Adult attachment, God attachment and gender in relation to perceived stress.
Reiner, Sarah R. ; Anderson, Tamara L. ; Hall, M. Elizabeth Lewis 等
This study examines whether adult attachment, God attachment and
gender are related to perceived stress. Based on the literature on these
variables, it was expected that adult and God attachment would predict
perceived stress, that God attachment would have incremental validity
over adult attachment in predicting perceived stress and that gender
would be a moderator in the relationship between attachment and
perceived stress. Two hundred seventy-six participants from a private,
Christian university in Southern California completed questionnaires
assessing these variables. Multivariate regression analyses indicated
that adult and God attachment anxiety as well as adult attachment
avoidance significantly predicted perceived stress. Furthermore, God
attachment anxiety had incremental validity over adult attachment.
Interestingly, gender was a suppressor variable in the relationship
between attachment anxiety and perceived stress. Therefore, attachment
relationships with one's partner and God are both important in
explaining perceived stress level. Gender may also play an indirect role
in this relationship, though this concept should be further validated
with future research.
Stress has been studied extensively, because of its impact on
psychological well-being and other variables (Bergdahl & Bergdahl,
2002; Brummett, Babyak, Mark, Clapp-Channing, Siegler, & Barefoot,
2004; Cohen, Kamarck & Mermelstein, 1983). Its importance has
resulted in a large body of literature addressing psychological theory,
research, and practice (Mikulincer & Florian, 1998). Many studies
have focused on objective methods of measuring stress such as using an
inventory that measures the amount of stress-inducing factors that are
present in one's life (Cohen et al., 1983). Yet other researchers
have argued that the level of objective stress is not as important as
the level of stress that one feels and experiences, which can be very
different for each individual, even with the same number of objective
stressors. How individuals perceive their stress level is an important
factor in susceptibility to psychological, emotional, and even physical
illness (Cohen et al., 1983).
While numerous studies have been published on this topic, there is
still a debate regarding the personal factors and context that may
influence one's perception of stress (Bergdahl & Bergdahl,
2002; Brummett et al., 2004). Individual differences, such as genetic
differences, specific aspects of life history, or social stratification,
seem to play a role in the process (Lazarus & Folkman, 1984).
Mikulincer and Florian (1998) emphasized that future studies should
examine various "inner resources and personality
characteristics" (p. 161) that may make a difference in stress
appraisal and coping, both of which have implications for perceived
stress level. Previous studies have looked at various aspects of
personality that affect stress appraisal (Hemenover & Zhang, 2004;
Stoeber & Rennert, 2008), and this study hopes to expand this body
of research. Attachment and gender seem to be promising areas of study
in relation to perceived stress, as explored in the next sections.
Attachment theory has been widely accepted as a model of
psychosocial and emotional development (McDonald, Beck, Allison &
Norsworthy, 2005). It is one of the current leading relational paradigms
in developmental, personality, and social psychology, and is also being
extended to psychology of religion research (Granqvist, 2002). In the
1940s, John Bowl-by proposed that "the disruption of the early
mother-child relationship should be seen as a key precursor of mental
disorder" (Fonagy & Target, 2003, p. 230). Bowlby's work
indicated that many individual differences are related to one's
early tics to one's mother figure, especially during the first
twelve months of life (Bowlby, 1958). These early emotional experiences
"may be regulated or dysregulated, imprinting either secure or
insecure attachments and thereby a resistance against or vulnerability
to future psychopathologies" (Schore, 2005, p. 835). Secure
attachments will tend to develop when attachment figures are receptive
and available to address the needs of the infant, whereas insecure
attachments are more likely to form when the interactions are negative
or unpredictable (Rholes & Simpson, 2004). Insecure attachment
typically leads to difficulty in regulating stressful emotions later in
life, which is often seen in one's later adult romantic or peer
The measurement of one's attachment in adult relationships was
first introduced by Hazan and Shaver (1987). Various inventories have
since been developed to measure the quality of adult attachment
relationships using self-report methodology. These tests focus on
current feelings and behaviors in close relationships that a person is
aware of and can describe, and typically measure anxiety and avoidance
in relationships, as well as various attachment styles, such as secure,
anxious-ambivalent, dismissing, and fearful (Crittenden, 1988).
