International prices and exchange rates.
Gopinath, Gita
Milton Friedman advocated flexible exchange rates on the premise
that they would allow the relative prices of domestic and foreign goods
to adjust in a world with nominal rigidities. The strength of his
argument, and its implications for monetary and exchange rate policy,
depend crucially on the specifics of nominal rigidity: How rigid are
prices? Are prices fixed in the producer's currency or in the local
currency? When prices adjust, how much do they respond to exchange rate
The validity of several of the benchmark models and the main
hypothesis in international macroeconomics--such as the Mundell-Fleming
models of the 1 960s, Dornbusch's overshooting exchange rate
hypothesis, and the more recent New Open Economy Macroeconomics
literature--also depend on the answers to these questions. In a series
of papers, my coauthors and I shed light on these questions by providing
evidence for actual traded goods prices. Using micro-data on US. import
and export prices at-the-dock for the period 1994 to 2009, we develop
theoretical models that provide a better fit for the empirical evidence
than earlier theoretical environments.
Nominal and Real Rigidities in Traded Goods Prices
Significant nominal and real rigidities (1) in the pricing of
traded goods are shown in my work with Roberto Rigobon. (2) The median
price duration in the currency of pricing is long at 10.6 (12.8) months
for U.S. imports (exports). Also, 90 percent (97 percent) of imports
(exports) are priced in dollars. In international macro models it is
typically assumed that prices are either all rigid in the local currency
(importer's currency) or in the producer's currency
(exporter's currency), and this assumption is symmetric across
countries. In the case of the United States, contrary to this
assumption, we find local-currency pricing for imports and
producer-currency pricing for exports. This suggests an asymmetry in
terms of which country bears the costs/benefits of exchange rate
movements. Given the long durations between price adjustment and with
most goods prices sticky in dollars, the pass-through of exchange rate
shocks into import prices is low in the short run. Interestingly though,
even conditioning on a price change, bilateral exchange rate
pass-through into U.S. import prices is low, at 22 percent. We further
document that differentiated goods manufactures exhibited marked
stability in their trade prices during the Great Trade Collapse of
2008-9, despite the large decline in their trade volumes. (3)
The fact that the vast majority of import prices into the United
States are rigid in dollars for a significant duration and that, even
conditional on a price change, the response of dollar prices to exchange
rate shocks is limited, implies that exchange rate movements produce
between zero and small relative price effects over short-and medium-run
horizons. This seriously limits the quantitative importance of the
Friedman mechanism for the United States.
Currency of Pricing and Pass-Through
The broader question of optimality of a floating-versus-a-pegged
exchange rate has been researched extensively in open economy
macroeconomics. The presence of nominal rigidities in price setting
generates trade-offs between the two exchange rate regimes. In a large
class of models used to evaluate optimal policy, the currency of pricing
is assumed to be exogenously chosen. In the short run when prices are
rigid, there is a 100 percent pass-through into import prices of goods
priced in the producer's currency and a zero percent pass-through
for goods priced in the local currency. When prices adjust, there is no
difference in pass-through. Exogenous currency choice results in stark
outcomes, like the optimality of floating exchange rates under
producer-currency pricing which ensures expenditure switching, and
pegging under local-currency pricing which preserves the law of one
price. A fundamental question then follows: is pass-through unrelated to
the currency of pricing when prices adjust?
Oleg Itskhoki, Rigobon, and I address this question both
empirically and theoretically in a paper that uses novel data on
currency and prices for U.S. imports. (4) We show that even conditional
on a price change, there is a large difference in the pass-through of
the average good priced in dollars (25 percent) versus non-dollars (95
percent), both across countries and within disaggregated sectors. We
also show that sectors that would be classified as producing more
homogenous goods, like mineral products, are dollar priced sectors while
differentiated sectors, like machinery, have a greater share of
non-dollar pricers. Further, non-dollar pricers adjust prices less
frequently than dollar pricers. These findings are inconsistent with the
assumption, in an important class of models, that the currency of
pricing is exogenous. We then present a model of endogenous currency
choice and show that the predictions of the model are strongly supported
by the data. We depart from existing literature by considering a
multi-period dynamic pricing environment and provide conditions under
which a sufficient statistic for currency choice can be empirically
estimated using observable prices.
