Building research collaboration networks--an interpersonal perspective for research capacity building.
Huang, Jun Song
The development of social network theories has revealed that social
structure of relationships around a person, group, or organization
affects beliefs and behaviors (Burt, Kilduff, & Tasselli, 2013). For
example, in research on innovation diffusion, Ryan and Gross (1943) find
that Iowa farmers' adoption of hybrid-seed corn was mostly
influenced by their neighbors, even though the farmers first heard the
innovation from commercial salesmen. Godley, Sharkey and Weiss (2013)
demonstrate that office location is one of the strongest predictors of
grant collaborations amongst neuroscientists within an institute. Rogers
(2003) further points out that interpersonal linkages among individuals
in a social system can influence the communication flow and promote the
adoption and diffusion of innovations in the system.
Increasingly, researchers are working in collaborations to address
complex research issues. Higher Education Institutes (HEIs) are giving
incentives for their researchers to take part in international
collaborative projects. Funding agencies also favors collaborative
research because it can draw diverse expertise, promote creativity and
innovation and therefore lead to scientific breakthroughs. Social
networks have been the subject of both empirical and theoretical studies
in the social sciences for at least 50 years but has only been recently
applied to research collaborations (Godley, et al., 2013; Woo, Kang,
& Martin, 2013).
Implicit in social network theory is the assumption that there are
outcomes associated with the connections. It is the thesis of this paper
that research collaboration networks derive benefits to higher education
institutions (HEIs). This author argues that of two hypothetical
institutes (Figure 1), Institute B's intentional connections
provide greater opportunity for research collaboration than does
Institute A wherein the researchers work in isolation. The author
further claims that Institute B has higher research capacity as compared
to Institute A.
This paper will focus on three important topics. Are social network
theories relevant to research management? Can research institutes be
informed by social network theories to promote research collaborations?
What limitations do social network theories have when applying to
research collaborations? In addition, this paper seeks to provide a
theoretical framework for the role of research administration and
capacity building through social networks. By linking social network
theories with research management, the paper hopes to make contribution
to the theory and practice of research capacity building.
To anchor this paper theoretically, social network theories are
briefly introduced in the next section. The section does not cover
technical details of the social network theories and models. More
in-depth review of the theories can be found in the literature of Social
Network Analysis (SNA) (Woo, et al., 2013).
Social Network Theories
Social network theories form a major paradigm in contemporary
sociology. The theories focus on how people, organizations or groups
interact with others in social networks (Burt, et al., 2013). In this
sociology paradigm, the social relationships are studied in terms of
diagrams of social networks which constitute nodes (e.g., people) and
ties (e.g., the relationships among people). The diagrams can be used to
understand social capitals (Williams & Durrance, 2008), the
advantage that an individual, cluster or a network may gain from social
interactions as a result of their location in social networks (e.g., who
they are connected with). Theories are developed to explain why people
interact, how they interact, at what level of closeness and with what
kind of outcome.
The study on social network diagrams has led to multiple theories
on social networks. For example, when examining the process of job
seeking, Granovetter (1973) identifies the strength of weak ties. He
finds that job seekers tend to hear of job opportunities from people
connected by weak ties (e.g., acquaintance that does not share many
common friends, just like people in a social network that has loose
connections among members), rather than by strong ties (e.g., close
friends who are closely connected among each other, just like people in
a social network that has dense and coherent connections among members).
The example of weak/strong ties is illuminated in a social network
diagram presented in Figure 2. Node E shares a weak tie with Node H and
strong ties with Node F and G. Granovetter explains that weak ties can
transmit information (such as job opportunity) from distant part of the
social system. Thus people that have few weak ties are confined mostly
to the local information of their close friends. Empirical studies
(Ahuja, 2000; Mehra, Kilduff, & Brass, 2001) have also demonstrated
that individuals with weak ties can bridge different clusters in a
social network and gain significant advantage.
Social network theories have their limitations. These theories take
a relational approach and emphasize primarily the properties of
relations among individuals (Kadushin, 2011). One major critique is
their lack of recognition of the properties of these individuals (Martin
& Wellman, 2010), for example, individuals' agency and
determination in seeking information in social networks. Without denying
this limitation, this paper argues that social network theories have
potential to inform research management in HEIs.
The rest of the paper is developed into five sections (i.e.,
Section Two to Section Six). Section Two highlights the importance of
collaboration in research. The next section reviews the literature of
research capacity building. It argues that research collaboration
networks are not adequately recognized as a form of research capacity.
The fourth section uses two network diagrams to illustrate that
structures of research collaboration networks can have impact on
research creativity and productivity at both individual and collective
levels. It is then argued that research collaboration networks can make
unique contributions to research capacity building. The fifth section
refers to social network theories and presents three mechanisms for
building research collaboration networks. By making reference to the
mechanisms and empirical findings, the last section discusses three
challenging issues in building research collaboration networks.
Collaboration is Important for Research
Research collaboration has gain attention in the past few decades
(Bammer, 2008; Wray, 2006). The observed growth in co-authorship
provides partial evidence for increased collaborations in research (Katz
& Martin, 1997; Sooho & Bozeman, 2005).
