Optimization of machinability parameters of aluminium/alumina metal matrix composites.
Yuvaraja, C. ; Sharma, K.V.
Applications of composite materials are among the most important
developments in material engineering in recent years. MMCs have emerged
as an important class of materials and are increasingly utilized in
various engineering applications, such as aerospace, marine, automobile
and turbine-compressor engineering, which require materials offering a
combination of light weight with considerably accelerated mechanical and
physical properties such as strength, toughness, stiffness and
resistance to high temperature. However, the applications of MMCs are
limited by their poor machinability which is a result of their highly
abrasive nature that causes excessive tool wear in cutting with tungsten
carbide tools and even with diamond tools. The tremendous engineering
potentials of MMCs will always be undermined by their high machining
costs unless the economical and efficient machining mechanism for MMCs
is developed.
Previous investigations by Tomac and Tonnessen [1] on the
machinability of the MMCs with respect to tool wear has revealed that
the cutting speed while machining Al-alumina MMCs with polycrystalline
diamond (PCD) and coated tungsten carbide tools reduces the tool life
due to excessive flank wear. Further their investigation also reveals
the high feed rate reduces tool wear due to the improvement in the
conduction of heat from the cutting zone onto the workpiece that causes
softening of the metallic matrix enabling alumina particle to be
embedded into the machined workpiece. Work done by Yuan et al. [2] shows
that when a PCD cutting tool is used, the cutting depth has no
significant effect on the surface roughness of the machined workpiece.
However, it was reported by Lane [3] that the tool life of the PCD
cutting tool was found to be inversely proportional to radial depth of
cut. Weinert [4] showed that instead of improving the tool life, the
application of water and oil as lubricants generated more tool-wear for
both PCD and coated carbide cutting tools.
Lane [5] reported that a 50% drop in volume percentage of the
particulate reinforcement in MMCs can improve the tool life by 21% and a
27% decrease in the particulate reinforcement's diameter can
improve tool life by 500%. This shows that the size of the reinforcing
particles has a much stronger effect than the population of reinforcing
particles. As particulate volume percentage rises, more cracks and
scales will be produced on the machined surface. This is due to the
culmination of higher stress concentration on the cutting layer during
cutting as well as the occurrence of non-homogeneous plastic
deformation. Further the selection of proper heat treatment condition
for the MMCs workpiece, could improve the tool life 100 and 350%.
The wear process at the rake face and the clearance face of a
cutting tool can be classified as sliding wear. The reasons for the
occurrence of tool wear while machining MMCs is the direct contact
between the particles and the cutting edge. Therefore, the hardness of
the reinforcement should be the dominant factors for tool wear. The
study of the topography of the worn cutting edges led to the conclusion
that the main tool wear mechanism is due to abrasion. Fang [6] observed
that the tool wear produced while machining Al-alumina MMCs was very
symmetrical at the clearance face. The characteristics of the tool wear
were deep grooves, which were mostly parallel to the cutting direction.
Further he attributed the creation of these grooves is due to the
phenomenon of a cutting tool coming in contact with hard and brittle
particles which tends to move the particles rather than cutting or
breaking them.
The present study intends to enhance the understanding of the
machinability of MMCs by investigating the details of the tool wear
mechanism while cutting the MMCs, in particular the effects of the
percentage reinforcement in the MMCs on tool wear. For such a purpose,
an experimental study of cutting of Al-alumina MMCs using tungsten
carbide tools is conducted. The result shows that the main mechanism of
tool wear while cutting the MMCs is due to two-body abrasion and
three-body abrasion. The abrasive wear is accelerated when the
percentage of reinforcement in the MMCs exceeds a critical value. The
wear acceleration varies with the densities of the reinforcement and the
matrix. The size of the reinforcement particles and the tool geometry
was developed and verified by comparison with experimental results.
Experimental Studies
Composite preparation
In the present study, liquid metallurgy technique is adopted to
prepare the composites. Al-6061, which exhibits excellent casting
properties and reasonable strength, is selected as the base alloy. This
alloy is suitable for mass production of lightweight castings and can be
either sand cast or die cast.
A vortex method is adopted to prepare the composite specimens.
Alumina particles of size 30-50 [micro]m varying from 5 to 15 wt% are
preheated and introduced into the vortex created in the molten alloy in
vacuum. The vortex is created using an aluminite coated mechanical
impeller. The coating of aluminite is necessary in order to prevent the
migration of ferrous ions from the stirrer into the matrix alloy melt.
The melt is thoroughly stirred, degassed subsequently and poured into a
preheated split-type permanent mould. The samples of length 178 mm and
diameter 22 mm were developed for experimental work.
Machinability test
All the cutting tests were performed on a HMT CNC Lathe. In the
cutting tests for tool wear mechanisms, coated carbide is inserted in a
tool holder of 6[degrees] rake angle and 95[degrees] approach angle was
used. In the cutting tests for correlation between tool wear and
percentage of alumina in the MMCs, coated carbide is inserted in a tool
holder of 8[degrees] rake angle, 45[degrees] approach angle and
0[degrees] inclination angle were used. The tool wear measurements were
performed on an olympus measuring microscope with a resolution of 0.0001
Tool abrasive wear
A microscopic analysis to verify the presence of abrasive wear on
the tool in cutting of Al-alumina MMCs is conducted. The result show
two-body abrasive wear and three-body abrasive wear. Two-body abrasive
wear is caused by rubbing of a softer surface by a hard rough surface
while three-body abrasive wear is caused by hard particles entrapped
between two sliding surfaces.
