Geometrical models for tortuosity of streamlines in three-dimensional porous media.
Yun, Meijuan ; Yu, Boming ; Xu, Peng 等
Based on the assumption that some particles in porous media are
unrestrictedly overlapped and hence of different configurations, this
paper presents three three-dimensional geometry models for tortuosity of
streamlines in porous media with spherical, cubic and plate-like
particles, respectively. The proposed models are expressed as a function
of porosity with no empirical constant, and they are helpful for
understanding the physical mechanism for tortuosity of flow paths in
three-dimensional porous media. The model predictions are compared with
those from the available correlations obtained by experimental data, and
good agreement is found between them.
En emettant l'hypothese que certaines particules en milieux
poreux se chevauchent sans restrictions et presentent donc des
configurations differentes, on presente dans cet article trois modeles
de geometrie tridimensionnelle pour la tortuosite des lignes de courant en milieux poreux avec des particules spheriques, cubiques et plates.
Les modeles proposes sont exprimes en fonction de la porosite sans
constante empirique et sont utiles pour comprendre le mecanisme physique expliquant la tortuosite des trajectoires d'ecoulement en milieux
poreux tridimensionnels. Les predictions des modeles sont comparees a
celles de correlations disponibles obtenues par des donnees
experimentales, et un bon accord est trouve entre elles.
Keywords: tortuosity, stream tubes, porous media
The characteristics of material transport in (single-phase and
multiphase) porous media, such as the hydraulic permeability, electrical
conductivity and diffusivity have steadily received much attention due
to many unresolved problems in science and engineering applications.
These macroscopic transport parameters are usually related to the
tortuosity followed by transported materials (Wyllie and Gregory, 1955;
Bear, 1972; Dullien, 1979; Comiti and Renaud, 1989; Koponen et al.,
1996; Moldrup et al., 2001; Yu and Cheng, 2002; Yu et al., 2003; Zhang
and Liu, 2003; Gerasimos et al., 2004; Yu and Li, 2004; Yun et al.,
2005). However, it is known that the tortuous path a transported
material follows is microscopically very complicated. Therefore, the
tortuosity in porous media is conventionally determined by experiments
(Wyllie and Gregory, 1955; Comiti and Renaud, 1989) and the experimental
data are then correlated as correlations with one or more empirical
constants. In addition, the tortuosity of streamlines in porous media
can also be determined by numerical methods such as Lattice Gas (LG)
cellular automaton (Koponen et al., 1996). In order to achieve a better
understanding of the mechanisms for tortuosity through porous media, an
analytical model for tortuosity is desirable and this is a challenging
task. Recently, Yu and Li (2004) and Yun et al. (2005) proposed simple
geometry models for tortuosities in two-dimensional porous medium with
cubic and spherical particles. The tortuosity models are expressed as a
function of porosity. However, the models are only suitable for
two-dimensional porous media, and they are not applicable to
three-dimensional porous media. So far, no analytical model has been
reported for tortuosity of flow paths/stream tubes in three-dimensional
porous media. This work is devoted to deriving the analytical models for
tortuosities in three-dimensional porous media with spherical, cubic and
plate-like particles.
The tortuosity is often defined by (Bear, 1972; Dullien, 1979):
[GAMMA] = [L.sub.e]/L (1)
where [L.sub.e] and L are the actual length of flow path and the
straight length or thickness of a unit cell along the macroscopic
pressure gradient, respectively. Some researchers define the tortuosity
as [GAMMA] = [(L/[L.sub.e]).sup.2] (Bear, 1972). Carman gives the value
L/[L.sub.e] = 0.71, and other values reported in the literature for L/Le
vary in the range of 0.56-0.8 (Bear, 1972). In this work, Equation (1)
is applied for the definition of tortuosity.
A correlation between the average tortuosity and the porosity was
given by (Comiti and Renaud, 1989):
[GAMMA] = 1 + Cln(1/[phi]) (2)
which was obtained by the experiments on flow through beds packed
with spherical and cubic particles. Here C is the empirical/ fitting
constant obtained by fitting the experimental data, for spherical and
cubic particles C = 0.41 and C = 0.63, respectively. [phi] is the
Koponen et al. (1996) applied the Lattice Gas cellular automaton
method to solve numerically a creeping flow of Newtonian incompressible fluid in a two-dimensional porous substance constructed by randomly
placed rectangles of equal size and with unrestricted overlap. They
obtained a correlation between the average tortuosity of flow path and
the porosity as:
[GAMMA] = 0.8(1-[phi]) + 1 (3)
This paper focuses on derivation of the tortuosity models for flow
of Newtonian incompressible fluid in a three-dimensional porous media
with spherical and cubic particles by applying the geometrical method.
