Effect of aspect ratio of air jet on heat transfer rate in the impingement cooling of electronic equipment--an experimental study.
Anwarullah, M. ; Rao, V. Vasudeva ; Sharma, K.V. 等
Air jets emanating from nozzle are used where high rates of heat
transfer are required. A jet impingement device can produce a flow field
that can achieve relatively high local heat transfer rates over a
surface area which is to be cooled or heated. One major application of
jet impingement is in electronic cooling. Other industrial uses of
impinging air jets include tempering of glass, annealing of metal and
plastic sheets, drying of paper and textiles and cooling of turbine
blades. Due to the many industrial applications, extensive research has
been undertaken to estimate heat dissipation rates. The heat transfer
rate to or from a jet impinging onto a surface is a complex function of
Reynolds number (Re), Prandtl number(Pr), nozzle-to-resistor spacing
(H/d), and non-dimensional displacement from the stagnation point (r/d).
In recent years, the design of electronic cooling system has gained
significant importance due to miniaturization of components requiring
dissipation of high heat flux. The problem of estimating the temperature
of electronic components with time during startup, shutdown and
malfunctioning of the cooling systems has gained the attention of the
investigators. A majority of analyses reported the influence of nozzle
diameter on the heat transfer rates in the wall jet region. The effect
of the nozzle geometry, flow confinement, turbulence, and the variation
of jet temperature have been shown to be significant on heat transfer
coefficient by Jambunathan et al . [1].
A large amount of work relating to heat transfer from a single-jet
was elaborated by Garimella and Rice [2], Fitzgerald and Garimella [3]
and San et al. [4]. An experimental analysis has been performed from
confined impinging jets by Guerra et al. [5]. San and Shiao [6]
expressed the stagnation Nusselt number as a function of jet Reynolds
number, ratio of jet height-to-diameter, jet plate length-to-diameter
and jet plate width-to-diameter. Gardon and Akfirat [7] estimated from
experiments the local and average heat transfer
[Nu.sub.0] = 1.2 [Re.sup.0.58] [(H/d).sup.-0.62] (1)
valid in the range 2000 < Re < 50,000 and 14 < H/d <
60, with an average deviation of 5 %. Yang et al. [8] presented heat
transfer results of jet impingement cooling on a semi-circular concave
surface bringing out the significant effects of the nozzle geometry and
the curvature of the plate. A wide variety of nozzles were tested by
Garimella and Nenaydykh [9], and McMurray et al. [10] have performed
heat transfer measurements for both laminar and turbulent boundary layer
and their correlation for laminar boundary layer is of the form
[Nu.sub.0] = 0.73 [Re.sup.1/2] [Pr.sup.1/3] (2)
For a laminar flow, Kendoush [11] studied theoretically the heat
and mass transfer mechanics of an impinging slot jet by means of the
boundary layer theory. The results were restricted just to the
stagnation zone. The recommended correlation for the stagnation heat
transfer rate is given below
[Nu.sub.0] = 0.75 [[Re Pr (1.02 - 0.024 (H/d)].sup.1/2] (3)
Zhou and Lee [12] experimentally investigated the fluid flow and
heat transfer characteristics of a rectangular air jet impinging on a
heated flat plate. The effect of jet Reynolds and nozzle-to-plate
spacing on local and average Nusselt number were studied in the range of
2,715 < Re < 24,723. The following correlation was recommended for
the estimation of stagnation heat transfer coefficient
[Nu.sub.0] = C [Re.sup.m] [Pr.sup.0.4] (4)
valid in the range 0.244 < C< 0.156 and 0.620 < m<
0.587 for 4 <H/d < 30. Colucci and Viskanta [13] determined the
effect of nozzle geometry on local convective heat transfer rate for jet
impingement cooling on a flat plate. Gauntner et al. [14] presented a
review report of the flow characteristics of a turbulent jet impinging
on a flat plate. Zumbrunnen et al. [15] carried out studies on
convective heat transfer from a plate cooled by water jets. Lytle and
Webb [16] investigated the flow structure and heat transfer
characteristics of air jet impingement for nozzle-plate spacing of less
than a nozzle diameter in the range of 3600 < Re < 27,600. Baydar
[17] carried out an experimental investigation for low Reynolds number
up to 10,000 at various nozzle-to-plate ratios. An expression for the
stagnation Nusselt number was derived by Vader et al. [18] given by
