New perspectives on international debt and exchange rates.
Rogoff, Kenneth S.
My research over the past couple of years has focused on rethinking
international debt and exchange rates, particularly, but not
exclusively, for developing countries.
A Revised History of Exchange Rates
The choice of exchange rate regime remains one of the most
controversial issues in international macroeconomic policy today and--in
the eyes of most policymakers and policy economists--one of the most
critical. Yet, curiously, much academic work, pioneered by NBER researchers Marianne Baxter and Alan Stockman (1), has shown that it is
difficult to prove that the exchange rate regime systematically affects
economic growth or, for that matter, any macroeconomic variable other
than the real exchange rate. At the same time, it is equally difficult
to identify any stable systematic relationship between macroeconomic
variables (including policy variables such as interest rates and budget
deficits) and major currency exchange rates, at least for horizons up to
two years. Richard Meese and I first identified this puzzle in a pair of
papers in 1983 (2) and it has stood up to numerous attempts to overturn
it since. In a 2000 paper, (3) Maurice Obstfeld and I summarize the thin
connection between exchange rates and macroeconomic variables as the
"exchange rate disconnect puzzle."
Why have researchers found it so difficult to show that exchange
rate regimes matter when policymakers and business people take the
connection for granted? Carmen Reinhart and I (4) offer one possible
rationale. We note that, in comparing the performance of fixed and
flexible exchange rate regimes, researchers typically have had to rely
on the official history of exchange rates, a sterilized picture that is
often sharply at odds with reality. That is, most comparisons of fixed
and floating regimes have been based on the International Monetary
Fund's official historical classification of exchange rates which,
until very recently, has tended to passively reflect what countries
report they are doing to the IMF. If a country like China, which has a
virtually pegged exchange rate, reports to the IMF that it is engaged in
"managed floating", then (until recently) the IMF database
would dutifully record China as engaged in a variant of floating. A
related problem is that many countries claiming to have
"fixed" exchange rates succeed in doing so only by imposing
severe capital controls. Pervasive controls, in turn, typically lead to
either a large parallel ("black") market for foreign exchange
or, in other instances, to an official dual market. As a result, there
are surprisingly many cases historically where countries reported their
exchange rates as fixed while actually following a monetary and exchange
rate policy much more commensurate with floating. Although developing
countries have dominated this category in recent decades, backdoor floating characterized many major European countries' exchange rate
regimes for the first half of the Bretton Woods period of "fixed
exchange rates."
Reinhart and I develop an algorithm for reclassifying exchange rate
regimes going back to 1946; our approach takes neither a country's
official declared exchange rate regime nor its officially declared
exchange rate for granted. Remarkably, we find only a tenuous connection
between the official IMF historical classification of exchange rates and
our new de facto classification. Indeed, whether the official
classification accurately represents underlying monetary and exchange
rate policy is a virtual coin toss, with almost half of official fixed
rates actually having a much more flexible de facto regime, and visa
In our initial pass toward rethinking economic performance and
exchange rates, perhaps the most striking result is that countries with
large and variable parallel rate premiums experience considerably poorer
inflation and growth records than countries with unified exchange rates
(meaning no parallel or dual market). Thus, heavy handed exchange
controls--the most historically common and pervasive form of capital
account restriction--appear inimical to good economic performance.
In a follow-up paper (based closely on joint work with Robin Brooks
and Nienke Oomes (5)), Aasim Husain, Ashok Mody, and I apply the
classification scheme from Reinhart and Rogoff to ask whether it implies
any performance difference between relatively flexible exchange rate
regimes and relatively fixed ones." We find that it makes a great
deal of difference if one sorts countries into three groupings: advanced
countries (OECD countries plus a few other small wealthy countries);
emerging markets (middle income countries with significant access to
international capital markets); and developing countries. Our analysis,
which attempts to control both for standard explanatory variables from
generic growth regressions and for the potential endogeneity of the
exchange rate regime, yields some interesting conclusions.
