Globalization and Macroeconomics.
Obstfeld, Maurice
Maurice Obstfeld [*]
Although the U.S. economy has become increasingly open over the
postwar period, by standard measures the United States remains
surprisingly insular. For example, the ratio of U.S international trade
to GDP, which stood at only 4.6 percent in 1960, by 1999 was 12.2
percent, nearly three times higher. Still, this is small in absolute
terms relative to the trade shares of most smaller economies . [1]
Despite the seeming insularity of the U.S. economy, global
considerations have been prominent determinants of American economic
policy in recent years. The effect of international trade on the U.S.
wage distribution is a key issue in our domestic debates over further
trade liberalization and the World Trade Organization. Growing global
competition in the financial services industry has progressively
undermined the web of financial restrictions that Congress enacted
during the Great Depression. Correspondingly, concern for the stability
of world capital markets has played a central role in some Federal
Reserve actions, including decisions over interest rates.
Since the earliest days of systematic economic analysis, economists
have sought to understand how the openness of economies affects their
responses to disturbances occurring both at home and abroad. Indeed, the
1999 Nobel Memorial Prize in Economics was presented to Robert A.
Mundell in large part for his pioneering studies of the links among
economic policy, monetary arrangements, and the degrees of international
capital and labor mobility. My recent research concentrates on four sets
of questions in international macroeconomics. First, how integrated are
world markets, and what does the degree of integration imply for
macroeconomic phenomenons? Second, how can we model the open economy in
a way that is useful for guiding policy? Third, what are the
implications for international monetary arrangements? Fourth, what
forces have promoted international economic integration, specifically
the integration of capital markets?
Global Economic Integration
Over the past 50 years, technological and political changes have
steadily chipped away at the barriers separating nations. As a result,
the world is a much smaller place now than it was just after World War
II. Labor mobility among nations generally remains low, a fact central
to national decisions about exchange rate systems (see below). But along
other dimensions, cross-border economic flows have increased
dramatically How far short of the ideal of a single, integrated global
marketplace for goods, services, and capital is the world's
collection of individual national markets now?
In a broad overview of the integration of world capital markets, I
document the conflicting messages sent by different measures of
international capital mobility. [2] While the markets for some assets
appear to be tightly integrated -- for example, the prices of similar
nominally risk-free securities are now closely arbitraged without
capital-account controls and political risks -- other indicators of
capital mobility suggest that significant segmentation remains. For
example, investors still display an extreme home bias in their choice of
equity holdings. Currently, American investors hold around 12 percent of
their equity wealth in foreign stock markets, up sharply from a few
years back, but still hard to rationalize within standard models of
rational risk-averse agents. Related to the home equity bias is a second
puzzle: movements in national per capita consumption appear broadly
unrelated to movements in world per capita consumption. This is in
contrast to the predictions of benchmark models of efficient
international risk sharing. [3]
A third capital-market puzzle, the "Feldstein-Horioka
puzzle," is that countries' average saving and investment
rates appear closely linked over long periods. Although the magnitude of
the saving-investment correlation has declined over time among
industrial countries, it remains far higher than the corresponding
correlation for subnational regions. Thus, despite the likelihood of
independent shifts in national saving behavior and investment
opportunities, countries' current account balances, which measure
their net accumulations of foreign assets, are surprisingly small. [4]
While attempts to assess the integration of national asset markets
have tended to yield conflicting results, attempts to measure the
international integration of goods markets yield a much clearer verdict.
