Corporate Finance.
Rajan, Raghuram G.
Raghuram G. Rajan [*]
The NBER's Corporate Finance Program was established in 1991
with Robert W. Vishny as its first director; I became Program Director
in 1998. Corporate finance, narrowly interpreted, is the study of the
investment and financing policies of corporations. But since firms are
at the center of economic activity--and since almost any topic
economists are concerned with, from incentives and risksharing to
currency crises, affect corporate financing and investment--it is
increasingly hard to draw precise boundaries around the field.
Reflecting this, Jeremy C. Stein and Luigi G. Zingales organized an
NBER/Universities Research Conference in December 1999 on the
"Macroeconomic Effects of Corporate Finance." In fact, I think
some of the most interesting work in corporate finance is now being done
at its interface with other areas. I describe some of that work in this
Law and Financial Development
It is fitting to start with Andrei Shleifer's recent
path-breaking work on the links between law and finance, since he won
the John Bates Clark Medal in 1999. In a series of papers, Rafael La
Porta, Florencio Lopez-de-Silanes, Shleifer, and Vishny describe links
between the origin of a country's legal system and the extent to
which the system protects investors. They find, among other things, that
countries with a legal code based on common law protect investors better
than countries with a legal code based on civil law. [1]
Legal systems also seem to directly affect the development of
external capital markets. It turns out that stock markets and debt
markets have developed less in countries with a French civil law origin
than in countries with a common law origin. [2] Legal origin also
appears to be related to corporate ownership, dividend policies, and
valuations, [3] This body of work has inspired a whole new literature on
law and finance.
However, while specific laws may plausibly affect the nature of
corporate ownership and finance, there is still no theory of why legal
origin should affect finance, if in fact it does. Some economists,
myself included, believe that other forces correlated with common law
origins may be responsible for the relationships that La Porta,
Lopez-de-Silanes, Shleifer, and Vishny find in the data. But debates of
this kind are what make corporate finance such a fertile area of inquiry
Corporate Investment
While there has been much attention paid to corporate financing, we
know very little about corporate investment, other than through
acquisitions, largely because of the paucity of large sample data. We
now have some data on the investment practices of diversified firms, and
researchers have begun to test theories of the beneficial effects of
these firms, Diversified firms create internal capital markets, which
then finance good projects that the market ignores. [4] However, the
notion that diversified firms make efficient investments is not
consistent with the growing evidence that they trade at a discount
relative to focused firms. Recently, researchers have tried to link the
discount that diversified firms trade at to distortions in the
allocations of capital budgets among divisions. [5] Others have
attempted to show that some of the evidence of the diversification
discount, or of the misallocation, may be spurious or overstated. [6]
Clearly, this debate will go on for some time.
There has been increasing interest in the sources of innovation and
the financial structures that promote it. Samuel S. Kortum and Josh
Lerner [7] ask whether venture capital spurs innovation. In a study of
20 different industries over three decades, they find a positive
association between the presence of venture capital and the rate of
patenting. Of course, such a study raises issues of reverse causality:
that is, it could be that industries that innovate a lot attract venture
capital. They address this possibility.
In another study, Randall K. Morck, David A. Strangeland, and
Bernard Yeung [8] show that countries in which there is a lot of
inherited wealth relative to GDP spend less on innovation. In
particular, Canadian firms that are controlled by heirs tend to do less
R and D than otherwise similar firms, The authors conclude that
inherited corporate wealth impedes growth.
The recent financial crises in different countries have refocused
attention on our understanding of banks. Bengt R. Holmstrom and Jean
Tirole have developed a theory of financial intermediation and liquidity
based on the collateral value of assets. They extend this approach to
the determination of the liquidity premiums associated with different
assets. [9] This work is important in that it brings insights from
corporate finance to the pricing of financial assets.
Douglas W. Diamond and I [10] build a theory of banks that explains
why financial fragility may be essential to the process of creating
liquidity and credit. Our work attempts to explicitly model the links
between the bank's asset side (illiquid loans) and its liability
side (demandable deposits). Anil K. Kashyap, Stein, and I [11] did a
similar study showing that there is a synergy between demand deposits
and loan commitments. The implication is that banks can be made
perfectly safe only by destroying their very function.
