Modeling the responses of saturated sand under dynamic loads.
Kim, Soo-Il ; Park, Keun-Bo ; Park, Seong-Yong 等
The main objective of this paper is to develop an improved method
for the analysis of liquefaction potential and to verify the modified
model that can simulate behavior of saturated sand under dynamic loading
conditions. The model is developed through modification of the DSC model. For the development of the model, general formulation for the DSC
constitutive model is modified and calibrated for more realistic
description of dynamic responses of saturated sand using the energy
dissipation approach. The research is focused on evaluation of the
disturbance in the DSC which is defined and applied by dissipated energy
induced by stress. This paper presents the basic theory and verification
of the modified model based on results from triaxial tests for saturated
sand with various input motions including sinusoidal, linear increasing,
and real earthquake motions.
Over the last 30 years or so, there have been several soil models
for describing undrained behaviors of fully saturated sands under
dynamic loading conditions. Recently, the energy-based approach
(Figueroa et al. 1994) and the disturbed state concept (DSC) (Park and
Desai 2000) to evaluate the liquefaction potential have received great
interests because these approaches provide more detailed information for
dissipated energy degradation and cumulated deformations. While those
models have been successfully verified for many geotechnical dynamic
problems, they have been primarily for cyclic loading test results. For
the liquefaction analysis, it is known that the sinusoidal type of
cyclic loading does not realistically represent actual irregular
earthquake motions.
Therefore, effects of the actual irregular earthquake motions
should also be taken into account for more detailed and advanced
liquefaction analysis. In this paper, the general formulation of the DSC
constitutive model is modified and calibrated using the energy
dissipation approach for better numerical prediction with various
loading types. Especially, the disturbance caused by an applied force in
the DSC model is defined by dissipated energy. A procedure for
back-calculation is developed based on the incremental integration
method as well. In order to verify the modified model, dynamic tests are
performed and compared with results obtained from the model.
Dissipated Energy Approach
Dissipated energy in dynamic loading is an important measure to
define progressive changes of undrained behavior for sands. The
dissipated energy can be represented by the area of the hysteresis loop
given the stress-strain curve under dynamic loading conditions. The
expression for dissipated energy W is given by:
W = [integral][sigma]d[[epsilon].sup.p] [approximately equal to]
[n.summation over (i=l)][sigma], [DELTA][[epsilon].sup.p.sub.i]
where [sigma] = stress vector; [DELTA][[epsilon].sup.] = plastic
strain increment vector; t = time; and n = total number of increments or
Disturbed State Concept
According to the DSC proposed by Park and Desai (2000), external
forces cause changes and disturbances in the microstructure system of a
material. The stress-strain response of the material at a certain
loading condition is then determined from a degree of the disturbance
caused by the external force. There are two reference states defined in
the DSC model: relative intact (RI) and fully adjusted (FA) states. A
material in the RI state upon loading modifies continuously through a
process of natural self-adjustment, and a part of it approaches the FA
state at randomly disturbed locations in the material. As a result,
observed responses of the material can be determined from responses of
RI and FA states in terms of the disturbance D. The RI state is defined
with continuum soil models, such as the elasto-plastic stress-strain
models, while the FA state is defined as a response of a material at the
ultimate state. In the original DSC model, the RI state is determined by
Hierarchical Single Surface model with the isotropic hardening and
associated flow rule whereas the FA state is given by the critical state
model (Roscoe et al. 1958).
