Intellectual Humility: Scale Development and Theoretical Elaborations in the Context of Religious Leadership.
McElroy, Stacey E. ; Rice, Kenneth G. ; Davis, Don E. 等
This article focused on how perceptions of intellectual humility
(IH)--humility regarding one's knowledge or influence over
ideas--affect relationships with religious leaders. We developed an
informant report measure of IH perceptions using exploratory (Study 1; N
= 213) and confirmatory (Study 2; N = 213) factor analyses, as well as a
basic manipulation of LH (Study 3; N = 139). Then in Study 4 (N = 105),
we examined IH in the context of a major betrayal by a religious leader
(i.e., aligning with several factors theorized to strain the practice of
IH). The results provide preliminary evidence for the psychometric
soundness of the scale, including reliability and content validity of
the scores. The scale was able to distinguish between IH and other
constructs. Furthermore, the results provide initial evidence that IH is
related to social bonds, as perceptions of IH were related to trust and
higher forgiveness toward the religious leader, and positive attitudes
towards the Sacred.
We would like to acknowledge the generous financial support of a
grant from the Fuller Theological Seminary / Thrive Center in concert
with the John Templeton Foundation, Grant No. 108 (Intellectual Humility
in Religious Leaders), as well as the John Templeton Foundation (Grant
No. 29630, The Development, Validation, and Dissemination of Measures of
Intellectual Humility and Humility; Grant No. 14979, Relational
Humility: An Interdisciplinary Approach to the Study of Humility). The
opinions expressed in this publication are those of the author(s) and do
not necessarily reflect the views of the Fuller Thrive Center or the
John Templeton Foundation.
Whereas philosophy and theology have studied virtue for thousands
of years, psychology has only recently joined the conversation. The
positive psychology movement has begun to close this gap for some
virtues (Peterson & Seligman, 2004). Although humility has been
historically understudied, researchers have begun investigating this
construct (e.g., Emmons, 2013; Exline & Hill, 2012; Nielsen,
Marrone, & Slay, 2010). However, intellectual humility (IH), one of
several epistemic virtues being studied by philosophers (e.g., Roberts
& Wood, 2007), has not been studied in psychology. Thus, in the
present article, we define IH and extend a model of humility to describe
its function within relationships, and then attempt to adduce initial
evidence for the key proposition that IH helps re ate social bonds.
Humility involves (a) an accurate or moderate view of one's
strengths and weaknesses as well as being (b) interpersonally
other-oriented rather than self-focused, marked by the ability to
restrain egotism (i.e., self-oriented emotions such as pride or shame)
in ways that maintain social acceptance (Davis et at, 2011). Whereas
humility refers to a variety of domains, intellectual humility (IH)
pertains to one's knowledge or intellectual influence. Namely, IH
involves having (a) insight about the limits of one's knowledge,
marked by openness to new ideas; and (b) regulating arrogance, marked by
the ability to present one's ideas in a non-offensive manner and
receive contrary ideas without taking offense, even when confronted with
alternative viewpoints. The difference between humility and IH is the
specificity of IH, much like verbal intelligence is theorized to be a
sub-domain of general intelligence. Both humility and IH are
fundamentally relational in nature because they involve regulating
interactions with others. However, IH specifically refers to humility
regarding one's beliefs and
. For example, many religions encourage humility as a virtue.
Although one may present as humble in most aspects of their life, one
might become particularly opinionated and offensive when discussing
religion with a member of another denomination or faith. We posit that
intellectual humility is especially pertinent anytime there is a
competition or negotiation of ideas in a relationship or group.
Intellectually humble people regulate their concern for being
They remain open to new ideas, and incorporate various sources of
information. They base their beliefs on sound evidence, and they adjust
their beliefs according to new evidence. Interpersonally, they also
present evidence for their ideas fairly, rather than using manipulative
strategies to influence decisions. Roberts and Wood (2003) posited that
IH is especially important for individuals viewed by their communities
as intellectually talented, accomplished, and skilled, such as leaders.
Their power allows them to exert greater influence over ideas within a
group, and requires IH for them to maintain fair exchange of ideas
within the community.
Intellectual Humility in Relationships
Extending a model of relational humility (Davis et al., 2011), we
conceptualize IH as a trait that helps people predict how they will be
treated by a target person. Personality judgments store and communicate
information about a target person's reputation. Being known as
intellectually arrogant hurts one's opportunities for cooperation,
whereas being known as intellectually humble can allow one to leverage
trust in order to form and strengthen relationships (Baumeister, Bauer,
& Lloyd, 2010).
To judge a trait accurately, one must have an opportunity to
observe trait relevant behavior (Funder, 1995). Davis et A. (2013)
theorized that humility is most accurately judged in situations that
evoke egotism (e.g., involvement in escalating conflict, or engagement
in a power struggle). That is, humility and its sub-domains are best
assessed under strain. One avenue to judge IH well is to see how someone
responds to situations that generally provoke intellectually arrogant
behavior. This conceptualization builds on theorizing that virtues
involve strengthening one's capacity for self-regulation. Like a
"muscle" that is temporarily weakened after use but can be
strengthened over time (Baumeister et al., 2010; Muraven &
Baumeister, 2000), one can develop habits that promote intellectually
humble behavior, even in the face of situational factors that cause most
people to arrogantly advance their own perspective without sensitivity
to alternative viewpoints.