To this end, the ideal geometry models and representative flow paths are
chosen, and then the tortuosity in three-dimensional porous media is
derived by averaging the representative flow paths. The model
predictions are finally compared with the existing experimental and
numerical correlations.
For flow in real porous media, there may be numerous streamlines
around the particles. The tortuosity of streamlines may be found by
calculation of velocity field for flow in porous media. However, since
the pore structure is very complicated for real porous media, the
calculation of velocity field for tortuosity is a challenging task. In
this work, for simplicity we apply a geometric method by averaging over
some possible streamlines around particles for tortuosity. The average
method used in this work is just a simple statistical average over all
possible streamlines. The average tortuosity is thus expressed as:
[GAMMA] = 1/N [summation over (i)] [[GAMMA].sub.i] (4)
where N is the total number of flow paths/streamlines and
[[GAMMA].sub.i] is the tortuosity for the [] flow
path/streamline. Because of the diversity of flow paths/streamlines, we
must choose some representative flow paths/streamlines and average over
them to obtain the average tortuosity.
Figures 1 to 10 display the possible configurations for a Newtonian
incompressible fluid flowing through porous media of three-dimensional
spherical, cubic and plate-like particles. The particles in Figures 1,
3, 5, 6 and 7 are arranged in the form of an equilateral-triangle, while
those in Figures 2, 4, 8, 9 and 10 are arranged in the square
A Geometry Model for Tortuosity of Streamlines in Three-dimensional
Porous Media with Spherical Particles
Figure 1a depicts the three-dimensional configuration for spherical
particles arranged in an equilateral-triangle form. Figure 1b shows some
streamlines which flow around spherical particles. Figure 1c is a top
view of a representative flow path in Figure 1b. Figure 2a displays the
unit cell when spherical particles are arranged in a square form and two
representative flow paths. Figure 2b is side view of two representative
flow paths in Figure 2a. R is the radius of spherical particles, and d
is the gap size between spherical particles.
The length, width and height of the unit cell as shown in Figure 1a
are [square root of (3(2R + d)/2)] 2R and 2R + d, respectively. So the
total volume of the unit cell is [V.sub.t] = [square root of (3R[(2R +
d).sup.2])] and the total pore volume in the unit cell is [V.sub.p] =
[square root of (3R[(2R + d).sup.2])] - 4[pi][R.sup.3]/3. Thus, for
Figure 1a the porosity is given by:
[phi] = [V.sub.p]/[V.sub.t] = 1 4[pi]/3[square root of (3[(2 +
d/R).sup.2])] (5)
From Equation (5), we obtain d/R = 2/3 [square root of (3[pi]/1 -
[pi])] - 2. Let the ratio d/R = p, then:
p = d/R = 2/3 [square root of (3[pi]/1 - [pi])] - 2 (6)
The streamline AB in Figure 1b is tangential to the particle, and
the streamline BC flows along the surface of the particle. We can obtain
the average tortuosity of a series of flow paths in Figure 1b by
integrating flow paths in Figure 1c. In Figure 1c, [l.sub.AO] [square
root of (3(2R + d)/2)], let [l.sub.BO] = x, then in the right-angled
triangle AOB there is [l.sub.AB] = [square root of ([l.sup.2.sub.AO] -
ASCII]. Since the boundary layer thickness is very thin (<<R) on
the surface of particles, we have the length of arc BC as [MATHEMATICAL
EXPRESSION NOT REPRODUCIBLE IN ASCII], in Figure 1b, the actual length
of a series of flow paths is [[integral].sup.R.sub.0] ([l.sub.AB] +
[[??].sub.BC]) dx, and the corresponding total straight length is
[[integral].sup.R.sub.0] [l.sub.AO] dx. According to the definition
Equation (1) and Equation (6), we obtain the tortuosity for Figure 1 as:
where p is determined by Equation (6).
