A novel PWM scheme for multilevel voltage source inverter fed induction motor.
Kumar, P. Satish ; Amarnath, J. ; Narasimham, S.V.L. 等
The rapid development of the capacity and the switching frequency
of power semiconductor devices and the continuous advance of the power
electronics technology have made many changes in static power converter
systems and industrial motor drive areas. Especially, the voltage source
PWM inverters have been extending their application area widely due to
the increase of gate turn-off (GTO) thyristors capacity and continuing
development of industrial provision [1-4]. Three-level inverter topology
being widely used in high voltage/ high power applications due to its
high voltage handling and good harmonic rejection capabilities with
currently available power devices like GTOS.
Since conventional GTO inverter has a limitation of its DC-link
voltage about 2000V, series connection of existing GTO thyristors has
been essential in realizing high voltage and large capacity inverter
configuration with DC-link voltage about 4000V. So there has been great
interest in three-level inverter topology which can over come series
connection problems, Three-level inverter is able to generate five-level
line-to-line output voltage without output transformer or reactor.
Therefore, the harmonic components of the output voltage are fewer than
those of the conventional two-level inverter at the same switching
frequency [10]. In addition, since the blocking voltage of each
switching device is a half of the DC-link voltage, it is easy to realize
high voltage and large capacity inverter system.
Space Vector Pwm For Three-Level Inverter
A three-level inverter topology and switching states
Fig.1 shows a schematic diagram of a three-level GTO inverter .Each
phase of the inverter consists of two clamping diodes, four GTO s and
four free wheeling diodes. Since three kinds of switching states and
terminal voltages exist in each phase, the three level inverter has
27([3.sup.3]) switching states. Fig. 2(a) shows the representation of
the space voltage vectors for output voltage. According to the magnitude
of the voltage vectors, we divide them in to four groups; zero voltage
vector (Vo), small voltage vectors ([V.sub.1], [V.sub.4], [V.sub.7],
[V.sub.10], [V.sub.13], [V.sub.16]), middle voltage vectors([V.sub.3],
[V.sub.6], [V.sub.9], [V.sub.12], [V.sub.15], [V.sub.18]) and large
voltage vector ([V.sub.2], [V.sub.5], [V.sub.8], [V.sub.11], [V.sub.14],
[V.sub.17]). The zero voltage vector (ZVV) has three switching states,
the middle voltage vector (MVV) has two and the large voltage vector
(LVV) has one state. Fig. 2.2(b) shows the same representation for Fig.
2.2(a). It shows the space vector diagram of all switching states, where
the P, O, N represent terminal voltage respectively, that is Vdc/2, 0,
B. Voltage Vector and its Duration
Fig. 3 shows the triangle formed by the voltage vectors [V.sub.0],
[V.sub.2] and [V.sub.5]. This triangle is divided into four small
triangles 1, 2, 3 and 4. In the space voltage vector PWM, generally,
output voltage vector is formed by its nearest three vectors in order to
minimize the harmonic components of the output voltage and the current.
The duration of each vector can be calculated by vector calculation. For
instance, if the reference voltage vector falls into the triangle 3, the
duration of each voltage vector can be calculated by the following
[V.sub.1][T.sub.a] + [V.sub.3][T.sub.b] + [V.sub.4][T.sub.c] = V *
[T.sub.a] + [T.sub.b] + [T.sub.c] = [T.sub.s]
[V.sub.1] = 1/2, [V.sub.3] = [square root of (3)]/2
[e.sup.j[pi]/6], V * = [Ve.sup.j[theta]]
Where Ts = sampling time for reference voltage vector.
The results are as follows:
[T.sub.a] = [T.sub.s] [1-2k sin([theta])]
[T.sub.b] = [T.sub.s] [2k sin([theta]+60)-1]
[T.sub.c] = [T.sub.s] [2k sin([theta]-60)+1]
where k = 2 V/[square root of (3)]
In other regions (1, 2, 4), the duration for each voltage vector
can be calculated in the same way.
