Approximate pole placement with dominance for continuous delay systems by PID controllers.
Wang, Qing-Guo ; Liu, Min ; Hang, Chang Chieh 等
In a typical control textbook, the standard second-order system is
discussed in great detail and used to guide practical control system
design even if the underlying system is not of second-order. The
assumption to make such a design to hold is that there is a dominant
second-order dynamics. The desired closed-loop poles are calculated from
certain control specifications such as percentage overshoot and settling
time. However, continuous-time delay control systems are
infinite-dimensional (Astrom and Wittenmark, 1997). They have infinite
spectrum and it is not possible to assign such infinite spectrum with a
finite-dimensional controller (Michiels et al., 2002). Instead, one
naturally wishes to assign a pair of poles that dominate all other
poles. This idea was first introduced by Persson and Astrom (1993) and
further explained in Astrom and Hagglund (1995). In Coelho (1998), this
idea is developed for the tuning of lead-lag controllers. Both methods
are based on a simplified model of processes and thus cannot guarantee
the chosen poles to be indeed dominant in reality. In the case of
high-order systems or systems with time delay, these conventional
dominant pole designs, if not well handled, could result in sluggish
response or even instability of the closed-loop. To the best knowledge
of the authors, no method is available in the literature to guarantee
dominance of the assigned poles in general.
In this paper, an analytical PID design method is proposed for
continuous-time delay systems to achieve approximate placement of two
desired poles with dominance. A continuous delay process is converted to
a low-order rational discrete model. A discrete PID controller is
designed to ensure dominant pole placement in discrete domain. This is a
finite-dimensional problem and the solution for pole placement is
readily available. The designed discrete PID controller is finally
converted back to the continuous one. The poles in continuous domain are
generally not precisely the same as originally set. It is argued that
exact pole placement is not necessary as practical design specifications
are commonly set as ranges instead of precise values, and approximate
ones should be sufficient as long as they do not deviate too much from
the ideal ones. The dominance and error of the assigned poles are
measured and checked for the design. It is shown by simulation that the
proposed method works well with great dominance and negligible error of
approximately assigned desired poles for a large range of normalized
dead time up to at least 4. It should also be pointed out that
discretization of a continuous process and discrete PID calculations are
purely employed as a design intermediate and can be viewed as a
fictitious process to get a workable continuous PID controller. No
sampling is applied. Performance of our design should be judged from
that of the so-obtained continuous PID controller, rather from
discretization errors involved.
Continuous controller design is always carried out in continuous
domain, and this causes an infinite spectrum assignment problem for a
delay process under a PID control, a hard and open problem. While the
proposed method to transform into and out of a discrete model is the
first of its kind and brings the infinite spectrum assignment problem to
an approximate finite spectrum assignment problem by a special selection
of sampling time, a simple solution is obtained. No method is available
in the literature to guarantee dominance of the assigned poles for PID
control of a continuous delay process while the proposed method can do
The paper is organized as follows. In the next section, the problem
under consideration is formulated. In the third section, the design
method is presented for monotonic processes, with simulation examples
given in the fourth section. In section five, the proposed method is
applied to a thermal control system. Positive PID setting is discussed
in the sixth section. In section seven the design method is presented
for oscillatory processes, with conclusions drawn in the final section.
A block diagram of a PID control system is shown in Figure 1, where
G(s) is a continuous-time delay process and C(s) is the PID controller.
Suppose that control system design specifications are represented by the
overshoot and settling time on its closedloop step response. The
overshoot is usually achieved by setting a suitable damping ratio, [xi].