Since particles in actual porous media are randomly distributed in
the three-dimensional space, this means that some particles may overlap
(i.e., cover/shield partially) each other, while the others do not. For
spherical particles, however, overlapping does not influence fluid flow.
This is different from the situation in two-dimensional porous media
(Yun et al., 2005).
The side length of the unit cell as shown in Figure 2a is 2R+d. So
the total volume of the unit cell is [V.sub.t] = [(2R + d).sup.3], and
the total pore volume in this unit cell is [V.sub.p] = [(2R + d).sup.3]
- 4[pi][R.sup.3]/3. Thus, for Figure 2a the porosity is:
[phi] = [V.sub.p]/[V.sub.t] = 1 - 4[pi]/3/[(2 + d/R).sup.3] (8)
Equation (8) indicates that when d/R = 0, [[phi].sub.min] = 1 -
[pi]/6, this is the expected porosity when three spherical particles
contact closely. From Equation (8), we obtain:
d/R = [[4[pi]/3(1-[phi])].sup.1/3] - 2 (9)
For streamline 1 in Figure 2b, since the boundary layer thickness
is very thin (<<R) on the surface of particle, we have [l.sub.AB]
= [l.sub.CD] = d/2, the arc length [[?].sub.BC] = [pi]R. According to
Equation (1) and Equation (9), we have:
For streamline 2 in Figure 2b, the actual length is equal to the
straight length of flow path in the unit cell, so its tortuosity is 1,
[[GAMMA].sub.2-2] = 1 (11)
It is expected that the streamline is tortuous near the particle
and is almost straight far away from the particle. It is also expected
that the fraction of the straight flow path increases with the increase
of porosity, but the fraction of the tortuous flow path decreases with
the increase of porosity. Therefore, we take the weighted average
tortuosity as follows:
where [R.sup.2]/[(R+d).sup.2] is defined as the weighted factor.
Equation (12) indicates that when d[right arrow]0,
[R.sup.2]/[(R+d).sup.2] [right arrow] 1 and [[GAMMA].sub.2][right
arrow][[GAMMA].sub.2-1]. This means that the gap size between particles
tends to be zero, and only tortuous streamlines exist. When d[right
arrow][infinity], [R.sup.2]/[(R+d).sup.2][right arrow]0 and
[[GAMMA].sub.2][right arrow][[GAMMA].sub.2-2] = 1, the gap d between the
particles is infinity and the straight streamlines prevail the fluid
field. These results are consistent with the general observation.
Combining Equations (9) to (11), Equation (12) is expressed as:
Now we can obtain the averaged tortuosity for flow paths/
streamlines in three-dimensional porous media with spherical particles
arranged in different configurations by averaging over Equations (7) and
[[GAMMA].sub.av] = ([[GAMMA].sub.1] + [[GAMMA].sub.2])/2 (14)
Equation (14) is an approximate expression for tortuosity of flow
paths/streamlines in three-dimensional porous media with spherical
A Geometry Model for Tortuosity of Streamlines in Three-dimensional
Porous Media with Cubic Particles
Figure 3a displays the three-dimensional configuration for cubic
particles arranged in an equilateral-triangle form. Figure 3b is the
side view of streamlines flowing around cubic particles arranged in an
equilateral-triangle form. Figure 4a is a three-dimensional
configuration for cubic particles arranged in a square form. Figure 4b
is the side view of streamlines flowing around cubic particles arranged
in square. In the figure, b is the side length of cubic particles, and d
is the gap size between cubic particles.
We can obtain the averaged tortuosity in three-dimensional porous
media with cubic particles arranged in different configurations:
See Appendix A for derivation of Equation (15).
Equation (15) indicates that when [phi][right arrow]1,
[[GAMMA].sub.av][right arrow]1, and when [phi][right arrow]0,
[[GAMMA].sub.av][infinity]. This is consistent with the physical
situation. Equation (15) is an approximate expression for tortuosity of
flow paths in three-dimensional porous media with cubic particles.
A Geometry Model for Tortuosity of Streamlines in Three-dimensional
Porous Media with Plate-like Particles
A correlation between the average tortuosity of flow
path/streamline and the porosity was given by (Comiti and Renaud, 1989):
[GAMMA] = 1 + 0.58exp(0.18a/e)1n(1/[phi]) (16)
which was obtained by the experiments on flow through beds packed
with parallelepipedal particles.
