Experimental analysis of oxygen stripping from feed water in a two stage jet cum tray type deaerator.
Suryanarayana, K.V. ; Sharma, K.V. ; Sarma, P.K. 等
Boiler feed water may contain significant amounts of dissolved
oxygen, which causes pitting and iron deposition. Deaerators are used to
remove these dissolved and corrosive gases from boiler makeup feed
water. The makeup water and the condensate are heated in the deaerator
for removal of oxygen before entry into the boiler as even small amounts
of dissolved gas can cause significant corrosion. The high temperature
of boiler feed water will further increase the corrosivity due to
dissolved oxygen, if left untreated. In Jet cum tray type deaerator, the
incoming water enclosed in a chamber is passed through a pipe which is
located at the top of the deaerator and gets collected at a distance of
0.55 m from the pipe, referred to as the first stage. The length of the
second stage can be adjusted to 0.65/1.25/1.55m by using spool pieces
between the trays. Both the first and second stages are engulfed with
steam at a pressure. Experiments are conducted at different flow rates
of deaerator water, lengths, deaerator pressures, inlet water
temperatures, and oxygen concentration in inlet water.
Hasson et al. [1964a,b] theoretically analyzed the jets of various
configurations such as fan spray sheet, uniformly thick sheet and
cylindrical jet subjected to zero surface resistance. For Graetz number
less than 30, the local Nusselt number is constant for all the three
jets. In this region, the Nusselt number of cylindrical jet is observed
to be lower compared to the other two. For Graetz numbers greater than
100, the local Nusselt number of fan spray sheet is observed to be
higher compared to the other two types. The experimental investigation
revealed the heat transfer coefficients to vary between 11630 and 23260
W/([m.sup.2]K) and remained unaltered when steam pressure is reduced
from higher atmospheric to sub atmospheric pressure. The heat transfer
coefficient decreases with increasing air content in steam. Nosoko et
al. [3] conducted experiments on oxygen absorption using a single column
horizontal tube bank of 16 mm diameter and 284 mm wetted length. They
observed Sherwood number to increase with increase in tube spacing from
2 to 5 mm and then levels off at 10 mm or higher. They concluded that
the volume of horizontal tube absorber to be 1/2.2 to 1/1.18 times lower
compared to vertical orientation for the same heat duty.
The estimation of condensation heat transfer coefficient from jets
by inducting non-condensable gas into vapor region has been analyzed by
many. Heat and mass transfer studies with non-condensable gas such as
oxygen getting stripped from boiler feed water under jet flow is quite
limited. Hence, it is proposed to conduct experiments to estimate the
heat and mass transfer coefficients at different mass flows rates and
study its impact on oxygen stripping from the boiler feed water.
Fabrication of the Experimental setup
The experimental setup consists of 0.15m dia column and 1.2m long
with flexibility to enhance the height to a maximum of 2.1 m using
spacers. Spacers of 200 and 300 mm length are available which can be
used individually or in combination to vary the length of the deaerator
column. A 200 liters feed water storage tank, a steam jacket on the
deaerator water inlet pipe for regulating its temperature and a pump for
circulating water are other accessories. In the steam circuit a pressure
regulator and steam trap are connected to a buffer tank for removal of
water droplets after steam expansion in the pressure regulator. A water
bath of 25 liters capacity with a copper coil to regulate the
temperature of sample water to 30-40[degrees]C connected to Dissolved
Oxygen (DO) meter, flow components such as valves, flow meters, pressure
gauges and thermocouples are provided. The process and instrumentation
diagram of the experimental setup is shown in Fig. 1.
Jet Flows
The estimation of heat transfer coefficients due to condensation of
steam on water jets is of great significance in the design of equipment
such as direct contact condensers, desuperheaters and for water
desalination with "vapors reheat flash process". The liquid
emanating as a jet flows for a short distance and later breaks-up to
form droplets. High heat transfer coefficients can be attained with
these cylindrical jets. The analysis of the data is based on the
following assumptions.
(a) The liquid jet moves in a medium of constant temperature.
(b) Jet velocity is assumed constant, neglecting the interfacial
drag and reaction on the jet due to vapor initially at rest condensing
on a moving liquid.
(c) The variation of properties such as [C.sub.P], [rho], k of
water with temperature is negligible
(d) The temperature of water in the second stage is assumed to
increase linearly.
