Economic fluctuations.
Hall, Robert E.
Economic Fluctuations
Robert E. Hall
The research activities of the NBER's Program on Economic
Fluctuations are arranged through a number of small working groups as
well as in individual projects. This report surveys the activities of
the working groups and highlights several studies presented at the
program's major research meetings.
Another important responsibility of the program is the preparation
of the Bureau's business cycle chronology, a function carried out
by the seven-member Business Cycle Dating Committee.
The 1990 Business Cycle Peak
The Business Cycle Dating Committee conferred twice in the past
year. In December 1990, the committee reviewed the evidence on the
decline in real activity in the U.S. economy starting during the
previous summer. At that time, the committee concluded that the economy
probably had reached a peak at some point in the summer, but there was
insufficient evidence of a deep enough contraction to enter the peak
into the NBER's chronology. In other words, the committee's
opinion was that the economy probably was in a recession, but the
evidence was not strong enough to make a definitive pronouncement.
Traditionally, the NBER has not made an announcement on a business
cycle peak or trough until there was almost no doubt that the date would
not be revised in the light of subsequent availability of data. A number
of previous episodes have challenged the Bureau's dating process.
In 1967, the economy paused dramatically during a period of otherwise
strong growth. Many economists considered the period a recession. But
the Bureau concluded that the depth of the decline of the economy was
considerably less than its standard for a recession.
In 1973 and 1974, the economy stopped growing and real activity
remained almost constant. In late 1974, real activity plunged and the
economy entered what was then the most severe contraction since the
Great Depression. The Bureau placed the peak of the cycle in November
1973, following the principle that once an episode is identified as a
recession, the peak is when real activity reached its peak, even if the
sharp plunge characteristic of a recession occurs many months later.
The recession of 1980 presented a rather different challenge. Real
activity rebounded strongly from the trough in July 1980, but began
contracting again in mid-1981. Was 1980 a separate recession, or was it
part of the beginning of the severe recession of 1981-2?
The National Bureau of Economic Research is a private, nonprofit
research organization founded in 1920 and devoted to objective
quantitative analysis of the American economy. Its officers and board of
directors are:
Chairman - George T. Conklin, Jr.
Vice Chairman - Paul W. McCracken
Treasurer - Charles A. Walworth
President and Chief Executive Officer - Martin Feldstein
Executive Director - Geoffrey Carliner
Director of Finance and Administration - Sam Parker
John Herron Biggs Paul W. McCracken
Andrew Brimmer Leo Melamed
Carl F. Christ Michael H. Moskow
George T. Conklin, Jr. James J. O'Leary
Kathleen B. Cooper Robert T. Parry
Jean A. Crockett Peter G. Peterson
George C. Eads Robert V. Roosa
Morton Ehrlich Richard N. Rosett
Martin Feldstein Bert Seidman
George Hatsopoulos Eli Shapiro
Lawrence R. Klein Donald S. Wasserman
Franklin A. Lindsay
Jagdish W. Bhagwati, Columbia William C. Brainard, Yale Glen Cain,
Wisconsin Franklin Fisher, Massachusetts Institute of Technology Jonathan R. T. Hughes, Northwestern Saul Hymans, Michigan Marjorie B.
McElroy, Duke James L. Pierce, California, Berkeley Andrew Postlewaite,
Pennsylvania Nathan Rosenberg, Stanford Harold Shapiro, Princeton Craig
Swan, Minnesota Michael Yoshino, Harvard Arnold Zellner, Chicago
Rueben C. Buse, American Agricultural Economics Association Richard
A. Easterlin, Economic History Association Gail Fosler, The Conference
Board Ronald Gallant, American Statistical Association Robert S. Hamada,
American Finance Association David Kendrick, American Economic
Association Ben Laden, National Association of Business Economists
Rudolph A. Oswald, American Federation of Labor and Congress
of Industrial Organizations Dean P. Phypers, Committee for Economic
Development Douglas D. Purvis, Canadian Economics Association Charles A.
Walworth, American Institute of Certified Public
The committee concluded that 1980 truly was a separate recession,
because real activity reached a level at the next peak, July 1981, above
its level of the previous peak, January 1980. The committee has reviewed
all three of these decisions well after the fact, and has concluded that
the original decisions were correct.
In April, the committee had additional data showing that real
activity had contracted sharply at the end of 1990. Earlier doubts about
the depth of the contraction were resolved. The monthly series
considered most seriously by the committee were total employment, real
manufacturing and trade sales, industrial production, and real personal
income. All of these series turned down during the summer and showed
sufficiently large contractions by early 1991 to meet the
committee's criterion for depth. The indicators reached peaks in
different months, with employment peaking first and industrial
production last. The committee selected July 1990 as the overall peak in
real activity.
As this report is being written, there are indications that the
economy may have passed the trough of activity and may have entered the
recovery phase of the business cycle. Consistent with its earlier
practices, the committee will wait until the recovery is fully evident
in the data before entering a date for the trough into the chronology.