A reasonable value of the damping ratio is typically in the range of 0:4
to 1. The settling time, [T.sub.s], cannot be taken arbitrarily but
largely limited by the process characteristics and available magnitude
of the manipulated variable. If Ts is too large, the response is very
slow, which is bad performance and should be avoided. On the other hand,
if Ts is too small, this may cause a very large control signal and less
robust control system. From the point of view of dominant pole
placement, pole dominance is also difficult to realize (Astrom and
Hagglund, 1995; Zhang et al., 2002) if [T.sub.s] is very small. In this
paper, through extensive simulation, we adopt the following empirical
equation to choose [T.sub.s] for the process with a monotonic step
[T.sub.s] = T(4.5 + 4.5 L/T)(0.35/[xi] + 0.5) (10)
where T and L are the equivalent time constant and dead time of the
process. The natural frequency, [[omega].sub.0], is calculated with
[[omega].sub.0] = 4/[xi][T.sub.s]. Then, the specifications can be
transferred to the corresponding desired second-order dynamics:
[s.sup.2] +2[xi][[omega].sub.0]s+[[omega].sup.2.sub.0] = 0.
Its two roots are denoted by [p.sub.s,1] with a positive imaginary
part and [p.sub.s,2], which are the desired closed-loop poles to be
achieved and be dominant by our controller design.
The actual closed-loop system has its characteristic equation:
1 + G(s)C(s) = 0
Let its roots or closed-loop poles be [p.sub.s,i], i = 1,2, ...
They are ordered such that [p.sub.s,i] meets Re([p.sub.s,i]) [greater
than or equal to] Re([p.sub.s,i+1]) and if Re[p.sub.s,i] =
Re([p.sub.s,i+1]), Im([p.sub.s,i+1]) > Im [p.sub.s,i+1] where
Re([p.sub.s]) and Im([p.sub.s]) are the real and imaginary parts of
[p.sub.s,i], respectively. Note that the actual poles, [p.sub.s,i]i =
1,2, may not be the same as the desired ones: [p.sub.s,1] and
[p.sub.s,2], and [p.sub.s,i].i = 1,2, may not be dominant enough with
respect to other poles. Thus, we introduce two measures to reflect them:
the relative pole assignment error,
and the relative dominance,
Our problem of approximate pole placement with dominance is to
determine a continuous controller C(s) so as to produce reasonably small
relative pole assignment error and large relative dominance, say,
[E.sub.p] [greater than or equal to] 20% and [E.sub.D] [greater than or
equal to] 3, which are used as defaults.
The difficulty of the above problem lies in the existence of an
infinite number of closed-loop poles for a continuous delay process
under PID control. It is impossible to assign all the closed-loop poles.
However, a continuous-time delay process may be converted to a
low-dimensional discrete system with some special sampling time
selection. In this paper, discrete design is used as a bridge to
approximate pole placement in continuous PID control systems, but no
sampling is done in the real control system of Figure 1.
Let a continuous-time delay process G(s) have a monotonic step
response and be represented by a first-order time delay model:
G(s) = K/Ts + 1 [e.sup.-Ls] (4)
In this paper, we choose the sampling time h as h = L to make the
discretized process, G(z), have the lowest order. The process has a pole
at 1/T. This pole is mapped via z = [e.sup.hs] (adopted in pole-zero
matching method in Franklin et al. (1990)), to the pole of its discrete
equivalent at T = [e.sup.-L/T], so that K/Ts + 1 is converted to K/z -
T, where K is selected to match the static gain, K/Ts + 1[parallel] s =
0 = K/z-T[parallel]z = 1, and thus K = K(1-[e.sup.-L/T]). Note that the
discrete equivalent of [e.sup.-Ls] is 1/z under h = L. Overall, the
process in form of (4) is converted to
G(z) = K/z(z - T) (5)
