Working under different rules.
Freeman, Richard B.
For the past four years, many members of the NBER's Program in
Labor Studies have been examining how labor markets and income
maintenance systems work in the major developed countries: the United
States and its trading partners and competitors in the world economy.
The "Working Under Different Rules" project, funded largely by
a grant from the Ford Foundation, has focused on: the determination of
wages and the inequality of wages in different countries (directed by
Lawrence F. Katz and me); training of workers (directed by Lisa M.
Lynch); income maintenance programs (directed by Rebecca M. Blank);
works council modes of worker representation (directed by Joel Rogers and Wolfgang Streeck); and extreme poverty (directed by David E. Bloom).
An additonal related project, culminating in the book described later in
this NBER Reporter, contrasted labor markets in Canada and the United
States (directed by David Card and me).
On May 7, 1993, the project's leaders presented summaries of
the work of their research teams at a conference in Washington, DC.
These summaries will be published in a volume titled Working Under
Different Rules. Also, the research papers written for each of the
projects will be published by the University of Chicago Press. My
intention in this report is to provide just a brief overview of the
entire project.
We conceived this project in response to the difficult time that
many American workers have had in the past two decades. Real wages have
fallen for the less-educated worker. Inequality in earnings and
employment opportunities among workers with different characteristics
has increased. Unionism in the private sector has declined. And,
poverty has increased for large segments of the population, although not
among the elderly.
Of course, the 1980s were difficult for workers in much of Europe
and in Canada as well. In those countries, unemployment went from below
to above U.S. levels. Perhaps even more important, unlike in the United
States, unemployed people remained jobless (albeit with relatively
generous benefits that partially induced the longer unemployment spells)
for several years. For instance, 6 percent of the unemployed in the
United States in 1991 were out of work for a year or more, compared to
37 percent in France, and 51 percent in Spain. The contrasting
unemployment experiences of the United States and Europe in the 1980s
generated widespread discussion of the American jobs miracle, and of the
virtues of "flexibility American style." Some observers
thought that the United States had all the "answers" to the
economic problems of the 1980s, and that Europe had much to learn from
us, while we had nothing to learn from them.
The basic premise of our project was more measured: that while the
United States had some positive outcomes in the labor market in the
1980s, it also had some negative ones. Thus, perhaps there was
something Americans could learn from the labor market experiences and
the social programs of Europe, Japan, and Canada.
Wage Inequality
Is the U.S. pattern of rising wage differentials and wage
inequality among workers with different levels of education a universal
development in advanced capitalist economies? Or, have some countries
not experienced huge increases in wage inequality? The evidence
collected for the 1980s shows that increases in wage inequality were
most substantial in the United States and Great Britain. Because the
increased inequality in Britain occurred while real wages were rising,
low-paid British workers actually realized modest increases in their
real wages over the decade. By contrast, low-paid American workers had
sizable decreases in their real wages.
Wage inequality rose, but by much less, in Canada, Japan, and in
continental Europe. Inequality barely changed in France and Italy, fell
in the Netherlands, and rose much less in Sweden and Germany than in the
United States. Nowhere did the ratio of the earnings of college
graduates to less-educated workers rise as much as in the United States.
Indeed, earnings differentials by education actually declined in the
rapidly growing Korean economy during the same period.
What differentiates countries with wage differentials that are
increasing slightly, or stable, from countries such as the United
States, which experienced large increases in inequality? Basically,
three things: (1) countries with fairly stable wage differentials place
more emphasis on wagesetting institutions than the United States does;
(2) they also either have maintained the strength of unions or have
experienced smaller declines in unionization than the United States; and
(3) they have a better training system for their less-educated workers.
Many European countries have wage-setting systems that are
relatively centralized, either because of government policies or because
of strong trade unions. In some countries, the government extends
contracts from union to nonunion workers; this makes collective
bargaining the key to wage determination, even with only moderate or
modest union representation. In both Germany and France, for example,
the ministers of labor extend contracts negotiated between employer
federations and unions to all employers in that particular sector. The
French rely heavily on the national minimum wage in setting wages for
all workers. Wagesetting in Italy and Sweden is relatively centralized,
too. Italy's Scala Mobile, a centrally negotiated wage for
low-paid workers, pushed up the bottom of the earnings distribution in
Italy in the 1980s. In Sweden, bargaining between the main
employers' federation and the main blue collar union federation
reduced wage inequality through 1983. But centralized wagesetting
weakened in Sweden later in the 1980s, and earnings differentials began
to widen.
