Explaining European unemployment.
Blanchard, Olivier J.
Unemployment, Shocks, and Institutions
Anybody attempting to explain the evolution of unemployment in
Europe over the last 30 years must confront the following set of facts:
First, high unemployment is not a European trait. Until the end of the
1960s, unemployment was very low in Europe and the talk then was of the
"European unemployment miracle." The miracle came to an end in
the 1970s, when unemployment steadily increased. It kept increasing in
the 1980s. It appeared to turn around in the mid-1990s, but the decline
is (temporarily?) on hold. For the European Union as a whole, the
current unemployment rate is still very high, around 8 percent.
Second, the evolution of the average European unemployment rate
hides large cross-country differences. In the four large continental
countries--France, Germany, Spain, and Italy--the unemployment rate has
increased steadily and remains very high, around 10 percent. (The
Spanish unemployment rate has been cut in half since its peak, but
remains above 10 percent.) In a number of smaller countries, notably
Ireland and the Netherlands, unemployment increased until the early
1980s, but has steadily decreased since then. Unemployment is less than
5 percent in both countries today. In a number of other countries,
notably Sweden and Denmark, unemployment has remained consistently
low--except for a bout of high cyclical unemployment at the start of the
1990s. Unemployment is below 5 percent in both countries today.
Third, at a given unemployment rate, individual unemployment
duration is substantially longer, and flows in and out of unemployment
substantially lower, in Europe than in the United States. (1) And, the
increase in European unemployment reflects an increase in duration
rather than an increase in flows. As a result, duration is high. In
Germany and Italy for example, more than half of the unemployed today
have been unemployed for more than one year.
Finally, if one takes the change in inflation as a rough indicator
of whether the rate of unemployment is above or below the natural rate,
one must conclude that, apart from cyclical movements in the early 1980s
and early 1990s, the broad movements in the unemployment rate have
reflected movements in the natural rate of unemployment. In particular,
over the last few years, inflation has declined only slightly,
suggesting that the natural rate today is lower than, but close to, the
actual unemployment rate.
The initial increase in unemployment in the 1970s coincided with a
number of adverse shocks--some worldwide, some specific to Europe. Thus,
much of the initial research naturally focused on the role of shocks in
explaining the increase in the natural rate of unemployment. In the
1970s, raw materials prices rose sharply. More importantly, but less
visibly at the time, the high rate of productivity growth that had
characterized the post-war period came to an end. To the extent that
workers did not fully adjust to these changes, these shocks plausibly
could have led to an increase in the cost of labor, and so to the
increase in unemployment. In the 1980s, tight money led to a prolonged period of high real interest rates, and so to a large increase in the
user cost of capital. This in turn could have led to low capital
accumulation, and by implication, lower employment growth and higher
That is why initial explanations focused on shocks. However,
looking at it from today's vantage point, an explanation of
unemployment based on shocks runs into two main difficulties: first,
shocks were largely similar across countries. The decline in
productivity growth was largely common to all European countries. The
same is true of most other shocks: while the increase in interest rates
varied across countries, real interest rates increased in all countries
from the early 1980s on. Yet, as we have seen, the evolutions of
unemployment have been very different across countries.
Second, the oil price increases of the 1970s turned into decreases
in the 1980s. Underlying productivity growth has remained low, but it is
hard to believe that 25 years later, workers' expectations have not
adjusted to the new reality. Yet, as we have seen, the natural rate of
unemployment remains high in Europe today. This requires either very
long lasting effects of shocks or the advent of new adverse shocks. The
quantitative evidence on new adverse shocks, such as an increased pace
of reallocation attributable to technological progress and
globalization, is, however, mixed at best.
By the mid-1980s, these difficulties led researchers to turn their
attention increasingly to labor market institutions as the main factor
behind high unemployment. Many of these institutions are inherently
multidimensional, so it is hard to summarize their evolution over time
in a simple way. The evidence, such as it is, suggests the following:
social protection is high in Europe. Unemployment insurance is more
generous than in the United States, both in terms of the replacement
rate and of the length for which benefits are given. Employment
protection often has a large administrative and judicial component. The
tax wedge between labor costs and take home pay is high, although this
reflects in large part the higher proportion of services that are
provided by the state rather than by the market in Europe.
However, explanations of European unemployment based on
institutions run into two difficulties: first, European labor market
institutions did not come into being in the early 1970s. For the most
part, both the architecture and the level of social protection were put
in place earlier, and were then consistent with low unemployment. In
many (but not all) countries the increase in unemployment in the 1970s
was associated with a small further increase in the generosity of
unemployment insurance, a small increase in employment protection, and
an increase in the tax wedge. >From the mid-1980s on, most reforms
have moved in the opposite direction. They typically have been limited
and non-systemic, eliminating the worst distortions while maintaining
the existing degree of social protection.
Second, labor market institutions differ across European countries.
Still, there is no obvious relationship between the degree of social
protection and the unemployment rate today. For example, the Netherlands
has returned to low unemployment while continuing to offer high social
protection. Scandinavian countries have main tamed both high social
protection and a low natural rate of unemployment.
My initial forays into European unemployment were aimed at
explaining the dynamic effects of shocks on the natural rate, and the
role of institutions in shaping these effects. In work with Lawrence H.
Summers, I focused on how, when wages were set in collective bargaining,
shocks could have long lasting effects on the natural rate (the
"hysteresis" hypothesis). In work with Peter A. Diamond, I
explored the effects of shocks in models with explicit flows and
individual bargaining. In work with Lawrence F. Katz, I developed simple
models of the determination of the natural rate and the Phillips curve.
This research was summarized in an NBER Reporter article in 1995.
Starting in the mid-1990s, I explored whether I could develop a
coherent story for the evolution of European unemployment both across
time and across countries and whether I could account for the set of
facts presented above. I have followed two strategies, the first based
on a structural approach, the second on a reduced-form approach.
The Structural Approach
If higher unemployment is caused by excessive wage demands, one
should see it in the data. One should see an increase in wages, given
unemployment, and a subsequent decrease in employment. One should also
see a decrease in the profit rate, an effect on capital accumulation,
and on subsequent employment. If higher unemployment is instead
attributable to an increase in the real interest rate, then one should
see lower capital accumulation, leading in turn to lower employment over
These simple ideas underlie the strategy I followed in this first
approach. (2) I assumed that, in the absence of shocks, each European
economy would have grown on a balanced path, with Harrod-neutral
technological progress, a stable unemployment rate, a stable
output/capital ratio, and real wages growing at the underlying rate of
technological progress. I then measured deviations of these variables
from their balanced growth path values, and with simple identification
restrictions, I obtained empirical series for "labor supply
shifts," or shifts in wages given unemployment and the level of
technology; for "user cost shifts," or shifts in the cost of
capital; and for "labor demand shifts," or shifts in wages
given employment, capital, and the level of technology.
The strength of this approach is that it provides a simple
interpretative grid, not just for movements in unemployment but, more
generally; for joint movements in capital, employment, output, real
wages, and user costs over time. Its limits are equally clear: it cannot
tell where the shifts themselves come from, for example whether
"labor supply shifts" come from increased union militancy or
from changes in institutions, but it tells us where to look. Applying
this methodology to each European country yielded a number of
interesting findings.
Most findings confirmed the prevailing wisdom. In most countries,
the main proximate cause of the increase in unemployment in the 1970s
and the early 1980s was indeed a series of adverse "labor supply
shifts," that is a series of steady increases in wages given
unemployment and the level of technology. By the mid-1980s however, this
movement was reversed, and wage moderation prevailed. By the early
1990s, in most countries, the early adverse labor supply shifts had been
fully reversed. And, wage moderation was indeed stronger in some of the
countries with the sharpest turnaround in unemployment: the dramatic
decreases in unemployment in Ireland and the Netherlands indeed were
associated with unusually large wage moderation from the early 1980s on.
However, some findings were more puzzling. In particular, wage
moderation from the early 1980s on did not translate into the increase
in employment that one would have expected. For Europe as a whole, real
wages are now back on (or below) their benchmark growth path, yet
unemployment remains high. Another reflection of this fact is the
dramatic decline in the labor share that has taken place in Europe since
the early 1980s. In many countries, the share of labor in the business
sector has declined by 5 to 10 percentage points of GDP, a very large
shift by historical standards.
In my interpretative model, these shifts simply were labeled
"labor demand shifts." However, this is just giving a name to
a phenomenon, not providing an explanation for it. In principle, these
shifts may come from one of two sources: they may reflect
non-Harrod-neutral technological progress, in which case one would like
to understand whether this non-neutrality was endogenous, that is
triggered by some of the factors affecting unemployment, or exogenous,
thus caused by the nature of technological progress during that period.
Or, they may reflect changes in the nature of price or wage setting: an
increase in monopoly power for example will increase prices given wages,
and so will reduce the real wage at any given level of employment, and
reduce the labor share. In a series of papers, I explored whether these
shifts could be explained by deregulation in labor and goods markets.
(4) While these papers are, I think, successful in providing a way to
think about the macroeconomic effects of regulation and deregulation, I
do not feel that they provide a satisfactory explanation for what lies
behind the "labor demand shifts" documented above. More needs
to be done on what is an important and still mysterious part of the
story of European unemployment.
The Reduced Form Approach
This second approach, which I explored first with Justin Wolfers,
(5) came from the need to organize and assess the quantitative evidence
on unemployment, shocks, and institutions. The approach was
straightforward. For each country and each year, I constructed time
series for the main shocks identified in previous research, namely
changes in the rate of technological progress, changes in the real
interest rate, and labor demand shifts. For each country, relying on the
work of the OECD and others, I constructed quantitative measures of
labor market institutions, from replacement rates and length of benefits
for unemployment insurance, to indexes of employment protection, to
indexes of coordination in collective bargaining. For a few of these
institutions, time series could be constructed; for others, they could
I then ran panel data regressions of unemployment for each year (or
more precisely for each five-year period) and each European country, on
shocks, institutions, and shocks interacted with institutions. In one
variant, unemployment was run on time effects and time effects
interacted with institutions. This alternative specification allows for
a more agnostic and flexible specification of shocks over time (the
shocks are captured by time effects), but implicitly imposes the
assumption that shocks have been the same across countries.
The main results were that shocks could explain the general
evolution of European unemployment since the 1970s, but they could not
explain the heterogeneity of evolutions across countries. For example,
measures of shocks were quite similar in Spain and Portugal, while
unemployment evolutions in the two countries have been extremely
different. Portugal in fact has avoided high unemployment.
Based on the evidence on the evolution of the limited number of
institutions for which we had time series, institutions could not
explain much of the evolution of unemployment over time.
Interactions between shocks and institutions could account both for
the time-series evolution and the heterogeneity of experiences across
data. This was true whether explicit measures of shocks or time effects
were used. In either case, the econometric evidence suggested that, for
a given adverse shock, countries with either long lasting unemployment
benefits or high employment protection, or little coordination and
centralization of collective bargaining, experienced a larger and longer
increase in unemployment. In other words, these particular institutions
appeared to generate a larger and longer lasting effect of shocks on
The panel data approach used in that paper has been tested by a
number of other researchers, and the conclusions appear fairly robust.
Let me mention however one qualification and one extension, both of
which I see as important.
Relying on some new evidence on the time evolution of institutions,
Steven Nickell (6) has argued that the evolution of institutions has
played a stronger role in the evolution of unemployment than Wolfers and
I had concluded. This may well be the case, and the issue can only be
settled by the use of better time series on institutions.
Looking more closely at some of the "unemployment
miracles," in particular the dramatic decline in unemployment in
the Netherlands, I concluded that the large wage moderation did not come
so much from changes in institutions as from the behavior of unions,
which had become convinced that wage moderation was key to a decrease in
unemployment. It appeared that Dutch unions had accepted the argument by
firms that they needed to reestablish profit margins in order to
increase employment. This led me to explore, with Thomas Philippon, the
role of trust between capital and labor in the evolution of
unemployment. (7)
Using various measures of trust between firms and unions, we found
that differences in trust indeed could explain much of the differences
in the evolution of unemployment across countries. Adding trust to the
other institutions in the Blanchard-Wolfers specification, we found
trust to also be strongly significant. A tentative conclusion is that,
in an environment in which collective bargaining is central to wage
determination, not only formal labor market institutions, but also good
labor relations, are crucial to reducing the effects of adverse shocks
on unemployment.
This set of results, as a whole, has a number of policy
implications: Labor market institutions matter; they affect both the
size and the duration of the effects of the shocks on unemployment. High
social protection is not inconsistent with low unemployment. However, it
must be provided efficiently.
This in turn raises two broad questions. In those countries where
social protection is inefficient, will governments reform labor market
institutions? In a recent paper, I speculate that reforms in goods and
financial markets will indeed force reforms in the labor market. (8)
The other question is normative. If governments want to reform
their labor market institutions, how should they do it? To answer this
last question, Jean Tirole and I have started working on the optimal
design of labor market institutions. (9) Hopefully this will be the
topic of another NBER Reporter article in the future.
(1) O.J. Blanchard and P. Portugal, "What Hides behind an
Unemployment Rate? Comparing Portuguese and U.S. Unemployment,"
NBER Working Paper No. 6636, July 1998, and in American Economic Review,
91 (1) (March 2001), pp. 187-207.
(2) O.J. Blanchard, "The Medium Run," in Brookings Papers
on Economic Activity, 2 (1997), pp. 89-158. O. J. Blanchard,
"Revisiting European Unemployment: Employment, Capital
Accumulation, and Factor Prices," NBER Working Paper No. 6566, May
1998, and Geary Lecture, ESRI, June 1998.
(3) O.J. Blanchard, "The Economics of Unemployment: Shocks,
Institutions, and Interactions," Lionel Robbins lectures, 2000.
(4) O.J. Blanchard, "The Economics of Unemployment."
Shocks, Institutions, and Interactions;" and O.J. Blanchard and F.
Giavazzi, "The Macroeconomic Effects of Labor and Product Market
Deregulation," NBER Working Paper No. 8120, February 2001, and in
Quarterly Journal of Economics, 118 (3) (August 2003), pp. 879-909.
(5) O.J. Blanchard and J. Wolfers, "The Role of Shocks and
Institutions in the Rise of European Unemployment," NBER Working
Paper No. 7282, August 1999, and Harry Johnson Lecture, Economic
Journal, Vol. 110 (March 2000), pp. 1-33.
(6) S. Nickell, "Labour Market Institutions and Unemployment
in OECD Countries," CESIFO DICE Report 1, No. 2 (2003), pp. 13-26.
(7) O.J. Blanchard and T. Philippon, "The Decline of Rents,
and the Rise and Fall of Unemployment in Europe, "forthcoming as an
NBER Working Paper.
(8) O.J. Blanchard, "The Economic Future of Europe," NBER
Working Paper No. 10310, March 2004, and forthcoming in the Journal of
Economic Perspectives.
(9) O.J. Blanchard and J. Tirole, "Contours of Employment
Protection," MIT Working Paper 03-35, September 2003, and "The
Optimal Design of Unemployment Insurance and Employment Protection,
forthcoming as an NBER Working Paper.
Olivier J. Blanchard, is a Research Associate in the NBER's
Programs on Monetary Economics and Economic Fluctuations and Growth and
a professor of economics at MIT.