Economic fluctuations and growth.
Hall, Robert E.
The U.S. economy has enjoyed uninterrupted growth since the trough of
the last recession in the spring of 1991. As unemployment has declined
to just over 5 percent, attention has turned increasingly to issues of
longer-run macroeconomic performance. Now, the topics of economic
fluctuations and growth also are combined in a single NBER program,
since the economic fluctuations program has taken over the functions of
the earlier growth project (officially becoming the Program in Economic
Fluctuations and Growth in early 1996). This continues to be the largest
of the Bureau's research programs, with roughly 60 research
associates and 25 faculty research fellows.
Many of the research activities of the "EFG program" take
place in small groups working on specific topics. These groups are open,
and some group members do not have formal affiliations with the NBER.
The small groups' work is described in some detail later in this
report. Almost all of these groups also meet in Cambridge in July as
part of the Bureau's Summer Institute. At that time, the entire
program also meets to present and discuss six academic research papers.
The small groups meet during the academic year on their own, or in
conjunction with other NBER program meetings, as well. Finally, the EFG
program is responsible for the NBER's Annual Conference on
Macroeconomics, which takes place in Cambridge each March.
The 1995 Nobel Prize in Economics
Robert E. Lucas, Jr. of the University of Chicago, an active member
of the EF program since its inception in 1978, won the 1995 Nobel
Memorial Prize in Economics. The prize was announced shortly before the
program's research meeting in October 1995, after Lucas had agreed
to serve as a discussant at the meeting; this happy event was
acknowledged in a suitable way at lunch. Also, program member Stanley
Fischer and I were asked by the Scandinavian Journal of Economics to
prepare papers summarizing Lucas's many contributions.
Program Members in Washington
Members of the EFG program have held a number of important
policymaking and advisory positions in Washington. For example, John B.
Taylor of Stanford University served as a member of the Council of
Economic Advisers under George Bush, and Martin Neil Baily was a council
member under President Clinton. Joseph E. Stiglitz currently serves as
chairman of the Council of Economic Advisers; Lawrence H. Summers is
deputy secretary of the U.S. Treasury, and Alan S. Blinder of Princeton
University served until recently as vice-chairman of the Federal Reserve
Board of Governors.
Business Cycle Dating
Traditionally, the Business Cycle Dating Committee has been the most
conspicuous public element of the EFG program. The committee last met in
1992 to determine the date of the end of the recession of 1990-1. With
the nonstop growth of the economy since that meeting, the committee has
not met again; it will not meet until well after the economy reaches a
peak of activity and begins a new recession. At this writing, there is
no sign of impending recession, and the experimental recession
probability index prepared by program members James H. Stock of Harvard
University and Mark W. Watson of Princeton University assigns a low
probability to a recession in the near future.
Macroeconomics Annual
Under the leadership of program members Ben S. Bernanke of Princeton
University and Julio J. Rotemberg of MIT, the EFG program organizes a
major conference on macroeconomics each year. The proceedings appear in
the NBER Macroeconomics Annual, published by the MIT Press. The
organizers choose authors from among those who have recently developed
important new lines of research in macroeconomics; the format of the
conference and volume permits a fuller expression and integration of the
research than is possible in major economics journals, in which the line
of research usually has been exposed already. The emphasis of the Annual
is on basic quantitative research with potential policy applications.
Small Research Groups
The first meeting of the newly formed "Growth Group"
focused on the accumulation and development of human capital, finding
some surprisingly paradoxical results and developing exciting avenues
for future research. Lant Pritchett of the World Bank presented
cross-sectional evidence that the growth of human capital, as measured
by years of education, is completely uncorrelated with the growth of
output. This result is surprisingly robust to the use of different
datasets, as confirmed by conference participant Jong-Wha Lee, NBER and
Korea University, who, together with Robert J. Barro, NBER and Harvard
University, has developed a broad international database on education.