From a set of experiments performed on wood chips for which the
mean value of e/a was about 0.18, Pech (1984) proposed the correlation:
[GAMMA] = 1+1.61n(1/[phi]) (17)
Figures 5a, 6 and 7 display the three different three-dimensional
configurations for plates arranged in an equilateral-triangle form.
Figures 5b and 5c are the side view of two different streamlines flowing
around the plates in Figure 5a, Figures 8 to 10 are the three different
three-dimensional configurations for plates arranged in a square form
and the corresponding unit cell. The length, width and thickness of
plates are a, a and e, respectively, and d is the gap size between
plates. Let a/e = s and d/e = p.
After many tests, we obtain the tortuosity of streamlines in
three-dimensional porous media with plates:
See Appendix B for derivation of Equation (18).
Equation (18) indicates that when [phi][right arrow]1,
[[GAMMA].sub.av][right arrow]1, and when [phi][right arrow]0,
[[GAMMA].sub.av][right arrow][infinity]. This is consistent with the
physical situation. Equation (18) is an approximate expression for
tortuosity in three-dimensional porous media with plates, wood chips and
Figure 11 presents a comparison among the present model prediction
(Equation (14)) for spherical particles, the available experimental
correlation Equation (2) (with C = 0.41) and other experimental data at
different porosities (Wyllie and Gregory, 1955 and Comiti and Renaud,
1989). It is seen that good agreement is found between the present model
predictions and available experimental data, and this verifies the
validity of the present model for tortuosity of flow paths/streamlines
in three-dimensional porous media with spherical particles.
Figure 12 is a comparison among the present model (Equation (15))
predictions (see the solid line) for cubic particles, experimental
correlation Equation (2) (see the solid with squares) (with C = 0.63),
numerical correlation Equation (3) (see the solid line with stars) and
experimental data (see open circles) (Wyllie and Gregory, 1955). It can
be seen from the figure that the present model (Equation (15)) for cubic
particles presents good agreement with the existing experimental
correlation and experimental data. However, the significant deviation is
also found between the numerical correlation Equation (3) (see the solid
line with stars) and experimental data (see open circles) at porosity
less than 0.40, see Figure 12. The reason is that the numerical
correlation Equation (3) was obtained by simulating two-dimensional
porous media, not three-dimensional porous media.
When e/a = 0.209, the tortuosity of the present model Equation
(18), the experimental correlation Equation (16) and experimental data
at porosity 0.52 (Comiti and Renaud, 1989) are shown in Figure 13.
Figure 14 compares the present model predictions, experimental
correlation Equation (16) and experimental data at porosity 0.31 (Comiti
and Renaud, 1989). In Figure 15, we show the tortuosity by the present
model Equation (18) and the two experimental correlation of plates
Equation (16) and wood chips Equation (17) (Pech, 1984) when e/a = 0.18.
Again it shows that they are in good agreement.
The proposed models (Equations (14), (15) and (18)) are expressed
as a function of porosity and there are no empirical constant. Though
experimental correlations look simple, they have one or more empirical
constants which have no physical meaning and the mechanism behind the
empirical constant is ignored. It is also worth pointing out that the
correlation Equation (2) allows the porosity to approach zero, which is
inconsistent with practical situation with spherical particles because
for a porous medium with spherical particles, its minimum porosity
should not be zero. However, the present model does not have such a
weakness. This can be seen from Equations (6) and (9) since d/R must be
positive. The minimum porosity, which cannot be zero for porous media
with spherical particles, can be found by assuming d/R = 0 (meaning all
particles touch each other). Therefore, the experimental correlation
Equation (2) for spherical particles may present unreasonable results at
lower porosity. The proposed models in this paper look somewhat
complicated, but they are helpful for understanding the physical
mechanism for tortuosity in three-dimensional porous media with
spherical, cubic and plate-like particles.
In this paper, we have proposed three models for tortuosity in
three-dimensional porous media with spherical, cubic and plate-like
particles by assuming that some particles are unrestrictedly overlapped
and hence of different configurations. The proposed models are expressed
as a function of porosity with no empirical constant, and they might be
helpful to understand the physical mechanism of tortuosity in
three-dimensional porous media with spherical, cubic and plate-like
particles. The model predictions are found to be in good agreement with
the available experimental correlations and experimental data.
