Rules for monetary policy.
Woodford, Michael
Much of my recent research has sought to use economic analysis to
determine the consequences of alternative rules for the conduct of
monetary policy, and to formulate rules that will be desirable from the
standpoint of individual welfare. Interest in the study of monetary
rules has increased over the past decade, for reasons having to do with
progress in central banking and progress in macroeconomic theory. On the
one hand, many central banks--most notably, but not only, the
"inflation targeting" banks--have increasingly come to
organize their policy deliberations around an attempt to conform to specific targets or objectives, sometimes explicit quantitative targets.
Moreover, central banks worldwide have increased the degree to which
they discuss their decisions with financial market participants and the
general public, and this too has increased the importance that the banks
assign to having a clear framework to guide their deliberations. At the
same time, the development of a new generation of quantitative
macroeconomic models--that can be estimated using macroeconomic time
series and have optimizing foundations that allow an explicit evaluation
of outcomes in terms of individual welfare--has allowed modern
macroeconomic analysis to be brought to bear on the evaluation of
stabilization policies, in the context of models with sufficient claim
to quantitative realism to be of interest to policymaking institutions.
My own work has sought to extend the analysis of optimal monetary policy
rules in directions that bring the theoretical literature into closer
contact with the practical concerns of modern central bankers. (1)
Inflation Stabilization and Welfare
One goal of my research has been to clarify which kinds of
macroeconomic stabilization objectives best serve economic welfare.
Grounding the objectives of policy in consumer welfare has a number of
advantages: one avoids the arbitrariness otherwise attendant upon the
choice of a particular definition of "price stability"
"full employment" or other conventional objectives. And, it
also makes possible a natural integration of the theory of optimal
monetary policy with the theory of optimal taxation. Yet it is not
immediately obvious what the conventional goals of monetary
stabilization policy--especially the nearly universal emphasis that
central banks place on maintaining a low and stable inflation rate--have
to do with consumer welfare; after all, the arguments of household
utility functions generally are assumed to be the quantities of various
goods and services, but not their prices. Nonetheless, I have shown that
in familiar classes of sticky-price dynamic stochastic general
equilibrium (DSGE) models--models that incorporate key elements of the
current generation of empirical models of the monetary transmission
mechanism, and even some relatively small complete macro models--it is
possible to show that the expected utility of the representative
household varies inversely with the expected discounted value of a
quadratic loss function, the arguments of which are measures of price
and wage inflation on the one hand and measures of real activity
relative to a (time-varying) target level of activity on the other. (2)
Thus, it makes sense to rank alternative monetary policies according to how well they stabilize (an appropriate measure of) inflation on the one
hand, and how well they stabilize (an appropriate measure of) the output
gap on the other. The theory clarifies both the appropriate definition
of these stabilization objectives, and the appropriate relative weights
to assign to them when a choice must be made between them.
The answer obtained depends, of course, on the structure of the
economy. (3) In particular, inflation variability reduces welfare
because of the presence of nominal rigidities; the precise nature of
these rigidities determines the appropriate form of the
inflation-stabilization objective. For example, if wages are flexible
(or there are efficient contracts in the labor market), and price
adjustments are staggered in the way assumed in the popular
specification proposed by Guillermo Calvo (4) (with an equal probability
of any given price being revised in any time period), then inflation
variation results in distortions caused by the misalignment of prices
that are adjusted at different times. The resulting welfare losses are
proportional to the expected discounted sum of squared deviations of the
inflation rate from zero. Other assumptions about the timing of price
adjustments also imply that inflation variations reduce welfare, but
with a different form of loss function, and thus a different ranking of
equilibria in which prices are not completely constant. For example, if
the probability of adjustment of an individual price is increasing in
the time since that price was last reviewed--a specification that is
both intuitively plausible and more consistent than the simple Calvo
specification with empirical models of inflation dynamics (5)--then
welfare losses are proportional to a discounted sum of squared
deviations of the current inflation rate from a moving average of recent