A newer area of attachment research is attachment to God. The
concept that an individual's relationship with God can be described
as an attachment bond has prompted an exciting body of research.
Kirkpatrick (1988) emphasized that Christianity and other theistic
religions have a fundamental basis in the idea of God as an attachment
figure. The idea of God's availability and responsiveness to
humans, especially during times of stress, seems to fit within this
relational framework and opens up the possible importance of studying
God attachment. Various inventories, such as the Attachment to God
Inventory (AGI; Beck & McDonald, 2004), have been formulated and
validated and thus have improved the measurement of this variable.
Pargament (1997) explained various ways that human attachment and God
attachment can interact and support either the Correspondence or the
Compensation hypotheses. The correspondence hypothesis refers to a
similar relationship between attachment with others and with God.
Pargament (1997) demonstrated that attachment to God is often every hit
as anxious/ambivalent or avoidant as relationships with parents and
others. This hypothesis suggests that one's experience with other
people often matches their experience with God. On the other hand, some
individuals with insecure parent attachment may be able to develop a
secure attachment to God through compensation. The compensation
hypothesis suggests that God is able to heal attachment wounds through
conversion (Clinton & Sibcy, 2002). God can function as a primary
caregiver, "our secure base, our foundation from which we can face
the world" (Clinton & Sibcy, 2002, p. 149).
As adult and God attachment often show correspondence, it is
important to establish God attachment as a unique construct, instead of
a reflection of one's overall attachment style. Although existing
research suggests that God attachment is distinct from adult attachment
(Sim & Low, 2003), research showing that God attachment has
incremental validity over adult attachment in the prediction of other
variables would further demonstrate its status as a distinct predictive
Attachment is one of the areas currently being studied in relation
to an individual's experience of stress. Due to the theoretical
basis regarding one's early need for emotional regulation and
support during times of stress and separation that characterizes
attachment theory, research in this area appears to yield important
insights into understanding individuals' subjective experience of
stress. Many studies have shown a connection between adult attachment
and stress (Birnbaum, Orr, Mikuincer & Florian, 1997; Solomon,
Mikulincer & Avitzur, 1988). One study of HIV-positive individuals
found that level of perceived stress was directly related to less secure
and more anxious adult attachment (Koopman et al., 2000). Adult
attachment has been shown to have an effect on appraisal and coping with
stressful situations, such as war-related stress, interpersonal loss,
personal failure, parenthood tasks and more (Mikulincer & Florian,
1998; Mikulincer, Florian & Weller, 1993). Two specific ways that
these studies and others have indicated that attachment has an effect is
in how one appraises one's stress level and how one adapts to
stressful situations.
Some research also suggests a relationship between God attachment
and stress. Overall, it seems that a more positive, secure relationship
with God is associated with lower levels of stress. Studies have shown
positive implications of secure God attachment and negative connections
with insecure attachment with God, especially concerning well-being
variables such as coping with stress (Belavich & Pargament, 2002;
Eurelings-Bontekoe, Hekman-Van Steeg & Verschuur, 2005; Kirkpatrick
& Shaver, 1990). Therefore, God attachment also appears to be a
possible predictor of perceived stress.
