Forgiveness and reconciliation as applied to national and international conflicts.
Lewis, Philip
Helmick, Raymond G. and Petersen, Rodney L., editors. 2001 (hard
cover); 2002 (paperback). Forgiveness and Reconciliation: Religion,
Public Policy and Conflict Transformation. Philadelphia, PA. Templeton
Foundation Press. Paperback. xxvii + 450 pages. Paperback $22.95. ISBN 1-890151-84X. Hardcover $34.95. ISBN 1-890151-49-1.
Raymond G. Helmick, S.J., teaches conflict resolution in the
department of theology at Boston College. He has mediated in conflicts
in many countries and is the author of numerous monographs and articles.
Rodney L. Petersen is executive director of the Boston Theological
Institute where he teaches in the areas of history and ethics, currently
focusing on issues of religion and violence.
This book grew out of a symposium entitled, "Forgiveness and
Reconciliation: Religious Contributions to Conflict Resolution,"
held at the John F. Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University, in
October 1999, and sponsored by the Sir John Templeton Foundation. It is
the second in a series of books published by the Templeton Foundation
Press on the subject of forgiveness (1). The contributors to this volume
represent an impressive range of experts in the field, writing from
diverse national, professional, and religious perspectives. There is
sufficient disagreement among the contributors to generate much further
research and thinking on this subject.
The brief Foreword is written by Anglican Archbishop Desmond Tutu,
who chaired the Truth and Reconciliation Commission in South Africa, and
is the author of one of the seminal books on the subject of forgiveness
and national reconciliation, No Future Without Forgiveness. (2) In the
Foreword, Archbishop Tutu reflects on and gives concrete examples of
"the abyss of human evil"; but he also testifies to the fact
that "one comes away from the experience of some of the most
gruesome evil, exhilarated at the fact that people can be so good, that
people can be filled with such magnanimity, that people can have certain
incredible gifts of generosity" (p. xii).
The book itself is divided into four sections. The first of these
is, "The Theology of Forgiveness." There are three papers in
this section. Noteworthy is Miroslav Volf's essay where he
"contest(s) the claim that the Christian faith, as one of the major
world religions, predominantly fosters violence and assert(s), instead,
that it should be seen as a contributor to a more peaceful social
environment." Much of what follows in the book supports his
contention. Also very helpful is the Rev. Dr. Stanley Harakas'
contribution on the Orthodox perspective on forgiveness and
reconciliation. He skillfully illuminates the tension underlying
different aspects of the doctrine and practice of forgiveness and
suggests how the Christian teaching "can also serve as a model for
attitudes and modalities for those in other venues who seek to foster
forgiveness and reconciliation" (p. 78).
The second part of the book deals with "Forgiveness and Public
Policy." Raymond Helmick, S.J., again addresses the issue of
religion's role in either fueling or healing conflicts. Church
bodies seem often to be co-opted by governments intent on pursuing their
particular ideological goals. Helmick reminds us that, "All
governments have caught on to the fact that churches are the custodians
of the Just War theory. When the war begins, every government appeals at
once to the church to get up in the cheering section and proclaim that
'God is on our side.' We never belong there" (p. 87,
italics mine). Joseph Montville, a former career diplomat who coined the
term "track two diplomacy" to describe unofficial diplomatic
efforts, reminds us both of the universal tendency to dehumanize our
enemies as well as the "focus on the dignity and rights of the
individual as central to all religion" (p. 107).
Douglas Johnston is a co-editor of Religion: The Missing Dimension
of Statecraft, (3) one of the books most frequently referenced by the
contributors to this volume. His essay reviews some of the reasons for
the broad acceptance and positive impact of his book. Donna Hicks,
deputy director of the Program on International Conflict Analysis and
Resolution (PICAR) at the Center for International Affairs, Harvard
University, spells out the importance of identity reconstruction in
promoting reconciliation. Here is one of the voices in this book that
questions the preeminent role accorded to forgiveness in the settlement
of national and international conflicts. "I would like to balance
the scales by suggesting that we focus more attention on what it takes
to break the denial of high power groups so that they can come to terms
with what they have done in a way that protects their human
dignity" (p. 148).
