Photovoltaic array maximum power point tracking using a fuzzy-sliding mode control.
Sellam, Mebrouk ; Hazzab, Abdeldjebar ; Bourahla, Mohamed 等
With industrial development the problem of energy shortage is more
and more aggravating. The photovoltaic (PV) systems are rapidly
expanding and have increasing in electric power technology and regarded
as the green energy of the new century control, sizing and management of
stand-alone photovoltaic systems are based on static method and energy
estimation allowing the simulation of PV system in average condition
[1]. A solar panel is the fundamental energy conversion component of the
PV systems. Its conversion efficiency depends on many extrinsic factors,
such as insolation (incident solar radiation) levels, temperature, and
load condition. In order to extract maximum power from the panel, a
maximum-power-point tracker (MPPT), which is a dc/dc converter, is
usually connected between the panel and the load. Various
maximum-power-point (MPP) tracking methods such as power matching scheme
[3], curve-fitting technique [4], perturb-and-observe method (PAOM) [5],
and incremental-conductance technique (ICT) [6], Fuzzy Logic Control
[7], sliding mode control [8] have been proposed.
In various nonlinear system control issues, fuzzy controller is
recently a popular method to combine with sliding mode control method
that can improve some disadvantages in this issue. Comparing with the
classical control theory, the fuzzy control theory does not pay much
attention to the stability of system, and the stability of the
controlled system cannot be so guaranteed. In fact, the stability is
observed based on following two assumptions: First, the input/output
data and system parameters must be crisply known. Second, the system has
to be known precisely. The fuzzy controller is weaker in stability
because it lacks a strict mathematics model to demonstrate, although
many researches show that it can be stabilized anyway [9]. Nevertheless,
the concept of a sliding mode controller (SMC) can be employed to be a
basis to ensure the stability of the controller.
In this paper the feature of a smooth control action of FLC has be
used to overcome the disadvantages of the SMC systems. This is achieved
by merging of the FLC with the variable structure of the SMC to form a
Fuzzy Sliding Mode Controller (FSMC). In this hybrid control system, the
strength of the sliding mode control lies in its ability to account for
modeling imprecision and external disturbances while the FLC provides
better damping and reduced chattering. The numerical simulation results
of the proposed scheme have presented good performances compared to the
adaptive sliding mode control.
Solar Array Mathematic Model
The equivalent circuit model of a solar cell consists of a current
generator and a diode plus series and parallel resistance [2]. The
mathematical equation expressing the output current of single cell is
given as Eq. (1).
I = []-[I.sub.0][exp
Where []: photocurrent;
[I.sub.0] : saturation current;
Q: electron charge;
V: solar cell voltage;
[R.sub.s]: series cell resistance;
[]: shunt cell resistance;
Principle of maximum power point tracking control [3]
The photovoltaic module operation depends strongly on the load
characteristics, (Fig. 1 and 2) to which it are connected [5]. Indeed,
for a load, with an internal resistance iR, the optimal adaptation
occurs only at one particular operating point, called Maximum Power
Point (MPP) and noted in our case max P.
Thus, when a direct connection is carried out between the source
and the load, (Fig. 1), the output of the PV module is seldom maximum
and the operating point is not optimal.
To overcome this problem, it is necessary to add an adaptation
device, MPPT controller with a DC-DC converter, between the source and
the load, (Fig. 3), [4, 5]. Furthermore the characteristics of a PV
system vary with temperature and insolation [5]. So, the MPPT controller
is also required to track the new modified maximum power point in its
corresponding curve whenever temperature and/or insolation variation
Sliding Mode MPPT Controller
A Sliding Mode Controller is a Variable Structure Controller (VSC).
Basically, a VSC includes several different continuous functions that
map plant state to a control surface, and the switching among the
functions is determined by plant state and is represented by a switching
function [8, 9].
Without lost of generality, consider the design of a sliding mode
controller for the following second order system:
[??] + [a.sub.i] [??] + [a.sub.2]x = b x u
We assume b > 0. u(t) is the input to the system. A possible
choice of the structure of a sliding mode controller is [9]:
u = [u.sub.eq] + k x sign(s) (2)
Where [u.sub.eq] is called equivalent control which dictates the
motion of the state trajectory along the sliding surface [9]; k is a
constant, representing the maximum controller output required to
overcome parameter uncertainties and disturbances. s is called the
switching function because the control action switches its sign on the
two sides of the switching surface s=o. For a second order system s is
defined as [9, 10]:
s = [??] + [lambda]e (3)
where e = [x.sub.d] - x and [x.sub.d] is the desired state.