Another area that has been studied in connection to perceived
stress is gender. Concerning gender as a predictor of stress, the
research is mixed. Some studies indicate that women report more stress
than men, even when facing the same stressor (Bergdahl & Bergdahl,
2002; Brummett et al, 2004; Day & Livingstone, 2003), but other
studies have not found a significant gender difference (e.g., Cohen et
al., 1983; Lee, Keough & Sexton, 2002). This inconsistency should be
further explored to clarify whether there is indeed a relationship
between gender and stress. Research has brought up the possibility'
that women may rely more on relationships than do men, especially for
coping with stress. This is suggested by literature showing average
gender differences in the utilization of relationships to deal with
stress (Taylor, 2000) as well as differences between males and females
in the seeming effect of relationship to parents, other adults, and God
on well-being (Pargament, 1997; Shek, 1999). Furthermore, research has
indicated that in certain ways, women tend to respond differently to
stress than men, such as the tendency to ruminate or internalize blame
(Gjerde, Block & Block, 1988; Nolen-Hoeksema, 1987). Therefore, it
would seem that impaired attachment/relationship stress may be more
detrimental for women's level of perceived stress than men's.
If reliance on interpersonal relationships is more of a significant
factor for women, then one possibility is that attachment theory could
help explain why some studies have shown gender differences in stress
and some have not. The quality of participants' attachment may be a
substantial factor determining whether gender plays a role in subjective
stress. Therefore, it seems that studying attachment and gender together
could clarify their relationships to subjective stress. It is possible
that even if gender does not have a direct connection to perceived
stress, it may interact with attachment in the prediction of stress.
The Current Study
In conclusion, it is apparent from the review of current literature
that adult attachment and God attachment are significant factors when
predicting perceived stress. The general connection between attachment
and stress has been studied extensively, but many specifics of this
relationship have not been adequately explored. This study sought to
measure attachment anxiety and avoidance as predictors of perceived
stress in addition to determining the differential impact of each on
stress. The impact of both adult and God attachment on stress was
studied as well as whether there was incremental validity of God
attachment over adult attachment in predicting perceived stress.
Furthermore, previous research has indicated that "there are
important gender differences in the link between attachment dimensions
and responses to stress" which are "poorly understood ... and
require clarification by future studies" (Feeney, 1998, p. 215;
Rholes, Simpson & Stevens, 1998). Though past research has been
mixed regarding whether gender alone predicts stress (an inconsistency
that should be further explored), it seems to support the idea that
gender may interact with attachment in predicting stress, given that
women appear more likely to use relational support to deal with stress
(Taylor, 2000) and possibly be more impacted by relational issues than
men (Nolen-Hoeksema & Girgus, 1994; Wilhelm, Roy, Mitchell,
Brownhill & Parker, 2002). Based upon the review of perceived
stress, attachment and gender research, hierarchical regression analysis
will be used to explore the following relationships: (a) whether the
predictor variables of adult and God attachment (measured by anxiety and
avoidance) predict perceived stress; (b) whether gender is a moderator
of adult and God attachment (anxiety and avoidance) in the prediction of
perceived stress; and (c) whether God attachment (anxiety and avoidance)
have incremental validity above adult attachment (anxiety and
avoidance). As research has been mixed concerning whether there are
gender differences in perceived stress, this potential relationship will
also be studied.
Respondents and Procedures
This research study utilized archival data from a large research
project conducted at a private Christian university in Southern
California in the spring of 2004. The original data were obtained by
recruiting from primarily freshman university classes, through
communication with the professors. The students were given class credit
for completing the Spiritual Experiences Questionnaire (SEQ), which is a
large set of inventories including the three inventories analyzed in
this present study.
Respondents were 276 participants, 90 male, and 186 female. The age
of these undergraduate students ranged from 18 to 23 (M = 18.56, SD =
.67). The ethnicity of the participants was as follows: European
American = 81.2%, African American = 1.1%, American Indian = 2.5%,
Asian/Asian American = 12.7%, Mexican/Mexican American = 7.6%, Puerto
Rican American = .7%, Other Latino = 4%, and Other Ethnicity = 4.7%
(some participants endorsed more than one ethnicity, thus the sum of
percentages does not equal 100). Most of the participants were of
middle/upper-class socioeconomic status and all identified with an
Evangelical Christian religious orientation, although there was some
variation in specific background (e.g. Presbyterian, Charismatic).
