Managing political risk in cross-national investment: a stakeholder view.
Gao, Yongqiang
Political risk originates from the negative actions of social
stakeholders of multinational enterprises (MNEs) in a given host
country, such as the host government and other non-governmental actors.
Further, there are various underlying reasons why the stakeholders take
negative actions against MNEs, among them MNEs cannot satisfy or balance
the competing interests of different stakeholders play an important
role. This paper discusses the political risk in cross-national business
from a stakeholder view. The possible negative actions of stakeholders
and their reasons are identified. The strategies and tactics to deal
with these stakeholders so as to prevent and control political risk are
Keywords: Multinational enterprise, Adverse action, Political risk,
Stakeholder management
Globalisation brings both chances and challenges to multinational
enterprises (MNEs). When MNEs exploit the market or cheaper labour or
law in a given host country, they may also confront with an environment
completely different from their home country's. The adverse actions
conducted by host country individuals or organisations threaten the
operation or the survival of MNEs. As a result, risk management is one
of the key objectives of MNEs (Ghoshal, 1987). Noncommercial risks, such
as war or expropriation, are important elements of risk management in
foreign direct investment, which is reflected in the extensive
literature on forecasting and managing political risk (for example,
Ghadar et al, 1983; Herring, 1983; Kobrin, 1982; Moran, 1998).
The extant literature on political risk, different studies often
provide different or conflicting opinions on the definition and scope of
political risk, and propose different methods and strategies to forecast
and manage political risk. For example, some studies defined political
risk in terms of (usually host) government interference with business
operations (Kobrin, 1979) and concentrated on adverse governmental
actions (Fitzpatrick, 1983), while others define it in a broader sense.
Truitt (1974) argued that "political risks are all
'non-business' risks such as creeping expropriation".
Frynas and Mellahi (2003) also argued that all sociopolitical risks are
political risk, and thus the political risk contains three types of
risks: political risk, government policy risk, and social risk.
Furthermore, for a long time, political risk is regarded as exogenous to
organisations and MNEs only play a passive role in managing it. As
Hadjikhani (2000) noted by citing past research work: "Industrial
organisation economics, transaction-cost economics, and studies of
internationalisation ... conceive of political actors as an external
constraint. Strategies of adaptation and avoidance in management models
of international political-risk studies are also based on assumptions of
government authority and postulate a passive role for MNCs".
However, some studies suggested that MNEs can play a more positive role
in controlling or managing political risk (for example, Boddewyn, 1988;
Boddewyn and Brewer, 1994; Hadjikhani, 2000; Frynas and Mellahi, 2003).
Such competing opinions on political risk reflect that political
risk is still a new topic in international business research, and some
well-designed theory or framework about political risk management is
still in short supply. Compared to the "macro" political risk
such as war, political turmoil, and social riot, MNEs confront more
frequently "micro" political risk such as the intervention of
host government and other non-governmental actors.
This study focuses on the micro-level of political risk. It aims at
identifying the underlying reasons that stakeholders take adverse
actions against MNEs and what the actions are, as well as the
corresponding strategies and tactics to prevent and control political
risk. This study contributes to the present studies in three aspects.
First, it introduces the stakeholder management theory into political
risk, which can be taken as a step to find a valid theory or framework
to clarify the different opinions in previous studies. Second, it
discusses political risk from a behavioural angle that previous studies
seldom used. It is the behaviour of MNEs and socio-political
stakeholders that causes the political risk. A behavioural angle helps
us to identify the underlying reasons of political risk and to take
corresponding measures. Third, unlike previous studies that focus on the
behaviour of the host government exclusively, this paper extends the
focus to all the key stakeholders of MNEs.
Literature Review
Although political risk is frequently mentioned in the literature
on international business, a consensus on the precise meaning of the
term has not yet been achieved (Fitzpatrick, 1983). Fitzpatrick (1983)
reviewed the previous studies and identified four categories of
definition of political risk. The first category defines political risk
in terms of government or sovereign action. The second category
identifies political risk in terms of occurrences of a political nature,
usually political events or constraints imposed at the specific industry
at the specific firm level. The third category is differentiated from
the first two by its deeper consideration of the concept of political
risk in terms of an environment rather than in isolation. The fourth
category is similar to the third but with no detailed definition of a
concept of political risk.