Jun-Koo Kang and Rene M. Stulz [12] also address the critical role
of banks in the economy. They show that, relative to independent firms,
Japanese firms with links to banks lost more value and had to reduce
investment by more than other firms when their banks experienced
difficulty. These findings are not attributable to reverse causality
(that is, that the banks experienced difficulty because their client
firms were in trouble).
Takeo Hoshi and Kashyap [13] provide a detailed analysis of the
origins of the Japanese banking crisis and its likely consequences.
Finally, Edward J. Kane [14] portrays the banking crises that have
roiled world markets in recent years as information-producing events
that identify and discredit inefficient strategies for regulating
banking markets.
According to theory, the importance of banks stems in large part
from their ability to monitor and lend to firms the market will not
touch. Randall S. Kroszner and Philip E. Strahan [15] ask what leads
bankers to become board members of firms; that is, does this indicate a
monitoring role for the banks? They find that banks in the United States appear to fear involvement in management because of concerns about
equitable subordination and lender liability. As a result, they tend to
be represented primarily on the boards of large, stable firms with
tangible assets and little reliance on short-term debt. Thus, at least
in the United States, bankers are not represented on the boards of firms
that require the most monitoring.
Theory of the Firm
Our members also have been trying to develop a better understanding
of the boundaries of the corporation. Oliver D. Hart and John Moore [l6]
model hierarchies based on the allocation of authority. Corporate owners
have the ultimate authority, but limited time to exercise it, so they
delegate. Hart and Moore have some results already on the optimal degree
of decentralization and the boundaries of the firm. But is the
incomplete contract approach espoused by Hart and Moore legitimate? They
respond to their critics by providing some conditions--primarily the
inability to commit--under which the incomplete contract approach does
hold. [17]
Krishna B. Kumar, Zingales, and I [18] examine whether theories of
the boundaries of the firm can explain firm size across both industries
and countries. We find that industries that use a lot of physical
capital have larger firms, as do countries with greater judicial
efficiency. Industries that use a lot of capital are relatively smaller
in countries with greater judicial efficiency; we argue that this is
consistent with recent theories of the firm.
Ownership Structures
Corporate ownership has always been an important subject of
research for our group. Clifford G. Holderness, Kroszner, and Dennis P.
Sheehan [19] find that, contrary to prior research suggesting that
managers have very little exposure to equity today as compared to the
past, ownership by officers and directors of publicly traded firms on
average is higher today than it was earlier in the century. Managerial
ownership rises from 13 percent for the universe of exchange-listed
corporations in 1935, the earliest year for which such data exist, to 21
percent in 1995. This work recently won the first Brattle Prize for the
best paper on corporate finance published by the Journal of Finance.
Work by Shleifer [20] looks at the effects of state versus private
ownership. He concludes that private ownership generally is preferable
to public ownership when the incentives to innovate and to contain costs
must be strong. He argues that too many economists in the past focused
on the role of prices under socialism and capitalism, ignoring the
enormous importance of ownership as the source of capitalist incentives
to innovate.
Our members also have done some work on business groups. Lucian A.
Bebchuk, Reinier Kraakman, and George Triantis [21] examine common
arrangements for separating control from cash flow rights typically used
in business groups: stock pyramids, cross-ownership structures, and dual
class equity structures. They conclude that these have the potential to
create very large agency costs. Tarun Khanna and Krishna Palept [22]
examine business groups in India and conclude that they are difficult to
monitor. Also, group affiliation tends to reduce foreign institutional
investment, even though foreign institutional investors tend to be
better monitors than domestic institutions.
Managerial Incentives
An extraordinary paper by Holmstrom on managerial incentives is now
available in the NBER Working Paper series. [23] In some more recent
work, George P. Baker and Brian J. Hall [24] suggest that there is
confusion among academics and practitioners about how to measure the
strength of CEO incentives and how to reconcile the enormous differences
in pay sensitivities between executives in large and small firms. They
show that while one measure of CEO incentives (the dollar change in CEO
wealth per dollar change in firm value) falls by a factor of ten between
firms in the smallest and largest deciles in their sample, another
measure of CEO incentives (the value of CEO equity stakes) increases by
roughly the same magnitude. Baker and Hall discuss the situations under
which each measure is most applicable.
Data on managerial compensation also can be used to test theories
of optimal contracting and compensation. Rajesh K. Aggarwal and Andrew
A. Samwick [25] argue that executives who have more precise signals of
their effort than firm performance will receive compensation that is
less sensitive to the overall performance of the firm than other
executives. Consistent with this, the authors find that CEOs'
pay-performance incentives are higher by $5.85 per $1,000 increase in
shareholder wealth than the pay-performance incentives of executives
with only divisional responsibility.
Debt and Equity
We have fairly good models of outside debt, but no good theory of
outside equity. Stewart C. Myers [26] explores the necessary conditions
for outside equity financing when insiders--that is, managers or
entrepreneurs -- are self-interested and cash flows are not verifiable.
He contrasts two control mechanisms: a partnership, in which outside
investors can commit assets for a specified period; and a corporation,
in which assets are committed for an indefinite period but insiders can
be ejected at any time.
Finally, Roger H. Gordon and Young Lee [27] revisit the old but
still controversial issue of whether taxes affect corporate debt policy.
They find that taxes have had a strong and statistically significant
effect on levels of debt. In particular, the difference in corporate tax
rates currently faced by the largest versus the smallest firms (35
percent versus 15 percent) is predicted to induce larger firms to
finance 8 percent more of their assets with debt than the smaller firms
It is not possible, given space limitations, to do justice to the
range of issues our members are working on. I hope this sampling gives
you a taste for more. You can access the full array of NBER Working
Papers by the Corporate Finance Program at our web site (
(*.) Raghuram G. Rajan is Director of the NBER's Corporate
Finance Program and the Joseph L. Gidwitz Professor of Finance at the
University of Chicago.
(1.) R. La Porta, F. Lopez-de-Silanes, A. Shleifer, and R. W.
Vishny, "Law and Finance," NBER Working Paper No. 5661, July
(2.) R. La Porta, F. Lopez-de-Silanes, A. Shleifer, and R. W.
Vishny, "Legal Determinants of External Finance," NBER Working
Paper No. 5879, January 1997.
(3.) R. La Porta, F Lopez-de-Silanes, and A. Shleifer,
"Corporate Ownership around the World," NBER Working Paper No.
6625, June 1998; R. La Porta, F. Lopez-de-Silanes A. Shleifer, and R. W
Vishny, "Agency Problems and Dividend Policies around the
World," NBER Working Paper No. 6594, June 1998, and "Investor
Protection and Corporate Valuation," NBER Working Paper No. 7403,
October 1999.
(4.) See, for example, R. G. Hubbard and D. Palia, "A
Re-Examination of the Conglomerate Merger Wave in the 1960s: An Internal
Capital Markets View," NBER Working Paper No. 6539, April 1998.
(5.) D. S. Scharfstein and J. C. Stein, "The Dark Side of
Internal Capital Markets: Divisional Rent-Seeking and Inefficient
Investment," NBER Working Paper No. 5969, March 1997 D. S.
Scharfstein, "The Dark Side of Internal Capital Markets II:
Evidence from Diversified Conglomerates," NBER Working Paper No.
6352, January 1998; R. G. Rajan, H. Servaes, and L. G. Zingales,
"The Cost of Diversity: The Diversification Discount and
Inefficient Investment," NBER Working Paper No. 6368, January 1998;
F. P. Schlingemann, R. M. Stulz, and R. A. Walkling, "Corporate
Focusing and Internal Capital Markets," NBER Working Paper No.
7175, June 1999.
(6.) O. Lamont and C. Polk, "The Diversification Discount:
Cash Flows versus Returns," NBER Working Paper No. 7396, October
(7.) S. S. Kortum and J. Lerner, "Does Venture Capital Spur
Innovation?" NBER Working Paper No. 6846, December 1998.
(8.) R. K. Morck, D. A. Strangeland, and B. Yeung, "Inherited
Wealth, Corporate Control and Economic Growth: The Canadian
Disease," NBER Working Paper No. 6814, November 1998.
(9.) B. R. Holmstrom and J. Tirole, "LAPM: A Liquidity-Based
Asset Pricing Model," NBER Working Paper No. 6673, August 1998.
(10.) D. W. Diamond and R. G. Rajan, "Liquidity Risk,
Liquidity Creation, and Financial Fragility. A Theory of Banking,"
NBER Working Paper No. 7430, and "A Theory of Bank Capital,"
NBER Working Paper No. 7431, December 1999.
(11.) A. K. Kashyap, R. G. Rajan, and J. C. Stein, "Banks as
Liquidity Providers: An Explanation for the Co-existence of Lending and
Deposit-Taking," NBER Working Paper No. 6962, February 1999.
(12.) J. K. Kang and R. M. Stulz "Is Bank-Centered Corporate
Governance Worth It? A Cross-Sectional Analysis of the Performance of
Japanese Firms during the Asset Price Deflation," NBER Working
Paper No. 6238, October 1997.
(13.) T. Hoshi and A. K. Kashyap, "The Japanese Banking
Crisis: Where Did It Come From and How Will It End?" NBER Working
Paper No. 7250, July 1999.
(14.) E. J. Kane, "How Offshore Financial Competition
Disciplines Exit Resistance by Incentive-Conflicted Bank
Regulators," NBER Working Paper No. 7156, June 1999.
(15.) R. S. Kroszner and P. E. Straban, "Bankers on Boards:
Monitoring, Conflicts of Interest, and Lender Liability," NBER
Working Paper No. 7319, August 1999.
(16.) O. D. Hart and J. Moore, "On the Design of Hierarchies:
Coordination versus Specialization," NBER Working Paper No. 7388,
October 1999.
(17.) O. D. Hart and J. Moore, "Foundations of Incomplete
Contracts," NBER Working Paper No. 6726, September1998.
(18.) K. B. Kumar, R. G. Rajan, and L. G. Zingales, "What
Determines Firm Size?" NBER Working Paper No. 7208, July 1999.
(19.) C. G. Holderness, R. S. Kroszner, and D. P. Sheehan,
"Were the Good Old Days That Good? Changes in Managerial Stock
Ownership since the Great Depression," NBER Working Paper No. 6550,
May 1998.
(20.) A. Shleifer, "State versus Private Ownership," NBER
Working Paper No. 6665, July 1998.
(21.) L. A. Bebchuk, R. Kraakman, and G. Triantis, "Stock
Pyramids, Cross-Ownership, and the Dual Class Equity: The Creation and
Agency Costs of Separating Control from Cash Flow Rights," NBER
Working Paper No. 6951, February 1999.
(22.) T. Khanna and K. Palepu, "Emerging Market Business
Groups, Foreign Investors, and Corporate Governance," NBER Working
Paper No. 6955, February 1999.
(23.) B. R. Holmstrom, "Managerial Incentive Problems--A
Dynamic Perspective," NBER Working Paper No. 6875, January 1999.
(24.) G. P. Baker and B. J. Hall, "CEO Incentives and Firm
Size," NBER Working Paper No. 6868, December 1998.
(25.) R. K. Aggarwal and A. A. Samwick, "Performance
Incentives within Firms: The Effect of Managerial Responsibility,"
NBER Working Paper No. 7334, September 1999.
(26.) S. C. Myers, "Outside Equity Financing," NBER
Working Paper No. 6561, May 1998.
(27.) R. H. Gordon and Y. Lee, "Do Taxes Affect Corporate Debt
Policy? Evidence from U.S. Corporate Tax Return Data," NBER Working
Paper No. 7433, December 1999.