Public-private partnership: improving landscape quality of modern communities/Viesoji ir privacioji partneryste kaip siuolaikiniu bendruomeniu krastovaizdzio kokybes gerinimo priemone.
Jakaitis, Jonas ; Paliulis, Narimantas Kazimieras
Nowadays, when the concepts related to urban development, the use
of the common good, efficient optimization of financial management and
finding effective solutions are constantly changing in a globalized
world, public-private partnership (PPP) becomes essentially important.
When dealing with the development of urban social and engineering
infrastructure, the identification of the models of public-private
sector cooperation and improvement on the quality of a new residential
environment remain burning questions. Each partner should fulfill its
part: the public sector is supposed to be responsible for taking control
over public administration issues (e.g. the arrangement of detailed
plans, land consolidation, the issue of permits for construction, etc.),
whereas the private sector should be responsible for investment, project
management and service provision. Considering a complicated economic
situation, it could be appropriate not only to attract financial
resources (private and borrowed ones) of the private sector but also to
consider the possibilities of European Union funding, which should be
treated as the contribution of the public sector to urban development.
The present article is aimed at analyzing PPP issues, discussing
the aspects of effects synergy between EU financial aid and private
capital has on landscape quality.
Theoretical preconditions for public-private sector cooperation
Public-private partnership (PPP) is one of the worldwide used tools
rediscovered in Lithuania. This is a new and rapidly spreading
phenomenon. Global practice has shown that the involvement of the
private sector (particularly financial and human resources) in the
process of public service development and delivery, especially in terms
of a persistent deficit of financial resources, is one of the best
solutions (El-Gohary et al. 2006).
Due to a lack of information, PPP is often treated as the
privatization of state property (Thobani 1999) and is related to
unreasonable public distrust. An opinion, that society is deceived by
the delegation of some public administration functions to private
business prevails. Society is afraid of losing the availability of some
public services, increasing the prices of provided services and
"depriving" them of public space, e.g. commercialized green
areas. However, in general, this is a case of public-private sector
cooperation allowing for the efficient use of private and European aid
funds in order to provide public services or develop public and
manufacturing facilities (De Lemos et al. 2000; Hemming et al. 2006;
Shaoul 2005; Skietrys et al. 2008; Jakaitis et al. 2009). When dealing
with public-private sector cooperation, it could be stated that the
public sector employs the principle of delegating their activities to
third parties in order to improve operational efficiency: in this case,
a private equity firm is committed to provide high quality public
services in accordance with standard specifications, finance the
operating costs of the state property, construct new buildings or other
objects and assume financial and technical risks. Notwithstanding, the
public sector is responsible for taking control over service delivery,
paying regular payments to a private company during a certain period of
time (20-35 years) and allowing for the effective implementation of the
project at the initial stage. The cooperation and redistribution of the
functions mentioned above enable each partner to fulfil its part:
private business develops infrastructure and provides services, and the
public sector creates favourable conditions and manages control
(Jakaitis et al. 2009). According to Akintoye et al. (2003), the main
problem related to the delegation of public services to the private
sector is the fear of society associated with the possible lower quality
of the services provided by the private business, its irresponsibility
and the loss of management (or even property) control.
The public sector activity and available public services are the
centre of constant public attention; therefore, the choice of the
partnership model becomes particularly important, considering
responsibilities, risk sharing and payback. At a more general level, PPP
occupies a middle ground between traditional public procurement and
privatization (Burger 2008) (Fig. 1). On the one hand, contractual
relationship is similar to public procurement; however, when employing
the PPP mechanism, the public sector gains a potential to create its own
infrastructure development policy funded and administrated by the
private sector instead of purchasing fixed assets and pre-paying the
full price for them. Thus, the public sector customer could be provided
with a service in exchange for a payment corresponding to the level and
quality of the offered service. Hence, public authorities do not lose
their assets as happens in case of privatization, but, on the contrary,
create and take charge of them when the contractual relationship ends or
extends the contract. The undertaken studies have indicated consistent
changes in the private sector interest, investment payback and
liability. On the other hand, the pursuit of maximum profit does not
guarantee the quality of the environment.
