Economic shocks, weather, and civil war.
Miguel, Edward
Civil War and Economic Development
Internal civil conflict has been common during the past half
century, a fact that until recently escaped the notice of most
economists. (1) Civil wars--internal conflicts with more than 1,000
battle deaths in a single year--have afflicted one third of all nations.
Adding in civil conflicts, which involve at least 25 battle deaths per
year, increases the incidence figure to more than half. (2) And,
internal warfare is not just extremely common, it is also persistent.
Figure 1 presents the cumulative proportion of all nations experiencing
wars and conflicts since 1960: 20 percent of nations have experienced at
least ten years of civil war during the period.
The proportion of countries embroiled in civil conflict at a single
point in time also has increased steadily through the last half of the
twentieth century, peaking at over 20 percent in the 1990s. In
sub-Saharan Africa, the world's poorest region, nearly a third of
countries experienced active civil wars or conflicts during the
mid-1990s. But why is this so?
The outbreak of internal wars is commonly attributed to poverty.
Indeed, the correlation between low per capita incomes and higher
propensities for internal war is one of the most robust empirical
relationships in the economic literature. Figure 2 illustrates the
relationship between per capita income (percentiles) and civil war using
a non-parametric Fan regression; the countries towards the bottom of the
world's income distribution--many in Africa--have several times
more wars than those in the top quartile, while the middle income
countries still face considerable conflict risk.
Still, we should be cautious about inferring a direct causal link
from poverty to conflict because the reverse is also true: conflicts
devastate life, health, and living standards. The Democratic Republic of
Congo, where surveys suggest millions may have died as a result of the
recent civil war, primarily due to hunger and disease, is a chilling
example (3). Although the accuracy of mortality figures in such war
zones is open to question, the estimated mortality figures for Rwanda,
Angola, and Sudan are likewise shocking. Massive loss of life inevitably
affects the economy. Warfare also destroys physical infra-structure and
human capital, as well as possibly altering some social and political
institutions. Moreover, internal wars are contagious; refugee flows,
disease, lawlessness, and the illicit trades in drugs, arms, and
minerals have generated "spillover" effects into the countries
neighboring the conflict zones.
A seeming paradox, however, is that warfare is also sometimes
credited for the technological and institutional development that
underpins Western economic prosperity. Both internal and external wars
are commonplace in European history. Several scholars have claimed that
inter-state wars and wars of territorial conquest served a critical role
in enabling the development of strong and capable government
institutions in Europe and Asia (4).
Civil war is clearly central in the study of international economic
development, yet leading development economists have often overlooked
it, and some undergraduate textbooks do not even mention the issue. Over
the past decade, however, many economists and other social scientists
have worked to better understand the causes and the economic legacies of
internal warfare, often in collaboration with political scientists and
other scholars. The main goal of this research summary is to describe
some of this progress, with a particular focus on the role of economic
shocks, weather, and climate in driving the patterns laid out above.
Cross-Country Evidence on the Causes of Armed Conflict
The correlation between civil conflict and low income levels and
negative income shocks is clear, but the direction of causality remains
contested. Even the use of lagged national income growth (as in earlier
studies (5)) does not eliminate this concern, because the anticipation
of future political instability and conflict can affect current
investment behavior, and thus living standards. In other words, there
are likely to be permanent fixed differences between countries that are
correlated with their income levels, economic growth rates, and civil
To address this concern, several papers seek to isolate exogenous
variation in income. In sub-Saharan Africa, where most households rely
on rain-fed agriculture, falling rainfall and the existence of drought
cause large reductions in income. Shanker Satyanath, Ernest Sergenti,
and I (6) therefore use annual rainfall growth as an instrument for
income growth. We find a statistically significant relationship in our
sub-Saharan Africa sample, but it is weaker in other regions of the
world, where much less economic activity relies on rain-fed agriculture.
This makes Africa the natural region for the application of our
approach. In our main statistical specification, we find that a 5
percent drop in income growth increases the likelihood of a civil
conflict in the following year by up to 10 percentage points, or nearly
one half. This effect is not substantially dampened in countries with
stronger democratic institutions, greater ethno-linguistic
fractionalization, or oil exporters.
Antonio Ciccone (7) argues that "log rainfall" is a
conceptually more appealing instrument than rainfall growth, but
Satyanath and I 8 show that the main relationship between economic
growth and civil conflict is nearly unchanged with this alternative
specification. These papers also demonstrate that the relationship
between rainfall shocks and civil conflict appears to become weaker in
Africa since roughly 2000. It is unclear why this is the case, but it
may be related to Africa's unprecedented economic growth in
non-agricultural sectors in the past decade, as well as to public policy
changes perhaps stemming from spreading democratization (9).