Measurement of perceived stress. To measure perceived stress, this
study utilized the Perceived Stress Scale (PSS), a self-report inventory
developed by Cohen, Kamarck and Mermelstein (1983), that measures the
degree to which life situations are appraised as stressful. It is a
14-item scale that results in a measurement of one's overall level
of stress. PSS scores can be obtained by reversing the Likert scores on
the seven positive items and summing the 14 items. The PSS has shown
evidence of internal reliability (alpha coefficient = .78) in studies
that included college-age and community participants. Test-retest
reliability was .85 for administrations two days apart in one study and
.55 for administrations six weeks apart in a different study (Cohen et
al., 1983). The PSS was initially used with community samples with a
junior high education, thus it is appropriate and easy to understand for
many samples. The questions are general in nature and free of specific
content that would narrow its use to a certain population. PSS items are
intended to tap the degree to which participants find their lives to be
uncontrollable, overloading and unpredictable, issues that have been
shown to be central components of the experience of stress. The PSS is a
better predictor of health outcomes than a test of objective stressors
because it provides a more direct measure of the level of actual stress
being experienced as reported by the participant, as opposed to the
objective occurrence of events.
Measurement of adult attachment. To measure adult attachment, the
Experiences in Close Relationships questionnaire (ECR) was used. It is a
36 question self-report inventory that has been validated to be an
effective measurement of this construct. The ECR was developed by
Brennan, Clark and Shaver (1998) by combining all current self-report
adult attachment inventories into a single questionnaire and conducting
a factor analysis after administering the questionnaire to 1086
undergraduates. From a pool of 323 items, 12 specific attachment-related
dimensions were found, each with enough high loading items to produce
reliable unit-weighted scales. A higher-order factor analysis revealed
two underlying dimensions which, when rotated, corresponded to the
familiar Avoidance and Anxiety constructs. These constructs underlie
almost every adult romantic attachment inventory and seem to be crucial
to understanding individual differences in adult attachment. An analysis
of the ECR found an alpha of .94 for Avoidance and .91 for Anxiety.
Measurement of God attachment. To measure God attachment, this
study utilized the Attachment to God Inventory (AGI). It is a 28 item
self-report measure developed by Beck and McDonald (2004) and based upon
the Experiences in Close Relationships (ECR; Brennan et al., 1998)
scale, which assesses avoidance and anxiety in adult love relationships.
The AGI assesses avoidance of intimacy with God and anxiety about
abandonment by God. Avoidance involves certain themes such as "need
for self-reliance, a difficulty with depending upon God, and
unwillingness to be emotionally intimate with God" (Beck &
McDonald, 2004, p. 94). Anxiety involves themes such as the fear of
being abandoned by God, jealousy over God's seemingly differential
intimacy with others, anxiety over being lovable in God's eyes, and
overall worry concerning one's relationship with God (Beck &
McDonald, 2004). These subscales have been shown to have good internal
consistency, with an alpha coefficient of .86 for Avoidance and .84 for
Anxiety, with Avoidance and Anxiety sharing only 6.1% of their variance
(r = .248) (Beck & McDonald, 2004). Therefore, the AGI's
two-dimensional scale of avoidance and anxiety displayed a simple factor
structure, internal consistency, and minimal shared variance between its
subscales. Theoretically, there is a balance of items within each
subscale to be able to sample the various themes involved in the two
For all statistics, gender was coded using effects coding. In light
of inconsistencies in previous research on gender and perceived stress,
a t-test was conducted to explore whether a gender difference in
perceived stress existed in this sample. The t-test indicated that there
was not a significant gender difference in perceived stress (t = 1.19, p
= .24).
To address the relationship between the attachment variables (adult
attachment anxiety and avoidance, and God attachment anxiety and
avoidance) and perceived stress, as well as the potential moderating
role of gender, a series of four hierarchical regressions (theory-based
step-wise) were utilized. Interaction terms were created by centering
(converting to z-scores) the four attachment variables, then multiplying
each one with gender. In all regressions, the attachment variable and
gender were entered in the first step. The relevant interaction term was
entered in the second step.