For developing countries that do not have extensive access to
capital markets, we find that (relatively) fixed exchange rate systems
perform surprisingly well, offering lower average inflation with no
apparent sacrifice in growth. Moreover, contrary to conventional wisdom
based on repeated catastrophes in emerging markets, fixed exchange rate
systems have proven remarkably durable in non-financially integrated
developing countries. On the other hand, floating regimes appear to
outperform fixed ones for advanced countries, although the evidence is
less decisive. Growth appears to be higher in advanced country floaters (again controlling for a variety of standard growth regression
variables), and inflation performance is no worse, perhaps because of
the advent of modern independent central banks run by
inflation-conservative central bankers. Moreover, floating is very
robust. Once an advanced country moves to a float, it tends to retain
the regime for a very long time. For emerging markets, there is no
distinct pattern, although the probability of exchange rate crises is
certainly significantly worse under pegs. (We did not consider whether
sharing a currency with another country significantly enhances
performance, as Rose has energetically argued. Also, following my 2003
paper on financial globalization with Prasad, Wei, and Khose (7), we use
a de facto rather than a de jure measure of international capital market
integration, again a very important distinction. Some African countries,
for example, have achieved little in the way of international capital
market integration despite no overt barriers. Some Latin countries, on
the other hand, repeatedly have found capital controls to be ineffective
in stemming inflows or outflows.)
Our results fly in the face of conventional policy wisdom: that
fixed rates are no longer viable in today's world and should be
broadly eliminated as soon as possible. For a developing country without
the political and legal capacity to have a meaningfully independent
central bank, a fixed rate may be a reasonable alternative form of
inflation stabilization, especially when the country is reasonably
insulated from international capital markets, either by choice or
because international investors are not interested. Of course, once the
country becomes a more financially globalized emerging market, the fixed
exchange rate may eventually become a liability and an exit strategy may
be needed. But especially for poorer developing countries, the need to
design an exit strategy at some point in the distant future provides
little argument for abandoning a peg in the present. This is no doubt
one reason why pegs have proven so durable in developing countries with
low de facto levels of international capital market integration.
Serial Default
Recent work with Reinhart (8) (described in the NBER Digest, August
2004), and with Reinhart and Miguel Savastano (9), looks at the
phenomenon of serial default in developing countries, past and present.
While lightening may never strike twice in the same place, developing
country default certainly does so, again and again. Argentina, for
example, has remained mired in a painful restructuring since its
late-2001 debt default. But this is in fact the fifth time that
Argentina has defaulted since it gained independence in the 1820s. And
Argentina is not alone as a serial defaulter. Brazil had defaulted on
its debt seven times, Mexico eight times, Turkey seven times, and
Venezuela nine times--so far. Incidentally, if Venezuela is the modern
day record holder, it is by no means the all-time leader. That
distinction belongs to Spain, which has defaulted 13 times since the
1500s. Many other European countries, including France, Germany,
Portugal, and Greece also were serial defaulters back in their days as
emerging markets. Although each wave of default inevitably is followed
by a witch-hunt for the culprits (in the 1990s, many blamed the
International Monetary Fund), the simple fact is that debt crises have
been with us for a very long time, and many a financial engineering
scheme has failed to avert them. Reinhart, Savastano, and I find that
serial defaulters can develop "debt intolerance," so that the
risk of default begins to skyrocket at debt levels that might be quite
manageable for a country with a more pristine record. One possibility,
we suggest, is that default imposes lasting damage on a country's
financial system, thereby making it more vulnerable to future defaults.
Part of the blame for the ongoing cycle rests with policymakers in
developing countries who, typically under short-term political pressure,
tend to walk a country's debt too far out on a limb. Thanks to
spreads, creditors earn normal returns on developing country debt, but
creditors do not bear the large dead-weight costs imposed by repeated
financial crises. Unfortunately; the debtor country's citizens
typically must bear that burden, and to a lesser extent the
international tax payer through bailouts. Our analysis suggests that
debt thresholds are highly country specific and depend heavily on past
history of default on external debt and on hyperinflation (which is
tantamount to default on domestic debt). Argentina, for example, appears
to begin experiencing symptoms of debt intolerance at debt-to-GDP ratios
of 25-30 percent, far below the level for countries in Asia, where up
until now, sovereign defaults have been much less frequent. In related
work, we find that a history of repeated default and high inflation
helps to explain why pervasive dollarization of liabilities, in both
domestic and foreign debt, tends to persist long after a developing
country has succeed in bringing down its inflation rate. (10)
Reinhart and I argue that many developing countries' histories
of repeated high inflation and default are an important piece of the
puzzle of why capital seems to flow from rich countries to poor
countries, a phenomenon Mark Gertler and I identified and modeled in our
1989 (11) paper, and which Lucas highlighted in his celebrated 1990
analysis. (12) Today, of course, these flows are dominated by massive
sustained borrowing by the United States. Obstfeld and I (13) first
raised the prospect that the U. S. current account deficit (now over 5
percent of GNP) is not likely to be sustainable, and that when it
unwinds, one may see a massive depreciation of the dollar. In more
recent work (14) we have updated and extended our analysis. We conclude
that the problem has only become worse over the four years since our
initial paper. No one expects that the United State will default in the
style of a developing country, but the prospects for a sharp
depreciation of the dollar could be quite problematic for the global
economy, particularly if they coincided with security problems or severe
budget problems in the United States.