According to Kim (2006), Zhang (2005), in most cases, the main
reasons for public-private sector partnership are:
--limited financial resources and capabilities of the public
--increasing demand for public service infrastructure;
--the need to improve the quality of public services and reduce the
costs of their delivery, etc.
In practice, design solutions to most objects affected by informal
factors begin changing during the period of implementing and losing
original qualitative characteristics; however, international experience
has shown that the proper preparation of the contract between the state
(Municipality) and private company, with the clear identification of all
areas of responsibilities and obligations inside it, could minimize
risks: the state pays the private sector for actual services provided to
the customers--the services must meet quality requirements specified in
the contract and poor quality services are subject to sanctions (Eaton
et al. 2006.)
By choosing the right strategy for cooperation, the private sector
could take control over the administration of functions that are not
typical. However, the choice of the strategy related to PPP realization
in case of cultural heritage, protected areas or landscape objects is
usually influenced by European aid policy and models of complex
solutions; e.g. the use of the potential for cultural and natural values
of the development of recreation and tourism sectors focused on the
creation of the common good is not necessarily coincide with the
interests of the private entity and maximization of profit indicators.
Hence, in Lithuania, protected areas are usually governed applying the
most inefficient method (Fig. 1): the authorities both control the
retention policy and implement the arranged projects; as a result, the
state takes the burden of responsibility, a risk to creating the common
good, service delivery, maintenance and other functions typical of
private entities, instead of delegating some of the functions to the
private entity through PPP service. To ask rhetorically, how is the
state economically able to implement all those measures?
The global experience has shown (Ashuri et al. 2010; Tievaa,
Junnonen 2009; Li et al. 2005; Barr 2007; Dixon et al. 2006; Sobotka et
al. 2008) that financial resources of the public sector are limited: its
performance bar includes a number of social activities and objects
susceptible to investment; moreover, the interest of the personnel to
apply the most cost-effective model in the market is not usually
motivated. Thus, PPP tools are more effectively applied to the areas of
infrastructural development: road construction and maintenance,
municipal service delivery, the construction and maintenance of schools,
hospitals, airports, bus and railway stations, prisons, power plants and
governmental buildings and water and heat sector restructuring.
A traditional model for work done by state and municipal
institutions covers (Fig. 2):
--the creation of services;
--the formation of services and creation of the required
--the delivery of services.
A typical feature of operating such model is related to the
involvement of the relatively largest amount of resources (including
funding provided by the European Union or the institutions themselves)
at the initial stage of developing certain services and forming
infrastructure. Thus, in order to effectively implement the functions of
public administration, the fact that the state is not able to finance
all important projects (therefore, some of public services and
development projects are delayed or not implemented at all) should be
taken into consideration.
According to Aziz (2007) and Wang et al. (2000), another important
positive feature of such model is the ability of the private sector to
implement projects faster and to guarantee their higher quality as the
result of the employed management expertise. The above mentioned fact
determines the efficiency of investment (e.g. a school in Balsiai was
built in 8 months), which is modelled by increasingly common practice in
business called outsourcing, i.e. the business is focused on its core
activity while the operation of other activities, that are less typical
but yet important, is delegated to third parties, for example, a private
construction company develops a structure of the third party in order to
administrate services for 25-year-period.
There could be distinguished the following four basic elements of
value-creation that should be monitored, measured and evaluated in order
to disclose a qualitative change in the object of PPP: input, output,
outcome and impact (Fig. 3). Each of the introduced elements could be
interpreted differently; however, in our case, the most important result
of the impact is a qualitative change in the residential environment and
Theoretically, new relations in providing public services are
formed. Traditionally, state and local authorities are fully responsible
for services, i.e. provision, infrastructure (and its development), land
use, etc. In the process of public-private sector cooperation, the
public sector delegates the provision of public services requiring
significant investments in infrastructure and some of the risks related
to the private sector for a long term in order to improve the situation
(Dailami et al. 1999; Meidute 2009).