Bukvova (2010) notes that there is no clear definition on research
collaboration in the literature. Many forms of collaboration work, such
as casual discussion on a research idea, are hard to be measured as
evidence of collaboration. For the purpose of this paper, research
collaboration is regarded as joint work between researchers in achieving
research objectives. More specifically, the two main forms of research
collaboration discussed in this paper are jointly conducting research
projects (i.e., joint grantsmanship) and co-authoring publications.
There are at least four reasons for researcher to collaborate: the
need to address complex research issues; the need for learning and
productivity in research; the need to reduce research cost and the need
for intellectual companionship.
First, collaboration is necessary for researchers to address
complex research issues that otherwise cannot be addressed by individual
researchers. Due to the increased specialization in science, there is a
need for individual researchers to keep their own activities focused and
specialized (Bukvova, 2010; Katz & Martin, 1997). Such focus and
specialization would allow researchers to make significant knowledge
advancement in their respective fields (Bukvova, 2010). While it is
possible for individual researchers to learn all the knowledge and
skills needed to solve a complex research problem, this learning process
can be very time-consuming and may prohibit one from being specialized.
Thus, researchers, when addressing complex problems, need to pool
expertise together and obtain cross-fertilization through
interdisciplinary collaborations (Johari, Zaini, & Zain, 2012).
Second, collaboration is important for researchers'
sustainable development in knowledge creation. The United Nations Office
for Sustainable Development (2012) points out that in a knowledge
economy, knowledge and capacity may be replaced or refreshed at a very
fast pace. Thus, continuous learning and knowledge transfer are critical
for researchers to remain relevant in their respective fields in an
ongoing knowledge creation process. Such learning and transfer may bring
together researchers with culturally different ideas which create
conditions for new knowledge creation. Thus, learning and transfer
through collaborations not only lead to research productivity (as
indicated by grantsmanship and publications, as a result of knowledge
creation), but also help researchers to maintain their ability for
sustainable development in a knowledge economy.
Third, collaboration may reduce research costs. Bukvova's
(2010) review on research collaboration finds that experimentalists tend
to collaborate more than theoreticians. In experimental research, the
instrumentations required are getting increasingly complex. Scientific
instrumentation costs have jumped considerably with the successive
generations of technology. By working together in collaboration,
research costs can be shared and research facilities can be better
optimized and utilized.
Fourth, collaboration may enable intellectual companionship as
well. The goal of research is to expand the boundaries of knowledge. As
researchers are specialized and focused, their advancement at the
frontier of each research field can be lonely (Bukvova, 2010; Katz &
Martin, 1997). An individual may partially overcome this intellectual
isolation by collaborating with others and forming working relationships
with them.
Since collaboration is important to research, social network
theories may have potential in application to research management to
promote collaborative relations among researchers. However, the
literature review of research management and research capacity building
suggests that the literature does not adequately emphasize building
research collaboration networks, especially collaboration networks
within an institute (but see Godley et. al., 2013).
Research Capacity Building and Research Collaboration Networks
Capacity building is a process in which individuals, groups, and
institutions enhance their abilities to mobilize and use resources in
order to achieve their objectives on a sustainable basis (Asian
Development Bank, 2004). In the context of research capacity, it refers
to the ability to conduct research sustainably.
Building research capacity is a key to both the survival of HEIs
and their attainment of institutional missions (Hazelkorn, 2005). This
is because the funding of HEIs is increasingly tied to the performance
(Altbach, 2014; Altbach & Salmi, 2011) measured by research
productivity (e.g., scholarly research publications) and impact. The
current paper focuses on discussing dimensions of research capacity,
rather than their measurements. Commonly accepted indicators (Cooke,
2005), such as publications and grantsmanship are used when discussing
research capacity with different dimensions.
The following segments review the literature related to research
capacity building. The author suggests that the literature emphasizes
research capacity building at individual, organizational and
inter-organizational levels. However, the interpersonal collaboration
networks within institution are inadequately recognized as a form of
research capacity.
Capacity Building at Individual Level
There are widespread concerns among HEIs on research capacity at
the individual level. HEIs worry that they have too few researchers who
have the knowledge and skill to lead the design, delivery, and
dissemination of high quality research (Fowler et al., 2009). HEIs share
concern that lacking such would affect their research mission
To develop the knowledge and skill of researchers, capacity
building is usually carried out through professional development
(Department for International Development, 2008). For example, the
Teaching and Learning Research Programme (TLRP) was funded by the
Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC) at the United Kingdom (UK).
The programme supported and developed educational researchers across the
UK through conference, training, online resources and mentorship.
Wilkes, Cummings and McKay (2013) also share that a mentoring approach
was implemented in 2012 in New South Wales (Australia) to assist a group
of generalist pediatricians practicing to comply with the demands in
Crisp, Swerissen, and Duckett (2000) characterize professional
development as a bottom-up organizational approach for capacity
building. The underpinning premise is that developing a core of
well-trained individuals decreases reliance on external consultants and
increases local capacity (Schuetzenmeister, 2010). Such development
sustains institutes research efforts.
