Particle attrition due to rotary valve feeder in a pneumatic conveying system: electrostatics and mechanical characteristics.
Zhang, Yan ; Wang, Chi-Hwa
Particle attrition in the rotary valve of a pneumatic conveying
system was studied. The relationship between physical properties of
polymer granules and attrition behaviour was compared between intact
(fresh/unused) and attrited particles. It was observed that attrited
particles become more breakable and have lower flowability. Experiments
were conducted in a rotary valve and pneumatic conveying system
separately; attrition in each case could be described by the Gwyn
function. The influence of particle attrition on electrostatic characteristics was examined. Charge density of attrited particles was
higher than that of intact ones, but induced current showed a reverse
On a etudie l'attrition des particules dans une vanne rotative d'un convoyeur pneumatique. On a compare pour des particules
intactes (fraiches/non utilisees) et des particules usees, la relation
entre les proprietes physiques de granules de polymeres et le
comportement d'attrition. On a constate que les particules usees
devenaient plus cassables et avaient une plus faible flottabilite. Des
experiences ont ete menees separement dans une vanne rotative et un
convoyeur pneumatique; dans les deux cas l'attrition pourrait etre
decrite par la fonction de Gwyn. L'influence de l'attrition
des particules sur les caracteristiques electrostatiques a ete examinee.
La masse volumique de charge des particules usees est plus elevee que
celles des particules intactes, mais un courant induit montre une
tendance inverse.
Keywords: attrition, rotary valve, pneumatic conveying,
Particle attrition is a common phenomenon in many industries. It
can result in loss of expensive materials and environmental pollution;
however, it is also helpful towards the removal of impermeable components on the surface of reacting particles. Some attrition is
inevitable and has been reported in a wide range of processes and
industries (Bemrose and Bridgwater, 1987).
The rotary valve is widely used in particulate conveying systems
(Wypych et al., 2001). However, the conditions under which particles are
damaged in such a valve are not well understood. In an earlier study on
charge generation in pneumatic conveying systems (Yao et al., 2004), it
was found that when airflow rate was low, particles were not transported
quickly and piled up in the valve feeder. Under the action of the blades
of the rotary valve, particles would be extruded and attrited. As such,
breakage of particles within a rotary valve is the main focus of the
present work. The rate of attrition of particles could be expressed by a
simple function of initial diameter and time (Gwyn, 1969). The initial
rate is a function of initial diameter, whereas the decrease in
attrition rate of a given size depends only on time. This equation has
been verified by laboratory and commercial data. Paramanathan and
Bridgwater developed an annular cell that enables solid attrition to be
studied (Paramanathan and Bridgwater, 1983a) and investigated the
material behaviour and kinetics of attrition (Paramanathan and
Bridgwater, 1983b). Neil and Bridgwater also tested granular materials
in an annular attrition cell (Neil and Bridgwater, 1994, 1999), a
fluidized bed and a screw pugmill (Neil and Bridgwater, 1999). For each
experiment, the attrition was characterized using the Gwyn function
Bemrose and Bridgwater have indicated attrition was affected by
many variables, such as properties of the particles (e.g. size, shape,
surface, porosity, hardness and cracks), and categorized mechanical
tests as single-particle or multi-particle type; whereas, physical
properties of particles would be changed mostly after attrition (Bemrose
and Bridgwater, 1987). Furthermore, flow properties are sensitive to
particle size and size distribution. Attrition also affects the flow
behaviour of particles, such as solid flow rate, pipe wall abrasion and
the electrostatic charge generation characteristics. The abrasion of
pipelines in pneumatic conveying systems can be as significant as the
damage inflicted on the particles. Soo observed that pipeline erosion is
most severe around pipe bends (Soo, 1980). Such phenomenon arises due to
collisions or friction between particles and pipe wall. Moreover, due to
collisions or friction with a different material surface, solid
particles in pneumatic conveying systems have the propensity to acquire
electrostatic charges (Masuda et al., 1976). A previous experimental
work (Inculet et al., 1997) demonstrated that the elbows in a pipeline
are the major source of triboelectrification of particles in pneumatic
conveying systems and these are also important sites of pipe abrasion.
The electrostatic charge generation characteristics of granular
materials in a pneumatic conveying system have been investigated (Zhu et
al., 2004; Yao et al., 2004). This paper also reports on the effect of
particle attrition on electrostatics behaviour and shows the
relationship between particle size and electrostatic charge generation
characteristics. Smeltzer and colleagues studied this phenomenon
occurring during pneumatic transport and found that smaller particles
had greater electrostatic effects (Smeltzer et al., 1982). Electrostatic
characteristics have been applied to measure the mass flow rate, but
there have been few investigations on the relationship between
electrostatics and solid flow rate (Mathur and Klinzing, 1984).
This work aims to find the attrition characteristics of granular
materials in a rotary valve. Physical properties of the granular
materials before and after attrition are analyzed and flow behaviours of
attrited granules in a pneumatic conveying system, including solid flow
rate, abrasion of the pipe wall and electrostatic charge generation
characteristics, are studied as well.
Pneumatic Conveying System and Rotary Valve
The experimental set-up used in the present study was modified from
our previous pneumatic conveying system (Yao et al., 2004). The
schematic diagram of the modified system is given in Figure 1 and the
experimental conditions are listed in Table 1. Solid particles were
introduced into the rotary valve (General Resource Corp., Hopkins,
Minnesota) (Figure 2) and entrained by air flowing from the compressor.
The inner diameter (ID) of the pipe was 40 mm, and the length of the
vertical pipe section between two smooth 90[degrees] elbows (R/r = 2)
was about 2.97 m, while the horizontal section was about 4.12 m in
length. The conveying pipe was made of transparent polyvinyl chloride (PVC) material and had a wall thickness of 5 mm. The entire
configuration was held in position using metal castings and various pipe
segments joined by connectors. Two types of particles, polyvinyl
chloride (PVC) and polypropylene (PP) granules, were used throughout the
Based on the type of feeder, rotary valve can be classified as the
following three types: (1) drop-through rotary valve, (2) side-entry
rotary valve, and (3) blow-through rotary valve. The blow-through rotary
valve used in this study is commonly seen in industrial-scale pneumatic
conveying systems. This style of rotary valve has two ports on the sides
near the bottom. The conveying line connects directly to the valve, with
the air stream flowing through the rotor pockets. Figure 2 shows the
schematic diagram of rotary valve. The rotary valve has 8 pockets with a
clearance of 1 mm. The speed of rotary valve was fixed at 25 rpm
(5[pi]/6 s-1). The time taken for one pocket to pass through the inlet orifice (40 mm ID) could be calculated from the rolling speed and the
sum of the total angular displacement of the pocket ([pi]/4), and the
orifice size ([pi]/8). This gives a time interval of 0.45 s. The average
weight of solid input to each pocket could also be calculated by
multiplying the solid flow rate by 0.45 s. The featured capacity of one
pocket is 1.05 litre and the pocket filling percentage is between 1.00
and 1.46%.