The continuous PID controller in form of
C(s) = [K.sub.p] (1 + 1/[T.sub.i]s + [T.sub.d]s)
is also converted to the discrete-time model,
C(z) = [k.sub.1][z.sub.2]+[[k.sub.2]z + [k.sub.3]/z - 1 (7)
where [k.sub.1], [k.sub.2] and [k.sub.3] are the functions of
[k.sub.p], [T.sub.i] and [T.sub.d]. The characteristic polynomial of the
discrete closed-loop system is
On the other hand, the given [p.sub.s,1] and [p.sub.s,2] have the
desirable discrete characteristic polynomial as follows
where [p.sub.z,1] = [e.sup.Lps,1], [p.sub.z,2] = [e.sub.Lps,2], and
[p.sub.z,3] is a user-defined parameter and set at [e.sup.10LRe(ps,1)]
in this paper. Equalizing [](z) with [](z) yields
[k.sub.1] = [p.sub.1] + 1 + T/K
[k.sub.2] = [p.sub.2] - T
[k.sub.3] = [p.sub.3]/K
Once [k.sub.1], [k.sub.2] and k3 are known, the two zeros of C(z)
ASCII.]. Using the pole-zero matching method gives the continuous
controller as
C(s) = [K.sub.c] (s - log([z.sub.1]/L)(s - log([z.sub.2])/L)
with Kc selected to match the gain of C(s) at 0.1m/L, where m is
the smallest integer and meets [e.sup.0.1m][not equal to] 1, [z.sub.1]
and [z.sub.2]. Finally, C(s) can be then rearranged into the form in (6)
with its settings given as follows,
To apply the above method to a non-first-order process G(j[omega])
with monotonic step response, we have to obtain its first-order
approximate model G(s) in form of (4). The simplest technique is to
match the model frequency response with the process one at two frequency
points, [omega] = 0 and [omega] = [[omega].sub.p], the phase cross-over
frequency. The formulas are well known (Wang et al., 2003):
K = G(0) (10)
L = [pi] + [tan.sup.-1]([-[omega].sub.p]T)/[[omega].sub.p] (12)
Gain and phase margins are basic measure of the system's
robustness. In this paper, we apply these specifications to judge
robustness of the design results. Tuning [xi] will give suitable robust
stability of the closed-loop system against the parameter uncertainties.
Example 1
Consider an exact first-order process with G(s) = 1/s+1 [e.sup.-Ls]
and study our design with several typical values of L. Let L = 0.5
first. Suppose that the desired damping ratio is [xi] = 0.7. Ts is
calculated from (1) as 8.25. We have [p.sub.s,1] = -0.4848 + 0.4946i,
[p.sub.s,2] = -0.4848 - 0.4946i. The third pole is then [p.sub.s,3] =
10Re([p.sub.s,1]) = -4.848. The proposed method with these
specifications leads to the discrete PID:
C(z) = -0.009146[z.sup.2] + 0.366z - 0.1386/z - 1
and via the pole-zero matching method, the continuous PID:
C(s) = -0.0.321[s.sup.2] + 0.1726s - 0.4505/s
which is rearranged in form of (6) as
C(s) = 0.1726(1 + 1/0.3832s - 0.1859s)
The closed-loop poles are calculated from the roots of 1 + G(s)C(s)
= 0 with a fortieth-order Pade approximate to the time delay as
[p.sub.s,1] = -0.5135 + 0.4837i, [p.sub.s,2] = -0.5135 - 0.4837i,
[p.sub.s,3] = -5.6623, [p.sub.s,4] = -6.4016 + 13.1493i, [p.sub.s,5] =
-6.4016 -13.1493i, .... It follows that [E.sub.P] = 4.43% and [E.sub.D]
= 11.03. The gain margin and phase margin are 6.64 and 63.92o,
respectively. The step response and the manipulated variable are shown
in Figure 2. The settling time of the control system is 8.5 and the
overshoot is 3.71% with the corresponding damping ratio of 0.72. The
step responses of the discrete system, G(z)C(z)/1 + G(z)C(z), and the
prototype continuous system, 2.326/[s.sup.3] + 5.818[s.sup.2] + 5.181s +
2.326 with its poles at the desired -0.4848 [+ or -] 0.4946i and one
extra at -4.848, are given in Figure 3 for comparisons, from which one
sees that the designed continuous system is quite close to them.
Consider L = 2. Suppose that the desired damping ratio is [xi] = 0.7.