Capacity Building at Organizational Level
Research capacity can also be defined as organizational enablers,
such as pro-research environments. Such enablers make an HEI better able
to promote professional development of its researchers, enable research
work and enhance research productivity (Cooke, 2005; Fowler, et al.,
2009). In the recent research assessment exercises in the UK and
Australia, organizational enablers are included as an assessment
component (Olson & Merrill, 2011).
Organizational development is a top-down organizational approach
for capacity building (Crisp, et al., 2000). The underpining assumption
is to remove organizational factors that restrict research and to
establish enabling factors that are absent. This involves improving
organizational factors, such as research policy, cluture and structure.
For example, the North American Primary Care Research Group Committee
(2002) focuses on building a research culture to value research and to
regard research as an expected and enjoyable activity. The United
Nations Development Programme (2008) highlights policy, leadership,
strategy and institutional reform as the enablers for research and
capacity building. The North American Primary Care Research Group
Committee (2002) establishes research centres as the enabling
infrastructure for research.
Capacity Building at Inter- Organizational Level
From an HEI's perspective, building inter-organizational
linkages deals with the external factors that promote research capacity.
Contrasting with the internal factors, such as building individual
staff's knowledge and organization's research environment,
building inter-organizational linkages concerns with inter-organization
collaborations and engagements of stakeholders and society.
The demand for building inter-organizational linkages can be traced
to the argument of Network Organization (Borgatti & Foster, 2003)
that organizations are embedded in the network of economic and social
relations. Thus, organizations must transform themselves into networks.
They need to rely on trust and embedded social relationships in order to
effectively respond in the ever-changing economic environment. This idea
is consistent with social network theories and was operationalized by
some institutions for research capacity building. For example, the Welsh
Education Research Network (WERN) develops research capacity by building
collaborative partnership among all HEIs in Wales (the UK).
Crisp, Swerissen, and Duckett (2000) characterize this approach as
the partnership approach and community engagement approach for capacity
building. The partnerships approach involves strengthening
inter-organizational relations (for example, research partnerships among
universities). The community engagement approach aims to transform users
of higher education research innovations (such as industries) from
passive recipients to active participants (Finn and Checkoway, 1998).
Underpinning this approach is the notion of empowering beneficiaries
(Mansuri & Rao, 2004). The empowerment allows an HEI's
beneficiaries to be more engaged and aligned for the HEI's
institutional mission attainment.
Lack of Capacity Building at Interpersonal Level
Researchers are connected into informal research teams and groups
through their research collaboration relations. Rogers, Bozeman and
Chompalov (2001) argue that in knowledge economy, such relationships are
more important than individuals' attributes. Dulworth (2008) even
purports that social networks (e.g., networks of collaboration
relations) define who a person is.
Recent work suggests that some factors in collaboration can
increase the likelihood of knowledge creation and thus research
productivity. Research collaboration networks can play an important role
to bridge knowledge flow among researchers in an institute (Easley &
Kleinberg, 2010). The number of collaborators is noted as a strong
predictor of publication productivity in research (Sooho & Bozeman,
2005). Krebs (2008) finds that one's ability to reach a diverse set
of others in the network through very few links is a key to success for
both individuals and teams. Dawson, Tan and McWilliam (2011) note that a
researcher's ability to access collaboration networks is closely
associated with his/her creativity potential. As research is a knowledge
creation activity, creativity potential is critical for knowledge
creation and research productivity.
However, the literature for research capacity building lacks
adequate focus on building interpersonal collaboration networks,
especially networks of collaborators within an institute. In many
institutes, research participation is often advocated as an approach to
increase researcher's knowledge and skill in research (Talajic,
2013). Such participation is different from doing research in
collaboration, in which researchers contribute equally as peers and
co-learners. Building external linkages is advocated in the literature,
but the focus is usually on linkages among organizations. Interpersonal
collaboration networks, especially collaborations among researchers
within institutions are not adequately recognized in the literature.
To duly recognize how collaboration networks contribute to research
capacity, Section Four refers to social network theories and argues that
interpersonal research collaboration networks within institutions are
also a critical form of research capacity. It can complement capacity
building at individual, organizational and inter-organizational levels.
Collaboration Networks are Also a Form of Research Capacity
This section argues that researchers in HEIs may gain advantage in
research as a result of their location in collaboration networks. Social
network theories have identified that individuals and social groups may
gain advantage in information flow due to their locations in social
networks. Similarly, it has been theorized that generating new knowledge
in research requires knowledge cross-fertilization and conflicting ideas
that can be fully utilized in collaborative networks (Haylor, 2012).
Thus, interpersonal research collaboration networks may facilitate
knowledge flow and create conditions for research creativity and
innovation. However, the literature on the subject of research
management lacks empirical studies deciphering how research
collaboration networks exert such influence, the discussion in this
section is thus primarily focused at a theoretical level based on the
understandings established by social network theories.
The section comprises of three segments. The first two segments
illustrate how research collaboration networks may facilitate knowledge
flow at the individual and collective level. The third segment presents
how research collaboration networks may enhance capacity building at
individual, organizational and inter-organizational levels.