Estimation of Heat Transfer Coefficients--Stage 1
The heat conduction equation for cylindrical jets can be written as
[V.sub.1] [delta][T.sub.J]/[delta]z =
[alpha][[[delta].sup.2][T.sub.J]/[delta][r.sup.2] + 1/r *
[delta][T.sub.J]/[delta]r] [1]
where [V.sub.1], the jet velocity is estimated based on volumetric
flow rate of water and the diameter of the nozzle. The variation of
non-dimensional temperature with Graetz number for condensing vapors on
laminar liquid jets for the condition of zero resistance at the
interface has been presented by Hasson et al. [1]
[theta] = 0.6915 Exp (-23.136/Gz) for [Gz.sup.[less than or equal
to]] 10 [2a]
and [theta] = 1 -8 [square root of ([pi] Gz)] for Gz > 10 [2b]
where Gz = [V.sub.1] [D.sup.2.sub.1]/[alpha]z
From the definition of dimensionless temperature, the temperature
of water at the end of first stage can be determined from the relation
[T.sub.J] = [T.sub.S] - ([T.sub.S] - [T.sub.i]) [theta] [3]
The average Graetz number [Gz.sub.AV] for the first stage can be
evaluated by integrating
The average Nusselt number and heat transferred in the first stage
can be estimated
[Nu.sub.AV] = 5.784 for [Gz.sub.AV] [less than or equal to] 10 [5a]
[Nu.sub.AV] = [square root of (([Gz.sub.AV]/[pi]/1-8/[square root
of ([pi] [Gz.sub.AV]))] for [Gz.sub.AV] > 10 [5b]
[Q.sub.1] = [h.sub.AV] [A.sub.1]([T.sub.S] - [T.sub.i]) [6]
where [h.sub.AV] = [Nu.sub.AV] k/[D.sub.1] [7]
The energy balance equation for the deaerator comprising of the
first and second stages can be estimated from the relation
[Q.sub.E] = m [C.sub.PL] ([T.sub.o] - [T.sub.i]) = [Q.sub.1] +
[Q.sub.2] [8]
Estimation of Heat Transfer Coefficients--Stage 2
A mathematical treatment of condensation on laminar and turbulent
liquid jets emanating from small diameter jets has been presented by
Mochalova et al. [4]. They compared their analysis with the experimental
data of Mills et al. [5] and presented an explicit solution for the
estimation of heat transfer coefficient in terms of Reynolds, Prandtl,
and Weber numbers in addition to other geometric parameters governing
the flow. For laminar flow the heat transfer coefficient can be
estimated when [Re.sub.H] [less than or equal to] 1500 given by
St = ([f.sub.1][f.sub.2][f.sub.3] -0.004
Ja)[([L.sub.2]/[D.sub.2]).sup.-0.8] and [h.sub.2T] = St
[[rho].sub.2][V.sub.2][C.sub.PL2] [9]
[f.sub.1] = 1.25 x [10.sup.-2] -7.5 x [10.sup.-6] [Re.sub.H];
[f.sub.2] = 1.05 - Pr (8 x [10.sup.-3] -3 x [10.sup.-4]
[f.sub.3] = 1.05 - [C.sup.3/4] [Re.sup.-2.sub.H] We +
[L.sub.2]/[D.sub.2] (0.03-0.6 [C.sup.3/4] [Re.sup.-2.sub.H] We) for We
< 2.5;
[f.sub.3] = 1.05 - [C.sup.3/4] [Re.sup.-2.sub.H] We (0.4 + 0.01
[L.sub.2]/[D.sub.2]) for We [greater than or equal to] 2.5;
The heat transfer coefficient T h2 estimated with Eq. (9) can be
validated for small diameter liquid jets, if the surface area of the
second stage can be determined. The surface area for heat transfer
depends on the breakup length of the liquid jet. The length of the jet
emerging from 1.8 mm diameter holes of the tray can be estimated using
the empirical correlation of Celata et al [6] given by
[L.sub.hb]/[D.sub.2] = 29 + 1.9 [square root of (We)] [10]
The volume of water in the jet upto break-up length can be
estimated from the geometry
[v.sub.j] = [pi][D.sup.2.sub.2]/4 [L.sub.hb] [11]
The spherical droplet formation takes place on the breakup of the
liquid jet. The diameter and volume of the droplet formed on breakup can
be estimated from the relations given by Hinze [7]
d = 1.89 [D.sub.2] ; [v.sub.d] = [pi][d.sup.3]/6 [12]
The number of droplets N formed from each jet in the second stage
can be estimated from the relation
N = [v.sub.J]/[v.sub.d] [13]
The surface area of the each tray, [A.sub.t] for heat transfer is
the sum of the surface areas estimated upto breakup length and the
surface area of droplets formed from 154 jets given by
[A.sub.t] = 154x[pi] ([D.sub.2] [L.sub.hb] + [Nd.sup.2]) [14]
Similar procedure is adopted for the remaining two trays. As the
jet height from the fourth tray is 0.05m which is less than the breakup
length, the surface area exposed to steam is taken for consideration.