[T.sub.s] is calculated from (1) as 19.5. We have [p.sub.s,1] = -0.2051
+ 0.2093i and [p.sub.s,2] = -0.2051 + 0.2093i. The third pole is at
-2.051. The proposed method with these specifications leads to the
discrete PID:
C(z) = -0.1083[z.sup.2] + 0.3758z - 0.008416/z - 1
and via the pole-zero matching method, the continuous PID:
C(s) = -0.1179[s.sup.2] - 0.1506s - 0.1384/s
which is rearranged in form of (6) as follows
C(s) = 0.1506(1 - 1/1.0883s - 0.7829s)
The closed-loop poles are [p.sub.s,1] = -0.1913 + 0.2284i,
[p.sub.s,2] = -0.1913 - 0.2284i, [p.sub.s,3] = -1.0131 + 3.0847i,
[p.sub.s,4] = -1.0131 - 3.0847i, ... It follows that EP = 8.04% and ED =
5.30. The gain margin and phase margin are 2.59 and 57.25[degrees],
respectively. The step response and the manipulated variable are shown
in Figure 4. The settling time is 22.95 and the overshoot is 7.49% with
the corresponding damping ratio of 0.64. The step responses of the
discrete system, G(z)C(z)/1 + G(z)C(z) and the prototype continuous
system, 0.1761/[s.sup.3] + 2.462[s.sup.2] + 0.9274s + 0.1761, with its
poles at the desired -0.2051 [+ or -] 0.2093i and -2.051, are given in
Figure 5 for comparison.
Consider L = 4. Suppose that the desired damping ratio is [xi] =
0.7. [T.sub.s] is calculated from (1) as 34.5. We have [p.sub.s,1] =
-0.1159 + 0.1183i and [p.sub.s,2] = -0.1159 - 0.1183i. The third pole is
at -1.159. The proposed method with these specifications leads to the
discrete PID:
C(z) = -0.207[s.sup.2] - 0.1743s + 0.07457/z - 1
and via the pole-zero matching method, the continuous PID:
C(s) = -0.207[s.sup.2] - 0.1743s + 0.07457/s
which is rearranged in form of (6) as follows
C(s) = -0.1743 (1 - 1/2.3366s + 1.1880s)
The closed-loop poles are [p.sub.s,1] =-0.1184 + 0.1289i,
[p.sub.s,2] = -0.1184 - 0.1289i, [p.sub.s,3] = -0.3704 + 1.5947i,
[p.sub.s,4] = -0.3704 - 1.5947i, .... It follows that [E.sub.P] = 6.56%
and [E.sub.D] = 3.12. The gain margin and phase margin are 2.48 and
58.02[degrees], respectively. The step response and the manipulated
variable are shown in Figure 6. The settling time is 39.73 and the
overshoot is 5.94% with the corresponding damping ratio of 0.67. The
step responses of the discrete system, G(z)C(z)/1 + G(z)C(z), and the
prototype continuous system,
0.03181/[s.sup.3] + 1.391[s.sup.2] + 0.2963s + 0.03181, with its
poles at the desired -0.1159 [+ or -] 0.1183i and -1.159, are given in
Figure 7 for comparison.
