Bank leverage and credit supply.
Shin, Hyun Song
Banks and other types of financial intermediaries are of special
interest given their role in the economy and as their balance sheet
decisions have direct implications for credit supply. In spite of this,
financial firms are routinely excluded from the data samples in
empirical studies in corporate finance. This means that some of the
features of financial firms that make them special are often not
addressed. Peering into the corporate finance of banks reveals some
important lessons.
Basics of the Corporate Finance of Banking
Consider something as basic as leverage. Define leverage as the
ratio of total assets to the equity of a firm. Figure 1, at the upper
right, shows three ways that a firm (financial or otherwise) can
increase its leverage. In each case, the gray shaded area represents the
balance sheet component that does not change.
Mode 1 on the left is the case typically dealt with in MBA
textbooks in corporate finance. It depicts a financial operation where
the firm issues debt and buys back equity with the proceeds of the debt
issue. The assets of the firm are unchanged. This is the way, for
instance, that a private equity fund would acquire a target firm. Mode 2
depicts the consequences of a dividend paid to shareholders financed by
an asset sale. The leverage goes up because the debt remains in place,
but the assets shrink in value. The shrinking of the asset value could
reflect simply a decline in the price of the assets, so that the
increase in leverage is the result of market value changes.
However, for banks neither Mode 1 nor Mode 2 turns out to be the
right picture. Banks adjust their leverage as in Mode 3, where new
assets are financed by issuing new debt, with equity varying very
Figure 2 shows the scatter plot of the change in total assets,
debt, and equity of Barclays. Each point corresponds to a change in one
of these measures over a two-year period during the 18-year period of
1992 to 2010. There are nine such intervals. The data show very small
changes in equity, even when assets change substantially during a
two-year period. However, for debt the fitted line through the scatter
plot between the change in assets and the change in debt has a slope
very close to one, meaning that the change in assets is almost all
accounted for by the change in debt, just as in Mode 3 above. Since the
total assets of the bank and the leverage of the bank move in lockstep in Mode 3, a theory of bank leverage gives a theory of bank credit
Book Value of Assets and Bank Lending
The equity series in the scatter chart shows changes in the book
value of equity, not the market capitalization of the bank. In empirical
corporate finance studies for non-financial firms, it is customary to
give more weight to the market capitalization than to the book equity.
The rationale is that the accounting values do not reflect the true
market value of the firm and for questions related to how much the firm
is worth, it is better to examine the enterprise value of the firm,
where enterprise value is defined as the sum of the equity market
capitalization and the value of debt.
However, for banks the book value of assets conveys information on
how much the bank lends. The book value of assets grows when the bank
extends more loans. So, if our focus is on credit supply, then the book
value of assets is a meaningful quantity. To be sure, researchers are
also interested in how much the bank is worth to claim holders, a
question for which the bank's enterprise value would be
informative. But we are also interested in how much the bank lends,
especially for macro applications. For this, we need to look at book
In joint research with Tobias Adrian and Paolo Colla, (1) I explore
bank credit supply and how it differs from the credit that firms obtain
through the bond market. Figure 3, at the upper right, shows total
credit to U.S. non-financial businesses classified into whether the
borrower is a corporate business or a non-corporate business. The left
panel shows total credit to the corporate business sector and the right
panel shows total credit to the non-corporate business sector.
We note that lending to corporate businesses has surged since the
financial crisis, mainly as a result of rising bond financing. Total
credit to corporate businesses is much higher than before the crisis
thanks to the increase in bond financing. In contrast, lending to
non-corporate businesses has remained stagnant. Since small firms do not
have the capacity to tap the bond market, they rely exclusively on bank
lending. Bank lending rates have also remained high since the crisis.
The left panel of Figure 4, below, shows the bank lending rate to U.S.
businesses from a Fed survey, when the risk is "moderate" and
the maturity is longer than one year. The lending rate has remained
high, long after the Fed funds rate went to zero. The right panel of
Figure 4 shows the spread between the bank lending rate and the Fed
funds rate, which has stayed high at around 4 percent.
Procyclicality of Bank Lending
The availability of credit and how credit varies over the business
cycle are clearly matters of great importance. Some cyclical variation
in total lending is to be expected even in a frictionless world as there
would be more positive net present value (NPV) projects that need
funding when the economy is strong than when it is weak. The question is
whether the fluctuations in lending are larger than would be justified
by changes in the incidence of positive NPV projects. The fact that bank
lending behave so differently from bond financing suggests that credit
supply by banks needs additional explanation.
Adrian and I (2) delve deeper into the reasons for the
procyclicality of leverage and document the important explanatory role
played by measured risks through the banks' value at risk (VaR).
Formally, VaR is a quantile measure on the loss distribution, defined as
the smallest threshold loss L on the bank's loan book, such that
the probability that the realized loss turns out to be larger than L is
below some fixed probability a. Roughly speaking, VaR is a measure of
the "approximate worst case loss" for the bank in the sense
that anything worse than this worst case loss happens only with some
small probability a.
Adrian and I find that the VaR per dollar of assets fluctuates
widely over the financial cycle in step with measures of risk such as
the implied volatility embedded in the price of equity options. However,
there are much more modest fluctuations in the banks' VaR per
dollar of equity. In fact, the rule of thumb that banks keep the ratio
of VaR to equity constant is a useful benchmark.