This analysis highlights the role of income shocks in generating
armed conflict in Africa. Unfortunately, this econometric strategy does
not allow the authors to definitively pin down a unique causal
mechanism: rainfall shocks may provoke conflict because they lower the
opportunity cost of fighting among rural populations (those most
affected by weather shocks), or because crop failure also reduces
government revenues and state capacity, or both.
Recent research has emphasized the role that climate might play in
driving future armed conflict. Solomon M. Hsiang, Kyle Meng, and Mark A.
Cane (10) show that armed conflict increases significantly in El Nino
Southern Oscillation (ENSO) years in tropical regions, and that poor
countries are the most prone to increased violence. Their estimates
imply that ENSO may have played a role in 21 percent of all civil
conflicts since 1950.
How might future climate change heighten or dampen the risk of
armed conflict in sub-Saharan Africa, the world's poorest and most
violence-prone region? Marshall Burke, John Dykema, David Lobell,
Satyanath, and I (11) combine historical estimates of the
weather-conflict relationship with a wide range of leading global
climate model projections and conclude that future climate change is
likely to increase conflict risk in Africa by 54 percent. The expected
rise in future temperatures serves as the key driver of this
relationship. These relationships remain speculative by necessity, given
the inherent uncertainty about future global political, economic, and
emissions trends, but this exercise serves as a useful benchmark for the
risk that climate change poses for political stability in Africa.
Building on the approach taken in that paper, our related research
explores the impact of incorporating climate uncertainty into estimates
of how climate change will affect agriculture in the United States and
sub-Saharan Africa. (12) A growing body of research projects the effects
of global climate change on economic outcomes, but climate scientists
often criticize these articles because nearly all of them ignore the
well-established uncertainty in future temperature and rainfall changes.
Therefore, they are likely to have downward biased standard errors and
potentially misleading point estimates. Our paper finds that accounting
for climate uncertainty leads to a much wider range of projected effects
on agricultural profits, with the 95 percent confidence interval featuring drops of between 17 percent and 88 percent. An application to
African agriculture yields similar results.
The Way Forward: New Research Using Microeconomic Data
A number of researchers of cross-country conflict have called for
more disaggregated analyses, which allow for more sophisticated
econometric methods and for data that is closer to the phenomena being
studied. This change is already underway. An emerging literature finds
strong links between adverse economic shocks and political violence in a
wide range of settings, including as a significant cause of land
invasions in Brazil, more intense armed conflict in Colombia, increased
rebel recruitment in Burundi, and the outbreak of Hindu-Muslim communal
riots in India. (13) Taking the cross-country research together with
this emerging literature, there is a growing body of evidence that
adverse economic shocks contribute to political violence in less
developed countries, with potentially severe welfare consequences for
the world's poor.
Related papers focus on understanding how best to help
post-conflict societies emerge from poverty. One example is my recent
work with Katherine Casey and Rachel Glennerster that uses a randomized
experimental methodology to evaluate the impact of a local institutional
reform on public goods outcomes in post-war Sierra Leone. (14)
While deriving policy implications is not the main goal of this
summary, the literature does have certain implications. For example, the
empirical relationship between violence and low and falling incomes
suggests that implementing insurance schemes to protect poor societies
from negative income shocks might reduce future rounds of bloodshed. One
possibility is expanded regional drought insurance for farmers. Another
is foreign aid contingent on objective conflict risk indicators (for
example, weather or commodity price shocks, or a coming El Nino
year)--what I have elsewhere called "rapid conflict prevention
support" (15)--to bolster local economic conditions when the risk
of particularly political violence is high.
(1) This piece draws heavily on "Civil War" co-authored
with Christopher Blattman, NBER Working Paper No. 14801, March 2009, and
Journal of Economic Literature, 48(1), pp. 3-57,2010.
(2) These definitions come from the well-known UCDP/PRIO dataset
developed by N. P. Gleditsch, P. Wallensteen, M. Eriksson, M.
Sollenberg, and H. Strand in "Armed Conflict 1946-2001: A New
Dataset" Journal of Peace Research, 39:5, 2002, and extended in L.