[Nu.sub.0] = 0.505 [Re.sup.0.5] [Pr.sup.0.376] (5)
Zhou and Ma [19] experimentally investigated the radial heat
transfer behavior of impinging submerged circular jets. An expression
for the local Nusselt number valid at the stagnation point in the radial
direction is obtained as
[Nu.sub.0] = 1.32 [Re.sup.0.499] [Pr.sup.0.33] (6)
Lienhard et al. [20] experimentally investigated the splattering
and heat transfer during impingement of a turbulent liquid jet. The
recommended equation for the local Nusselt number at the stagnation
location is given by
[Nu.sub.0] = 1.24 [Re.sup.0.5] [Pr.sup.0.33] (7)
Siba et al. [21] experimentally studied impingement cooling of a
flat circular disk made of conducting material SS304. Recently, the flow
characteristics of both confined and unconfined air jet impinging
normally onto a flat plate have been experimentally investigated by
Baydar and Ozmen [22]. Schwarz and Cosart [23] presented measurements
and and theoretical analysis on fluid flow characteristics of impinging
slot jet, but only for the turbulent wall jet zone. The present study is
concerned with the experimental investigation of the confined impinging
jet flow fields at various nozzle-to-resistor surface distances. The
main objective of the present work is to study the effect of geometric
parameters on the heat transfer characteristics of resistor surface
normal to impinging air jet
Experimental setup
The experimental set up as shown in Fig. 1, consists of five
cylindrical electrical resistors fixed to an insulating plate of
diameter 100mm and 2mm thick located centrally on an aluminum heater
plate. A chip assembly on PCB is simulated with the electrical resistors
which are 25 mm long and 4 mm in diameter. The resistors each of 5 W
rating are connected to supply through volt and ammeter. Five J-type
thermocouples are attached to measure the surface temperature of each
resistor. Thermocouples of Type J would normally have an error of
approximately 0.75% of the target temperatures when used at a
temperature lower or higher then 277[degrees]C. A heater plate of 240 mm
diameter and 20 mm thick is connected to a heating coil of 500 W rating
through a dimmerstat to enable the temperature of the insulating plate
to be higher than ambient. Two thermocouples are connected to the heater
plate and another one measures the ambient temperature. All these eight
thermocouples are connected to a temperature indicator through a scanner
to observe the readings and store the values in a personal computer. The
airflow rate through a nozzle of different diameters located above the
resistors is measured with a rotameter. Air at 20bar is made available
to the nozzle from a reciprocating air compressor of 220 liter stororage
capacity through the rotameter. Provision is made to vary the distance
between the nozzle tip and the test surface. The axis of the nozzle is
always aligned with the centre resistor and normal to the plane on which
heat sources are mounted.
Experimental Procedure
The air jet emanating from the nozzle and impinging on the
resistors is depicted as free jet and wall jet regions respectively and
shown in Fig 2. Power is supplied to the resistors through a step down
transformer and the aluminum plate through a dimmerstat.
The volumetric energy generation due to heating of the resistors
using AC current is assumed to be uniform. The temperature of the
resistors is allowed to rise up to 95[degrees] C and then cooled by
forced convection mainly from the top surface by the air stream flowing
in the wall jet region. The surface temperature of the resistors are
recorded till they attain 40[degrees]C The procedure is repeated at
different flow rates of air with temperature values recorded in the
Reynolds number range of 5850 to 12200. The velocity of jet is measured
using a Pitot tube. The heat loss from the bottom of the resistors is
assumed to be negligibly small.
Results and discussion
Air jet from the nozzle is forced over the resistors when they have
attained a maximum steady temperature of 98[degrees]C in the range of
5850 < [Re.sub.d] < 12200 and 2 < H/d < 10. It is observed
that the surface temperature of the resistors drop down rapidly in 50
seconds from the time of starting of air flow. As expected the
temperature gradient is higher at larger values of Reynolds and lower
values of H/d as can be observed from Fig. 3. The rapid decrease in
temperature is also due to large temperature potential between the
surface and the ambient.