Collaboration Network May Lead to Individual's Advantage in
Knowledge Flow
At an individual level, a researcher may gain advantage in
knowledge access and flow over other researchers in the same network.
This advantage could arise from his/her position in the network and
transcend to the researcher's capacity in research. A social
diagram illustrated in Figure 2 may be regarded as a hypothetical
research collaboration network (i.e., Network 1). The diagram may be
used to illustrate individuals' advantage.
In Network 1, the nodes represent researchers in an institute; the
lines represent research collaboration relations among researchers (for
example, researchers' involvements in research grants). Researcher
C (i.e., node C) is linked with Researcher D, representing that
Researcher C and Researcher D work together on a research project, for
example Researcher C is the principal investigator (PI) of a project and
Researcher D is a co-PI; or vice versa.
In Network 1, Researcher G has more advantage in knowledge access
as compared to Researcher K. Researcher G has the largest number of
linkages. This suggests that to satisfy the needs for knowledge
cross-fertilization (Hanneman & Riddle, 2005), Researcher G has six
alternative ways (i.e., through Researchers A-F) to gain access to new
knowledge and ideas. In comparison, Researcher K only has two
alternative ways (i.e., through Researchers J and T).
Compared to Researcher J, Researcher E is better able to send
his/her knowledge-access request to other researchers in the network.
Although Researchers E and J both have four connections to other
researchers, Researcher E is closely connected to a large cluster (which
is comprised of Researchers A-E on the left side of the network in
Figure 2). Researcher J is only closely connected to a small cluster
(which is comprised of Researchers I-L on the right side of the
network). It is much easier for Researcher E to send his/her
collaboration request to all other researchers in the network.
Compared to Researcher I, Researcher H has more control over
knowledge flow. Researchers H and I both have two connections to other
researchers, but Researcher H serves as a bridge that connects two
research clusters (on the left and right sides of the Network 1)
together. Dawson, Tan and McWilliam (2011) and Katz and Martin (1997)
find that researchers holding bridging roles can connect different
network clusters. These researchers have access to a greater diversity
of knowledge, bring about perspectives from different disciplines or
fields, and facilitate knowledge cross-fertilization. They can generate
new insights that, when working individually on their own, would not
have grasped or grasped so quickly. Thus, Researcher H has easy access
to new knowledge and ideas (from both clusters) and he/she has the power
to control the knowledge flow and idea cross-fertilization between the
two clusters. This power puts Researcher H in an advantaged position in
research collaboration.
One may argue that Researcher E may request to collaborate with
Researcher J (or Researcher I) directly without going through Researcher
H, the bridge. But this may not be the case for at least two reasons.
First, it may be meaningless for Researcher E and Researcher J to
collaborate. For example, Researchers E and J may be doing research on
science education and social science education respectively. They both
join Researcher H's research project that studies the phenomena of
conceptual change (in science and social science education). However, it
does not make much sense for Researchers E and J to work together
directly. Second, there may not be trust between Researchers E and J to
collaborate. Researchers have great autonomy and freedom in engaging in
research (Zalewska-Kurek, Geurts, & Roosendaal, 2010). They often do
not have perfect information in choosing the right collaborator
(Coleman, 1988; Govier, 1997). Even if they do, they tend to collaborate
with those who they trust, rather than the one who has the right
complementary knowledge and skill (Burt, 2003).
Collaboration Network May Lead to Collective Advantage in Knowledge
The overall structure (for example, pattern of the research
connections) of a research collaboration network in an institute may
also affect the institute's ability and advantage in knowledge
flow. This collective advantage can be illustrated in two ways.
First, if a network has few connections, not much power can be
exerted by individuals (Kadushin, 2011). Thus the collective advantage
in research collaboration is also limited. Highly connected research
collaboration network potentially has more power to better facilitate
knowledge flow and cross-fertilization. Such a network can better
promote creativity and therefore may lead to higher productivity.
Second, even when two networks have the same number of
collaboration connections, one network may gain more advantage over the
other due to how the connections are structured in each network. The
networks illustrated in Figure 2 and Figure 3 (below) are compared to
illuminate this argument.
Network 1 (illustrated in Figure 2) and Network 2 (illustrated in
Figure 3) have the same number of nodes and connections. Network 1 is
highly dependent on Researcher H to facilitate knowledge flow between
the two clusters (on the left and on the right of the network). This
dependency creates a high risk of network disruption for Network 1. In
the event that Researcher H (or Researcher E or J) resigns and leaves
the institute, knowledge flow between the two clusters will not be
Network 2, on the other hand is less reliant on any particular
researcher to bridge the two research clusters. The network has more
bridges between the two clusters (for example, from Researcher F to
Researcher I, and from Researcher E to Researcher J via Researcher H).
In fact, the left and right clusters are less obvious in Network 2. The
network may be better regarded as one cluster, instead of two. Network 2
may have more potential to cross-fertilize knowledge and research ideas
which may lead to higher research productivity, as compared to Network
The above comparison between Networks 1 and 2 only intuitively
demonstrates the existence of collective advantage. In SNA, the
collective advantage of a social network can be measured and analyzed
mathematically for comparison. Readers may refer to the literature of
SNA for such analysis.