Despite the trend of postwar trade liberalization and much technological
progress, national goods markets appear to remain remarkably isolated
from global influences over the medium term. There are big cross-border
discrepancies even in the prices of very similar tradable goods, and
changes in nominal exchange rates are associated with commensurate and
very persistent changes not only in real exchange rates (defined as
relative national price levels), but in the relative prices of similar
tradable products. However, the feedback of these exchange rate-induced
relative price changes into the real economy is extremely slow and
difficult to detect in the short run; there often appears to be a
high-frequency "disconnect" between exchange rates and the
real economy. [5] The measured half-lives for disturbances t o real
exchange rates can be as high as four years. Moreover, there is now
considerable evidence that producers of differentiated goods "price
to market"; that is, they engage in third-degree price
discrimination across consumers in different countries and, in
particular, fail to offset nominal exchange rate movements through equal
price adjustments. [6]
Alan M. Taylor and I, using disaggregated data on consumer prices,
estimate a "threshold autoregressive" model in which the costs
of international trade discourage arbitrage within a "band of
inaction" whose width depends on the magnitude of the costs. We
argue that the measured persistence of international price differentials
is consistent with a rapid elimination of price discrepancies in excess
of trade costs. Standard autoregressive estimates may confound an
absence of mean reversion when there are small price discrepancies with
more rapid band-reversion in the face of large discrepancies. [7]
A distinct piece of evidence on the segmentation of goods markets
comes from studies of the home bias in international trade. Even after
controlling for distance, per capita income, and other trade
determinants suggested by gravity models of trade, there appears to be
an inexplicable and large tendency for regions within countries to trade
much more with each other than with residents of foreign countries. [8]
In recent work, Kenneth S. Rogoff and I suggest a reconciliation of
the puzzling evidence on the integration of national goods and asset
markets. Using simple models, we show that the presence of plausibly
sized costs of international trade in goods markets can go remarkably
far in explaining a series of international macroeconomic anomalies, in
asset markets as well as in goods markets. [9] The international trade
costs we have in mind include transport costs, tariffs, and nontariff
trade barriers, as well as any costs that may be associated with
international payments, exchange rate volatility, different regulatory
environments, national business practices, and so on.
For example, costs of trade can give rise to large incipient international differentials in real interest rates. These would dampen
the current account imbalances that countries desire, notwithstanding
perfect cross-border arbitrage of the nominal returns on riskless
assets. Similarly, trade costs impair the international sharing of
consumption risks. That effect can greatly reduce the motive to hold
foreign assets, thereby promoting a large home equity bias. In the
paper, we also argue that realistic trade costs (unrelated to distance)
can generate substantial biases in commodity trade, while also helping
to resolve the low consumption correlations puzzle and the puzzles of
international goods pricing.
Of course, my work with Rogoff does not argue either that asset
markets are perfect in reality or that there are no distortions
intrinsic to international asset trade. The point is simply that without
assuming that international asset markets are markedly less efficient
than domestic ones, one can still go surprisingly far in resolving
international asset market anomalies based on the costs of international
goods trade. Even with low costs of international asset transactions --
high international capital mobility -- distortions in goods markets can
seriously impair the functions of capital markets.
The New Open Economy Macroeconomics
A full resolution of the international goods pricing puzzles
requires, alongside trade costs, the presence of nominal rigidities in
the prices of goods and labor. The point of departure for the classic
work of Mundell and J. Marcus Fleming on open-economy macroeconomics was
a marriage of Keynesian price stickiness to high-speed international
interest rate arbitrage. Since the 1960s when the modern global capital
market was born, that perspective has proved extremely fruitful both for
policy analysis and for the exploration of positive issues, such as the
sources of exchange rate volatility.
However, the Mundell-Fleming model and its offshoots fail to
capture a number of economic relationships that are critical to
understanding open-economy dynamics in a world of capital mobility. For
example, the models lack any basis for incorporating actors'
intertemporal constraints or decision processes, thereby making
impossible rigorous welfare calculations or an analysis of current
accounts and government deficits.
During the 1970s and 1980s, researchers developed an intertemporal
analysis of the current account and global interdependence. Important as
the advance was, the initial generation of intertemporal models was
simplified by assuming flexible nominal prices in product and labor
markets. [10] That compromise left them ill-equipped to address the
important shorter-run business cycle issues that preoccupied Mundell and
Fleming. However, building on closed-economy New Keynesian approaches to
macroeconomics and on international trade models with imperfect
competition, a new approach to open-economy macroeconomics recently has
succeeded in incorporating nominal rigidities into fully dynamic models.
In early work in this vein, Rogoff and I incorporated sticky
product prices into a two-country macroeconomic model with monopolistic
producers and intertemporally maximizing consumers. That framework
enabled us not only to investigate the dynamic effects of macroeconomic
shocks, but also to conduct a rigorous welfare analysis of the
repercussions of those shocks, both in the originating country and
abroad. One important consequence of that work was to throw doubt on
earlier ad hoc models of international policy optimization. Those models
assumed that national welfare was related to a laundry list of
endogenous macro outcomes (the terms of trade, output, inflation,
current account -- basically, whatever suited the needs of the moment).
In the framework that Rogoff and I developed, the basic interrelations
among such endogenous variables, and their joint ultimate effect on
national welfare, are clarified. [11]
In subsequent work, Rogoff and I adapt the new open economy
macroeconomics framework to an explicitly stochastic setting. Our model
allows one to solve explicitly not only for equilibrium first moments of
endogenous variables, but for their equilibrium variances and
covariances. [12] That extension opens up a range of new applications.
Among them are the effects of policy variability on exchange rate levels
and risk premiums; the effects of variability on the levels of preset
nominal prices and, hence on resource allocation; and the exact welfare
analysis of macroeconomic policy rules and exchange rate regimes. [13]
Within such stochastic models, one can finally hope to address some of
the fundamental welfare costs of exchange-rate variability that underlie
Mundell's celebrated concept of the optimum currency area, but that
have eluded formal modeling until recently. Already a number of
interesting extensions of the stochastic new open-economy macro model
exist, including pricing to market and its implicatio ns for policy
regimes. [14]
Related dynamic frameworks based on models with microfoundations,
sticky prices, and monopolistic competition have been used recently to
assess monetary policy rules in domestic (closed-economy) settings.
Parallel open-economy welfare analyses are now beginning to emerge.
While much work still lies ahead, we can now hope to evaluate
international monetary arrangements at the same level of rigor that is
applied already to understanding the long-run effects of tax policies.
Choosing Exchange Rate Regime: Flexibility and Credibility
While the new open-economy macroeconomics provides a firmer
foundation for intertemporal policy analysis than the earlier
Mundell-Fleming approach, it does not overturn (except in special and
implausible models) a central insight that was at the core of
Mundell's analysis of the optimum currency area. When prices are
sticky and labor is internationally immobile, country-specific shocks
can be weathered most easily if the exchange rate is flexible. Indeed,
if region-specific shocks are sufficiently variable and large within a
candidate currency area, then the flexibility benefits from retaining
region-specific currencies may outweigh the allocation costs of having
several currencies, rather than one, trading at uncertain mutual
exchange rates.
One important factor omitted from the Mundellian calculus has come
to the fore in recent international monetary experience: the credibility
of domestic monetary institutions and of the exchange rate regime.
Depending on the circumstances credibility can be a two-edged sword,
cutting in favor of either floating or fixed exchange rates.
Even when a country announces and maintains a par value for its
currency's exchange rate, circumstances normally will arise in
which the country wishes it could change the exchange rate. The country
will do so, devaluing or revaluing its currency, if the short-run
benefits outweigh whatever costs the government perceives from reneging
on its previous promise to maintain the currency at par. Indeed, in the
face of severe adverse country-specific shocks and under capital
mobility, speculative expectations of devaluation can raise domestic
interest rates sharply, thereby making devaluation more probable and
possibly hastening its occurrence.