The extent of union representation of workers also influences wage
inequality. Both the United States and the United Kingdom had large
declines in union penetration and, as noted, large increases in wage
inequality during the 1980s. By contrast, Canada maintained a high
level of union density and had smaller increases in inequality. Much of
the greater rise in inequality in the United States than in Canada is
attributable to the continued strength of Canadian unions.
Changes in the supply of workers with different levels of education
also contributed to the differing trends in wage inequality. In the
United States, growth of the college-educated work force decelerated
greatly in the 1980s. By contrast, Canada and the Netherlands had
sizable increases in the number of college graduates relative to high
school graduates in the work force. As a consequence, Canada had only
modest increases in the college--high school wage differential, and the
Netherlands had modestly declining wage differentials.
In every country that we examined, the change in the relative
supplies of workers with certain levels of education influenced relative
wages. We would expect shifts in the industry or occupation mix of a
country's demand for labor in favor of more-skilled workers to
improve the relative earnings of those workers, too. But these shifts
do not appear to have contributed substantially to the different trends
in earnings inequality across countries. That is because all of the
countries we study had similar shifts, favoring the more educated. Only
in Japan and Korea do shifts in industry structure--notably the
continued strength of manufacturing employment--help to account for
their distinct change in relative wages.
Worker Training
Worker training differs across countries in many ways. Some
countries base their training systems largely on the firm. Other
countries rely more on government training programs, or on school-based
or individual training decisions. Evidence on the returns to training
for individuals in the form of wages, and for firms in the form of
productivity, suggests that company-based training has the highest
payoff. Presumably this is because it is linked more directly to the
skills needed at the particular workplace. By contrast, informal
"learning by doing" raises worker productivity in the short
run but not in the long run. Government-led and school-based job
training systems have only marginal effects on wages.
How do countries develop a successful firm-based training system?
Germany and Japan are exemplary, and their experiences show that such a
system requires considerable institutional support. In Germany, unions
and works councils help to determine the content of training in
apprenticeship programs. Upon completion of a program, trainees receive
national certificates of skills. In addition to certification, the
government provides schooling that complements the workplace training.
Finally, government regulations make it costly to hire young people from
outside of the apprenticeship system; local chambers of commerce also
exert pressures against firms "poaching" trained workers.
In Japan, there is little mobility of labor in and out of large
firms, but workers rotate jobs within firms. Thus, workers build skills
in a variety of broadly defined jobs at a company. Furthermore, all
high school graduates have mastered similar skills, and there are strong
links between firms and schools. So a worker's performance in high
school is the key to obtaining a job with a good firm that provides
workplace training. Thus, the lesson from both Germany and Japan is
that developing a good workplace-based training system requires a range
of institutional support, from schools, government, and so on.
Do differences in training systems contribute to the different
trends that we observe in inequality of earnings or in productivity
growth? Our estimates show that formal firm-based training pays off in
terms of earnings. Evidence on who gets training across countries shows
that in the United States, most firm training programs are for white
collar and educated workers. The limited training for blue collar
workers is more remedial here than in other countries. Since training
builds skills, and the more skills high school graduates have, the
better they can compete with more-educated workers, it is likely that
the better-trained, less-educated workers in, say Germany or Japan, are
closer substitutes for college graduates than in the United States.
Thus, when the job market favored more educated workers in the 1980s,
there was less pressure for changes in earnings differentials in those
countries than in the United States.
Worker Representation
In the United States, unions are the sole form of worker
representation. But in recent years, union representation in the
private sector has fallen to 11 percent of the workplace--comparable to
its level before the New Deal. The National Labor Relations Board has
frowned on company-sponsored committees of workers, viewing them as an
anti-union device. So, many American workers are without a voice at
their firms.
In contrast, all continental European countries have legally
mandated works councils inside firms. How do these councils operate?
The particulars of works councils differ across countries, but they have
several common features.
In Europe, works councils are mandated legally in all firms above a
given size. However, this does not mean that a government regulator forces councils onto firms whose workers and management do not want
them; rather, either side can insist upon their formation. Works
councils have legal rights to information about the performance of the
firm as it relates to labor issues. They also have rights to
"consultation" about changes in labor and personnel policies.
In Germany, but not elsewhere in Europe, the councils have the
right to settle disputes with management by arbitration. In Canada,
works councils deal solely with occupational health and safety issues.
The mode of choosing workers to sit on a council is left to the
enterprise, with the requirement that councilors be
"representative." In all countries except Spain, councils
cannot strike and do not negotiate wages.