The conventional measure of human capital, the years that students
devote to education, is extraordinarily crude, providing inadequate
assessment of the value and growth of human capital. Dale W. Jorgenson of Harvard University presents new estimates of the value of the output
of the U.S. educational sector. Jorgenson places the valuation of human
capital on an equal footing with the valuation of physical capital by
using lifetime earnings profiles to estimate the net present value of
the additional earnings induced by an additional year of education. Gary
S. Becker and NBER Research Associate Kevin M. Murphy, both of the
University of Chicago, pushed the discussion further, showing how
differences in the earnings of U.S. workers by country of origin could
be used to infer differences in the value of their educational
attainment and, by extension, to develop deflators for the nominal
output of the educational sector. The application of these methods to
broader international comparisons appears to be an essential first step
in unraveling the puzzle posed by Pritchett and others.
Income Distribution and Macroeconomics(3)
This group has concentrated on three broad topics of significant
importance to the U.S. economy. First, researchers have identified four
channels through which income distribution affects growth and
macroeconomic activity. Inequality, in the presence of imperfections in
capital markets, may affect investment in human and physical capital
adversely and therefore may reduce output and economic growth. These
macroeconomic affects may be magnified by the sorting of individuals
into homogeneous communities. Second, inequality may generate conflict
that diminishes the security of property rights, hence lowering
investment and economic growth. Third, inequality may have an adverse
effect on investment in human capital, and therefore may increase
fertility and slow economic growth. Fourth, inequality generates
pressure for distortionary redistribution, adversely affecting
investment and growth.
The first three mechanisms receive significant support from
cross-country evidence, whereas the fourth is refuted. Studies carried
out in the group shed new light on the potential macroeconomic
implications of inequality in general, and of the recent rise in
inequality in the United States in particular.
Next, several researchers in this group have examined the interaction
among technological progress, inter-generational earnings mobility, and
economic growth. For example, they have identified mechanisms through
which technological progress determines earnings mobility and income
distribution; conversely, they show how earnings mobility and income
distribution affect the pace of technological progress and output
growth. Major technological breakthroughs increase social mobility and
income inequality and initially lower the pace of future economic
growth. However, as technology becomes more accessible, mobility
decreases, income inequality diminishes, and the pace of future economic
growth accelerates. These studies enable us to assess the effect of the
recent wave of technological progress, such as the computer revolution,
on social and occupational mobility, wage and income inequality, and
economic growth in the United States.
In a third area, researchers in this group have examined the
implications of social institutions, such as education finance, fiscal
policies, and labor market institutions, on macroeconomic performance
and economic growth. Some have provided explanations for the differences
in education finance and fiscal policies in the United States versus
Europe and Japan. Others have examined the optimality of various forms
of education finance, contrasting public and private provision of
Macroeconomic Complementarities(4)
A complementarity exists when the activities of one person or firm
have favorable effects on other people or firms. The topics that this
group explores are standard in macroeconomics: the sources and
consequences of economic fluctuations; economic growth; income
distribution; the operation of labor markets; the demand for money; and
the implications of government policies. In the presence of
complementarities, though, there can be underemployment of resources and
even the possibility of multiple equilibriums.
The idea of macro complementarities encompasses linkages across
agents in an economy, so that higher activity in the economy generally
induces higher activity by a single worker or firm. We may think of
activity as broadly defined and including: hours worked; output
produced; time spent searching; level of investment activity; and so
forth. In general, these linkages can be global (that is, a single
agent's choices influenced by the aggregate level of activity) or
local (a single agent's choices influenced by a few neighbors).
Established research has provided examples of multiplicity through
technological links across a group of agents. NBER researchers extend
that formulation to the stochastic growth model with technological
complementarities. Related models positing increasing returns in
technology analyze the multiplicity of equilibriums and the instability
in the process of financial intermediation. Models based upon these
technological linkages also have been formulated to study the timing of
economic decisions, stressing the possibility of equilibrium delay.