Fig.4 illustrates the effect of Reynolds number on heat removal
rates for different H/d ratios. The heat removal rate increases with
increase in Re and decreases with increase in H/d ratio. As H/d
increases, the distance between the nozzle and the heated resistors
increase, resulting in lower heat dissipation.
The rate of heat removal from the resistors with H/d ratios for
5850 < [Re.sub.d] < 12200 is shown in Fig. 5. As expected, the
heat removal rate increases gradually with increase in Reynolds number
due to higher mass flow rate. It is also observed that the heat flux
decreases with increasing values of H/d ratio at a particular value of
The computed values is shown plotted in Fig. 6 between surface heat
flux and temperature difference between the resistor surface and the
ambient for 2 <H/d < 10 and 5850 < [Re.sub.d] < 12200. It
can be observed that at a value of Reynolds number, the temperature
difference is higher for lower values of H/d. This may be due to lesser
residence time for air to extract heat from the surface.
Fig. 7 shows the distributions of local Nusselt number for H/d
ranging from 2 to 10. From the stagnation point to the exit, local
Nusselt number increases, then decreases quickly. Near the stagnation
point the flow velocity increases and results in increases of the local
Nusselt number
The effect of nozzle diameter on heat transfer coefficient for
different values of Reynolds number is shown in Fig. 8. It can be
observed that at a particular value of Reynolds number, the heat
transfer coefficient decreases with increase of nozzle Diameter
The results presented in figure 9 illustrate the effect of varying
nozzle diameter on the heat transfer distribution for a Reynolds number
of 5850 and H/d = 2. The heat transfer coefficient increases with
decreasing in diameter of the nozzle is clear. This is due to the high
air flow velocities involved for small diameter nozzles. An increase of
over 60% is observed for a decrease in nozzle diameter from 10mm to 5mm.
It is worth noting that figure 9 displays the heat transfer coefficient
distribution for the dimensionless radial distance, r/d. The velocity at
the stagnation point is maximum and hence heat transfer coefficient is
Data reduction and uncertainty analysis
Present experimental data equation:
[Nu.sub.Exp] = 0.93 [Re.sup.0.5] [Pr.sup.0.4] (8)
The local heat transfer coefficient is calculated using the
following equation:
H = q/([T.sub.s] - [T.sub.a] (9)
where q(W/[m.sup.2]) is local heat flux from the top surface of the
resistor to the air.
Here, [T.sub.wall] (K) is the surface temperature: [T.sub.a] (K) is
the ambient temperature. The local Nusselt number on the resistor
surface is defined by Eq. (10).
Nu = h.d/[k.sub.air] (10)
where q(W/[m.sup.2] K) is the local heat transfer coefficient ; d
(m) is nozzle diameter; [k.sub.air] is the thermal conductivity of the
Nozzle Reynolds number is defined as follows:
Re = Vd/v (11)
The uncertainty associated with the experimental data is estimated
using the standard single-sample uncertainty analysis recommended by
Kline and McClintock [24] and Moffat [25]. In the present experiments,
the temperature measurements were accurate to within [+ or -]
0.5[degrees]C, the uncertainty of the convective heat flux q is
estimated to be 2.65% and those of d [Re.sub.d] and [Nu.sub.0] for the
ranges of parameters studied under steady-state conditions is within [+
or -] 2% and [+ or -] 5%, respectively.
Experimental validation
Experimental data is used to evaluate the local heat transfer
behaviors of impinging confined circular jet at a fixed radial location
for jet Reynolds number in the range of 5850 < [Re.sub.d] < 12200.
The results for H/d = 2 in the form of Nu/[Pr.sup.1/3] ~ Re are depicted
in Fig. 10.Stagnation point heat transfer is experimentally determined
using Eq. (8) and compared with each other as a validation exercise in
this study. Fig. 10 presented the effect of jet Reynolds number on
stagnation point (i.e., r/d = 0) Nusselt number. Stagnation point
Nusselt number increases remarkably with jet Reynolds number. For
comparison, Fig. 10 also presents the experimental data of Zhou and Ma
[18] for a submerged jet and Lienhard et al. [19] for water free jet. As
illustrated by triangles in the figure, stagnation point heat transfer
in this study was enhanced slightly. Independent of jet Reynolds number
and jet type, the present data agree well with the previous experimental
results of Refs. [18, 19].