These findings require revisiting the debate on optimal exchange
rate policy. The stark trade-off between floating and pegged exchange
rates arises because firms are forced to price in one or the other
currency. Once firms are allowed to choose currency optimally, they will
choose it to fit their desired pass-through patterns, enhancing the
effective amount of price flexibility and reducing the welfare gap
between floating exchange rates and pegs. Further, exchange rate
volatility affects currency choice which in turn affects exchange rate
volatility, generating the possibility for multiple equilibria. A
country that follows more stable monetary policies will experience
greater price stability because more of the exporters to that country
set prices in its currency. These effects can be first-order relative to
the standard trade-offs emphasized in the literature.
Frequency of Price Adjustment and Pass-Through
The importance of studying micro data is ultimately being able to
comprehend key aggregate phenomena, such as the sluggish response of
prices to shocks, and to discern which models of price setting best fit
the data in order to deduce the impact of micro price stickiness on
output and welfare. Itskhoki and I advance this literature by developing
a new comparison of exchange rate pass-through and frequency of price
adjustment across goods. (5) We document that goods displaying a high
frequency of price adjustment have a long-run pass-through that is at
least twice as high as low-frequency adjusters in the data. Next, we
prove theoretically that in an environment with variable mark-ups there
should be a positive relation between frequency and long-run
pass-through, as in the data. Moreover, we show that standard models
with constant elasticity of demand and Calvo or state-dependent pricing
fail to match the data. When we deviate from this standard framework and
calibrate a dynamic menu-cost model with variable markups, we show that
it has substantial success in matching the features of the data. The
empirical findings highlight a new selection effect that has important
implications for the welfare consequences of measured price rigidity.
Bridging Closed and Open Economy Research on Real Rigidities
The closed and open economy literatures work on estimating real
rigidities, but in parallel. 6 Itskhoki and I survey both literatures
and highlight areas of agreement and disagreement. One surprisingly
consistent result across several studies, surprising since these studies
use different methodologies and data sets, is that strategic
complementarities, for example operating through variable markups, play
little role for retail prices and appear to be quite important for
wholesale prices. We then estimate the extent of real rigidities using
empirical procedures employed in the closed-and open-economy literatures
and with a common international price dataset. We show that, consistent
with the presence of real rigidities, the response of resetprice
inflation7 to exchange rate shocks depicts significant persistence.
Individual import prices, conditional on changing, respond to exchange
rate shocks prior to the last price change. At the same time aggregate
resetprice inflation for imports, like that for consumer prices, shows
little persistence. In general, across closed-and open-economy
literatures, the response to a specific shock suggests a more important
role for real rigidities than the point estimate of the autocorrelation
of reset prices. When we quantitatively evaluate sticky price models
(Calvo and menu cost) with variable markups at the wholesale level, we
find that they generate sluggishness in price adjustment and increase
the size of the contract multiplier, but their effects are modest.
Failure of the Law of One Price
Relative cross-border retail prices, in a common currency, co-move
closely with the nominal exchange rate. This well-known fact has spurred
a long literature that attempts to determine the sources of this
co-movement. Three co-authors and I use a new dataset with productlevel
retail prices and wholesale costs for a large grocery chain operating in
the United States and Canada and decompose this variation into relative
wholesale costs and relative markup components.8 We find that the
correlation of the nominal exchange rate with the real exchange rate is
driven mainly by changes in relative wholesale costs, arguably the most
tradable component of a retailer's costs.
This new finding suggests that the empirical evidence is
inconsistent with the traditionally assumed pricing-to-market at the
retail level, but is consistent with pricing-to-market at the wholesale
level. We then measure the extent to which national borders impose
additional costs (over domestic costs) that segment markets across
countries. We show that retail prices respond to changes in wholesale
costs in neighboring stores within the same country but not to changes
in wholesale costs in a neighboring store located across the border.