The length, thickness and height of the unit cell as shown in
Figure 3a are b+d, b and b+d, respectively. So the total volume of the
unit cell is [V.sub.t] = [b(b+d).sup.2], and the total pore volume in
this unit cell is [V.sub.p] = [b(b+d).sup.2] - [b.sup.3]. Thus, for
Figure 3a the porosity is:
[phi] = [V.sub.p]/[V.sub.t] = 1 - 1/[(1 + d/b).sup.2] (A-1)
From Equation (A-1), we obtain:
d/b = [square root of (1/1-[phi] - 1)] (A-2)
In Figure 3b, [l.sub.AB] = [l.sub.CD] = b/2, in the right-angled
triangle BFC, [l.sub.BF] = d, [l.sub.CF] = b/2, so [l.sub.BC] = [square
root of ([l.sup.2.sub.BF] + [l.sup.2.sub.CF])] = [square root of
([d.sup.2] + [b.sup.2]/4)], [l.sub.AE] = [l.sub.AB] + [l.sub.BF] +
[l.sub.FE] = b+d. According to the definition Equation (1) and Equation
(A-2), we obtain the tortuosity as:
Considering that some particles may overlap each other, the
streamlines AB and CD in Figure 3b might be sheltered from each other.
Then, the tortuosity for the flow paths is in the pore scale. Therefore,
the actual length of flow path is [l.sub.BC], the corresponding straight
length is [l.sub.BF], and the tortuosity for the flow paths in the pore
scale is:
According to Equation (4), we obtain the tortuosity for Figure 3
The side length of the unit cell as shown in Figure 4a is b+d. So
the total volume of the unit cell is [V.sub.t] = [(b+d).sup.3], and the
total pore volume in the unit cell is [V.sub.p] = [(b+d).sup.3] -
[b.sup.3]. Thus, for Figure 4a the porosity is:
[phi] = [V.sub.p]/[V.sub.t] = 1 - 4[pi]/3/[(2 + d/b).sup.3] (A-6)
From Equation (A-6), we obtain:
d/b = [[1/(1 - [phi])].sup.1/3] -1 (A-7)
For streamline 1 in Figure 4b, since the boundary layer thickness
is very thin on the surface of particle, we have [l.sub.AB] =
[l.sub.EF] = d/2, [l.sub.BC] = [l.sub.DE] = b/2 , [l.sub.CD] = b.
According to Equation (1) and Equation (A-7), thus the tortuosity:
For streamline 2 in Figure 4b, the actual length is equal to the
straight length of flow path in the unit cell, so its tortuosity is 1,
[[GAMMA].sub.4-2] = 1 (A-9)
It is expected that the streamline is tortuous near the particle
and is almost straight far away from the particle. It is also expected
that the fraction of the straight flow path increases with the increase
of porosity, but the fraction of the tortuous flow paths decreases with
the increase of porosity. Therefore, we take the weighted average
tortuosity as follows:
where [b.sup.2]/[(b+d).sup.2] is defined as the weighted factor.
Equation (A-10) indicates that when d[right arrow]0,
[b.sup.2]/[(b+d).sup.2][right arrow]1 and [[GAMMA].sub.4][right
arrow][[GAMMA].sub.4-1]. This means that the gap size between particles
tends to be zero, and only tortuous streamlines exist. When d[right
arrow][infinity], [b.sup.2]/[(b+d).sup.2][right arrow]0 and
[[GAMMA].sub.4][right arrow][[GAMMA].sub.4-2], the gap d between the
particles is infinity and the straight streamlines prevail the fluid
field. These results are consistent with the general observation.
Now we can obtain the averaged tortuosity for flow paths/
streamlines in three-dimensional porous media with cubic particles
arranged in different configurations by averaging over Equations (A-5)
and (A-10):
which is Equation (15).