During the 1980s, when union membership fell in many countries and
union influence declined in almost all countries, works councils
flourished. In Canada, both management and labor agree that mandated
health and safety councils have been superior to government regulation
in overseeing workplace health and safety. In France, where unions are
in disarray; in Italy, where many institutions are in disarray; and in
Germany and Belgium, where unions remain strong, works councils provide
a forum for cooperative labor-management relations and a place for
workers to voice concerns and influence management decisions.
The general consensus for the countries studied in the NBER project
is that councils help to create productive labor relations. This is
true both where management has an extensive influence on councils, as in
France, and where unions have an extensive influence on councils, as in
Germany. Moreover, the growing role of councils in European countries
with very different union and labor systems, and in a period when
unionism is waning, suggests that they are a "robust"
institutional form for labor-management relations. The councils seem
more suited for dealing with the ongoing decentralization of collective
bargaining and for building worker voice within enterprises than many
traditional trade unions are.
Income Maintenance and Social Insurance Systems
Many economists and social observers, unfamiliar with the equivocal evidence for the widely studied American welfare system,(1) have blamed
the more extensive income maintenance systems and employment regulations
of Western Europe for continued high unemployment and related economic
ills. There are some fairly clear examples of poorly constructed
programs, including sick leave in Sweden, which have had substantial
adverse effects on working; and of unemployment insurance programs that
extend periods of joblessness. But our study of a host of different
programs in different countries shows that, in general, these programs
do not have major efficiency costs.
One reason is that many European programs require people to work in
order to receive benefits. In France, for instance, the combination of
time limits on welfare payments and the availability of public daycare
leads many single women to leave welfare and go to work when their child
reaches age three. In Sweden, employer benefits such as maternity leave are generous, so single mothers are more likely to have worked before
they have a child. Other European programs, such as tenant protection
or subsidies for homeownership, primarily affect residence decisions and
have only a minor impact on labor mobility.
Another reason that European social programs do not necessarily
have a negative effect is that firms or individuals find ways around
them. For instance, employment security laws in Germany, France, and
Belgium force firms to adjust their number of employees more slowly than
they might like when market conditions change. But firms in these
countries simply adjust the hours each employee works instead.
In Spain, there is considerable noncompliance with high payroll
taxes mandated to pay for health care. In firms that evade those social
security taxes, the workers are like American workers who do not have
employer health coverage. However, most of the Spanish workers have
family members in a firm that pays the social security taxes. Thus,
those firms end up providing health care for the entire family.
In an attempt to increase labor market flexibility, several
European countries sought to reform their income maintenance and
employment regulations in the 1980s. Their success was marginal at best,
and did not "cure" the European unemployment problem:
unemployment in Great Britain was at least as high after Mrs.
Thatcher's reforms as before. Both our studies of specific
programs and the recent historical experience suggest that social
protection programs should not be judged by their secondary effects on
aggregate economic performance. Assessing these programs involves
comparing how well they accomplish their goals as compared to their
costs, which include the potential distortionary costs that result from
their changing incentives in undesirable ways.
Extreme Poverty(2)
The failure of the United States to alleviate the problems of very
poor people--those in the bottom 5 percent or so of the income
distribution--stands in sharp contrast to its general economic success.
Despite our high standard of living, the very poor are worse off in
absolute terms here than in other countries. Those at the very bottom
of the income distribution appear to be affected very little by overall
income growth or the median level of income. Specific policies toward
these people, not general economic growth, seem to be the only way to
solve their problems.
But well-meaning policies do not always work. For example,
Australia's generous funding for aborigines living in their native
areas seemingly backfired by inducing low labor participation and
extensive social problems. In contrast, European countries with welfare
systems that require work to get benefits have managed to keep
female-headed households out of extreme poverty. In part, this is
because women in those countries who have out-of-wedlock births tend to
do so later in their lives than American women do, after they have
received an education or some work experience.
The "Working Under Different Rules" project had two main
goals. First, we wanted to discover whether other advanced countries
had labor market problems similar to those plaguing the United States.
Then, we hoped to learn which policies or institutions had enabled those
countries to overcome the labor market problems we share.