Peter A. Diamond of MIT has developed a search model with multiple
equilibriums that provides another source of multiplicity and is being
used to study labor markets and the demand for money.
A common theme of this group's research is that the presence of
complementarities creates a source for the magnification and propagation
of shocks, as well as creating the possibility of multiple equilibriums.
In addition, the models are inherently nonlinear, which creates an
important connection between these economies and evidence of
nonlinearities in the aggregate economy.
Initially, the group's effort focused on understanding the
environments that give rise to complementarities. Its more recent work
has explored the quantitative aspects of these economies. In particular,
evidence on the sources of complementarities and results on their
time-series and cross-sectional implications are a major component of
the group's activities.
Micro and Macro Perspectives on the Aggregate Labor Market(5)
The premise underlying this group's work is that a better
understanding of the various facets of the labor market is important for
many questions in macroeconomics, including for example, accounting for
cyclical fluctuations, the determinants of growth, and the role of labor
market regulations in explaining cross-country differences in
One important part of the group's research draws on the
empirical work of NBER Research Associates Steven J. Davis of the
University of Chicago and John C. Haltiwanger of the University of
Maryland (as well as others) that documents the large flows of
employment across establishments at all points over the business cycle.
Standard macroeconomic models abstract from these flows. There are three
related lines of research that stem from this original finding: 1) more
extensive measurement, aimed at identifying the important regularities;
2) building models that account for the regularities; and 3) using the
models to address relevant policy questions. The group has been engaged
actively in all three of these lines of research.
This work also has important implications for policy. Many labor
market programs - including unemployment insurance, job protection
legislation, subsidies to job creation, and subsidies to declining
industries - affect job creation and destruction. Through their effects
on the incentives to create and destroy jobs, these policies have
implications for aggregate employment, aggregate productivity, and
unemployment dynamics. To illustrate, a recent paper(6) by Steven
Millard of the Bank of England and Dale T. Mortensen of Northwestern
University finds that differences in taxation, unemployment insurance,
and job protection can explain differences in average unemployment, and
in particular differences in unemployment duration and incidence,
between the United States and United Kingdom over the last decade.
It is also of obvious interest to examine the effects of various
policies on welfare. Fernando Alvarez, University of Chicago, and
Marcelo Veracierto, Cornell University, assess the extent to which
several policies that distort production decisions may have beneficial
results for welfare because of insurance considerations that arise from
incomplete markets.(7) One of their findings is that unemployment
insurance has a larger impact on allocations than do severance payments,
but that in both cases the net welfare effect of these policies is still
Aggregate Implications of Microeconomic Consumption Behavior(8)
One of the lines of research conducted within this group is concerned
with modeling the distribution of wealth and saving across households.
Karen Dynan of the Federal Reserve Board, Jonathan S. Skinner, NBER and
Dartmouth College, and Stephen P. Zeldes, NBER and Columbia University,
have developed evidence that households with high levels of permanent
labor income have high lifetime saving rates. Mark Huggett and Gustavo
Ventura of the University of Illinois have examined whether such a
positive correlation between saving and income could arise in a general
equilibrium model in which households experience idiosyncratic shocks
and face a progressive Social Security system. Their model explains a
positive correlation between permanent labor income and saving, in part
because the progressivity of the Social Security system means that low
lifetime - income households have comparatively high income late in
life, and therefore have no need to save for retirement.
One empirical problem for this model, and for most other saving
models with heterogeneous agents and idiosyncratic shocks, is that they
tend to underpredict the wealth-holding of the richest households. Two
projects in the group examine whether the extreme concentration of
wealth in the United states could be reproduced by relaxing the
assumption that all consumers face the same budget opportunities.
Vincenzio Quadrini of the University of Pennsylvania has developed a
model in which households randomly receive entrepreneurial
opportunities, and then choose to invest or not invest. Rios-Rull's
model makes the rate of return a nonlinear function of the level of
wealth, with wealthy consumers earning a higher rate of return. Both of
these models are able to produce aggregate wealth distributions
substantially similar to the empirical wealth distribution in the United
Another longstanding puzzle about wealthholding behavior in the
United States is the small fraction of the household sector's
financial wealth that is invested in risky assets. Michael C. Fratantoni
of Johns Hopkins University has developed a model that shows that the
combination of labor income risk and the risk associated with
homeownership is large enough to induce consumers to hold any remaining
assets mostly or entirely in riskless forms.
Two additional projects relate to the growing body of macroeconomic
literature that has found that survey measures of consumer sentiment,
and particularly measures of unemployment expectations, have substantial
explanatory power for aggregate consumption growth. Nicholas Souleles of
the University of Pennsylvania preliminarily finds that in household
data as in the macroeconomic data, (lagged) consumer sentiment is
correlated positively with current consumption growth. Carroll, Dynan,
and Spencer D. Krane of the Federal Reserve Board have developed a
theoretical model of the relationship between consumers'
unemployment expectations and their wealthholdings. They present
empirical evidence that, as the model predicts, households that face
unusually high unemployment risk hold substantially more net worth than
those with less risk.
Pinelopi K. Goldberg, NBER and Princeton University, and Attanasio
examine a large survey of automobile purchasers to test the implications
of the presence of liquidity constraints for the demand for loans. In
particular, they find that the demand of groups who are more likely to
be liquidity constrained, such as the young, is sensitive to the
maturity of the loans and relatively insensitive to changes in the
interest rate.
A final study, by Michael G. Palumbo, University of Houston, and
coauthors, presents historical data from the late 19th century on saving
patterns by U.S. workers. The authors find that, despite the enormous
institutional changes over the past hundred years, saving behavior in
that era appears to have been remarkably similar to current saving
Diversity of Agents and Specificity of Assets(9)
In macroeconomics, many advances have been made by assuming that
people have similar preferences and that they own similar assets. But
this group is exploring models that drop one or both of these
assumptions. In these models, people and firms are quite different from
one another, and place higher values on their assets than any potential
buyer would.
In one example, Valerie A. Ramey, NBER and University of California,
San Diego, and Matthew D. Shapiro, NBER and University of Michigan, are
using the experience of a failed defense contractor to document the
costs of adapting capital goods from one use to another. Olivier J.
Blanchard and Michael Kremer, both of NBER and MIT, start from the
premise that greater private opportunities made possible by reform in
Eastern Europe may have been responsible for the costly breakdown of
complex economic relationships. Mohamad L. Hammour of Columbia
University and Caballero are exploring the multiple macroeconomic
consequences of unprotected asset specificity.(10)
A number of studies focus on search frictions and the allocation
process. Daron Acemoglu of MIT is investigating the implications of
search for income distribution, whereas Giuseppe Bertola, NBER and
Universit di Torino, and Pietro Garibaldi, Innocenzo Gasparini Institute
for Economic Research, Milan, are considering the implications for the
distribution of wages across different size firms. James S. Costain of
the University of Chicago analyzes unemployment insurance in a general
equilibrium model with precautionary savings. Harold Cole of the Federal
Reserve Bank of Minneapolis and Rogerson are working on an explanation
of the cyclical properties of job creation and job destruction based on
a modified Diamond-Mortensen-Pissarides search model.
One natural way to model asset specificity is with irreversibility
and fixed costs of adjustment. Janice C. Eberly, NBER and University of
Pennsylvania, and John Shea, University of Maryland, test for
differences in the degree of irreversibility among various types of
investment. In order to understand durable goods cycles, Jerome Adda of
the Institut Nationale de la Recherche Agronomique, and Cooper analyze
the recent use of tax policy to stimulate auto demand in France.
Christopher L. Foote of the University of Michigan shows that if there
are costs to hiring and firing workers, the cyclicality of job creation
and destruction within the sector may depend on whether a sector is
growing or declining.