Donald Shriver, an ordained Presbyterian minister who is also
author of an oft-cited book, An Ethic for Enemies: Forgiveness in
Politics, (4) deals realistically with the issues that must be faced if
forgiveness is to occur. In his essay "A Bridge Across Abysses of
Revenge," he reminds us that, "Citizens must cope with the
injustices that have divided them before they contract for a justice
that will unite them. Politicians who tell their constituents to
'forget about the past' are asking some to forget pain and
others to forget guilt" (p. 155).
Part III of the book is titled "Forgiveness and
Reconciliation." The first essay in this section is by Everett
Worthington, PhD, the editor of the first volume in the Templeton
Foundation's series on forgiveness. Worthington paints a stark
contrast between forgiveness and unforgiveness, and then suggests a
number of ways of reducing unforgiveness, primarily at the societal
level. The following chapter, by John Paul Lederach, deals with the
qualities that support the reconciliation process. A very significant
chapter on healing, reconciliation and forgiving after genocide is
authored by Ervin Staub and Laurie Anne Pearlman, based on their
experiences working in Rwanda. The final chapter of the section,
"Hatred's End," by John Dawson, founder and director of
the International Reconciliation Coalition, embodies "a Christian
proposal to peacemaking in a new century," and gives a series of
very practical suggestions to aid those who wish to become reconcilers.
The fourth and final section of the book is titled "Seeking
Forgiveness after Tragedy." Its opening chapter, by Audrey R.
Chapman, examines the usefulness of "truth commissions," more
specifically, the South African Truth and Reconciliation Commission, as
instruments of forgiveness and reconciliation. And as she points out,
"truth finding does not automatically promote forgiveness and
reconciliation" (p. 261). Olga Botcharova reminds her readers that
official diplomacy generally fails to produce peace, and argues for the
implementation of unofficial interactions between members of adversarial
groups, i.e. "track two diplomacy". The following three
chapters deal with forgiveness and reconciliation in three different
national settings: Anthony da Silva, S.J., writes about Gandhi's
vision of reconciliation as applied to three specific incidents in
India; Geraldine Smyth, O.P. writes about the process of
"Brokenness, Forgiveness, Healing, and Peace in Ireland", and
Andrea Bartoli speaks about the end of 30 years of armed struggles in
Mozambique. The final chapter, by Orfelia Ortega, president of the
Evangelical Theological Seminary in Matanzas, Cuba argues for a
"culture of solidarity" capable of overcoming "a culture
of anti-life."
The book concludes with an eloquent Afterword by George F.R. Ellis
of South Africa subtitled "Exploring the Unique Role of
Forgiveness." There is also an appendix listing and briefly
describing worldwide organizations that promote forgiveness and
This is a fascinating book for anyone interested in the topic of
forgiveness and reconciliation as it explores the application of what
has largely been seen and experienced as an individual process to the
complex topic of national and international conflicts. The book raises
many, many questions that deserve further exploration. It is very
encouraging, however, to see the attempt to live out these very basic
aspects of the Christian faith in the broader arena of human society.
(1) The first volume was Everett Worthington Jr., ed., Dimensions
of Forgiveness: Psychological Research and Theological Perspectives.
(Philadelphia: Templeton Foundation Press, 1998)
(2) Desmond Tutu, No Future Without Forgiveness (New York:
Doubleday, 1999)
(3) Douglas Johnston and Cynthia Sampson, eds., Religion: The
Missing Dimension of Statecraft (New York: Oxford University Press,
(4) Donald W. Shriver, Jr., An Ethic for Enemies: Forgiveness in
Politics (New York: Oxford University Press, 1995)
Reviewed by PHILIP LEWIS, M.D.
Recently retired from service as a senior medical officer in the
U.S. Army, Dr. Lewis currently works and teaches at Biola University.