[lambda] is a constant. sign(s) is the sign function, which is defined
The control strategy guarantees that the system trajectories move
toward and stay on the sliding surface s = 0 from any initial condition
if the following condition is met:
s x [??] [less than or equal to] - [eta] (5)
where [eta] is a positive constant that guarantees the system
trajectories hit the sliding surface in finite time [9].
Using a sign function often causes chattering in practice. One
solution is to introduce a boundary layer around the switching surface
[9, 10]:
u = [u.sub.s] + [u.sub.eq] (6)
[u.sub.s] = k x sat (s/[xi]) (7)
where the constant factor [xi] defines the thickness of the
boundary layer. sat (s/[xi]) is a saturation function that is defined
The characteristic of [u.sub.s] versus s/[xi] is shown in figure.
Figure 3 shows the functional diagram of the simulated photovoltaic
system. The DC-DC converter is the boost chopper of figure 4. The
sliding mode MPPT controller is simulated under standard conditions with
Temperature 27 [degrees]C and solar insolation 1000W/[m.sub.2]. The
figure 6 shows the results of this test and prove the efficiency of the
sliding mode MPPT controller to maintain continuously the panel power at
its maximum value.
Fuzzy Sliding Mode MPPT Controller
The disadvantage of sliding mode controllers is that the
discontinuous control signal produces chattering dynamics; chatter is
aggravated by small time delays in the system. In order to eliminate the
chattering phenomenon, different schemes have been proposed in the
literature. However, this does not solve the problem completely. In this
section, a fuzzy sliding surface is introduced to develop a sliding mode
controller, where the function k x sat(s/[xi]) of all sliding mode
controllers is replaced by a fuzzy system mechanism to reduce the
chattering phenomenon. This approach shows that a particular fuzzy
controller is an extension of an SMC with boundary layer [9].
Because the data manipulated in the fuzzy inference mechanism is
based on fuzzy set theory, the associated fuzzy sets involved in the
fuzzy control rules are defined as follows:
BN : Big Negative Bigger
MN : Medium Negative Big
ZE : Zero Medium
MP : Medium Positive Small
BP : Big Positive Smaller
Since only five fuzzy subsets, BN, MN, ZE, MP and BP, are defined
for s, the fuzzy inference mechanism contains five rules for the fuzzy
logic controller output. The resulting fuzzy inference rules for the
output variable [u.sub.n] are as follows:
Rule 1: IF s is BN THEN [u.sub.n] is Bigger
Rule 2: IF s is MN THEN [u.sub.n] is Big
Rule 3: IF s is ZE THEN [u.sub.n] is Medium
Rule 4: IF s is MP THEN [u.sub.n] is Small
Rule 5: IF s is BP THEN [u.sub.n] is Smaller
The input and output membership functions are defined on Figure 6
and 7. Figure 8 shows the result of a defuzzified output [u.sub.n] for a
fuzzy input s.
In this study, the triangular membership functions and center
average defuzzification method are adopted, as they are computationally
simple, intuitively plausible, and most frequently used in the
The fuzzy sliding mode MPPT controller is simulated under the same
conditions used with the sliding mode controller. The figure 9 shows the
results of this test and prove the efficiency of the fuzzy sliding mode
MPPT controller to maintain continuously the panel power at its maximum
value very rapidly.
A comparison between the panel power controlled with a fuzzy
sliding mode controller and that with the sliding mode controller under
standard conditions: Temperature (27 [degrees]C) and solar insolation
1000W/[m.sub.2] IM by a SMC and a FSMC is presented in fig. 10. This
comparison shows clearly that the fuzzy sliding mode controller gives
good performances.
In this paper we have presented a novel method for control of the
PV system through the MPPT using fuzzy-sliding mode control. Designed
system has succeeded to reduce the PV-array area and increase their
output, obtained result indicates that the proposed method can
successfully be used for control of MPPT for stand-alone PV system and
give a minimum economic cost. It has been shown in the results of
simulation that the proposed controller gives good performances compared
to the sliding mode MPPT controller.
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Mebrouk Sellam *, Abdeldjebar Hazzab * and Mohamed Bourahla **
* L.P.D.S. Laboratory Universality of Bechar ** Laboratory of Power
Electronics University of SC. Technologie Oran, Algeria,