The conducted studies have shown that a specific form of PPP for
individual cases is not determined in both worldwide and the European
Union (EU) law (European Commission ... 2003, 2004a, 2004b). Moreover,
the rules governing requirements for the implementation of PPP are not
established. The EU law does not specify whether public authorities
should implement economic activity themselves or by entrusting this work
to a third party. In fact, the allowance for different forms of
public-private sector cooperation to develop could be appropriate. The
assurance of the Member States to inform about the implementation of
various forms of PPP, the problems related and the possible solutions
achieved is systematically particularly important.
As a result of the EU regulatory framework for inordinate
public-private cooperation, different countries are using different PPP
models when dealing with specific tasks (Dixon et al. 2006; El-Gohary et
al. 2006; Akintoye et al. 2003). As foreign and Lithuanian practical
experience has shown, there is a need to define the concept of PPP more
precisely. What is more, various concepts such as public procurement,
PPP projects, concession, etc. should be identified, as they are used
for indicating different ways of cooperation between the state and
public sector and the relation to the assets and services created by
public funds.
The fact that European law and Lithuanian legislation have not yet
regulated the concept of PPP as well as identified its forms and
provided each of them with specific requirements poses a risk for
partnership projects important to the society and state, to be carried
out inefficiently, or not to be implemented at all due to a lack of
adequate regulation. There is also a risk that the public interest will
not be represented appropriately, or the entities of the public sector
responsible for the implementation of the projects mentioned above will
employ inappropriate (not belonging to PPP or regulating wrong PPP
forms) legislation.
According to the European Commission and the practical experience
of foreign countries, the following types of PPP are identified:
--institutional, when a mixed capital company is established in
order to carry out certain activities;
--contractual, when certain activities are carried out according to
contracts the main of which are:
--PPP contracts based on public procurement.
As for Lithuania, only one form of public-private sector
cooperation--concessions--is regulated on the legal basis; however, the
law of public procurement could be indirectly attributed to this area.
Standard procedures and rules related to public-private sector
cooperation have not been formed. The coordination and supervision of
PPP projects are not efficient at the national level, and the processes
of the collection, systematization and analysis of information related
to PPP projects implemented in Lithuania and other countries are
Considering the facts that different international organizations
distinguish different types of PPP and certain states have regulations
for different forms of this cooperation, in order to make them similar
in all Member States, the European Commission has divided them into two
broad categories:
--purely contractual PPPs;
--institutionalized PPPs.
However, the State coordinating bodies, i.e. the Ministry of
Finance of the Republic of Lithuania, do not pay particular attention to
the analysis of the qualitative indicators of PPP (1). Moreover, in
2009, one more PPP model related to PPP contracts based on public
procurement was proposed. The main idea of the model is that according
to the conditions determined in the contract of cooperation between the
state and private entity, it is invested in the areas of activities
assigned to the functions of the government entity while specific
activities for which the private entity is paid by the government
entity, are implemented in those areas; nevertheless, this model has not
found real application yet. Hence, the following problems related to the
fact that the principle of PPP is not widely used in Lithuania could be
--no political will to develop public-private sector cooperation;
--only one form of public-private sector cooperation, i.e.
concession regulated by the law is created;
--no state authority responsible for the development of
implementing the principle of public-private sector cooperation;
--virtually no work with society that is not aware of the
opportunities and benefits of public-private sector cooperation.
The interaction between public-private partnership and EU aid funds
Considering the opportunities of urban regeneration and development
provided by EU aid funds (for a new funding period of 2014-2020), it
could be noted that the instruments of PPP should be developed and
methods should be improved, as most municipalities are particularly
interested in their level of debt. However, Lithuania has not yet
created an appropriate legal environment to uptake EU aid funds through
PPP "uniting" the funds of the EU aid and investments in the
private-sector. Therefore, the use of the EU aid together with PPP
contracts is a rare phenomenon. Individual projects of public or private
sectors are usually funded, thus remaining an integral part of a larger
PPP project or its phase (Fig. 4).