(1) M. Baxter and A. C. Stockman, "Business Cycles and the
Exchange Rate Regime," Journal of Monetary Economics, 23 (May
1989), pp. 377-400.
(2) R. Meese and K. S. Rogoff, 'Empirical Exchange Rate Models
of the Seventies: Do They Fit Out of Sample?" Journal of
International Economics, 14 (February 1983), pp. 3-24; and R. Meese and
K.S. Rogoff, "The Out-of-Sample Failure of Empirical Exchange Rate
Models: Sampling Error or Misspecification?" in J. Frenkel, ed.,
Exchange Rates and International Macroeconomics, Chicago: University of
Chicago Press, 1983, pp. 67-105.
(3) M. Obstfeld and K.S. Rogoff, 'The Six Major Puzzles in
International Macroeconomics: Is there a Common Cause?" NBER
Working Paper No. 7777, July 2000, and in B. Bernanke and K. S. Rogoff,
eds. NBER Macroeconomics Annual 2000, Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, pp.
(4) C. M. Reinhart and K. S. Rogoff, "The Modern History of
Exchange Rate Arrangements: A Reinterpretation," NBER Working Paper
No. 8963, June 2002, and in Quarterly Journal of Economics, 119 (1)
(February 2004),pp. 148.
(5) K. S. Rogoff, A. M. Husain, A. Mody, R J. Brooks, and N Oomes,
"Evolution and Performance of Exchange Rates Regimes,"
International Monetary Fund Occasional Paper 229, 2004.
(6) A. M. Husain, A. Mody, and K. S. Rogoff, "Exchange Rate
Regime Durability and Performance in Developing Countries Versus
Advanced Economies," NBER Working Paper No. 10673, August 2004,
forthcoming in the Journal of Monetary Economics.
(7) E. Prasad, K. S. Rogoff, S. Wei, and M. A. Kose, "The
Effects of Financial Globalization on Developing Countries: Some
Empirical Evidence," International Monetary Fund Occasional Paper
220, 2003. A version of this paper was presented at the September 10-12,
2004 NBER Conference on Globalization and Poverty.
(8) C. M. Reinhart and K.S. Rogoff, "Serial Default and The
'Paradox' Of Rich To Poor Capital Flows," NBER Working
Paper No. 10296, February 2004, and in American Economic Review, 94 (2)
(May 2004), pp. 52-8.
(9) C. M. Reinhart, K.S. Rogoff, and M.A. Savastano, "Debt
Intolerance," NBER Working Paper No. 9908, August 2003, and in W.
Brainard and G. Perry, eds. Brookings Papers on Economic Activity, 1
(2003), pp. 1-74.
(10) C. M. Reinhart, K.S. Rogoff, and M.A. Savastano,
"Addicted to Dollars," NBER Working Paper No. 10015, October
(11) M. Gertler and K.S. Rogoff, "Developing Country Borrowing
and Domestic Wealth," NBER Working Paper No. 2887, March 1989;
revised version published as "North-South Lending and Endogenous
Domestic Capital Market Inefficiencies," Journal of Monetary
Economics, 26 (October 1990), pp. 245-66.
(12) R.E. Lucas, "Why Doesn't Capital Flow from Rich to
Poor Countries?" American Economic Review, 80 (May 1990), pp. 92-6.
(13) M. Obstfeld and K.S. Rogoff, "Perspectives on OECD
Capital Market Integration: Implications for U.S. Current Account
Adjustment," in Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City Global Economic
Integration: Opportunities and Challenges, March 2001, pp. 169-208.
(14) M. Obstfeld and K.S. Rogoff, "Current Account Adjustment
and Overshooting," prepared for NBER pre-conference on G-7 Current
Account Imbalances, July 2004, and R. Meese and K.S. Rogoff,
"Empirical Exchange Rate Models of the Seventies: Do They Fit Out
of Sample?" Journal of International Economics, 14 (February 1983),
pp. 3-24.
* Rogoff is an NBER Research Associate in the Program on
International Finance and Macroeconomics and the Thomas D. Cabot
Professor of Public Policy at Harvard University. His profile appears
later in this issue.