In DSC model, the yield surface in the HiSS model for the RI state
is given by:
F = [J.sub.2D]/[P.sup.2.sub.a]-[-a [(J.sub.1]/[P.sub.a]).sup.n] +
[[gamma].sub.u] [(J.sub.1] / [P.sub.a].sup.2]][(1 -
[beta][S.sub.r]).sup.-0.5] = 0
where [J.sub.1] = the first invariant of the stress tensor;
[J.sub.2D] = the second invariant of the deviatoric stress tensor;
[p.sub.a] = atmospheric pressure in the same unit as the stress tensor;
n, [beta], and [[gamma].sub.u] = model parameters; a = hardening
function. The hardening function a can be defined in terms of the
dissipated energy [i.e., Eq. (1)] for undrained conditions as follows:
where [h.sub.1] and [h.sub.2] = hardening function parameters. The
FA state, on the other hand, can be represented by:
[square root of [J.sup.c.sub.2D]] = m[J.sup.c.sub.1] (4)
where [J.sup.c.sub.1] the first invariant of stress tensor at
critical state; [J.sup.c.sub.2D] = the second invariant of deviatoric
stress tensor at critical state; and m = slope of the critical state
The disturbance D in the DSC model determines the stress-strain
response and shear resistance at a certain loading stage. From
stress-strain responses of RI, FA, and observed states, the D and
effective stresses in the DSC model are given by:
D = ([[sigma]'sup.i.sub.ij] - [[sigma]'sup.a.sub.ij])/
([[sigma]'sup.i.sub.ij] - [[sigma]'sup.c.sub.ij]) (5)
[[sigma]'.sup.a.sub.ij] = (1 - D)[[sigma]'sup.i.sub.ij] +
D[[sigma]'sup.c.sub.ij]) (7)
where D = disturbance at current observed state; and
([[sigma]'sup.i.sub.ij], [[sigma]'sup.c.sub.ij]), and
([[sigma]'sup.a.sub.ij] effective stresses at RI, FA, and observed
states, respectively. Differentiation of Eq. (6) leads to incremental
equation as follows:
d[[sigma]'sup.a.sub.ij] = d(1 - D)
([[sigma]'sup.i.sub.ij] + D (d[[sigma]'sup.c.sub.ij] (7)
Integrating Eq. (7), the incremental dissipated energy dW is given
dW = [integral]
[[sigma]'sup.a.sub.ij]d[[epsilon].sup.a.sub.ij]dV = [integral](1 -
D) [[sigma]'sup.i.sub.ij] d[[epsilon].sup.i.sub.ij]dV +
[integral]D[[sigma]'sup.c.sub.ij]d[[epsilons].sup.c.sub.ij]dV (8)
Where d[[epsilon].sup.i.sub.ij], d[[epsilon].sup.c.sub.ij],
d[[epsilon].sup.a.sub.ij] are increments of the deviatoric plastic
strain tensor at RI, FA, and observed states under undrained conditions,
respectively. Integrating the Eq. (8), D can be defined as:
dissipated energy in total RI state; [MATHEMATICAL EXPRESSION NOT
REPRODUCIBLE IN ASCII] = dissipated energy in total observed response;
[W.sup.i.sub.1] and [W.sup.c.sub.1] = dissipated energy at RI and
critical states, respectively.
Experimental Program and Test Results
The saturated Jumunjin sand, a representative silica sand in Korea,
was tested using a cyclic triaxial device under the stress-controlled
loading condition with three different wave shapes including the
sinusoidal, linear increasing, and actual earthquake motions. The
Jumunjin sand is a clean quartz sand and defined as SP according to the
Unified Soil Classification System. Diameters of the sand particles
range from 0.1 to 0.84 mm. The coefficient of uniformity [C.sub.u] is
1.47, and the mean grain size [D.sub.50] is 0.52 mm. The maximum and
minimum void ratios [e.sub.max] and [e.sub.min] are 0.89 and 0.63,
respectively. Its specific gravity [G.sub.s] is 2.61.
Based on test results, various dynamic soil responses, including
the deviatoric stresses, pore water pressures (PWP), and deviatoric
stress-strain relationship, were analyzed. Figure 1 shows input motions
and corresponding mobilization of the PWP with time for different types
of dynamic loads. Test results with sinusoidal loading are given in
Figure 1(a). As shown in Figure 1(a), the excess pore pressure
continuously builds up until a certain number of loading cycles and then
a rapid increase and oscillation of the excess pore pressure at a value
approximately equal to the initial confining stress are observed. In
Figure 1(b) for the linear increasing load, it is observed that the PWP
builds up gradually until a certain time [i.e., t = 8 sec in Figure
1(b)] and eventually reaches a value equal to the initially applied
confining pressure. For the actual earthquake motion shown in Figure
1(c), the PWP curve with time appears to be quite different from those
for sinusoidal and linear increasing loads. As shown in Figure 1(c), it
is seen that the pore water pressure does not increase in earlier
stages, but suddenly jumps up when the maximum deviatoric stress is
reached, whereupon liquefaction sets in.
Comparison of Disturbances
In order to compare disturbances D in earthquake loading types,
disturbances D using the original DSC method (method 1) and modified
method (method 2) were adopted. Model parameters for calculation of D
were obtained from Kim (2004).