Physical Properties of Particles
In order to investigate the attrition characteristics of particles,
it was deemed necessary to study their physical properties. In the
present section, particle size and shape, load-strain characteristics,
flow-time and internal friction angle of PVC and PP samples were
Particle size and shape
Particle size and shape are the basic properties for particulate
materials used in this investigation. They were measured simultaneously
using a particle size/shape analyzer (Analytical Technologies Pte Ltd,
Single particle compression test
Single particle compression test was performed to measure the
relationship between load and strain of single particle. Such data is
important to understand the attrition process in rotary valve. A single
particle was put on the lower support of the Compression Tester
(AGS-10kNG, Shimadzu, Kyoto, Japan), and a continuous load was applied
until permanent deformation of the particle was achieved. Load and
deformation data were recorded during the process.
Granulate test
Flowability is another important parameter for characterizing the
physical property of particles. It is supposed to be related to
attrition process in the whole pneumatic conveying system. It can be
measured by two methods: granulate test and shear strength test. The
Granulate Tester (GT/GTB, ERWEKA, Heusenstamm, Germany) was used to
determine the flowability of powders and granules as defined by EP
(European Pharmacopoeia) by measuring the flow time of a sample of such
material. In a typical test procedure, a known mass of particles was
allowed to flow out of a hopper with a 25 mm diameter nozzle into a
collecting vessel in the Granulate Tester and the total time taken was
Shear strength test
The Consolidation Isotropic Undrained (CIU) test was used to
characterize shear strength. The internal friction angle of polymer
particles was measured using a Triaxial Tester (Wykeham Farrance,
Slough, England). This parameter determines the friction between
particles and can be used to explain the flowability of particles as
mentioned above. Each test was applied to 3 specimens, consisting of
particles and water in the form of right cylinders of nominal diameter,
D, 50 mm, and height, H, approximately equal to twice the diameter. The
CIU experiment procedure consisted of four major steps: Firstly, the
frozen specimen was prepared; secondly, the specimen in the triaxial
apparatus was set up; thirdly, the specimen was allowed to thaw,
saturate and consolidate; lastly, the specimen was compressed and the
experiment data were read from a computer.
Particle Size Variation Due to Attrition
The procedure for determining particle size distribution following
granular attrition was as follows. Firstly, a sample of particles was
allowed to undergo attrition for a given time either in a rotary valve
feeder or pneumatic conveying system. Secondly, a weight-size analysis
on representative samples of the attrited particles was then performed
by sieving. Thirdly, the procedure was then repeated for other attrition
times to track changes in particle size distribution with respect to
attrition time. In this experiment, the sieves were made of metal and
grounded using electrical wires. This arrangement ensured that charge
generated during shifting would be removed and the electrostatic problem
would hardly lead to the inaccuracy of particle size measurements.
Electrostatic Characteristics
During the pneumatic conveying process, frictional contacts between
the solid particles and pipe wall generated electrostatic charges.
Induced current and particle charge density tests were conducted on the
horizontal pipe. These were measured during the pneumatic transport of
the four types of particles (intact/ attrited PP and PVC samples)
separately through the conveying system using a digital Electrometer (ADVANTEST R8252, Tokyo, Japan) and Faraday Cage (ADVANTEST TR8031,
Tokyo, Japan), respectively. In the present work, the term "intact
particle" refers to fresh/unused material. The current induced was
measured as a function of time by wrapping an aluminum foil sheet
tightly over the outer wall of the PVC pipe (labelled 7 in Figure 1). A
coaxial line was connected between the high input end of an electrometer
and the outer surface of the aluminum foil sheet. A polymer film was
then wrapped tightly over the aluminum foil sheet to separate this sheet
from another aluminum foil sheet whose external surface was connected to
the low input end of the coaxial cable. Subsequently, this external
layer of aluminum foil sheet was grounded and used as an extra
electrical shield. Experiment data in the form of digital readings were
stored in a computer at intervals of 0.5 s. Additionally, the particle
charge density was measured using a Faraday Cage at the horizontal
segment (labelled 8 in Figure 1). Charged particles were placed into a
metal enclosure that was isolated electrically and the amount of charges
present was then measured. The mass of particles collected in the cage
was measured using an electronic balance to an accuracy of [10.sup.-4] g
and the charge density of particles was calculated according to the
procedure by Yao et al. (2004).
Pipe Wall Abrasion
The friction and collisions between particles and pipe wall would
also lead to pipe abrasion in a conveying system. The material of all
pipes used in the present pneumatic conveying system was polyvinyl
chloride (PVC) except at three test sections (referred to as the bend,
vertical and horizontal sections and shown in Figure 1) where acrylate copolymer film (0.12 mm) was rolled into a cylinder and attached to the
inner surface of the pipe wall. Four types of particles (intact/attrited
PVC and intact/attrited PP samples) were conveyed separately through the
system at an airflow rate of 1600 L/min for about 3 h. The extent of
abrasion of the polymer film resulting from frictional forces between
moving particles and the film was quantified by measurements of the mass
of the film before and after each experiment.
Solid Flow Rate in Pneumatic Conveying System
The present study makes use of electrostatic characteristics of
particle to measure the solid flow rate. The solid flow rate was
obtained by measuring the induced current with valve 14 shut (Figure 1)
so as to allow particles to be conveyed through the system once only. If
particles did not flow through the pipe, there was no charge generated,
and the output signal of the induced current was close to nil; on the
other hand, if particles passed through the pipe, induced current was
detected with a nonzero value. Therefore, the time interval for one
circulation could be obtained easily by observing the signal of induced
current; accordingly, solid flow rate was calculated as the ratio of
total mass of granules to time in one circulation. The validity of such
a method had been proven using a similar approach (Mathur and Klinzing,
1984) to generate solid flow rate readings comparable to those collected
from load cells.