Research Meetings
The program holds research meetings in February in Palo Alto, in
July at the Bureau's Summer Institute in Cambridge, and in October
in Cambridge. The papers discussed at research meetings are at an
intermediate stage of development, roughly at the point of distribution
as NBER Working Papers.
At the research meeting in July 1989, organized by Andrei Shleifer and Lawrence H. Summers, Steven Davis and John C. Haltiwanger presented
the first results of a major research project that has attracted a great
deal of subsequent attention. Davis and Haltiwanger carry out their
research within the Bureau of the Census, where they have access to data
on employment by firm. Confidentiality requirements prohibit the
distribution of the data to outside researchers. The authors have
examined the ways that employment rises and falls at the plant level
over the business cycle. They find that the sharp decline in employment
that occurs during a recession is the result of large drops in
employment at a minority of firms. Many firms continue to expand
employment at normal rates during recessions. One implication of their
findings is that many more workers move through the labor market during
contractions than during booms.
At the same meeting, Lawrence Ausubel, an industrial organization
economist, presented a challenging paper on the profitability of the
credit card business. He found that competition has not depressed the
profit on an incremental credit card customer at a bank; on the
contrary, credit card accounts change hands among banks at a
considerable premium over the amount owed by the customer. His results
are important for macro-economists who need to choose between strictly
competitive models of financial markets and those with information
limitations and other departures from the competitive model.
At the research meeting in February 1990, Joseph G. Altonji, Fumio
Hayashi, and Laurence J. Kotlikoff discussed the association between the
consumption levels of related households. According to a famous
hypothesis advanced by Robert J. Barro, related families may make
transfers between themselves to offset misfortunes in one family or
windfalls in another. If so, only the joint income of two related
families should matter for the consumption of either family - the
family's own income should have no influence beyond that of joint
income. Altonji, Hayashi, and Kotlikoff test this implication and reject
it strongly.
The program's research meeting in July 1990, organized by
Russell Cooper and Steven N. Durlauf, featured papers on
complementaries. Research in this area of macroeconomics pursues the
idea that positive interactions among firms or other economic units can
amplify the effects of external driving forces. Macro-economists
starting with Keynes have looked for amplification mechanisms, because
the driving forces seem weak in comparison to the strength of the
business cycle. A paper by Marianne Baxter and Robert G. King showed
that within the type of business cycle model pioneered by Edward
Prescott, the introduction of complementarities can resolve some of the
failures of earlier models to reproduce the actual behavior of the U.S.
At the research meeting in October 1990, Robert B. Barsky and
Elizabeth Warner discussed research on retail pricing over the seasonal
cycle. Their work pursues the idea developed by Jeffrey A. Miron and
others, including Barsky, that there is a useful analogy between
seasonal cycles and business cycles. Many of the same features of the
movements of important variables over the business cycle also show in
the seasonal cycle. One of these is the lack of cyclical movements in
prices, in the presence of large changes in demand over both the
seasonal cycle and the business cycle. Barsky and Warner examine the
behavior of the prices of about two dozen products that are popular
Christmas presents, from the beginning of the shopping season in
mid-November until the conclusion of the post-Christmas season in
January. They find little tendency for the prices of standardized
products, such as consumer electronics, to rise during the period of
high demand or to fall in January. The phenomenon of sales is important
in their findings: sales are most common on the Friday after
Thanksgiving, but remain important throughout the Christmas season.
(Barsky and Warner were motivated to examine this issue by an
interchange between two participants in the program's research
meeting in July 1987.)
In February 1991, Jess Benhabib, Richard Rogerson, and Randall
Wright presented an analysis of labor supply with a focus on changes in
the level of employment over the business cycle. The traditional view of
labor supply sees the worker dividing time between the labor market and
nonwork activities, often called leisure. These authors look at the
problem in a different way. They picture the individual as deciding
between work in the market and work at home. The analysis leads to the
conclusion that market work is more likely to be volatile when the
alternative activity is work at home rather than leisure.
In the past decade, macroeconomists have given little attention to
the important topic of the effect of monetary policy on real economic
activity. Many of the models considered at research meetings of the
Program on Economic Fluctuations imply that monetary policy has little
or no influence on output or employment, while at the same time most of
the participants believe that monetary policy in the actual U.S. economy
is a major influence on these variables. Two of the papers scheduled for
the program's July 1991 meeting, one by King and one by Lawrence J.
Christiano and Martin S. Eichenbaum, make up for this neglect.
Research Groups
Much of the activity of the economic fluctuations program occurs in
its research groups. A typical group has about 10 members and meets
twice a year, once at the Summer Institute and once during the academic
year, sometimes in conjunction with a research meeting. A group is
created and convened by an organizer or a pair of coorganizers. Groups
tend to be focused on relatively narrow research topics of current
interest and usually last about two or three years. Some group members
are affiliated with the NBER but many others are not. Groups often
include advanced graduate students and new faculty members.