past inflation rates, rather than deviations from zero. (6) The goal of
policy then should be to keep inflation from differing too greatly from
the current "inertial" rate of inflation, which implies that
inflation should not be reduced too abruptly if it has been allowed to
exceed its optimal long-run level. (7) A similar conclusion is obtained
if prices are assumed to be automatically indexed to a lagged price
index, as in the well-known empirical model of Christiano, Eichenbaum,
and Evans (8) and related studies, or if some prices are adjusted in
accordance with a backward-looking "rule of thumb" as proposed
in the empirical model of inflation dynamics of Jordi Gall and Mark
Gertler. (9)
The theory also provides important insights into the question of
which price index or indexes it is more important to stabilize. Again,
the answer depends on the nature of the nominal rigidities. If prices
are adjusted more frequently in some sectors of the economy than in
others, then the welfare-theoretic loss function puts more weight on
variations in prices in the sectors where prices are stickier, as first
shown by Kosuke Aoki. (10) This provides a theoretical basis for seeking
to stabilize an appropriately defined measure of "core"
inflation rather than an equally weighted price index. Pierpaolo Benigno
has used reasoning of this kind to argue that a monetary union would
maximize welfare by seeking to stabilize an index that does not weight
the different countries' inflation rates strictly in proportion to
the size of their economies, (11) as is true of the inflation measure
used in the European Central Bank's definition of its price
stability objective. Similarly, if wages are sticky as are goods prices,
as implied by many empirical DSGE models, then instability in the rate
of growth of a broad index of nominal wages results in distortions
similar to those created by variations in goods price inflation. If
wages are staggered in accordance with the Calvo specification, then the
welfare-theoretic loss function includes a term proportional to the
squared rate of goods price inflation and another term proportional to
the squared rate of wage inflation each period. In this case, optimal
policy involves a tradeoff between inflation stabilization, nominal wage
growth stabilization, and output-gap stabilization, as first shown by
Chris Erceg, Dale Henderson, and Andy Levin. (12)
Analysis of these questions has required careful consideration of
the conditions under which a linear-quadratic (LQ) stabilization policy
problem (minimization of a quadratic loss function subject to
constraints that represent the log-linearized structural relations of a
DSGE model) yields a correct local approximation to optimal policy in
the exact DSGE model. In fact, it is not generally sufficient that the
loss function be a correct quadratic local approximation to household
utility--if that local approximation involves nonzero linear terms, then
a correct second-order approximation to utility cannot be obtained by
substituting into the approximate objective a solution for the
equilibrium under a given policy that is accurate only to first order.
(13) For this reason, much of the recent literature seeking to evaluate
policy rules in DSGE models has found it necessary to compute
second-order perturbation expansions as an approximate characterization
of equilibrium outcomes under a given rule.
But Benigno and I have shown that it is possible, in the case of
quite a broad class of optimal policy problems in DSGE models, to find a
quadratic loss function that correctly approximates expected utility
under any policy, yet involves no non-zero linear terms. In that way,
welfare can be evaluated to second order using only a first-order
(log-linear) solution for the equilibrium under a candidate policy. (14)
Essentially, our method incorporates into the loss function itself the
second-order effects of stabilization policy on the average levels of
endogenous variables in a second-order perturbation solution of the
model. This allows us to consider how the existence of steady-state
distortions (attributable either to market power or, more importantly,
to taxes) affects the relative weights that should be placed on
alternative stabilization objectives. Under the specifications that we
regard as most empirically realistic, the importance of inflation
stabilization relative to output-gap stabilization is increased the more
distorted is the economy's steady-state level of output; this is
because stabilization of inflation does more to increase the average
level of output than does stabilization of output, and this
consideration is more important for welfare the more sub-optimal is the
steady-state level of output. (15)
Expectations and Optimal Policy
My research has emphasized that, when choosing a policy to best
serve the goal of stabilization, it is crucial to take account of the
effects of the policy's systematic component on people's
expectations of future policy. For this reason, my work has focused
largely on the study of policy rules: this forces one to think about the
systematic patterns that one can expect to be anticipated by
sufficiently sophisticated market participants.