Switching Pattern Generation Considering Minimum On/Off Time
Mathematical Model of Induction Machines
The induction machine is implemented in simulink using the
following mathematical model
[v.sub.qa] = [r.sub.s] [i.sub.qs] + [omega][[lambda].sub.ds] +
[v'.sub.qr] = 0 = [r'.sub.r] [i'.sub.qs] + ([omega]
- [[omega].sub.r][[lambda]'.sub.dr] + p[[lambda]'.sub.qr]
[v.sub.ds] = [r.sub.s] [i.sub.ds] - [omega][[lambda].sub.qs] +
[v'.sub.dr] = 0 = [r'.sub.r] [i'.sub.dr] - ([omega]
- [[omega].sub.r][[lambda]'.sub.qr] + p[[lambda]'.sub.dr]
[omega] = angular speed of arbitrary reference frame P = d/dt
[[lambda].sub.qs] = ([1.sub.s] + [L.sub.m])[i.sub.qs] +
[L.sub.m][i'.sub.qr] = [L.sub.s][i.sub.qs] +
[[lambda]'.sub.qr] = ([1']r + [L.sub.m])[i'.sub.qr]
+ [L.sub.m][i.sub.qs] = [L'.sub.r][i'.sub.qr] +
[[lambda].sub.ds] = ([1.sub.s] + [L.sub.m])[i.sub.ds] +
[L.sub.m][i'.sub.dr] = [L.sub.s][i.sub.ds] +
[[lambda]'.sub.dr] = ([1']r + [L.sub.m])[i'.sub.dr]
+ [L.sub.m][i.sub.ds] = [L'.sub.r][i'.sub.dr] +
Te = [P.sub.m]/[[omega].sub.m] = 3/2 P/2 [L.sub.m]/[L'.sub.r]
[[[lambda]'.sub.dr][i.sub.qs] [[lambda]'.sub.qr][i.sub.ds]]
[[omega].sub.m] = [T.sub.e] - [T.sub.L]/[J.sub.s] + B;
[[omega].sub.r] = P/2 [[omega].sub.m]
Simulation Results
Simulation was carried out for two level and three level inverter
fed induction motor. The parameters of induction motor used for
simulation are as follows:
220 V, 50 Hz, 4 pole, 3 HP,
Rs = 0.55 ohms, Ls = 93.38 mH,
Rr = 0.78 ohms, Lr = 93.36 mH, Lm = 90.5 mH,
J = 0.019 Kg-[m.sup.2], B = 0.000051, [T.sub.L] =10.32 N-m
A. Simulation Results for 2-level and 3-level SVPWM VSI Fed
induction motor
In this paper, the application of space vector pulse width
modulation control strategy on the three level voltage source inverter
has been presented and analyzed. The aim of this paper is to prove the
effectiveness of the SVPWM for contribution of the switching power
losses for reduction, and to show the effectiveness of three level
inverters that carry out voltage harmonic reduction than those of the
two level inverters. On the other hand from simulation results, it is
observed that as modulation index is increased the THD decreases and
fundamental RMS value increases linearly. It is observed that the
simulation results have been good agreement with the published work.
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P. Satish Kumar (1), J. Amarnath (2) and S.V.L. Narasimham (2)
(1) Department of Electrical Engineering, University College of
Engineering., Osmania University, Hyderabad, A.P.500 007, INDIA E-mail:
(2) J.N.T.University, Hyderabad, A.P, INDIA E-mail:
P. Satish Kumar was born in Karimnagar, Andhra Pradesh, INDIA in
1974. He obtained the B.Tech degree in electrical engineering from JNTU
College of Engineering, Kakinada, A.P., INDIA in 1996 and the M.Tech
degree in power electronics from JNTU College of engineering, Hyderabad
in 2003. He worked in various Private Engineering Colleges in Andhra
Pradesh for more than eleven years as Associate Professor in the
Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering. Presently he is
Assistant Professor in the Department of Electrical Engineering,
University College of Engineering (Autonomous), Osmania University,
Hyderabad, INDIA He is presently pursuing Doctoral degree from J.N.T.U,
Hyderabad. His research interests include Power Electronics, Drives and
Multilevel inverters.
J.Amarnath graduated from Osmania University in the year 1982, M.E
from Andhra University in the year 1984 and PhD from J.N.T. University,
Hyderabad in the year 2001. He is presently Professor in the Department
of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, JNTU College of Engineering,
Hyderabad, India. He presented more than 60 research papers in various
national and international conferences and journals. His research areas
include Gas Insulated Substations, High Voltage Engineering, Power
Systems and Electrical Drives.
SVL Narasimham was born in Bellari, Karnataka State in India in
1961. He received his Bachelors Degree in Electrical and Electronics
Engineering in 1982 from JNTU College of Engineering, Jawaharlal Nehru
Technological University (JNTU). He obtained his Masters Degree in
Electrical Power Systems in 1987, Masters Degree in Computer Science in
1995 and PhD in 2000 all from JNT University. He joined JNTU as Lecturer
in Electrical Engineering in 1991 and is presently professor in Computer
Science in School of Information Technology, JNTU. He is guiding many
Ph.D. Students and presented more than 50 research papers in various
conferences and Journals. He worked as Officer of Special Duty for
Andhra Pradesh Transmission Corporation during May 2003 to February
2005. He worked as Senior Manager, e-projects on Deputation in Centre
for Good Governance, a DFID funded AP State Government initiative,
during April 2003 to March 2006, where he has exposure to various
Government Systems including Power Sector, IT Initiatives and
Irrigation. Dr. SVL Narasimham is a Fellow of Institution of Engineers
India. His areas of interest are Energy Optimization and Audit,
Distribution Systems in Electrical Engineering, Image Processing,
Character Recognition, Home Automation and Software Engineering in
Computer Science Areas.
Table I : Switching States of a Three Level Inverter.
Switching Switching conditions
[S.sub.11] [S.sub.12] [S.sub.13] [S.sub.14]
Switching Output
Symbols voltage
P +[V.sub.dc]/2
O 0
N -[V.sub.dc]/2
Table II: Voltage Vector Duration.
