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  • 标题:Design of clustered manufacturing systems-an enhanced and developed optimisation approach.
  • 作者:Gnanasekaran, J.S. ; Shanmugasundaram, S.
  • 期刊名称:International Journal of Applied Engineering Research
  • 印刷版ISSN:0973-4562
  • 出版年度:2009
  • 期号:May
  • 语种:English
  • 出版社:Research India Publications
  • 摘要:The cluster approach is a philosophy that exploits the proximity among the attributes of given objects. Cellular manufacturing (CM) is an application of GT in manufacturing. CM involves processing a collection of similar parts (part families) on dedicated cluster of machines or manufacturing processes (cells). The cell formation problem in cellular manufacturing systems is the decomposition of the manufacturing systems into cells. Part families are identified such that they are fully processed within a machine group.
  • 关键词:Algorithms;Bonds;Bonds (Securities);Engineering design;Machinery;Magneto-electric machines;Manufacturing;Manufacturing processes;Mathematical optimization;Mechanical engineering;Optimization theory

Design of clustered manufacturing systems-an enhanced and developed optimisation approach.

Gnanasekaran, J.S. ; Shanmugasundaram, S.


The cluster approach is a philosophy that exploits the proximity among the attributes of given objects. Cellular manufacturing (CM) is an application of GT in manufacturing. CM involves processing a collection of similar parts (part families) on dedicated cluster of machines or manufacturing processes (cells). The cell formation problem in cellular manufacturing systems is the decomposition of the manufacturing systems into cells. Part families are identified such that they are fully processed within a machine group.

The cells are formed to capture the inherent advantages of GT such as reduced setup times, reduced in-process inventories, improved product quality, shorter lead time, reduced tool requirements, improved productivity, better overall control of operations, etc. The clustering method can simplify a complex system by focusing on several groups than handling all the elements individually. The purpose of the clustering methodology is to separate a complex system into mutually exclusive clusters, which have homogeneous properties and use the same or similar resources. An optimal clustering result can more easily manage the design and R&D tasks rather than control entire system or detailed elements. The clustering techniques involve a complicated process, which determines the fittest number of clusters and the size of combination simultaneously. As a result, traditional clustering methods are investigated and new clustering methodologies are developed.

Objectives and Organisation of Paper

The objective of the paper is as follows:- * To provide an enhanced and developed optimization approach on BEA clustering

* To provide future research directions considering manufacturing engineering requirements, manufacturing logistics and supply chain systems.

* To introduce and integrate the Nearest Neighbors Technique (NNT) and best neighbors Clustering (BNC) in the optimization using BEA.

* To observe the efficiency and effectiveness of the methodology, results, and their managerial implications are analyzed

Section 3 discuses the brief literature review on cluster algorithms, Section 4 gives brief theoretical issues of interest when discussing about Bond energy Algorithm (BEA). Section 5 comprises the application of cluster algorithms and presented the EDOA for the segregation of best clusters. Section 6 consist the concurrent engineering environment and manufacturing logistics activities with a case study and its results. Finally Section 7 implies the concluding section with the theoretical/managerial implications of process and gives recommendations for further research.

Literature Review

* In 1963, Burbidge initially generated a clustering methodology that was applied to the manufacturing industry involving a machine economic flow analysis problem. It was thought advantageous in the analysis of production to group product parts and manufacturing machines into cellular systems, thereby effectively reducing production processing time, resulting from the various interactions among parts and machines. Clusters can be grouped according to similar features of system components, and this particular property can reorganize a system into meaningful and structured subsystems

* In 1990, Kusiak and Park applied clustering analysis to the scheduling of a large amount of design activities and resources of a complex and large-scale system. Based on concurrent concepts, the design problem for such a complex system can be broken down into groups of activities to simplify the scheduling management.

* The primary problem in the clustering method is how to break down the binary matrix into diagonal form sub-matrices and how to allocate all 1's of the binary matrix into those sub-matrices. Majority of the studies have been applied to machine-part cellular forming, the clustering method has also been applied to many other practical problems, for example, Burbidge (1963) and King (1980) in production flow analysis, McCormick et al. (1972) in data recognition, and Kusiak and Park (1990) in product design scheduling.

* Kusiak (1990) stated that there is three represented formulations of GT: matrix, mathematical, and graph formulations. Normally, the interaction among parts and machines can be depicted by a zero-one binary matrix, the columns and rows of which represent parts and machines, respectively, and if a column and a row have an interaction with one other, the matrix element will be set to 1, otherwise, 0.

* Phipps Arabie and Lawrence J. Hubert (1990) were examined the bond energy algorithm of McCormick et.al (1972) the context of related strategies of data analysis that seek to solve problems in production research, imaging, and related engineering problems.

* According to the study of Brimson in 1991, functions are aggregated by activities, and activity analysis is used to decompose a large, complex system into elemental processes.

* Furthermore, Yoshikawa (1994) stated that a new product can be improved by assigning activity costs to individual functions and focusing efforts on such function groups with the greatest portion of costs associated with individual activities.

Bond Energy Algorithm (BEA)

The Bond Energy Algorithm developed by McCormick, Schweitzer and White (1972) is to identify and display the natural variable groups or clusters that occur in complex data arrays. They proposed a measure of effectiveness (ME) such that an array that possesses dense clumps of numerically large elements will have a large ME when compared with the same array the rows and columns of which have been permuted so that numerically large elements are more uniformly distributed throughout the array. When all the rows and columns of the matrix are rearranged, then there is (M! X N!) Total permutations are possible. The BEA systematically reduces the number of permutations. The purpose of the Bond Energy Algorithm (BEA) IS to identify and display natural variable groups and clusters that occur in complex data arrays. In addition, the algorithm seeks to uncover and display the associations and interrelations of these groups with one another. These tasks are accomplished by permuting the rows and columns of an input data array in such a way as to push the numerically larger array elements together. It has been found that the relations among variables existing in data arrays are more easily identifiable when the arrays are permuted into a form in which dense clumps of numerically large array elements emerge. Informative permutations of the input data array (i.e., those that best display the groupings and interrelations) can be found via a measure of clumpiness of an array, which assumes large values when associated with the more informative row and column permutations.

The BEA Measure of Effectiveness

The Measure of effectiveness (ME) used in the bond energy algorithm in such a way that an array, which possesses dense clumps of numerically large elements, will have a large ME when compared to the same array whose rows and columns have been permuted so that its numerically large elements are more uniformly distributed throughout the array. The ME of an array is the sum of the bond strengths in the array, where the bond strength between two nearest-neighbor elements is defined as their product. Maximizing the ME by row and column permutations serves to create strong 'bond energies' by driving the larger array elements together.

Existing BEA Computational Procedures

The BEA expression separated into two forms i.e. row wise and column wise computations for maximizing ME. The problem was reduced by two separate optimizations. The expressions for column order and row order computations are given below.

Column Order Computation

Maximize ME = [m.summation over (i=1)][n.summation over (j=1)] [a.sub.ij][[a.sub.i-1,j] + [a.sub.i+1,j]]



m = Number of Rows in the data incidence matrix

n = Number of Columns in the data incidence matrix

[a.sub.ij] = Location of Cell element, i.e., the element 'a' is placed in the ith row and jth column.

With the initialization [a.sub.0,j] = [a.sub.m+1,j = 0]

Row Order Computation

Maximize ME = [m.summation over (i=1)][n.summation over (j=1)] [a.sub.ij][[a.sub.i,j-1] + [a.sub.i,j+1]]



m = Number of Rows in the data incidence matrix

n = Number of Columns in the data incidence matrix

[a.sub.ij] = Location of Cell element, i.e., the element 'a' is placed in the ith row and jth column.

With the initialization [a.sub.i.0] = [a.sub.I,n+1 = 0]

The Procedure for finding optimal column/row order is as follows:- (1) Place one of the columns arbitrarily, Set j=1

(2) Try placing individually each of the remaining n-j columns in each of the possible locations (to the left and right of the j columns already placed), and compute each column's contribution to the ME.

(3) Place the columns that gives the largest ME value together with first referenced column

(4) Increment j by 1 and repeat until j = n

(5) When all the columns have been placed, repeat the procedure on the rows using row order computation expression.

Enhanced And Developed Optimisation Approach (EDOA)

Enhanced Optimization Approach

From the above computational procedure, the existing BEA is enhanced through the direct and combined application of the BEA expression is given below.

Maximize ME = 1/2 [m.summation over (i=1)][n.summation over (j=1)] [a.sub.ij][[a.sub.i,j-1] + [a.sub.i,j+1] + [a.sub.i1,j] + [a.sub.i+1,j]



m = Number of Rows in the data incidence matrix

n = Number of Columns in the data incidence matrix

[a.sub.ij] = Location of Cell element, i.e., the element 'a' is placed in the ith row and jth column.