Example 2
Consider a high-order process, G(s) = (2s + 1)/(s+1)(4s + 1)
[e.sup.s]. By Formulas (10), (11) and (12), we obtain its first-order
approximate as
G(s) = 1/3.743s + 1[e.sup.-1.49s]
Suppose that the desired damping ratio is [xi]= 0.7. [T.sub.s] is
calculated from (1) as 28. We have [p.sub.s,1] = -0.1427 + 0.1456i and
[p.sub.s,2] = -0.1427 - 0.1456i. The third pole is at -1.427. The
proposed method with these specifications leads to the discrete PID:
C(z) = -0.07994[z.sup.2] + 0.5168z - 0.2366/z - 1
and via the pole-zero matching method, the continuous PID:
C(s) = -0.2485[s.sup.2] + 0.1808s - 0.14/s
which is rearranged in form of (6) as
C(s) = 0.1808(1 + 1/1.2910s - 1.3747s)
The closed-loop poles are [p.sub.s,1] = -0.1530 + 0.1369i,
[p.sub.s,2] = -0.1530 - 0.1369i, [p.sub.s,3] = -0.7307 + 0.3366i,
[p.sub.s,4] = -0.7307 - 0.3366i,.... It follows that EP = 6.62% and ED =
4.77. The gain margin and phase margin are 5.47 and 63.81[degrees],
respectively. The step response and the manipulated variable is shown in
Figure 8. The settling time of the control system is 28.28 and the
overshoot is 3.41% with the corresponding damping ratio of 0.73. The
step responses of the discrete system, G(z)C(z)/1 + G(z)C(z), and the
prototype continuous system, 0.05931/[s.sup.3] + 1.713[s.sup.2] +
0.4489s + 0.05931 with its poles at -0.1427 [+ or -] 0.1456i and -1.427,
are also given in Figure 9 for comparison.
In practice, the measurement noise and unmodelled dynamics, such as
disturbances, are generally present. For the same example, the
measurement noise is simulated by adding a white noise to the output and
a disturbance with the magnitude of -0.3 is added to the output at t =
30. The response, y(t), the measured output, [y.sub.n](t), and the
manipulated variable, u(t), are shown in Figure 10. The effectiveness of
our method is shown.
In this section, the proposed PID tuning method is also applied to
a temperature chamber system, which is made by National Instruments
Corp. and shown in Figure 11. The experiment setup consists of a thermal
chamber and a personal computer with data acquisition cards and labView
software. The system input, u, is the adjustable power supply to 20W
Halogen bulb. The system output, y, is the temperature of the
temperature chamber. The model of the process is
G(s) = 29.49[e.sup.-0.106s]/0.6853s+1
The proposed method with ??= 0.8 leads to the PID controller as
C(s) = 0.0047(1 + 1/0.1535 - 1.3408s)
This ideal PID is not physically realizable and is thus replaced by
C(s) = 0.0047(1 + 1/0.1535s - 1.3408s/(1.3408/N) s + 1)
where N = 4, in the real time testing. Before the test is applied,
the control system is at a steady state. At t = 0, the reference input
is changed from 29 to 27. The process input and output are given in
Figure 12. The step response of the prototype continuous system,
20.8/[s.sup.3] + 13.2[s.sup.2] + 26.09s + 20.8 are also given in Figure
12 for comparison. The designed system has satisfying performance.
It is noted from the simulation results in the preceding section
that some of the PID parameters are not positive. In many applications,
it is not permissible. To avoid this problem, we choose the controller
in the form of
C(s) = [K.sub.p](1 + 1/[T.sub.i]s)(s + [beta]/s + [alpha]) (13)
which corresponds to the practical form (no pure D) of PID
controller in the cascaded structure (Astrom and Hagglund, 1995; Ang et
al., 2005). We choose [T.sub.i] = T to cancel the pole of G(s). The
open-loop transfer function, G(s)C(s), is converted by the pole-zero
matching method to its discrete equivalent,
G(z)C(z) = K/z [k.sub.1]z+[k.sub.2]/z(z-1)(z + [k.sub.3]) (14)
where K = K/T, and [k.sub.1], [k.sub.2], [k.sub.3] are the
functions of [K.sub.p], [beta] and [alpha]. The discrete closed-loop
characteristic polynomial is
[](z) = [z.sup.3] + ([k.sub.3] - 1)[z.sup.2] + (K[k.sub.1]
- [k.sub.3])z + K[k.sub.2]
By making [](z) = [](z), we can solve for
[k.sub.1], [k.sub.2] and [k.sub.3] as
[k.sub.1] = [p.sub.1] + [p.sub.2] + 1 (15)
[k.sub.2] = [p.sub.3]/K (16)
[k.sub.3] = [p.sub.1] + 1 (17)
Once [k.sub.1], [k.sub.2] and [k.sub.3] are known, we obtain the
controller parameters in continuous domain as
[beta] = -log (-[k.sub.2]/[k.sub.1]/L (18)
[alpha] = -log(-[k.sub.3])/L (19)
where m is the smallest integer, which meets [e.SUP.0.1m] [not
equal to] 0, -[k.sub.3], [k.sub.2]/[k.sub.1].
