Saving in developing countries.
Prasad, Eswar S.
The evolution of national savings in developing countries (a broad
term that I use here to refer to middle-income emerging markets, as well
as less developed low-income economies) has received considerable
attention in discussions of global current account imbalances. In the
run-up to the global financial crisis, these imbalances were
characterized by large and rising current account deficits in the United
States, United Kingdom, and a few other advanced economies, matched by
corresponding surpluses in many emerging markets and a few oil-exporting
economies. Rising saving rates in China and many other Asian economies
began to receive increased attention from researchers around this
period, and Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke's 2005 speech
arguing that the "savings glut" in emerging markets was a
proximate cause of the imbalances gave further impetus to that research.
Economists have been more successful in explaining changes in
saving rates within specific countries over time than in explaining
differences in saving levels across countries. (2) The fact that Asian
economies traditionally have had higher saving rates than developing and
industrialized economies in other regions has received some attention,
but there is no persuasive explanation for this phenomenon. Economists
have had to rely on weak non-economic explanations, such as the argument
that Asians are culturally predisposed towards saving. This hypothesis
has been formally tested using data from the U.S. Census to examine
whether immigrants to the United States from high-saving countries tend
to save more than immigrants from low-saving countries. The results show
that there are significant differences in immigrants' saving
behavior by country of origin, but those differences do not match up
with the differences in national saving rates. In particular, immigrants
from high-saving Asian countries do not save more than other immigrants.
Saving in Asia
Given their high and rising saving rates, Asian economies have been
the subject of considerable research. In an early contribution focusing
on the region, Susan Collins looks at rising national saving rates in
nine Asian developing economies (plus Turkey) over the period 1960-84.
She concludes that high growth rates, a low dependency ratio, and high
income levels are all positively associated with saving rates. She
argues further that there are structural differences between low-income
and middle-income countries in the determinants of savings. (4)
Charles Horioka and Akiko Terada-Hagiwara find that domestic saving
rates in developing Asia rose during the period 1966-2007. They conclude
that the main determinants of those trends were the age structure of the
population (especially the elderly dependency ratio), income levels, and
the level of financial sector development. (5) They forecast that over
the next two decades the domestic saving rate in developing Asia as a
whole will remain roughly constant, despite rapid population aging in
most of those economies, in part because the negative impact of
population aging on the domestic saving rate will be largely offset by
the positive impact of higher income levels.
National saving comprises saving by households, corporations, and
the government. Household savings typically has attracted most of the
attention of researchers because it is more amenable to theoretical
modeling than the other components of nations saving, and because its
determinants can be analyzed using household-level survey data.
Corporate saving (retained earnings) has received less attention, but in
fact has been the key driver behind the surge in national savings in
major Asian emerging markets during the latter half of the last decade.
While household saving rates have also trended up in most major
Asian economies, one prominent Asian economy where the household saving
rate has fallen quite significantly over the last two decades is Korea.
Young Jun Chun evaluates the effects of population aging and fiscal
policies on national saving in Korea. (7) Using a life-cycle model that
incorporates a generational accounting approach, he argues that rapid
population aging and the long-term budgetary imbalance have and will
continue to drive down the national saving rate in Korea.
The sheer scale of China's saving, which now exceeds 50
percent of GDP, has drawn considerable research attention. Dennis Yang,
Junsen Zhang, and Shaojie Zhou look at determinants of all three
components of saving in China and conclude that economic, demographic,
and policy trends in the internal and external environments of the
Chinese economy are likely to lead to a decline in national saving in
the foreseeable future. (8)
With greater access to household-level datasets, there has been an
intense focus on explaining the rise in China's household saving
rate. From 1995 to 2005, the average urban household saving rate in
China rose steadily by 7 percentage points, to about one quarter of
disposable income. The urban saving rate has continued to rise since
then, driving the national household saving rate higher as well. Marcos
Chamon and I use data from China's Urban Household Surveys to
explain why households are postponing consumption despite rapid income
growth. (9) Tracing cohorts over time indicates a virtual absence of
consumption smoothing over the life cycle. Saving rates have increased
across all demographic groups, although the age profile of savings has
an unusual pattern in recent years, with younger and older households
having relatively high saving rates. We argue that these patterns are
best explained by the rising private burden of expenditures on housing,
education, and health care. These effects and precautionary motives may
have been amplified by financial under-development, as reflected in
constraints on borrowing against future income and low returns on
financial assets.