Cooper is the organizer of the oldest active group in the program,
dating from 1986 and dealing with issues of macroeconomic complementarities. The current research topics in his group include
overhead costs and economic fluctuations (Mohamad Hammour), growth and
unemployment (Peter Howitt), international currency (Nobuhiro Kiyotaki),
and business cycles in a model with multiple steady states (Peter
This year Ricardo J. Caballero and Andrew Caplin have created a new
group on nonconvexities in macroeconomics. The common idea in this
research is that fixed costs and increasing returns can help explain
certain macroeconomic phenomena not explained by the standard
neoclassical model with constant returns. Caballero, and also Janice
Eberly, are studying consumer purchases of durables. The nonconvexity in
durables arises because of their "lumpiness." A family cannot
buy a fraction of a car when it needs more transportation.
Caballero's model, which carefully aggregates individual decisions
about the purchase of lumpy durables, shows us why modern models of
aggregate consumption fail to account for the time-series properties of
durables purchases. Eberly has developed methods for dealing with
nonconvexities in studying microdata on durables purchases from
individual families. Boyan Jovanovic is studying the Great Depression
with the framework of models with nonconvexities in which a low-level
equilibrium is possible. Roland Benabou is developing models of urban
development - where transportation costs create a nonconvexity - and
thus pursuing the analogy between the agglomeration of economic activity
in space and its agglomeration in time (the business cycle).
Since 1989, Christiano and Eichenbaum have been in charge of a
research group on impulses and propagation mechanisms. As part of his
role in the group, Eichenbaum has been working on labor hoarding over
the business cycle. John Donaldson has been considering whether
aggregate fluctuations can be caused by random shocks hitting individual
sectors of the economy. Anton Braun and Charles Evans have been
investigating the relationship between seasonal and cyclical activity
within real business cycle or equilibrium macro models. Also within this
group, King has developed his work on money and the business cycle.
Davis has organized a group on labor market dynamics and aggregate
fluctuations. Within the group, Jeremy Greenwood, Rogerson, and Wright
are studying housing and durables in a real business cycle model. Harry
J. Holzer is analyzing data on job vacancies at the firm level. Tito
Boeri, pursuing ideas developed by Davis and Haltiwanger, is using data
on employment changes for firms in Germany. Ana Aizcorbe is studying
cyclical labor issues, including productivity and labor hoarding, in the
U.S. auto business.
Frank Diebold and Durlauf lead a group on common elements of growth
and fluctuations. Research in this group pursues the idea that growth
and fluctuations involve similar mechanisms. A recession is, in effect,
a time when the economy becomes a little less developed. Much of the
work in the group focuses on measurement and econometric issues. Danny
Quah and Thomas J. Sargent are working on time-series models that study
many countries simultaneously. Paul Johnson is studying the time-series
implications of the basic Solow growth model. Andrew Bernard and Durlauf
have created a statistical framework for testing the idea of convergence
- that differences in income per capita among countries tend to
disappear over time. Kenneth D. West is studying Japanese monetary
policy within a growth-and-cycles framework. Jordi Gali and Hammour are
considering the long-run effects of business cycles.
Louis Maccini and Valerie Ramey have just organized a group on
inventories. The swing in inventory investment is well known to be the
dominant change in the components of GNP during a recession - typically,
the decline in GNP from peak to trough is of about the same magnitude as
the reduction in inventory investment. Timothy F. Bresnahan and Ramey
are looking at plant-level data in the auto industry in order to
understand this process better. Durlauf and Maccini are looking at the
large amount of unexplained movement in inventories; this noise in
inventory investment appears to be an important driving force in the
business cycle. West is continuing his research on inventories by
looking at the Japanese case. James A. Kahn is using inventory behavior
to make inferences about cost conditions. Barsky, Miron, Stephen G.
Cecchetti, Anil Kashyap, David Wilcox, Cooper, and Haltiwanger are all
studying the various aspects of seasonal movements of the economy as
they influence inventory accumulation.
For the past year, Rogerson and Wright have been responsible for a
research group on micro and macro perspectives on the aggregate labor
market. The group brings together labor economists and macroeconomists.
John Kennan is carrying out research on wage setting when there is
private information. Kenneth Burdett, Wright, and Eric Smith are
considering various aspects of job search models. Davis and Haltiwanger
are doing research on the determinants of the cyclical job flows
revealed in their earlier research. Gary Hansen and Sargent are studying
variations over time in straight time and overtime employment.
Related Activities
The NBER's overall research includes several activities
related to the Program on Economic Fluctuations. These include the
International Seminar on Macroeconomics, arranged by Robert J. Gordon and Georges de Menil, the Macroeconomics Annual Conference organized by
Stanley Fischer and Olivier J. Blanchard, and the Macroeconomic History
Workshop under the direction of N. Gregory Mankiw and Christina D.
Romer. Separate reports on these activities appear in this and other
issues of the NBER Reporter.