Increasing Capacity at Individual, Organizational and
Inter-Organizational Levels
If properly engaged, the interpersonal research collaboration
networks may also promote capacity building at individual,
organizational and inter-organizational levels. First, research
collaboration networks allow researchers to utilize relationships to
increase their capacity and productivity (Hatala, 2009; Ramanadhan,
Kebede, Mantopoulos, & Bradley, 2010). Sooho and Bozeman (2005)
study the correlation between collaboration and publication. They find
that researchers who spend a higher percentage of time working alone are
less likely to be productive in publication.
Hatla (2009) recognizes that an individual researcher's
ability to access social network resources could lead to his/her
professional success. Hasan and Pousti (2006) argue that even in large
highly-structured organizations, collective knowledge-building at
small-team level is the predominant source of learning, creativity and
innovation. Tacit knowledge, especially new advancements in each
discipline may not be necessarily documented in publications.
Collaboration networks can foster transferring new knowledge, especially
tacit knowledge among researchers (Sluijs-Doyle, 2009). Such knowledge
transfer through research collaboration networks could enhance
individuals' professional development.
Second, research collaboration networks may also enable
organizational development, but Marjanovic, et al. (2013) in a critical
evaluation of the existing literature on research capacity building
argue that the current focus is on policy-relevant issues at a
relatively high-level. There is a need to emphasize how research
collaborations influence organizational development. Borgatti and
Foster's (2003) summary from the literature of classic social
psychology highlights that the amount of interactions, similarity of
beliefs and attitude, and affirmative ties are interrelated. As
researchers collaborate, they develop common meanings, beliefs, and
mutual understandings. This process is called homophily (Kadushin, 2011)
in the literature on social network theories. Homophily is further
discussed in the next section as a mechanism for building collaboration
networks. Through the process of homophily, collaboration networks among
researchers may bring about stronger and more aligned voice from
researchers to push the change of institutional rules for research (for
example, pushing to reduce bureaucracy in research-related procurement).
Research collaboration networks may also support the development of
inter-organizational collaboration and engagement. A further research
finding on weak/strong ties is that people who are connected by strong
ties are likely to share common friends as well (Granovetter, 1973).
This means that researchers in a collaboration network (within an
institute) that has dense and coherent connections are likely to share
other connections (for example, external collaboration connections) in
common. More dense and coherent connections among researchers within an
institute also put the institute at a stronger position when negotiating
collaboration arrangements with external partners and stakeholders.
With the inclusion of interpersonal research capacity argued in
this paper, a more holistic perspective (as illustrated in Figure 4) is
that research capacity building constitutes building capacities at
individual, interpersonal, organizational and inter-organizational
levels. Research capacity at interpersonal level is primarily
contributed by research collaboration networks (within an institute).
However, building research collaboration networks to increase an
institute's research capacity is not an easy task. Section Five
makes reference to social network theories to present three underpinning
mechanisms for building research collaboration networks. The challenges
in building research collaboration networks are highlighted in Section
The Mechanisms of Building Collaboration Networks
The formation and development of collaboration networks are organic
in nature. Cross, Parker and Sasson (2003) point out that members of a
collaboration team must have trust among each other. Members know that
honesty expressed during the team's activity will not be used
against them. This explains why most research collaborations are
conducted by informal groups. In these groups, researchers are binding
together mainly by trust, rather than by institutional arrangements.
To understand how collaboration networks are formed and developed
as well as how they contribute to research productivity, propinquity and
homophily are synthesized from social network theories as two key
organic mechanisms for building social networks. Research productivity
requires knowledge flow and crashing ideas. This makes research
collaboration networks unique from normal social networks. This section
also discusses why beterophily is critical to research capacity and
The first mechanism is propinquity (Kadushin, 2011), which suggests
that spatial proximity can lead to social proximity. Individuals are
more likely to be friends if they are located geographically close to
each other (Kadushin, 2011). Perhaps this is because of the low social
transaction cost between individuals who are spatially close.
Propinquity exists in research collaborations. Sooho and Bozeman
(2005) study the patterns between collaboration and publication. They
find that for researchers who collaborate, more than half of their
collaborations are with colleagues in their same institute. Cantner, et
al. (2010), Borgatti and Foster (2003) and Katz and Martin (1997) also
find that close physical proximity seems to encourage collaborations,
perhaps because it tends to generate more informal communications.
Thus, turning physical proximity into social proximity and then to
research productivity is important in building research collaboration
Homophily (Kadushin, 2011) is the second mechanism. It implies that
similarity breeds connection (McPherson, Smith-Lovin, & Cook, 2001):
birds of a feather flock together. Homophily also suggests that people
in the same social group tend to become homophilous over time (Kadushin,
The exchange of ideas occurs most frequently between individuals
who are alike, or homophilous (McPherson, et al., 2001). Individuals
enjoy the comfort of interacting with others who are similar.