The first regression was conducted with adult attachment anxiety.
In the correlation matrix, adult attachment anxiety had a significant (r
= .42, p < .001) zero-order correlation with perceived stress (see
Table 1). In the linear regression (see Table 2), both adult attachment
anxiety and gender had significant partial effects in the full model (p
< .001 and p < .05, respectively). The model was able to account
for 18.8 % of the variance in perceived stress, F(3,253) = 19.54, p <
.001. The interaction between adult attachment anxiety and gender was
not significant, thus gender was not a moderator.
Means, Standard Deviations, and Intercorrelations for Perceived Stress,
Adult Attachment Anxiety and Avoidance, God Attachment Anxiety and
Avoidance and Gender
Variable M SD 2 3 4 5
1. Perceived Stress 26.75 6.62 .42 ** .20 ** .43 ** .08
2. AA Anxiety 3.48 1.03 - .18 ** .56 ** .25 **
3. AA Avoidance 3.01 1.10 - .31 ** .17 **
4. GA Anxiety 45.29 13.95 - .37 **
5. GA Avoidance 39.67 11.70 -
* p <; .05 ** p <; .01
Hierarchical Regression Analysis Summary for Adult Attachment Anxiety
and Gender Predicting Perceived Stress (N = 256)
Variable B SEB B [R.sup.2] [DELTA][R.sup.2]
Step 1 .19 **
AA Anxiety 2.73 .37 .43 **
Gender .82 .40 .12 *
Step 2 .19 ** .003 **
Anxiety by -.37 .40 -.06
* p < .05 ** p < .01
A second regression was conducted using God attachment anxiety
instead of adult attachment anxiety (see Table 3). In the correlation
matrix, God attachment anxiety had a significant (r = .43, p < .001)
zero-order correlation with perceived stress (see Table 1). Both God
attachment anxiety and gender had significant partial effects in the
full model (p < .001 and p < .05, respectively). The model was
able to account for 19.9% of the variance in perceived stress, F(3,
267)=22.07, p < .001 The interaction between God attachment anxiety
and gender was not significant, so gender was not a moderator in this
Hierarchical Regression Analysis Summary for God Attachment Anxiety and
Gender Predicting Perceived Stress (N = 270)
Variable B SEB B [R.sup.2] [DELTA][R.sup.2]
Step 1 .19 **
GA Anxiety .21 .03 .44 **
Gender .74 .39 .11 *
Step 2 .12 ** .006 **
Anxiety by -.04 .03 -.08
* p < .05 ** p < .01
A third regression was conducted using adult attachment avoidance
(see Table 4). In the correlation matrix, adult attachment avoidance had
a significant (r = .20, p < .01) zero-order correlation with
perceived stress. In the linear regression, only adult attachment
avoidance had a significant partial effect in the full model. The model
was able to account for 4.6% of the variance in perceived stress, F(3,
253) = 4.10, p < .01. The interaction between adult attachment
avoidance and gender was not significant, so gender was not a moderator
in this relationship.