Political risk is also defined more precisely but also differently
either in terms of environmental change or behaviours of the host
government or other social actors. For example, Robock (1971) proposed
an operational definition of political risk, "in which political
risk in business exists when discontinuities, which are difficult to
anticipate, occur in the business environment as a result of political
change. These changes in the business environment constitute a risk if
they have the potential to affect to a significant extent the profit or
other goals of a particular enterprise."
Simon (1982) defined political risk as "governmental or
societal actions and policies, originating either within or outside the
host country, and negatively affecting either a select group of, or the
majority of, foreign business operations and investments." Howell
(2001) defined political risk as "the possibility of political
decisions or political and social events in a country will affect the
business climate in such a way that investors will lose money or not
make as much money as they expected".
Although many studies identify host governmental intervention as a
source of political risk, it is obvious that governmental intervention
is not the sole source of political risk. Simon (1982) contended that
political risk can be caused by internal, external, social, and
governmental sources. Basing on Simon's (1982) study, Alon and
Martin (1998) argued that the sources of macro political risk are
internal and external and related to societal, governmental, and
economic factors. Mudambi and Navarra (2003) pointed out that "the
literature on political risk has mainly been concerned with identifying
factors underlying observable government policies towards MNEs. However,
such analysis ignores the subtler aspects of the location's
business culture (Casson, 1991) and its overall attitude towards MNE
investors. These attitudes may be summarised by the political tradition
in the location, which can have tangible affects on an MNE even if no
policy pronouncements are made explicitly." Clark and Tunaru (2003)
noted explicitly that "The nature of political risk is such that it
is random and its sources are many and varied. These multiple sources
are also dependent upon each other. For example, a tax increase can
cause riots or a strike that hurts the company can cause the government
to issue a decree that satisfies labor's demands but that also
hurts the company. Similar relationships to one degree or another exist
between most political variables." These studies suggest that host
governmental intervention is one of sources of political risk. A
thorough analysis of sources of political risk should identify other
actor's behaviour.
The mainstream literature on political risk literature takes the
political environment as given and exogenous, and MNEs act as a passive
role in managing it (Hadjikhani, 2000). As a result, the prescriptions
for MNEs to treat political risk include avoiding or retreating from a
given host country or purchasing insurance to transfer political risk
from MNEs to insurance agents basing on risk assessment. However, the
popularly used political risk assessment models have a number of
deficiencies from the standpoint of the company (Alon and Martin, 1998).
The most important deficiency should be their error in forecasting major
political events. Kennedy (1987) showed that many of the major
organisations which perform political risk assessment failed to forecast
the Iranian revolution. Moreover, some political risks may be related to
the behaviours of MNEs, which cannot be forecast depending on external
political risk assessment. For instance, Makhija (1993) pointed out that
if the firm's operations impede the host government objects,
government intervention is predictable. Some studies also argued that
some behaviours or characteristics of MNEs may be associated with
political risks in developing countries (for example, Kim, 1988;
Poynter, 1982).
The variables that have been frequently discussed include: public
relations intensity, number of host nationals in total employee pool,
number of host nationals in executive/management positions, level of
commitment for community development, significant host government
contacts initiated by firms, level of commitment for occupational health
and safety of the host employees, and amount of job training and
education for host nationals (Kim, 1988). It indicates that political
risk assessment should think over the behaviours of MNEs.
