The party line is clearly drawn.
Fu, Tao
Doug Young, "The Party Line: How the Media Dictates Public
Opinion in Modern China," John Wiley & Sons Singapore Pte,
Ltd., Singapore, 2013, 256 pages, $24.95.
Doug Young teaches at the Journalism School of Fudan University in
Shanghai, China. Before that, he worked years for Reuters writing about
Chinese companies. He updates personal blog Young's China Business
Blog on a daily basis and also writes blogs for the South China Morning
In The Party Line: How the Media Dictates Public Opinion in Modern
China, Young discloses how the Communist Party of China (CPC) sets the
agenda for the media and greatly affects what kind of news Chinese
people receive. Young chooses some historical events to show how the
media were manipulated by the Party for propagandizing its policies and
maintaining social harmony.
Young distills the essence of the Party and media's
relationship, which is that the press is expected to disseminate the
Party's agenda to China and the world. This is why Chinese media
are often referred to as the "throat and tongue" (houshe) of
the Party. And this sets the tone for the evolution of Chinese media
since the founding of the People's Republic of China and the legacy
that lasts today. In this process, the Ministry of Propaganda downplays
negative news from the public. In the same vein, it manipulates the
media to project a China where consensus dominates and uses it to
instill nationalism that helps consolidate the rule of the Party.
Guanxi, or social connections, a key feature of the Chinese
society, is examined as it affects Chinese media's coverage. The
Ministry of Propaganda is at the center of guanxi networks that connect
media organizations, journalists and officials. This guanxi web makes
negative coverage more difficult since it may disgrace the performance
of some officials or even jeopardize their positions.
Different from their foreign peers, Chinese reporters, considering
Chinese media are taken as the "throat and tongue," are
expected to be the "eyes and ears" helping the Party keep
abreast of the latest events. They collect information and write
investigative reports that may only be published on neican, or news for
internal consideration, available only to top-level administrators.
Social responsibilities such as this not only empower news outlets but
also make journalism a respectful profession.
Young examines Chinese media's coverage of momentous events
such as the Korean War, the Cultural Revolution, Nixon's visit to
China, the Tiananmen Square movement the U.S. bombing of the Chinese
embassy in Belgrade and anti-Japanese protests, SARS and the Beijing
Olympics. Such examples help readers understand why Chinese media favor
positive reports and Western media are conceived of as degrading China
with negative coverage. The author presents media approaches such as
guerilla reporting, half-truths reporting and laundry list reporting to
show how journalists have been used to fan nationalism.
After a historic overview, Young concludes with Google, the
Internet and censorship. The Internet has posed a great challenge to the
Party line as a good-news-only strategy is no longer feasible.
Negative news, as in the Wenzhou high-speed train collision case,
would be hard to be blocked since a multitude of information is being
generated every day by users with smartphones. The fast penetration of
mobile Internet and the affordability of low-end smartphones make
information exchange and sharing even more instantaneous and ubiquitous.
Even if traditional media may turn a deaf ear to discordant Pary-line
tones, social media are rapidly becoming the hub where such information
is disseminated.
On the other hand, ideological control becomes increasingly
intensive. At an October 2014 art forum, Chinese President Xi Jinping
made a speech, calling artists to serve the people and represent core
socialist values with their art. Xi's talk echoed Mao Zedong, who
spoke at the Yan'an Forum of Art in 1942, which laid the bedrock
for the Party's propagandistic use of arts. The most recent example
is Xi's visit to three leading Chinese news organizations--the
People's Daily, Xinhua News Agency and China Central Television in
February, in which Xi instructed media outlets to stay loyal to the
Party, guide the public and focus on positive coverage. Xi emphasized
making good use of new media. His speeches made clear the
responsibilities and mission of Chinese media, which are expected to
help realize the Chinese dream, tell the Chinese stories well and make
China's voice heard. Thus, the Party is intensifying its use of the
media for political and ideological purposes. A case in point would be a
propagandistic song publicizing China's 13th Five-Year Plan
(Shisanwu), an economic and social development blueprint. The video
which went viral online in late 2015 features animated characters of
different complexions urging, "if you wanna know what China's
gonna do, best pay attention to the Shisanwu", with American
Young's years of working as a foreign journalist in several
bureaus in China help him develop his insight of Chinese media and their
interconnection with the social backdrop. His interviews of many Chinese
journalists make the book more convincing. The Party Line is recommended
reading for those interested in China and its media and for researchers
examining China's media system and censorship.