With the initialization [a.sub.0,j] = [a.sub.m+1,j = [a.sub.i.0] = [a.sub.I,n+1] = 0

The enhancement has been achieved through the improvement of cluster efficiency by the summation of left, right, top and bottom element of any [a.sub.ij] cell element in the data incidence matrix and multiplied by the same element [a.sub.ij] and the whole divided by 2 gives the cell contribution or ME value for the particular element [a.sub.ij]. The summations of all elements' contribution available in the incidence matrix are the total contribution or total ME or produce the Total Bond Energy. The total bond energy before clustering called here as Initial Measurement of Effectiveness and after clustering called as final Measurement of Effectiveness. The problem is here also reduced by two separate optimizations by using the same BEA expression. Using the enhanced BEA flow chart as shown in Figure 1 does the optimal column/row order computations. The application of Best Neighbors Clustering (BNC) interacting with this enhancement results the highest bond energy and interaction density, whenever the degree of interacting elements (Number of 1's) comes closer with various combination occurrences row wise/ column wise during the column/row order computations. On the other hand, whenever if any non-interacting element (Number of 0's, i.e. empty cells) comes closer, No such bond energy developed. The effect of this enhancement increases the cluster efficiency.


Enhanced and Developed Optimization Approach (EDOA)

The enhanced BEA was enriched by a developed clustering approach through the application of tie breaking choice as mentioned in the enhanced and developed optimization approach (EDOA) as shown in Figure 2. The column computation started as first and computes the optimal column order sequence and starts the row computation and computes the optimal row order sequence. Two similar treatments are applied for rows and columns from data array called as Data Incidence Matrix. Rearrange columns order optimal sequence from data array called as Structured Incidence Matrix. The rearrangement of row order optimal sequence from the structured incidence matrix called as Combined Incidence Matrix. The final solution is in the form of combined incidence matrix and it consist of self-contained clusters and it forms a Block Diagonal Matrix.

A detailed procedural step of EDOA is as follows:

(1) Find Initial Measure of Effectiveness (ME) for the given data incidence matrix using the BEA Expression

(2) Set j=1.

(3) Select a column or row arbitrarily.

(4) Calculate the Measure of Effectiveness (ME) for each of the remaining n-j columns (m-j rows) with the jth column (jth row).

(5) Place individually the column(s) row(s) from n-j column(s) m-j row(s) with jth column (jth rows), and those, which have largest ME(s) next to (below) jth column or jth rows.

(6) For calculation of ME, for any j and j+1 columns (rows), nearest neighbors technique is also followed.

(7) Select large ME column (row) contribution as reference and compare with n-j columns (rows) and compute ME again. If any tie occurs choose a tie breaking choice.

(8) Continue the same procedure until all ME values becomes Zero or formation of first row or column order block.

(9) Now choose j+1 i.e. new unallocated column (row) for next comparison/computation and so on.

(10) Continue until (j=n) or (j=m).

(11) The process will stop when j=n or j=m, otherwise continue the procedure as per detailed BEA flow chart. (Figure 5.4)

(12) Rearrangement of columns or rows for getting block diagonal or checkerboard clusters (if any).

(13) Find Maximum Measure of Effectiveness i.e. final Measure of Effectiveness (ME). This value always larger than initial measure of Effectiveness.

(14) The Total Bond Energy (TBE) results the final measurement of effectiveness after the clustering process.


Case Study

A Case Study is presented for this problem to test and validate the EDOA. The study was mainly focused on logistics concerns and supplier activities relationship between a main industry and a chain connecting with their suppliers. They are followed the regular manufacturing practices including product design and development, tool design, die design, raw material planning, scheduling, inventory, manufacturing, storage and warehousing etc. The problem is found in this juncture is to make an interlink between the main industry and segregate the various logistic and logistic design activities involved in manufacturing activities from product design and development to the disposal of products and to the customer. The study took all necessary steps to link all the activities held between the manufacturers and suppliers. The paper is based on both desk research and field research project into providing a logistics support perspective to the product design process.

EDOA Methodology

According the product design interfaces with logistics and the interactions between modules and design parameters, the formulation process starts. A cell entry, say [a.sub.ij] receives either 1 or 0, corresponding to binary element procedure. The entry 1 or 0 indicates that a particular design parameter does or does not belong to the respective module. The interactions between modules and design parameters can be represented in a binary module design parameter incidence matrix. The assignment of binary values is inherently a technical task and requires the possession of knowledge and skills as they pertain to a particular logistics design. The methodology presented here allows the generation of multiple incidence matrices. Each of these matrices can be explored and solved, and the results can be evaluated for their effectiveness. On the other hand, the design team members can hold discussions and changes can be made to only one incidence matrix until an agreement is achieved. The ME measures the density of the bond between any two elements of the matrix. When the ME numerical value is greater, then the bond between the elements is greater or vive-versa.

The EDOA methodology is used here to maximize the system effectiveness to achieve rich or best clusters so as to minimize the time and cost to the related activities considered in this study. The existing Bond Energy Algorithm (BEA) was applied to this study and tested for cluster efficiency. But it forms lesser efficiency clusters. The Initial Measurement of System Effectiveness (MSE) for the existing data is 21 and the final MSE for existing method gives only 81 after clustering. The clusters formed for the existing method as shown in Figure 3. Hence it is proposed to introduce the above mentioned enhanced and developed optimization approach (EDOA) for computational purpose to get rich clusters to the appropriate family of logistic design. The methodology used in this paper generates modules that are cohesive, bounded and contains a self-contained group of activities. For effective implementation of integrated logistics design, each module solves one clearly defined segment of the total system.