The reason why the VaR-to-assets ratio fluctuates widely, but the
VaR-to-equity ratio does not, is accounted for by the active management
of leverage by intermediaries, especially the active shedding of risks
through deleveraging during times of market stress. In other words,
banks cut back lending when measures of risk go up so that their total
VaR is kept roughly constant. This suggests that financial
intermediaries such as banks are shedding risks and withdrawing credit
precisely when the financial system is under the most stress, thereby
amplifying the downturn.
Some telltale signs of such behavior can be seen in our scatter
chart for Barclays, Figure 2, which shows the relationship between
changes in total assets and changes in risk-weighted assets.
Risk-weighted assets are obtained by multiplying the bank's
holdings of each type of asset by the measured risks associated with the
asset. When balance sheets are expanding rapidly, risk-weighted assets
show only modest increases, reflecting the lowering of risk weights
during booms. In contrast, during downturns when the bank is contracting
lending there is only a marginal reduction in risk-weighted assets
because of the increase in the measured risks associated with lending.
Adrian and I explore a principal-agent model of the bank that could
account for such procyclical behavior if the creditors to the bank
impose tighter funding constraints on the bank, akin to the higher
"haircuts" that are imposed on borrowers in repurchase
("repo") agreements during downturns. In a benchmark case that
we consider, in which uncertainty is described by the extreme value
distribution (EVT), the optimal contract between the creditors and the
bank includes a leverage limit on the bank that implies a fixed
probability of bank failure, irrespective of the risk environment. Since
measured risk fluctuates over the cycle, imposing a constant probability
of failure implies very substantial expansions and contractions of the
balance sheet of the bank for any given level of bank equity. In other
words, the contract implies substantial leveraging and deleveraging over
the cycle.
International Dimension
The procyclicality of bank lending also has an international
dimension. Valentina Bruno and I3 address the global factor in
cross-border bank capital flows and explore how global "push"
factors that are associated with the bank leverage cycle act as global
factors that drive cross-border capital flows across the world. Policy
discussion has revolved around the notion of "global
liquidity" whereby permissive credit conditions in financial
centers are transmitted across borders to other parts of the world,
leading to highly synchronized fluctuations in capital flows and
financial conditions across jurisdictions. (4)
Bruno and I explore a model of global liquidity built around the
operation of international banks in a "double-decker" model of
banking where local banks borrow in U.S. dollars from global banks in
order to lend to local corporate borrowers. In turn, the global banks
finance cross-border lending to regional banks by tapping U.S. dollar
money market funds in financial centers. One distinctive feature of our
approach is that it generates a link between currency appreciation and
the buildup of leverage in the banking sector. The link arises from
shifts in the effective credit risk faced by banks who lend to local
borrowers that may have a currency mismatch. When the local currency
appreciates, local borrowers' balance sheets become stronger,
resulting in lower credit risk and hence expanded bank lending capacity.
In this way, currency appreciation leads to greater risk-taking by
banks. This "risk-taking channel" of currency appreciation
entails a link between exchange rates and financial stability. The rapid
growth of the banking sector fueled by capital inflows and an
appreciating currency has been a classic early warning indicator of
emerging economy crises. (5) The framework in Bruno and Shin (2013)
addresses the theoretical mechanism that links currency appreciation and
the buildup of leverage, in contrast to conventional macro models of
exchange rates where the focus is on the current account.
Empirical studies in corporate finance routinely exclude banks from
the analysis because of their special nature. Given banks'
importance as suppliers of credit to the economy, a focused study of the
corporate finance of banking has value in its own right. Banks manage
their balance sheets in a procyclical manner, expanding lending during
boom times when measured risks are low and restricting lending during
the downturn when measured risks increase. In a general equilibrium context, such procyclical behavior could be expected to have feedback
effects that amplify shocks.
(1) T. Adrian, P. Colla, and H. S. Shin, "Which Financial
Frictions? Parsing the Evidence from the Financial Crisis of2007-9"
NBER Working Paper No. 18335, August 2012, and NBER Macroeconomics
Annual 2012, Volume 27, D. Acemoglu, J. Parker, and M. Woodford, eds.,
Chicago, IL: University of Chicago Press, (2013), pp. 159-214.
(2) T. Adrian and H. S. Shin, "Procyclical Leverage and
Value-at-Risk," NBER Working Paper No. 18943, April 2013, and
Review of Financial Studies 27 (2014), pp. 373-403.
(3) V. Bruno and H. S. Shin, "Capital Flows, Cross-Border
Banking and Global Liquidity" NBER Working Paper No. 19038, May
(4) See Bank for International Settlements, "Global Liquidity
- Concept, Measurement and Policy Implications," Basel, 2011, cgfs45.pdf, and H. Rey, "Dilemma not
Trilemma: The Global Financial Cycle and Monetary Policy
Independence" forthcoming in the Proceedings of the Federal Reserve
Bank of Kansas City Economic Symposium at Jackson Hole, 2014.
(5) See P Gourinchas and M. Obstfeld, "Stories of the
Twentieth Century for the Twenty-First," NBER Working Paper No.
17252, July 2011, and American Economic Journal: Macroeconomics, 4
(2012), pp. 226-65; and M. Schularick and A. Taylor, "Credit Booms
Gone Bust: Monetary Policy, Leverage Cycles, and Financial Crises,
1870-2008"NBER Working Paper No. 15512, November 2009, and American
Economic Review 102 (2012), pp. 1029-61.
Hyun Song Shin *
* Shin is a Research Associate in the NBER's Program on
Corporate Finance. He is the Hughes-Rogers Professor of Economics at
Princeton University. His profile appears later in this issue.