Physical Properties of Particles and Their Variations by Attrition
In this section, attrition effects on different materials and
particle behaviours in pneumatic conveying systems are described and
Particle size and shape
In the present study, intact and attrited particles are defined
according to their size ranges shown in Table 2. Average size and
standard deviation of four types of particles are also described,
respectively, in Table 2. It is observed that intact particles have a
narrow size distribution while attrited particles have a wider size
distribution and all kinds of shapes, for both PVC and PP samples.
Undoubtedly, the average size of particles is diminishing with the
occurrence of attrition.
In order to study the dependence of particle attrition and
flowability on particle shape, a "shape factor" given below is
introduced to describe the granular shapes (Watano and Miyanami, 1995),
[empty set] = [P.sup.2] / 4[pi] * S (1)
where S is the projected area and P is the perimeter of this
projected area. The shape factors for the samples shown in Table 2 were
calculated from the particle size/shape analyzer. It is seen that shape
factors of attrited particles have a wide spreading. Yao et al. (2006)
demonstrated that the shape factors of particles are significantly more
scattered for products from the lower-sized range and this implies that
the shapes of these smaller granules are made up of complex combinations
of different geometries. From the appearance of attrited particles shown
in Figure 3, it is apparent that the mechanism of attrition in the
rotary valve is breakage and not abrasion. The latter will usually
result in only minute losses in surfaces, edges and corners of particles
and thus can be excluded. Besides, heat influence on change of particle
shape is not obvious because experiments were operated at room
temperature and the process temperature everywhere in the pneumatic
conveying system is much lower than the heat deflection temperatures
(HDT) of PP and PVC (Table 1).
Single particle compression test
It is known that breakage occurs when a material is stressed or
compressed beyond its failure stress and single particle compression
breakage strength varies with size and material properties. However, the
relationship between compression test and attrition was seldom
investigated. Willem and colleagues compared results from constant
strain rate tests, controlled force tests and double spring compression
tests where the breakage was acquired and studied in details according
to force--displacement curves (Willem et al., 2003). Gorham and
co-workers studied damage on PMMA spheres caused by impact and
compression and observed a brittle--elastic manner on impact and plastic
deformation in compression test (Gorham et al., 2003). Shipway and
Hutchings presented a theoretical and experimental study of the fracture
of single glass sphere between opposed platens by uniaxial compression,
which is relevant to the breakage attrition of particles in granule transport, handling, processing and comminution (Shipway and Hutchings,
1993). The source of breakage of particles is mechanical action between
particles and another body. In our experiments, it is the shearing
actions of the blades in the rotary valve that leads to fragmentation of
particles. The direction of contact, relative velocities and contact
stresses between the particles and the blades, shapes of particles, and
masses of samples are all important to determine the characteristics of
breakage. Therefore, it is necessary to measure the relationship between
load and strain of single particle.
Figure 4 shows the change in shape of particle before and after the
compression experiment carried out according to the procedure described
in the Materials and Method section above. Both PVC cylinder and PP bead were compressed to the shape of a cake. The load-strain graph is also
shown in Figure 4 where strain, [epsilon], is defined as the change in
magnitude of a reference dimension, expressed as a ratio of axial quantitative change ([DELTA]h) to the original axial height of one
particle ([h.sub.0]). The result of the compression test for intact
particles is compared to that for attrited particles, respectively, for
PVC and PP in Figure 4. Apparently, the curve for attrited particles
appears gentler than that of intact ones, both for PP and PVC, showing
that the maximum load that attrited particles can withstand decreases as
the size of particle decreases. This seems to imply that once a particle
is broken, it would be attrited much more easily even under a smaller
applied stress. Antonyuk et al. (2005) demonstrated that the highest
local tensile stress is generated at the crack release zones in the
granules, such as pores and structural defects, and the fracture
initiates from this zone. Previously Willem et al. (2003) also reported
that the breakage could occur at lower forces due to particular fatigue
shown in fatigue curves where the percentage of broken particles were
plotted as a function of the compression stress and the number of
repeated cycles.
Granulate test and solid flow rate in pneumatic conveying systems
In pneumatic conveying systems, attrition may be related to the
flowability of the impacting bodies. In our experiment, attrition is
more likely to occur at low flowability because particles with poor
flowability usually accumulate in the rotary valve and are then
subjected to the shearing actions of the blades in the valve. In all
granulate tests performed, the flow time was calculated according to
Equation (2):
Flow Time = measured test time in seconds / weighed sample in grams
Flowability usually depends primarily on particle size, shape and
bulk density. Table 2 shows that the flow time increased slightly after
the occurrence of particle attrition. This may be due to a strong
dependence of flow time on the shape of particles, as the observed
widespread shape factor corresponds very well with the fact that
attrited particles become much more irregular in shape than original
particles. Many researchers (Teunou et al., 1999 and Fitzpatrick et al.,
2004) have demonstrated that the flowability of particles reduced with
decreasing granular size. Fitzpatrick et al. (2004) investigated 13 food
powders and showed that flowability tended to reduce with decreasing
particle size. They explained that as particle size decreased, particle
surface area per unit mass increased, correspondingly, the greater
surface cohesive forces led to more cohesive flow. They also found that
the flowability was influenced by the combination of particle size and
moisture content and depended only weakly with increasing densities. In
our experiment, the particle density of PP is lower than that of PVC
(Table 1). Upon comparing the two different kinds of particles, the
flowability of PP beads is much better than that of PVC cylinders for
both intact and attrited samples. However, this may be attributed more
to the shape than density of particles. It is noted that PP beads are
ellipsoidal but PVC particles are cylindrical.
In the pneumatic conveying system, the flowability of particles
would affect the solid flow rate. When airflow rate was fixed at 1600
L/min, three different cases may arise according to the level of feed
valve opening: 75% opening, 100% opening and flood-fed condition (valve
removed from the inlet of rotary valve and replaced by a 75 mm ID pipe).
Particles with poor flowability, such as PVC samples, would not move
smoothly in the systems, and would tend to stick on the hopper and be
locked in the rotary valve, even with a valve opening of up to 100%.
