Subsidies for health products.
Dupas, Pascaline
Adoption of health products could lessen the burden of infectious
disease in developing countries. In a series of studies using
experimental data from Kenya, my colleagues and I have explored the role
of subsidies in both short- and long-run adoption of such products, and
studied how subsidies might be targeted.
Full Subsidies Increase Adoption in Both the Short and Long Run
Three studies examine the role of subsidies in the adoption of
preventative health technologies. Subsidies for such products can be
justified in two ways: first, because the diseases they prevent are
often infectious, these technologies generate public health benefits.
Second, people may be more likely to know the health effectiveness of a
product if they or others around them have had an opportunity to try it
out cheaply in the past.
For subsidies to successfully generate such health and learning
effects, households need to make effective use of the products they
receive at a highly subsidized price. However, they may not do so for
two reasons. First, households that are unwilling to pay a high monetary
price for a product also may be unwilling to pay the non-monetary costs
associated with daily use of the product, or may not actually need the
product at all. In other words, indiscriminate subsidies may undermine
the screening or allocative effect of prices. Second, subsidies could
reduce the potential for psychological effects associated with paying
for a product, such as a "sunk cost" effect in which people,
having paid for a product, feel compelled to use it.
In a first study, Jessica Cohen and I use a two-stage randomized design to estimate the distinct roles of the screening and psychological
sunk-cost effects in the use of long-lasting anti-malarial bed nets in
rural Kenya. (1) These nets cost $7, and they prevent bites from
malaria-carrying mosquitoes while sleeping. We randomize the price at
which prenatal clinics offered nets to pregnant women, who are
particularly vulnerable to malaria. The clinics charged either nothing
(free distribution), or 15, 30, or 60 U.S. cents. A random subset of
women who had purchased a net for either 30 or 60 cents subsequently
received a surprise rebate. We find that the rate at which pregnant
women used the net (measured through home observation visits two months
later) was relatively high (60 percent) and was completely independent
of the price they paid for the net, either initially or after the
surprise rebate. In other words, there is no evidence of either a
screening or sunk-cost effect of prices in that context. On the other
hand, our take-up results show that demand is very sensitive to price:
the likelihood that pregnant women acquired a net fell from 99 to 39
percent when price increased from zero to 60 cents. Thus the effect of
the subsidy on coverage, and hence its potential for public health
outcomes, decreases very rapidly as the subsidy level declines.
In a second study conducted on a sample of households with
school-aged children, also in Kenya, I find that demand becomes slightly
less price sensitive if subsidies are in the form of vouchers that
households have three months to redeem at local retail shops. Overall
price remains the primary driver of demand, with the purchase rate
dropping from 73 percent when the price is $0.60 to around 33 percent
when the price reaches $1.50 (still an 80 percent subsidy) and to 6
percent when the price reaches $3.50 (corresponding to a 50 percent
subsidy). Various marketing strategies (for example, making the
morbidity burden or treatment costs salient, targeting mothers, or
eliciting verbal commitments to invest in the product) fail to change
the slope of the demand curve. (2) Here again, the price paid does not
matter for usage. In fact, home observation visits show that the usage
of bed nets acquired through a subsidized voucher was extremely high,
rising from 60 percent at a three-month follow-up to over 90 percent
after one year, and thus across all price groups, including recipients
of fully subsidized net.
The results observed for bed nets do not appear highly specific.
Nava Ashraf, James Berry, and Jesse Shapiro study the use of water
purification products in Zambia; their two-stage design preceded the one
I use with Cohen, and they find no evidence of use-inducing sunk-cost
effects. However, they do find some evidence of a screening effect of
prices. (3) Jennifer Meredith, Jonathan Robinson, Sarah Walker, and
Bruce Wydick work with three products in four countries--rubber shoes to
prevent worm infections, soap, and vitamins in Kenya, Uganda, Guatemala,
and India--and find that demand is very sensitive to price in all
contexts. Neither health information nor gender targeting helps increase
demand at higher prices, but people use the products no matter the price
they paid. (4)
Given these results, and the fact that mass distribution is cheaper
than setting up a partial subsidy scheme through vouchers, full
subsidies appear necessary if one wants to see adoption of bed nets to
reach the coverage levels targeted by the international community. But
how long can subsidies be in place? Can a once-off subsidy be enough to
trigger learning and to generate sustained adoption? Or is there a risk
that people are unwilling to pay for a product they once received for
free? This could happen if people, when they see a product being
introduced for free, come to feel entitled to receive this product for
free (that is, they would "anchor" around the subsidized
price). To gauge the relative importance of these effects, I look at the
long-run effects of temporary subsidies on adoption of these products.
(5) That study had two phases: in phase 1, taking data from study 2
described above, households were randomly assigned a price for a bed
net, ranging from zero to $3.80. In phase 2 a year later, all households
faced the same price of $2.30. By comparing the take-up rate of the
second, uniformly-priced bed net across phase -1 price groups, I can
test whether being exposed to a large or full subsidy in Phase 1 (which,
as discussed above, considerably increases adoption in Phase 1) reduces
or enhances willingness to pay for the bed net a year later. I find that
it enhances it, suggesting the presence of a positive learning effect
which dominates any potential anchoring effect. Interestingly, the
learning effect trickles down to others in the community: households
facing a positive price in the first year are more likely to purchase a
bed net when the density of households around them who received a free
or highly subsidized bed net is greater. Once bed net ownership is
widespread, though, the transmission risk starts to decrease and the
returns to private investments decrease: accordingly, those who have
more subsidized neighbors in year one are less likely to invest in year
When Prices regain their Allocative Role: Medical Treatment
The studies discussed above find that price was not a good
targeting mechanism to allocate malaria prevention tools (bed nets), and
in fact that higher prices prevent positive spillovers on disease
transmission associated with large bed net coverage. But in a study with
Cohen and Simone Schaner using experimental data from the same region of
Kenya, we find that price can be (to some extent) used as a targeting
mechanism to allocate malaria treatment. (6) Targeting of malaria
treatment is very important because of the negative spillovers that
overuse of such treatments generates: it can delay or preclude proper
treatment for the true cause of illness, waste scarce resources for
malaria control, and may contribute to drug resistance among malaria
parasites, making treatment of malaria harder in the long-run.