The process is disintegrated and inefficient for achieving the
highest quality of services. In order to use EU Structural Funds through
PPP, the following factors should be considered:
--The programming period of EU Structural Funds (3-7 years) is
relatively short, in comparison to that of PPP projects (25-30 years)
and in order to be able to keep funding the provision of services under
PPP contracts. Consequently, the disbursement of the funds at the stage
of constructing and designing public infrastructure, considering certain
results of private partner activity, is one of the most acceptable
alternatives for the absorption of EU Structural Funds through PPP.
--EU Structural Funds support individual projects that are fully
developed (however, the costs related to feasibility studies, financial
and economic analyses, environmental impact assessment and the
preparation of documents for public procurement could also be funded by
EU Structural Funds). In order to have more PPP projects financed by EU
Structural Funds within the period of 2014-2020, they must be already
prepared at the beginning of the new programming period or even before.
Considering the failure of the housing modernization programme in
Lithuania, it was the longest period of feasibilities related to urban
development and efficient energetic use untapped in 2008-2012, or even
the darkest period in the development of the science and practical
experience of urbanization over the period of 20 years of independence.
Housing and Urban Development Agency under the Ministry of Environment
of the Republic of Lithuania (HUDA) ended the year of 2011 with 644
houses modernized since 2005. Those objects were chosen from other 38000
buildings and included into the programme since launching it.
The "promising" Law on Territorial Planning of 1995,
which has been revised probably 25 times, has finally messed up the
process of the development of Lithuanian territories lacking the urban
policy. Modern urbanization has been left beyond the bounds of complex
urban modernization as a result of the highest level of the
government's reluctance (or inability) to use a wider range of
models as well as PPP along with the consolidation of European aid funds
for housing modernization. However, professional competence and ability
to administrate the areas strategically important to the state and
society is a question of another topic.
In order to expand the areas of the JESSICA support programme for
the period 2007-2013, the necessity of the document to cover not only
the costs related to building renovation and energetic efficiency
improvement but also to the regeneration of the residential environment
such as street lighting, social infrastructure, heating system
renovation and public building complex planning and modernization has
been discussed. The experts have admitted (2) the fact that the problem
of housing modernization could be solved employing the ESCO (Energy
Service Company) model, i.e. the investor increases the energetic
efficiency of the client using private funds or those for the renewal of
public infrastructure and recovers money invested by taking the funds
saved for energetic resources.
Examples and prospects of the forms of public-private partnership
The majority of governmental institutions consider the so-called
Private Finance Initiative (PFI) as the most successful and productive
form of PPP. Accordingly, the private sector invests a large amount of
money in the object (e.g. a hospital or school building) during the
first 3-5 years while the public sector (e.g. municipality) accounts for
that by paying in instalment to the private company in the following
period of 25-35 years. In Europe, such private-sector investments using
PFI contracts constitute about 10-15% of the total investment in the
public sector.
The projects of public-private partnership could be divided
according to the level of public-sector institution initiating the
project and participating in it. Partnership could be implemented at the
following levels:
--state level, i.e. public authority is one of the partners;
--local authority level, i.e. the institution of local authority is
one of the partners (employing a similar way, the PPP project on the
school in Balsiai, which is one of few Lithuanian projects, has been
implemented) (Figs. 5, 6);
--transnational level, i.e. several countries are involved in the
projects of partnership (the project of the Nuclear Power Station of
Ignalina is planned to be implemented by the partners of concession
signing an agreement with a private investor).
In Lithuania, PPP has not been developed enough and is usually
implemented only at the municipal level; for example, in 2010,
investment reached 90 million, which was about 35% of that carried out
under contracts; in 2011, Lithuanian municipalities implemented 41 PPP
contracts. In general, PPP contracts have been carried out in 24
municipalities (3) from 60.