There are numerous contexts that may make IH difficult to practice,
and we briefly highlight four here. The first involves discussion of
ideas that are linked to identity--used by groups as a signal of
loyalty. The second is the experience of negative moral emotions (e.g.,
contempt or disgust), which narrow thinking and action tendencies,
amplify cognitive biases, cause arrogant or stubborn behavior, and
promote a sense of moral superiority that decreases empathy and
facilitates aggression (Fredrickson, 2001; Westen, Bla-gov, Harenslci,
Kilts, & Hamann, 2006). The third is negotiation of a meaningful
decision, especially when individuals disagree with one another and are
both emotionally invested in the outcome. The fourth is imbalance of
power in relationships in which a leader holds influence over ideas and
their exchange (Roberts &Wood, 2003). Religious leaders are
especially notable examples because they not only possess public
influence but are also trusted to explain "God's will."
Intellectual Humility in Leaders
Davis et al. (2013) proposed that humility judgments regulate the
strength of social bonds (commitment and trust are close proxies for the
strength of a social bond). Social bonds cause people in interdependent
relationships to react to each other's needs as their own (Brown
& Brown, 2006). Strong social bonds cause people to not only
sacrifice, but to enjoy sacrificing (for a review, see Stanley, Rhoades,
& Whitton, 2010). Thus, bonds require precise regulation, otherwise
one will be exploited by those who draw upon strong bonds but do not
Perceptions of IH may be especially important in leader-subordinate
relationships. Leadership researchers have contrasted transactional
leadership (i.e., offering rewards for effort) with transformational
leadership (i.e., providing a larger vision so that people develop a
social bond with their organization, and serving their group becomes a
key part of their identity). Instead of simply being paid with money,
they are paid with meaning and belonging. Transformational leadership
has been linked with various positive outcomes such as trust (Goodwin,
Whittington, Murray, & Nichols, 2011) and organizational commitment
(McMurray, Pirola-Merlo, Sarros, & Islam, 2010). Accordingly,
subordinates may be vulnerable to a leader who can draw upon strong
bonds without reciprocating. An example might be a narcissistic leader
who is adept at drawing admiration from followers, but leaves a trail of
relationship problems in her or his wake. We posit that IH helps balance
the leader's power. When subordinates perceive a leader as an
unfair negotiator of ideas, they will communicate offenses to each other
and spread negative information that will affect the leader's
reputation. However, if leaders are able to display IH, they will likely
be perceived as more democratic and fair, thus protecting their
Accordingly, we theorize that a key function of IH is to prevent
relational wear-and-tear, like oil prevents an engine from overheating.
We call this the social oil hypothesis. Leaders are selected based on
traits that promote competition, such as intelligence, assertiveness, or
work ethic (Waldron, 2012). However, these qualities do not necessarily
lead to high quality close relationships. For example, CEOs are more
likely than others to have marital problems (Meers & Strober, 2009).
Collins (2001) identified "great leaders" who not only led
their companies into a period of enhanced productivity, but the
companies thrived after they left their post. These leaders had a unique
blend of drive and humility. Thus, IH may provide a healthy climate
where ideas are freely and fairly exchanged. Indeed, Owens and Hekman
(2012) linked humility with a variety of positive organizational
outcomes. However, there has been no work specifically on LH in the
context of subordinate-leader relationships.
The Present Study
Given the lack of research on IH in leaders, the purpose of the
present set of studies is to examine preliminary evidence for the
hypothesis that perceptions of IH regulate other relational constructs.
There are no existing measures of intellectual humility, so in the first
three studies we developed a measure of perceptions of IH, using
exploratory (Study 1) and confirmatory (Study 2) factor analyses, as
well as a basic experimental manipulation (Study 3). In Study 4 we
examined perceptions of IH of a religious leader following a major
betrayal. Religious leadership is a relationship particularly prone to
exploitation, given that such individuals are often viewed as having a
privileged relationship with the Sacred (which is important for
followers' identity). Given this status, their perspective often
carries more weight than other members of the congregation, and it can
be especially disruptive when they violate trust. For this reason, we
expect evaluations of IH to be associated with appraisals of relational
spiritualty such as desecration and anger towards God (Exline, Park,
Smyth, & Carey, 2011; Mahoney, Rye, & Par-gament, 2005).
Finally, to the degree that judgments of IH regulate social bonds, we
expect to see 1H negatively associated with levels of unforgiveness.
Study 1: Factor Structure of the Intellectual Humility Scale
The purposes of Study 1 were to (a) determine the factor structure
of the Intellectual Humility Scale (IHS); (b) winnow items to create a
brief, face-valid measure of IH judgments; and (c) provide initial
evidence of estimated internal consistency of the scale and subscales.
Participants. Participants (N = 213) were a corn-m unity sample
(158 women). Ages ranged from 18-72 (M = 36.15; SD = 13.32). The sample
was primarily Caucasian (73.0
), followed by 11.7% Black/African American, 7.3% Asian/Asian
American, 4.0% Latino/ Latina, and 4.0% Other or did not report.