The presence of grooves, which were parallel to the cutting in
Figure 1, indicates that two-body abrasion is the mechanism dominating
the tool wear. As reported by Akbulut et al. [7], the characteristics of
three-body abrasion is that it can create either scratches at low wear
rate or craters at high wear rate. The scratches and craters found on
the flank wear surface confirm the occurrence of three-body abrasion.
Tool Wear Acceleration
Cutting tests were performed to determine the effect of the
Al-alumina MMCs alumina weight percentage on tool wear. Six Al-alumina
MMCs workpiece, each with 5, 10 and 15 alumina weight percentage are
turned with equal material removal at a cutting speed 65m/min, feed rate
0.1 mm/rev and depth of cut 0.5mm. In each of the cutting tests, the
tool wear is measured after cutting off equal amount of workpiece
material, therefore, the measured wear values actually represent the
tool wear rates in the cutting processes. The tool wear values for equal
workpiece material removal are then plotted against the alumina weight
percentage of the workpiece. Keeping the other machining parameters
unchanged, the turning tests are repeated at higher and lower cutting
speeds of 88.61 and 24.26m/min, respectively, as well as higher and
lower feed rates of 0.2 and 0.05 mm/rev, to examine the sensitivity of
the results to the cutting speed and feed rate. The results obtained are
shown graphically in Figure 1 and Figure 2. It is shown that the tool
wear rate (tool wear for equal material removal) increases with the
increase in alumina weight percentage. Detailed analysis of the graph
reveals that there are two tool wear rate regions: one with relatively
low tool wear rates when alumina weight percentage is below 10 % and
another with high tool wear rates when alumina weight percentage is 15 %
and above. This phenomenon can be seen during machining throughout the
entire range of cutting conditions investigated. This indicates that the
increase of tool wear with the alumina weight percentage is accelerated
as the percentage of alumina in the MMCs exceeds a critical value, which
is between 10 and 15%. Figure 1 and Figure 2 also show that the tool
wear acceleration does not vary with cutting conditions.
Effect of Reinforcement Particle Length on the Tool Wear
Cutting tests are further conducted to study the effect of the
length of the reinforcement particles of the MMCs on the tool wear
acceleration relating to reinforcement percentage of the MMCs. The
diameters of the particle used in the MMCs specimens are 30, 40, 50 and
60 ?m. For each length, a set of MMCs specimens varying in the alumina
weight percentage, namely 5, 10, and 15 % are fabricated. Since the tool
wear acceleration does not vary with cutting conditions, the following
cutting conditions are used i.e., cutting speed 64.67 m/min, feed rate
0.1 mm/rev and depth of cut 0.5mm. In each of the cutting tests equal
amount of workpiece material was removed. The measured tool wear values
representing the tool wear rates in the cutting tests are shown in
Figure 3.
The results again reveal that while cutting the MMCs for each
alumina particle size, there are two wear rates when alumina weight
percentage is below a critical value band and another with high tool
wear rates when alumina weight percentage is above the critical value
band. However, the critical value band varies with the size of the
reinforcement particles. The critical band values decrease with increase
in the particle size.
The following conclusions can be drawn from the study.
1. The wear acceleration is caused by the interference between the
reinforcement particles. The interference is associated with a critical
weight percentage of the reinforcement in the MMCs.
2. The critical weight percentage of reinforcement is a function of
the densities of the reinforcement and the matrix as well as the length
of the reinforcement and the radius of the tool cutting edge.
3. The model can be used to develop MMCs machinability maps showing
the critical reinforcement percentages of MMCs varying with the
densities of the reinforcement and the matrix as well as the size of the
reinforcement particles and the radius of the tool cutting edge.
[1] N. Tomac and K. Tennessen, Machinability of particulate
aluminium matrix composites Ann. CIRP 41 (1) (1992), pp55-58.
[2] Z.J. Yuan, L. Geng and S. Dong, Ultra precision machining of
Glass/A1 composites, Ann. CIRP 42 (1) (1993), pp 107-109.
[3] C. Lane, The effect of different reinforcements of PCD tool
life for aluminium composites, in: Proceedings of the Machining of
Composite Materials Symposium, ASM Material Week. Chicago, IL, 1-5
November 1992, pp. 17-27.
[4] K. Weinert, A consideration of tool wear mechanism when
machining metal matrix composites (MMCs), Ann. CIRP 41 (1) (1993), pp
[5] C. Lane, Machinability of aluminium composites as a function of
matrix alloy and heat treatment, in: Proceedings of the Machining of
Composite Materials Symposium, ASM Material Week, Chicago, IL, 1-5
November 1992, pp. 3-15.
[6] L. Fang, Q.D. Zhou and Y.J. Li, An explanation of the relation
between wear and material hardness in three-body abrasion. Wear [5]
(1991), pp 313-321.
[7] H. Akbulut et al, Materials Science and technology, vol.14, pp.
* C. Yuvaraja and ** K.V.Sharma
* Department of Mechanical Engineering, K.S. Institute of
Technology, K.R. Road, Bangalore -560 062,Karnataka, India E-mail:
** Department of Mechanical Engineering, University Visveswaraiah
College of Engineering, K.R. Circle, Bangalore- 560 001, India E-mail: