Political and economic forces sustaining social security.
Mulligan, Casey B.
Government officials, regardless of their political persuasion, are
increasingly serious about Social Security reform. Politicians have long
recognized that the success and longevity of their policies depend on
the economic and political environments in which they operate. For
example, Franklin Delano Roosevelt explained, "We put those [Social
Security] payroll contributions there so as to give the contributors a
legal, moral, and political right to collect their pensions. With these
taxes in there, no damn politician can ever scrap my Social Security
program." (cited in Schlesinger, 1958). In other words, Roosevelt
understood that he could not design a program for the elderly without
regard for its political future; rather, he needed a design that made it
difficult for future politicians to change the Social Security
(hereafter, SS) program. Unfortunately, modern proposals and evaluations
of changes to the SS system pay little attention to the political and
economic forces that have been sustaining the program, and whether the
proposals for change could endure those forces. Xavier Sala-i-Martin and
I have been working to improve public pension economics along these
Worldwide Challenges
Our initial step was to create international databases of the
history of SS program design, including tax rates, financing methods,
revenues, benefit eligibility rules, and benefit formulas. (1) Several
interesting patterns emerge. First, the international history of SS
includes many examples of well-intentioned reforms that were put in
place but ultimately unable to resist the political forces pushing back
towards the old system. Many of these are examples of countries that
planned for a fully funded system (namely, a system that pays each
cohort benefits equal to its lifetime contributions plus accumulated
interest): Chile's original SS program, Germany's original
program, one of the original French programs, the first U.S. SS law
(passed in 1935, scheduled to come into effect in 1937 and to be
partially funded, but rescinded in 1939), and Sweden's first
system. A number of individual accounts systems (namely, systems that
pay an individual benefits in proportion to his lifetime contributions)
also have failed to be politically sustainable, including those in
Seychelles, Egypt, St. Vincent, the system for the American clergy, and
some African and Caribbean Provident Funds.
Second, public pension budgets have become very large in upper and
middle income countries, with the share of labor income collected as SS
taxes sometimes exceeding the fraction of the population who are
eligible for SS benefits. Normalized by GDP, the U.S. SS budget is small
by international standards. Third, the fringe benefit model is
ubiquitous: almost all countries (including the United States, with one
very recent exception) raise practically all of their SS revenue from
payroll taxes on employer and employee, and pay a defined benefit that
increases with lifetime earnings and declines with earnings during the
beneficiary's retirement years. Even though economists disapprove of SS benefit formulas that give the elderly so little incentive to
work, this feature of public pension system is very common (even the
United States had a significant earnings test, until the recent law
Fourth, while SS is undoubtedly an intense political issue, very
different political regimes employ quite similar public pension systems.
One of the very early programs was created in Emperor Wilhelm's
autocratic German state in the 1880s. Other examples of nondemocratic
countries that created such programs are Lenin's USSR in 1922,
Emperor Hirohito's Japan in 1941, Kuwait in 1976, General
Peron's Argentina in 1946, and General Avila-Camacho's Mexico
in 1943. Examples of democracies with early SS systems include the
United Kingdom in 1908, Sweden in 1913, or the United States in 1935.
(2) The (presumably nondemocratic) Soviet Union in 1960-90 had a system
similar to Western European systems, including retirement at early ages,
pay-as-you-go, and payroll taxes (although not "paid by
employees"). These basic similarities with American and Western
European programs did not change under Gorbachev and thereafter, as the
former Soviet citizens began to enjoy democracy.
Gil, Sala-i-Martin, and I (3) report on nine dynamic case
studies--Greece, Portugal, Spain, Italy, Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Peru,
and Uruguay--for the period 1960-90. These countries were selected based
on their extreme political changes, or for their economic and
demographic similarities to countries with extreme changes. With the
exception of Greece and Chile, we find that formerly nondemocratic
countries do not, relative to their democratic neighbors, change their
program after experiencing democracy. Similarly, formerly democratic
countries do not change their program when becoming nondemocratic.
Greece is an exception, because spending grew slowly under the 1967-74
military regime--relative to spending growth before and after the regime
and relative to contemporaneous spending growth in democratic countries.
We find an opposite pattern in Chile: most of the spending growth from
1925-80 occurred under nondemocratic regimes, and payroll tax rates
reached extremely high levels under General Pinochet. Multiple
regression studies of the determinants of SS spending, (4) holding
constant population age or per capita income, find neither a significant
partial correlation between democracy and SS spending's share of
GDP, nor a significant interaction between democracy and the other
variables in a spending regression. The multiple regression framework
also shows how democracies and nondemocracies are quite similar in terms
of their use of retirement tests, earnings tests, or in their splitting
of the payroll tax between employer and employee. Whatever problems SS
programs may have today, they cannot be blamed on the democratic
New Estimates of Social Security's Winners and Losers
SS programs tax workers and pay benefits to the elderly, so it is
often concluded that the elderly come out ahead, especially if the
program had been small or nonexistent during their working years. By the
same logic, the larger the program, the more the elderly benefit.
However, this calculus ignores the fact that the elderly usually must
retire in order to receive their benefits. When eligibility is
conditioned on benefciary earnings or labor force status, SS benefits
help the elderly less than they cost the Treasury because the elderly
change their labor market behavior in order to increase their benefit.
In principle, a larger program might hurt the elderly if it also
involved larger work disincentives. The calculations in Figure 1 show
how this is a very real possibility. The horizontal axis measures the
amount of SS spending, normalized by GDP and the size of the elderly
population (obviously richer and older countries spend more on SS). The
vertical axis measures the incentive to retire, in terms of a marginal
tax rate on beneficiary earnings. The retirement incentive comes both
from an explicit payroll tax and from the tax implicit in the policy of
reducing or delaying benefit payments with the beneficiary's
earnings. The elderly would obviously prefer a program that is far to
the right because the program would be spending more on them, but would
also prefer a program that is near the bottom because the program would
provide the freedom to work while receiving their benefits. It is
possible that the elderly would be better off with a program like
Spain's or Germany's than with an Italian or Dutch program,
even though the latter are spending more money, because the former make
it "easier" (as compared to Italy or Netherlands) to work
while collecting benefits.
Another reason that a dollar of benefits may be worth less than a
dollar to an SS program participant is that the benefits are paid later
in life, and the participant may desire funds earlier in life. Here I am
not simply referring to the time value of money, because the government
discounts future cash flows at the interest rate, and so do many
households. However, some households--presumably the poorer and younger
ones--are borrowing constrained and would prefer to have funds now
rather than during their retirement years, even if the latter were
returned with interest (5) Another factor relevant for poor households
is that, in the absence of having their own retirement savings, they
could attempt to live off welfare programs during their elder years. For
these two reasons any mandatory public program that reallocates cash
flows from the working years to the retirement years--the current SS
system as well as a mandatory retirement accounts program--hurts the
poor and helps those who would be paying for welfare programs for the
elderly. In this way, public pension or retirement savings programs with
voluntary participation may be more beneficial to the poor than are
programs that mandate participation.
The Politics of Retirement
Clearly SS affects retirement, in part by allowing elderly people
to afford a life of leisure, and in part by reducing the pecuniary gain
to working during old age. But retirement may also affect SS policy, and
a series of our papers explore some of the possibilities. One
possibility is that retirement creates job opportunities or raises wages
for the young, that SS policy was designed for this purpose, and that SS
has continued to grow by serving this purpose. However, this is at best
a small part of the story, because it may be that the private sector
generates too much retirement rather than too little, and even if public
policy were needed to encourage retirement, the optimal amount of
retirement could be implemented with a much smaller budget. (6)
The AARP may be the most potent interest group in the United
States, and the "R" does not stand for "old." The
growth of retirement, in part because of SS but also because of changes
in the private sector, has created a large and cohesive political group.
The group has served to defend and expand public pension budgets, which
in turn has increased the number of retirees. A full model of SS must
consider the simultaneous determination of retirement and SS spending.
We have taken some steps in this direction by modeling the allocation of
time together with political competition among interest groups. In
particular, we suggest that (nonoccupational) interest groups whose
members work less are more successful. One reason is that groups working
less have more time for political activities. But perhaps more important
is the possibility that, when people do not work, then the amount of
political issues they might worry about is smaller so they might
concentrate their efforts on getting a pension or a transfer. In other
words, retired people are, when it comes to the politics of age, more
single-minded than workers because the latter also have to worry about
the politics of occupation.
Implications for the Future of Social Security
Our findings help bring the future of SS into better focus. Without
denying that the pay-as-you-go, fringe benefit model of public pensions
has significant problems, our data do not gave much credence to the view
that SS problems are the result of "bad ideas" which are
unfortunately and inexplicably hatched by policymakers, and which can be
rectified merely by giving some combination of voters, politicians, and
bureaucrats a better economic education. The model has persisted in too
many countries for too many decades, and has shown itself to be more
persistent than some well-intentioned legislation to the contrary. The
size and design of SS is likely determined by political and economic
fundamentals, such as interest group size, cohesion, the demand for
retirement, population growth rates, the demand for insurance, and so
What exactly were the fundamentals that influenced the design of
SS, and helped the program grow over so many decades? Regardless of how
we answer this question, the historical persistence of the
pay-as-you-go, fringe benefit model--even at times in the face of
legislation to the contrary--suggests that the fundamentals (whatever
they may be) are themselves persistent. Hence, at least some reform
legislation will prove to evolve in the direction of the laws it
replaced. Retirement is one of the key economic and political
Retirement and SS have a mutually reinforcing relationship--SS
encourages retirement and retirement creates an interest group cohesive
enough to successfully defend the program. Ceteris paribus, reforms that
remove or relax earnings and retirement tests would, by reducing
retirement, help slow the growth of the program (or the growth of
elderly programs more generally). But even reforms removing, say,
retirement tests, might have an income effect on retirement in the other
direction. In any case, we expect that the reforms most consistent with
slow elderly spending growth are those that do the most to encourage
work by the elderly.
Of course, there are important non-SS factors influencing
retirement and its relationship with the political process. For example,
campaign finance reform, if it is successful at reducing the influence
of "big money," may by subtraction increase the relative
influence of the retired, who have enjoyed their political success
without many political action dollars (remember that the AARP was an
avid supporter of the latest campaign finance reform). Changing health
and mortality patterns will also help determine the number of retirees,
and thereby impact SS spending. These factors and more may ultimately
determine Social Security's future.
(1) X. Sala-i-Martin, "A Positive Theory of Social
Security," Journal of Economic Growth, 1996, and C. B. Mulligan and
X. Sala-i-Martin, "Internationally Common Features of Public
Old-Age Pensions, and Their Implications for Models of the Public
Sector," Advances in Economic Analysis & Policy, 2004.
(2) The POLITY IV (2000) project rates each of the regimes
mentioned in the text (and many others) in terms of their degree of
democracy on a 0 to 10 scale (10 most democratic): Germany (1), USSR
(0), Japan (5), Kuwait (0), Argentina (0), Mexico (0), OK(8), Sweden
(10), and US(10).
(3) C. B. Mulligan, R. Gil, and X. Sala-i-Martin, "Social
Security and Democracy," NBER Working Paper No. 8958, May, 2002.
(4) Previous studies include D. Cutler and R. Johnson, 'The
Birth and Growth of the Social Insurance State," Public Choice, 120
(1-2) (July 2004), pp. 87-121, and P. Lindert, 'The Rise of Social
Spending, 1880-1930," Explorations in Economic History, 31 (1)
(January 1994), pp. 1-37.
(5) Mulligan and Philipson show how poor households may discount
future cash flows at twice (or more) than the SS program does. C B.
Mulligan and T. J. Philipson, "Merit Motives and Government
Intervention: Public Finance in Reverse," NBER Working Paper No.
7698, May 2000.
(6) J. Bhattacharya, C. B. Mulligan, and P. Reed III, "Labor
Market Search And Optimal Retirement Policy," Economic Inquiry, 42
(4) (October2004), pp. 560-71.
Mulligan is a Research Associate in the NBER's Program on
Public Economics and a professor at the University of Chicago. His
profile appears later in this issue.