Productivity. (Program Report).
Berndt, Ernst R.
The NBER's research efforts traditionally have been organized
along the same lines as university economics departments' Ph.D.
fields: labor, public finance, macroeconomics, and so on. The
Productivity Program has been a major exception to this general
organizational structure, having instead as its research focus topics
that frequently cross traditional areas and fields of economics.
The Productivity Program began in 1979 when NBER President Martin
Feldstein asked Zvi Griliches of Harvard University to serve as the
first Director of the NBER's Program on Technological Change and
Productivity Measurement. Griliches served in that position until just
before his death in November 1999. Over the years, the Productivity
Program has interacted with other NBER programs, and in fact a
substantial portion of the Productivity Program academic affiliates
currently are associated with one or more other NBER programs as well.
The Program also has had a number of other interactions and spin-off
In this report, I outline developments in a number of Productivity
Program activities over the last five years. In a forthcoming issue of
the NBER Reporter, I will focus on research themes and developments in
the NBER's core Productivity Program.
The "Pin Factory" Initiative
Empirical economic research typically involves formulating a
mathematical model, accessing data from magnetic tapes or, increasingly,
downloading data from websites, estimating parameters using canned or
customized econometric software, and then describing the empirical
results. In most cases, this research process involves no fieldwork, and
hardly ever are there interviews with the economic actors being modeled,
nor are there visits to the places they live and work. With generous
support from the Sloan Foundation, the NBER has embarked on an effort to
promote field research among economists, making factory and site visits
a significant component of empirical research. Dubbed the "pin
factory" initiative in reference to Adam Smith's visit to a
pin factory that helped him explain the benefits of division of labor,
this NBER field research has involved about 20 visits between 1995 and
1999 to firms in Boston, Cleveland, Detroit, Kentucky, Los Angeles, and
San Francisco, all organized with the assistance of NBER Research
Associate Susan Helper, Case Western Reserve University. The goal of
this program is to foster deeper understanding of the sources of
productivity growth in the U.S. economy, via the combined application of
traditional theoretical and empirical research techniques along with
field research and direct observation by economists of the business
Based in part on these visits, Program members Adam Jaffe of
Brandeis University, Jenny Lanjouw of Yale University, and Josh Lerner,
Harvard Business School, organized a conference in January 1999 on
"The Patent System and Innovation." In April 1999, Helper
served as organizer of a conference on "Organizational Change and
Performance Improvement." Feldstein and Jaffe also organized a
session at the American Economic Association's 2000 Annual Meetings
in Boston on "The NBER/Sloan Project on Industrial Technology and
Productivity: Incorporating Learning from Plant Visits and Interviews
into Economic Research." Details of these conferences and meetings
can be found at: http://
Results of this and related fieldwork have been published in a
number of places. NBER Research Associate Severn Borenstein, Haas School
of Business, and Joseph Farrell, University of California, Berkeley,
edited the June 1998 special issue of the Journal of Industrial
Economics, "Inside the Pin Factory: Empirical Studies Augmented by
Manager Interviews" (1,2,3,4,5,6). NBER Research Associate Steven
N. Kaplan edited an NBER Conference Report volume titled, Mergers and
Productivity, consisting of six papers plus comments that provide
in-depth case studies of selected mergers (7,8,9,10,11,12). Jaffe,
Lanjouw, and Lerner were guest editors of a Symposium on the Patent
System and Innovation, published in the Spring 2001 Rand Journal of
Economics, comprising six articles dealing with various intellectual
property issues (13,14,15,16,17,18,19). Finally, papers presented at the
"pin factory" session of the 2000 annual meetings of the
American Economic Association were published in the May 2000 issue of
the American Economic Review (20,21,22,23).
More recently, NBER Research Associate Iain Cockburn, Boston
University, has organized three additional pin factory visits in the
greater Boston area, at Sycamore Networks, the EMC Corporation, and
State Street Bank. Currently plans are underway to extend the pin
factory concept internationally, focusing on labor market practices and
the adoption of new technologies. This new initiative will be led by
Faculty Research Fellow Kathryn L. Shaw, Carnegie Mellon University, and
Labor Studies Program Director Richard B. Freeman, Harvard University.
Innovation Policy and The Economy
Another important project within the NBER's Productivity
Program is the "Innovation Policy and the Economy" (IPE)
initiative, headed by Jaffe. The IPE project has dealt with broad
intellectual property issues that affect innovation and R and D, such as
the impact of changing patent policy and the commercialization
possibilities from government-funded research on new technologies. One
feature of this IPE project is that it provides a forum for active
debate of issues by sponsoring an annual policy-related conference in
Washington D.C., bringing together leading academic researchers and
policymakers with mutual interests in innovation policy.
Seven papers presented at the initial April 2000 meeting have been
published in the first volume of a new NBER series, Innovation Policy
and the Economy, edited by Jaffe, Lerner, and NBER Faculty Research
Fellow Scott Stern of Kellogg School of Management. Topics range from
public-private funding and the pharmaceutical industry (24); designing
markets for vaccines (25,26); cross-licensing, standards, and patent
pools (27); commercialization of the internet (28); effects of the
Bayh-Dole Act on university patenting (29); and government subsidies for
scientists and engineers (30).
The second IPE Washington D.C. meeting, held in April 2001,
addressed antitrust issues in the software industry (31); the design of
alternative incentive systems for intellectual property protection (32);
the Israeli experience with commercial R and D policy (33); and the role
of information technology in the "new" macroeconomy (34,35).
The third annual meeting of the IPE program is scheduled for April
16, 2002 at the National Press Club in Washington D.C. Program details
are available on the Conference Department page of the NBER's
NBER and the Conference on Research in Income and Wealth
The history of the NBER has been associated closely with that of
the Conference on Research in Income and Wealth (CRIW), particularly
since the l930s when NBER founder Simon Kuznets collaborated with
academics and government statisticians in creating the framework of
national income and product accounts (36).
Two productivity-related volumes recently have been published that
continue the NBER-CRIW partnerships among government statisticians,
government economists, academic economists, and private sector
economists. The first, New Developments in Productivity Analysis, edited
by NBER Research Associate Charles R. Hulten, University of Maryland,
Edwin R. Dean, George Washington University, and Michael J. Harper, U.S.
Bureau of Labor Statistics, consists of an introduction and 15 papers
presented at a March 1998 NBER/CRIW conference in Silver Spring, MD. The
papers discuss: histories of the concept of total factor productivity
and its measurement (37,38,39,40,41); a description of the BLS's
productivity measurement program (42); cyclical and dynamic aspects of
productivity (43,44); aggregation issues (45,46); industry studies
(46,47,48); international productivity growth comparisons (49,50); and
the incorporation of negative externalities and changing environmental
quality into productivity calculations (50,51).
The second recently published NBER/CRIW volume, Medical Care Output
and Productivity, involved researchers from both the Health Care and
Productivity Programs at the NBER, as well as a number of government
economists and statisticians. Edited by NBER Research Associate David M.
Cutler, Harvard University, and me, this volume includes 15 papers
originally presented at a June 1998 conference at the National
Institutes of Health in Bethesda, MD. Some chapters in this volume raise
conceptual issues, such as how health care differs from other service
industries and the implications for measurement (52,53,54,55), what
procedures currently are used by the BLS for health care price
measurement in its Consumer Price Index (56) and Producer Price Index
(57) programs, and a reconciliation of hospital and physician service
accounts between the Bureau of Economic Analysis' National Income
and Product Accounts and the Center for Medicare and Medicaid's
National Health Accounts (58).
Other chapters consider price measurement of treatments for
specific illnesses, conditions, and therapies, including technological
and medical developments for the treatment of heart attacks are reviewed
in (59), and the implications of these developments and changed
treatment patterns for the (mis)measurement of heart attack treatment
price indexes is found in (60). The development of a price index for
cataract surgery (61); an hedonic price index for anti-arthritis drugs
(62); and a price index for the treatment of acute phase major
depression (63) are all discussed. Three additional chapters deal with
valuing reductions in child injury mortality (64), modeling the effects
of pharmaceutical innovations that result in enhanced patient compliance
and welfare (65), and the issues involved in assessing the allocation of
publicly funded biomedical research (66).
Although the NBER's Productivity Program has long had a
tradition of involving professionals from government statistical
agencies in the NBER's Summer Institute, beginning in 2000 there
also have been explicitly jointly organized sessions of the NBER
Productivity Program and the CRIW.
In the 2000 Summer Institute, the two-day joint program was
co-organized by Hulten (Chair of the CRIW) and me. In 2001, the two-day
joint program was co-organized in addition by David W. Wilcox of the
Federal Reserve Board.
For the 2002 Summer Institute, the joint NBER/CRIW program is
expanding from two to three days, and again is being co-organized by
Hulten, Wilcox, and me. The focus of the third day will involve
examination and assessment of the National Academy of Science's
(NAS) recently published panel report and recommendations on
conceptualizing and measuring cost-of-living and price indexes (67).
This NAS report follows up on the much-publicized Boskin Commission findings (68) of a systematic upward bias in the CPI as a measure of
changes in the cost-of-living. Six NBER Research Associates served on
this NAS panel (myself, Angus Deaton of Princeton University, W. Erwin
Diewert, University of British Columbia, Claudia D. Goldin, Harvard
University; Griliches until his death in November 1999, and Richard
Schmalensee, MIT). Based in part on research by NBER Research Associate
Ariel Pakes of Harvard University (69), whose earlier versions of this
NBER Working Paper are cited in the NAS panel report, the BLS is
currently ex perimenting with recommendations for introducing
hedonic-based pricing methods into the CPI on a real-time basis.
(1.) L. Branstetter and M. Sakakibara, "Japanese Research
Consortia: A Micro-econometric Analysis of Industrial Policy,"
Journal of Industrial Economics, 46 (2) (June 1998).
(2.) I. M. Cockburn and R. M. Henderson, "Absorptive Capacity,
Coauthoring Behavior, and the Organization of Research in Drug
Discovery," Journal of Industrial Economics, 46 (2) (June 1998).
(3.) W. B. Gray and R. J. Shadbegian, "Environmental
Regulation, Investment Timing, and Technology Choice," Journal of
Industrial Economics, 46 (2) (June 1998).
(4.) A. B. Jaffe, Ad. S. Fogarty, and B. A. Banks, "Evidence
from Patents and Patent Citations on the Impact of NASA and Other
Federal Labs on Commercial Innovation," Journal of Industrial
Economics, 46 (2) (June 1998.).
(5.) W. Lehr and F. R. Lichtenberg, "Computer Use and
Productivity Growth in US Federal Government Agencies, 1987-92,"
Journal of Industrial Economics, 46 (2) (June 1998).
(6.) J. Lerner and R. P. Merges, "The Control of Technology
Alliances: An Empirical Analysis of the Biotechnology Industry,"
Journal of Industrial Economics, 46 (2) (June 1998).
(7.) J. R. Barro and D. M. Cutler, "Consolidation in the
Medical Care Marketplace: A Case Study from Massachusetts," in
Mergers and Productivity, S. N. Kaplan, ed., Chicago: University of
Chicago Press, 2000, pp. 9-50.
(8.) R. Rajan, P. Volpin, and L. Zingales, "The Eclipse of the
U.S. Tire Industry," in Mergers and Productivity, S. N. Kaplan,
ed., Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2000, pp. 51-92.
(9.) C. W. Calomiris and J. Carseski, "Is the Bank Merger Rage
of the 1990s Efficient? Lessons from Nine Case Studies," in Mergers
and Productivity, S. N. Kaplan, ed., Chicago: University of Chicago
Press, 2000, pp. 93-178.
(10.) S. N. Kaplan, M. L. Mitchell, and K. H. Wruck, "A
Clinical Exploration of Value Creation and Destruction in Acquisitions:
Organizational Design, Incentives, and Internal Capital Markets,"
in Mergers and Productivity, S. N. Kaplan, ed., Chicago: University of
Chicago Press, 2000, pp. 179-238.
(11.) S. R. Cole and K Lebn, "Workforce Integration and the
Dissipation of Value in Mergers: The Case of US Air's Acquisition
of Piedmont Airlines," in Mergers and Productivity, S. N. Kaplan,
ed., Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2000, pp. 239-86.
(12.) D. J. Ravenscraft and W. F. Long, "Paths to Creating
Value in Pharmaceutical Mergers," in Mergers and Productivity, S.
N. Kaplan, ed., Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2000, pp. 287-326.
(13.) A. B. Jaffe, J. O. Lanjouw, and J. Lerner,
"Introduction," RAND Journal of Economics, 32 (1) (Spring
2001), pp. 75-6.
(14.) M. Sakakibara and L. Branstetter, "Do Stronger Patents
Induce More Innovation? Evidence from the 1988 Japanese Patent Law Reforms," RAND Journal of Economics, 32 (1) (Spring 2001), pp.
(15.) B. H. Hall and R. H. Ziedonis, "The Patent Paradox
Revisited: An Empirical Study of Patenting in the U.S. Semiconductor
Industry," RAND Journal of Economics, 32 (1) (Spring 200 1), pp.
(16.) J. O. Lanjouw and M. Schankerman, "Characteristics of
Patent Litigation: A Window on Competition," RAND Journal of
Economics, 32 (1) (Spring 2001), pp. 129-51.
(17.) H. A. Hopenhayn and M. F. Mitchell, "Innovation Variety
and Patent Breadth," RAND Journal of Economics, 32 (1) (Spring
2001), pp. 152-66.
(18.) A. B. Jaffe and J. Lerner, "Reinventing Public R and D:
Patent Policy and the Commercialization of National Laboratory
Technologies," RAND Journal of Economics, 32 (1) (Spring 2001), pp.
(19.) M. Schankerman and S. Scotchmer, "Damages and
Injunctions in Protecting Intellectual Property," RAND Journal of
Economics, 32 (1) (Spring 200 1), pp. 199-220.
(20.) A. B. Jaffe, M. Trajtenberg, and M. S. Fogarty,
"Knowledge Spillovers and Patent Citations: Evidence from a Survey
of Inventors," American Economic Review, 90 (2) (May 200 1), pp.
(21.) R. B. Freeman and M. M. Kleiner, "Who Benefits Most from
Employee Involvement: Firms or Workers?" American Economic Review,
90 (2) (May 2001), pp. 219-23.
(22.) S. Borenstein and J. Farrell, "Is Cost-Cutting Evidence
of X-Inefficiency?" American Economic Review, 90 (2) (May 200 1),
pp. 224-7.
(23.) S. Helper, "Economists and Field Research: 'You Can
Observe a Lot Just by Watching'," American Economic Review, 90
(2) (May 2001), pp. 228-32.
(24.) I. M. Cockburn and P. Henderson, "Publicly Funded
Science and the Productivity of the Pharmaceutical Industry," in
Innovation Policy and the Economy, vol. 1, A. B. Jaffe, J. Lerner, and
S. Stern, eds., Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 2001, pp. 1-34.
(25.) M. Cremer, "Creating Markets for New Vaccines -- Part I:
Rationale," in Innovation Policy and the Economy, vol. 1, A. B.
Jaffe, J. Lerner, and S. Stern, eds., Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 2001,
pp. 35-72.
(26.) M. Cremer, "Creating Markets for New Vaccines -- Part
II: Design Issues," in Innovation Policy and the Economy, vol. 1,
A. B. Jaffe, J. Lerner, and S. Stern, eds., Cambridge, MA: MIT Press,
2001, pp. 73-118.
(27.) C. Shapiro, "Navigating the Patent Thicket: Cross
Licenses, Patent Pools, and Standard Setting," in Innovation Policy
and the Economy, vol. 1, A. B. Jaffe, J. Lerner, and S. Stern, eds.,
Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 2001, pp. 119-50.
(28.) S. Greenstein, "Commercialization of the Internet: The
Interaction of Public Policy and Private Choices or Why Introducing the
Market Worked So Well," in Innovation Policy and the Economy, vol.
1, A. B. Jaffe, J. Lerner, and S. Stern, eds., Cambridge, MA: MIT Press,
2001, pp. 151-86.
(29.) D. C. Mowery and A. A. Ziebonis, "Numbers, Quality, and
Entry: How Has the Bayh-Dole Act Affected U.S. University Patenting and
Licensing?," in Innovation Policy and the Economy, vol. 1, A. B.
Jaffe, J. Lerner, and S. Stern, eds., Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 2001,
pp. 187-220.
(30.) P. M. Romer, "Should the Government Subsidize Supply or
Demand in the Market for Scientists and Engineers?" in Innovation
Policy and the Economy, vol. 1, A. B. Jaffe, J. Lerner, and S. Stern,
eds., Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 2001, pp. 221-52.
(31.) D. S. Evans and R. L. Schmalensee, "Some Economic
Aspects of Antitrust Analysis in Dynamically Competitive
Industries," in Innovation Policy and the Economy, vol. 2, A. B.
Jaffe, J. Lerner, and S. Stern, eds., Cambridge MA: MIT Press, 2001, pp.
(32.) N. Gallini and S. Scotchmer, "Intellectual Property:
When Is It the Best Incentive System?" in Innovation Policy and the
Economy, vol. 2, A. B. Jaffe, J. Lerner, and S. Stern, eds., Cambridge,
MA: MIT Press, 2001,pp. 51-78.
(33.) M. Trajtenberg, "Government Support for Commercial R and
D: Lessons from the Israeli Experience," in Innovation Policy and
the Economy, vol. 2, A. B. Jaffe, J. Lerner, and S. Stern, eds.,
Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 2001, pp. 79-134.
(34.) T. F. Bresnahan, "Prospects for an
Information-Technology-Led Productivity Surge," in Innovation
Policy and the Economy, vol. 2, A. B. Jaffe, J. Lerner, and S. Stern,
eds., Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 2001, pp. 135-62.
(35.) J. B. DeLong, "Do We Have a 'New'
Macroeconomy?" in Innovation Policy and the Economy, vol. 2, A. B.
Jaffe, J. Lerner, and S. Stern, eds., Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 200 1,
pp. 163 -84.
(36.) C. S. Carson, "The Conference on Research in Income and
Wealth: The Early Years," in Fifty Years of Economic Measurement:
The Jubliee of the Conference on Research in Income and Wealth, Studies
in Income and Wealth, vol. 54, E. R. Berndt and J. E. Triplett, eds.,
Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1990, pp. 3-8.
(37.) C. R. Hulten, "Total Factor Productivity: A Short
Biography," in New Developments in Productivity Analysis, Studies
in Income and Wealth, vol. 63, C K Hulten, E. R. Dean, and Al. J.
Harper, eds., Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2001, pp. 1-47.
(38.) W. E. Diewert, "Which (Old) Ideas on Productivity
Measurement Are Ready to Use?" in New Developments in Productivity
Analysis, Studies in Income and Wealth, vol. 63, C. R. Hulten, E. R.
Dean, and M. J. Harper, eds., Chicago: University of Chicago Press,
2001, pp. 85-102.
(39.) R. M. Solow, "After Technical Progress and the Aggregate
Production Function'," in New Developments in Productivity
Analysis, Studies in Income and Wealth, vol. 63, C R. Hulten, E. R.
Dean, and M. J. Harper eds., Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2001,
pp. 173-8.
(40.) J. Greenwood and B. Jovanovic, "Accounting for
Growth," in New Developments in Productivity Analysis, Studies in
Income and Wealth, vol. 63, C. R. Hulten, E. R. Dean, and M. J. Harper,
eds., Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2001, pp. 179-222.
(41.) Z. Griliches, "A Perspective on What We Know About the
Sources of Productivity Growth," in New Developments in
Productivity Analysis, Studies in Income and Wealth, vol. 63, C R.
Hulten, E. R. Dean, and Al. J. Harper, eds., Chicago: University of
Chicago Press, 2001, pp. 609-12.
(42.) E. R. Dean and M. J. Harper, "The BLS Productivity
Measurement Program," in New Developments in Productivity Analysis,
Studies in Income and Wealth, vol. 63, C R Flulten, E. R. Dean, and M.
J. Harper, eds., Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2001, pp. 55-84.
(43.) M. I. Nadiri amid I. R. Prucha, "Dynamic Factor Demand
Models and Productivity Analysis," in New Developments in
Productivity Analysis, Studies in Income and Wealth, vol. 63, C. R.
Hulten, E. R. Dean, and M. J. Harper, eds., Chicago: University of
Chicago Press, 2001, pp. 103-64.
(44.) S. Basu and J. Fernald, "Why Is Productivity
Procyclical? Why Do We Care?" in New Developments in Productivity
Analysis, Studies in Income and Wealth, vol. 63, C. R. Hulten, E. F.
Dean, and AL J. Harper, eds., Chicago: University of Chicago Press,
2001, pp. 225-96.
(45.) L. Foster, J. Haltiwanger, and C. J. Krizan, "Aggregate
Productivity Growth: Lessons from Microeconomic Evidence," in New
Developments in Productivity Analysis, Studies in Income and Wealth,
vol. 63, C R Hulten, E. R. Dean, and M. J. Harper, eds., Chicago:
University of Chicago Press, 2001, pp. 303-63.
(46.) D. Ellerman, T M. Stoker, and E. R. Berndt, "Sources of
Productivity Growth in the American Coal Industry, 1972-95," in New
Developments in Productivity Analysis, Studies in Income and Wealth,
vol. 63, C. R. Hulten, E. F. Dean, and M. J. Harper, eds., Chicago:
University of Chicago Press, 2001, pp. 373-414.
(47.) M. N. Baily and E. Zitzewitz, "Service Sector
Productivity Comparisons: Lessons for Measurement," New
Developments in Productivity Analysis, Studies in Income and Wealth,
vol. 63, C. R. Hulten, E. R. Dean, and M. J. Harper, eds., Chicago:
University of Chicago Press, 2001, pp. 419-55.
(48.) V. E. Ball, R Fare, S. Grosskopf and R. Nehring,
"Productivity of the U.S. Agricultural Sector: The Case of
Undesirable Outputs," in New Developments in Productivity Analysis,
Studies in Income and Wealth, vol. 63, C. R. Hulten, E. R. Dean, amid M.
J. Harper, eds., Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2001, pp. 541-77.
(49.) N. Islam, "Different Approaches to International
Comparison of Total Factor Productivity," in New Developments in
Productivity Analysis, Studies in Income and Wealth, vol. 63, C R.
Hulten, E. R. Dean, and M. J. Harper, eds., Chicago: University of
Chicago Press, 2001, pp. 465-502.
(50.) D. W. Jorgenson and E. Yip, "Whatever Happened to
Productivity Growth?" in New Developments in Productivity Analysis,
Studies iii Income and Wealth, vol. 63, C. R. Hulten, E. R. Dean, amid
M. J. Harper, eds., Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2001, pp.
(51.) F. M. Gollop and G. P. Swinand, "Total Resource
Productivity: Accounting for Changing Environmental Quality," in
New Developments in Productivity Analysis, Studies in Income and Wealth,
vol. 63, C. R. Hulten, E. R. Dean, and M. J. Harper, eds., Chicago:
University of Chicago Press, 2001, pp. 587-605.
(52.) J. E. Triplett, "What's Different About Health?
Human Repair and Car Repair in National Accounts and in National Health
Accounts," in Medical Care Output and Productivity, Studies in
Income and Wealth, vol. 62, D. M. Cutler and E. R. Berndt, eds.,
Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2001, pp. 15-94.
(53.) D. Meltzer, "Theoretical Foundations of Medical
Cost-Effectiveness Analysis: Implications for the Measurement of
Benefits and Costs of Medical Interventions," in Medical Care
Output and Productivity, Studies in Income and Wealth, vol. 62, D. M.
Cutler and E. R. Berndt, eds., Chicago: University of Chicago Press,
2001, pp. 97-113.
(54.) T. Philipson and D. Lakdawalla, 'Medical Care Output and
Productivity in the Nonprofit Sector," in Medical Care Output and
Productivity, Studies in Income and Wealth, vol. 62, D. M. Cutler and E.
R. Berndt, eds., Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2001, pp. 119-37.
(55.) E. R. Berndt, D. M. Cutler, R. G. Frank, Z. Griliches, J. P.
Newhouse, and J. E. Triplett, "Price Indexes for Medical Care Goods
and Services: An Overview of Measurement Issues," Medical Care
Output and Productivity, Studies in Income and Wealth, vol. 62, D. M.
Cutler and E. R. Berndt, eds., Chicago: University of Chicago Press,
2001, pp. 141-98.