The Initial MSE value for the study as same as 21 and the final MSE value obtained was 99 after clustering. The system effectiveness is maximized and hence the clustering process releases highest bond energy and the solution consist optimal bond energy. The EDOA results are shown in Figure 4. Here the computational procedures are drastically increased due to the reference selection of column/row large ME. This will be continued until all ME values becomes zero to form a row / Column order block. Then only the next choice of unallocated column/ row allowed as reference in computations. The effect of this process, the clustering efficiency was much improved. Hence whatever the data suggested by the mutual agreement between the logistician and design engineer of any manufacturing firms, the EDOA achieves a best clustering approach and results an effective clustering.


The objective of EDOA in a logistic design has been attained through clustering. The design for logistics model results with four module families with related design parameters. The above study produced high bond energy clusters by the incremental rise in the system effectiveness when comparing the existing optimization approach..

This approach reduces the scattering of data and hence there will be a chance of the occurrence of perfect block diagonal also, if the relevance of data is appropriate. Many times it results the block checkerboard cluster types also. EDOA Clustering Software is also specially developed for this research and it is also tested and validated through this study.


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J.S. Gnanasekaran (1) and S. Shanmugasundaram (2)

(1) Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Sri Krishna College of Engineering and Technology, Coimbatore-641008. India. E-mail:jsgsekar@yahoo.com

(2) Principal, Rajarajeswari Engineering College, Adayalampattu, Chennai-600 095. India, E-mail: sssundaramgct@yahoo.com
Figure 3: Existing BEA Clustering.

                               DESIGN PARAMETERS

          BEA     1    21    26     2     8    13    17    23    25
MODULES     1   1     1     1                 1
           13   1     1     1     1     1     1     1     1     1
           12   1     1     1     1                 1
           15         1           1     1     1           1     1

                               DESIGN PARAMETERS

          BEA    29     3     4    14    18    30     5     6     9
MODULES     1   1
           13   1
            2         1     1     1     1     1
            5         1     1     1     1     1
            3                                       1     1     1
            6                                       1     1     1
            8                                       1     1     1
            7         1     1     1     1     1
            9                                       1
           15   1

                               DESIGN PARAMETERS

          BEA    12    15    27     7    10    11    16    19    20
MODULES     1                     1
           13                     1
            2                           1
            5                           1
            3   1     1     1                 1     1
            6   1     1     1                 1
            8   1     1     1
            4                                                   1
           14                                                   1
            9                                             1
           10                                             1
           11                                                   1

                 DESIGN PARAMETERS

          BEA    22    28    24
            4   1     1
           14   1     1

Figure 4: EDOA Clustering.

                                  DESIGN PARAMETERS

                ES1   1.1   1.2   4.1   4.2   7.1   9.1   11    12
                BE    1     2     7     8     13    17    21    23
MODULES   MF1   1     1           1           1           1
                12    1     1                       1     1
                13    1     1     1     1     1     1     1     1
                15          1           1     1           1     1
          MF2   2
          MF3   3
          MF4   4
                ES1   1.1   1.2   4.1   4.2   7.1   9.1    11    12

                                 DESIGN PARAMETERS

                ES1   12    13    13    15    2.1   2.2   5.2
                BE    24    25    26    29    3     4     10
MODULES   MF1   1                 1     1
                12    1           1
                13          1     1     1
                15          1           1
          MF2   2                             1     1     1
                5                             1     1     1
                7                             1     1
          MF3   3
          MF4   4
                ES1   12    13    13    15    2.1   2.2   5.2
                                DPF1              DPF2

                                  DESIGN PARAMETERS

                ES1   7.2   9.2    15   3.1   3.2   5.1   6.1   6.2
                BE    14    18    30    5     6     9     11    12
          MF2   2     1     1     1
                5     1     1     1
                7     1     1     1
          MF3   3                       1     1     1     1     1
                6                       1     1     1     1     1
                8                       1     1     1           1
                9                       1
          MF4   4
                ES1   7.2   9.2    15   3.1   3.2   5.1   6.1   6.2
                            DPF2                    DPF3

                                  DESIGN PARAMETERS

                ES1   8.1   8.2   10    14    10    11    14
                BE    15    16    19    27    20    22    28
          MF2   2
          MF3   3     1     1           1
                6     1                 1
                8     1     1           1
                9                 1
                10                1
          MF4   4                             1     1     1
                11                            1
                14                            1     1     1
                ES1   8.1   8.2   10    14    10    11    14
                               DPF3                 DPF4

