Developments in pension.
Mitchell, Olivia S.
The share of the world's population over age 60 will triple
between 1990 and 2030, exceeding 30 percent among developed countries by
then. This massive demographic shift will force insolvency on many of
the large unfunded public social security programs that evolved after
World War II.
Are funded pension plans necessary for retirement system reform? This
is one subject I explore in my research on pensions in developed and
developing countries. In each case, I ask how pensions function, what
effects they have on work and saving, and how pensions help public and
private stakeholders to share the risks of old age. Ultimately, I am
interested in how to design pension plans to increase their efficiency
and insulate them from a range of political and financial challenges.
Retirement Saving Adequacy in the United States
The U.S. situation brings some of these problems into focus very
clearly. Our Old Age, Survivors, and Disability Insurance (OASDI)
program under Social Security faces an unfunded obligation of
approximately $9 trillion. Fixing this shortfall would require either
benefit cuts of about 25 percent or tax increases of approximately the
same magnitude.(1) Such a massive change in the system portends ill for
prospective retirees in the baby boom generation as well as current
retirees. In a recent study using the Health and Retirement Survey
(HRS), James Moore and I found that most Americans have saved too little
to preserve their current consumption standards in retirement. This
nationally representative and longitudinal study of respondents aged 51
to 61 in 1992 and their spouses describes multiple sources of household
wealth and determinants of old-age poverty for a group who are on the
verge of retirement.
The HRS inquires about respondents' net housing and financial
wealth describes employer-provided plans enabling us to calculate
pension wealth and links data from the survey expected Social Security
benefits derived from earnings records gathered from Social Security
files.2 We use the Social Security Administration's
"intermediate" economic and demographic assumptions, and
conclude that median total household wealth (that is, net financial
wealth plus net housing equity, pension wealth, and Social Security
wealth) for this group is approximately $350,000. Pension benefits, net
home equity, and net financial wealth each contribute about one fifth of
the total, and anticipated Social Security benefits make up the
remaining two fifths.
Is this enough money to retire on? Obviously the answer depends on
one's benchmark; in our work, we ask how much additional saving
would be required in order to retire at a specified age and to smooth
consumption in retirement. Our analysis has three steps: 1) projecting
HRS respondents' current assets to retirement; 2) determining what
consumption level would be feasible with those assets; and 3)
iteratively solving for the additional saving needed to achieve
consumption smoothing after retirement. We find that the median older
HRS household faces a saving shortfall of 16 percent per year, if its
members continue to opt for early retirement.(3) This represents saving
needed in addition to "automatic" asset appreciation, pension
growth, and increases in social security benefits. We believe this
shortfall is a matter of some concern, and would be twice as high for
those with very low assets.
The distributional pattern of results is also of some interest,
because we find that the correlation between older workers' income
and wealth levels is only 0.4. Thus, many households at the top of the
income distribution are falling far below their savings targets and will
be required to curtail consumption in retirement. This shortfall is
worrisome, although we also show that delaying retirement to age 65 can
cut the required additional saving in half. This result might partially
explain why labor force attachment rates of older American men have
risen slightly in recent years.
Private and Public Pension Plan Structures
These saving shortfalls are probably underestimates, inasmuch as we
assume that Social Security and pension benefits will be paid at their
current promised levels. But political and fiscal pressures threaten
retirement income promises from a number of different directions. For
example, one issue is how pension systems are designed and governed, as
we show in a series of papers on public pension plans.(4) These systems
pay retirement benefits to state and local government employees
including teachers, uniformed officers, and other civil servants. In
many ways, these pension systems represent success stories, because they
have more than 16 million participants and more than $1 trillion in
assets. But public pension plans often are criticized because they do
not always follow funding rules, and the retirement benefits they pay
exceed those in the corporate sector. For instance, low seniority public
sector retirees receive benefits about 50 percent higher than their
private sector counterparts, and high seniority workers have a
replacement rate that is one half to two thirds greater. On the other
hand, it must be recalled that many public sector employees (about one
quarter) are not covered by Social Security.
We also show that public pension plans are managed differently from
private plans, mainly because corporate pensions must meet fiduciary
standards codified in the Employee Retirement Income Security Act (ERISA), while public plans are subject to regulations that are less
stringent and less uniform. As a result, public plan governance is
fraught with political pressures. In practice, funding and actuarial
assumptions may be selected in accordance with fiscal stress, and
investments are frequently subject to nonfinancial criteria.(5) In
general, political appointees and ex officio board members dominate
decision making, with a sizable minority of directors representing plan
participants. Perhaps because of this different governance structure,
public pension plans are more likely to direct investments toward
in-state projects, a practice associated with diminished rates of
investment return. Despite these concerns, we conclude that public plans
are relatively well funded, and their asset allocation patterns have
changed dramatically over time: currently, more than 40 percent of
public plan assets are held in stock, up from 3 percent in 1960.
Related to pension plan design and performance is the issue of
administrative expenses, an important topic that has been studied
little. My research shows that public pension plans operate at only 65
percent of potential efficiency, mainly because many small plans fail to
take advantage of scale economies. Also, defined benefit plans appear to
be more expensive to administer in the United States than defined
contribution plans. For all of these reasons, costs associated with
alternative pension plan designs should garner more attention, given
current interest in building up retirement assets and the worldwide
shift from defined benefit to defined contribution pensions.(6)
My work also addresses two other issues in the national and
international debate over pension reform, both of which concern
proposals to replace Social Security with a national (and usually
mandatory) defined contribution pension system. First there is the
"money's worth" concept, which we argue should not be
used in comparing retirement system net benefit flows under an
underfunded defined benefit system with those of a fully funded defined
contribution pension system.(7) Specifically, money's worth
estimates do not incorporate all the relevant costs of
"transition" to an unfunded system; frequently they do not
adjust appropriately for either aggregate or idiosyncratic risk (both of
which would rise under privatization); and they do not account for
changes in household behavior as a result of a large reform of the
national system.