Hierarchical Regression Analysis Summary for Adult Attachment Avoidance
and Gender Predicting Perceived Stress (N = 256)
Variable B SEB B [R.sup.2] [DELTA][R.sup.2]
Step 1 .04 **
AA Avoid. 1.16 .37 .19 **
Gender .46 .43 .07
Step 2 .05 ** .004 **
Avoid. by -.43 .40 -.07
* p < .05 ** p < .01
A fourth regression was conducted using God attachment avoidance
(see Table 5). In the correlation matrix, God attachment avoidance was
not significantly related to perceived stress (see Table 1). In this
regression, neither God attachment avoidance, nor gender, had a
significant partial effect in the full model. The model was not able to
significantly account for the variance in perceived stress, F(3, 265) =
1.41, p = .24. The interaction between God attachment anxiety and gender
was also not significant, thus gender was not a moderator in this
Hierarchical Regression Analysis Summary for God Attachment Avoidance
and Gender Predicting Perceived Stress (N = 268)
Variable B SEB B [R.sup.2] [DELTA][R.sup.2]
Step 1 .02
GA Avoid. .06 .04 .11
Gender .69 .44 .10
Step 2 .02 .00
Avoid. by .00 .04 -.00
* p < .05 ** p < .01
To address whether God attachment variables would show incremental
validity over adult attachment variables (anxiety and avoidance) in the
prediction of perceived stress, two theory-based, step-wise regressions
were conducted (see Tables 6 and 7). As mentioned previously, the
correlation matrix indicated that adult and God attachment anxiety had
significant zero-order correlations with perceived stress (r = .42 and
.43, p < .001, respectively). It also indicated that adult attachment
avoidance had a significant zero-order correlation with perceived stress
(r = .20, p < .01), though God attachment avoidance did not.
The first regression was conducted with adult attachment anxiety in
the first step, followed by God attachment anxiety in the second step.
In this model predicting perceived stress, adult attachment anxiety was
a significant predictor when entered on the first step (p < .001, see
table 6) and God attachment anxiety showed incremental variance when
entered on the second step (p < .001). The [R.sup.2] change when God
attachment anxiety was added to the regression model with adult
attachment anxiety was .05 (p < .01). This overall model accounted
for 22.8% of the variance in perceived stress, F(2, 254) = 37.41, p <
.001. Therefore, God attachment anxiety exhibited incremental validity
over and above adult attachment anxiety.
Hierarchical Regression Analysis Summary for Adult Attachment Anxiety
and God Attachment Anxiety Predicting Perceived Stress (N = 256)
Variable B SEB B [R.sup.2] [DELTA][R.sup.2]
Step 1 .17 **
AA Anxiety 2.66 .37 .42 **
Step 2 .22 ** .05 **
GA Anxiety .14 .03 .28 **
* p < .05 ** p < .01
The second regression predicted perceived stress from adult
attachment avoidance entered in the first entered in the first step,
followed by God attachment avoidance in the second step. In this model
of adult attachment avoidance and God attachment avoidance predicting
perceived stress, adult attachment avoidance had a significant partial
effect in the model when entered on the first step (p < .01, see
table 7). God attachment avoidance did not show incremental variance
when entered on the second step. The overall model was able to account
for 4% of the variance in perceived stress, F(2, 253) = 5.33, p <
.01. Therefore, God attachment avoidance did not have incremental
validity over and above adult attachment avoidance.
Hierarchical Regression Analysis Summary for Adult Attachment Avoidance
and God Attachment Avoidance Predicting Perceived Stress (N = 255)
Variable B SEB B [R.sup.2] [DELTA][R.sup.2]
Step 1 .04 **
AA Avoid. 1.17 .37 .20 **
Step 2 .04 ** .002 **
GA Avoid. .03 .04 .05
* p < .05 ** p < .01
The results of the present study confirmed past research showing an
overall connection between adult attachment and stress, as there was a
significant statistical relationship between adult attachment anxiety
and perceived stress (Birnbaum et al., 1997; Solomon et al., 1988). As
past research has shown, attachment does seem to predict stress level
(Birnbaum et al., 1997; Solomon et al., 1988), especially anxious
attachment (Koopman et al., 2000). Furthermore, God attachment anxiety
was also significantly connected to stress, as suggested by prior
research (Belavich & Pargament, 2002). Gender was a significant
predictor of stress when included with adult or God attachment anxiety;
however it was not a moderating variable. The fact that gender was a
significant predictor of stress (when included with either adult
attachment anxiety or God attachment anxiety) is notable, especially
since a t-test indicated no significant gender differences in perceived
One possibility that would help explain these seemingly
contradictory findings, is that gender is a suppressor variable. As
Horst explained:
A suppressor variable may be defined as those predictor variables
which do not measure variance in the criterion measures, but which do
measure some of the variance in the predictor measures which is not
found in the criterion measure. They measure invalid variance in the
predictor measures and serve to suppress this invalid variance. (1966,
p. 363)
Conger (1974) gave another definition of a suppressor variable as,
"... a variable which increases the predictive validity of another
variable (or set of variables) by its inclusion in a regression
equation" (pp. 36-37). In actuality, a suppressor variable appears
to act as a cleansing agent for the predictor variable's variance.