In 2011, the following division of PPP contracts, according to the
areas, was made:
--11 PPP contracts related to waste recovery, recycling and
management, i.e. 25% of the total PPP amount, were implemented;
--9 PPP contracts related to culture, sports, leisure facilities
and equipment as well as other infrastructure, i.e. 23% of the total PPP
amount, were fulfilled;
--6 PPP contracts related to energetics, including the processes of
extraction, transmission, distribution and provision of thermal energy,
electricity, petroleum and natural gas, i.e. 15% of the total PPP
amount, were completed.
Even though the distribution of PPP contracts, according to the
areas, illustrates the potential of this model for implementing the
projects related to landscaping, energetics and sustainable city
development on the basis of PPP contracts, the maximum profit-making
does not usually guarantee a qualitative aspect of the environment. The
analysis of Lithuanian examples has shown that landscapes, having
nothing in common with ethnic architecture or natural and cultural
heritage, are usually influenced by informal factors (e.g.l economic,
social, political, etc.) (Figs. 7-9).
Considering the results of the study (with reference to the example
of Druskininkai " Grand SPA Lietuva" health and relaxation
centre (Figs. 10-11) (5)), innovative design solutions, as well as the
formation of the sustainable environment, were possible to implement by
a mutual agreement with the municipality only; however, a different
approach to the promotion of private investment was used. Druskininkai
"Grand SPA Lietuva" health and relaxation centre is a private
object providing public services. Consequently, the development and
provision of services along with the implementation of object
development are private partner's competencies with the full risk
and responsibility. The issues related to urban infrastructure
development and tax policy are subject to municipal jurisdiction. Hence,
both the private entity and municipality were engaged in the service
development process; however, the latter has acted strictly within the
limits of the functions delegated to it by the government.
The results of the performed analysis have shown that PPP processes
are implemented very slowly in Lithuania due to a lack of understanding
public authorities. Therefore, the question related to coordinating the
variety of the financing models for public-private sector cooperation
remains open. Not surprisingly, the importance of sustainable growth,
mentioned in the EU's Europe 2020 (6) Strategy, was particularly
emphasised during the round table discussion on European support funding
for 2014-2020 organized by the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of
Lithuania. Sustainable growth is closely related to the protection of
natural biological diversity as well as natural and cultural heritage.
It also covers the development of a resource-efficient, environmental
friendly and competitive economy, including the implementation of green
technologies, strengthening competitiveness, improvement in the business
environment and promotion of the efficient use of resources. The
measures mentioned above are important for protecting the environment
and biodiversity.
Europe2020 strategy puts forward three priority areas, including
the promotion of a more competitive economy, green and
resource-efficient energy use and the fight against climate change. The
implementation of actions mentioned above should contribute to social,
economic and territorial cohesion. Evaluating projects on the
development of tourism and protection of biodiversity and natural and
cultural heritage implemented on the grounds of financial assistance
provided by the EU funds in the EU Member States, a number of good
practice examples, that may be useful for determining priorities over
getting financing from EU structural funds for the period 2014-2020 in
Lithuania, could be identified.
Considering the fact that the quantitative indicators of
infrastructure development receive more attention than the ability to
offer attractive products effectively, qualitative interventions should
be stronger promoted. Human resources are one of the key elements, and
therefore could be useful for supplementing ERDF infrastructural
investment with "soft" ESF interventions by supporting
territorial communities.
The B2N (Business to Nature: Interregional Approach to SMEs and
Entrepreneurship in Natural Areas) initiative financed by INTERREG IVC
funds focuses on contributing to the sustainable develop ment of
European regions by promoting entrepreneurship and protecting
biodiversity and natural and cultural heritage.
The principle of public-private partnership financing in different
areas, and often from different funding sources, i.e. applying the
principle of synergy and integration, is widely used in the European
Union, etc. Western European countries have noticed that the
effectiveness of PPP depends on the cohesion of the best properties of
public and private sectors; e.g. in Great Britain, the significance of
the PPP approach is particularly evident in the areas of health care and
education (Barr 2007). Most public-private sector cooperation projects
are implemented in Great Britain, i.e. 80% of infrastructure development
projects are implemented applying the PPP principle, which accounts for
60% of all projects implemented in the EU. Ireland, Portugal, Spain,
France and the Netherlands are also actively involved in the process of
implementing projects. New EU Member States, such as the Czech Republic,
Hungary, Slovakia, Bulgaria, etc. have also launched new projects. In
Poland, PPP projects are being rapidly developed in the area of road
construction (Zhang 2005).