Second, there is the issue of the payout or decumulation phase of the
pension system. In one project, we explore the market for retirement
annuities: insurance products that offer protection against the risk of
outliving one's savings.(8) These annuities are of utmost
importance when retirees are responsible for deciding how much of their
assets to spend versus draw down over the retirement period. Inasmuch as
U.S. pension growth is mainly in the defined contribution [and
especially the 401(k)] field, more and more retirees can access their
total pension amount rather than are required to annuitize their
benefits. Of course, some retirees will still purchase annuities,
particularly those who anticipate living longer than average. This
produces adverse selection, which the data suggest is powerful. On the
other hand, we also find that over time the net annuity payout (that is,
the expected present discounted value of benefits minus the initial cost
of the annuity) has risen, suggesting that adverse selection might be
less of a concern than in the past. This result bears on the policy
debate regarding the role of individual choice and self-reliance in
retirement planning.
A Shift in Focus?
Several developments will influence future retirement accumulation
and decumulation patterns. First, the worldwide interest in defined
contribution pensions will continue, because this type of plan
facilitates job change and pension portability and allows workers to
choose how much to save and how to allocate their retirement portfolios.
Second, expenses associated with different plan designs will influence
the level of and returns on pension saving. In particular, defined
contribution pensions appear relatively less costly to administer than
defined benefit pensions, and this makes them more interesting to both
corporate and public employers seeking to stretch retirement dollars.
Finally, the relative importance of Social Security income in retiree
incomes will change as taxes and benefits are altered to bring the
insolvent system into balance.
These changes will have substantial spillover effects on
workers' saving and retirement asset decumulation patterns.
Clearly, workers and their families will have to learn to save more if
they are to meet retirement accumulation targets. Along the way they
will have to acquire greater financial sophistication in order to better
understand the risks they face in their pension portfolios. And although
many benefits will flow from increased personal responsibility imposed
by these changes, experts acknowledge that defined contribution pensions
lack some of the group risk pooling mechanisms that the conventional
defined benefit plan offers. For instance, retirees in a defined
contribution environment are more exposed to longevity risk when they
lack access to (or fail to purchase) annuities. Defined benefit plans
traditionally are also more redistributive than defined contribution
pensions are.
1 J. Geanakoplos, O.S. Mitchell, and S. Zeldes, "Social Security
Money's Worth" in Prospects for Social Security Reform, O.S.
Mitchell, R. Myers, and H. Young, eds. Pension Research Council and
University of Pennsylvania Press, forthcoming.
2 For a discussion of retirement assets in the HRS dataset, see O.S.
Mitchell, J. Olson, and T.L. Steinmeier, "Construction of the
Earnings and Benefits File (EBF) for the Health and Retirement
Survey," NBER Working Paper No. 5707, August 1996; see also A.L.
Gustman, O.S. Mitchell, A.A. Samwick, and T.L. Steinmeier, "Pension
and Social Security Wealth in the Health and Retirement Study,"
NBER Working Paper No. 5912, February 1997.
3 See O.S. Mitchell, and J. F. Moore. "Retirement Wealth
Accumulation and Decumulation: New Developments and Outstanding
Opportunities," NBER Working Paper No. 6178, September 1997; and
"Projected Retirement Wealth and Saving Adequacy in the Health and
Retirement Study," NBER Working Paper No. 6240, October 1997.
4 O.S. Mitchell and R. Carr, "State and Local Pension
Plans," NBER Working Paper No. 5271, September 1995; O.S. Mitchell,
and P-L. Hsin, "Managing Public Sector Pensions" in Public
Policy Toward Pensions, J.B. Shoven and S. Schieber, eds. Twentieth
Century Fund, 1997; P-L. Hsin and O.S. Mitchell, "Are Public
Pension Plans Administratively Efficient?" in Positioning Pensions
for the 21st Century, M. Gordon, O.S. Mitchell, and M. Twinney, eds.
Philadelphia, PA: Pension Research Council and University of
Pennsylvania Press, 1997; and O.S. Mitchell and P-L. Hsin, "Public
Sector Pension Governance and Performance," in The Economics of
Pensions: Principles, Policies, and International Experience, S. Valdes,
ed. Cambridge, England: Cambridge University Press, 1997.
5 O.S. Mitchell and P-L. Hsin, "Public Sector Pension Governance
and Performance," op. cit.
6 O.S. Mitchell, "Administrative Costs in Public and Retirement
Systems," NBER Working Paper No. 5734, August 1996. 7 O.S. Mitchell
and S.P. Zeldes, "A Framework for Analyzing Social Security
Privatization," NBER Working Paper No. 5512, March 1996.
8 O.S. Mitchell, J.M. Poterba, and M.J. Warshawsky, "New
Evidence on the Money's Worth of Individual Annuities," NBER
Working Paper No. 6002, April 1997.
Olivia S. Mitchell is a Research Associate in the NBER's
Programs on Labor Studies and Aging. She is also the International
Foundation of Employee Benefit Plans Professor of Insurance and Risk
Management at the Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania, and is
Executive Director of Wharton's Pension Research Council.