Figures 2 and 3 show values of D for sinusoidal load and earthquake
motion tests with the plastic strain trajectory? and dissipated energy W
for method 1 and 2, respectively. Figure 2 shows sinusoidal loading test
results. As shown in Figure 2, D curves from the two methods show good
agreement. Figure 3 shows earthquake motion test results. Since strains
are remarkably unsystematic in comparison with sinusoidal loading test
results, D curve with [zeta] appears to be of irregular shape. This
indicates that D function corresponding to the initial liquefaction in
DSC cannot be properly estimated. D curve from method 2 based on the
dissipated energy, on the other hand, is observed to be well defined,
and thus superior in the liquefaction analysis for the determination of
D function.
Comparison of Stress-Strain Response
In order to verify the modified model based on the dissipated
energy, dynamic tests were performed. Test results are shown in Figure
4. Figure 4 shows the deviatoric stress versus axial strain curves for
the different types of dynamic loading tests. As shown in Figure 4,
significant differences in stress-strain curves are observed in the
tests for sinusoidal, linear increasing, and earthquake loading tests.
A numerical code of the modified model based on the incremental
integral scheme for modified DSC model was developed. The modified model
is used to calculate the entire stress-strain responses of sands for
cyclic triaxial tests. This is achieved by numerically integrating Eq.
(8) based on the procedure given by Park and Desai (2000). Necessary
input DSC parameters were re-calculated for static triaxial tests as
presented in Kim (2004). Parameters E, [upsilon], [gamma], [beta], m, n,
[h.sub.1], [h.sub.2], [bar.m], [lambda], [e.sup.c.sub.o], [D.sub.u], Z,
and A are 210,000 kPa, 0.380, 0.250, 0, -0.5, 2.667, 0.1515, 0.0922,
0.5, 0.045, 0.0636, 0.99, 11.64, and 0.35, respectively.
Figure 4 also compares calculated and tested cyclic stress-strain
responses. As shown in Figure 4, stress-strain curves obtained from the
modified model represent overall agreement with tested results. As the
stress-strain curves arrived at the initial liquefaction stage, it is
seen that the difference between calculated and tested results becomes
slightly pronounced at compression or extension region. This is because
actual soils under dynamic loading conditions behave as a composite
material of liquid and solid and thus produce large deformations with
significant reductions of elastic modulus. The discrepancy is not
considered to be severe and may be seen due to experimental and/or
computational errors. From Figure 4, it is demonstrated that the
modified model provides highly satisfactory correlations with the tested
laboratory behavior of saturated sands under linear increasing loading
and earthquake motions.
For the analysis of dynamic soil behavior under undrained loading
conditions, a model was developed for better simulation of dynamic
responses for saturated sands based on the DSC. A constitutive model of
the original DSC was modified and calibrated using the dissipated energy
approach. In order to verify the modified model, results of the
numerical program based on the incremental solution of integral scheme
developed in this study were compared with those from experimental
tests. Back-calculation results showed good agreement with tested
results until the initial liquefaction. From back-calculation results,
it is found that the modified model describes reasonably well the
stress-strain responses for various loading types of both regular and
irregular motions.
Figueroa, J.L., Saada, A.S., Liang, L., and Dahisaria, M.N. (1994).
"Evaluation of soil liquefaction by energy principles",
Journal of geotechnical engineering, ASCE, Vol. 120, No. 9, September,
Kim, S.I. (2004). "Liquefaction potential in moderate
earthquake regions", 12th Asian Regional Conf. on Soil Mechanics & Geotechnical Engineering, Leung et al. (eds), World Scientific
Publishing Co., Vol. 2, 1109-1138.
Park I.J. and Desai C.S. (2000). "Disturbed state modeling for
dynamic and liquefaction analysis", Journal of Geotechnical and
Geoenvironmental Engineering, ASCE, Vol. 126, No. 9, 834-846.
Roscoe, K.H., Scofield, A., and Wroth, C.P. (1958). "On
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Department of Civil Engr., Yonsei University, 134 Shinchon-Dong,
Seodaemoon-Gu Seoul, 120-749, Korea
Department of Civil Engr., Yonsei University, 134 Shinchon-Dong,
Seodaemoon-Gu Seoul, 120-749, Korea
Department of Civil Engr., Yonsei University, 134 Shinchon-Dong,
Seodaemoon-Gu Seoul, 120-749, Korea
Department of Civil Engr., Hanseo University, 360 Daegok-Ri,
Haemi-Myeon Chungnam, 356-706, Korea