In subsequent work, Chamon, Kai Liu, and I examine the role of
precautionary saving motives in explaining both the increase in
China's household saving rate since the mid-1990s and the
interesting fact that the age-savings profile has become U-shaped during
the 2000s. (10) We find that, in addition to the factors identified in
our earlier research, rising income uncertainty and pension reforms help
to explain both of these phenomena. Using a panel of Chinese households
covering the period 1989-2006, we document that strong average income
growth has been accompanied by a substantial increase in income
uncertainty. Interestingly, the permanent variance of household income
remains stable while it is the transitory variance that rises sharply. A
calibration of a buffer-stock savings model indicates that rising
savings rates among younger households are consistent with rising income
uncertainty and that higher saving rates among older households are
consistent with a decline in the pension replacement ratio for those
retiring after 1997. We conclude that rising income uncertainty and
pension reforms can explain more than half of the increase in the urban
household savings rate in China since the mid-1990s, as well as the
U-shaped age-saving profile.
Other researchers have used less disaggregated data to provide
complementary perspectives on household saving behavior. Horioka and
Junmin Wan conduct a dynamic panel analysis of the determinants of the
household saving rate in China using a life-cycle model and panel data
on Chinese provinces for the period 1995-2004. (11) They find that the
main determinants of variations over time and over space are the lagged
saving rate, the income growth rate, (in many cases) the real interest
rate, and (in some cases) the inflation rate. They find little evidence
that variables relating to the age structure of the population have the
expected impact on the household saving rate. Their results provide
mixed support for the life-cycle hypothesis and the permanent income
hypothesis, and are consistent with the existence of inertia or
persistence in household saving behavior.
Other research on China has emphasized demographic factors as one
of the main determinants of the rising household saving rate. Chadwick
Curtis, Steven Lugauer, and Nelson Mark undertake a quantitative
investigation using an over-lapping-generations model. (12) In their
model, dependent children's utility enters into parents'
utility so that parents choose the consumption level of the young until
they leave the household. Working agents give a portion of their labor
income to their retired parents and save for their own retirement, while
the aged live on their accumulated assets and on support from their
children. These researchers take future demographic changes, labor
income, and interest rates as exogenously given. They argue that their
calibrated model accounts for much of observed increase in the household
saving rate from 1963 to 2009.
While evidence of conventional demographic factors, such as an
aging population, in driving household saving rates has been mixed,
there are other aspects of changing demographics in China that have been
the subject of research as well. Shan-Jin Wei and Xiaobo Zhang propose a
novel and unorthodox explanation based on competitive saving resulting
from unbalanced sex ratios (tilted in favor of males) in China. (13) As
the sex ratio rises, Chinese parents with a son raise their savings in a
competitive manner in order to improve their son's relative
attractiveness for marriage. The pressure on savings spills over to
other households. Both cross-regional and household-level evidence
supports this hypothesis. They conclude that this motive potentially can
account for about half of the actual increase in the household savings
rate during 1990-2007.
Abhijit Banerjee, Xin Meng, and Nancy Qian exploit the changes in
China's demographics caused by its family planning policies to
study the effects of changes in the demographic structure on savings and
wealth. (14) They find that children provide a substantial amount of
support for elderly parents and that sons provide more support than
daughters. Their empirical estimates support the predictions of a simple
life-cycle model, based on which they conclude that the exogenous reduction in fertility because of family planning policy caused a
significant increase in household savings, and that all of the increase
is driven by parents who have a daughter as their only child.
Corporate Savings
As in other Asian economies, corporate saving was a principal
driver of the rising national saving rate in China. (15) During 2003-7,
the share of household saving in GDP actually declined, even though the
household saving rate (saving as a share of disposable income) continued
to rise. This apparent anomaly is the consequence of a greater share of
national income going to capital than to labor. If households
effectively own the firms in an economy, either directly or indirectly,
this should not matter because firms' profits will increase
household disposable income. However, in China, a majority of firms are
still state-owned and most of them don't pay dividends to the
China's high corporate saving rate has received attention in
policy circles, but has been the subject of only limited research so
far. Tamim Bayoumi, Hui Tong, and Wei examine firm-level data and
conclude that it indicates a global trend of rising corporate saving
over the period 2002-7. (16) Chinese state-owned firms only recently
were required to pay out dividends to the state, and these payments are
still quite low relative to profits. However, these authors conclude
that there is no significant difference in the savings behavior and
dividend patterns between Chinese majority state-owned and private
listed firms. Other evidence reported by Loukas Karabarbounis and Brent
Neiman suggests that China is not special and that declining labor
shares and the rise of corporate saving are global phenomena. (17) One
factor behind these phenomena is the global decline in the cost of
capital beginning in the 1980s, which has led firms around the world to
shift away from labor and towards capital, financed in part with an
increase in corporate saving.
More Work Ahead
With developing economies playing an increasingly important role in
the global economy, there is growing interest in explaining saving
behavior in these economies from both micro and macro perspectives.
