摘要:Organizational capabilities are those behavioral routines oriented to develop a specific task (NELSON; WINTER, 1982). These capabilities define what the company knows to do and how must to do it. Nevertheless, the repetitive character of these capabilities could be producing stopped processes (METCALFE, 1995) which both limit the generation of new capabilities and diminishing the dynamism in the production, reproduction and reconfiguration of new capabilities (TEECE; PISANO, 1997). This article compares and analyzes different theoretical-conceptual perspectives for generation and reconfiguration of technological capabilities within an organization. Additionally this article suggests that dynamic capabilities to make feasible innovation processes within an organization. The general concept of dynamic capacities will be used like driver of changes to produce and reconfigurate capabilities in the organization. The glance of the dynamic capabilities allows understanding the complexity of the creation, development and use of capabilities. This understanding could constitute material fundamental to manage learning processes and organizational change oriented to innovation.