Realising the endogenesis of political risk, some authors contended
that MNEs can play a more positive role in manipulating the political
environment or managing political risk (Boddewyn, 1988; Boddewyn and
Brewer, 1994; Hadjikhani, 2000; Frynas and Mellahi, 2003). Booth (1993)
suggested that if MNEs are faced with general coercive force, they
should take "adaptation" strategy. In studying the general
coercive actions and the responses of the business actors, Boddewyn
(1988) discussed the "negotiation" strategy and the role of
mediary actors when business actors try to manage problems with
political actors. However, when the political risk is sudden, such as in
a political crisis, the mediary actors lose their positions and
legitimacy. For such a turbulence, which can be firm-specific, the exit
strategy is proposed by some authors because of the focused hostile
actions of the government (Makhija, 1993). On the other hand, some
researchers advise against exiting and advocate firms to increase their
commitment (Staw, 1982), hoping that the increased commitment will
improve host government's attitude. These studies indicate that
MNEs can take a positive role in managing political risk. However,
systematic analysis on the strategies or tactics in managing political
risk is still in short supply.
This article introduces stakeholder theory into the study of
political risk. It discusses political risk from the interaction between
MNE's and its stakeholders' behaviour. In this article,
political risk is defined in terms of its source. It is defined as
"the adverse action of MNE's stakeholders in a given host
country". Why did those stakeholders take adverse action against
MNE? What are the possible adverse actions? And what are the appropriate
strategies and actions to deal with political risk? These questions are
analysed in this article.
Political Risk: The Stakeholder Framework
The stakeholder theory argues that the organisation has
relationships with many constituent groups and that it can engender and
maintain the support of these groups by considering and balancing their
relevant interests (Evan and Freeman, 1993; Freeman, 1984; Jones and
Wicks, 1999). In general, the stakeholder theory advises management to
keep the relationships among stakeholders in balance. When these
relationships become imbalanced, some stakeholder may set fire and bring
risk to the firm. As a result, the survival of the firm is in jeopardy
(Freeman, 1998).
However, the stakeholder theory advocates that management pays more
attention to the potentially important stakeholders. Which stakeholders
do and do not deserve or require management attention depends on the
evaluation of relationships between organisations and stakeholders based
on exchange transactions, power dependencies, legitimacy claims, or
other claims (Mitchell et al, 1997). Through identification, evaluation,
and assessment of stakeholders and stakeholder relationships, firms can
best navigate the public and private strategic environments in which
they operate, and in so doing, account for the range of relationships,
responsibilities, and interaction in their strategy formulation and
implementation (Cummings and Doh, 2000).
In the stakeholder literature, there is a line of argument that
anyone or anything that is affected by the organisation's
activities--including animals, fish, and inanimate objects--are all
potential stakeholders (Starik, 1994). Alternatively, there is also a
more limited view that defines stakeholders as those groups or
individuals that are in some mutually dependent relationship that, if
not dealt with properly, may lower corporate performance (Nasi et al.,
1997). An example of the limited view of stakeholder is Carroll (1996)
who defined stakeholder as "any individual or group who can affect
and is affected by the actions, decisions, policies, practices, or goals
of the organisation." For the purpose of this study, the limited
view of the stakeholder is more suitable.
Specifically, the typical stakeholders of business are also
identified in the literature. Freeman (1983) proposed two definitions of
stakeholder: a wide sense and a narrow sense. In the wide sense
definition, the stakeholders of business include: public interest
groups, protest groups, government agencies, trade associations,
competitors, unions, employees, customer segments, share owners, and
In the narrow definition, the stakeholders include: employees,
customer segments, certain suppliers, key government agencies,
shareowners, certain financial institutions, and others. Donaldson and
Preston (1995) proposed a stakeholder model of the corporation in which
eight stakeholders are identified. The stakeholders include:
governments, political groups, investors, suppliers, customers,
employees, trade associations, and communities. Similarly, the typical
stakeholders of business identified by Carroll (1996) are consumers,
suppliers, government, competitors, communities, employees, and
Keeping in mind that political risk is the stakeholders'
adverse action against MNEs and integrating the above arguments, this
article contends that the typical stakeholders of MNEs mainly include:
host government, host employees and labour union, host supplier,
customers/consumers, host competitors and trade association,
communities, and other non-governmental organisations (NGOs), opposition
party, and criminal gangs.
Why those stakeholders take adverse actions against MNE can be
observed in the "gap" that the actual performance of MNE lags
the expectation of those stakeholders on them. The stakeholder framework
of political risk I proposed is illustrated in Figure 1.
