Economic Fluctuations and Growth.
Hall, Robert E.
The NBER's Research Program on Economic Fluctuations and
Growth marks its 25th anniversary this year. During the long U.S.
economic expansion of the 1990s--the longest in the chronology
maintained by the NBER--topics related to growth played a large role in
the Program's activities. With the onset of a recession in early
2001, research on economic fluctuations has gained additional attention.
The Business Cycle Dating Committee
The EFG Program hosts the Business Cycle Dating Committee which
carries out a long-standing function of the NBER, the maintenance of a
chronology of the U.S. business cycle. The Bureau began compiling the
chronology in the early 1920s; it now covers almost a century and a half
of business-cycle history. I chair the committee, which also, includes
Martin Feldstein, Jeffrey A. Frankel, Robert J. Gordon, Christina D.
Romer, David H. Romer, and Victor Zarnowitz.
On November 26, 2001, the committee announced that a recession had
begun in the U.S. economy in March 2001. That is, a peak in economic
activity occurred during March and the economy began to contract. A
recession is a significant decline in activity spread across the
economy, lasting more than a few months, visible in real gross domestic
product, employment. and other indicators of activity. The committee
determined in November 2001 that these conditions had been met.
On July 17, 2003, the committee announced that the recession had
ended in November of 2001. The trough marked the end of the recession
that began in March 2001 and the beginning of an expansion. The
recession lasted eight months, which is slightly less than average for
recessions since World War II. Real GDP has grown since the trough, as
shown in the figure above.
The current recovery has not seen as high a growth rate of real GDP
as in the average recovery. In addition, productivity has grown
unusually rapidly during the recession and recovery. As a result,
employment has continued to decline slightly during the recovery. In
dating the trough, the committee relied on the tradition of the
Bureau's business-cycle dating procedure that emphasized output as
the measure of economic activity, rather than employment.
Research Meetings
The EFG Program holds three research meetings each year. Each
meeting is organized by a pair of program members, who carry out a
highly competitive selection process to find the six most suitable
papers for the meeting. The opportunity to be considered is extended to
a large group of potential participants. Almost all of the papers
marking significant advances in modern macroeconomics during the past
quarter century have appeared at these meetings.
Research Groups
Much of the activity of the EFG program occurs in its research
groups. The groups meet during the NBER's Summer Institute in July
in Cambridge and occasionally at other times and locations as well.
Economic Growth--Charles I. Jones and Peter J. Klenow, Leaders
This group conducts research on a range of subjects related to
long-run economic performance. Its meetings focus on such topics as
differences in income across countries, firm-level productivity growth,
and technical progress over time, as illustrated by the following
Based on a study of immigrants, Lutz Hendricks (1) presents new
evidence on the sources of cross-country income differences. His
estimates suggest that, for countries whose output per worker is below
40 percent of U.S. output per worker, less than half of that relative
output gap can be attributed to human and physical capital.
Simon Djankov, Rafael La Porta, Florencio Lopez de Silanes, and
Andrei Shleifer (2) present new data on the regulation of entry of
start-up firms in 85 countries containing information on the number of
procedures, official time, and official cost that a start-up must bear
before it can operate legally. The official costs of entry are high in
most countries, and could explain a portion of the sizable income
differences across countries.
Daron Acemoglu, Simon Johnson, and James Robinson (3) study the
interplay between growth and institutions. They show that the rise of
Europe between 1500 and 1850 was driven primarily by cities along the
Atlantic coast, especially by those engaged in colonialism and
long-distance oceanic trade. The economic benefits from this trade
strengthened the commercial class, leading to improvements in property
rights and institutions that furthered Western European growth and the
emergence of the modern world.
One widely held view is that competitive pressure can boost firm
productivity, but the evidence to support this view is not plentiful.
Jose Galdon-Sanchez and James Schmitz (4) therefore study the U.S. and
Canadian iron-ore industries in the early 1980s. They find that an
increase in domestic and international competition did lead to large
gains in labor productivity at continuing mines producing the same
products with the same technology. Tor Jakob Klette and Samuel Kortum
(5) also study firm productivity but they emphasize R and D rather than
competition. Their research explains why R and D as a fraction of
revenues is related strongly to firm productivity yet largely unrelated
to firm size or growth.