Using a regression discontinuity design, we find a median discontinuous
change in retail and wholesale prices of 24 percent at the international
border. By contrast, the median discontinuity is zero for state and
provincial boundaries, consistent with important "border
International prices of traded goods, as represented by U.S.
imports and exports, demonstrate about one year of nominal rigidity even
in the face of volatile exchange rates. And even when prices adjust,
they respond only partially (22 percent) to bilateral exchange rate
shocks in the first adjustment. After further price adjustments, the
cumulative pass-through is around 34 percent into U.S. import prices.
However, there is a sharp difference in dollar pass-through, conditional
on first and long-run adjustment, between prices that are rigid in
dollars versus a foreign currency. Basically, prices in whichever
currency they are set respond partially to exchange rate shocks at most
empirically estimated horizons. This fact is consistent with low
aggregate pass-through of exchange rate shocks into U.S. prices because
most U.S. imports are priced in dollars. On the other hand, for most
developing countries, pass-through into local currency prices is high
because most of their imports are priced in a foreign currency, dollars.
These findings, along with, the positive correlation between the
frequency of price adjustment and pass-through, suggest an important
selection effect that drives currency choice and the frequency of
adjustment. The variables that define the choice depend on the desired
(flexible price) exchange rate pass-through of goods, which in turn
depends on the degree of strategic complementary in pricing across goods
and the sensitivity of costs to exchange rate shocks. Given this
selection effect, the profit/losses associated with sub-optimal prices
during periods of non-adjustment can be small and the gains to exchange
rate flexibility can be limited.
(1.) The term "real rigidities" is used to capture
reasons why firms do not want to move their price relative to the
industry price level by much, even when they can adjust prices. For an
early discussion, see L. Ball and D. Romer, "Real Rigidities and
the Non-Neutrality of Money," NBER Working Paper No. 2476 (Also
Reprint No. r1437), July 1990, and The Review of Economic Studies, 57(2)
(April 1990) pp. 183-203.
(2.) G. Gopinath and R. Rigobon, "Sticky Borders," NBER
Working Paper No. 12095, March 2006, and Quarterly Journal of Economics,
123(2) (May 2008) pp. 531-75.
(3.) G. Gopinath, 0. Itskhoki, and B. Neiman, "Trade Prices
and the Global Trade Collapse of 2008-09," NBER Working Paper No.
17594, November 2011.
(4.) G. Gopinath, 0. Itskhoki, and R. Rigobon, "Currency Choke
and Exchange Rate Pass-through," NBER Working Paper No. 13432,
September 2007, and American Economic Review, 100(1) (March 2010) pp.
(5.) G. Gopinath and O. Itskhoki, "Frequency of Price
Adjustment and Pass-through," NBER Working Paper No. 14200, July
2008, and Quarterly Journal of Economics, 125(2) (May 2010) pp. 675-727.
(6.) G. Gopinath and 0. Itskhoki, "In Search of Real
Rigidities," NBER Working Paper No. 16065, June 2010, and in NBER
Macroeconomics Annual 2010, Volume 25, D. Acemoglu and M. Woodford, eds.
(Chicago: University of Chicago Press Journals, 2011), pp. 261-309.
(7.) "Reset price inflation" is inflation that is
calculated from the sample of prices that have changed.
(8.) G. Gopinath, P-0. Gourinchas, C-T. Hsieh, and N. Li,
"Estimating the Border Effect: Some New Evidence," NBER
Working Paper No. 14938, April 2009, and as G. Gopinath, P-0.
Gourinchas, C-T. Hsieh, and N Li, "International Prices, Costs and
Markup Differences," American Economic Review, 101 (6) (October
2011) pp. 2450-86.
Gita Gopinath *
* Gita Gopinath is a Research Associate in the NBER's Programs
on Economic Fluctuations and Growth, International Finance and
Macroeconomics, and Monetary Economics. She is also a Professor of
Economics at Harvard University. Her Profile appears later in this