Region [T.sub.a]
1 2k[T.sub.s] sin(60-[theta])
2 2[T.sub.s][1-ksin([theta]+60)]
3 [T.sub.s][1-2ksin[theta]]
4 [T.sub.s][2ksin[theta]-1]
Region [T.sub.b]
1 [T.sub.s][1-2ksin([theta]+60)]
2 2k[T.sub.s] sin[theta]
3 [T.sub.s][2ksin([theta]+60)-1]
4 2k[T.sub.s] sin(60-[theta])
Region [T.sub.c]
1 2k[T.sub.s] sin(60-[theta])
2 [T.sub.s][2ksin(60-[theta])-1]
3 [T.sub.s][2ksin([theta]-60)+1]
4 2[T.sub.s][1-ksin([theta]+60)]
Table III: Switching Pattern in Each Region.
1.2 1 5-17-16-4 POO-PON-PNN-ONN
2 4-16-17-5 0NN-PNN-PON-POO
3 5-17-16-4 POO-PON-PNN-ONN
1.3 4 4-7-17-5 0NN-OON-PON-POO
1.4 5 6-18-17-7 PPO-PPN-PON-OON
6 7-17-18-6 OON-PON-PPN-PPO
7 6-18-17-7 PPO-PPN-PON-OON
8 7-17-18-6 OON-PON-PPN-PPO
2.2 9 6-18-19-7 PPO-PPN-OPN-OON
10 7-19-18-6 OON-OPN-PPN-PPO
11 6-18-19-7 PPO-PPN-OPN-OON
2.3 12 9-19-7-8 OPO-OPN-OON-NON
2.4 13 9-19-20-8 OPO-OPN-NPN-NON
14 8-20-19-9 NON-NPN-OPN-OPO
15 9-19-20-8 OPO-OPN-NPN-NON
16 8-20-19-9 NON-NPN-OPN-OPO
3.2 17 9-21-20-8 OPO-NPO-NPN-NON
18 8-20-21-9 NON-NPN-NPO-OPO
19 9-21-20-8 OPO-NPO-NPN-NON
3.3 20 11-8-21-10 NOO-NON-NPO-OPP
3.4 21 5-17-16-4 OPP-NPP-NPO-NOO
22 4-16-17-5 NOO-NPO-NPP-OPP
23 5-17-16-4 OPP-NPP-NPO-NOO
24 4-16-17-5 NOO-NPO-NPP-OPP
4.2 25 10-22-23-11 OPP-NPP-NOP-NOO
26 11-23-22-10 NOO-NOP-NNP-OPP
27 10-22-23-11 OPP-NPP-NOP-NOO
4.3 28 12-23-11-13 OPP-NOP-NOO-NNO
4.4 29 12-23-24-13 OPP-NOP-NNP-NNO
30 13-24-23-12 NNO-NNP-NOP-OPP
31 12-23-24-13 OPP-NOP-NNP-NNO
32 13-24-23-12 NNO-NNP-NOP-OPP
5.2 33 12-25-24-13 OOP-ONP-NNP-NNO
34 13-24-25-12 NNO-NNP-ONP-OOP
35 12-25-24-13 OOP-ONP-NNP-NNO
5.3 36 12-25-15-13 OOP-ONP-ONO-NNO
5.4 37 14-26-25-15 POP-PNP-ONP-ONO
38 15-25-26-14 ONO-ONP-PNP-POP
39 14-26-25-15 POP-PNP-ONP-ONO
40 15-25-26-14 ONO-ONP-PNP-POP
6.2 41 14-26-27-15 POP-PNP-PNO-ONO
42 15-27-26-14 ONO-PNO-PNP-POP
43 14-26-27-15 POP-PNP-PNO-ONO
6.3 44 5-27-15-4 POO-PNO-ONO-ONN
6.4 45 5-27-16-4 POO-PNO-NPO-NOO
46 4-16-27-5 NOO-NPO-PNO-POO
47 5-27-16-4 POO-PNO-NPO-NOO
48 4-16-27-5 NOO-NPO-PNO-POO
Table IV
Order 2 level inverter 3 level inverter
Input DC voltage 300V 300V
Speed 1442rpm 1443rpm
T.H.D 60.80% 31.14%
Fundamental harmonic 109.3rms 109.3rms
Peak value of fundamental 154.5 155.5
Switching frequency 2400Hz 2400Hz
Table V
Order of 2-level Harmonics at 3-level Harmonics at
Frequency multiples of switching multiples of switching
Frequency Frequency
1250 1.82 2.45
2450 26.91 17.71
3650 1.3 0.71
4850 20.54 6.97
7250 16.17 3.88
9650 11.33 0.57
Table VI
Modulation 2-level VSI
index Fundamental Vrms T.H.D
peak voltage
0.7 136.3 96.36 73.47
0.75 145.9 103.2 67.09
0.8 154 109 60.19
0.86 167 118.1 51.52
Modulation 3-level VSI
index Fundamental Vrms T.H.D
peak voltage
0.7 152 107.5 33.88
0.75 153.7 108.1 31.34
0.8 155.2 109.2 29.48
0.86 157.7 111.5 29.51