Finally, a number of studies analyze the relationship between
frictions and information revelation. V. V. Chari, University of
Minnesota, and Patrick J. Kehoe, NBER and University of Pennsylvania,
model herding in foreign lending, and Christophe Chamley of Boston
University studies the implications of information dynamics for business
Empirical Methods(11)
This group's concerns are primarily methodological, but its
topics are firmly grounded in applications. The group develops
econometric tools needed for identifying and addressing substantive
issues in empirical macroeconomics. Its activities focus on
characterizing and modeling business cycle dynamics, estimation, and
inference in vector autoregressive models, and estimation of
macroeconomic relationships and models. A common theme, running through
many of the group's activities, is the development of methods for
forecasting economic activity. Much of the group's recent research
will be contained in a forthcoming special symposium "Forecasting
and Empirical Methods in Macroeconomics," in the International
Economic Review.
Dynamics of the Business Cycle
The salient questions in this area are of tremendous practical
importance. For example: How and why do key variables move in parallel
over the cycle? What methods are best for monitoring the cycle in real
time and for quickly identifying business cycle turning points? What
potential exists for forecasting the cycle, and the turning points in
particular? How can we learn from our track record and modify our
methods accordingly? The group is working on a variety of new methods
and models that will help provide answers to these and other questions.
For example, Charles H. Whiteman of the University of Iowa is
developing a Bayesian approach to the construction and estimation of a
dynamic factor model of macroeconomic activity, from which he extracts
an index of leading indicators. His method has been extremely successful
in forecasting economic conditions and in generating state revenue
forecasts in Iowa.
Bruce Hansen of Boston College is developing the statistical
estimation theory for models that capture regime-switching behavior in
the macroeconomy. He is exploring the applicability of such econometric
techniques to macroeconomic models with multiple equilibriums.
Edward B. Montgomery, NBER and University of Maryland, Victor
Zarnowitz, NBER and University of Chicago, and two coauthors assess the
comparative forecasting performance of a variety of linear and nonlinear
models of the U.S. unemployment rate. They find that combining standard
linear forecasts with forecasts from models that allow for asymmetric
behavior in the rise and decline of unemployment improves the accuracy
of the forecasts.
Gabriel Perez-Quiros and Allan Timmermann of the University of
California, San Diego, study the links between real macroeconomic
activity and the stock market. In particular, they characterize the
pattern and magnitude of business cycle variations in U.S. stock
returns. Using a new approach that precisely identifies the stage of the
business cycle, they document patterns that cast doubt on standard
asset-pricing models, but that nevertheless suggest promising directions
for future research.
Estimation, Inference, and Forecasting in Vector Autoregressive (VAR)
VARs are now the dominant framework for empirical macroeconomic
analysis and forecasting, but existing methods provide only very crude
guidance as to the uncertainty associated with VAR parameter estimates,
impulse response estimates, and forecasts. Hence the group is focusing
on key questions such as: Does imposing long-run restrictions on VAR
forecasting models improve the accuracy of long-run forecasts? How can
we accurately assess the uncertainty associated with parameter estimates
and impulse-response estimates from VARs? How can we accurately assess
the uncertainty associated with our forecasts, especially long-horizon
Peter Christoffersen of the IMF and Diebold explore the effects of
imposing cointegration on VARs. Imposing cointegration guarantees that
long-horizon forecasts hang together in reasonable ways. Christoffersen
and Diebold nevertheless show that, contrary to popular belief, imposing
cointegration does not improve long-horizon forecasts when forecast
accuracy is evaluated using standard measures. They conclude that the
standard accuracy measures are deficient in an important respect, and
they suggest alternatives.
Stock examines long-horizon point forecasts and prediction intervals
when variables are nearly co-integrated. To do so, he uses asymptotic
methods in which the forecast horizon is a fixed fraction of the sample
size. Based on this notion he compares the standard approaches to
long-horizon forecasting with several alternatives. He finds that
standard point forecasts in VARs and vector error correction models tend
to be biased, and the associated standard interval forecasts tend to
have distorted coverage. The performance of the alternative methods is
Stock and Watson propose procedures for computing confidence
intervals for parameters in VARs with highly persistent data, without
making rigid assumptions about the nature of the persistence. They are
applying their methods to obtaining improved estimates of the
relationships among money, aggregate output, and interest rates.