Rodolfo Manuelli and Ananth Seshadri (6) study the lag between the
introduction of technology and its adoption. According to the
conventional wisdom, slow technology diffusion suggests some sort of
friction, for example vintage physical capital, vintage human capital,
or local informational externalities. Their work, based on the diffusion
of tractors in the United States between 1910 and 1960, shows otherwise.
Consumption--Orazio Attanasio, Christopher D. Carroll, and Jose
Victor Rios-Rull, Leaders
This research ranges from purely empirical studies using
microeconomic data to purely theoretical analyses of dynamic stochastic
general equilibrium models with uninsurable idiosyncratic risk.
Nicholas Souleles and his co-authors (7) use microeconomic data to
show that the timing of a household's receipt of a tax rebate check
has a very strong effect on the timing of household spending, contrary
to the predictions of standard consumption theory.
Jonathan Heathcote, Kjetil Storesletten, and Gianluca Violante (8)
explore the macroeconomic and welfare implications of the sharp rise in
U.S. wage inequality, over the last several decades. They show that if a
substantial component of the increased wage variation is transitory but
persistent, a standard optimizing model can reconcile the widening
income distribution with a stable distribution of consumption across
Over the last few years several papers have examined why households
in the uppermost part of the permanent income distribution save so much
more than the typical household. Among the potential explanations
explored have been: imperfect capital markets that require business
ventures to be self-financed (9,10); the risk of medical expenses that
will not be covered by insurance (11); and preferences that embody habit
formation rather than the usual intertemporal separability (12).
Another persistent recent thread has been the importance of
spending on durable goods. Brian Peterson (13) develops a theoretical
model that generates strong cyclicality of spending on housing via an
interaction between cyclical variations in uncertainty and the effect of
uncertainty on spending when there are durable goods that can't be
resold. Burcu Duygan (14) presents complementary microeconomic empirical
work, showing that, controlling for the fall in income during the 1994
Turkish financial crisis, those consumers whose unemployment risk
increased more cut their spending on durable goods by more. In previous
years, Antonia Diaz and Maria Jose Luengo-Prado (15) argued that
understanding the dynamics of durable goods ownership can substantially
modify the interpretation of wealth inequality in microeconomic data.
Also, Dirk Krueger and Jesus Fernandez-Villaverde (16) suggested that
when the concentration of durable goods expenditures in the early years
of the life cycle is taken into account, life-cycle patterns of total
consumption of services are less steeply sloped than appears when only
spending on nondurables and services are considered together.
Income Distribution and Macroeconomics--Roland Benabou, Steven N.
Durlauf, and Oded Galor, Leaders
The marked rise in inequality in most developed countries over the
past 20 years again has brought income distribution to the forefront of
economists' and policymakers' concerns. NBER researchers have
explored a wide range of issues related to the sources and consequences
of inequality at both the national and international levels. This
research group is notable for its combination of empiricists, theorists,
and econometricians. The interactions across their research orientations
have led to valuable cross-fertilization in individual research programs
and to general progress on the broad issues that lie at the core of the
group's interests.
The group devoted significant attention to three fundamental
research avenues: 1) the identification of channels through which the
distributions of income, human capital, and financial assets affect
aggregate performance in the medium and long run, within and across
countries; 2) the determinants of inequality itself, in terms of both
exogenous shocks and sources of persistence; and 3) the role of
political institutions and social conflict in the determination of
cross-country growth differences, including the use of history in
understanding contemporaneous economic issues.
For instance, Dilip Mookherjee and Debraj Ray (17) focus on credit
market frictions and related principal-agent contractual imperfections.
The authors identify general conditions under which poverty traps,
resulting in persistent inequality and suboptimal output, can appear. On
the empirical side, the often-nonlinear implications of
credit-constraint models for the relationship between inequality and
growth have motivated research by Abhijit Banerjee and Esther Duflo.
(18) They critically re-examine previous econometric studies of this
relationship, particularly those using panel data. Francesco Casselli
and Nicola Gennaioli (19) present a model of occupational choice with
contractual imperfections. It attributes a significant fraction of the
income gap between less developed, countries (LDCs) and advanced
countries to a misallocation of talents, taking the form of a much
higher share of family-owned firms in LDCs.
Mathias Thoenig and Thierry Verdier (20) present a model of how
firms in developed countries respond to competition from low-wage
countries with defensive skill-biased technological innovations that
further exacerbate wage inequality. Michael Kremer and Eric Maskin (21)
show how international trade and outsourcing lead to a rematching of
workers of different skill levels across countries into different
production structures or teams, thus explaining the simultaneous rise in
earnings inequality in both the developed and the developing world.
Taking a longer, historical perspective, Oded Galor and Andrew Mountford
(22) show how the emergence of international trade in the nineteenth
century, leading countries like India to specialize away from
skill-intensive goods, delayed these countries' demographic
transition by skewing fertility, choices towards quantity rather than
"quality" of children, and how this causes divergent growth
There also has been work on social interactions and the
macroeconomic implications of sorting, including a paper by Raquel
Fernandez, Nazih Guner, and John Knowles, (23) that presents a model of
marital sorting among men and women with different education levels.
William Brock and Steven N. Durlauf (24) develop methods for studying
neighborhood and peer effects. Among the empirical studies are a paper
by William Easterly (25) on the dynamics of racial segregation in U.S.
cities, and one by Jeffrey B. Liebman, Jeffrey R. Kling, and Lawrence F.
Katz (26) on studying the effects of the Moving to Opportunity housing
voucher program on the educational and labor market outcomes of children
and adults in poor households.
On the political-economy side of macroeconomics work, the work
includes a paper by Olivier J. Blanchard and Francesco Giavazzi (27)
that examines how deregulation in goods and labor markets will affect
unemployment and wage dynamics, in particular explaining recent
movements in the labor share. Together with Thomas Philippon, Blanchard
(28) also presents a study of how the dismantling of barriers to entry
and capital mobility, has eroded rents, with a positive effect on
efficiency in the long run, but a possible adverse effect in the medium
run in countries where learning by unions is slowest. Gilles-Saint Paul
(29) develops a model of job creation and job destruction in a growing
economy with embodied technical progress, and uses it to analyze the
political support for employment protection legislations.
Another important line of inquiry--by John Hassler, Jose Rodriguez Mora, Kjetil Storesletten, and Fabrizio Zilibotti (30)--is why the
welfare state is so different in Europe compared to the United States.
Alberto Alesina and Eliana LaFerrara (31) use individual data to show
how a person's support for redistributive policies is affected
negatively by her perceived likelihood of moving up in the income
distribution and by the extent to which she believes that American
society offers equal opportunities to all.
The role of institutions in promoting or hindering growth has also
been studied theoretically and empirically from a historical
perspective. Daron Acemoglu, Simon Johnson, and James Robinson (32)
provide evidence that among countries colonized by European powers,
those that were relatively rich in 1500 are now relatively poor. They
argue that this reversal of fortune reflects the introduction of
institutions encouraging investment in regions that were previously
poor. Oded Galor, Omer Moav; and Dietrich Vollrath (33) present a theory
of the development process in which complementarity between human and
physical capital leads powerful landlords to switch from opposing public
education to supporting it.
Forecasting and Empirical Methods in Macroeconomics and
Finance--Mark W. Watson and Kenneth D. West, Leaders
This group focuses on the development and assessment of econometric
methods for use in empirical macroeconomics and finance, placing special
emphasis on problems of prediction. It meets jointly with a group on
forecasting, under the Committee on Econometrics and Mathematical
Economics umbrella, with support from the National Science Foundation.
Recent meetings have discussed: methods and applications of factor
models for macroeconomic forecasting and structural analysis; nonlinear
forecasting models and methods; inference issues in models with
persistent regressors; evaluating models using out-of-sample predictive
accuracy tests; instrumental variable and GMM methods; and empirical
asset pricing.
These papers use panel datasets with large cross-section and time
dimensions. Ben Bernanke, Jean Boivin, and Piotr Eliasz (34) and
Domenico Giannone, Lucrezia Reichlin, and Luca Sala (35) use factor
models to study monetary policy in the United States. Policymakers at
the Federal Reserve set interest rates after studying hundreds or even
thousands of time series for clues about the current and future behavior
of inflation and real activity. This means that the small vector
autoregressions often used to study monetary policy may suffer from
important omitted variables bias and thus yield misleading results about
monetary policy.
The usual VAR methods cannot be used when the number of time series
is large because the number of parameters in the VAR is proportional to
the square of the number of series. Factor models can solve this
problem. in these models, latent or unobserved factors are used to
explain the comovement of a set of time series. These factors can be
used to summarize the information in a large number of time series. The
empirical analysis in the two papers just described is complementary.
The first studies the effects of monetary policy shocks, and the second
studies technology and aggregate demand shocks. The results suggest that
during the Greenspan era, the Federal Reserve has raised interest rates
in response to aggregate demand shocks, but has changed rates far less
in response to technology shocks.
Jushan Bai (36) provides some important statistical foundations for
the use of principal components. He shows that when the cross section is
sufficiently large, the sampling error in the estimated factors can be
ignored when carrying out many of the usual kinds of statistical
inference, such as constructing confidence intervals for forecasts or
standard errors on VAR impulse responses. Bai's work along with the
work of others in this group set the stage for a much broader use of
structural factor models in macroeconometrics.
The Labor Market in Macroeconomics--Richard Rogerson, Robert
Shimer, and Randall Wright, Leaders
The labor market is central to many issues in macroeconomics,
including business cycles, unemployment, inequality, and growth. This
group's research ranges from foundational work on model building,
to quantitative evaluation of models, substantive policy evaluation, and
data description.
The idea that trading frictions play an important role in shaping
aggregate labor market outcomes has become increasingly standard over
the past years. The early work of Peter A. Diamond, Dale Mortensen, and
Christoper Pissarides has spawned a class of models that have become the
standard in formalizing these trading frictions. Many of the papers
presented in this group add to this overall research effort, albeit
along very different dimensions.
In the context of these models, frictions can help us to understand
why the steady state unemployment rate is as high as it is in a country
like the United States. But another key issue is to what extent these
frictions help us to understand cyclical fluctuations in unemployment.
Robert Shimer (37) argues that in the standard matching model the
frictions can account for only a small fraction of cyclical fluctuations
in the labor market. An important driving force behind this result is
that the standard model assumes that wages are determined by Nash
bargaining, which in turn implies that wages increase during good times
and thus seriously dampen the incentives of firms to create new jobs. In
a more recent paper, I (38) build on these insights by showing that a
particular formulation of wage setting is consistent with both no
unrealized bilateral gains to trade and wages that are relatively
unresponsive to shocks to the value of a match. As a result, I provide
an internally consistent model of labor market fluctuations that can
replicate the main stylized facts.
I show too that matching models have a large set of equilibrium
wages that are consistent with no unrealized bilateral gains to trade.
In that setting, empirical understanding of wage determination is
central. Mortensen (39) uses matched worker-firm data from Denmark to
compare Nash bargaining to unilateral wage-setting by workers, with
employment then determined by the firm. He finds that the Nash
bargaining mechanism does a better job of matching the data.
One issue that has seen ongoing attention in this group is the
effect of labor market institutions on labor market outcomes. The topics
covered include: the implications of fixed-term labor contracts in the
European context; the short-run effects of labor market flexibilization
in Argentina; the role of taxes on labor market outcomes in Europe
compared to the United States; the effects of firing costs and wage
compression on unemployment durations; and the effect of labor market
regulations on measured productivity.
Empirical work on labor market dynamics stresses the large
magnitude of labor market flows. Many of these flows consist of workers
making job-to-job transitions. Gadi Barlevy (40) demonstrates that the
reallocation of workers to better matches associated with the job-to-job
flows is reduced in recessions. This effect opposes the cleansing effect
of recessions that has been widely cited. Ken Burdett, Ryoichi Imai, and
Randall Wright (41) show that a model with on-the-job search (and hence
job-to-job transitions) will lead quite naturally to multiple
equilibriums that can be ranked in terms of the overall level of
Capital Markets and the Economy--Janice C. Eberly and Deborah J.
Lucas, Leaders
This group brings together researchers working on capital markets
from a variety of perspectives, including corporate finance, asset
pricing, macro and monetary economics, international economics, and
consumption/investment. Their common goal is a better understanding of
the determinants and interactions of real and financial investments, and
their effect on individual welfare and the macro-economy. Recent work in
this group centers on the effect of regulation on real investment;
determinants of individual portfolio choice; the impact of financing
constraints and irreversibility on firm-level investment; and the role
of institutions, information, and beliefs in financial markets.