Measure. We generated a list of 60 face-valid items based on our
conceptualization of IH. We created the items to reflect intrapersonal
and interpersonal aspects of IH. Example items included Is interested in
alternative viewpoints," "Is open to other's ideas,"
and "Always has to have the last word in an argument."
Participants rated the IH of a parent by indicating their agreement with
items using a 5-point rating scale ranging from 1 = strongly disagree to
5 = strongly agree.
Procedure. Participants were recruited through Amazon's MTurk
and participated in exchange for a small monetary compensation.
Participants were required to be at least 18 years old and reside in the
United States. After giving consent, participants were randomly assigned
to rate their mother or father (53.2% rated mothcr; 39.5%, father; 6.5%,
primary caregiver, if not raised by biological parent) on the IH items.
Because we wanted to develop an informant report measure of IH, the
participants were asked to rate a caregiver rather than themselves. We
chose the parental relationship because we wanted someone that
participants not only knew very well, but also might vary widely in
terms of degree of relationship quality. The prompt at the beginning of
the survey simply instructed the participants to "Rate your
agreement with each item regarding the person you are rating."
After completing questionnaires, participants were debriefed.
Results and Discussion
The correlation matrix for all humility items was analyzed using
Principal Axis Factor Analysis estimation with an oblique (Promax)
rotation. Although orthogonal rotation is more widely used, we employed
oblique rotation to allow factors to correlate with one another (Reise,
Waller, & Comrey, 2000). This is a more appropriate method in social
sciences research, because behaviors may not be independent from one
another (Costello & Osborne, 2005). Parallel analysis was used to
help determine the number of factors to extract (see Steger, 2006),
which suggested a three-factor solution. We retained a two-factor
solution, however, because the third factor did not have enough items (N
= 2) to make a reliable subscale. These two items were dropped rather
than incorporated into the two remaining subscales. After examining the
content of items, the factors were named Intellectual Openness (I0)
(e.g., "Is open to others' ideas") and Intellectual
Arrogance (IA) (e.g., "Has little patience for others'
beliefs."). Items on the IA subscale were reverse coded. The first
and second factors accounted for 56.95% and 6.94% of the variance in
items, respectively. Items were dropped that did not load at least .50
on their primary factor, or that loaded over .25 on any secondary
The final version of the Intellectual Humility Scale (IHS)
consisted of 16 items, with two factors that are theoretically
consistent with our definition of IH. The JO subscale contained items
that aligned with the first part of our definition, which focused on
having insight into the limits of one's knowledge, evidenced by an
openness to new ideas (e.g., "Is good at considering the
limitations of their perspective; Is open to competing ideas"). The
IA subscale contained items that aligned with the second part of our
definition, which focused on being able to regulate arrogant behaviors,
evidenced by the ability to present one's ideas in a non-offensive
manner even when confronted with alternative viewpoints (e.g.,
"Often becomes angry when their ideas are not implemented; Becomes
angry when their advice is not taken"). We ran a second exploratory
factor analysis after dropping items, in order to estimate descriptive
statistics and factor loadings (see Table 1). The Cronbach's alpha
coefficients were .94 for JO (7 items) and .93 for IA (9 items). The two
factors were strongly correlated with each other, r = .74, p < .001.
These findings provide initial evidence that the IHS has a two-factor
structure. Because items were winnowed based on the characteristics of
one sample, we sought to confirm the factor structure in a different
sample in Study 2.
Study 2: Cross-Validation of Factor Structure
Study 1 yielded a two-factor solution for a 16-item scale of IH.
The purposes of Study 2 were to (a) replicate the two-factor structure
of the IHS using a different sample and (b) provide additional evidence
of the estimated internal consistency of the scale and subscales.
Participants and procedure. Participants (N = 213) were a community
sample (118 women) recruited through Amazon's MTurk. Ages ranged
from 19 to 71 (M = 34.78; SD = 12.12). The sample was mostly Caucasian
(82.2%); 5.6 % were Black/African American, 3.8% Asian/Asian American,
2.3% Latino/ Latina, and 6.1% Other or did not report. We used the same
procedure as in Study 1.
Measure. Participants completed the 16-item IHS developed in Study
1. For the current sample, the Cronbach's alpha coefficients were
.93 for the IA subscale and .92 for the 10 subscale. To further assess
reliability, we also calculated construct reliability (CR) for the IA
(CR = .92) and 10 (CR = .92) subscale scores (CR corrects for
attenuation by modeling measurement error; see Fan, 2003). The subscales
were strongly correlated with each other, r = .73,p < .001.
Results and Discussion
The covariance matrix was analyzed with MLR estimation using Mplus
6.1 (Muthen & Muthen, 2008). Items of the IHS were used as
indicators of the IA and JO factors, which were modeled as correlated.
Several fit indices were examined to evaluate the overall fit of the
model--the Chi-square value, the comparative fit index (CFI), the
square-root-mean-residual (SRMR), and the
root-mean-square-error-approximation (RM-SEA). As a rule of thumb, a CFI
around .95, an SRMR equal or less than .08, and an RMSEA equal or less
than .06 suggest good fit (Hu & Bender, 1999). We found that the
two-factor model showed good fit, x2(89) = 106.23, p < .001, CFI=
.98, SRMR = .04, RNISEA = .03. Factor loadings ranged from .68 to .88.