This credibility problem of pegged exchange rates makes the
exchange rate less predictable and may imply welfare benefits far below
those that a credibly fixed exchange rate might confer. Furthermore,
without some high-cost commitment mechanism to bind policymakers to the
fixed exchange rate, the arrangement could be unstable, absent strict
and effective controls on capital flows. This latter prediction seemed
exotic when I first suggested it in the mid-1980s, [15] but the
experience of the 1990s -- including the European currency crises of
1992-3, the Latin American "Tequila" crisis of 1994, and the
worldwide financial crises of 1997-8 -- have driven many observers to
the same conclusion. In fact, relatively few countries have succeeded in
maintaining a fixed exchange rate even for a period of five years. [16]
Some of my recent work, inspired by the European and Tequila
crises, has modeled mechanisms through which investor expectations can
interact with the political and economic objectives of policymakers,
yielding multiple equilibriums in which speculation against a currency
can result in a realignment that would not have occurred otherwise. [17]
The 1997-8 crisis, especially as it unfolded in Asia, led to a veritable
explosion of research on alternative models of currency crisis. Many of
the resulting papers modeled crises as shifts from benign to malign
equilibriums. [18]
Governments of the major currency areas developed fairly strong
monetary policy institutions (such as independent central banks) after
the inflationary excesses of the 1970s. They seem to have concluded
that, despite inexplicable exchange rate volatility, the quicker and
less painful adjustment that exchange rate flexibility allows far
outweighs the putative gains from fixed exchange rates -- gains that, in
any case, would be sharply reduced by the inherently low credibility of
exchange rate commitments. [19] The governments of such smaller
countries as Australia, Canada, and New Zealand have reached this
conclusion too, and the practice of floating is becoming more widespread
even in the developing world, as Mexico's recent experience
Still, there are more than a few cases in which the difficulty of
building credible domestic policy institutions is such that high
inflation can be controlled only through some extreme commitment
mechanism centered on a fixed exchange rate. Argentina, in the wake of
hyperinflation in 1991, wrote into its constitution a currency board
system under which all base money is backed by foreign reserves and
domestic pesos are convertible into dollars at a 1:1 rate. In cases like
Argentina's, the credibility of the exchange rate commitment is
greatly enhanced by political consensus based on a widespread fear of
lapsing into the monetary instability of the past. Paradoxically,
countries with strong domestic monetary institutions might lack the
ability to credibly fix their exchange rates, in part because the
alternative to fixed rates is not unthinkable. But even the currency
boards have been tested by speculators and, in some cases, have come
close to shattering. Perhaps the ultimate sacrifice of policy autonomy
in t he interest of credibility is to adopt a foreign currency
altogether, as in Ecuador's recent decision to
"dollarize" its economy.
By adopting a shared currency, the eleven founding members of the
European Economic and Monetary Union (EMU), soon to be joined by Greece,
have eliminated the credibility problem of mutually pegged exchange
rates. After the currency instability of 1992-3, prospective euro zone
members were able to make a relatively smooth transition to the common
currency in large part because of their countries' overarching
political objective of maintaining stable exchange rates so as to
qualify for the first wave of EMU in January 1999. [20] Low labor
mobility within Europe -- indeed, locational and occupational mobility
even within individual EMU members are surprisingly low -- implies that
these countries do not form an optimum Mundellian currency area. [21]
Thus, it is no surprise that in the initial two years of the euro,
individual EMU members have experienced a wide range of macroeconomic
conditions that certainly would have warranted divergent interest rates
and exchange rate changes under country-specific monetary policies.
While the political costs of exiting the EMU probably are prohibitive,
it remains to be seen whether the non-EMU members of the European Union -- Denmark, Sweden, and the United Kingdom -- will find the political
advantages of joining decisive. In purely economic terms, it is hard to
argue that they have suffered much (if at all) from their retention of
national currencies.
In my work on monetary regimes, I argue that strong domestic
monetary institutions -- institutions that largely overcome dynamic
consistency problems -- make fixed exchange rates much less attractive.
One might still ask whether some form of international monetary
coordination mechanism is helpful at the stage where countries put into
place their domestic institutions. After all, if a policy institution is
designed simply to address domestic problems, might its creation not
involve spillover effects abroad that could be internalized through
coordinated institution-building by several countries? Perhaps
surprisingly, there seems to be little scope for such coordination, as
Rogoff and I show. [22] The more effective national monetary policy
rules are in eliminating economic inefficiencies, the closer those rules
will be to what a benevolent world monetary authority would choose. Our
preliminary numerical experiments suggest that the welfare differences
between coordinated and uncoordinated (Nash equilibrium) ru les are tiny
Whither Globalization?
Even if the world's economies including its richest ones, are
far from full economic integration, the clear trend is toward
increasingly closer integration of goods and asset markets. Is that
trend likely to continue? My own research in this area focuses on the
asset-market side of globalization.
A major reason countries have pursued capital account
liberalization is the prospect of economic efficiency gains analogous to
those that free trade in goods and services delivers. Conversely,
controls on international capital movement are difficult and costly to
enforce for any period of time and have become progressively harder to
maintain as international product trade has expanded. While
capital-account liberalization in principle has distributive effects
similar to those of trade liberalization, the political opposition to
freer trade in capital has not (at least in recent decades) been nearly
as visible as opposition to freer trade in goods. Here, too, attempts to
reach international agreement have suffered setbacks.