Alberto Alesina, Silvia Ardagna, Giuseppe Nicoletti, and Fabio
Schiantarelli (42) find that various measures of regulation are
negatively related to investment in physical capital. The authors use a
new dataset on product market regulation of communications, utilities,
and transportation in a set of OECD countries. Their results indicate
that entry barriers have a particularly strong negative effect on new
Simon Gilchrist and Marc Rysman (43) develop and study a new
dataset on Chilean manufacturing plants to estimate a model of discrete
investment useful for policy analysis. Joao Gomes, Amir Yaron, and Lu
Zhang (44) specify and estimate a model of investment with adjustment
costs and costly external financing. Using both aggregate measures, such
as the default premium, and firm-specific measures, such as leverage,
they find no significant role for a financing premium in investment
Andrea Caggese (45) studies the behavior in industry equilibrium of
firms facing both a borrowing constraint and a non-negativity constraint
on investment. His results suggest that the two constraints are mutually
reinforcing, even though the financing constraint binds when the firm is
growing, while the irreversibility constraint binds when the firm would
prefer to shrink. The second constraint amplifies the effect of either
alone, and leads to inventory behavior consistent with what is found
Stephen Bond's paper on physical investment (46) takes a more
theoretical perspective on such investment and financing constraints,
examining its sensitivity to cash flow. He analyzes the effect of cash
flow on investment when a control for fundamentals is included in an
investment regression. His results indicate that firms with a greater
sensitivity of investment to cash flow will have a larger external
financing premium. Thus, in this sense, cash flow sensitivity, can be
interpreted as a measure of the severity of financing constraints.
Turning to the role of financial institutions in credit markets,
Joseph Peek and Eric S. Rosengren (47) use firm- and bank-level evidence
from Japan to examine the allocation of credit in the Japanese banking
system. Their results suggest that additional credit is channeled to
firms in poor financial condition, and that these firms continue to
perform poorly even after the extension of credit. Refet Gurkavnak (48)
considers whether the capital structure of bank intermediaries can
exacerbate economic shocks through a credit channel.
Two papers address aspects of portfolio choice. Francisco Gomes,
Alexander Michaelides, and Valery Polkovnichenko (49) look at the
optimal allocation of tax-deductible assets between tax sheltered and
non-sheltered accounts, in a calibrated life-cycle model with labor
income shocks. The model implies segregation of assets bearing high tax
rates in tax deferred accounts. Many investors appear to contradict this
advice, holding taxable investments such as dividend paying stocks and
bonds outside of sheltered accounts. Entrepreneurs make financial
investment decisions that interact with their ability to invest in
entrepreneurial activity. Hugo Hopenhayn and Galina Vereshchagina (50)
show that capital constraints can induce risk-preferring behavior by
entrepreneurs, especially early in their careers. This might help to
explain the apparently high risk-to-reward ratio many entrepreneurs seem
to choose.
Understanding the relationship between financial market prices and
fundamental value is the topic of the final two papers. I (51) derive
the relationship between earnings and prices in a model with adjustment
costs. Robert Chirinko and Huntley Schaller (52) find some evidence that
financial market valuations overly influence the level of real
investments, by looking at the success of future investments as a
function of past financial returns.
Impulses and Propagation Mechanisms--Martin S. Eichenbaum and
Lawrence J. Christiano, Leaders
This group considers two key issues: 1) what are the major sources
of fluctuations in economic activity? and 2) what are the key mechanisms
by which these shocks are propagated across sectors of the economy, over
countries and over time? In exploring these questions, group members
focus on three related activities: empirically identifying the effects
of exogenous shocks on the economy; constructing empirical general
equilibrium models of economic fluctuations; and exploring the efficacy
of alternative policy responses to different shocks.
Jordi Gali, David Lopez-Salido, and Javier Valles; (53) Lawrence
Christiano, Martin Eichenbaum, and Robert Vigfusson; (54) and David
Altig, Christiano, Eichenbaum, and Jesper Linde (55) all work on
isolating the effects of technology shocks on the U.S. economy. The key
issues here are: how we can reliably identify aggregate technology
shocks to the economy, including their effects on key macro variables
like employment, and what role has monetary policy played in the
transmission of these shocks? The previous papers argue that technology
shocks generate expansions in employment. But the reason the U.S.
economy responds to technology shocks the way it does has to do with
monetary policy. The models developed in these papers suggest that if
the Fed had not been accommodative in response to a positive technology
shock, employment initially would have fallen rather than expanded in
the wake of technology shocks.
Other members of this group focus on measuring the effects of
fiscal shocks. For example, Craig Burnside, Eichcnbaum, and Jonas Fisher
(56) investigate the response of hours worked and real wages to changes
in military purchases. A military shock causes a persistent increase in
government purchases and a rise in tax rates, plus a persistent rise in
aggregate hours worked and a decline in real wages. Susantu Basu and
Miles Kimball (57) argue that models embodying nominal rigidities
provide a more convincing account of this evidence. Using different
identifying assumptions, Gali, Lopez-Salido, and Valles (58) show that
shocks to government purchases do not lead to expansions in aggregate
employment and output but to a rise in real wages. This leads them to
explore non-neoclassical mechanisms to account for the effects of shocks
to government purchases.
Christiano, Eichenbaum, and Charles Evans (59) construct and
estimate a dynamic general equilibrium model embodying nominal wage
rigidities as well as frictions to the real side of the economy.
Michelle Alexopoulos (60) argues that efficiency wages and segmented
financial markets play a key role in the monetary transmission
mechanism. Consistent with this emphasis on labor market frictions,
Gali, Mark Gertler, and Lopez-Salido (61) develop a theory-based measure
of the variations in aggregate economic efficiency associated with
business fluctuations. They decompose this indicator, which they refer
to as "the gap," into two constituent parts: a price markup
and a wage markup. They show that the latter accounts for the bulk of
the fluctuations in their gap measure.
Jess Benhabib, Stephanie Schmitt-Grohe, and Martin Uribe (62)
explore the nature of optimal monetary policy once the zero bound on
nominal interest rates is taken into account. They argue that
Taylor-type interest-rate feedback rules give rise to unintended
self-fulfilling decelerating inflation paths and aggregate fluctuations
driven by arbitrary revisions in expectations. They then propose several
fiscal and monetary policies that preserve the appealing features of
Taylor rules, such as local uniqueness of equilibrium near the inflation
target, and at the same time rule out the deflationary expectations that
can lead an economy into a liquidity trap. Finally, Gauti Eggertsson and
Michael Woodford (63) study optimal monetary policy in a New Keynesian
model when real disturbances cause the natural interest rate to be
temporarily negative.
(1) L. Hendricks, "How Important is Human Capital for
Development? Evidence from Immigrant Earnings," American Economic
Review, 92 (March 2002), pp. 198-219.
(2) S. Djankov, R. La Porta, F. Lopez de Silanes, and A. Shleifer,
"The Regulation of Entry," NBER Working Paper No. 7892,
September 2000, and Quarterly Journal of Economics, 117 (February 2002),
pp. 1-37.
(3) D. Acemoglu, S. Johnson, and J. Robinson, "The Rise of
Europe: Atlantic Trade, Institutional Change and Economic Growth,"
NBER Working Paper No. 9378, December 2002.
(4) J. Galdon-Sanchez and J. Schmitz, "Competitive Pressure
and Labor Productivity: World Iron-Ore Markets in the 1980,"
American Economic Review, 92 (September 2002), pp. 1222-35.
(5) T. Klette and S. Kortum, "Innovating Firms and Aggregate
Innovation," NBER Working Paper No. 8819, February 2002.
(6) R. Manuelli and A. Seshadri, "Frictionless Technology
Diffusion: The Case of Tractors," NBER Working Paper No. 9604,
April 2003.
(7) N. Souleles, S. Agarwal, C. Liu, D. Johnson, and J. Parker,
"The Response of Consumer Spending and Debt to Tax Rebates:
Evidence from the CEX and the Household Credit Accounts,"
manuscript. 2001.
(8) J. Heathcote K. Storesletten, and G. Violante, "The
Macroeconomic Implications of Rising Wage Inequality in the U.S.,"
manuscript, 2003.
(9) V. Quadrini, "Uninsurable Investment Risks,"
manuscript, 2003.
(10) V. Quadrini and M. Mrkaic, "Entrepreneurial Investment
and Savings," manuscript, 2001.
(11) E. French and J. Jones, "On the Distribution and Dynamics
of Health Care Costs," manuscript, 2003.
(12) A. Michaelides, "Buffer Stock Saving and Habit
Formation," manuscript, 2003.
(13) B. Peterson, "Aggregate Uncertainty, Incdividual
Uncertainty, and the Housing Market," manuscript, 2003.
(14) B. Duygan, "Analyzing Durable Goods Purchases and
Idiosyncratic Income Uncertainty," manuscript, 2003.
(15) A. Diaz and M. Luengo-Prado, "Precautionary Savings and
Wealth Distribution with Durable Goods," manuscript, 2003.
(16) D. Krueger and J. Fernandez-Villaverde, "Consumption over
the Life Cycle: Facts from Consumer Expenditure Survey Data," NBER
Working Paper No. 9382, December 2002.
(17) D. Mookherjee and D. Ray, "Persistent Inequality,"
Review of Economic Studies, 70 (April 2003), pp. 369-93.
(18) A. Banerjee and E. Duflo "Inequality and Growth: What can
the Data Say?" Journal of Economic Growth, 8 (September 2003).
(19) F. Caselli and N. Gennaioli, "Dynastic Management,"
NBER Working Paper No. 9442, January 2003.
(20) M. Thoenig and T. Verdier, "A Theory of Defensive
Skill-Biased Innovation and Globalization, American Economic Review, 93
(June 2003), pp. 709-28.
(21) M. Kremer and E. Maskin, "Globalization and
Inequality," Harvard University manuscript, 2003.
(22) O. Galor and A. Mountford, "Trade, Demographic
Transition, and the Great Divergence," Brown University manuscript,
(23) R. Fernandez N. Guner, and J. Knowles, "Inequality,
Education, and Marital Sorting," NBER Working Paper No. 8580,
November 2001.
(24) W. Brock and S. Durlauf, "Multinomial Choice with Social
Interactions," NBER Technical Working Paper No. 288, March 2003.
(25) W. Easterly, "The Racial Tipping Point in American
Neighborhoods: Unstable Equilibrium or Urban Legend," New York
University manuscript, 2003.
(26) J.B. Liebman, J. R. Kling, and L.F. Katz "What Randomized Experiments Can Teach Us About Social Interactions," Harvard
University manuscript, 2003.
(27) O. J. Blanchard and F. Giavazzi, "Macroeconomic Effects
of Regulation and Deregulation in Goods and Labor Markets"
Quarterly Journal of Economics, 118 (August 2003).
(28) O. J. Blanchard and T. Philippon, "The Decline of
Rents", MIT manuscript, 2002.
(29) G. Saint-Paul, "The Political Economy of Employment
Protection," Journal of Political Economy, 110 (June 2002), pp.
(30) J. Hassler, J. Rodriguez Mora, K. Storesletten, and F.
Zilibotti, "The Survival of the Welfare State," American
Economic Review, 93 (March 2003), pp. 87-112.
(31) M. Alesina and E. LaFerrara, "Preferences for
Redistribution in the Land of Opportunities," NBER Working Paper
No. 8267, May 2001.
(32) D. Acemoglu, S. Johnson, and J. Robinson, "Reversal of
Fortune: Long-Run Changes in the Distribution of Prosperity,"
Quarterly Journal of Economics, 117 (November 2002), pp. 1231-94.
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(37) R. Shimer, "The Cyclical Behavior of Equilibrium
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(38) R.E. Hall, "Wage Determination and Employment
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(47) J. Peek and E.S. Rosengren, "Unnatural Selection:
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(50) H. Hopenhayn and G. Vereshchagina, "Risk Taking by
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(51) R.E. Hall, "The Dynamics of Corporate Earnings,"
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(52) R. Chirinko and H. Schaller, "Glamour vs. Value: The Real
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(53) J. Gali, J. Lopez-Salido, and J. Valles, 'Technology
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(60) M. Alexopoulos, "Efficiency Wages and Inter-Industry Wage
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(61) J. Gali, M. Gertler; and D. Lopez-Salido, "Markups, Gaps,
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(62) J. Benhabib, S. Schmitt-Grohe, and M. Uribe,
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(63) G. Eggertsson and M. Woodford, "The Zero Bound on
Interest Rates and Optimal Monetary, Policy," manuscript, 2002.
Robert E. Hall, is the director of the NBER Program on Economic
Fluctuations and Growth and the Robert and Carole McNeil Professor of
Economic at Stanford University.