Furthermore, because the correlations between the subscale scores were
high, we calculated average variance extracted (AVE) to examine the
discriminate validity of the scores. The AVE of the JO subscale score
(.63) and the IA subscale score (.61) were both higher than the squared
correlation between the subscales (.53), indicating adequate
discriminate validity (see Fornell & Larcker, 1981). Thus, the
results of Study 2 provide additional evidence for the two-factor
structure and internal consistency of the IHS.
Study 3: Differentiating between Virtues
The primary purpose of Study 3 was to conduct a basic experiment to
explore whether the IHS detects differences between known groups.
Namely, participants were randomly assigned to think of someone most or
least virtuous in one of three areas: IH, modesty, or drive. We
hypothesized that the IHS would do a better job distinguishing between
nominees in the IH conditions than for the modesty or drive conditions.
We also examined how perceptions of IH were related to relational
constructs and other judgments of personality. Related to our theorizing
that 1H should help regulate social bonds, we hypothesized that IH would
be positively related to trust. We also hypothesized that IH would be
positively related to agreeableness and openness, consistent with the
content of the two subscales of the IHS: Intellectual Arrogance and
Intellectual Openness.
Participants. Participants were 139 undergraduates (99 women,
71.2%) from a large urban university in the Southeastern region of the
United States. The mean age was 25.11 years (SD = 5.92). The sample was
ethnically diverse (32.4% Black/African American; 32.4% White; 15.1%
Asian/Pacific Islander; 12.2% Latino/a; 5.8% Multiracial; 0.7% American
Indian; and 1.4% did not respond). Most participants identified as
Christian (71.2%), followed by Muslim (2.9%), Hindu (4.3%), Buddhist
(3.6%), and Jewish (0.7%); 17.2% reported no religious affiliation or
did not respond. Finally, most participants identified as heterosexual
(86.3%) followed by gay or lesbian (3.0%), bisexual (2.2%), and no
response (8.6%).
Intellectual humility. Intellectual Humility was assessed with the
final version of the IHS (see Table 1).
TABLE 1 Items, Means, Standard Deviations, and Factor
Loading of the IHS (Study 1)
Often becomes angry when their ideas 2.81 1.29 .85 .07
are not implemented.
Values winning an argument over 2.52 1.29 .84 -.01
maintaining a relationship.
Always has to have the last word in 2.76 1.34 .79 .02
an argument.
Gets defensive if others do not 2.86 1.29 .78 -.07
agree with them.
Becomes angry when their advice is 2.86 1.28 .75 -.03
not taken,
Has little patience for others' 2.69 1.28 .73 -.10
Acts like a know-it-all. 2.44 1.29 .70 -.08
Often points out others' mistakes. 3.04 1.26 .67 -.06
Makes fun of people with different 2.48 1.30 .63 -.15
Seeks out alternative viewpoints. 2.94 1.12 .13 .89
Encourages others to share their 3.23 1.15 -.04 .71
Enjoys diverse perspectives. 3.02 1.16 -.05 .82
Is open to competing ideas. 3.18 1.13 -.06 .81
Is good at mediating controversial 2.89 1.17 -.07 .73
Is good at considering the 3.07 1.14 -.09 .77
limitations of their perspective.
Is open to others' ideas. 3.22 1.17 -.18 .72
Note. Bold = primary factor loading; IO = Intellectual
Openness; IA = Intellectual Arrogance.
Trust. The 8-item Dyadic Trust Scale (DTS; Lar-zelere & Huston,
1980) was used to assess trust in relationships. Items (e.g.
"He/she is primarily interested in his (her) own welfare.")
were completed using a 5-point Likert-type scale (1 = strongly disagree,
5 = strongly agree). The DTS had a Cronbach's alpha of .87 in a
previous study using undergraduates (Conley, Moors, Ziegler, &
Feltner, 2011). The scores on the scale have shown evidence of construct
validity, correlating with measures of love and depth of self-disclosure
(Larzelere & Huston, 1980).
Personality. The 44-item Big Five Inventory (BFI; John, Donahue,
& Kentle, 1991) was used to assess personality judgments of the
target person's openness, agreeableness, neuroticism,
conscientiousness, and extraversion. Items (e.g., "Is
inventive") were completed on a 5-point Likert-type scale (1 =
strongly disagree; 5 = strongly agree). The BFI had Cronbach's
alphas for the subscales ranging from .75-.80 (John et al., 1991). The
scores on the scale have shown evidence of construct validity, being
correlated with other measures of personality such as the NEO (Costa
& McCrae, 1992).
Procedure. Participants were recruited from an undergraduate
research pool and received partial course credit for completing the
study; they indicated consent and completed all measures online.
Participants were randomly assigned to one of six conditions, in a 2
(most or least virtuous) x 3 (IH, modesty, drive) design. Participants
were prompted by the following question:
Who is the most [least] intellectually humble [modest; driven]
person that you have known personally (please do not list this person by
name or give us enough information to specifically identify that person.