They can be transported smoothly only in a flood-fed condition, for both
intact and attrited samples, giving solid flow rates of 37.62 [+ or -]
4.76 g/s and 37.49 [+ or -] 6.79 g/s, respectively. In contrast, PP
samples would generate a strong electrostatic discharge, making the
experiment dangerous in this case. Therefore, it was deemed more
appropriate for experiments involving both intact and attrited PP to be
performed at 75% feed valve opening with respective solid flow rates of
40.67 [+ or -] 3.29 g/s and 40.05 [+ or -] 0.63 g/s. These optimal
operating conditions for both PP and PVC samples and the corresponding
solid flow rates obtained are listed in Table 3. Therefore, it is
demonstrated that the better the flowability of particles, the greater
the solid flow rate. PP samples have better flowability than PVC
samples, and intact particles show better flowability than attrited
ones. The above observation is consistent with the flowability of
particles measured in the granulate test.
Shear strength test
Internal friction angle is a measure of granular friction between
the particle layers. This parameter is important in designing pneumatic
conveying systems as particles with higher internal friction angles can
form larger granular piles. In this study, it would be used to
characterize the flow behaviour of particles and differences between
intact and attrited particles. This is because internal friction and
cohesion are both surface interactions to resist powder flow
(Fitzpatrick et al., 2004).
From the experimental data obtained, a Mohr's circle was
plotted as shown in Figure 5. It represents the state of effective
stress at failure; the diameter is defined by points, which represent
the major and minor effective principal stress at failure, respectively
(BS1377, British Standards Institution). By drawing a tangent line to
the Mohr's circles, the internal friction angle, [alpha], of the
four kinds of particles are obtained as shown in figures. The friction
coefficients (tan?) of the granules are listed in Table 2. The smaller
values of internal friction angle and friction coefficient of intact PP
samples show that the flowability of PP granule is better than that of
PVC, which agrees well with the granulate test result. This will also
imply that PVC granules can form larger piles than PP granules. As for
the attrition effect, it is observed that the internal friction angles
increase after particle attrition, both for PP and PVC samples. This
shows that friction among particles is enhanced by attrition, leading to
the reduced flowability of attrited particles. For illustration purpose,
all physical properties of particles, as well as their variation due to
attrition, are summarized in Table 2.
Particle Attrition Due to Rotary Valve in Pneumatic Conveying
As discussed in the previous section, changes in properties of
granulate materials resulting from attrition are important. Particle
sizes become smaller in the process of attrition due to abrasion of fine
powders from larger particles and formation of larger fragments due to
breakage. In the experiment of attrition solely in rotary valve, 939 g
PP and 745 g PVC were put into the valve cavity (with the labelled
height of 70 cm in Figure 2 (a)) and were allowed to undergo attrition
in the rotary valve for different time intervals. These particles were
piled up in the valve cavity and the height of pile just touched the
blades of valve. If the loading of particles was too low or too high,
particles would not be in contact with the blades or would block the
running of blades, respectively, and make the experiment dangerous.
Similarly, in order to keep the experiment results consistent, the
weight of particles was fixed in all tests of attrition due to rotary
valve in the conveying system. In this part of the study, intact
particles will first undergo breakage to form fragments and then
abrasion to produce a finely dispersed product in the rotary valve.
The rotary valve was operated either as a stand-alone device or as
part of a pneumatic conveying system. Granular attrition normally occurs
at the exit of the rotary valve in the former situation depicted as
attrition II in Figure 2 (a), while in the latter, from observations
made in the present study, attrition may happen mainly at the entrance
(shown as attrition I in Figure 2(a)). When particles were flowing down
from the hopper to the rotor pocket, they would first experience the
extrusion by the rolling vanes at the entrance of valve. As particles
were carried all the way to the exit of valve, air with high flow rate
rapidly conveyed particles to the pipe system, thus particles
accumulation and attrition at the exit of valve could be minimized. In
particular, the size of space between the vanes and casing wall at the
entrance and exit varies from a maximum to a minimum during one cycle of
rotation. When granules with poor flowability, such as PVC samples, are
passed into the rotary valve, the accumulation of particles would result
in severe attrition of the granular materials at these positions.
Attrition is always accompanied with loud noises and violent shaking of
the rotary valve, which plays an important role in causing granular
attrition in a typical pneumatic conveying system. To some extent,
granular attrition may also be brought about by direct impacts between
the granules and vanes of the rotary valve or other granules (Konami et
al., 2002).
Attrition solely in rotary valve
The PP or PVC samples after attrition can be divided into two or
three sieve cuts. The particle size distribution after attrition in the
rotary valve is presented in Figure 6. Here, mass fraction (d[empty
set]) is defined by the ratio of mass in one size range to the total
mass of particulate samples. It is observed that the mass of both PVC
and PP samples with the initial average size of intact particles
decrease with time. In contrast, those of other sieve cuts increase
slowly. Moreover, the speed of such variation for PVC samples is faster
than that for PP samples. Thus, it seems that PVC is more attritable
than PP due to lower flowability.
Attrition by rotary valve in pneumatic conveying systems
Figure 7 shows the size distribution resulting from attrition
occurring in a pneumatic conveying system. The same trend, with regards
to decrease in amount of particles having the initial average size of
intact particles and slow increase in that of particle fragments, is
observed for the PVC samples. Remarkably, the size distribution of
particles after 1080 min of attrition is very similar to that of
particles after 360 min. The quantities of particles with initial size
decrease minimally from 63.0% to 61.4% during the period from the 360th
minute to the 1080th minute, while those of broken particles with
smaller size range basically remain the same in these 720 min. It seems
that 360 min is the approximate time scale for the attrition process to
be completed and a longer duration beyond this time has no obvious
effect on the particle size distribution (Figure 7 (a)).
As for PP samples the particle size distribution at different times
exhibit minimal change as shown in Figure 7 (b). At the end of 360 min,
the percentage of intact PP particles is 83.7% while that of PVC
particles is only 63.0%. Moreover, very little fine powders of PP (only
0.03%) are generated even after a long attrition time. It may thus be
concluded that PP particles are more difficult to be attrited than PVC,
as indicated previously.
Compared to Figure 6, the resulting size distribution after
attrition in a pneumatic conveying system in Figure 7 is quite similar
to that in a rotary valve operating alone. In the former, both PVC and
PP particles pile up in the rotary valve for only one third of time in
each circulation through the system. The effective time for particle
attrition by the rotary valve is calculated to be around 60 min in each
180 min operation and the remaining time (120 min) is the duration of
particle transport in systems. That is the reason why similar particle
size distributions are obtained despite longer attrition times in the
latter. The above reasoning demonstrates that the attrition process in
pneumatic conveying system is mostly attributed to rotary valve rather
than conveying pipe.