Hence, the total surface area of the second stage considering all the
four trays for the estimation of heat transfer area is given by
[A.sub.2] = 3 [A.sub.t] + 154 x 0.05 [pi] [D.sub.2] [15]
The heat transfer coefficient of the second stage can then be
estimated from Newton's law of cooling given by
[h.sub.2E] = [Q.sub.2]/[A.sub.2]([T.sub.S] - [T.sub.J]) [16]
The heat transferred in the second stage of the deaerator can be
estimated from the energy balance Eq. (8) and written as
[Q.sub.2] = [Q.sub.E] - [Q.sub.1] [17]
It can also be estimated from the heat transfer coefficients
evaluated for the first and second stages given by
[Q.sub.T] = [h.sub.1] [A.sub.1] ([T.sub.S]-[T.sub.i]) +
[h.sub.2T][A.sub.2]([T.sub.S] - [T.sub.J]) [18]
Regression equation has been developed with 85 data points useful
for estimating the overall heat transfer coefficient given by
valid in the range 0.033 < m 0.125 kg/s, 120 < L/[D.sub.1]
< 210 and 1.1 < [T.sub.S]/[T.sub.i] < 1.4 with an average
deviation (AD) of 3% and standard deviation (SD) of 4%.
Estimation of Mass Transfer Coefficients of both stages
The following assumptions are made in the analysis to evaluate the
quantity of dissolved oxygen removed
(1) Jet is cylindrical in configuration
(2) Diffusion occurs under non-isothermal conditions i.e. the major
resistance for diffusion is within the liquid
(3) The resistance for diffusion of oxygen from the interface to
steam environment is negligible.
The component continuity equation can be written as
[pi]/4 [D.sup.2] L [[rho].sub.L] dX(t)/dt = -[k.sub.L,J] [C.sub.A]
[pi] D L [20]
Further in the evaluation of X(t) in Eq. (20), the mass transfer
coefficient, [k.sub.L,J] should be known apriory. The empirical
correlations of Mayinger [8] valid in the laminar-wavy, transition and
turbulent flow regime for falling films are given by
[Sh.sub.J] = 2.24x[10.sup.-2] [Re.sup.0.8.sub.J][Sc.sup.0.5.sub.J]
valid in the range 12 [less than or equal to] [Re.sub.J] [less than
or equal to] 70 and [Sc.sub.J] [greater than or equal to] 2.32 x
[Sh.sub.J] = 8.0x[10.sup.-2] [Re.sup.0.5.sub.J][Sc.sup.0.5.sub.J]
valid in the range 70 [less than or equal to] [Re.sub.J] [less than
or equal to] 400 and [Sc.sub.J] [greater than or equal to]
1.82x[10.sup.3]/[Re.sub.J] [21c]
for [Re.sub.J] [greater than or equal to] 400 and [Sc.sub.J]
[greater than or equal to] 1.47x[10.sup.7]/[Re.sup.2.5.sub.J] [21c]
Eq. (20) is rearranged and solved in conjunction with Eq. (21) for
the initial condition t = 0, X = [X.sub.i] to obtain
Oxygen diffusion from droplets
The mass transfer coefficient of a spherical droplet can be derived
from the component continuity equation given by
[pi]/6 [d.sup.3][[rho].sub.L] dX(t)/dt = -[k.sub.L,d] [C.sub.A]
[pi][d.sup.2] [23]
Further in the evaluation of X(t) of Eq. (23) the mass transfer
coefficient [k.sub.L,d] should be known apriory. For flow past a single
sphere, the mass transfer coefficient under forced and free convective
conditions is given by the well established dimensionless equations of
Steinberger and Treybal [9]
[Sh.sub.d] = [Sh.sub.0] + 0.347 [([Re.sub.d]
[Sc.sub.d.sup.0.5]).sup.0.62] [24]
valid in the range 0.6 < [Sc.sub.d] < 4000 and 1.8 <
[Re.sub.d] < 6 x [10.sup.5]
The initial Sherwood number [Sh.sub.0] can be evaluated from the
[Sh.sub.0] = 2 + 0.569 [([Gr.sub.d][Sc.sub.d]).sup.0.25] for
[Gr.sub.d][Sc.sub.d] < [10.sup.8] [25a]
[Sh.sub.0] = 2 + 0.0254 [([Gr.sub.d][Sc.sub.d]).sup.0.333]
[Sc.sup.0.244.sub.d] for [Gr.sub.d][Sc.sub.d]> [10.sup.8] [25b]
Eq. (23) can be solved in conjunction with Eqs. (24) and (25) for
the initial condition t = 0, X = [X.sub.i] to obtain
where [D.sub.L] = (7.481x[10.sup.-16] x
The Eqs. (22) and (26) are solved for different mass flow rates,
deaerator lengths and inlet oxygen concentrations in the experimental
range and the results presented.