You can just describe your relationship with the person. For example,
parent, close friend, family member, etc.)?
We intentionally refrained from defining these constructs for
participants because we are especially interested in how people
understand and perceive humility within relationships, and were
interested in whether lay perceptions of these three constructs would
show predictable differences on our new measure. After selecting
someone, they rated the target person's level of IH as well as
other measures of relationship dynamics and personality.
Results and Discussion
Alphas, means, standard deviations, and intercor-relations are
reported in Table 2. Since correlations between the IHS subscales,
trust, and the BFI were only negligibly different, we proceeded with
further analyses using the full scale IHS (see Table 2). Our first
hypothesis was that the IHS would do a better job distinguishing between
most and least intellectually humble conditions than it would between
most and least modest or driven conditions. To test this hypothesis, we
conducted a 2 (most or least virtuous) x 3 (1H, modesty, drive) between
groups ANOVA. The predicted interaction was found, F(6, 115) = 12.29, p
< .001. To interpret the interaction, we conducted follow-up t-tests,
calculated Cohen's d, and the 95% confidence intervals of the
effect sizes. Calculating the confidence intervals of the effect sizes
helped us determine if the IHS was able to meaningfully distinguish
between the constructs. For all three virtues (i.e., IH, modesty,
drive), participants in the most or least virtuous groups differed from
each other on IHS scores, but the magnitude of that difference was
greater for the IH condition (442] = 6.14, p < .001; d= 2.16) than
for the modesty (427] = 2.66,p = .014; d = 1.06) or drive (453] = 2.70,
p = .010; d = .74) conditions. The confidence interval for the IHS
scores in the modesty condition (20.74 + 16.07) overlapped with both the
confidence intervals for the IHS scores in the IH (28.57 + 8.25) and
drive (9.43 + 7.03) conditions. However, the confidence intervals for
the IHS scores in the IH and drive conditions did not overlap with each
other, suggesting that the IHS was clearly able to distinguish IH from
the less closely related construct of drive.
TABLE 2 Descriptive Statistics and Intercorrelations
Construct M SD [alpha] r(IHS-FS) r(lA) r(IO)
Study 3
Intellectual 51.92 17.43 .96
Relationship with
Trust 28.09 10.08 .95 .74*** .70*** .68***
Agrccablencss 30.57 9.66 .93 .78*** .73*** .70***
Openness 31.62 6.58 .80 .54*** .45*** .57***
Conscientiousness 31.72 8.32 .90 .58*** .53*** .55***
Extravcrsion 27.95 5.58 .75 -.070 -.097 -.022
Neuroticism 22.41 7.15 .87 -.58*** -.54*** -.54***
Study 4
Intellectual 46.59 15.96 .94
Viewing the 19.04 9.96 .96 -.07 -.03 -.11
offense as a
Anger towards God 22.43 18.52 .84 -.35** -.35** -.29**
Positive Attitudes 19.24 7.20 .99 .31** .37*** .23*
towards God
Repair of social
Benevolence 18.76 5.00 .80 .41*** .45*** .35***
Avoidance 21.22 7.57 .88 -.54*** -.51*** -.51***
Revenge 8.94 4.09 .85 -20 -.14 -.22*
Note. IHS-FS = Full Scale; IA = Intellectual Arrogance;
IO = Intellectual Openness.
*p<.05, **p<.01, ***p< .001.
Our second hypothesis was that IH would be positively related to
trust, as well as openness and agreeableness. This hypothesis was
supported. Intellectual Humility was strongly and positively related to
trust (r = .74,p < .001). As predicted, IH was also strongly and
positively related to perceptions of agreeableness (r = .78,p <.001)
and openness (r= .54,p <.001). Finally, IH was also related to
conscientiousness (r = .58, p < .001) and neuroticism (r =--.58,p
< .001), but was not significantly related to extraversion
(r=--.07,p= .311).
Thus, the results of Study 3 provided preliminary evidence of
construct validity for the IHS scores. Namely, we created six known
groups by randomly assigning people to think of someone most or least
virtuous on three different constructs (i.e., IH, modesty, drive), and
found the expected interaction that suggested the IHS did a better job
ofdistinguishing groups for IH than for drive. We also found preliminary
evidence to support our hypothesis that 1H is related to the strength of
social bonds, with IH being positively related to trust. Also,
consistent with our theorizing, perceptions of IH were strongly related
to perceptions of higher agreeableness and openness.
Study 4: Intellectual Humility and Betrayal by a Religious Leader
We previously described several factors that make IH especially
difficult to practice. Based on that logic, the present study focused on
participants who had experienced a major betrayal by a religious
leader--a context that involves a "perfect storm" in terms of
straining intellectual humility in leaders. Namely, when victims
experience betrayal by a religious leader, core aspects of their
religious identity may be challenged, which may also evoke negative
moral emotions (e.g., contempt) associated with viewing the offense as a
desecration (Mahoney et al., 2005). We did not systematically manipulate
these various factors theorized to strain IH, but we did strategically
recruit our sample based on this logic.