Identifying Stakeholders" Interests on MNEs
In many cases, the political risk is industry-specific or
firm-specific. Some MNEs may suffer losses resulting from the adverse
action of the host government and other stakeholders, while others may
not be influenced. The underlying reason that stakeholders act against
some MNEs and not against others lies in MNEs' failing to satisfy
the request of the stakeholders or the interests of MNEs' conflicts
with the stakeholders'. As a result, identification of the
stakeholders' requests or interests on the MNEs acts as a first
step to manage political risk.
Different stakeholders have different requests or interests on MNEs
(see Table 1). For example, the host government may wish MNEs to invest
in the host country so as to speed the economic development, to increase
employment, and to abide by laws and regulations. Host employees and
labour union focus their attention on the benefits of host employees.
Communities and other NGOs wish MNEs to be a responsible corporate
citizen in host country: to comply with laws, regulations and business
routines; to respect local culture, and to support charities and causes.
Host competitors and trade association ask MNE to compete fairly
and to maintain a relative balance in the industrial structure. Host
suppliers desire MNEs to localise purchase for raw materials or
components, while customers or consumers hope that MNEs provide high
quality goods or services at reasonable prices. The opposition party and
criminal gangs may take MNEs as a tool to realise their specific goals.
However, those goals are difficult to identify.
The interests of different stakeholders on MNEs may be consistent.
For example, almost all stakeholders wish MNEs to be a good corporate
citizen in the host country: to abide by the host country's laws,
regulations and business routines; to respect host country's social
and commercial culture; to support host country's charities; to
develop host country's economy, and increase employment. However,
the interests of different stakeholders may also conflict with each
other in some cases. For instance, local customers or consumers wish
MNEs to compete fully with local enterprises so that they can enjoy high
quality goods and services at lower prices. But host competitors and
trade associations may be dissatisfied since their interest is
challenged or even their survival is threatened. As a consequence, MNEs
should develop different strategies to deal with the
"consistent" interests and "conflicting" interests
Dissatisfied stakeholders or where interests have been overlooked
stakeholders may invoke adverse actions against MNEs and thus result in
political risk.
Adverse Actions of Stakeholders
As discussed previously, the adverse actions of stakeholders
against MNEs are the source of political risk. In the literature, the
host government's intervention in the operation of MNEs has been
widely identified as source of political risk (Fitzpatrick, 1983;
Kobrin, 1979). However, the actions of other stakeholders against MNEs
are largely overlooked. In fact, different stakeholders may take
different actions against MNE (see Table 2). For instance, the host
government may nationalise MNEs or impose various restrictions on the
operations of MNEs; host employees and labour union may organise a
strike against MNEs; NGOs in host country may publish negative reports
against MNEs; host competitors may lobby or press host government to
control imports and establish new entry barriers; local customers or
consumers may boycott MNE's goods or services; and criminal gangs
may rob and kidnap MNE's employees.
Clearly, the adverse actions of stakeholders act on MNEs by two
ways: (a) a direct way that stakeholders take adverse actions against
MNEs directly. For example, the host government formulates new
regulations on MNEs or the labour union organises a strike against the
MNE. (b) An indirect way that non-governmental stakeholders lobby or
press host government to take actions against the MNEs.
The distinction between these two approaches has important
implication for MNEs to manage political risk. Some previous studies
only take the host government as the originator of political risk for
MNEs, they neglect the fact that in some cases the host government only
acts as a tool or middleperson in which competitors or other
non-governmental actors act as the real manipulator. Therefore,
political risk management should not only pay attention to the host
government, but also to the non-governmental actors who act as the
initiator behind the curtain.
Political Risk Management: Strategies and Tactics
Some scholars argue that MNEs can play a more active role in
managing political risk have proposed relevant strategies or tactics to
deal with political risk. For example, Oliver (1991) suggested that
firms can take compliance, evasion, negotiation, cooperation, coalition
building, and cooption strategies to cope with the host government.
Similarly, Boddewyn and Brewer (1994) argued that different types of
MNEs should develop differentiated economic, political, and social
responses towards competitors, customers, suppliers, governments, and
other nonmarket stakeholders. Furthermore, the authors proposed five
forms of political behaviour to deal with government, that is,
compliance, avoidance, circumvention, conflict, and partnership.
However, previous studies on political risk management have several
deficiencies. At first, most previous studies on political responses of
firms are limited to a given country, such as Oliver's (1991),
whether the behaviours can be extended to the international business
situation or not need to be tested further.
Secondly, some studies, for example, Boddewyn and Brewer's
(1994), have discussed the political behaviours of MNEs in a given host
country. However, the behaviours of MNEs discussed by the authors only
targets host government other than other stakeholders.
Thirdly, the strategies or behaviours of MNEs proposed in previous
studies are based on the bargaining power of MNEs against the host
government. Those strategies or tactics may not be suitable for MNEs to
manage political risk. For example, as previous studies suggested, MNEs
with high bargaining power against the host government may take
"conflict" behaviour and ask the host government to make
concession. However, such behaviour may spell trouble for the MNEs in
the long term.
This study proposes the proper strategies and tactics that aim at
preventing and controlling adverse actions of stakeholders of MNEs in
the long term. As the stakeholder theory indicates, the core idea of
political risk management is to consider, satisfy, and balance the
interests of all stakeholders. Since different stakeholders have either
consistent or competing interests on MNEs, the strategies and tactics I
proposed here either satisfy the consistent interests (aiming at
preventing political risk) or mediate the competing interests (aiming at
alleviating the negative effect of political risk) (See Table 3).
Defensive Strategy
Defensive strategy aims at guarding against an adverse action of
stakeholders. The tactics included in this strategy are self constraint
of MNEs, commitment, balance, and cooperation.
The MNEs' misconducts act as an important source of political
risk. Acts such as bribery, tax dodging, environmental pollution,
running sweatshops, dumping, unfair competition, and so forth in the
host country, are deemed to cause political risk (Gao, 2007). As a
consequence, self constraint of conduct acts as an important tool to
prevent MNEs from political risk.
Commitment is also an important approach to get the support of the
host government and NGOs (Hung, 2002). In studying foreign enterprises
in China, Chen (2004) proposed four different commitments. The first is
to increase their investments in China. The second is to use their
advanced technologies and management techniques for the betterment of
Chinese society. The third is to devote themselves to communities and
social affairs. The last approach is to localise multinationals'
practices in China by hiring and training Chinese employees. Although
Chen's study focuses on MNEs in China, his suggestion can be
adapted to other countries.
Balance means that MNEs should consider the interests of all
stakeholders simultaneously. The host government is the visible actor of
political risk, but other stakeholders may act as the manipulator behind
the curtain. Therefore, MNEs should try to satisfy the interest of the
host government, as well as those of other stakeholders.
Cooperation is a tactic recommended by some scholars in dealing
with the host government (Oliver, 1991; Boddewyn and Brewer, 1994).
Cooperation means that MNEs bind their interest with those of the
stakeholders, so as to avoid their adverse actions. The cooperative
forms are various, depending on the different types of partners. For
example, MNEs can cooperate with the host government to develop the
local economy; can set up joint ventures with host competitors; can
purchase raw materials from host suppliers; can cooperate with
communities and environmentalists to improve environmental quality; and
so forth. Management of MNEs should keep in mind that with better
bonding with the host stakeholders, there is less possibility that they
take adverse actions against the MNEs.
Controlling Strategy
Controlling strategy aims at alleviating or relieving the negative
effect after a political risk has taken place. Four tactics are included
in this strategy. They are giving priority to powerful stakeholders,
coalition building, using mediator, and turning to external forces.
Stakeholders may have competing or conflicting interests with MNEs.
MNEs cannot eliminate this conflict but they can alleviate the negative
effects of such a conflict by giving priority to the interest of
powerful stakeholders. Therefore, giving differential treatment to
different stakeholders should be an important factor to control
political risk.