When granules enter the pocket between the two vanes of the running
rotary valve, a granular pile is built up (Figure 8). Once the granular
pile reaches a certain height, granular attrition occurs between the
vanes and casing wall at the entrance of the rotary valve. Many
researchers have studied such problems involving granular pile (Komatsu
et al., 2001) and associated conditions (Mueth, 2000). The angle of
repose of such granular piles is determined by several factors, such as
particle size (Carstensen and Chan, 1976), sliding friction coefficient
and rolling friction coefficient (Zhou et al., 2001) etc. Sliding or
rolling friction coefficients are affected by the shape and type of
material of particles, so that these would also affect indirectly the
attrition process. Granular materials with low flowability usually have
a large angle of repose and form tall heaps. When this occurs in a
rotary valve, the granular material would undergo severe attrition. On
the other hand, granular materials with high flowability, or
correspondingly low angle of repose, would be transported along with the
moving vanes of the rotary valve and so avoid attrition. In the present
study, both granulate and shear strength tests showed that PP samples
had better flowabilities than PVC samples. Thus, the flowability of
granular materials is likely to be the primary reason for the higher
attritability of PVC than PP. This is despite of the fact that the
former has higher particle hardness (PVC: R113, PP: R90).
Gwyn power law approach
It has been found that a convenient way to describe the size
distribution of the product is written as a Schuhmann function
(Schuhmann, 1940):
W = [W.sub.T] [(d/[d.sub.T]).sup.G] (3)
Here, d is the particle diameter, [d.sub.T] is the initial particle
diameter and G is an exponent characterizing the size distribution .
Size analysis is performed by sieving with the initial material having a
narrow size distribution and held on a sieve of size [d.sub.T]. W is the
mass of the attrited sample that has a size less than d and [W.sub.T] is
the mass of the attrited sample having a size less than [d.sub.T].
Gwyn proposed a means of describing attrition and stated that the
attrition of initially monodispersed particles could be described
empirically by (Gwyn, 1969):
x = K[t.sup.m] (4)
where x is fraction of the initial feed that has undergone
attrition at time t and m is an empirical constant; K is another
constant, which he argued is a function of initial particle size. Based
on Equation (4), the fractional degradation of the initial feed size
fraction (x) is defined by the ratio of [W.sub.T] to the mass of the
material at the start of the experiment. In the rotary valve experiments
the relationship between x and time t is found to be characterized by
the Gwyn function (Figure 9) and the averaged values of the Gwyn
parameters are summarized in Table 4. In this case, a linear
relationship is found between ln x and ln t. In general, the Gwyn
formulation is more successful in describing attrtion. It may be
concluded that K represents the severity of attrition and the initial
attritability of a material, while m deals with the change in material
with time (Neil and Bridgwater, 1999). The values of m for the same
particles are not very uniform between attrition occurring solely in a
rotary valve and that in the pneumatic conveying system. This may be
attributed to variations in experimental conditions, including airflow
rates and solid flow rates. Combined with the analysis of size
distribution, it is seen that PVC particles degrade more rapidly than PP
particles and PP particles are substantially more resistant to
Effect of Particle Attrition on Pneumatic Conveying Systems
Attrition has a number of different effects, the importance of
which should be judged using the appropriate technical criteria in the
following sections.
Effect of particle attrition on electrostatic characteristics
In the present study, attempts have also been made to analyze the
induced current for the four kinds of particles described above. The
induced current of PP samples detected at the horizontal pipe is
illustrated in Figure 10. It can be seen that the induced current
fluctuates with time and is a composite value resulting from a balance
between the electrostatic charge on the particle surface and the pipe
wall (Yao et al., 2004). Figures 10 (a, b) show that the magnitude of
the induced current decreases with decreasing particle size.
Furthermore, in order to eliminate the fluctuation caused by negative
and positive values, induced currents, I, were integrated with time
according to Equation (5) to obtain the charge Q (Yao et al., 2004):
Figure 10 (c) shows that the charge Q increases linearly with time
up to 10 000 s. It is observed that the rate of charge accumulation on
the pipe wall caused by intact PP particles is larger than that by
attrited particles.
The induced currents for intact and attrited PVC samples in the
horizontal pipe segment were similarly measured using the Electrometer.
Figure 11 shows that the amplitude of fluctuations in the induced
current decreases with decreasing particle size: the fluctuation
observed with intact samples is about [+ or -] 1.8 x [10.sup.-7] A
(Figure 11 (a)) while that with attrited particles is about [+ or -] 0.8
x [10.sup.-7] A (Figure 11 (b)). This can also be deduced from
variations of the total accumulated charge on the pipe wall obtained by
time integration of the data presented in Figures 11 (a, b). Figure 11
(c) shows that the rate of charge accumulation is larger for larger
particles and vice versa. It is observed that the curves for both intact
and attrited PVC samples exhibit fluctuations between positive and
negative values. This may be due to the particles and pipe wall being
made of the same material, PVC (polyvinyl chloride), resulting in
charges of either positive or negative polarities being induced on the
surface of the particles and pipe wall. Furthermore, due to the fact
that PVC is prone to attrition, the particles were broken in the rotary
valve during the experiment and this might have led to more complex
electrostatic charge generation characteristics.
The variation of particle charge density, obtained from Faraday
Cage, with respect to time for PP and PVC samples is illustrated in
Figure 12. It can be seen that particle charge densities of attrited PP
are larger than that of intact ones. Similarly, the charge density of
attrited PVC samples is also greater than that of intact particles.
Notably, the charge density of PVC samples is negative and will be
further analyzed in the Particle Material Effect on Electrostatic
subsection. In the conveying system, electrostatic charge is generated
from the collision, rolling and sliding between particles and pipe wall.
Consequently, the degree of particle-wall interaction would determine
the rate of charge generation. For a given quantity of particles, the
numbers of attrited particles were apparently more than those of intact
ones; as a result, the enhanced chance of particle-wall interactions
lead to the increase of charge on particles. Choi and Fletcher (1998)
demonstrated that the contribution of small particles to particle space
charge is more important than that of large particles. In their
formulation, particle charge density depended on the total surface area
of particles which was higher for small particles.