Considering the evaluation of impact, the example of improvements
made to the Hong Kong education system could be noted. The investment of
the Hong Kong Government in education increased by 20% over the periods
from 1989 to 1999 and from 2003 to 2004: the new buildings of exclusive
design and functionality were built and all technological innovations of
the given period were installed (Leung et al. 2006). However, the
conducted surveys have shown that new infrastructure does not fully meet
the expectations of teachers. One of the above mentioned key problems
was the fact that their opinion on planning facilities was ignored. As a
result, their behaviour has not changed on the contrary to all
expectations. Hence, the above highlighted case confirms the fact that,
in order to achieve a long-term positive impact, when improving
infrastructure and providing services, the interests of the end-user, or
the target community, should be considered.
Public-private partnership shows considerable potential for the
development of urban areas. The following key features of PPP projects
on the discussed field could be identified:
--the private partner undertakes both to build/reconstruct and
maintain infrastructure objects;
--construction/reconstruction is financed by the private partner
funds; thus, a sound initial investment of the public partner is not
--the objects of urban area (real estate) development remain the
property of the public partner, or are transferred to its ownership
after the end of the project;
--the payments of the public partner to the private partner are
related not to the execution of construction/reconstruction works but to
the compliance of the real estate with certain technical characteristics
over the entire project implementation period.
The incorporation of the private sector in the development of urban
areas enables:
--the provision of more effective services;
--the redirection of infrastructure in order to achieve users'
satisfaction and life cycle maintenance;
--the transfer of the financial burden from the infrastructure of
taxpayers to users;
--the use of new financing (investment) sources.
However, it should be noted that PPP is not a "magical"
or unique investment option. According to the EC, when dealing with
projects, it is important to evaluate the level of the contribution of
partnership to a certain service or public works, and compare it with
other options (e.g. a regular contract). PPPs enable public entities to
take advantage of private enterprise expertise and tools for the
allocation of risk to public and private sectors (Hemming et al. 2006;
Dailami et al. 1999).
In order to use PPP facilities more effectively, it is particularly
important to develop an effective system of public-private sector
cooperation, promote cooperation in society and provide consulting
services to each entity of cooperation at both national and municipal
level. In this case, the system would include the following aspects:
--PPP policy, governance and regulation;
--public interest security standards;
--tendering procedures and documents;
--clear risk sharing provisions;
--the analysis of increasing value-added in projects;
--rational monitoring procedures.
At the model level, the following main partnership members and
interest groups could be distinguished:
--the public sector;
--education institutions (universities, colleges, etc.);
--the private sector;
--public and civil formalized organizations (associations, NGOs,
The smooth and effective cooperation between all PPP entities is
the desirable result, in order to achieve which, a model leading for
effective cooperation with minimal risk and high-quality service
delivery should be developed (Fig. 12).
International experience suggests that to effectively apply the PPP
principle, it could be appropriate to start with a small and simple
project. It may take a long time (1.5-2 years) before the realization of
the project starts, especially at the initial stage of applying the
principles of PPP. It is also appropriate for financing PPP projects
using the budget and EU funds in addition to private funds (including
bank loans). In order for the state (government) to take advantage of
public-private sector cooperation, certain legal acts are required;
moreover, incentives for the entities of the private sector engaged in
partnership projects should be provided and legal procedures required
for PPP regulation in the field of urban infrastructure development
should be established.
Lithuania still faces a lack of political will for the widespread
use of the PPP principle in public services: the quality of the services
is not being improved, modernization and effective management are
required, the necessary property is not provided and the activities of
central government institutions are insufficient.