In some cases, adverse actions of stakeholders may act on some MNEs
or on the whole industry. Under those situations, MNEs can build
coalitions with those who have the same interest and to strengthen their
bargaining power against the stakeholders. Coalition building is also
recommended by Oliver (1991). An example of coalition building is for
MNEs to bargain with host government Gao (2008) is found that 54 foreign
companies formed a coalition to bargain with the State Council of China
when they heard that the latter wanted to integrate income tax for
domestic and foreign companies (foreign companies enjoy revenue
alleviation in China since 1978, the income tax rate for domestic firms
is 33 per cent while that for foreign companies is 15 per cent) and to
increase the income tax rate of foreign companies in 2004.
A mediator is often needed when the bilateral relationship between
an MNE and its stakeholders is under tension (Boddewyn, 1988). In fact,
mediation is the most used tactic in resolving disputes in international
In addition to using mediators, MNEs can also turn to external
forces. The main external forces are the business partners in the host
country and the home government. Since the stakeholder management
results in profits for some stakeholders and losses for others, MNEs can
resort to the satisfied stakeholders to deal with the dissatisfied.
Moreover, MNEs can ask their home government to negotiate with the host
government so as to reduce its intervention in the operations of MNEs.
Accompanying the emergence of globalisation, political risk has
become a hot topic in the academia of international business. Compared
to the overall political risk such as war or political turmoil, some
political risk may be industry-specific or firm-specific, due to the
intervention of the host government or the adverse actions of other
non-governmental actors.
MNEs should aim at building long-term good relationship with all
the stakeholders and avoiding their adverse actions against them, by
considering and balancing all the stakeholders' interests. However,
in some cases, MNEs cannot meet the claims of stakeholders because the
claims are too much or different claims compete with each other. Under
such situations, a political risk may take place. Then MNEs should take
controlling strategies to alleviate the negative effect of such
political risks.
This study is financially supported by the Humanity & Social
Science Fund of Education Ministry of China (No 06JC630011).
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Yongqiang Gao
Huazhong University of Science & Technology, Wuhan
Table 1: Key Interests of Stakeholders on MNEs
Stakeholders Key Interests on MNEs
Host government Making investment commitment;
Increasing employment;
Abiding by laws and regulations.
Host employees/ Complying with labour policies;
Labour union Improving host employees' welfare.
Community and Complying with laws, regulations and
other NGOs business routines;
Respecting local social and commercial
Supporting education, environmental
protection, sports, and other charities;
To be a responsible corporate citizen.
Host competitors/ Fair competition;
Trade association Maintaining a relative balance in industrial
Host suppliers Localisation of purchase for raw materials
or components.
Customers/Consumers Providing high quality goods or services
at reasonable price.
Opposition party/ MNE is taken as a tool to realise specific
Criminal gangs but hard to be identified goals.
Table 2: Typical Adverse Actions of Stakeholders against MNEs
Stakeholders Typical Adverse Actions
Host government Nationalisation or exproriation;
Restrictions on remittance, imports or
exports, and operations;
Price controls;
Taxation discrimination;
Discrimination in purchase policy;
Anti-MNE rules; etc.
Host employees/ Organise a strike against the MNE;
Labour union Lobby or press host government to impose
restrictions on the operation of MNEs.
Communities and Publish negative reports against MNEs;
other NGOs Advocate the public to boycott MNEs goods or
services; Lobby or press host government to
impose restrictions on MNEs.
Customers/ Lobby or press host government to impose
consumers restrictions on MNEs.
Boycott MNEs goods or services.
Opposition party/ Stage a coup d' tat which threatens MNEs
fraction, Criminal interest; Launch a civil war;
gang Rob and kidnap employees of MNE;
Destroy physical facilities of MNE.
Table 3: Strategies and Tactics in Political Risk Management
Strategies Tactics Explanation
Defensive strategy * Self constraint of MNE; Defensive strategy
* Commitment; aims at guarding
* Balance: against an adverse
* Cooperation. action of
Controlling strategy * Giving priority to Controlling strategy
powerful stakeholders; aims at alleviating
* Coalition building; or relieving the
* Using mediator; negative effect
* Turning to external after a political
forces. risk has taken