Taking account of the effects of systematic policy on policy
anticipations has important consequences for the conclusions one reaches
about optimal policy, some of which are counter-intuitive. One fairly
general result is that optimal policy will not be purely
forward-looking; that is, it will not depend solely upon what can be
achieved with respect to the stabilization objectives now, or in the
future, but also on past conditions that no longer affect what is
currently possible to achieve. A history-dependent policy can improve
stabilization outcomes, to the extent that it is correctly anticipated,
by changing people's expectations about subsequent policy at the
time that economic disturbances occur. And, an appropriate shift in
expectations often can mitigate the degree to which the disturbances
interfere with macroeconomic stability. (16)
For example, I have shown that when one takes account of
forward-looking behavior, it can be desirable for a central bank to only
gradually adjust its operating target for overnight interest rates when
underlying fundamentals change, rather than jumping immediately to a new
level that depends only on current conditions. This kind of policy
inertia--often argued to characterize actual central bank behavior, but
frequently assumed to indicate a failure of central bankers to fully
optimize--can reduce the amplitude of the swings in short-term interest
rates required to stabilize inflation and real activity in response to
real disturbances. It allows market participants to anticipate that the
movements in short rates that occur will be more persistent, resulting
in a larger effect on long rates and other asset prices, which are what
matter for the effect of policy on aggregate demand. (17) Hence calls
for central bankers to respond more promptly to changes in conditions in
order to avoid "getting behind the curve" may actually be
Prescriptions for purely forward-looking policy in the name of
optimization also characterize many normative discussions of
inflation-forecast targeting. Central banks that base their
interest-rate decision on projections of the future evolution of
inflation and other variables often are directed to choose among
alternative possible scenarios on the basis of a purely forward-looking
criterion. But such an approach may lead to time-inconsistent choices,
and even when it does not, it will almost inevitably lead to policy that
is insufficiently inertial. (18) An optimal outcome can in fact often be
achieved through a procedure focused on ensuring that projections
satisfy an appropriate target criterion at all times, but the criterion
should be history-dependent. The acceptable transition path along which
the inflation rate and output gap should be projected to return to their
medium-term target levels will depend on recent past conditions. (19)
Purely forward-looking policy can be especially harmful when the
zero lower bound on short-term nominal interest rates is reached, as in
Japan for the past several years, and as some feared could occur in the
United States in 2003. When the zero bound is reached, further monetary
stimulus is possible only by shifting expectations about future policy.
But if policy is expected to be conducted in a purely forward-looking
way in the future, then there will be no reason for the public to expect
looser policy in the future simply because the zero bound currently
prevents interest rates from being cut as sharply as would be needed to
create demand in line with the economy's productive capacity. Gauti
Eggertsson and I have shown that this can result in a protracted and
severe deflationary contraction, even when the same real fundamentals
would be consistent with a much more benign outcome in the case of
alternative policy expectations. A desirable outcome requires advance
commitment to a history-dependent policy, under which rates will be kept
unusually low for a period of time even after fundamentals have
recovered, even though higher rates would be called for under the latter
conditions if one were determined to avoid generating inflationary
pressures. (20) It is arguable that the Bank of Japan's emphasis
(prior to 2001) on its determination to end loose monetary policy as
quickly as possible prolonged the Japanese deflation unnecessarily. (21)
When the possibility of a similar situation arose in the United States,
the Fed undertook a bold experiment with policy signaling, committing to
maintain a low federal funds rate "for a considerable period"
as a substitute for further interest-rate cuts. This seems to have
dissipated the market anxiety about premature tightening that had
threatened to derail the U.S. recovery. (22)
A possible objection to advice of this kind is that theoretical
analyses of optimal policy that assume a rational expectations
equilibrium consistent with whatever kind of systematic policy is
adopted exaggerate the degree of precision with which a central bank can
expect to control the expectations of market participants simply by
disciplining its own procedures. In recent work, I have sought to relax
this assumption by assuming instead only that the central bank should
expect that private-sector expectations about the future evolution of
the economy will not be too far from model-consistency, as measured by a
relative-entropy criterion (which ensures that the public will not
believe in patterns that they should be able to reject on the basis of
even short time series). One can then characterize the optimal policy
decision of the central bank if it wishes to choose a robust policy--one
that is not too bad even under the worst of the outcomes that can occur
under "near-rational expectations." My analysis shows that the
qualitative conclusions of the rational-expectations analysis of optimal
policy continue to apply. For example, policy commitment continues to be
important--indeed, the losses resulting from discretionary policy are
even greater in the case of allowance for near-rational expectations;
and optimal policy continues to be history-dependent--in fact, even more
history-dependent than if the central bank could count on the
public's having precisely model-consistent expectations. (23)
Optimal Target Criteria for Policy
One way of specifying a rule for the conduct of policy that has
both practical and normative relevance is in terms of a "target
criterion" that the central bank is committed to ensure is
satisfied (or at least, projected to be satisfied) each time its
instrument setting is reviewed. (24) The criteria used by
inflation-forecast targeting central banks, such as the Bank of England (which seeks to ensure that CPI inflation is always projected to reach
its target level of 2 percent per year at a horizon two to three years
in the future), are an example of commitments of this kind. They
represent the closest approximation to the ideal of rule-based
policymaking yet observed. At the same time, target criteria often
provide an especially convenient way of characterizing optimal policy.