Considering information provided by the institutions that
implemented PPP projects by 31 January 2011 and regarding the contracts
signed, it could be noted that most PPP contracts were made by local
authorities (i.e. municipal administration); on the whole, PPP contracts
have been completed in 24 municipalities. The distribution of PPP
projects, according to the fields, has indicated that PPP is a potential
instrument for the implementation of landscape, energy efficiency and
projects on sustainable city development. Thus, in Lithuania, the PPP
initiative could be observed at the municipal level only.
PPP tools should be developed, as the question about the level of
debt is particularly relevant to most municipalities. Housing renovation
could be implemented according to the ESCO model: the investor increases
the energetic efficiency of the client using its own funds and then
recovers the money invested by getting funding saved on energy
resources; in this case, the business takes all risks.
The results of the study have shown that the employment of the PPP
principle is characterized by excellent opportunities for improvement on
the qualitative indicators of landscape development. In order to
evaluate the achieved impact, input and output (i.e. results and
consequences) should be considered. There is a risk to a negative
evaluation of the impact of the PPP project if the interests of the
end-user are not taken into consideration. In order to achieve both
efficiency and effectiveness, a support policy and strengthening the
partnership between interest groups should be carried out.
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Jonas Jakaitis (a), Narimantas Kazimieras Paliulis (b)
(a) Institute of Architecture, Vilnius Gediminas Technical
University, Pylimo g. 26/Traku g. 1, LT-01132 Vilnius, Lithuania
(b) Department of Business Technology, Vilnius Gediminas Technical
University, Sauletekio al. 11, LT-10223 Vilnius, Lithuania E-mails: (corresponding author);;
Received 04 January 2013; accepted 08 February 2013
(1) Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. PPP
[online], [cited 28 March 2012 ]. Available from Internet: http://
(2) The authors of the present article has been invited by the
Ministry of Finance to participate in round table discussion as an
expert of VGTU.
Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. Aptartos ES
paramos teikiamos galimybes miestu atgaivinimui ir pletrai online],
[cited 28 March 2012 ]. Available from Internet: ht tp://
(3) Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Lithuania. 2012. PPP
[online], [cited 28 March 2012 ]. Available from Internet: http://
(4) The Project of Druskininkai Snow Arena with Indoor Ski Slopes
Made of Artificial Snow Covering was implemented within the Cohesion
Promotion Action Programme of 2007-2013. According to the PPP concession
contract signed by the municipality of Druskininkai and the Stamita
Company, the entrepreneurs has invested about 70 million LTL in this
project, and the State has supported it by allocating 40 million LTL of
the EU funds. Snow Arena will attract at least 130,000-140,000 winter
sports enthusiasts per year. It was estimated that the investment will
pay off within 15 years.
Municipality of Druskininkai. 2008. The Project of Druskininkai
Snow Arena [online], [cited 28 March 2012]. Available from Internet:
(5) Stauskis, G.; Jakaitis, J.; Misius, V. 2013. Case Study. Hotel
"Lietuva", Grand SPA "Lietuva" [online], [cited 28
March 2012]. Available from Internet: case-studies/
(6) Communication from the European Commission EUROPE 2020: A
Strategy for Smart, Sustainable and Inclusive Growth. Brussels,
3.3.2010, COM(2010) 2020 final.
Doctor of the Humanities (Arch), Associate Professor at the
Department of Urban Engineering, Head and Principal investigator of
Institute of Architecture. Vilnius Gediminas Technical University,
Pylimo g. 26/Traku g. 1, LT-01132 Vilnius, Lithuania. E-mail:, Website:
Membership: Since 2009, a member of the Council for the Protection
of Ethnic Culture (a body responsible to the Parliament of Lithuania);
Since 1994, a member of the Lithuanian Union of Landscape Architects;
Since 1997, a member of the Lithuanian Union of Architects. Research
interests: urban planning and design, landscape architecture planning
and design, land use management, public participation and democracy,
Professor, Habilitated Doctor at the Department of Business
Technology, Vilnius Gediminas Technical University, Saul?tekio al. 11,
LT-10223 Vilnius, Lithuania. E-mail:
Research interests: organization theory, public private
partnership, information system, business organization, strategic urban
planning and management.