We found that some changes have been more substantial in the United
States than elsewhere--the rise in income inequality and the loss of
worker representation --and that extreme poverty is greater in the
United States than in other countries. Since other countries have coped
better than the United States with the shift in demand for labor away
from less-skilled workers, with union weakness, and with the
difficulties of the very poor, we learned at a minimum that these
problems are not inexorable and irremediable. Even the modest
differences in income maintenance policy between the United States and
Canada--a stronger unemployment benefit system and family income
maintenance system in Canada--greatly affect the poverty rate, for
example. And the modest differences in labor law between the United
States and Canada account for at least some of the differing pattern of
unionization in the two countries, with consequences for income
We also found that most social protection programs have only modest
side effects on the efficacy of the labor market in Europe. Programs
that require people to work before being eligible for benefits minimize
the risk that people will choose to take government aid rather than
working. The primary effects of many European programs are on the
well-being of the people they were designed to help. Given this, it is
not surprising that the diverse European efforts to solve unemployment
by weakening labor regulations, enhancing labor market flexibility, and
reducing the welfare state have not worked, at least not yet.
We observed that the effects of specific programs and institutions
depend on the environment of other institutions and policies in which
they operate. German and Japanese training institutions, in particular,
require considerable institutional support to be successful. Thus, we
learned that a set of interrelated programs has a greater chance of
succeeding than a single program designed to resolve a given problem.
We also note that the experience of countries in the 1980s is
consistent with two potential trade-offs. First, countries such as the
United States that had a poor record in productivity and real wage
growth had better experiences with employment. Except for Japan, no
country managed to do well on both of these levels. Second, countries
that maintained stable wage distributions had worse experiences with
employment (again excluding Japan). This suggests a second possible
trade-off--between income inequality and employment--in an era when
market forces favored the better educated. The notion that any country
has a "lock" on the right institutions or policies is simply
not true, although the Japanese, as we all know, have an enviable growth
Specific papers in the "Working Under Different Rules"
project reported on some successful and some unsuccessful labor market
and income maintenance programs outside the United States. Of
particular import for the United States are welfare programs that
require or encourage, rather than discourage, work; and institutions
that buttress training for less-educated workers. Of course, the United
States has distinct features that make it infeasible to
"import" foreign practices. What works in Japan, or Europe,
or Canada, may not fit with American social and economic practices.
And, it is logically possible (although unlikely) that what fails in
some other advanced country might work here. Still, a solid body of
information about foreign experiences does provide insights for the
design of institutions or programs that might better our situation.
R. M. Blank, ed., Social Protection Versus Economic Flexibility:
Is There a Trade-Off? Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1994,
Abraham, K. G. and S. N. Houseman, "Does Employment Protection
Inhibit Labor Market Flexibility?
Lessons from Germany, France, and Belgium" Blank, R. M.,
"Public Sector Growth and Labor Market Flexibility: The United
States Versus the United Kingdom"
Blank, R. M. and R. B. Freeman, "Evaluating the Connection
Between Social Protection and Economic Flexibility"
R. M. Blank, ed., Social Protection Versus Economic Flexibility:
Is There a Trade-Off? Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1994,
forthcoming Abraham, K. G. and S. N. Houseman, "Does Employment
Protection Inhibit Labor Market Flexibility? Lessons from Germany,
France, and Belgium" Blank, R. M., "Public Sector Growth and
Labor Market Flexibility: The United States Versus the United
Kingdom" Blank, R. M. and R. B. Freeman, "Evaluating the
Connection Between Social Protection and Economic Flexibility"
Borsch-Supan, A., "Housing Market Regulations and Housing Market
Performance in the United States, Germany, and Japan" De La Rica,
S. and T. Lemieux, "Does Public Health Insurance Reduce Labor
Market Flexibility or Encourage the Underground Economy? Evidence from
Spain and the United States" Hanratty, M. J., "Social Welfare
Programs for Women and Children: The United States Versus France"
Holtz-Eakin, D., "Health Insurance Provision and Labor Market
Efficiency in the United States and Germany" Montgomery, E. B.,
"Patterns in Regional Labor Market Adjustment: The United States
Versus Japan" Rebick, M. E., "Social Security and Older
Workers' Labor Market Responsiveness: The United States, Japan,
and Sweden" Scherer, P., "Trends in Social Protection Programs
and Expenditures in the 1980s" Stafford, F. P. and S. Gustafsson,
"Three Regimes of Childcare: The United States, the Netherlands,
and Sweden"
D. Card and R. B. Freeman, eds., Small Differences That Matter:
Labor Markets and Income Maintenance in Canada and the United States,
Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1993 Blackburn, M. L. and D. E.
Bloom, "The Distribution of Family Income: Measuring and Explaning
Changes in the 1980s for Canada and the United States" Blank, R. M.
and M. J. Hanratty, "Responding to Need: A Comparison of Social
Safety Nets in the United States and Canada" Borjas, G. J.,
"Immigration Policy, National Origin, and Immigrant Skills: A
Comparison of Canada and the United States" Card, D. and W. C.