Increase in access to household and firm-level datasets in China and
other developing economies has set off an exciting research program,
although a number of questions have not yet been conclusively answered.
For instance, the micro evidence suggests a range of plausible
explanations for the rise in China's household saving rate,
although there is no easy way to distinguish among these different
hypotheses in a unified framework. Integrating the micro and macro
perspectives to explain the determinants of saving-investment balances
in these countries is likely to remain a fertile area of research.
(1) B. Bernanke, "The Global Saving Glut and the U.S. Current
Account Deficit," Sandridge Lecture, Virginia Association of
Economists, Richmond, VA, March 10, 2005.
(2) See S. Edwards, "Why are Saving Rates so Different Across
Countries? An International Comparative Analysis," NBER Working
Paper No. 5097, April 1995, and Journal of Development Economics, Vol.
51, no. 1 (October 1996), pp. 5-44. That paper also has a good survey of
the literature that preceded it.
(3) C.D. Carroll, B. Rhee, and C. Rhee, "Does Cultural Origin
Affect Saving Behavior? Evidence from Immigrants," NBER Working
Paper No. 6568, May 1998, and Economic Development and Cultural Change,
Vol. 48, no. 1 (1999), pp. 33-50.
(4) S.M. Collins, "Saving Behavior in Ten Developing
Countries," in National Saving and Economic Performance, B. D.
Bernheim and J. B. Shoven, eds., January 1991, pp. 349-76. Also see S.
Edwards, "Why are Saving Rates So Different Across Countries? An
International Comparative Analysis," NBER Working Paper No. 5097,
April 1995, and Journal of Development Economics, Vol. 51, no. 1(October
1996), pp. 5-44.
(5) C.Y. Horioka and A. Terada-Hagiwara, "The Determinants and
Long-term Projections of Saving Rates in Developing Asia," NBER
Working Paper No. 17581, November 2011, and in Japan and the World
Economy, Vol. 24, no. 2 (March 2012), pp. 128-37.
(6) See E.S. Prasad, "Rebalancing Growth in Asia," NBER
Working Paper No. 15169, July 2009, and International Finance, Vol. 14,
Issue 1, pp. 27-66, Spring 2011.
(7) Y. J. Chun, "Population Aging, Fiscal Policies, and
National Saving: Predictions for Korean Economy," NBER Working
Paper No. 12265, May 2006.
(8) D.T. Yang, J. Zhang, and S. Zhou, "Why Are Saving Rates so
High in China?," NBER Working Paper No. 16771, February 2011, and
in Capitalizing China, J. Fan and R. Morck, eds., forthcoming from the
University of Chicago Press.
(9) M. Chamon and E.S. Prasad, "Why Are Saving Rates of Urban
Households in China Rising?" NBER Working Paper No. 14546, December
2008, and American Economic Journal: Macroeconomics, January 2010, Vol.
2(1), pp.93-130.
(10) M. Chamon, K. Liu, and E.S. Prasad, "Income Uncertainty
and Household Savings in China," NBER Working Paper No. 16565,
December 2010.
(11) C.Y. Horioka and J. Wan, "The Determinants of Household
Saving in China: A Dynamic Panel Analysis of Provincial Data," NBER
Working Paper No. 12723, December 2006, and Journal of Money, Credit and
Banking, Vol. 39, no. 8 (December 2007), pp. 2077-96.
(12) C.C. Curtis, S. Lugauer, and N.C. Mark, "Demographic
Patterns and Household Saving in China," NBER Working Paper No.
16828, February 2011.
(13) S. Wei and X. Zhang, "The Competitive Saving Motive:
Evidence from Rising Sex Ratios and Savings Rates in China," NBER
Working Paper No. 15093, June 2009, and Journal of Political Economy,
June 2011.
(14) A. Banerjee, X. Meng, and N. Q ian, "The Life Cycle Model
and Household Savings: Micro Evidence from Urban China,"
forthcoming as an NBER Working Paper.
(15) E.S. Prasad, 2011 (op. cit. endnote 7)
(16) T. Bayoumi, H. Tong, and S. Wei, "The Chinese Corporate
Savings Puzzle: A Firm-level Cross-Country Perspective," NBER
Working Paper No. 16432, October 2010.
(17) L. Karabarbounis and B. Neiman, "Declining Labor Shares
and the Global Rise of Corporate Saving," NBER Working Paper No.
18154, June 2012.
* Eswar S. Prasad is a Research Associate in the NBER's
International Finance and Macroeconomics Program and the Tolani Senior
Professor of Trade Policy and Professor at Economics at Cornell
University. His profile appears later in this issue.