The above-mentioned phenomena seem inconsistent with the
characteristics of charge generation on the pipe wall, which decreases
with decreasing particle size. In order to resolve this contradiction,
further experiments were carried out, in which valve 14 (Figure 1) was
shut down to allow particles to be conveyed only once through the
system. Figure 13 shows the resulting integral of induced current in
such a single-pass operation, where the curved sections of the graph
correspond to times when particles were moving through the system and
the straight sections to times when all particles have stopped. It is
easily observed from the two curves that a larger quantity of charge is
generated by attrited samples than by intact ones. By a linear fitting
of the data obtained, the slopes of the curve provide the average values
of the induced current, -5 x [10.sup.-9] A and -3 x [10.sup.-8] A for
intact and attrited samples, respectively (Figure 13 (a)). Similarly,
Figure 13 (b) shows that the average values of induced current are 5 x
[10.sup.-9] A and 8 x [10.sup.-9] A for intact and attrited PVC samples,
respectively. The charge generation characteristics of the four types of
particles are now consistent with the previous observation (Figure 12)
that decrease in particle sizes during attrition corresponds with an
increase in amount of charge generated.
This observation may be explained by a comparison of solid flow
rates. It is shown in the previous granulate test that intact particles
have much better flowability than attrited particles, regardless of the
type of particles. Our previous work (Yao et al., 2004) demonstrated
that the equivalent current should be consistent with the measured
current on the pipe wall. The equivalent current, [I.sub.c], of a
granular flow system due to the motion of charge-carrying particles can
be calculated by the following equation:
[I.sub.c] = [Q.sub.p] * SF (6)
where [Q.sub.p] is the particle charge density measured using the
Faraday Cage and SF is the particle mass transported per unit time or
solid flow rate.
Although attrited particles have larger charge densities than
intact particles, a smaller solid flow rate of the former would possibly
lead to a corresponding smaller equivalent current [I.sub.c] (product of
charge density, [Q.sub.p] and solid flow rate, SF) for attrited
particles than intact particles. Similarly, the current on the pipe wall
generated by attrited particles are weaker than that generated by intact
particles. However, since there is little charge accumulation on the
granules in a single-pass type of operation, solid flow rate does not
show a strong effect on the equivalent current. Because measurements
were performed at the very beginning of the experiment (i.e. after good
discharge of the whole system), the result would not be influenced by
the initial residual charge in the system. Therefore, induced current in
a single-pass operation with intact samples is smaller than that with
attrited ones as described in Figure 13.
Interrelationship between electrostatics characteristics and
particle flowability
From the above-mentioned analysis, electrostatics affects solid
flow rate greatly (Figure 14). During the course of each experiment,
solid flow rates of all four types of particles decreased gradually. Due
to the effect of charge accumulation on particles and pipe wall,
particles tend to stick on the pipe wall and especially the hopper, this
in turn results in poor flowability of particles. Considering the
material of particles, it is observed that the speed of reduction in
solid flow rates for PP samples (Figure 14 (a)) is faster than that for
PVC samples (Figure 14 (b)), which can be explained by higher charge
generation by PP samples (specification to be given in the next
section). Comparing intact particles to attrited particles, it is
obvious that the former moved more rapidly than the latter during the
entire operation, which is in accordance with the flowability
measurement in the granulate test. However, despite the higher charge
density of attrited particles, the time dependency of the flow rate of
attrited particles seems to be the same as intact ones. The loop of
single-pass operation for testing solid flow rate is shown as
5-6-......-14 in Figure 1, thus particles did not pass through the
hopper (labelled 4 in Figure 1) and the effect of hopper on particle
flowability was isolated. However, as the granulate test shows, the
flowability of particles was affected more significantly by the hopper
than by the conveying pipes. The major driving force in pipe is
aerodynamic drag force, although some charged particles adhered to the
pipe wall, the air could still force the particles to move ahead. Given
the particle velocity was slightly reduced, the effect was not obvious.
However, fully charged particles would stick on the wall of hopper and
then reduce the solid flow rate drastically. The degree of such drop in
solid flow rate is clearer when more charges were generated on the
particle. In principle, the decrease in gradients of the curve for
attrited particles would be higher than the corresponding intact
particles. Nevertheless, such prediction was not clearly observed in
Figure 14 due to the accuracy limit of solid flow rate measurements.
On the other hand, the flowability of particles has a crucial
influence on electrostatic charge generation characteristics, especially
for PVC samples conveyed through the system with 100% solids feed valve
opening. Intact PVC particles with cylindrical shape and larger size
were locked in the rotary valve with little motion through the conveying
system. This manifested as several 250 s thin gaps in the plot of
induced current against time (Figure 15 (a)). With the attrited PVC
samples, plenty of fine powders tend to stick on the feed hopper,
causing discontinuity in the flow of particles through the system. Due
to poor flowability this is more apparent for attrited particles and
shows up as 3 obvious breaks in Figure 15 (b). Furthermore, the range of
the induced current data becomes narrower gradually, indicating possible
interactions between electrostatics and flowability. A larger amount of
electrostatic charges accumulated on pipe wall leads to poorer
flowability while at the same time, a smaller flowability will also
result in smaller induced currents as demonstrated by Equation (6). In
contrast to Figure 15, PVC granules move smoothly and continuously in a
flood-fed condition, and the resulting induced current with good
flowability of the particles was displayed previously in Figures 11 (a,
Particle material effect on electrostatics
From the above analysis, the most obvious distinction in the
electrostatic behaviour between PP samples and PVC samples is the charge
polarity on particles. The charge of PP particles is positive and that
of PVC particles is negative for both intact and attrited samples, as
shown in Figure 12. When two different materials are brought into
contact (collide, roll or slide) then separate, electron is able to
transfer between these two materials. The relative polarity of the
charge acquired due to friction between two materials depends on their
respective sequence in a triboelectric series (Diaz and Felix-Navarro,
2004; Yao et al., 2004). According to this series, PP particles would
charge the PVC pipe wall positively. However, for two identical
materials, PVC granules and PVC pipe, particles can acquire either net
positive or negative charges because of the similar material properties
between the particles and the pipe wall. Based on the experimental data
obtained in this study, there is a higher tendency for negative charges
to be generated on the PVC particles than on the pipe wall.
One other difference in electrostatic behaviour between PP and PVC
samples, in addition to the charge polarity, is the quantity of charge
generated. As may be predicted from the triboelectric series, the
potential between PP granules and PVC pipe should be higher than that
between PVC granules and PVC pipe. In order to have a fair basis for
comparison of the electrostatic charge generation characteristics of PP
and PVC samples, the experiment was carried out in a flood-fed
Figure 16 shows the comparison between the induced current obtained
from PP and PVC samples. With intact PP samples, the amplitude of the
induced current is about [+ or -]3.0 x [10.sup.-7] A. It may reach a
high value of 7.0 x [10.sup.-7] A, with discharges observed as sparks
across the conveying pipe and indicated as peaks in Figure 16 (a). In
contrast, for intact PVC particles, the range of induced current is only
about [+ or -]1.8 x [10.sup.-7] A, and no sparking was observed during
the experiments (Figure 16 (b)). The abovementioned phenomenon is also
observed with attrited samples in the system. The average value of
induced current of PP samples is almost 3 times that of PVC samples.