Communication is also more effective when source and receiver are
homophilous, for example, when they share common meanings, beliefs, and
mutual understandings. Stvilia et al. (2011) observe that collaborations
between researchers of different rank are less common. Even such
collaborations do happen; they have less impact on research productivity
than collaborations between researchers of the same rank.
Homophily also produce homophilous group members over time.
Borgatti and Foster (2003) note that amount of interactions, similarity
of beliefs and attitude as well as affirmative ties are interrelated.
The network organization theory (Sluijs-Doyle, 2009) affirms that
networks create group tastes and preferences, and inspire conformity in
thought and action among members in the network (Burt, 2003; Coleman,
Thus homophily creates a self-reinforcing positive feedback loop:
similarity breeds connection and connection produce more similarities.
The self-amplifying feedback loop leads to the establishment and
stabilization of a social network in an organic manner from bottom-up.
Homophily exists in research collaborations. Interconnectedness of
scientists promotes the diffusion of scientific knowledge and capacity
(Wagner & Leydesdorff, 2005). The discussion in Section Four
suggests that people do not have perfect information in choosing the
right collaborator in research. Even if they do, they tend to
collaborate with who they know and trust. Thus, research collaborations
also reinforce homophily within a collaboration network.
Compared to establishing a new collaboration network, it is more
effective to build research collaborations by leveraging on homophily in
existing networks. Kezar (2014) reviews change in education setups
noting that existing social networks are more influential than networks
created as part of the change process (Coburn & Russell, 2008; Cole
& Weinbaum, 2010). Change is more likely to be successful if it is
built upon existing social networks, because trust and homophily already
exist in these networks (Moolenaar & Sleegers, 2010).
Social network theories suggest that a certain degree of
heterophily (Kadushin, 2011) is also critical for the success of an
organization. This is particularly important for research collaborations
because research creativity requires integration of ideas and
perspectives from different fields or disciplines, or in another word,
Heterophily refers to "love of the different". Rogers,
Medina, Rivera and Wiley (2005) suggest that diversity of ideas promotes
innovations. Granovetter (1973) uses weak ties to illustrate the
importance of heterophily in communication. Weak ties are those ties
'outside' the core connections that any members of an existing
coherent social network has. Granovetter demonstrates that weak ties can
serve as bridges, allowing the flow of knowledge and information between
two otherwise unconnected networks (e.g., two unconnected groups of
friends). While information spreads efficiently among members connected
by strong ties, it is usually weak ties that bring in new information
(such as clashing ideas) that is crucial for knowledge creation in
collaboration. Therefore, a certain degree of heterophily, such as weak
tie, is necessary for creativity and productivity in research
Some Challenges in Building Research Collaboration Networks
While the organic mechanisms appear to be simple, this section
highlights some challenging issues in building research collaboration
networks. These issues are not meant to be exhaustive. The purpose is to
illuminate the complexity in building research collaboration networks
and to invite more discussions and dialogs in order to advance the
theory and practice of building interpersonal research capacity.
Three issues are selected for discussion in this section. The first
issue arises from empirical findings which suggest that collaboration
networks have nonlinear effect on research productivity. Therefore
designing and maintaining a collaboration network at a sweet spot, where
vision is clear, goals are compelling, people see ways to contribute,
progress is tangible, and everyone believes that they can succeed, can
be challenging. The second issue is derived from a theoretical argument
that homopbily may have double-edged effect on collaborations. Thus
maintaining a good balance between homopbily and heteophily is a
challenge. The third issue is on management's role in building
collaboration networks. If management is to take a proactive role in
building collaboration networks, there is a need to explore analytical
tools to inform and support their decision-makings.
Challenge 1: The Nonlinear Effect of Collaboration Networks
The literature on research management suggests that more research
collaborations do not always lead to higher research productivity. This
is because some factors, such as size of membership and members social
position in a collaboration network have nonlinear effects on research
productivity. Thus, there is a need to identify and maintain research
collaboration network (in an institute) at certain sweet spot.
Empirical evidence reveals that the size of a collaboration group
only has a linear effect on research productivity within certain upper
and lower thresholds. Kenna and Berche (2011) examine the data from
British and French higher-education research-evaluation exercises. They
find that research quality increases with group size, but only up to a
limiting threshold referred to as an upper critical mass. Similarly, von
Tunzelmann, Ranga, Ben and Geuna (2003) also reveal that growth in
productivity declines above a certain group size threshold.
O'Leary, Mortensen and Woolley (2011) study multiple team
membership and productivity. They note that the variety of teams that an
individual works as members reduces productivity, even though such
collaborations increase the diversity of information and knowledge that
the individual and teams encounter. Martin-Sempere, et al.'s (2002)
research on the consolidation of research teams suggests that
consolidation could result in a substantial improvement of
researchers' capability to establish contacts and collaborations
with colleagues. Such consolidation could therefore favor
researchers' potential to publish in quality publications. Heinze,
Shapira, Rogers and Senker (2009) also identify that for groups in
natural science, a size of five to six members seems to be optimal.
These findings imply that an optimal group size is desired to enhance
productivity in research collaboration.
