %)
ppm [degrees]
100% Steam 80% [N.sub.2], 20% Steam
[k.sub.p] 95% C.I. [k.sub.p] 95% C.I.
+/- +/-
33 290 0.0248 0.0032 0.0261 0.0040
113 290 0.0253 0.51% 2.0282 0.0085
249 290 2.60% 0.39% 0.0324 0.0079
[SHP], [N.sub.2]/Steam (mol %)
95% [N.sub.2], 5% Steam
[k.sub.p] 95% C.I.
33 0.0298 0.0042
113 0.0341 0.0077
249 0.0389 0.0072
Table 3. Parameter estimation results for Equation (11)
Parameter Estimate results 95% C.I. +/-
[k*.sub.p0] 1.84E-02 2.40E-03
[a.sub.1] 1.36 6.26E+02
[a.sub.2] -1.41 118.1
E 53.2 37.2
Table 4. Final parameters estimation results
Parameter Units Estimate results 95% C.I. +/-
[[theta].sub.1] 1/ppm 3.59E-03 1.84E-03
[[theta].sub.2] Mg/mol -8.17E-02 2.75E-02