Thus, the predictor variable is able to explain more of the variance of
the dependent variable due to the fact that the suppressor variable
removes the variance in the predictor variable (Woolley, 1997). In this
study, gender acts as a "pure" suppressor variable. A
"pure" suppressor is when a variable is not correlated with
the dependent variable, but still improves the [R.sup.2] when it is
used. An "impure" suppressor variable is one that is only
slightly correlated with the dependent variable and is able to improve
[R.sup.2] both by directly predicting some of the variance in the
dependent variable and indirectly by "cleansing" one or more
of the other predictors (Woolley, 1997). The data show that gender seems
to be functioning as a pure suppressor variable because it is not
correlated with perceived stress, but it still improves the overall
[R.sup.2] when entered with either adult attachment anxiety or God
attachment anxiety. Therefore, focusing on not only anxiety or avoidance
seen in relation to a romantic partner or God, but also considering
gender, seems to explain stress better than utilizing any of these
variables alone. Though the variance explained by gender was relatively
small compared to overall attachment, it did contribute significantly to
the explained variance.
The results also supported the idea that adult attachment avoidance
predicts perceived stress. Yet, even though adult attachment avoidance
was a significant predictor, the model was only able to account for 4.6%
of the variance in perceived stress, which was much lower than the
variance of adult attachment anxiety (18.5%) or God attachment anxiety
(19.3%) in predicting perceived stress. Overall, the results suggest
that attachment anxiety is a better predictor of stress than attachment
avoidance. This finding is commensurate with past research that
emphasized anxiety as a significant predictor of stress, rather than
avoidance (Koopman et al., 2000). Future research should be conducted to
further explore this difference between attachment anxiety and
attachment avoidance, and possible reasons why these variables do not
seem to affect stress level in the same manner.
The incremental validity of God attachment was explored in the
present study due to the controversy concerning whether God attachment
is a unique factor, or if it is basically measuring the same construct
as other types of attachment (Sim & Loh, 2003). The present results
indicated that God attachment anxiety does have significant incremental
validity over adult attachment in the prediction of perceived stress.
God attachment anxiety increased the overall [R.sup.2] by 5.2%. Thus, it
is apparent that in this study, God attachment anxiety accounts for a
unique amount of variance, and is different from adult attachment
anxiety. Therefore, if an individual is experiencing anxiety in both
relationships, his or her predicted perceived stress level would be
elevated. Conversely, the less anxious he or she is in these
relationships, the lower he or she will perceive his or her stress
This study suggests that, on average, women who have impaired adult
or God attachment, as evidenced by higher levels of anxiety, may have a
slightly higher subjective stress level than men with similar levels of
attachment anxiety. Past research has indicated that women seem to be
differentially affected by attachment, or variables that are similar to
attachment, such as relationship to parent, dysfunctional parenting or
childhood abuse (Shek, 1999; Wilhelm et al., 2002). Moreover, some
research has also supported that women, on average, report greater
amounts of subjective stress than men, however other studies do not
support this difference, as mentioned earlier in the discussion. Though
the direct relationship between gender and stress was not supported in
this study (which was not surprising given the aforementioned mixed
findings in past research), it appears that gender may indirectly impact
stress through suppressing attachment's effect. Though the level of
variance explained by gender was small, it was still significant and
should be further studied. From the significant results of this
exploratory study, it is apparent that there is much to glean from
bringing the variables of attachment, gender and stress together in this
Nevertheless, the topic of gender can be a sensitive area, due to a
history of inequality between genders, and negative assumptions about
female deficiency. This research study, by no means, intends to make
such statements. Instead, the goal was to determine whether gender is a
valuable construct to include with attachment variables in the
prediction of perceived stress. Furthermore, the majority of differences
shown in research between males and females are average differences,
instead of categorical differences. This means that women, on average,
may be higher on a certain trait than the average of men, but not every
man or women will exhibit this difference. This distinction is important
to note, as some studies make concrete conclusions about all men or
women being a certain way, when "we are all a product of many
interacting forces, including our genes, our personalities, our
environment and chance," not merely biological categories that
determine our destiny (Barnett &C Rivers, 2004, p. 12).