Member's position in a collaboration network also affects
his/her productivity in collaboration. Hansen (2009) finds that there is
a difference between those teams that have many direct connections to
other project teams and those that use both direct and indirect ties to
reach the resources they need. Vardaman et al. (2012) demonstrate that
an individual's degree of centrality in a collaboration group is
positively and significantly related to his/her productivity.
Bukvova's (2010) review show that the collaboration's effect
on productivity depends on the type of links collaborative members have.
While collaboration with high-productivity scientists tends to increase
personal productivity, collaboration with low-productivity scientists
generally decreases it. These findings suggest that optimizing an
individual's social connections to enhance productivity is a
challenge to overcome too.
In summary, the empirical findings suggest that there is a need to
maintain research collaboration network at an optimal size and to build
critical bridges for knowledge flow among different collaboration
clusters. These are to be done carefully with an aim to optimize
knowledge flow and productivity in research collaboration. However, what
the optimal size is and how to identify a critical bridge to build are
challenges to overcome.
Challenge 2: The Double-Edged Effect of Homophily
Homophily (Kadushin, 2011) is a key underpinning mechanism for
building social networks. As discussed in Section Five, homophily
creates a self-reinforcing positive feedback loop that leads to the
establishment and stabilization of a social network from bottom-up.
However, homophily may also produce negative effect on research
First, homophily may generate negative effect on knowledge
cross-fertilization. Heterophily leads to idea diversity and
cross-fertilization and generates new insights (Katz & Martin, 1997;
McPherson, et al., 2001). Thus, research creativity requires degrees of
heterophily. However, homophily makes heterophilous communications
difficult to take place. Heterophilous communications is less frequent
as compared to homophilous communication. Patterns of ties among
individuals in a homogenous network constrain the knowledge flow between
homophilous individuals in the network and their heterophilous
counterparts from a far distance of the network. How to foster more
frequent communication between heterophilous individuals is a challenge.
Even when frequent homophilous communication is fostered, homophily
may also dilute heterophily when there is too much heterophilous
communication. Rogers, Medina, Rivera and Wiley (2005) suggest that
certain degree of heterophily is needed to promote innovation and
diffusion of innovation. However, homophily suggests that heterophilous
individuals, when their frequency of communication increases, can be
homogenized over time. Identifying an optimal balance between homophily
and heterophily is a challenge.
Even an optimal balance can be identified, maintaining the balance
is also a challenge. Bradeley, Hausmann and Nolan (1993) characterize
social networks as being less stable and more organic than functional
hierarchies. New networks are regularly and instantaneously formed, not
from top-down, but from bottom-up influenced by collaborations and
day-to-day interactions. The organic nature of collaboration networks
makes the control of the network-building process difficult or even not
Second, group taste and preference produced by homophily may
sometimes prevent groups from adapting in fast changing research
environments. Social interactions among people give members a sense of
identity and common purpose through the process of homophily. At the
same time, the identity and common purpose also constrain the evolution
of identity and purpose into the future (Woolcock & Narayan, 2000).
This creates 'path dependency' (Holland, 1995) in a complex
evolution process: future evolution is both supported and constrained by
the current status. Thus, the patterns of ties and network norms created
by homophily can be both strength and constraint; both promise and
In summary, the social network theories suggest that maintaining an
optimal balance between degrees of homophily and heterophily is a
critical challenge to successful innovation and capacity building.
Challenge 3: Management's Role in Building Collaboration
The first two challenges discussed above suggest that building
collaboration networks is challenging. A follow-up issue is whether
management should play a proactive role in building research
collaboration networks. If it does, how can it perform this role ?
This paper argues that management should take such a proactive
role. Coburn, Choi and Matta (2010) importantly critique the tendency to
overly focus on the organic nature of social networks and not look at
ways that organization could influence or support the development of
networks. Ron Burt (2000) asserts that managing an organizations social
capital is becoming one of the core competencies in knowledge-based
organizations. Scholars such as Reagans and McEvily (2003), Tilly (2005)
and Mansuri and Rao (2004) have also made similar arguments.
More specifically, Castells (2011) argues that management has a
role to create goal alignment when building social networks. He argues
that once a goal is programmed to a network, the network would have
greater capacity to perform efficiently and to reconfigure itself in
terms of ties and nodes to achieve its goals (for example, for an
institute's mission attainment). Moolenaar and Sleegers (2010)
suggest that management can perform this role more successfully if it
leverages existing social networks, because trust already exists. Thus,
this paper argues that management should take a proactive role to
stimulate and influence interactions and development with a commensurate
degree of governance in directing research.
It is not possible to prescribe ways in which management foster
goal alignment and build collaboration networks. Castells (2011) points
out that how different networks are programmed for goal alignment is a
process specific to each network. Power relationships at a particular
network have to be identified and understood in terms specific to the
network. Thus, a useful exploration is to identify tools that can
support management in addressing the two issues discussed above.