We predicted that victims' spiritual appraisals of the context
of the betrayal would be related to perceptions of IH. Davis, Hook, and
Worthington (2008) described several ways a victim may interpret an
offense in a spiritual way. In the present study, we focused on how such
victims may experience (a) the destruction of something sacred (i.e.,
desecration; Mahoney et at, 2005) and (b) attitudes towards the sacred
(Exline et al., 2011). Negative spiritual appraisals tend to intensify
people's negative reactions to an offense (Mahoney et at, 2005);
thus, we expected such experiences to be negatively related to
perceptions of the leader as IH.
We have also theorized that IH regulates social bonds. An
implication is that IH should help promote the repair of relationships
after a betrayal. Alternatively, when people ruminate angrily and
experience less forgiveness towards the leader, this should also erode
their view of the leader's character, including IH. For example,
victims and offenders view transgressions in predictably different ways
(Baumeister, Stillwell, & Wotman, 1990). Conflict often involves
negotiations (i.e., exchanging ideas and reasons) over a shared story of
the offense. The more entrenched offenders are in justifying their view
of the offense, the more victims are likely to perceive them as
intellectually arrogant. Thus, we hypothesized that IH would be
negatively related to unforgiveness and positively related to intentions
to repair the relationship.
Participants. Participants were 105 undergraduates (69 women) from
a large urban university in the Southeastern region of the United
States, with a mean age of 25.56 years (SD = 6.68). The sample was
diverse in terms of ethnicity, with 42.9% self-identifying as
Black/African American; 25.7%, White; 15.2% Asian/ Pacific Islander;
7.6% Multiracial; 5.7% Latino/a; 1% American Indian; and 1.9%, no
response. In terms of religious affiliation, the majority were Christian
(50.96%); 3.8% were Muslim, 3.8% Hindu, 2.9% Buddhist, 1.9% Jewish, 1%
New Age, 25% other, and 10.6%, no religious affiliation or did not
respond. Finally, most participants identified as heterosexual (87.6%);
3.9% were gay or lesbian, 2.9, bisexual, and 5.7% did not respond.
Measures. Participants rated the IH of the religious leader with
the IHS. They also completed measures of how they perceived the offense
in a spiritual way, including desecration and anger towards the sacred,
as well as measures related to forgiveness.
Viewing the offense as a desecration. The 23-item Sacred Loss and
Desecration Scale (SLDS; Pargament, Magyar, Benore, & Mahoney, 2005)
was used to measure desecration. It has two subscales: Sacred Loss
(e.g., "This event involved losing a gift from God.") and
Desecration (e.g., "A sacred part of my life was violated.").
Items were rated on a 5-point Likert-type scale (1 = not at all; 5 =
very much). The SLDS had Cronbach's alphas for the subscales
ranging from .92-.93 (Parga-ment et al., 2005). The scores on the scale
have shown evidence of construct validity, being correlated with
religious coping and spiritual change (Pargament et al., 2005).
Attitudes towards God. The 9-item Attitudes towards God Scale
(ATGS; Wood et al., 2010) was used to assess participants' feelings
towards God. It consists of two subscales: Positive Attitudes (e.g.
"Feel loved by God) and Anger/Disappointment (e.g, "Feel
abandoned by God"). Items were rated on a 10-point Likert-type
scale (1 = not at all; 10 = extremely). The ATGS had Cronbach's
alphas for the subscales ranging from .64--.98 (Wood et al., 2010). The
scores on the scale have shown evidence of construct validity, being
related to trait anger and dispositional forgiveness (Wood et al.,
Unforgiveness. The 18-item Transgression-Related Interpersonal
Motivations Inventory (TRIM; McCullough et al, 1998) was used to measure
unthrgive-ness towards the offender. It consists of three subscales:
Avoidance (e.g., "I am avoiding him/her"), Revenge (e.g.,
"I'll make him/her pay."), and Benevolence Motivations
(e.g., "Even though his/her actions hurt me, I have goodwill for
him/her."). Items were rated on a 5-point Liken type scale (1 =
strongly disagree; 5 = strongly agree.) The TRIM had Cronbach's
alphas for the subscales ranging from .84--.96 (McCullough et al.,
1998). Scores on the scale have shown evidence of construct validity,
being correlated with other measures of forgiveness, relationship
satisfaction, and commitment (McCullough et al., 1998).
Procedure. A sample of undergraduate participants completed the
study in exchange for partial course credit. Participants indicated
consent and completed all measures online through a Qi ... laltrics
survey. To confirm eligibility for the study, participants answered the
following question: "To be in this study, you said you have
experienced an offense by a religious/spiri-tual leader. Please describe
that offense and how you learned about it."
Examples of participants' responses include: "I was
kicked out of my small group for asking questions;" "The
pastor at my girlfriend's church was stealing money;" and
"A religious leader was accused of sexually molesting boys."
Afterwards they completed the questionnaire.
Results and Discussion
Means, standard deviations, and Cronbach's alphas for the
scores are reported in Table 2. As in Study 3, the subscales for the IHS
preformed comparably for each of the associations, so only the full
scale correlations are discussed here. The hypothesis that IH would be
related to viewing the offense in a spiritual way was partially
supported. Intellectual Humility was positively related to positive
attitudes towards God (r = .31, p = .010) and negatively related to
anger towards God (r =--.35,p = .010), but not to viewing the offense as
a desecration (r =--.07,p = .475). We further hypothesized that IH would
be related to forgiveness-related constructs, and this hypothesis was
also supported. Intellectual Humility was negatively related to
avoidance on the TRIM (r =--.54,p < .001) and was positively related
to benevolence motivations (r = <.001). IH was marginally negatively
related to revenge motivations on the TRIM (r =--.20,p = .054).
General Discussion
Theorizing within philosophy has suxested the importance of
humility in religious leaders (Roberts & Wood, 2003; 2007). In the
current paper, we sought to elaborate a model of relational humility
(Davis et al., 2013) to incorporate the construct of IH and then to
examine initial evidence for this model in relationships between
subordinates and religious leaders. We conceptualized IH as a sub-domain
of general humility that involves how people hold and negotiate
cherished beliefs. We also theorized that IH is particularly important
and evident when strained by convictions related to identity, negative
moral emotions (e.g., contempt), and competition and power struggle over
ideas. Furthermore, we posited that IH helps regulate the formation and
repair of social bonds. To examine initial evidence for these ideas, we
focused on betrayals by religious leaders, which involve several factors
that can strain IH. Then we examined whether perceptions of 1H were
related to signs of relational repair.
Given that there was no published measure of IH, our first three
studies focused on developing a measure of perceptions of IH. In Study
1, exploratory factor analysis was used to winnow items and determine
the structure of the scale. Results of exploratory factor analyses
revealed that the IHS had a two-factor structure. One factor measures
one's ability to regulate one's emotions in the face of
conflicting viewpoints, while the other factor measures one's
general interest and openness to different ideas. Although items on the
Intellectual Openness (10) subscale were positively worded and items on
the Intellectual Arrogance (IA) subscale were negatively worded, the
content of the items aligned with the two components of our definition
of IH. For example, items on the TO subscale often explicitly mentioned
openness or alternative perspectives (see Table 1, items 10-13 and 16),
while items on the IA subscale often mentioned affective responses (see
Table 1, items 1 and 4-6). In Study 2, this two factor structure
replicated well in an independent sample. The IHS scores showed evidence
of reliability, with Cronbach's alphas ranging from .90 to .97.
We also began the process of situating the construct of IH within
the literatures on personality, positive psychology, and leadership.
Namely, Study 3 examined the construct validity of scores on the IHS,
which were shown to adequately distinguish between IH and drive.
Furthermore, IH was related to openness and agreeableness, providing
additional evidence for construct validity of the scores. In terms of
discriminant validity, we might have expected IH to be more strongly
related to openness than to agreeableness, but this was not the case. In
fact, the general pattern was very similar to other measures of general
humility (Davis et al., 2011), so an important next step is to examine
evidence that IH is distinct from general humility. Although we
generally expect these two constructs to correlate strongly, researchers
will need to theoretically examine specific contexts when someone might
demonstrate low intellectual humility. This work may require further
clarification of other sub-domains of general humility. Interestingly,
IH was not related to extraversion, indicating that the IHS is not
simply tapping into one's social competence. IH and neuroticism
were negatively related, and it would therefore be worthwhile to examine
the relationship between IH and stress, perfectionism, depression, and
anxiety in future studies.
We also presented preliminary evidence that IH is related to the
strength of social bonds. In Study 3, IH was related to higher trust. In
Study 4, involving participants who had experienced a major betrayal by
a religious leader, IH was also related to lower unfor-giveness and
higher conciliatory motivations. These findings are consistent with our
theorizing that IH may help repair relationships after conflict, making
offenders more willing to negotiate their perception of the offense.
However, a plausible alternative explanation is that unforgiveness
causes rumination about the offense and changes in how victims view the
offender's character, including intellectual humility. They also
may motivate the victim to spread negative information in order to harm
the offender's reputation. Thus, the offense may have caused
declines in how victims perceived the leaders' IH. Longitudinal
studies will help clarify the causal links between these constructs.
Finally, we also examined how spiritual appraisals are linked to
perceptions of IH. Interestingly, viewing the offense as a desecration
was not related to perceived IH. However, perceptions of IH were related
to positive and negative attitudes towards God, suggesting that many
people's experience of God was associated with their ability to
maintain a positive view of their religious leader's moral
character. Previous work has examined factors that promote forgiveness
of a religious leader after a transgression, although victim rather than
offender characteristics have tended to be the focus of study (Sutton
& Thomas, 2006). Factors such as gender, dispositional forgiveness,
and religious faith have been examined (Sutton, McLeland, Weaks,
Cogswell, & Miphouvieng, 2007; Thomas, White, & Sutton, 2008).
Interestingly, one study found that apology was associated with lower
forgiveness, and it was theorized that an apology may be seen as weak
(Thomas et al., 2008). This is notable in light of our findings that
perceptions of IH were associated lower unforgiveness. Awareness of
one's limitations is often a prerequisite for offering a sincere
apology. Our findings are generally consistent with Sutton et al.,
(2007) which found that that the engagement of spiritual resources when
considering a pastor's transgression promoted forgiveness, and that
an avoidant attachment style towards God was associated with less
willingness to forgive. The current research makes an important step
towards examining more closely offender characteristics that may be
associated with forgiveness.