Potential gains to global trade in assets come from a number of
sources, including a better allocation of the world's savings and
more effective risksharing among countries. Harold Cole and I made an
early attempt to quantify the potential benefits from the international
sharing of consumption risks. We found them to be quite small, generally
well below 1 percent of GDP per year. [23] In subsequent work, I applied
individual preferences that separate attitudes toward risk from those
toward intertemporal substitution, and, more importantly, I allowed for
settings in which risk diversification can affect investment and growth.
[24] These changes, especially the second one can magnify the potential
gains from international portfolio diversification sometimes manyfold.
Free international capital mobility can compromise national
sovereignty over economic policies, however. One symptom of this is what
Alan M. Taylor and I have labeled the "trilemma" of the
exchange rate (a proposition recently associated with Mundell's
work, but actually familiar much earlier to writers such as John Maynard
Keynes). Countries can choose at most two items from the following list
of three: free mobility of capital, a fixed exchange rate, and a
monetary policy oriented toward domestic goals. Taylor and I argue that
the widespread use of floating exchange rates has, in fact, promoted
capital account liberalization by permitting countries to pursue
domestically oriented monetary policies even in the presence of free
cross-border asset transactions. Of course, where countries have adopted
fixed rates, either to banish a legacy of economic policy abuse
(Argentina) or in the interest of political goals (EMU), we see capital
mobility, but a renunciation of active monetary policy. [25] This is a
diffe rent choice from among the three possible options that the
trilemma offers. Either way, most countries are moving to options that
involve open capital markets.
Another realm in which capital mobility may threaten national
sovereignty is that of tax policy. If capital can flee high-tax
jurisdictions, then tax competition will force capital taxes downward,
and countries will be driven to rely increasingly on taxes on labor. In
the extreme, governments could find themselves unable to provide the
services and infrastructure that their electorates desire without
imposing a crushing fiscal burden on workers. [26] In my own work, I
argue that we remain quite far from this extreme outcome, and, if we
should draw much closer, international coordination of capital income
taxation would be a far superior approach to restricting capital
movements. [27]
This is not to say that there are no problems intrinsic to a
globalized capital market in a world of sovereign nations -- far from
it. Globalization is like a powerful new medicine, one that offers
immense possible benefits but must be used with caution because of the
possible side effects. Domestic financial stability is endangered when
countries open up their capital markets without adequate institutional
safeguards against excessive risk taking. That lesson was underscored by
the Asian crisis of 1997-8. By extension, connections between national
markets and inconsistencies among the many different national
supervisory regimes can create conditions in which a global crisis may
occur (as we also saw in 1997-8). Attempts are under way to address
these structural flaws, and the future of the global capital market
ultimately will depend on their success.
(*.) Obstfeld is a Research Associate in the NBER's Programs
on International Finance and Macroeconomics and International Trade and
Investment, and a Professor of Economics at the University of
California, Berkeley.
(1.) The customary definition of "trade" in the present
context is the average of exports and imports.
(2.) See M. Obstfeld, "International Capital Mobility in the
1990s," in Understanding Interdependence: The Macroeconomic of the
Open Economy, P. B. Kenen, ed. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press; 1995.
(3.) On the recent behavior of the home equity bias, see M.
Obstfeld and K. S. Rogoff "Perspectives on OECD Economic
Integration: Implications for U.S. Current Account Adjustment,"
paper presented at the Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City annual policy
symposium, Jackson Hole Wyoming, August 24-6, 2000. (This paper is at[sim]obstfeld/index.html) Direct evidence on
the low degree of international consumption risksharing is presented in
M. Obstfeld, "Are Industrial-Country Consumption Risks Globally
Diversified?," in Capital Mobility: The Impact on Consumption,
Investment, and Growth, L. Leiderman and A. Razin, eds. Cambridge, UK.