For example, it may be possible to specify optimal policy in this way
independently of the parameters governing the statistical properties of
the economic disturbances affecting the economy; the target criterion is
then a particularly robust characterization of optimal policy.
Marc Giannoni and I have shown that in the case of a very general
class of linear-quadratic policy problems, it is possible to derive a
target criterion that is robustly optimal in the sense just described: a
credible commitment to ensure that the criterion holds at all times will
implement an optimal equilibrium, regardless of the statistical
properties of the various types of exogenous disturbances, as long as
they are all additive, mean-zero disturbances. (25) The precise form of
the optimal target criterion depends, however, on the non-stochastic
part of the structural equations of one's model of the transmission
mechanism. In the case of a canonical "New Keynesian" model,
with an aggregate-supply relation of the kind implied by flexible wages
and Calvo-style staggered pricing, the optimal target criterion is a
"flexible inflation target" under which short-run departures
of the inflation rate from a constant long-run target level should vary
inversely with the projected growth in the output gap. Such a criterion
would allow inflation to increase temporarily in response to a positive
cost-push shock, for example, given the expected decline in the output
gap, although the amount that inflation should be allowed to increase
will be strictly limited by the required proportionality between the
inflation projection and the projected output-gap change. After the real
effects of the disturbance dissipate, the rate at which the output gap
should be returned to zero will be determined by the necessity of
programming lower-than-average inflation during a period of output-gap
growth. Anticipation of this kind of history-dependent policy should
restrain price increases during the period of high costs, mitigating the
temporary effect of the shock on the available inflation/ output
tradeoff at the cost of a slower recovery. (26) And, because the
projected medium-term growth rate of the output gap will always be zero,
a credible commitment to such a criterion would never allow ambiguity
about the medium-term outlook for inflation, despite the existence of
transitory variations in the inflation rate in response to shocks.
More complex (and realistic) economic models imply that a more
complex target criterion would be needed to implement a fully optimal
policy. For example, if the likelihood of a price revision increases
with the time since the last revision, then the optimal target criterion
allows the short-run inflation projection to be an increasing function of recent past inflation Thus temporary increases in inflation should
not be immediately reversed. (Other sources of intrinsic inflation
inertia, such as the kind of indexation commonly assumed in
current-vintage empirical DSGE models, lead to a similar conclusion.) If
wages and prices are sticky, then the optimal target criterion involves
projected nominal wage growth as well as projected goods price
Moreover, if a binding lower bound on interest rates sometimes
forces targets to be missed, then the target criterion in subsequent
periods should be adjusted in proportion to the size of the targeting
errors. This would create the kind of anticipations of history-dependent
policy that mitigate the distortions created by the lower-bound
Given the dependence of the optimal target criterion on model
structure, research of this kind cannot hope to derive a single rule
that would represent a universally optimal policy prescription. And in
any event, even a minimally realistic degree of complexity in one's
model implies that a fully optimal criterion will be more complex than
any principle for guiding policy deliberations that one can imagine
actually being adopted at a central bank. (28) Nonetheless, I believe
that the study of optimal target criteria for fairly simple environments
that capture important features of more realistic models can suggest
qualitative features of desirable target criteria. For example, one
important conclusion from my study of this topic is that an optimal
target criterion almost surely will not be focused so exclusively on
projected outcomes two or more years in the future, as are the criteria
that currently are used at the leading inflation-targeting central
banks, at least according to their official rhetoric. In a realistic
model, a commitment of this form is unlikely even to suffice to
determine an appropriate short-term policy stance, in the absence of
auxiliary assumptions such as a constant interest rate over the
projection horizon, while the forecast-targeting exercise is likely to
be time-inconsistent with the addition of such an assumption. (29) An
approach that is both coherent and transparent would instead require
central banks to commit themselves in advance to clear criteria for
judging the acceptability of the transition paths along which an economy
is expected to return to its normal state following a disturbance.