However, sparking was observed less frequently as shown in Figures 16
(c) and (d).
Effect of particle attrition on pipe wall abrasion and
electrostatic charge generation mechanism
Friction between particle and wall or other particles generates
electrostatic charge through a process known as tribocharging. The
mechanism of tribo-electrification of granular flow in horizontal
pneumatic conveying was studied in a previous work (Yao et al., 2004).
Furthermore, friction between the particles and pipe wall would also
lead to pipe abrasion. Pipe wall abrasion can be observed even with the
naked eyes as roughness on the surface of the film. In order to
characterize the extent of mechanical interaction between the particles
and the inner surface of a pipe with a polymer film during a typical
conveying process, the film was examined using a scanning electron
microscope (SEM). Figure 17 shows SEM pictures (magnified 1000 times) of
the fresh film surface and the film after being attrited by PP particles
for 3 h. It is evident that the quality of the film surface deteriorates
quickly during usage indicating strong sliding effects and frictional
forces between particles and the pipe wall. Compared with the original
(Figure 17 (a)), films placed at different pipe sections were eroded to
different extents. The film at the pipe bend was observed to contain a
few holes (Figure 17 (b)), so it is deduced that most of the particles
impacted the film with a sharp angle (Yao et al., 2000; Fan et al.,
2002). In contrast, several gorges were seen on the films at the
vertical and horizontal pipe sections (Figures 17 (c) and (d)), thus we
may conclude that the most possible interaction between particles and
pipe wall at both vertical and horizontal sections was sliding.
Therefore, the mechanisms of charge generation were collision between
particles at the bend section and friction between particles and wall at
the vertical or horizontal pipe sections.
In order to describe the degree of pipe wall abrasion, an abrasion
ratio is defined as the mass difference of the film before and after the
experiment ([DELTA]M) divided by the mass of the original film
([M.sub.0]). Further detailed comparison of abrasion ratio is
illustrated in Figure 18. In Figure 18, it is observed that the abrasion
ratios in the three pipe sections are increased from horizontal to
vertical orientation of the pipe and to the bend section for all four
types of particles used. In particular, abrasion is especially
significant at the bend section. It is expected that particles impact
against the pipe bend with high velocities and large forces and so may
cause significant breakage at this point in the system.
Furthermore, the abrasion resulting from attrited PP samples is
more severe than that of intact PP samples (Figure 18 (a)). In this
case, the shape of particles is the determining factor. Comparing with
the smooth surface of intact PP particles, PP fragments have irregular
edges and tough corners (Figure 3), which would seriously damage the
pipe wall. The contacting pattern between particles and wall is also
modified as attrition takes place. Intact PP particles have an
ellipsoidal shape and contact the wall in a point-to-face manner while
attrited particles with several smaller planes do so in a face-to-face
manner. Therefore, the latter seems to have a larger contact area than
the former, which may also result in higher charge generation by
attrited particles (Figure 12).
In contrast to PP samples, from Figure 18 (b), the effect of wall
abrasion by attrited PVC particles is weaker than that by intact ones.
The reason is that abrasion due to PVC samples is mainly caused by the
firm edges of the cylindrical particles but the fine powders produced
from these intact particles during attrition lack such physical features
and so bring weaker damage to the pipe wall. Furthermore, the particle
number density (Smeltzer et al., 1982) of attrited particles is higher
than that of intact ones even under the same experimental conditions.
This may also cause attrited particles to bring about higher charge
generation (Figure 12) than intact ones.
The process of particle attrition in a rotary valve feeder was
studied; the physical properties of the granular material used and their
variations due to the effects of attrition were studied in relation to
the behaviours of particles in a pneumatic conveying system. The
parameters investigated included particle size distribution, pipe wall
abrasion and electrostatic charge generation characteristics. The main
* The ability of particles to endure compressive stresses after
attrition is decreased, the flowability becomes poorer and the internal
friction among particles is increased. This was seen for both PVC and PP
* In attrition in a pneumatic conveying system, both PVC and PP
display the same general time variation of particle size distribution as
that occurring in a rotary valve. A longer attrition time in the
conveying system leads to almost the same size distribution as that
obtained in the rotary valve with a shorter attrition time. The
relationship between fractional degradation, x, and time, t, may be
adequately described with the Gwyn function.
* For both PVC and PP samples, the induced current decreases with
decreasing particle size, but the charge density shows a reverse trend
due to the effects of particle flowability. Due to the charge
accumulation, solid flow rates decrease gradually with time for four
kinds of particles, and in turn the low flowability leads to diminishing
induced current on pipe wall. PVC and PP samples show opposite charge
polarities and the quantity of charge generated by PP samples is much
larger than that by PVC samples under similar experimental conditions.
* It is found that inter-particles or particle-wall friction and
impact can induced the occurrence of charge generation, as well as pipe
wall abrasion. Pipe wall abrasion by both PP and PVC samples is greater
in a vertical pipe and is most significant at a bend. However, the
abrasion resulting from attrited PP samples is more severe than that of
intact ones but converse behaviour is observed for PVC samples.
The above results and findings were specific to the test rig and
products used, for example, blow-through rotary valve, PVC pipe and
PP/PVC particles. Therefore, it is suggested that future work should
further extend the experimental conditions to generalize the
conclusions, for example, to extend the work to other configurations/
valve designs and to use particles having a greater hardness than those
investigated in this study.