Lutz Kilian of the University of Michigan analyzes the related
problem of bias in VAR impulse response estimates, which play an
important role in empirical macroeconomics. He proposes a bootstrap confidence interval designed to account for both the bias and the
skewness in the impulse response distribution. He shows that this
bootstrap interval is more accurate than alternative methods.
Christopher A. Sims, NBER and Yale University, and Tao Zha, Federal
Reserve Bank of Atlanta, develop Bayesian methods for forecasting with
VARs. They attempt to bridge the middle ground between traditional
Bayesian reduced-form models and explicitly structural econometric
models. Sims and Zha's main focus is on improving existing
equation-by-equation estimation methods and on quantifying forecast
Traditional instrumental-variable estimation remains an important
tool in applied research. However, little is known about measuring
instrument relevance. To aid in the selection of instruments, Shea
proposes a new test for instrument relevance in multivariate linear
Generalized method of moments (GMM) estimation, another
instrumental-variable technique, suffers from a lack of constructive
diagnostic tests for assessing the adequacy of a fitted model. Fallaw
Sowell of Carnegie-Mellon University proposes new tests for violations
of moment conditions in the GMM framework. Unlike existing tests,
Sowell's test has power against both parameter instability and
violations of overidentifying restrictions.
Can we develop estimation methods for dynamic macroeconomic models
that are better grounded in statistical theory than
"calibration" techniques, yet structured enough to enable the
incorporation of stochastic restrictions from economic theory? David
DeJong, University of Pittsburgh, Beth Ingram, and Whiteman estimate the
parameters of a neoclassical business cycle model using a fully Bayesian
procedure. They also quantify the sources of business cycle
fluctuations. Their procedure provides an alternative to the informal
calibration exercises that are now prevalent in the macroeconomic
1 My paper begins, "Over the last thirty years, the theory and
practice of economic dynamics has undergone an extraordinary
transformation. Robert Lucas has been and continues to be the leader of
this transformation. He has provided economists with new tools and new
ways of thinking about dynamic problems. Moreover, in the process, he
has provided new answers to many of the problems of greatest concern to
macroeconomists. From investment to unemployment, economic growth to
monetary policy, monetary theories of the business cycle to the income
distribution, one can find a seminal and path-breaking analysis from
2 Led by Charles I. Jones, Stanford University, and Alwyn Young, NBER
and Boston University.
3 Led by Roland Benabou, NBER and New York University, Steven
Durlauf, NBER and University of Wisconsin, and Oded Galor, Brown
4 Led by Russell Cooper, NBER and Boston University.
5 Led by Richard Rogerson, University of Minnesota, and Randall
Wright, University of Pennsylvania.
6 S. Millard and D. T. Mortenson, "The Unemployment and Welfare
Effects of Labor Market Policy"
7 F. Alvarez and M. Veracierto, "Welfare Effects of Job
Security: Provisions Under Imperfect Insurance Markets"
8 Led by Orazio Attanasio, NBER and University College, London,
Christopher D. Carroll, NBER and Johns Hopkins University, and
Jose-Victor Rios-Rull, Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis.
9 Led by Ricardo J. Caballero, NBER and MIT, Andrew Caplin, NBER and
New York University, and John V. Leaby, NBER and Harvard University.
10 R. J. Caballero and M. L. Hammour, "The Macroeconomics of
Specificity," NBER Working Paper No. 5757, September 1996.
11 Led by Francis X. Diebold, NBER and University of Pennsylvania,
and Kenneth D. West, NBER and University of Wisconsin.
Robert E. Hall is a professor of economics at Stanford University and
director of the NBER's Program in Economic Fluctuations and Growth.