Riddell, "A Comparative Analysis of Unemployment in Canada and the
United States" Freeman, R. B. and K. Needels, "Skill
Differentials in Canada in an Era of Rising Labor Market
Inequality" Lemieux, T., "Unions and Wage Inequality in Canada
and in the United States" Riddell, W. C., "Unionization in
Canada and the United States: A Tale of Two Countries"
R. B. Freeman, ed., Working Under Different Rules, New York:
Russell Sage Foundation, 1993, forthcoming
Blank, R. M., "A Trade-Off Between Social Protection and
Economic Flexibility?" Card, D. and R. B. Freeman, "Small
Differences That Matter: Canada Versus the United States" Freeman,
R. B. and L. F. Katz, "Rising Wage Inequality: The United States
Versus Other Advanced Countries" Freeman, R. B., "Learning
from Foreign Experiences" Lynch, L., "Payoffs to Alternative
Training Strategies at Work" Rogers, J. and W. Streeck,
"Workplace Representation Overseas: The Works Council Story"
R. B. Freeman and L. F. Katz, eds., Differences and Changes in Wage
Structures, Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1994, forthcoming
Abowd, J. and M. Bognanno, "International Differences in Executive
and Managerial Compensation" Abraham, K. G. and S. Houseman,
"Earnings Inequality in Germany" Blanchflower, D. G. and A. J.
Oswald, "International Wage Curves" Blau, F. D. and L. Kahn,
"The Gender Earnings Gap: Some International Evidence" Edin,
P. and B. Holmlund, "The Swedish Wage Structure: The Rise and Fall
of Solidarity Wage Policy" Erickson, C. and A. Ichino, "Wage
Differentials in Italy: Market Forces, Institutions, and Inflation"
Freeman, R. B. and R. Gibbons, "Getting Together and Breaking
Apart: The Decline of Centralized Collective Bargaining" Gregory,
R. and F. Vella, "Aspects of Real Wage and Employment Changes in
the Australian Male Labor Market" Katz, L. F., G. Loveman, and D.
G. Blanchflower, "A Comparison of Changes in the Structure of Wages
in Four OECD Countries" Kim, D. and R. Topel, "Labor Markets
and Economic Growth: Lessons from Korea's Industrialization,
1970-90" Krueger, A. B. and J. Pischke, "A Comparative
Analysis of East and West German Labor Markets Before and After
Unification" Schmitt, J., "The Changing Structure of Male
Earnings in Britain, 1974-88"
L. M. Lynch, ed., Training and the Private Sector: International
Comparisons, Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1994, forthcoming
Berg, P. B., "Strategic Adjustments in Training: A Comparative
Analysis of the United States and German Automobile Industries"
Bishop, J. H., "The Impact of Previous Training in Schools and on
Productivity, Required OJT, and Turnover of New Hires"
Blanchflower, D. G. and L. M. Lynch, "Training at Work: A
Comparison of U.S. and British Youths" Cameron, S. V. and J. J.
Heckman, "Determinants of Young Male Schooling and Training
Choices" Dolton, P. J., G. H. Makepeace, and J. G. Treble,
"Public and Private Sector Training of Young People in
Britain" Elias, P., E. Hernaes, and M. Baker, "Vocational
Education and Training in Britain and Norway" Groot, W., J. Hartog,
and H. Oostebeek, "Returns to Within-Company Schooling of
Employees: The Case of the Netherlands" Hashimoto, M.,
"Employment-Based Training in Japanese Firms in Japan and the
United States: Experiences of Automobile Manufacturing" Oulton, N.
and H. Steedman, "The British System of Youth Training: A
Comparison with Germany" Soskice, D., "Reconciling Markets and
The German Apprenticeship System" Weiss, A.,
"Productivity Changes Without Formal Training"
J. Rogers and W. Streeck, eds., Employee Participation and Works
Councils, Chicago: University of Chicago Press, forthcoming Bernard,
E., "Works Councils in North America" Brulin, G.,
"Sweden" Escobar, M., "Spain" Freeman, R. B. and E.
Lazear, "Economic Theory of Works Councils" Levitas, A. and M.
Federowicz, "Poland" Lukacs, J., "Hungary"
Muller-Jentsch, W., "Germany" Regalia, I., "Italy"
Rogers, J. and B. Wooten, "United States" Streeck, W. and S.
Vitols, "Multinational European Companies" Visser, J.,
"The Netherlands"