(56.) I. K. Ford and D. H. Ginsburg, "Medical Care in the
Consumer Price Index," in Medical Care Output and Productivity,
Studies in Income and Wealth, vol. 62, D. M. Cutler and E. R. Berndt,
eds., Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2001, pp. 203-19.
(57.) D. Fixler and M Ginsburg, "Health Care Output and Prices
in the Producer Price Index," in Medical Care Output and
Productivity, Studies in Income and Wealth, vol. 62, D. M. Cutler and E.
R. Berndt, eds., Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2001, pp. 221-67.
(58.) A. Sensenig and E. Wilcox, "National Health
Accounts/National Income and Product Accounts Reconciliation: Hospital
Care and Physician Services," in Medical Care Output and
Productivity, Studies in Income and Wealth, vol. 62, D. M. Cutler and E.
R. Berndt, eds., Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2001, pp.
(59.) P. Heidenreich and M. McClellan, "Trends in Heart Attack
Treatment and Outcomes, 1975-1995: Literature Review and
Synthesis," in Medical Care Output and Productivity, Studies in
Income and Wealth, vol. 62, D. M. Cutler and E. R. Berndt, eds.,
Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2001, pp. 363-409.
(60.) D. M. Cutler, M. McClellan, J. P. Newhouse, and D. Remler,
"Pricing Heart Attack Treatments," in Medical Care Output and
Productivity, Studies in Income and Wealth, vol. 62, D. M. Cutler and E.
R. Berndt, eds., Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2001, pp. 305-47.
(61.) I. Shapiro, M. D. Shapiro, and D. W. Wilcox, "Measuring
the Value of Cataract Surgery," in Medical Care Output and
Productivity, Studies in Income and Wealth, vol. 62, D. M. Cutler and E.
R. Berndt, eds., Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2001, pp. 411-37.
(62.) I. M. Cockburn and A. H. Anis, "Hedonic Analysis of
Arthritis Drugs," in Medical Care Output and Productivity, Studies
in Income and Wealth, vol. 62, D. M. Cutler and E. R. Berndt, eds.,
Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2001, pp. 439-58.
(63.) E. R. Berndt, S. H. Busch, and R. G. Frank, "Treatment
Price Indexes for Acute Phase Major Depression," in Medical Care
Output and Productivity, Studies in Income and Wealth, vol. 62, D. M.
Cutler and E. R. Berndt, eds., Chicago: University of Chicago Press,
2001, pp. 463-505.
(64.) S. Glied, "The Value of Reductions in Child Injury
Mortality in the United States," in Medical Care Output and
Productivity, Studies in Income and Wealth, vol. 62, D. M. Cutler and E.
R. Berndt, eds., Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2001, pp. 511-34.
(65.) P. Ellickson, S. Stern, and M. Trajtenberg, "Patient
Welfare and Patient Compliance: An Empirical Framework for Measuring the
Benefits from Pharmaceutical Innovation," in Medical Care Output
and Productivity, Studies in Income and Wealth, vol. 62, D. M. Cutler
and E. R. Berndt, eds., Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2001, pp.
(66.) F. R. Lichtenberg, "The Allocation of Publicly Funded
Biomedical Research," in Medical Care Output and Productivity,
Studies in Income and Wealth, vol. 62, D. M. Cutler and E. R. Berndt,
eds., Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2001, pp. 565-89.
(67.) National Research Council, "At What Price?
Conceptualizing and Measuring Cost-of-Living and Price Indexes,"
Panel on Conceptual, Measurement and Other Statistical Issues in
Developing Cost-of-Living Indexes, C. L. Schultze and C. Mackie, eds.,
Committee on National Statistics, Division of Behavioral and Social
Sciences and Education, Washington DC: National Academy Press, 2002.
(68.) Final Report of the Advisory Commission to Study the Consumer
Price Index, Washington DC: U.S. Government Printing Office, 1996.
(69.) A. Pakes, "A Reconsideration of Hedonic Price Indices
with an Application to PC's," NBER Working Paper No. 8715,
January 2002.
Ernst R. Berndt *
* Berndt is Director of the NBER's Program on Productivity and
professor at MIT's Sloan School of Management.