One possibility is to identify analytical tools to analyze research
collaboration networks to inform and guide the building process. IBM
(2013) advocates that in knowledge economy, management should use
analytics, not instinct. Social Network Analysis (SNA) (Burt, et al.,
2013) can be such an analytical tool. SNA is the study of the patterns
of social relations by examining how the structure of social relations
allocates resources, constrains behavior, and channels social change. It
is based on the assumption that the success or failure of societies and
organizations often depends on the patterns of their internal social
structures (Martin & Wellman, 2010). The tool has been increasingly
used to study the structures of social networks. With the theoretical
framing established in this paper, another paper is being prepared by
the author to highlight how SNA can be used to support the development
of research collaboration networks and the building of research
It is also important to note that while the above three issues have
highlighted some common issues across disciplines, there are also
discipline-specific variations to be considered in building research
network capacity. For example, Sooho and Bozeman (2005) study the
collaboration patterns across disciplines. They find that researchers in
computer sciences and electrical engineering tend to have more
collaborators whereas researchers in biological and life sciences as
well as civil engineering much less. If HEIs adopt the strategies
proposed in this paper to build research network capacity, the desired
level of collaborations should be calibrated according to the sweet
spots in each discipline.
Conclusion and Discussions
In summary, this paper argues that collaboration is important for
research and research collaboration networks can contribute to
HEI's research capacity and productivity. In the existing
literature, research capacity focuses on three dimensions:
individual's professional development, organizations policy,
culture and structural enablers, and inter-organizational linkages. This
paper broadened the perspectives of research capacity by advocating for
an additional dimension of research capacity: the interpersonal capacity
arising from research collaboration. The argument is significant to the
theory and practice of research capacity building.
Research collaboration networks are best developed organically from
the bottom-up, rather than superimposed from top-down. However, the
literature does not provide an adequate understanding of how to build
research collaboration networks to improve research productivity. This
paper drew references from social network theories and highlighted
propinquity, homophily and heterophily as three key mechanisms for
building research collaboration networks. These mechanisms suggest that
similarity and physical proximity breed social connection and at the
same time, social connections lead to more similarities. Maintaining
degrees of heterophily is thus critical for research creativity and
productivity. By connecting social network theories with the literatures
on research management and research capacity building, this paper
suggested a new avenue to advance the theory and practice of research
capacity building in specific and research management in general.
However, the practice of building research collaboration networks
to improve research productivity can be challenging. Three issues were
presented to illuminate the complexity. First, empirical studies suggest
that collaboration networks have nonlinear effect on research
productivity. More collaboration connections do not always lead to
higher research productivity. Being able to develop and maintain
collaboration networks at certain sweet spot, or sustainable network of
interactions with clearly defined goals, is critical and challenging.
Second, heterophilous communication is hard to foster, and too much
heterophilous communication may lead to homophily. This may negatively
affect knowledge cross-fertilization in collaboration. These two issues
led to the third issue for discussion: how management can take a
proactive role in building and optimizing research collaboration
networks. Invention of analytical tools to inform and support research
management is necessary.
One way for management to deal with the issues is to engage SNA as
a tool to inform and guide the building of research collaboration
networks. While SNA can be one possible solution, explorations of
possible solutions in breadth and depth are needed. The three issues and
the possible solutions are debatable in order to further advance the
theory and practice of building collaboration networks.
Readers should also note the limitations of this paper. First,
while this paper primarily argues for the importance of relational
properties, the properties of individuals should not be neglected.
Second, the disciplinary differences is noted in this paper but is not
examined further. Nevertheless, by expanding the dimensions of research
capacity and by introducing social network theories into research
capacity building, this paper contributes to the expansion of the
literature of research management and perhaps even the literature of
social network theories. It also informs the practice of research
management, in particular the practice of building research capacity at
interpersonal level.
Caption: Figure 1. Comparison of Institute A and Institute B
Caption: Figure 2. Network 1
Caption: Figure 3. Network 2
Author Note
Correspondence concerning this article should be addressed to Jun
Song HUANG, PhD, Tel: 62196177, Email: The
author was the Head of Education Research Administration and
Communication at the National Institute of Education Singapore before he
obtained a PhD degree in 2014 and pursued his research interests as a
research scientist. This paper is the crystallization of his
research-management experience in the past ten years. The article is
based on presentations at the first international meeting of the
National Council of University Research Administrators (NCURA) and the
annual congress of the International Networks of Research Management
Societies (INORMS) in 2014. The presentations showed how Social Network
Analysis (SNA) was used to build research collaboration networks and
research capacity in a HEI. The author thanks Associate Professor Victor
Chen at the National Institute of Education (Singapore) and the editors
of the Journal of Research Administration for their helpful suggestions
and constructive critiques.
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Jun Song Huang, PhD
National Institute of Education, Singapore
Jun Song Huang, PhD
Research Scientist
National Institute of Education
1 Nanyang Walk
Singapore 637616
Tel: 62196177
Figure 4. A holistic perspective on research capacity building
Inter-organizational level capacity
(Building via stakeholder engagement)
Organizational level capacity
(Building via organizational development)
Interpersonal level capacity
(Building via collaboration network development)
Individual level capacity
(Building via professional development)