Price can be effective at targeting treatment when it's not
effective at targeting prevention, because demand for treatment appears
much less price-sensitive (especially among the poor) than demand for
prevention. What's more, conditional on experiencing malaria-type
symptoms, adults are much less likely to be malaria-positive than
children. As with most treatments, though, the price per anti-malarial
dose for adults (who need to take more pills) is higher than the price
for children. Consequently, at a given price per pill, children (the key
target for the subsidy) are on a flatter portion of the demand curve.
In addition to furthering our understanding of how price can be
used to target health products in the developing world, a fourth study
makes two contributions: 1) it highlights the trade-off inherent to
subsidies for medications in environments with weak health system
governance (which prevents conditioning the subsidy on a formal
diagnostic); and 2) it points out that bundling subsidies for
medications with subsidies for diagnostic tests has the potential to
improve welfare impacts.
When Price is not an Effective Allocating Tool, what Allocation
Mechanism can be used?
Two studies with Debopam Bhattacharya concern the question of how
to efficiently allocate subsidized products. When budgets are such that
only a small fraction of a target population can receive a given
subsidy, but returns to the subsidy are heterogeneous across households
(for example, some households can afford the product without the subsidy
but others cannot), the eligibility rule used to decide who will receive
the subsidy can have an important effect on the overall benefit arising
from the subsidy program. We first consider the problem of allocating a
fixed amount of treatment resources to a target population with the aim
of maximizing the mean population outcome, and the dual problem of
estimating the minimum cost of achieving a given mean outcome in the
population by efficient targeting of the treatment. (7) We set-up an
econometric framework for studying this problem and apply it to the
design of welfare-maximizing allocation of subsidies for bed nets. Using
the same data as in study 2 described above, we estimate that a
government that can afford to distribute bed net subsidies to only 50
percent of its target population can, if using an allocation rule based on multiple covariates, increase bed net coverage by 17 to 20 percentage
points relative to random allocation.
Bhattacharya, Shin Kanaya, and I then develop a method for
estimating the predicted aggregate effect of a given subsidy-targeting
rule, taking into account the spillover effects that one
household's subsidization has on neighboring households'
outcomes; and for estimating the error incurred in prediction due to
ignoring the spillovers. (8) A key requirement of the method we propose
is the availability of data to estimate the magnitude and shape of
spillovers. In our application, we (here again) exploit data from one of
the experimental Kenya studies discussed above, in which a subsidy for
anti-malarial bed nets was assigned randomly across households. We show
that ignoring treatment externalities in the estimation of aggregate
policy impacts can yield large bias and, importantly, that the sign of
this bias cannot be inferred solely from the sign of the externality.
For example, when individual bed net use is increasing in neighborhood
subsidy rates, as in our application, intuitive reasoning might suggest
that ignoring this externality would lead to underestimation of the
aggregate impact of a targeted bed net subsidy program. However, this
intuition is flawed and the correct answer depends on whether the
average neighborhood subsidy rate under the proposed subsidy program
would be higher or lower than the average neighborhood subsidy rate
observed in the data used to estimate the parameters of interest.
(1.) J. Cohen and P. Dupas, "Free Distribution or Cost
Sharing? Evidence from a Randomized Malaria Experiment," NBER Working Paper No. 14406, October 2008, and Quarterly Journal of
Economics, 125 (1), (February 2010), pp.1-45.
(2.) P. Dupas, "What matters (and what does not) in
households' decisions to invest in malaria prevention?" and
American Economic Review P&P, 99(2), (May 2009), pp. 224-30.
(3.) N. Ashraf, J. Berry, and J. Shapiro. "Can Higher Prices
Stimulate Product Use? Evidence from a Field Experiment in Zambia,"
NBER Working Paper No. 13247, July 2007, and American Economic Review
100(5) (December 2010) pp. 2383-413.
(4.) J. Meredith, J. Robinson, S. Walker, and B. Wydick.
"Keeping the Doctor Away: Experimental Evidence on Investment in
Preventive Health Products," forthcoming in Journal of Development
(5.) P. Dupas, "Short-run Subsidies and Long-run Adoption of
New Health Products: Evidence from a Field Experiment," NBER
Working Paper No. 16298, August 2010.
(6.) J. Cohen, P. Dupas, and S. Schaner, "Price Subsidies,
Diagnostic Tests, and Targeting of Malaria Treatment: Evidence from a
Randomized Controlled Trial", NBER Working Paper No.17943, March
(7.) D. Bhattacharya and P. Dupas, "Inferring Welfare
Maximizing Treatment Assignment under Budget Constraints," NBER
Working Paper No. 14447, October 2008, and Journal of Econometrics,
167(1), (March 2012), pp. 168-96.
(8.) D. Bhattacharya, P. Dupas, and S. Kanaya, "Estimating the
Impact of Means-tested Subsidies under Treatment Externalities with
Application to Anti-Malarial Bednets," NBER Working Paper No.
18833, February 2013.
Pascaline Dupas *
* Dupas is a Faculty Research Fellow in the NBER's Program on
Children and Development Economics and Assistant Professor of Economics
at Stanford University. Her Profile appears later in this issue.