Some limitations of the study should be noted. First, as the sample
was from a college-age population of primarily European American
ethnicity, the results may not necessarily be generalized to other ages
or ethnicities. Also, the sample was from an Evangelical Christian
group, thus results might be different if individuals of other Christian
backgrounds or even other theistic religions were tested. In addition,
the current study employed self-report measures. Though each measure has
been proven to be a valid indicator of adult and God attachment, it is
still different from other tests, such as the interview method as seen
in the Adult Attachment Inventory (Kaplan & Main, 1996). While
self-report measures address feelings and behaviors that the individual
is aware of and can describe (Hazan & Shaver, 1987), interview
methods seem to grasp the deeper, unconscious, underlying qualitative
nature of each attachment style (Kaplan & Main, 1996). Future
studies may benefit from the use of other methodologies to further
explore the relationships between these variables.
Future research should continue to investigate the discrepant
pattern of findings for gender in predicting stress, as research
continues to be inconsistent. Furthermore, gender as a suppressor
variable when included with attachment anxiety should be further
explored and validated. In addition, it is suggested that variables
related to gender be used as a comparison to gender. For example, though
gender was a significant predictor of stress when included with
attachment anxiety, the overall model might become stronger if a measure
of femininity-masculinity was included. By separating the groups based
upon continuous internal personality factors, instead of just external,
physical, categorical factors, there might be a greater connection with
perceived stress, when included with attachment anxiety.
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one's stress level, and how gender may play an indirect role in
this relationship. With more knowledge and understanding, therapy and
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Biola University
REINER, SARAH. R. Address: 7614 Shadow Lakes St., Wichita, KS
67205. Title: Staff Psychologist, Department of Veteran's Affairs
in San Antonio, TX. Degree: PhD., Rosemead School of Psychology, Biola
University. Specializations: Coping, stress, trauma, integration of
spirituality and psychology, attachment, gender issues.
ANDERSON, TAMARA L. Address: 13800 Biola Ave., La Mirada, CA 90638.
Title. Associate Professor of Psychology and Associate Dean of Graduate
Students, Rosemead School of Psychology, Biola University. Degree:
Ph.D., California School of Professional Psychology, Los Angeles.
Specializations: Gender issues, attachment, ethics and law, and conflict
resolution, in addition to previous work in the area of eating
HALL, M. ELIZABETH L. Address: Rosemead School of Psychology, Biola
University, 13800 Biola Ave., La Mirada, CA 90639. Title: Associate
Professor of Psychology. Degree: Ph.D., Clinical Psychology, Biola
University. Specializations: Women's issues, missions and mental
health, integration of psychology and theology.
HALL, TODD. Address: 13800 Biola Ave, La Mirada, California, 90639.
Title: Associate Professor of Psychology; Editor, Journal of Psychology
and Theology; Director, Institute for Research on Psychology and
Spirituality. Degrees: Ph.D., M.A., Rosemead School of Psychology, Biola
University; M.A., Doctoral specialization, University of California, Los
Angeles; B.A., Biola University. Specializations: Spiritual development,
attachment theory, relational psychoanalysis.
Peter C. Hill, Ph.D. served as guest editor for this article.
Please address correspondence to Sarah R. Reiner, Ph.D., 7614 Shadow
Lakes St., Wichita, KS 67205.