A regression equation has been developed for the estimation of
Sherwood number in the experimental range 0.033 < m < 0.125 kg/s,
120 < L/[D.sub.1] < 210 and 1.1 < [T.sub.S]/[T.sub.i] < 1.4
obtained with AD of 2.54% and SD of 3.84%.
Results and discussion
The temperature and concentration at the end of the first stage are
evaluated using Eqs. (3) and (22) respectively and salient results
The increase in mass flow rate of deaerator water increases heat
transfer coefficients in the first and second stages of the deaerator as
shown in Fig. 2. The rate of increase is more in the first stage than in
the second due to higher temperature potential between steam and water.
A comparison of the heat transferred from both stages estimated from
energy balance Eq. (8) with values estimated with Eq. (18) is in good
agreement as can be seen from Fig. 3. This validates the heat transfer
coefficients obtained with Eqs. (7) and (9) for the first and second
stages respectively.
Experiments on direct contact condensation have been conducted with
steamwater by Genic [10] and presented a regression equation between
liquid phase transfer units and kinetic energy parameter given by
[NTU.sub.L.sup.C] = 0.185 [F.sup.-1.48.sub.LV] [28]
A comparison of the present data estimated for these parameters is
in good agreement shown as Fig.4 valid for the deaerator first stage.
The overall condensation heat transfer coefficient of two stage jet cum
tray type deaerator is found to vary between 400-1600 W/([m.sup.2]K).
Values estimated from the regression equation shown in Fig. 5 are in
good agreement with values evaluated from energy balance Eq. (8). The
increasing trends of mass transfer coefficient shown in Fig.6 for both
the first and second stages of deaerator with increase in mass flow rate
of water are similar to increases in heat transfer coefficient as can be
seen from a comparison with Fig.2. The increase in deaerator pressure
from 0.12 MPa to 0.2 MPa enhances the mass transfer coefficient in the
second stage. This may be attributed to squeezing of oxygen from the
water droplets due to higher pressure. The variation of Reynolds number
with [Sh.sub.J] x [Sc.sup.-0.5.sub.J] for different operating conditions
in the first and second stage of jet cum tray type deaerator is shown in
Fig.7. The experimental values are in good agreement with the values
estimated with the equation of Nosoko et al. [3] and Bakopoulos [11] for
the first and second stages respectively. A plot between Sherwood number
estimated with the regression equation is in good agreement with the
experimental values as shown in Fig. 8 bringing out the validity of Eq.
(27) proposed.
A comparison of the experimental values of oxygen stripped with
that estimated with Eq. (22) for jet flow and with Eq. (26) for droplets
is shown in Fig.9. A comparison of the values from theory and
experiments is in good agreement.
The following conclusions can be drawn from the analysis of jet cum
tray type deaerator
(a) The increase in mass flow rate of water increases the heat
transfer coefficients whereas increase in pressure has negligible effect
on the heat transfer coefficient for both stages of the deaerator.
(b) The increase in length of the second stage has no significant
effect on heat transfer coefficients.
(c) The equation of Hasson et al.[1] is found to be valid for jet
flow in the first stage only. The jet diameter is also an important
parameter in determining the applicability of a theoretical equation in
the estimation of heat transfer coefficient.
(d) The increase in flow rate of deaerator water increases the mass
transfer coefficients in the first and second stages.
(e) The increase in deaerator pressure from 0.12 MPa to 0.2 MPa
enhances the mass transfer coefficients in the second stage by 14
(f) The empirical correlations of Mayinger [8] predict the Sherwood
number satisfactorily for both the first and second stages.
(g) The increase in length of the second stage has no significant
effect on mass transfer coefficients.
(h) Regression Eqs. (19) and (27) for the estimation of heat and
mass transfer coefficients are presented for use in deaerator design.