This project is supported by the Science and Engineering Research
Council (A * STAR) and National University of Singapore under the grant
number R-279-000-208-305. We are grateful to Wee Chuan Lim, Jun Yao and
Fong Yew Leong for many helpful discussions on the project. We also
extend our sincere thanks to Professor Reginald Tan, Dr. Soo Khean Teoh,
Mr. Guangjun Han and Dr. Soon Hoe Chew for their kind support of
laboratory equipment.
d particle diameter
[d.sub.T] initial particle diameter
G exponent characterizing the size distribution
[h.sub.0] original axial height of one particle
[[DELTA].sub.h] axial quantitative change
I induced current
[I.sub.c] equivalent current
K empirical constant
M empirical constant
[M.sub.0] mass of the original film
[DELTA]M mass difference of the film before
and after the experiment
P perimeter
Q charge
[Q.sub.p] particle charge density
r radius of inner arc of bend
R radius of outer arc of bend
S projected area
SF solid flow rate
t time
W mass of the attrited sample that has a size less
than d
[W.sub.T] mass of the attrited sample having a size less than
x fraction of the initial feed
Greek Symbols
[alpha] internal friction angle
[epsilon] strain
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Manuscript received April 13, 2006; revised manuscript received
Augusts 19, 2006; accepted for publication August 28, 2006
Yan Zhang (1) and Chi-Hwa Wang (1,2) *
* Author to whom correspondence may be addressed. E-mail address:
(1.) Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering, National
University of Singapore, 4 Engineering Drive 4, Singapore, 117576
(2.) Singapore-MIT Alliance, E4-04-10, 4 Engineering Drive 3,
Singapore 117576
Table 1. Experimental conditions
Temperature ([degrees]C) 28-30
Relative humidity (RH) in systems 5%
Air pressure (kPa) 500
Air flow rate (L/min) 1600
Air superficial velocity (m/s) 21.2
Solids feed valve 75% opening/100%
opening/ flood-fed
Roll speed of rotary valve (r/min) 25
Pipe material Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC)
Pipe diameter (inner) (mm) 40.0
Pipe thickness (mm) 5.0
Particles conveying style Circulation
Particle material Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC)
Particle initial size range 3.5 mm - 4.2 mm
Particle shape Cylinder
Particle density (g/[cm.sup.3]) 1.4
Hardness R113
Heat deflection temperature at 67
1.8 MPa ([degrees]C)
Sample mass (g) 745
Temperature ([degrees]C)
Relative humidity (RH) in systems
Air pressure (kPa)
Air flow rate (L/min)
Air superficial velocity (m/s)
Solids feed valve
Roll speed of rotary valve (r/min)
Pipe material
Pipe diameter (inner) (mm)
Pipe thickness (mm)
Particles conveying style
Particle material Polypropylene (PP)
Particle initial size range 2.8 mm - 3.35 mm
Particle shape Ellipsoid
Particle density (g/[cm.sup.3]) 1.1
Hardness R90
Heat deflection temperature at 80
1.8 MPa ([degrees]C)
Sample mass (g) 939
Table 2. Physical properties of particle
Particle PVC
Intact Attrited
Size range (mm) 3.35~4.2 1.18~3.35
Average size (mm) 4.06 [+ or -] 0.11 2.28 [+ or -] 0.52
Shape factor 1.179 [+ or -] 0.101 1.773 [+ or -] 0.664
Standardized flow
time (s) 0.0103 0.0115
Internal friction angle
([alpha]) 31.2[degrees] 35.8[degrees]
Friction coefficient
(tan[alpha]) 0.61 0.72
Particle PP
Intact Attrited
Size range (mm) 2.8~3.35 1.18~2.8
Average size (mm) 3.01 [+ or -] 0.13 2.45 [+ or -] 0.29
Shape factor 1.099 [+ or-] 0.201 1.368 [+ or -] 0.616
Standardized flow
time (s) 0.007 0.009
Internal friction angle
([alpha]) 29.2[degrees] 33.7[degrees]
Friction coefficient
(tan[alpha]) 0.56 0.67
Table 3. Comparison of solid flow rates
Particle PP
Intact Attrited
Solids feed valve 75% opening
Solid flow rate (g/s) 40.67 [+ or -] 3.29 40.05 [+ or -] 0.63
Particle PVC
Intact Attrited
Solids feed valve Flood-fed
Solid flow rate (g/s) 37.62 [+ or -] 4.76 37.49 [+ or -] 6.79
Table 4. Summary of attrition data using Gwyn approach
(a) Parameters from Gwyn function
Attrition Sample Parameters from Gwyn
Material m (-) K/[10.sup.-3]
Solely in rotary valve PVC 0.6 1.52
PP 0.79 0.17
In pneumatic conveying systems PVC 0.42 4.63
PP 0.63 0.32
(b) Original data for Gwyn functions
Time (s) ln(t)
PVC samples with initial size of 3.35 ~ 600 6.40
4.10 mm attrited in rotary valve
2400 7.78
4200 8.34
6000 8.70
7800 8.96
PP samples with initial size of 2.80 ~ 1800 7.50
3.35 mm attrited in rotary valve
3000 8.01
4800 8.48
6600 8.79
8400 9.04
PVC samples with initial size of 3.35 ~ 10800 9.29
4.10 mm attrited by rotary valve in
the pneumatic conveying system 21600 9.98
25200 10.13
64800 11.08
PVC samples with initial size of 2.80 ~ 10800 9.29
3.35 mm attrited by rotary valve in
the pneumatic conveying system 21600 9.98
32400 10.39
36000 10.49
43200 10.67
x=WT/[sumation]Mass ln(x)
PVC samples with initial size of 3.35 ~ 0.08 -2.54
4.10 mm attrited in rotary valve
0.15 -1.90
0.18 -1.70
0.32 -1.15
0.39 -0.94
PP samples with initial size of 2.80 ~ 0.07 -2.73
3.35 mm attrited in rotary valve
0.09 -2.46
0.13 -2.05
0.17 -1.77
0.22 -1.53
PVC samples with initial size of 3.35 ~ 0.17 -1.77
4.10 mm attrited by rotary valve in
the pneumatic conveying system 0.37 -0.99
0.52 -0.66
0.39 -0.95
PVC samples with initial size of 2.80 ~ 0.11 -2.20
3.35 mm attrited by rotary valve in
the pneumatic conveying system 0.16 -1.81
0.20 -1.62
0.32 -1.14
0.23 -1.47
Figure 18. Comparison of abrasion ratio at three different pipe
sections. Mass of particle: PP-939 g, PVC-745 g; airflow rate: 1600
L/min; solid feed valve: PP-75% opening, PVC-flood-fed; operation time
3 h (a) PP samples; (b) PVC samples.
(a) PP intact PP attrited
Horizontal 0.025% 0.169%
Vertical 0.179% 0.180%
Bend 0.554% 1.053%
(a) PP intact PP attrited
Horizontal 0.117% 0.029%
Vertical 0.242% 0.119%
Bend 0.463% 0.172%