摘要:The pursuit for methodologies and management ways that are capable of ensuring higher competitiveness on a worldwide basis demand that Organizations establish and implement alternatives ever more innovative. Outsourcing, as a management practice comes to fill a need of specialization within Organizations. Originally created to serve to activities deemed as “middle-purpose”, outsourcing evolved and is now being applied to activities always more relevant within organizational processes. This article essay had the aim of assessing, through a SWOT matrix, the engineering services outsourcing, under the point of view of the company who had outsourced such services. The research has been developed, by a qualitative case study, at the steel mills company, headquartered in Europe. Inaugurated in 2003, the company has an innovative management model, which was conceived with similarities to condominiums, and a large portion of activities has been outsourced.
关键词:Terceirização;Gestão das Operações;Estratégia;Outsourcing;Service management;Strategy