(1) These developments are described in more detail in Interest and
Prices: Foundations of a Theory of Monetary Policy, Princeton University Press, 2003.
(2) This approach was first illustrated in J. J. Rotemberg and M.
Woodford, "An Optimization-Based Framework for the Evaluation of
Monetary Policy," NBER Macroeconomics Annual 12: pp. 297-346 0997).
The general method is discussed in "Inflation Stabilization and
Welfare," NBER Working Paper No. 8071, January 2001, and
Contributions to Macroeconomics 2(1), article 1 (2002). The results of
the latter paper are generalized in P. Benigno and M. Woodford,
"Inflation Stabilization and Welfare: The Case of a Distorted
Steady State," NBER Working Paper No. 10838, October 2004, and
Journal of the European Economics Association 3: pp. 1185-236 (2005).
(3) The results summarized here are discussed further in Interest
and Prices [cited footnote 1], chapter 6.
(4) G. A. Calvo, "Staggered Prices in a Utility-Maximizing
Framework," Journal of Monetary Economics 12: pp. 383-98 (1983).
(5) A. Wolman, "Sticky Prices, Marginal Cost, and the Behavior
of Inflation, "Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond Economic Quarterly
85: pp. 29-48 (1999); R. Mash, "optimizing Microfoundations for
Inflation Persistence," Oxford University Department of Economics
discussion paper no. 183, January 2004; K. D. Sheedy, "Structural
Inflation Persistence," working paper, Cambridge University,
November 2005.
(6) K.D. Sheedy, "Resistance to Persistence: Optimal Monetary
Policy Commitment," working paper, Cambridge University, November
(7) This is not the conclusion that Sheedy draws from his
loss-function derivation in the paper cited in footnote 6. For my own
analysis of the consequences of intrinsic inflation inertia, see
Interest and Prices [cited footnote 1], section 7.1; and M. P Giannoni
and M. Woodford, "Optimal Inflation Targeting Rules, "NBER
Working Paper No. 9939, September 2003, and in B. S. Bernanke and M.
Woodford, eds., The Inflation Targeting Debate, University of Chicago
Press for NBER, 2005.
(8) L.J. Christiano, M. Eichenbaum, and C. Evans, "Nominal
Rigidities and the Dynamic Effects of a Shock to Monetary Policy,"
NBER Working Paper No. 8403, July 2001, and Journal of Political Economy
113: pp. 1-45 (2005).
(9) J. Gali and M. Gertler, "Inflation Dynamics: A Structural
Econometric Analysis, "Journal of Monetary Economics 44: pp.
195-222 (1999). A welfare-theoretic loss function is derived for this
model in J. Steinsson, "Optimal Monetary Policy in an Economy with
Inflation Persistence," Journal of Monetary Economics 50: pp.
1425-56 (2003).
(10) K. Aoki, "Optimal Monetary Policy Responses to Relative
Price Changes," Journal of Monetary Economics 48: pp. 55-80 (2001).
Aoki's analysis is generalized in Interest and Prices [cited
footnote 1], section 4.3.
(11) P. Benigno, "Optimal Monetary Policy in a Currency
Area," International Economic Review 44: pp. 195-222 (1999).
(12) C. J. Erceg, D. W. Henderson, and A. T. Levin, "Optimal
Monetary Policy with Staggered Wage and Price Contracts," Journal
of Monetary Economics 46: pp. 281-313 (2000). This derivation is
generalized in P. Benigno and M. Woodford, "Optimal Stabilization
Policy when Wages and Prices are Sticky: The Case of a Distorted Steady
State," NBER Working Paper No. 10839, October 2004, and in J.
Faust, A. Orphanides, and D. Riefschneider, eds., Models and Monetary
Policy, Federal Reserve Board, 2005.
(13) For further discussion of the general problem and a
demonstration of the pitfalls of "naive" LQ approximation, see
Interest and Prices [cited footnote 1], section 6.1, and P. Benigno and
M. Woodford, "Optimal Taxation in an RBC Model: A Linear-Quadratic
Approach," NBER Working Paper No. 11029, January 2005.