A surface area for heat transfer,
C parameter defined in Eq. (9), g
[C.sub.A] Concentration of oxygen,
(= [[rho].sub.L] X) kg/[m.sup.3]
[C.sub.P] specific heat, J/kg K
d droplet diameter
D inside diameter of the pipe/rivet
sleeve, m
[D.sub.L] diffusion coefficient or diffusivity
of oxygen in water, [m.sup.2]/s
[f.sub.1][f.sub.2][f.sub.3] parameters defined in Eq.(9)
[F.sub.LV] kinetic energy parameter,
1/s[square root of ([[rho].sub.V]
g local acceleration of gravity,
[Gr.sub.d] Grashof number, g [d.sup.3]
([[rho].sub.L] - [[rho].sub.V])/
[[rho].sub.L] [([[rho].sub.L]/
Gz Graetz number
h heat transfer coefficient, W/[m.sup.2]K
[H.sub.fg] latent heat of condensation, J/kg
Ja Jacob number, [C.sub.PL]([T.sub.s] -
k thermal conductivity, W/m K
[k.sub.L] mass transfer coefficient, m/s
L length, m
[L.sub.hb] hydraulic break-up length of the jet, m
m mass flow rate of water, kg/s
N number of droplets
[NTU.sub.L] number of liquid phase transfer units,
[T.sub.s] - [T.sub.i]/
[T.sub.S] - [T.sub.J]
Nu Nusselt number
[P.sub.D] deaerator pressure, N/[m.sup.2]
ppb parts per billion
Pr Prandtl number of liquid Jet in
stage 2, [[upsilon].sub.2][[alpha].sub.2]
Q heat transfer, W
r radius of the liquid jet, m
[Re.sub.d] droplet Reynolds number for mass
transfer, d [V.sub.2]/[[upsilon].sub.V]
[Re.sub.J] Jet Reynolds number, [GAMMA]/
[Re.sub.H] Reynolds number of liquid Jet in
second stage, [V.sub.2][D.sub.2]/
s mass flow rate ratio of stripping
steam to the inlet water
Sc Schmidt number, [[upsilon].sub.L]/
[Sh.sub.0] initial Sherwood number
[Sh.sub.d] droplet Sherwood number,
[Sh.sub.J] Sherwood number of the liquid jet,
St Stanton number
t residence time, s
T temperature, K
[T.sub.AV] fluid properties evaluated at the
average temperature, {([T.sub.o] +
[T.sub.i]}/2}, K
U overall heat transfer coefficient,
v volume of liquid, [m.sup.3]
[v.sub.A] molecular volume of oxygen,
V Velocity of liquid, m/s
We Weber number of liquid Jet in second
stage, {[[rho].sub.2][V.sup.2.sub.2]
X mass fraction of oxygen in water, ppb
z coordinate along the jet
Greek symbols
[alpha] thermal diffusivity, [m.sup.2]/s
[GAMMA] volumetric flow rate per jet perimeter,
[delta] Nusselt film thickness, [(3
[theta] non-dimensional temperature at the
end of the first stage
[upsilon] kinematic viscosity, [m.sup.2]/s
[mu] viscosity, kg/m s
[rho] density, kg/[m.sup.3]
[sigma] surface tension, {60.3 - 0.166
([T.sub.J] - 273.15)[10.sup.-3]}
AV average
E energy balance
EXP experiment
d droplet
H heat transfer
i inlet
J jet
L liquid
o outlet
Reg regression equation
S saturation
t tray
T theoretical
V water vapor
1 first stage
2 second stage
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(1) K.V. Suryanarayana *, (2) K. V. Sharma, (3) P.K. Sarma, (4) V.
Dharma Rao and (5) D.M. Reddy Prasad
(1) Department of Chemical Engineering, Sri Venkateswara
Engineering College, Suryapet-508 213
(2) Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Universiti Malaysia Pahang,
26300 Gambang, Kuantan, Pahang DM, E-mail: kvsharmajntu@yahoo.com
(3) International Director, GITAM University, Visakhapatnam-530 045
E-mail: sarmapk@yahoo.com
(4) Department of Chemical Engineering, A.U College of Engineering,
Visakhapatnam-530 002 E-mail: v.dharmarao@yahoo.com
(5) Faculty of Chemical Engineering, Universiti Malaysia Pahang,
26300 Gambang, Kuantan, Pahang DM E-mail: dmrprasad@gmail.com
* Corresponding author Email: kagita_surya@yahoo.com