For jet Reynolds number in the range 5850 [less than or equal to]
[Re.sub.d] [less than or equal to] 12200, the stagnation Nusselt number
were examined at H/d = 4 and compared with the previous experimental
results as a validation process. Fig. 11 exhibits the variation of the
stagnation Nusselt number obtained at H/d = 4 with jet Reynolds number,
in which comparison of several empirical correlations of stagnation heat
transfer from the work of Vander et al. [17], McMurray et al. [10],
Zumbrunnen et al. [15], and Kendoush [11], are also plotted. In this
figure, the calculation was carried out at H/d = 4 and the Prandtl
number of air (Pr = 0.71) was adopted for all the correlations. Good
agreements between the present data and the previous experimental and
theoretical results were observed. The data is in close agreement with
the data of McMurray et al. [10] and Kendoush [11].
Variation of the stagnation heat transfer rate with
nozzle-to-resistor spacing is examined in greater detail in Fig. 12. It
is seen from the figure that the variation of NuO with H/d, which may
not be monotonic, exhibits a complex nature depending on jet Reynolds
number. At a lower jet Reynolds number of Re = 3100, the stagnation heat
transfer rate decreases initially with the axial distance from the
nozzle exit till H/d = 4 and then increases. Thereafter, it decreases
monotonously beyond the point at H/d = 8.
The present experimental data obtained with nozzle diameter of 8mm
lies in between that of Gardon and Afirat [7] and Zhou and Lee [12] who
have conducted experiments with 3.18 mm and 11 mm respectively.
The present experimental data is subjected to regression and given
in a simplified form as
[Nu.sub.Reg] = 1.065 [Re.sup.0.58] [Pr.sup.0.54]
[(H/d).sup.-0.0174] (12)
valid in range 2< H/d< 10, and 5850< Re< 12200 with
average deviation 9% and standard deviation 10%.
The present experimental data is in good agreement with the values
of Nusselt obtained with Eq.12 as shown in Fig.13
Based on the present experimental conditions, the jet Re, the
nozzle tip- toresistor spacing and cooling time have an important
influence on the heat transfer of impinging circular jet nozzle,
especially on the wall jet and impingement region. For confined air jet
nozzles, local heat transfer rate at given radial location were
correlated and compared. The effects of the jet Re and nozzle
tip-to-resistor spacing on the Nu of impinging jet were determined to
develop an optimum parameter of heat transfer enhancement. The heat
transfer rate increases as the jet spacing decreases owing to the
reduction in the impingement surface area. It is observed that the heat
transfer coefficients increase with H/d up to 8 for any Reynolds number
and increases with increase in Reynolds. The present study will provide
a better understanding on the fluid flow and heat transfer
characteristics of impinging air jet
The first author is working as faculty in the Department of
Mechanical Engineering and grateful to the management of Muffakham Jah
College of Engineering and Technology, Hyderabad for the financial
support in the fabrication of the experimental setup
A surface area of the resistor, [m.sup.2]
[C.sub.p] specific heat at constant pressure, J/ (kg K)
d diameter of nozzle, m
H distance between nozzle tip to resistor, m
Nu local Nusselt number, Eq. (10)
Re jet Reynolds number, Vd/v
q heat flux, W/[m.sup.2]
t cooling time, seconds
[T.sub.s] surface temperature of the resistor before
cooling, [degrees]C
[T.sub.[infinity]] ambient temperature, [degrees]C
V velocity of air, m/sec
H/d nozzle-to-resistor spacing to nozzle diameter
[Nu.sub.O] Nusselt number at stagnation point
K thermal conductivity of air, W/(m K)
Pr Prandtl number
r radial distance measured from the stagnation
point, m
Greek symbols
[rho] density of air, kg/[m.sup.3]
v kinematic viscosity of air, [m.sup.2]/s
Reg regression
Exp experimental
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M. Anwarullah (1), V. Vasudeva Rao (2) and K.V. Sharma
(1) Research Scholar, (3) Professor
(1,3) Centre for Energy Studies, JNTU College of Engineering,
Hyderabad-500034, India
(1) E-mail address: manwar_sana@yahoo.com.
(2) Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, SNIST,
Hyderabad. India