Example 1 (continued)
Consider Example 1 again with L = 0.5. Suppose that the desired
damping ratio is [xi]= 0.7 and Ts = 8.25 as before. The controller in
form of (13) is obtained as
C(s) = 0.2195(1 + 1/s)(s + 1.8901/s + 0.9878)
The closed-loop poles are calculated as [p.sub.s,1] = -0.5382 +
0.4020i, [p.sub.s,2] = -0.5382 - 0.4020i, [p.sub.s,3] = -7.32,.... For
this example, [E.sub.P] = 15.43% and [E.sub.D] = 13.6. The closed-loop
pole at -1 is concealed by the closed-loop zero at -1. The gain margin
and phase margin are 10.31 and 68.53[degrees], respectively. The step
response and the manipulated variable are shown in Figure 13. The
settling time of the resultant control system is 5.45 and the overshoot
is 1.63% with the corresponding damping ratio of 0.79. The step
responses of the discrete system, G(z)C(z)/1 + G(z)C(z), and the
prototype continuous system, 2.326/[s.sup.3] + 5.818[s.sup.2] + 5.181s +
2.326, are given in Figure 14 for comparison.
Some practical processes such as temperature loops exhibit
oscillatory or essentially second-order behaviour in its step response.
The first-order modelling is not adequate for them. Instead, one has to
use the following model:
G(s) = K/[s.sup.2] + as + b [e.sup.-Ls] (21)
Define [p.sub.g,i], i = 1, 2 as the roots of [s.sub.2] + as + b =
0. The equivalent time constant of the oscillation process is defined as
T = -1/Re([p.sub.g,i]). To set a desired second-order dynamic properly,
the damping ratio is chosen as before, while the following new formula,
[T.sub.s] = T(1 + 15 L/T) (0.35/[xi] + 0.5) (22)
is used for determining [T.sub.s]. For this kind of processes, we
exploit the controller in the form of
and choose [T.sub.i] and [T.sub.d] to cancel the poles of G(s):
[T.sub.d] = 1/a
[T.sub.i] = a/b
Then, the resulting open-loop G(s)C(s) and its discrete equivalent
are the same as those in the previous section with K = K/a. The
procedure there applies to obtain [K.sub.p], [beta] and [alpha] from
(15), (16) and (17). With [k.sub.1], [k.sub.2] and [k.sub.3], we
calculate [K.sub.p], [beta] and [alpha] according to (18), (19) and
Example 3
Consider a oscillation process, G(s) = 1/[s.sup.2] + 1.2s + 1
[e.sup.-0.7s]. The equivalent time constant of the process is T = 1.667.
Suppose that the desired damping ratio is [xi]= 0.7. [T.sub.s] is
calculated from (22) as 13. We have [p.sub.s,1] = -0.3288 + 0.3354i and
[p.sub.s,2] = -0.3288 - 0.3354i. The third pole is at -3.288. The
proposed method in this section with these specifications leads to the
continuous controller:
C(s) = 0.1953 (1 + 1/1.2s + 0.8333s)(s + 1.1410/s + 0.6256)
The closed-loop poles are calculated as [p.sub.s,1] = -0.3585 +
0.2755i, [p.sub.s,2] = -0.3585 - 0.2755i, [p.sub.s,3] = -5.0949,
[p.sub.s,4] = -6.1839 + 10.3973i, [p.sub.s,5] = -6.1839 - 10.3973i,....
It follows [E.sub.P] = 14.24% and [E.sub.D] = 14.21. The closed-loop
pole at -0.6000 [+ or -] 0.8000i are concealed by the closed-loop zeros.