Limitations and Future Research
The present studies had several limitations. First, participants
provided the only source of ratings, and in every case, were rating
another individual. Using a single source of data is subject to biases
such as rater bias, person perception heuristic, and assumed similarity
between self and other (Lee et al., 2009). Furthermore, each target was
only rated by one individual and we were therefore unable to calculate
inter-rater reliability. The gold standard for research on personality
judgments involves triangulation of self-report, other-report, and
behavioral observation (Roberts & Ilardi, 2003). A behavioral
observation measure of humility or IH has not been developed. An
important next step is to examine the relative validity of various
sources of information about IH.
Second, all of the present studies used cross-sectional designs,
with the exception of Study 3, which was experimental. Thus, although we
found evidence consistent with the idea that IH helps strengthen and
repair social bonds, the relationship might be bi-directional (e.g.,
offenses and unforgiveness cause changes in how the judge views the
target person's character). To examine this question, future
research will need to examine how perceptions of IH change over time and
estimate trait IH prospectively using other sources of information.
Third, items on the 10 subscale were all positively worded, while
items on the IA subscale were all negatively worded. An alternative
explanation is that these may represent positive and negative valences
of IH rather than openness and arrogance. Finally, future research might
explore how IH converges with and diverges from general humility,
post-formal operational thought (Kramer, 1983), reflective judgment
(King & Kitchener, 2004), wisdom (Sternberg, 2004), quest (Batson
& Schoenrade, 1991) and spiritual openness (Genia, 1996).
In the case of virtue, psychologists have regularly arrived late
(i.e., decades, centuries, or even millennia) to the conversation. In
this article, we integrated theorizing on IH with recent theorizing on
humility, and we sought to provide initial evidence for the importance
of IH in leaders, especially religious leaders. We hope this will be the
start of a lively conversation about intellectual humility and its
importance for relationships.
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Author Information
MCELROY, STACEY E. MS. Address: Department of Counseling and
Psychological Services, P.O. Box 3980, Atlanta, GA. Title: Doctoral
Student. Degrees: MS--Georgia State University; BS--Uni-versity of
Georgia; AS--Athens Technical College. Specializations: intellectual
humility, positive psychology in couples.
RICE, KENNETH G. PhD. Address: Department of Counseling &
Psychological Services Georgia State University 30 Pryor Street P.O. Box
3980 Atlanta, GA 30302-3980. Title:Matheny Endowed Chair and Professor.
Degrees: PhD--University of Notre Dame; MA--University of Notre Dame;
BS--Universiry of Florida; AS--Daytona Beach Community College.
Specializations: personality and mental health.
DAVIS, DON E. PhD. Address: Department of Counseling and
Psychological Services, Georgia State University, P.O. Box 3980,
Atlanta, GA 30302-3980. Title: Assistant Professor of Counseling and
Psychological Services Georgia State University. Degrees: PhD
(Counseling Psychology) Virginia Commonwealth University; BA
(Psychology) Yale University. Specializations: humility, forgiveness,
positive psychology, religion/spirituality.
HOOK, JOSHUA N. Address: University of North Texas, 1155 Union
Circle #311280, Demon, TX 76203. Email: joshua.hook@ Title:
Assistant Professor of Psychology. Degrees: BS (Psychology) University
of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign; MS (Counseling Psychology) Virginia
Commonwealth University; PhD (Counseling Psychology) Virginia
Commonwealth University. Specializations: humility, forgiveness,
HILL, PETER C. PhD. Address: Rosemead School of Psychology, Biola
University, 13800 Biola Ave., La Mirada, CA 90639. Title: Professor of
Psychology. Degrees: PhD--University of Houston; MA--University of
Houston; BA--Nyack College. Specializations: psychology of religion,
religious and spiritual measurement, virtue theory, religion, and
WORTHINGTON JR., EVERETT L. Ph.D. Address: Department of
Psychology, Virginia Commonwealth University, 806 West Franklin Street,
PO Box 842018, Richmond, VA 23284-2018. Website: Email: eworth@ Title:
Professor of Psychology (Counseling Psychology). Degrees: PhD
(Counseling Psychology) University of Missouri-Columbia.
Specializations: forgiveness and other virtues, religion and
spirituality in counseling and marriage, the Hope-Focused Couple
Approach to marriage/couple enrichment.
VAN TONGEREN, DARYL R. Ph.D. Address: Department of Psychology,
Hope College, Schaap Science Center, 35 East 12th Street, Holland, MI
49423-3605. Email: vantongeren@hope.cdu. Title: Assistant Professor of
Psychology. Degrees: BA (Psychology) Colorado Christian University; MA
(Experimental Psychology) University of Colorado, Colorado Springs; PhD
(Social Psychology) Virginia Commonwealth University. Specializations:
social psychological approaches to meaning, religion, and virtues.
Stacey E. McElroy, Kenneth G. Rice, and Don E. Davis
Georgia State University
Joshua N. Hook
University ofiVorth Texas
Peter C. Hill
Biala University
Everett L. Worthington, Jr.
Virginia Commonwealth University
Daryl R. Van Tongeren
Hope College