The length, width and thickness of the unit cell as shown in Figure
5a are a+d, a and e+d, respectively. So the total volume of the unit
cell is [V.sub.t] = a(a+d)(e+d), and the total pore volume in this unit
cell is [V.sub.p] = a(a+d)(e+d)-[a.sup.2]e. Thus, for Figure 5a the
porosity is:
[phi] = [V.sub.p]/[V.sub.t] = 1 - [a.sup.2]e/a(a+d)(e+d) (B-1)
From Equation (B-1), we obtain:
In Figure 5b, the tortuosity is controlled by flow paths in the
pore scale when some particles overlap each other. Therefore, the actual
length of flow path is [l.sub.BC], the corresponding straight length of
flow path is [l.sub.BF], so the tortuosity is:
[[GAMMA].sub.5-1] = [L.sub.BC]/[L.sub.BF] = [square root of
([p.sup.2] + 1/4)]/p(B-3)
In Figure 5(c), [l.sub.AB] = [l.sub.CD] = a+d/2, [l.sub.BC] = e/2,
the tortuosity is:
[[GAMMA].sub.5-2] = [l.sub.AB+BC+CD]/[l.sub.AB+CD] = 1 + 1/2(s+p)
So the tortuosity in Figure 5 is:
[[GAMMA].sub.5] = [[GAMMA].sub.5-1] + [[GAMMA].sub.5-2]/2 (B-5)
The length, width and thickness of the unit cell as shown in Figure
6 are a+d, e and a+d, respectively. The length, width and thickness of
the unit cell as shown in Figure 7 are e+d, a and a+d, respectively.
According to the method in Figure 5, we can obtain the tortuosity in
Figure 6 and Figure 7:
[[GAMMA].sub.6-2] [l.sub.AB+BC+CD]/[l.sub.AB+CD] = 1 + [square root
of (1-[phi])]/2 (B-7)
[[GAMMA].sub.7-1] = [l.sub.BC]/[l.sub.BF] = [square root of (1 +
[s.sup.2]/4[p.sup.2])] (B-8)
[[GAMMA].sub.7-2] = [l.sub.AB+BC+CD]/[l.sub.AB+CD] = 1 + s/2(1+p)
So the tortuosity in Figures 6 and 7 are:
[[GAMMA].sub.6] = [[GAMMA].sub.6-1] + [[GAMMA].sub.6-2]/2 (B-10)
[[GAMMA].sub.7] = [[GAMMA].sub.7-1] + [[GAMMA].sub.7-2]/2 (B-11)
So the averaged tortuosity for flow paths in three-dimensional
porous media with plates arranged in an equilateral-triangle form:
[[GAMMA].sub.av1] = [[GAMMA].sub.5] + [[GAMMA].sub.6] +
[[GAMMA].sub.7] (B-12)
The length, width and thickness of the unit cell as shown in Figure
8 are a+d, a+d and e+d, respectively. So the total volume of the unit
cell is [V.sub.t] = [(a+d).sup.2] (e+d), and the total pore volume in
this unit cell is [V.sub.p] = [(a+d).sup.2] (e+d) - [a.sup.2]e. Thus,
for Figure 8 the porosity is:
In Figure 8, the tortuosity is:
[[GAMMA].sub.8-1] = [l.sub.AB+BC+CD+DE+EF]/[l.sub.AB+CD+EF] = 1 +
e/d+a (B-14)
[[GAMMA].sub.8-2] = 1 (B-15)
Then we take the weighted average tortuosity as follows:
In the same way, we can obtain the tortuosity for Figures 9 and 10
[[GAMMA].sub.9-1] = [l.sub.AB+BC+CD+DE+EF]/[l.sub.AB+CD+EF] = 1 +
a/d+a (B-17)
[[GAMMA].sub.9-2] = 1 (B-18)
[[GAMMA].sub.10-1] = [l.sub.AB+BC+CD+DE+EF]/[l.sub.AB+CD+EF] = 1 +
a/d+e (B-20)
[[GAMMA].sub.10-2] = 1 (B-21)
So we obtain the averaged tortuosity for flow paths in
three-dimensional porous media with plates arranged in a square form:
[[GAMMA].sub.av2] = [[GAMMA].sub.8] + [[GAMMA].sub.9] +
[[GAMMA].sub.0]/3 (B-23)
Finally, we obtain the tortuosity of streamlines in
three-dimensional porous media with plates by averaging over Equations
(B-12) and (B-23):
which is Equation (18).
This work was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation
of China through project number 10572052.
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Manuscript received December 6, 2005; revised manuscript received
February 26, 2006; accepted for publication March 31, 2006.
* Author to whom correspondence may be addressed. E-mail address:
Meijuan Yun, Boming Yu *, Peng Xu and Jinsui Wu
Department of Physics, Huazhong University of Science and
Technology, Wuhan, 430074, P. R. China.