The gain margin and phase margin are 10.72 and 68.51[degrees],
respectively. The step response and the manipulated variable are shown
in Figure 15. The settling time of the control system is 11 and the
overshoot is 2.04% with the corresponding damping ratio of 0.77. The
step responses of the discrete system, G(z)C(z)/1 + G(z)C(z), and the
prototype continuous system, 0.7252/[s.sup.3] + 3.945[s.sup.2]+ 2.382 +
0.7252 are given in Figure 16 for comparison.
For comparison with first-order design method, by (10), (11) and
(12), we obtain its first-order model as
G(s) = 1/1.235s + 1 [e.sup.-1.44s]
Suppose the desired damping ratio is [xi] = 0.7. [T.sub.s] = 16.4
is calculated from (1) with T = 1.235 and L = 1.44. The proposed method
in the third section with these specification leads to the continuous
C(s) = -0.0457(1 - 1/0.2481s + 1.6713s)
The closed-loop poles are calculated as [p.sub.s,1] = -0.3437,
[p.sub.s,2] = -0.4066 + 0.5870i, [p.sub.s,3] = -0.4066 - 0.5870i,
[p.sub.s,4] = -6.69 + 5.47i, [p.sub.s,5] = -6.69 - 5.47i, ... The
resulting dominant poles are -0.3437 and -0.4066 [+ or -] 0.5870i, which
are far from the desired ones.
Example 4
Consider a high-order oscillation process, G(s) = 1/(0.8s +
1)([s.sup.2] + 1.1s + 1) [e.sup.-2s]. Applying the identification method
proposed by Liu et al. (2007), we obtain one of its estimations as
G(s) = 0.702/[s.sup.2] + 0.9708s + 0.7114 [e.eup.-2.33s]
with the equivalent time constant of T = 2.06. Suppose that the
desired damping ratio is [xi] = 0.7. Ts is calculated from (22) as 37.
We have [p.sub.s,1] = -0.1081 + 0.1103i and [p.sub.s,2] = -0.1081
-0.1103i. The third pole is at -1.081. The proposed method in this
section with these specifications leads to the continuous controller:
C(s) = 0.0637 (1 + 1/1.3646s + 0.0301s)(s + 0.4567/s + 0.2306)
The closed-loop poles are calculated as [p.sub.s,1] = -0.1178 +
0.0941i, [p.sub.s,2] = -0.1178 - 0.0941i, [p.sub.s,3] = -0.5221 +
0.8374i, [p.sub.s,4] = -0.5221 -0.8374i, ... It follows [E.sub.P] =
12.24% and [E.sub.D] = 4.43. The gain margin and phase margin are 10.02
and 67.34[degrees], respectively. The step response and the manipulated
variable are shown in Figure 17. The settling time of the resultant
control system is 35.36 and the overshoot is 2.1% with the corresponding
damping ratio of 0.77. The step responses of the discrete system,
G(z)C(z)/1 + G(z)C(z), and the prototype continuous system,
0.02576/[s.sup.3] + 1.297[s.sup.2] + 0.2575s + 0.02576 are given in
Figure 18 for comparison.
In this paper, an analytical PID design method has been presented
for continuous-time delay systems to achieve approximate pole placement
with dominance. It greatly simplifies the continuous infinite spectrum
assignment problem with a delay process to a third-order pole placement
problem in discrete domain for which the closed-form solution exists and
is converted back to its continuous PID controller. The method works
well for both monotonic and oscillatory processes of low or high order.
This work was sponsored by the Ministry of Education's AcRF
Tier 1 funding, R-263-000-306-112, Singapore.
Manuscript received January 3, 2007; revised manuscript received
March 4, 2007; accepted for publication May 8, 2007.
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Qing-Guo Wang *, Min Liu and Chang Chieh Hang
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, National
University of Singapore,
10 Kent Ridge Crescent, Singapore 119260
* Author to whom all correspondence may be addressed. E-mail