Harbom and P. Wallensteen, "Armed Conflict, 1989-2006"'
Journal of Peace Research, 44:5, pp. 623-34, 2007. UCDP/PRIO defines
conflict as "a contested incompatibility that concerns government
and/or territory where the use of armed force between two parties, of
which at least one is the government of a state, results in at least 25
battle-related deaths"
(3) B. Coghlan, P. Ngoy, F. Mulumba, C. Hardy, V. Nkamgang Bemo, T.
Stewart, J. Lewis, and R. Brennan, "Mortality in the Democratic
Republic of Congo: An Ongoing Crisis" International Rescue
Committee: New York, 2007.
(4) For instance, D. Acemoglu and J. A. Robinson, Economic Origins
of Democracy and Dictatorship, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press,
2006; N. Ferguson, The Cash Nexus: Economics and Politics from the Age
of Warfare through the Age of Welfare, 1700-2000, New York: Basic Books,
2002; C. Tilly, The Formation of National States in Western Europe.
Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1975, and Coercion, Capital, and
European States, AD 990-1992, Cambridge, MA: Blackwell, 1992; and D.
Slater, "Ordering Power: Contentious Politics, State-Building, and
Authoritarian Durability in Southeast Asia" Department of Political
Science, Emory University, 2005.
(5) P. Collier and A. Hoeffler, "On Economic Causes of Civil
War" Oxford Economic Papers, 50:4, pp. 563-73,1998, and J. D.
Fearon and D. D. Laitin, "Ethnicity, Insurgency and Civil War"
American Political Science Review, 97:1, pp. 75-90, 2003.
(6) E. Miguel, S. Satyanath, and E. Sergenti, "Economic Shocks
and Civil Conflict: An Instrumental Variables Approach" Journal of
Political Economy, 112:4, pp. 725-53, 2004.
(7) A. Ciccone, "Economic Shocks and Civil Conflict: A
Comment" forthcoming in the American Economic Journal: Applied
(8) E. Miguel and S. Satyanath, "Understanding Transitory
Rainfall Shocks, Economic Growth and Civil Conflict" NBER Working
Paper No. 16461, October 2010, and "Re-examining Economic Shocks
and Civil Conflict" forthcoming in the American Economic Journal:
Applied Economics.
(9) E. Miguel, Africa's Turn?, MIT Press: Cambridge, MA, 2009.
(10) S. Hsiang, K.C. Meng, and M.A. Cane, "Civil Conflicts are
Associated with the Global Climate: Evidence from El Nino"
forthcoming in Nature.
(11) M. Burke, E. Miguel, S. Satyanath, J. Dykema, and D. Lobell,
"Warming Increases Risk of Civil War in Africa" Proceedings of
the National Academy of Sciences, December 8 2009,106 (49), pp. 20670-4.
For a contrasting perspective, see H. Buhaug, "Climate Not to Blame
for African Civil Wars," Proceedings of the National Academy of
Sciences, 2010.
(12) M. Burke, E. Miguel, S. Satyanath, J. Dykema, andD. Lobell,
"Incorporating Climate Uncertainty into Estimates of Climate Change
Impacts, with Applications to U.S. and African Agriculture" NBER
Working Paper No. 17092, May 2011.
(13) F.D. Hidalgo, S. Naidu, S. Nichter, and N. Richardson,
"Economic Determinants of Land Invasions" Review of Economics
and Statistics, 92(3), pp. 505-23,2010; O. Dube and J. Virgas,
"Commodity Price Shocks and Civil Conflict: Evidence from
Colombia" unpublished working paper, NYU, 2010; E. Nillesen and P.
Verwimp, "Grievance, Commodity Prices and Rainfall: A Village Level
Analysis of Rebel Recruitment in Burundi," HiCN Working Paper 58,
2010; and AT. Bohlken and E. Sergenti, "Economic Growth and Ethnic
Violence: An Empirical Investigation of Hindu Muslim Riots in
India," Journal of Peace Research 47 (5),pp. 589-600, 2010.
(14) K. Casey, R. Glennerster, and E. Miguel, "Reshaping
institutions: Evidence on External Aid and Local Collective Action"
NBER Working Paper No. 17012, May 2011.
(15) E. Miguel, "Poverty and Violence: An Overview of Recent
Research and Implications for Foreign Aid," in Too Poor for Peace ?
Global Poverty, Conflict and Security in the 21st Century, Lael Brainard
and Derek Chollet, eds., Washington, DC: Brookings Institution Press,
Edward Miguel *
* Miguel is a Research Associate in the NBER's Programs on
Education and Political Economy and a professor at the University of
California, Berkeley. His Profile appears later in this issue.