Cambridge University Press; 1994. For a recent survey of literature on
both home equity bias and limited international consumption
correlations, see K. Lewis, "Trying to Explain the Home Bias in
Equities and Consumption," Journal of Economic Literature, 37 (June
1999), pp. 571-608.
(4.) The "Feldstein-Horioka coefficnet," which is the
result of a cross-section regression of domestic investment rates on
national saving rates, is now not too far off from the value prevailing
under the pre-1914 gold standard. (Of course, data inadequacies and the
nature of the pre 1914 country sample warrant great caution in making
comparisons over time.) See M. T. Jones and M. Obstfeld, "Saving,
Investment, and Gold: A Reassessment of Historical Current Account
Data," NBER Working Paper No. 6103, July 1997, and in Money,
Capital Mobility, and Trade: Essays in Honor of Robert A. Mundell, G. A.
Calvo, R. Dornbush, and M. Obstfeld, eds. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press,
(5.) The disconnect is apparently reduced in conditions of very
high inflation, when nominal exchange rate changes indeed feed through
to consumer prices very quickly. But the high correlation between real
and nominal exchange rates seems to reassert itself once inflation has
been tamed. See M. Obstfeld, "Open-Economy Macroeconomics:
Developments in Theory and Policy," NBER Working Paper No. 6319,
June 1999, and Scandinavian Journal of Economics, 100 (January 1998),
pp. 247-75.
(6.) For a survey on international price discrepancies, see K. S.
Rogoff, "The Purchasing Power Parity Puzzle," Journal of
Economic Literature, 34 (June 1996), pp. 647-68. An insightful
evaluation of the evidence on international pricing to market is given
by P. K. Goldberg and M. M. Knetter "Goods Prices and Exchange
Rates. What Have We Learned?," NBER Working Paper No. 5862,
December 1996; and Journal of Economic Literature, 35 (September 1997),
pp. 1243-72.
(7.) See M. Obsteld and A. M. Taylor, "Nonlinear Aspects of
Goods-Market Arbitrage and Adjustment: Heckscher's Commodity Points
Revisited," NBER Working Paper No. 6053, June 1997, and Journal of
the Japanese and International Economies, 11 (December 1997), pp.
441-79. See also A. M. Taylor, "Potential Pitfalls for the
Purchasing-Power-Parity Puzzle? Sampling and Specification Biases in
Mean-Reversion Tests of the Law of One Price," NBER Working Paper
No. 7577, March 2000, and Econometrica, forthcoming.
(8.) A survey is offered by J. F Helliwell, How Much Do National
Borders Matter? Washington, D.C.: Brookings Institution, 1998.
(9.) See M. Obstfeld and K. S. Rogoff "The Six Major Puzzles
in International Macroeconomics: Is There a Common Cause?," NBER
Working Paper No. 7777, July 2000, and in NBER Macroeconomics Annual
2000, B. S. Bernanke and K. S. Rogoff eds. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press;
(10.) The literature is surveyed in M. Obstfeld and K. S. Rogoff,
"The Intertemporal Approach to the Current Account," NBER
Working Paper No. 4893, April 1996, and in Handbook of International
Economics, Volume 3, G.M Grossman and K. S. Rogoff, eds. Amsterdam:
Elsevier Science Publishers, 1995.
(11.) M. Obstfeld and K. S. Rogoff, "Exchange Rate Dynamics
Redux," NBER Working Paper No. 4693, March 1996, and Journal of
Political Economy, 103 (June 1995), pp. 624-60. See also M. Obstfeld and
K. S. Rogoff Foundations of International Macroeconomics. Cambridge, MA:
MIT Press, 1996.
(12.) The original paper is M. Obstfeld and K. S. Rogoff "Risk
and Exchange Rates," NBER Working Paper No. 6694, August 1998.
(13.) Some of these applications are illustrated in M. Obstfeld and
K. S. Rogoff "New Directions for Stochastic Open Economy
Models;" NBER Working Paper No. 7313, August 1999, and Journal of
International Economics, 50 (February 2000),pp. 117-53.
(14.) See, for example, M. B. Devereux and C. Engel, "Monetary
Policy in the Open Economy Revisited: Price Setting and Exchange Rate
Flexibility" NBER Working Paper No. 7665, April 2000
(15.) See M. Obstfeld, "Floating Exchange Rates: Experience
and Prospects;" NBER Reprint No. 792 December 1986, and Brookings
Papers on Economic Activity, 2(1985), pp. 369-450.
(16.) For evidence and discussion, see M. Obstfeld and K. S. Rogoff
"The Mirage of Fixed Exchange Rates," NBER Working Paper No.
5191, July 1995, and Journal of Economic Perspectives, 9 (Fall 1995),
pp. 73-96. Argentina now must be added to the select club of long-term
fixers that Rogoff and I identified in that paper, but Thailand's
exchange rate, surprisingly still fixed in 1995, crumbled in 1997-with
repercussions that soon were felt worldwide.
(17) See M. Obstfeld, "The Logic of Currency Crises;"
NBER Working Paper No. 4640, September 1994, and Cahiers Economiques et
Monetaires (Paris. Banque de France), 43 (1994), pp. 189-213;
"Models of Currency Crises with Self-Fulfilling Features,"
NBER Working Paper No. 5285, February 1997, and European Economic
Review, 40 (April 1996), pp. 1037-47; and "Destabilizing Effects of
Exchange Rate Escape Clauses;" NBER Working Paper No. 3603,
February 1998, and Journal of International Economics, 43 (August 1997),
pp. 61-77.
(18.) Some of the mechanisms at work in Asia are described in At.
Obstfeld "The Global Capital Market: Benefactor or Menace,?"
NBER Working Paper No. 6559, May 1998, and Journal of Economic
Perspectives, 12 (Fall 1998), pp. 9-30. See also my panel discussion
contribution in Beyond Shocks: What Causes Business Cycles? Boston:
Federal Reserve Bank of Boston, 1998.
(19.) For a more detailed assessment of floating exchange rates in
practice; see M. Obstfeld, "International Currency Experience: New
Lessons and Lessons Relearned," Brookings Papers on Economic
Activity, 1 (1995), pp. 119-220.
(20.) For discussions of the transition, see At. Obstfeld,
"Europe's Gamble," Brookings Papers on Economic Activity,
2 (1997), pp. 241-317; "A Strategy for Launching the Euro,"
NBER Working Paper No. 6233, March 1999, and European Economic Review,
42 (June 1998), pp. 975-1007; and "EMU Ready or Not?," NBER
Working Paper No. 6682, August 1999, and in Princeton Essays in
International Finance 209, July 1998.
(21.) For a more detailed discussion of economic adjustment in
Europe, see At. Obstfeld and G. Pen, "Regional Nonadjustment and
Fiscal Policy," NBER Working Paper No. 6431, June 1999, and
Economic Policy, 26 (April 1998), pp. 205-59; reprinted in Intranational Economics, E. van Wincoop and G. D. Hess, eds. Cambridge; UK: Cambridge
University Press; 2000.
(22.) M. Obstfeld and K. S. Rogoff "Do We Really Need a New
International Monetary Compact?," NBER Working Paper No. 7864,
August 2000.
(23.) H. Cole and At. Obstfeld, "Commodity Trade and
International Risksharing: How Much Do Financial Markets Matter?,"
Journal of Monetary Economics, 28 (August 1991), pp. 3-24.
(24.) M. Obstfeld, "Evaluating Risky Consumption Paths: The
Role of Intertemporal Substitutability," European Economic Review,
38 (August 1994), pp. 1471-86; and "Risk Taking, Global
Diversification, and Growth," American Economic Review, 84
(December 1994), pp. 1310-29.
(25.) M. Obstfeld and A. M. Taylor, "The Great Depression as a
Watershed: International Capital Mobility over the Long Run," NBER
Working Paper No. 5960, May 1999, and in The Defining Moment: The Great
Depression and the American Economy in the Twentieth Century, At. Bordo,
C. Goldin, and E. White, eds. Chicago: University of Chicago Press;
(26.) For a prominent exposition of this scenario, see D. Rodrik,
Has Globalization Gone Too Far? Washington, D.C.: Institute of
International Economics, 1997.
(27.) See M. Obstfeld, "The Global Capital Market: Benefactor
or Menace?," op. cit.