(14) Our method was first introduced in P. Benigno and M. Woodford,
"Optimal Monetary and Fiscal Policy: A Linear-Quadratic
Approach," NBER Working Paper No. 9905, August 2003, and NBER
Macroeconomics Annual 18: pp. 271-333 (2003). It is also illustrated in
the Benigno and Woodford papers cited in footnotes 2, 12, and 13 above.
A general algorithm for the application of this method to the derivation
of LQ approximations to policy problems is discussed and illustrated in
F. Altissimo, V. Curdia, and D. Rodriguez Palenzuela,
"Linear-Quadratic Approximation to Optimal Policy: An Algorithm and
Two Applications," working paper, European Central Bank, September
(15) Benigno and Woodford, "Inflation Stabilization"
[cited footnote 2].
(16) "Pitfalls of Forward-Looking Monetary Policy,"
American Economic Review 90(2): pp. 100-4 (2000); and Interest and
Prices [cited footnote 1], chapter 7.
(17) "Optimal Monetary Policy Inertia," NBER Working
Paper No. 7261, July 1999; parts of this paper appear in revised form in
"Optimal Interest-Rate Smoothing," Review of Economic Studies
70:pp. 861-86 (2003). The desirability of policy inertia is also
analyzed in more complex models in J. J. Rotemberg and M. Woodford,
"Interest-Rate Rules in an Estimated Sticky-Price Model," NBER
Working Paper No. 6618, June 1998, and in J. B. Taylor, ed., Monetary
Policy Rules, University of Chicago Press for NBER, 1999; and in M. P.
Giannoni and M. Woodford, "How Forward-Looking is Optimal Monetary
Policy?" Journal of Money, Credit and Banking 35(6-2): pp. 1425-69
(18) "Commentary: How Should Monetary Policy be Conducted in
an Era of Price Stability?" in Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City,
New Challenges for Monetary Policy, 1999.
(19) L. E. O. Svensson and M. Woodford, "Implementing Optimal
Policy through Inflation-Forecast Targeting," NBER Working Paper
No. 9747, June 2003, and in B.S. Bernanke and M. Woodford, eds., The
Inflation Targeting Debate, University of Chicago Press for NBER, 2005.
(20) G. B. Eggertsson and M. Woodford, "The Zero Bound on
Interest Rates and Optimal Monetary Policy," Brookings Papers on
Economic Activity 2003-1: pp. 139-211.
(21) More recently, the BOJ has consciously sought to signal an
intention not to tighten prematurely, at least partially along the lines
argued for by Eggertsson and myself; see, for example, K. Ueda,
"The Bank of Japan's Struggle with the Zero Lower Bound on
Nominal Interest Rates: Exercises in Expectations Management,"
CIRJE discussion paper, University of Tokyo, September 2005.
(22) For discussions of this episode, see my "Central-Bank
Communication and Policy Effectiveness," NBER Working Paper No.
11898, December 2005; and B. S. Bernanke, V. R. Reinhart, and B. P.
Sack, "Monetary Policy Alternatives at the Zero Bound: An Empirical
Assessment," Brookings Papers on Economic Activity 2004-1: pp.
(23) "Robustly Optimal Monetary Policy under Near-Rational
Expectations," NBER Working Paper No. 11896, December 2005.
(24) An important early discussion is by L. E. O. Svensson,
"Inflation Forecast Targeting: Implementing and Monitoring
Inflation Targets," European Economic Review 41:pp. 1111-46 (1997).
(25) M. P. Giannoni and M. Woodford, "Optimal Interest-Rate
Rules: L General Theory," NBER Working Paper No. 9419, January
(26) Both this paragraph and the following one are based on
Giannoni and Woodford [cited footnote 7].
(27) Eggertsson and Woodford [cited footnote 20].
(28) See, for example, the optimal target criterion derived for a
small empirical model in Giannoni and Woodford [cited footnote 7].
(29) "Inflation Targeting and Optimal Monetary Policy,"
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Economic Review, July/ August 2004,
pp. 15-41.
Michael Woodford *
* Woodford is a Research Associate in the NBER's Programs on
Monetary Economics and Economic Fluctuations and Growth and the John
Bates Clark Professor of Political Economy at Columbia University. His
profile appears later in this issue.